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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

Message added by Scarlett45

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I looked at Famy's instagram and there is a picture with her wearing a gold dress. Hmm she has a prego belly going on. I'm on my tiny tablet and don't know how to post a link.


I looked at her instagram just now and does she....not realize "fiance" refers to a male, while "fiancee" is female? Not that it's common knowledge but it's an irrational pet peeve of mine.

  • Love 3

Is this the gold dress pic? (edited because a post snuck in between)




What I found most remarkable about that picture is that the photographer cut their heads out of the frame and her belly is the focal point of the photo.  Typical pregnancy announcement shot. 

  • Love 6

That definitely looks like a preggo belly in that gold dress. It has a hard look, as opposed to a food baby, which is usually mushier and less defined. Food babies are also much easier to conceal with a good pair of Spanx.

I'm not surprised Amy doesn't know the difference between fiance and fiancee, and thus is wearing the wrong shirt.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

We have know each other for 6 years

Um. Good for you. Who have know each other for 6 years.

I'm not saying that's a dealbreaker - I just passed twenty years with my husband, who I knew for nine months when we got married, and we're far behind my husband's' eldest sister, who got engaged on her second date forty years ago - but given who we're dealing with I'm leaning towards their accelerating the wedding considerably because they hoped to get it on TV during sweeps week.



Another article about the wedding. They had alcohol and water. Around this crowd, I'd need to drink.

From the article:

"including Josh and Anna’s four kids, noshed on playful kabobs of powdered-sugar donuts, caramel apple pops and even Pixie Stix."


Great, with the kids up all night on a sugar high, maybe Anna won't cry herself to sleep tonight.

  • Love 6



Another article about the wedding. They had alcohol and water. Around this crowd, I'd need to drink.


I actually think the water bar is a good idea. I'm thinking of cucumber-infused water and the like and it sounds appealing. It's a good idea for all the non-alcohol drinkers there, of which there are many. Mashed potato bars, water bars, ice cream bars - they're very trendy right now.

  • Love 1

Looking more closely at Famy's fairly recent pics, I think she got her boobs done this past year. Before this, she has always been a small-chested girl. Now, her cups runneth over! 


I am on the fence about being pregnant. She's claiming second virginity, so if she is pregnant, well...oops! Htowever, her IG over the past month or two show her constantly with lots of delicious types of junk food. Unlike most brides to be, she seemed to eat everything in sight, rather than diet IN to her dress. She has definitely put on weight which could be pregnancy, food, or a combination of both. 


I guess time will tell to see if she has a #9poundpremie. LOL

  • Love 6

Holy Boobies! I think the way they are posed is popping them out though.

That's what I thought too, they are both kind of pushing her breasts up with their arms and she's leaning back at an odd angle.

I'm not going to judge her dress regardless, its her wedding day I'm just happy she wore what she wanted.

I've always liked Amy. I still hold out hope that Joy and maybe Jinger will see her life and decide that's what they want.

  • Love 4

Whitney Bates had a strapless dress but wore a little white borloro (sp ?) jacket. She pulled it off and looked lovely. Amy could have done something similar.

But why do that if she didn't want to do that? She obviously didn't want to cover her dress with anything so why should she? It's her wedding day she should wear what she wants.

  • Love 9

From an ET article:  "Despite the separation, Jim Bob and Michelle were very friendly at the reception, saying hello to everyone and chasing the kids around."


I'd love to have seen this !!!


(separation refers to the way the tables were arranged)

Anybody else roll their eyes that the Duggar family tables were separated from the rest of the guests?

  • Love 4

Also I skimmed the PEOPLE article and it makes NO mention of Josh being there, and cleverly tries to skirt the issue. I wouldn't want his ass there either. The question is, who made the final decision on him not being there?

Apparently it's easier for Jill and Derrick to fly in from 'overseas' than it is to break Josh out of prayer prison in Illinois.

  • Love 5



Another article about the wedding. They had alcohol and water. Around this crowd, I'd need to drink.


I noticed this: "Yet Amy continued to keep her loved ones in mind. She and Dillon staged a "send-off" to signify a change in atmosphere for the rest of the evening, after which most of the Duggar clan and elderly wedding guests left."


So who stayed?!?

  • Love 3

Looking more closely at Famy's fairly recent pics, I think she got her boobs done this past year. Before this, she has always been a small-chested girl. Now, her cups runneth over! 


I am on the fence about being pregnant. She's claiming second virginity, so if she is pregnant, well...oops! Htowever, her IG over the past month or two show her constantly with lots of delicious types of junk food. Unlike most brides to be, she seemed to eat everything in sight, rather than diet IN to her dress. She has definitely put on weight which could be pregnancy, food, or a combination of both. 


I guess time will tell to see if she has a #9poundpremie. LOL


I don't think she looks pregnant. (I mean, she could be, but I don't think she looks it.)  Of course, depending on who you are, it can be a very long time until you look pregnant.  Pregnancy for me has been the most effective form of weight loss I've ever come across...


As for dieting into the dress, I always thought that was stupid. I bought a dress that fit me, and did not diet at all before my wedding.  What if you diet too much and now the dress is loose?  The junk food is likely because, like all the Duggars', her normal diet sucks.


The dress shows a bit too much cleavage for my tastes (the Duggar boys probably couldn't watch the ceremony) but I don't think she looks bad, and the wedding wasn't in a church- so I don't know how one judges whether it was "appropriate". It's certainly not the worst wedding look I've seen. She looks fine.

  • Love 2

I noticed this: "Yet Amy continued to keep her loved ones in mind. She and Dillon staged a "send-off" to signify a change in atmosphere for the rest of the evening, after which most of the Duggar clan and elderly wedding guests left."


So who stayed?!?


I think Grandma Mary is a prayer closet party animal. #TurnDownForWhat 

The thing that makes me think that Amy might be pregnant is the extremely short engagement.  Didn't they just get engaged this summer?  The proof would be in whether or not Amy drank at her wedding.  I would say - if yes, than no she probably isn't pregnant, if she didn't drink than I would say she probably is.  Ether way so what.  I wasn't married when I was pregnant and I didn't get married until many years after I became a mother.  To me, it makes no difference if a woman is pregnant or not on her wedding day.  Unless of course it would be one of JB & Mechelle's daughters, well then I would really love that because they claim and preach no kissing..... before marriage.  

  • Love 3

From the US article:

"I'm so excited to take his last name, which I heard is trending [on Twitter] right now, that I’m ready to change my last name, which is the funniest thing, but I mean it’s true,” she told Us. “I think that’s going to be a really awesome feeling.”

She has that wonderfully Duggarish way with words.

  • Love 6

I experienced the same thing. When the article was first posted there was no wedding picture hense why I asked. I'm not sure about that dress. I expected something with BLING. This dress is way too plain. She needed some pearls so we wouldn't be so focused on what God gave her. I'm completely defrauded.


Agree. Except for the strapless part, this was NOT at all what I expected to see. I thought Amy would choose a dress from the Las Vegas showgirl collection - LOL. Lots and lots of sparkle. It's very pretty but very basic. I'm guessing that maybe anything with more ornamentation wouldn't have been comped.

  • Love 4

This is the perennial debate in the Say Yes to the Dress forum. It's good that she feels beautiful. I'm just not sure that a religious family wedding ceremony is an appropriate place to push your breasts up around your chin.


Hear, hear! Completely agree. I'm all for women dressing in whatever makes them feel comfortable and attractive. But except for the beach, I don't see any reason for dressing semi-unclothed in public, and certainly not at a wedding. Personally I've never understood this strapless wedding dress phase. What's it been now? Like 20 years or so, give or take. Time for this fad to fade away and soon...

  • Love 7

I think if she was having sex before marriage she was smart enough to use birth control, so I don't think she's pregnant. Hard to tell from that one picture. Does she follow the quiverfull philosophy? If not then she might want some time as a young married woman before starting her family.

She probably wanted to trap this one into marriage. His family has money. She waited too long with the hockey player.
  • Love 4

I know people have had short engagements and successful marriages (I met my husband in April, we got married at the end of June) -- I've been married for 13 years now.  At the time we met, I was 36, and my husband was 42. I'd already had a bad marriage behind me, and I knew what I wanted, and what I didn't this time around, and I wasn't going to settle for anything less.   So...yeah, I know it can "work."  I just don't have a good feeling about these newlyweds.


But they look happy, so hopefully, I am wrong!

  • Love 6

She probably wanted to trap this one into marriage. His family has money. She waited too long with the hockey player.

Thanks for saying what I was thinking. I just didn't want to post it. 


The thing Famy has going for herself is that she got to spend time with the King before they got married without a bunch of snitches watching their every move. She didn't have daddy breathing down her neck telling her that she was one and done. She got to be normal and date around she knew what she wanted and what she didn't. Neither Jill or Jessa had that luxury.

  • Love 7

Yes. That. The actual Duggar girls have survived unimaginable shit, and they're still trapped. Meanwhile, this batter-fried bratz doll who parachuted into their house from indulgent mommy land is chasing the dream of grifting herself onto TV by papering the internet with cheesily-suggestive pictures and framing it as a brave prison break from Duggarville, where she never, ever lived.

She even tried to make herself part of the molestation story, FFS. Nobody thought she was one of the girls Josh got to, I'm pretty sure she knew all about it anyway, and peddling someone else's molestation to get some attention on the internet is beyond low.

She's no real competition for Jim Bob in the clearly not capable of richly-deserved shame category, but give her time. And frankly, I don't feel nearly enough schadenfreude about her offending him or Jessa or anyone else in that family I find distasteful to overwhelm how much she offends me.

  • Love 6

It's too bad this wedding isn't going to be televised. We are all missing an opportunity for some major snarking. Watching Boob mumble "Nike" as the bride makes her entrance and the boys dutifully look down at their shoes -- except for some sidelong defrauding glimpses of fleshy chest. A talking head in which a distraught Michelle frantically tries to cover up Amy's shoulders. The moment when Amy and her groom announce that the heavy duty partying is about to get underway and the Duggars flee en masse, creating a scene reminiscent of The Birds in which schoolchildren, frantically trying to escape their feathered predators, are trampled in the rush. Grandma Mary stays behind, grabs a beer at the bar, and joins in the chicken dance. I'd pay to see it all unfold in all of its glorious, kitchy splendor. Josh, you blew it bigtime.

  • Love 19

Did Amy miss a fitting? Strapless or not, a wedding gown needs TO FIT correctly. I would like to see some more photos of her neckline to say whether that photo that was published was an unfortunate photographic choice for her or just the way she "spilled out" of her gown. Not in good taste IMO.

I want to know what Michelle wore to that event. I hope Boob didn't wear jeans and  polo shirt to an obviously "please dress up a little" wedding reception.

I think the Duggar boys got the "audio only" on the event. They were immediately blindfolded upon arrival at the venue.

Wow, Julia! So, Deanna was/is an overindulgent mother? I didn't hear that. In what ways? Also, guys, someone posted that Deanna is a "performer" by profession...how is that? Is she an actress or something? Does anyone know what day job Deanna held or holds down? Property records show that Mary Duggar obtained that house for her daughter...so Grandma isn't poor by any means.

  • Love 1

From the US article:

"I'm so excited to take his last name, which I heard is trending [on Twitter] right now, that I’m ready to change my last name, which is the funniest thing, but I mean it’s true,” she told Us. “I think that’s going to be a really awesome feeling.”

She has that wonderfully Duggarish way with words.


What was she trying to say? I'm so confused.

Wow, Julia! So, Deanna was/is an overindulgent mother? I didn't hear that. In what ways? Also, guys, someone posted that Deanna is a "performer" by profession...how is that? Is she an actress or something? Does anyone know what day job Deanna held or holds down? Property records show that Mary Duggar obtained that house for her daughter...so Grandma isn't poor by any means.

Her professional Facebook page is here. And yes, I would say that the Instagram picture of Deanna standing by beaming while her daughter and her friends showed off the miniskirts they wore to her boozy bachelorette party based on a PG13 movie strongly suggests that little Amy did not 'grow up Duggar'

Edited by Julia
Message added by Scarlett45

If your post is not PRIMARILY about the Duggars, it will be removed. Please stick to the topic or take it to Small Talk, thank you.

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