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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

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20 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Maybe they loaded up the stink bus..

We had 67% where we are in south Texas.  They may have had 90 to 95% in NWA

Little Rock 90 percent according to the handy-dandy eclipse guide that came with my See It In 2X Magnification! Eclipse Glasses. .... 

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On 8/18/2017 at 5:18 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Why does she still speak with obvious impediments like "mawwied"?

That's actually very common.  I work in a third grade classroom, and I have a lot of kids who still make W's out of R's.  I live in Massachusetts now, but there were kids in Georgia who did the same thing.  "Can I bowwow a cwayon?"  It's really weird, but it seems to be typical acwoss the boawd.

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I recall being at a Catholic Mass (back when we still went to church at least periodically) which was being led by a couple of Filipino priests (in training) with pretty strong accents, and the one giving the homily had problems with his "r's"...Unfortunately he chose to give a sermon on the story of the "buwning, fiewy fuwnace"...This was an extremely small church, on a little communications station in Hawaii which we had started going to when the priest we liked on our base was stationed elsewhere, and, anyway, there were only about a dozen people in the congregation, and my daughter & I got such a case of unsuccessfully-stifled  giggles that we could NOT look at each other and felt like sinking into the floor!

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36 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I recall being at a Catholic Mass (back when we still went to church at least periodically) which was being led by a couple of Filipino priests (in training) with pretty strong accents, and the one giving the homily had problems with his "r's"...Unfortunately he chose to give a sermon on the story of the "buwning, fiewy fuwnace"...This was an extremely small church, on a little communications station in Hawaii which we had started going to when the priest we liked on our base was stationed elsewhere, and, anyway, there were only about a dozen people in the congregation, and my daughter & I got such a case of unsuccessfully-stifled  giggles that we could NOT look at each other and felt like sinking into the floor!

OMG, I would haven't been able to think of anything but the marriage scene in the Princess Bride. "Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. "

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6 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

OMG, I would haven't been able to think of anything but the marriage scene in the Princess Bride. "Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today. "

"That bwessed awwangement...that dweam within a dweam."

I have a pastor friend who, when officiating his brother's wedding, literally began the homily saying "Mawwiage." 

Edited by Portia
Added anecdote
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4 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Is that Josie in the polka dots? Do preemies have weird toes or something? They look like they're missing a joint. 

I'd say it was just genetic. I also have toes like that, and though as it happens I WAS a preemie, my cousin, who wasn't, has pretty much exactly the same feet as I do: proportionally huge big toe, wide, flat, and with stubby toes.

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58 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I'd say it was just genetic. I also have toes like that, and though as it happens I WAS a preemie, my cousin, who wasn't, has pretty much exactly the same feet as I do: proportionally huge big toe, wide, flat, and with stubby toes.

Are you a hobbit?

Sorry, off to the prayer closet.

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1 minute ago, Love2dance said:

Are you a hobbit?

Sorry, off to the prayer closet.

I guess I'll have to follow you there. You beat me to the punch. Those definitely look like hobbit feetses. Yes, Precious. 

I think it's genetic as well as many of the Duggars have a disdain for wearing shoes. Just hope little Josie gets properly fitting shoes. Wider feet are harder to find shoes for.  Thrift shop finds are not suitable for her.

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42 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

Are you a hobbit?

Sorry, off to the prayer closet.

Haha..I would be totally unsurprised to find some hobbit in my ancestry.  I might be marginally taller than a full-blood hobbit, but I'm more or less built like one and have curly hair :) Not on my feet, though!

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21 hours ago, Portia said:

"That bwessed awwangement...that dweam within a dweam."

I have a pastor friend who, when officiating his brother's wedding, literally began the homily saying "Mawwiage." 

We had a friend credentialed to marry us (California) and I think it took everything he had not to start the same way.

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I heard a rumor recently that Jim Bob walked into the bathroom unannounced on one of the howlers and caught them doing the naughty.  It then stated that Jim Bob tied the child's hands behind his back for the day to embarrass him in front of his family.  Could this possibly be true how awful?

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2 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

I heard a rumor recently that Jim Bob walked into the bathroom unannounced on one of the howlers and caught them doing the naughty.  It then stated that Jim Bob tied the child's hands behind his back for the day to embarrass him in front of his family.  Could this possibly be true how awful?

I absolutely believe JB would do such a thing-especially to one of his sons, he's got a nasty competition streak with them. Poor boy?.

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2 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I heard a rumor recently that Jim Bob walked into the bathroom unannounced on one of the howlers and caught them doing the naughty.  It then stated that Jim Bob tied the child's hands behind his back for the day to embarrass him in front of his family.  Could this possibly be true how awful?

Wow that is awful indeed. Wouldn't surprise me if this were true, sadly.

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It apparently became such a problem that the poor lads were forced to watch Jeremy's series of anti masturbation sermons.

Boob is so uptight and repressed because Gothardism doesn't allow for curiosity about bodies, but sadly Gothardism seems to look the other way when it comes to boys diddling their sisters.

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6 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It apparently became such a problem that the poor lads were forced to watch Jeremy's series of anti masturbation sermons.

Boob is so uptight and repressed because Gothardism doesn't allow for curiosity about bodies, but sadly Gothardism seems to look the other way when it comes to boys diddling their sisters.

But diddling isn't their fault, their tart sisters seduced them. 

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7 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

I heard a rumor recently that Jim Bob walked into the bathroom unannounced on one of the howlers and caught them doing the naughty.  It then stated that Jim Bob tied the child's hands behind his back for the day to embarrass him in front of his family.  Could this possibly be true how awful?

It was "One of the older Duggar Boys", according to this article:


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While on the official Duggar website last night afterI heard about Mason's birth, I noticed this page: http://www.duggarfamily.com/index.cfm?p=family-scrapbook-the-boys

Two of the 10 brothers (Josiah and Jason) mention videography and Josiah said "making videos with his brothers" (plural) was one of his favorite past-times. So I will assume at least 3 of 10 are into making videos and maybe more. Has anyone ever seen any of videos these boys have made? It makes sense they may want to pursue videography since from early ages, they've been exposed to cameramen.

Other curiosities about this page which obviously hasn't been updated include Joshua's Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9 and Favorite Bible Character: Joshua, as well as his Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action and his Future Plans: ?

Meanwhile, John-David Duggar's Future Plans: Get married… and  Josie Brooklyn Duggar Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, Favorite Family Trip: Chuck E. Cheese, Future Plans: Cook

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2 minutes ago, TVwithTea said:

While on the official Duggar website last night afterI heard about Mason's birth, I noticed this page: http://www.duggarfamily.com/index.cfm?p=family-scrapbook-the-boys

Two of the 10 brothers (Josiah and Jason) mention videography and Josiah said "making videos with his brothers" (plural) was one of his favorite past-times. So I will assume at least 3 of 10 are into making videos and maybe more. Has anyone ever seen any of videos these boys have made? It makes sense they may want to pursue videography since from early ages, they've been exposed to cameramen.

Other curiosities about this page which obviously hasn't been updated include Joshua's Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9 and Favorite Bible Character: Joshua, as well as his Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action and his Future Plans: ?

Meanwhile, John-David Duggar's Future Plans: Get married… and  Josie Brooklyn Duggar Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, Favorite Family Trip: Chuck E. Cheese, Future Plans: Cook


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I'm probably going to get shot down ..but I liked those videos. Good to see something more than nothing from the boys 

Edited by Totally
Because I can't spell and have no grasp of grammar
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7 hours ago, Totally said:

M probably. Going to get shot down ..but I liked those videos. Good t see something more than nothing from the boys 

I think so, too. But then when I remember that Josiah and the others did this for a short while, then quit, I get the feeling that the boys get all the spark snuffed out of them as they approach the teens, too, just the way the girls seem to. (if they haven't had it snuffed out even earlier, I guess ...) 

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Wait, did Josh really choose a fave verse from the book of JoshUa and claim his fave "character" (implies fiction...hmmm...) is JoshUa?  Wow. 

2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think so, too. But then when I remember that Josiah and the others did this for a short while, then quit, I get the feeling that the boys get all the spark snuffed out of them as they approach the teens, too, just the way the girls seem to. (if they haven't had it snuffed out even earlier, I guess ...) 

I wonder if they did quit, or if TLC production just decided they needed to show us new stuff so we quit seeing their film projects? They always seem to be trying to sell us on the family being so exciting and interesting (hAH). Who knows what they really do, ever? Personally I would enjoy being able to follow at least one of the kids into some kind of success at something besides reproducing but the production team and/or Jim Bob must disagree. Maybe it's editing, maybe it's parental discouragement. I dunno. I guess I don't really care that much either. LOL. 

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15 hours ago, TVwithTea said:

While on the official Duggar website last night afterI heard about Mason's birth, I noticed this page: http://www.duggarfamily.com/index.cfm?p=family-scrapbook-the-boys

Two of the 10 brothers (Josiah and Jason) mention videography and Josiah said "making videos with his brothers" (plural) was one of his favorite past-times. So I will assume at least 3 of 10 are into making videos and maybe more. Has anyone ever seen any of videos these boys have made? It makes sense they may want to pursue videography since from early ages, they've been exposed to cameramen.

Other curiosities about this page which obviously hasn't been updated include Joshua's Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9 and Favorite Bible Character: Joshua, as well as his Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action and his Future Plans: ?

Meanwhile, John-David Duggar's Future Plans: Get married… and  Josie Brooklyn Duggar Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, Favorite Family Trip: Chuck E. Cheese, Future Plans: Cook

What made me sad was Jana's future plans?  Nothing listed.  And please, the little girls that want to be a doctor or veterinarian?  Guess the dream crushing hasn't happened yet.

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17 hours ago, TVwithTea said:

While on the official Duggar website last night afterI heard about Mason's birth, I noticed this page: http://www.duggarfamily.com/index.cfm?p=family-scrapbook-the-boys

Two of the 10 brothers (Josiah and Jason) mention videography and Josiah said "making videos with his brothers" (plural) was one of his favorite past-times. So I will assume at least 3 of 10 are into making videos and maybe more. Has anyone ever seen any of videos these boys have made? It makes sense they may want to pursue videography since from early ages, they've been exposed to cameramen.

Other curiosities about this page which obviously hasn't been updated include Joshua's Favorite Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9 and Favorite Bible Character: Joshua, as well as his Occupation: Executive Director, Family Research Council Action and his Future Plans: ?

Meanwhile, John-David Duggar's Future Plans: Get married… and  Josie Brooklyn Duggar Favorite Food: Macaroni & Cheese, Favorite Family Trip: Chuck E. Cheese, Future Plans: Cook

I see Joy is still listed as the overseer of the plantation.  They are going to have to promote some other child.  Is JoHannah too young still?

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2 hours ago, flyingdi said:

I see Joy is still listed as the overseer of the plantation.  They are going to have to promote some other child.  Is JoHannah too young still?

New rule: 10 years olds can be the boss if she's the next oldest girl. So, nope, all is good. Hannie will be on the intercom calling family meetings, telling her brothers to load the car, drive her to buy groceries, check the rooms for cleanliness, assign jurisdictions and maybe even have access to the wifi password.

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5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

New rule: 10 years olds can be the boss if she's the next oldest girl. So, nope, all is good. Hannie will be on the intercom calling family meetings, telling her brothers to load the car, drive her to buy groceries, check the rooms for cleanliness, assign jurisdictions and maybe even have access to the wifi password.

I'm surprised they don't get volunteers for the grocery runs,  just to get out of the house.

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2 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

I'm surprised they don't get volunteers for the grocery runs,  just to get out of the house.

Maybe for you or I but the Duggars do it different. Plus Jana is the only driving female at home besides Michelle and grocery shopping is women's work.

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8 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Wait, did Josh really choose a fave verse from the book of JoshUa and claim his fave "character" (implies fiction...hmmm...) is JoshUa?  Wow. 

I caught that too but edited out of my original post.  More like JoshMEa!

Re: the video productions

I also produce videos and thought they were pretty good quality. 

What struck me was the themes of gun fighting and rule breaking of a ridiculous rule like removing a pillow tag. I think that says a lot about their mindsets and how they feel about JB and MEchelles rules and lifestyle.

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10 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think so, too. But then when I remember that Josiah and the others did this for a short while, then quit, I get the feeling that the boys get all the spark snuffed out of them as they approach the teens, too, just the way the girls seem to. (if they haven't had it snuffed out even earlier, I guess ...) 

Michelle admitted that she blanket trained the older ones, so that sucked some of the spirit out of them early. Then came the mental indoctrination. The daily bible readings of fear and damnation, Michelle's lectures to the girls on staying sweet. I guess if all this was drummed into their heads day after day, they would understand nothing else. In addition, they were isolated;  they were only surrounded by like-minded people. They were never permitted to live as normal children.  As you said, ChurchHoney, they did change as they got older. I would love to know what really went on in that house with JB at the helm.

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20 minutes ago, TVwithTea said:

I caught that too but edited out of my original post.  More like JoshMEa!

Re: the video productions

I also produce videos and thought they were pretty good quality. 

What struck me was the themes of gun fighting and rule breaking of a ridiculous rule like removing a pillow tag. I think that says a lot about their mindsets and how they feel about JB and MEchelles rules and lifestyle.

Duggar STUDIOS hasn't posted anything for a year, and that was a video of another family. Most of the videos on that page are 2-3 years old. They've switched over to the Duggar Family page which is where you will find all of those annoying congratuatory videos and not much else. 

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On 9/17/2017 at 0:46 AM, ariel said:

 I could see the Duggar Studios doing a reboot of Dukes of Hazzard with the rebel flag, but without the Daisy Dukes. 

Or would it be OK if they put the mandatory leggings underneath ? 

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On 9/19/2017 at 2:04 PM, Sew Sumi said:

So what are Famy, Mary, Deanna, and most mysteriously Mechelle doing in Nashville? 


#quickgirlstrip???  She put this picture on a page of scantily clad chicks?  Oh, Amy you are just so zany, funny and precious.

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