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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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8 hours ago, McManda said:

The third was ready because at that point you're a seasoned parent and the older two are at least semi self survey and can entertain themselves while you feed a baby. 

I know this must be an auto-correct issue (because it can't be anything else) but I'm having trouble trying to replace the highlighted phrase  with the word you really meant.  Self-aware? Self-sufficient? Self-something else?

42 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Then again, people have babies to force a partner to stay, to try to save a failing marriage, to inherit money, because they were too lazy or intoxicated to use birth control.  Having children who might be able to save the life of a sibling, or care for a disabled sibling; isn't even in the ballpark when it comes to lousy reasons to procreate.

Agree to disagree. 

  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I know this must be an auto-correct issue (because it can't be anything else) but I'm having trouble trying to replace the highlighted phrase  with the word you really meant.  Self-aware? Self-sufficient? Self-something else?

Oops, yes, definitely an auto correct issue. (It's what I get for using a swipe keyboard, I suppose.)

It was supposed to read "semi self-sufficient". Her older kids didn't need constant attention (the oldest will be six in a few weeks and the middle kid is three) and were able to play independently or help by grabbing mom a diaper or their own jackets or whatever, leaving her free to look at least have time to feed an infant.

I know three kids isn't six kids ... or anywhere close to nineteen kids... but the thought process of it being easier to have more kids because your oldest are older isn't super unique, I don't think.

So, Izzy and Sam sleep together? They don't have their own beds? It would be just like Jill to pack them in like sardines. She has only the two right now; why not give them their own beds? What the heck is wrong with DDD and Cathy? I'm sure Dan and Derick had their own beds; not to mention their own rooms. When my two boys were very little, we had a two bedroom condo. They each had their own bed in that room until we got a 3 bedroom place. Just don't understand them.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, floridamom said:

So, Izzy and Sam sleep together? They don't have their own beds? It would be just like Jill to pack them in like sardines. She has only the two right now; why not give them their own beds? What the heck is wrong with DDD and Cathy? I'm sure Dan and Derick had their own beds; not to mention their own rooms. When my two boys were very little, we had a two bedroom condo. They each had their own bed in that room until we got a 3 bedroom place. Just don't understand them.

Worse yet, that appears to be one of those transition beds that uses a crib mattress. Crib mattresses are the perfect size for one average sized toddler and not much more.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, xtwheeler said:

"My fellow captive, Yaaay" is never NOT going to make me guffaw! 

Now, "reptilian intelligence" joins the list! BTW there is a great book for trial attorneys (particularly plaintiffs' attorneys) called "Reptile" so this is like a next level description! Yaaaaay! 

Re: Jim Boob should have given Michelle's reproductive system and mental health a break from babies. Do you remember that mother quite a few years back who suffered from severe post-partum psychosis and drowned all 4 of her small children? If I recall correctly, they were Quiverfull, and the husband was rightly blamed for not taking her mental health seriously. She'd exhibited troubling behavior before killing them, and his response was to insist he knew best, and to force more joyful shagging* upon her, ultimately to the point of psychotic break. She was just told to pray, not given the opportunity to get mental health care. IMO Michelle is lucky she didn't go fully :round the bend. 

BTW it is downright abusive to automatically expect your other children to care for disabled siblings when the parents can no longer. Each child is autonomous, and entitled to a full complement of life choices. Of course many want to do so, but it is abusive to their rights and lives to expect them to do so. 

It was Andrea Yates and she drowned 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, floridamom said:

So, Izzy and Sam sleep together? They don't have their own beds? It would be just like Jill to pack them in like sardines. She has only the two right now; why not give them their own beds? What the heck is wrong with DDD and Cathy? I'm sure Dan and Derick had their own beds; not to mention their own rooms. When my two boys were very little, we had a two bedroom condo. They each had their own bed in that room until we got a 3 bedroom place. Just don't understand them.

My twins have their own room, and my 8 year old has his own room and bed. However, they all love to pile into one bed. Go figure. I'm hoping this is what's going on. The boys want to sleep together. Makes Sam feel like a big boy, and Yaaay gets to feel like a good big brother. 

  • Love 21
7 hours ago, floridamom said:

So, Izzy and Sam sleep together? They don't have their own beds? It would be just like Jill to pack them in like sardines. She has only the two right now; why not give them their own beds? What the heck is wrong with DDD and Cathy? I'm sure Dan and Derick had their own beds; not to mention their own rooms. When my two boys were very little, we had a two bedroom condo. They each had their own bed in that room until we got a 3 bedroom place. Just don't understand them.

It could be that they are playing.  My sons did this when they were very young.  They are close in age.  My grands did it too.  then into their own beds.

  • Love 16
31 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

So... shouldn’t Derrick’s grades be posted soon?

Probably not until the 7th. Only professors trying to get tenure and teaching profs (and that's a huge maybe) tend to even contemplate student marks during winter break. I had a tenured prof write a reference letter for me on Christmas Day but those profs are the exception and not the norm. I didn't even need it that soon, he just happened to be working when I sent the email that day.

A general rule of thumb with universities. If it's not done by the time school closes until the next semester, forget about it. They ain't looking at it until they are back in the office.

  • Love 4

Wait, what? Granted, I've only worked at state universities and community colleges, but everywhere I've taught, grades are due a couple of days after finals end, whether you're a tenured prof or a TA. And students generally get their grades pretty soon after that because everything is online.

Edited by Portia
  • Love 14

Didn't go to law school there, but when I was at the U of A, honors were by semester. (That was also what happened at the community college and undergraduate college I attended.)

I also never had to wait until the next semester for grades to be posted at the U of A or elsewhere. In fact, as a TA at the U of A, we were harped on pretty relentlessly to post grades promptly, and my instructors who were actual professors were punctual about it too. 

I bet money Derick has his grades and is tight-lipped about them because they're not great.

Yeah, grades were due nearly 2 weeks ago:


  • Love 12
16 minutes ago, Portia said:

Wait, what? Granted, I've only worked at state universities and community colleges, but everywhere I've taught, grades are due a couple of days after finals end, whether you're a tenured prof or a TA. And students generally get their grades pretty soon after that because everything is online.

It's crazy how fast it's changed in my time. When I was doing my undergrad the profs had 5 business days to post grades or else. My chemistry profs were notorious for holding TAs for 24 hours straight after proctoring the final exam to mark to make sure they made that 5 business day guideline. Now it has become "When you get to it you get to it". Granted we have some outside forces going on at the university I currently work at and the Registar and department are loathe to nag for grades because of it. We are extreme outliers as a result but it's not uncommon for students to wait for a while now. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he doesn't have them back.

  • Love 1
15 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

While we were there, a curious thing happened —  the female guard seemed to become unsure of Yaaay’s identity. She continually called his name, but each time he responded she immediately asked him if he was “Happy.” I do not know who this “Happy” person is, and judging by his negative responses, Yaaay does not either. It was most peculiar. After a while, she gave up and marched Yaaay/Happy and I back to the hovel

OMGosh...you crack me up!

  • Love 15
On 30/12/2018 at 10:54 AM, doodlebug said:


Yep, the book is 'My Sister's Keeper' and it has also been made into a movie.  In it, a daughter is conceived at least in part to provide a bone marrow transplant for her older sister.  Turned out the sister then had ongoing health issues into her teens and the younger daughter spends much of her childhood donating blood and bone marrow to her sister which has limited her own life. In the book, the younger sister finds a lawyer to file suit to medically emancipate herself to avoid having to give her sister a kidney.  What the parents don't realize is that the older daughter is emotionally and physically exhausted and doesn't want the transplant.  She doesn't know how to tell her mom and dad. so her sister once again steps in to save her. Big twist in the story and sad ending. Jodi Picoult is a very good writer who does an excellent job at exploring contemporary ethical issues, I've read a lot of her stuff. 

Starring Cameron Diaz and the older daughter from Medium

38 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Is Dereck studying business law? I don’t see him as a criminal attorney.

I don't think we know what he wants to focus on. And as a 1L (first year law student) he's probably got a limited choice of courses anyway. I haven't looked at the U of A law curriculum but generally 1Ls get a general/introductory collection of classes. Unless things have changed drastically in the decades since I attended law school, it's the second and third years that allow for more choice of elective courses. 

  • Love 8
44 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Is Dereck studying business law? I don’t see him as a criminal attorney.

Have we heard? Of course, he's only just starting this, so at this point he's still at stage of taking contracts and legal procedure, etc. Not specializing yet.... But what I can most see him wanting to do is study constitutional law so he can mount a strong defense of those many conservative Christians who're being persecuted and having their rights destroyed here in evilly-diverse 21st-century America.......And it would be a replacement for his missionary dream that died on the vine, mostly although not entirely from having a Duggar wife that he couldn't take too far out of the nest...

It would actually surprise me if that isn't what he aims at. That dream of spreading the influence of conservative Protestantism seems pretty ingrained in him, and I'd expect it to die hard .... But as to the facts ...I have no idea ... 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Have we heard? Of course, he's only just starting this, so at this point he's still at stage of taking contracts and legal procedure, etc. Not specializing yet.... But what I can most see him wanting to do is study constitutional law so he can mount a strong defense of those many conservative Christians who're being persecuted and having their rights destroyed here in evilly-diverse 21st-century America.......

It would actually surprise me if that isn't what he aims at. That dream of spreading the influence of conservative Protestantism seems pretty ingrained in him, and I'd expect it to die hard .... But as to the facts ...I have no idea ... 

I thought the only reason he'd go into law is to fight the heathens. I never considered anything else.

  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I thought the only reason he'd go into law is to fight the heathens. I never considered anything else.

Me, too.

Theoretically, it seems as if the three Duggar-adjacent preacher-missionary-pastor wannabes could all take other career paths to support their families.

But since I think the idea of using the Duggar religious fame as a leg up in the conservative-Christian-career world was at the back of Der's, BIn's and Jer's minds when they chose their spouses, I'll be surprised if any of them gives up that general career field easily or soon. If they are forced to leave it for monetary or other reasons, I'm pretty sure they'll try to edge away from it but still stay connected to it. And I'm sure that's what Der's doing now. 

(I'm not saying that they didn't fall in love with their wives as well, for one reason or another and that they all married purely for ulterior motives, by the way. Bin had the hots; Jer was entranced by the pretty, meek, adoring artsy girl; and Der erroneously believed he'd met someone willing and able to wander around the world with him forever, God-bothering people in distant lands to bring them to Jesus. Those are all the kinds of things you can fall in love over, I think. Still, I do feel sure that the thought of Duggar fame boosting their own religious-career ambitions was a very important bonus they saw in their wives-to-be.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 17
11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I thought the only reason he'd go into law is to fight the heathens. I never considered anything else.

Okay, but how many gay wedding cake cases are there, really? Or “persecuted” Christians with money suing for discrimination? It’s hardly enough to make a career from in rural Arkansas and it’s not like I see Derrick having the stage presence to become a celebri-lawyer arguing groundbreaking cases in front of higher courts.

Ambulance chasing and bail hearings. Unless he wants to go into family law, but since he doesn’t believe in divorce, is there much left? 

Maybe probate and estate planning? But again, how many people are worrying about that in his neighborhood?

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Okay, but how many gay wedding cake cases are there, really? Or “persecuted” Christians with money suing for discrimination? It’s hardly enough to make a career from in rural Arkansas and it’s not like I see Derrick having the stage presence to become a celebri-lawyer arguing groundbreaking cases in front of higher courts.

Ambulance chasing and bail hearings. Unless he wants to go into family law, but since he doesn’t believe in divorce, is there much left? 

Maybe probate and estate planning? But again, how many people are worrying about that in his neighborhood?

Oh, it's definitely not what you'd call a realistic dream! I'm still convinced it is his dream, though.........Living life as an off-the-books missionary in Nepal isn't a realistic dream, either. But I wouldn't be at all surprised if he envisioned that kind of thing for his future with Jill when they were first together. ... 

And actually, among the conservative-Christian-lawyers I talked to last year,  there seemed to be pretty much optimism about the future of conservative-Christian law practice. The strong very-conservative-Republican hold on government at all levels had people encouraged that if they made a robust effort now, they could really get momentum going for conservative-Christian-friendly legal changes. And to push those changes, they'd need a substantial corps of lawyers -- including new, young lawyers -- committed to the cause.........

That might have been a pipe dream,  of course. But hopse for it seemed pretty high among people I talked to. More than a few argued that there had been biblical signs making clear that the 2016 presidential election marked a sea change in favor of conservative-Christian power in U.S. law ascending, at long last. ... I'm pretty sure that, if I heard that, Der's heard it, too. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9
23 minutes ago, Zella said:

My suspicion is that Derick has no intention of actually practicing law and merely sees a law degree as a springboard into politics. *shudders* 

Luckily, I'm pretty sure his combination of looks, personality, schmoozing ability and probably late and lame start when it comes to collecting influencers and funders in his corner would doom  him in about 3 seconds if he tried to take that route!

Seems to me BIn was rumored to have had that in mind way back when he was a teenager too. All three of the original Duggar-adjacent men very very much want to be people of influence in favor of their faith, I think. That's a lot easier dreamed than done, however. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 19

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