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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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Wait till TLC find out that a married couple having 15-19 children is somewhat interesting, but married couples having 1-2 isn't.

I'm pretty sure everyone at TLC, except for the CEO, knows that. If only Jill were morbidly obese, Derick had a 900 pound scrotum, and Izzy baked cakes.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 15

I'm pretty sure everyone at TLC, except for the CEO, knows that. If only Jill were morbidly obese, Derick had a 900 pound scrotum, and Izzy baked cakes.

They're probably praying for Quincy to be a "little person", otherwise Ben will have to be dropped from the show and Jill and Jessa will have to become sister wives. Or keep Ben and become swingers. Or a Love Family style commune. They already got someone named Israel. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 4


Derrick says NO to converting Catholics! He MUST be reading this forum!


God did not call us to convert Catholics, but God has called us to follow His example. He has not called us to convert Buddhists, Muslims, Baptists, atheists, Mormons, Lutherans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Methodists, agnostics, or Hindus. God has called us to Central America to preach the good news of the kingdom of God.

Saying one thing while doing the exact opposite. Jill's total-immersion Duggar lessons really helped Derick.


Edit: I just noticed their website has an 'event request' form to ask the Dillards to come to your events. Aren't they a little too far away for that? I'm half tempted to make up a pro-life rally for, say 3 months for now, and see if they respond.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 12

So, they really don't want to convert anyone? LOL, good to know Derick! 


What an idiot. 


Well, at least maybe he has the sense or the grace or something to be embarrassed by the way their activities may look to others. He could have pulled a Ben and ranted on about exactly what's wrong with the other creeds. But he hasn't been quite as isolated as the rest of them, so maybe he feels a bit funny when he thinks about the (no doubt many) people he's met at least in passing who subscribe to other beliefs and whom he's now suspected of targeting as hellbound people who need him to save them.

  • Love 6

You beat me to it! Dry toast is only ever eaten during morning sickness!!!


You know, I really, really hope that Jill isn't pregnant. I really hope that she listened to the doctor who told her to wait a while after a difficult delivery and a c-section. I really hope that the fact that they their lives are chaotic right now and they have no stable source of income would lead them to wait -- at least consider waiting -- to have another child. 


Today, though, I was thinking about an episode where J'chelle visited a doctor. I can't remember exactly when this was or what "blessing" was in the oven, or about to be in the oven, at that point, but the doctor essentially told her that she was getting too old, and that there were significant risks in having a child at her age. She laughed and laughed, because doctors are so silly and know nothing


I thought of that in relation to Jill and realized that there is zero chance that Jill will wait -- despite the health risks, despite the fact that they have no jobs, despite the fact that they already have a child who needs their attention and affection.


They essentially live in bizarro-world where up is down and left is right and good is evil. Having a baby when your body isn't prepared and could result in injury to yourself or the baby -- fantastically good idea! Having a baby when you have no job, and no intention of getting a job, and live off of the charity of working people -- fantastically good idea! I need to stop trying to apply normal human logic or morality to these people and accept that there is no way that I can follow their logic or comprehent their warped "morality."

  • Love 10

Well, at least maybe he has the sense or the grace or something to be embarrassed by the way their activities may look to others. He could have pulled a Ben and ranted on about exactly what's wrong with the other creeds. But he hasn't been quite as isolated as the rest of them, so maybe he feels a bit funny when he thinks about the (no doubt many) people he's met at least in passing who subscribe to other beliefs and whom he's now suspected of targeting as hellbound people who need him to save them.

Oh, I agree. He has a sliver of self-awareness that all of the Duggars lack. 


I was being cheeky. :D

  • Love 4

I'm proud to have met the love of my life and to still be the love of his 30 years later. We've built a life together, raised four successful, intelligent children, have thriving careers and love God. If that makes me a Michelle, I'll wear the name gladly.


Awwww. Bless your little heart, as my Mom used to say to women like you...ones who have been married for that many years. I think that's what she meant, anyway.
  • Love 4

In their world, it does. Michael Bates did a post talking about how much her husband spoils her because he bought her a blizzard at Dairy Queen. These girls are incredibly immature. The constant "my husband is better than yours" Instagram shots are like a bunch of middle schoolers vying for Queen Bee status.


Was she there?  Maybe she wasn't and is thrilled he thought of her when out of sight.


I didn't think the breakfast looked delicious in any way. Not Instagram worthy, but this is the same family that eats instant oatmeal made with cold water and cold stewed tomatoes right from the can. I suppose Derick deserves a round of applause after all.


... I feel like I've tried this in a blackout or something, and it doesn't work...?  I feel like it needs the heating to interpolate itself.


Well, at least maybe he has the sense or the grace or something to be embarrassed by the way their activities may look to others. He could have pulled a Ben and ranted on about exactly what's wrong with the other creeds. But he hasn't been quite as isolated as the rest of them, so maybe he feels a bit funny when he thinks about the (no doubt many) people he's met at least in passing who subscribe to other beliefs and whom he's now suspected of targeting as hellbound people who need him to save them.


That's what it is; and IMO, that's all it is.  He's cleverly weaseling out an answer which is basically "we're not telling followers of other religions that they're going to hell.  We're hoping they catch on without us saying so, and the Good News does its work on its own!  We're preaching into the ether to followers of all religions about how wonderful Christianity is, and then just hoping with fingers crossed that they choose to give up their religion of origin and cleave to Christianity instead, as a result of it."  I mean, when's the last time you heard of someone simultaneously calling themselves a Christian and a Muslim, for example?  I feel like almost unilaterally people don't follow two sets of beliefs; the Muslim who says "I think Jesus lived and was a great man with many nice sayings", still isn't saying he's Christian.

Well, at least maybe he has the sense or the grace or something to be embarrassed by the way their activities may look to others. He could have pulled a Ben and ranted on about exactly what's wrong with the other creeds. But he hasn't been quite as isolated as the rest of them, so maybe he feels a bit funny when he thinks about the (no doubt many) people he's met at least in passing who subscribe to other beliefs and whom he's now suspected of targeting as hellbound people who need him to save them.

This is especially interesting to me after the big Instagram dump. He does seem to have a glimmering of self awareness. Maybe he is sensitive to criticism. 

I am now aware that I wrote "especially interesting" in a post about Derick Dullard. I am officially over the top here.

  • Love 5


God did not call us to convert Catholics, but God has called us to follow His example. He has not called us to convert Buddhists, Muslims, Baptists, atheists, Mormons, Lutherans, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Methodists, agnostics, or Hindus. God has called us to Central America to preach the good news of the kingdom of God.

The thing is Derick, a little less than 50% of the folks on that list already know the Good News. If you came up to a Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon or Methodist and said "Did you know Jesus died to redeem you?" The answer would be "Yes". So what, revelation, exactly are you sharing? Is it the Good News of Bill Gothard? You too can feel like more of a man by completely dominating the women and children in your life?

  • Love 9
The thing is Derick, a little less than 50% of the folks on that list already know the Good News. If you came up to a Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon or Methodist and said "Did you know Jesus died to redeem you?" The answer would be "Yes". So what, revelation, exactly are you sharing? Is it the Good News of Bill Gothard? You too can feel like more of a man by completely dominating the women and children in your life?


I'd be willing to bet that a considerably higher percentage is quite aware of the "message" of Christianity but is simply not interested or unreceptive. Just as the average Christian is not going to be swayed by the mythology of another religion. And many atheists, in my experience, have an excellent grasp of the tenets of most major religions.


So, yeah, what is it, exactly that a missionary is called to do in Derek's definition? Because people in general like to blather on about whatever their hobbies or obsessions are, but it's generally only the people who already share those hobbies or obsessions who will particularly care to listen. But nobody expects to actually make a living by such means.

The thing is Derick, a little less than 50% of the folks on that list already know the Good News. If you came up to a Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Mormon or Methodist and said "Did you know Jesus died to redeem you?" The answer would be "Yes". So what, revelation, exactly are you sharing? Is it the Good News of Bill Gothard? You too can feel like more of a man by completely dominating the women and children in your life?


I'd be willing to bet that a considerably higher percentage is quite aware of the "message" of Christianity but is simply not interested or unreceptive. Just as the average Christian is not going to be swayed by the mythology of another religion. And many atheists, in my experience, have an excellent grasp of the tenets of most major religions.


So, yeah, what is it, exactly that a missionary is called to do in Derek's definition? Because people in general like to blather on about whatever their hobbies or obsessions are, but it's generally only the people who already share those hobbies or obsessions who will particularly care to listen. But nobody expects to actually make a living by such means.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 7

I think Derick and Jill are doing a "mission" as a part of their "love story" while not to actually doing a damn thing. So they will sit around learning Spanish, eating toast and writing blogs. No real work will ever be done nor seen. Then their "story" will hit a crisis (Jill's pregnant) so they will have to fly home and wait for Baby Jesus to be born.


Personally I think Derick is a complete slacker, got fired and they came up with this missioncation because TLC dangled money in front of them. Who writes a blog about not converting Catholics? Aren't their leghumpers wondering what they heck are they doing there?

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 10

I'd be willing to bet that a considerably higher percentage is quite aware of the "message" of Christianity but is simply not interested or unreceptive. Just as the average Christian is not going to be swayed by the mythology of another religion. And many atheists, in my experience, have an excellent grasp of the tenets of most major religions.


So, yeah, what is it, exactly that a missionary is called to do in Derek's definition? Because people in general like to blather on about whatever their hobbies or obsessions are, but it's generally only the people who already share those hobbies or obsessions who will particularly care to listen. But nobody expects to actually make a living by such means.

I'd be willing to bet that a considerably higher percentage is quite aware of the "message" of Christianity but is simply not interested or unreceptive. Just as the average Christian is not going to be swayed by the mythology of another religion. And many atheists, in my experience, have an excellent grasp of the tenets of most major religions.


So, yeah, what is it, exactly that a missionary is called to do in Derek's definition? Because people in general like to blather on about whatever their hobbies or obsessions are, but it's generally only the people who already share those hobbies or obsessions who will particularly care to listen. But nobody expects to actually make a living by such means.

Yes, you should see people's eyes glaze over when I mention the Duggars!

But I think it is partly the bubble they have been living in that allows them to believe they are actually accomplishing something.

  • Love 2

It's odd that people are still presumably donating without tangible evidence that their money is being put to good use. Derick and Jill are taking Spanish classes? Big deal, they could've done the same at a local Community College. Derick could have *gasp* worked a job and gone to night school the way millions of other people do.

I agree with Fuzzysox that Derick is a slacker who either got fired or saw the writing on the wall and quit in advance. I'd love to know what Cathy really thinks of all of this, considering she used her connections to get him the job.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 9



This is the Dillard thread. If your comment is not about Derick, Jill, and Israel, it does not belong here and will be deleted. If part of your post is about something other than Derick, Jill, and Israel, the whole post will be deleted.


Period. End of discussion. 


There are no newbies here. You all know better.


Now, off to delete a bunch of posts in addition to the ones I've already deleted.



  • Love 3


 I mean, when's the last time you heard of someone simultaneously calling themselves a Christian and a Muslim, for example?  I feel like almost unilaterally people don't follow two sets of beliefs; the Muslim who says "I think Jesus lived and was a great man with many nice sayings", still isn't saying he's Christian.

I think that's actually a tenet of Islam. I believe they hold that Jesus was one of God's prophets, but not the messiah. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and speculate that Derick Dillard has not thought this through. I'm having a really hard time trying to picture him engaging with Muslims in intelligent discourse about the role of Jesus in the history of monotheism. I mean, his ability to engage in intelligent discourse on any subject is kind of questionable, but beyond that I doubt he'd be interested in learning about other perspectives on religion. You know, because he already has all the answers.

(Hm, that went a little sideways for what I started to respond to; sorry queenanne. But it's still reasonably on topic for the thread, I think.)

  • Love 4

It's odd that people are still presumably donating without tangible evidence that their money is being put to good use. Derick and Jill are taking Spanish classes? Big deal, they could've done the same at a local Community College. Derick could have *gasp* worked a job and gone to night school the way millions of other people do.


You have a much better opportunity of learning a language in an immersive environment. If they'd studied at home they'd be conjugating various verb tenses rather than actually learning how to go to the grocery store and ask for what they need. 

  • Love 3

You have a much better opportunity of learning a language in an immersive environment. If they'd studied at home they'd be conjugating various verb tenses rather than actually learning how to go to the grocery store and ask for what they need.


And I honestly don't know where Derrick sitting with a furrowed brow, looking over a workbook, in Guatemala, supports that.

I think of immersion as total immersion but could easily be wrong.

Haven't they gone to American chains there? Their back and forth travels have left me confused.

  • Love 1

I don't think they stay there long enough for that to happen.

Is he blanket trained?

These people really mess with my mind.

My mind too. I hope Jill & Derrick don't scare the curiosity out of Izzy. I really believe that is why the older Duggar kids have no sense of individuality or interests, because they were "trained" not to. Let's hope Iz is allowed to be Izzy.

  • Love 2

Remember Margorie, Josiah's girlfriend? Her Mom tutored the Duggers in Spanish. I also remember one of the older girls talking about having the Rosetta Stone program. Combine all that with visits to Central America and Jill should at least be able to order from a menu and exchange pleasantries.


I saw a clip from one of those Marjorie's-mom-tutoring-sessions. As I recall, it was most of the Duggars around a table with Marjorie's mom telling them some words in Spanish and them repeating them (kind of) with giggles of combined embarrassment and superiority (or maybe that's just my interpretation.) I wonder how much of that they actually did outside of filming sessions. I seem to recall that the clip I saw wasn't called their first lesson or anything, but they seemed to be incredibly unserious and it certainly wasn't any kind of immersion. They clearly didn't give a flying crap, which I suppose makes it exactly like all the rest of the Duggars' "schooling." Once you have Jesus, what else do you need to know? Really?

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

I think they claimed to have been going to the Marge's mom for something like 5-6 years, prior to Josiah's courtship. Jill should've been flippin' fluent. She could've taken community college classes and actually gotten good at Spanish. Maybe she is - and Derick's the slow one here. He's taking incredibly basic lessons for someone on a paid mission.

  • Love 5

So, they really don't want to convert anyone? LOL, good to know Derick! 


What an idiot. 


Everyone in Guatemala is already a Christian.  It seems like Derick is the only one who doesn't think he is there to convert Catholics: http://www.inquisitr.com/2542413/duggar-family-draws-ire-from-catholics-over-anti-catholic-stance

  • Love 4

I saw a clip from one of those Marjorie's-mom-tutoring-sessions. As I recall, it was most of the Duggars around a table with Marjorie's mom telling them some words in Spanish and them repeating them (kind of) with giggles of combined embarrassment and superiority (or maybe that's just my interpretation.) I wonder how much of that they actually did outside of filming sessions. I seem to recall that the clip I saw wasn't called their first lesson or anything, but they seemed to be incredibly unserious and it certainly wasn't any kind of immersion. They clearly didn't give a flying crap, which I suppose makes it exactly like all the rest of the Duggars' "schooling." Once you have Jesus, what else do you need to know? Really?

I always thought it was a bit like their music lessons. We never really see this as an on-going thing and the family performances are cringe worthy BUT when the older kids have been shown playing the pianos they're surprisingly good. They at least know enough to have fun with it and accompany a sing-a-long. I hoped Jill and Jana had picked up some foreign language skills because they both seemed interested in "overseas" youth work/missions. I guess I hoped that some of their studies were as successful as their piano skills. (and yes, I know some posters will say Duggar piano skills aren't good but it appears they've put more effort into it than carpet laying, just sayin')
  • Love 1

At least not enough to actually convert someone. It takes a fine mastery of a language to discuss theology. I'm sure some Catholics have already told them to F off, but they can't understand what they're saying.

I doubt either Jill or Derrick can talk about theology in English. There's far more to it than the Bible (King James Version, of course).

  • Love 9

The issue re: theology is, it generally strikes me that most successful sermons (the ones I run across online, anyway) are successful because the person directing the conversation is, ahem, a minister.  Which means, they have studied so much that they either know all the verses on intercessory prayer or whatever topic there is, and can talk at length about all of them, as well as what might be disputed in translation, and tie them all together in interrelation in said sermon.


For the grown Seewalds, Dillards, and Duggars doing the opining, this seems like - you guessed it - work.  Thus, they do a drive by with one half-assed verse explanation that explains nothing to nobody, haven't thought it through, don't know arguments that can be thrown up to counter it and how to deflect them, and are simply trying to inspire us by giving us *happy* or *wondrous* feels about religion.  Which seems like the wrong tack to take with people who don't already know and consider the salvation message to be "wondrous news".  Appealing to their intellectual sides, might do it.

  • Love 3


I'd be willing to bet that a considerably higher percentage is quite aware of the "message" of Christianity but is simply not interested or unreceptive. Just as the average Christian is not going to be swayed by the mythology of another religion. And many atheists, in my experience, have an excellent grasp of the tenets of most major religions.

Oh, I agree 100% Jynnan Tonix, but as a working Jezebel without an umbrella of protection, I ran out of time before work. Certainly, given Western Christianity's historically, ahem, militant approach to evangelism, I would say there are very few people who don't have at least some idea of the gist of "The Good News'. Bottom line, either Derick's lying, or he's an idiot, or both. 

  • Love 1

I think they claimed to have been going to the Marge's mom for something like 5-6 years, prior to Josiah's courtship. Jill should've been flippin' fluent. She could've taken community college classes and actually gotten good at Spanish. Maybe she is - and Derick's the slow one here. He's taking incredibly basic lessons for someone on a paid mission.

Actually, it was only a couple years prior, and there is no evidence that they continued through to the present. We just saw Muffy taping flashcards to the wall, the fridge, etc. in a grand total of one scene over 8 years of filming the series.

They're taking American style Spanish lessons in Guatemala. Nothing immersion about it.

  • Love 2

I notice "Jews" are conspicuously absent from the list of people Derick has NOT been called to convert. I feel like their might be subtext there. I mean, do we think the father of Israel David just happened to forget to mention that particular group?

Maybe the chosen people are off-limits (since the second coming requires them to all be in Israel & all that stuff....maybe they're needed as a means to an end to get Jesus back)?

Or maybe Derrick thinks that there are only Jews in the Middle East & since we know he's not about to go mission there, maybe he didn't need to mention them?

A couple of years ago I went to see Bill Maher do stand-up when he came to town. There were fundamentalist Christians - with their kids in tow- protesting Maher since he's an outspoken atheist & critic of religion. One lady in a long skirts had a sign that listed all the groups going to hell (atheist, Catholics, Muslims, evolutionists, feminists, abortionists, Mormons, etc). I noticed that "Jews" weren't on the list. As we passed her, a young boy (I assume her son) tried to hand me some type of flyer or tract and said to me "Repent now!" I looked at him and said "Oh, no thanks honey. I'm one of the Chosen People." He stopped extending his hand toward me and looked confused. He went to talk to his mom and I kept walking into the theater.

I'm not Jewish, but since I noticed Jews weren't on this particular lady's "going to hell" list, I guess I quickly decided that it may get me out of talking to these people and might test how they felt about Jews (I have several Jewish friends so I'm curious). It seemed like they (or at least the kid) didn't know what to say.....like the thought of encountering a Jew outside of a trip to Israel had never crossed their minds since they live in such insular Christian societies/cultures (particularly in the South) or they were confused because the Jews are needed to make that whole Revelations/2nd Coming thing happen but then again, they aren't saved. What a conundrum. My guess is the Jews were left off of Derrick's list because even he doesn't know whether or not he should be converting God's Chosen People or not (or he thinks there are zero Jews in Latin America).

Do you guys wonder if totalmente will be Izzy's first word when he starts to talk?

Surely it will be "precioso." Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

Maybe the chosen people are off-limits (since the second coming requires them to all be in Israel & all that stuff....maybe they're needed as a means to an end to get Jesus back)?

Or maybe Derrick thinks that there are only Jews in the Middle East & since we know he's not about to go mission there, maybe he didn't need to mention them?

A couple of years ago I went to see Bill Maher do stand-up when he came to town. There were fundamentalist Christians - with their kids in tow- protesting Maher since he's an outspoken atheist & critic of religion. One lady in a long skirts had a sign that listed all the groups going to hell (atheist, Catholics, Muslims, evolutionists, feminists, abortionists, Mormons, etc). I noticed that "Jews" weren't on the list. As we passed her, a young boy (I assume her son) tried to hand me some type of flyer or tract and said to me "Repent now!" I looked at him and said "Oh, no thanks honey. I'm one of the Chosen People." He stopped extending his hand toward me and looked confused. He went to talk to his mom and I kept walking into the theater.

I'm not Jewish, but since I noticed Jews weren't on this particular lady's "going to hell" list, I guess I quickly decided that it may get me out of talking to these people and might test how they felt about Jews (I have several Jewish friends so I'm curious). It seemed like they (or at least the kid) didn't know what to say.....like the thought of encountering a Jew outside of a trip to Israel had never crossed their minds since they live in such insular Christian societies/cultures (particularly in the South) or they were confused because the Jews are needed to make that whole Revelations/2nd Coming thing happen but then again, they aren't saved. What a conundrum. My guess is the Jews were left off of Derrick's list because even he doesn't know whether or not he should be converting God's Chosen People or not (or he thinks there are zero Jews in Latin America).

Surely it will be "precioso."


When I was in high school, I was harrassed endlessly by a bunch of born-again Christians -- they were truly awful people and gave me a loathing of evangelicals that persists even today. I remember having a conversation with a kid one day who explained to me the order in which people will be going to hell: Catholics first, then atheists, etc., etc. I asked him where he learned this bit of wisdom and he told me Sunday School. I was stunned. I couldn't imagine a scenario where adults would think that this was a proper thing to teach children. Anyway, Jews didn't appear on the list, and I asked him about it. He said that when Jesus returns, Jews will accept him as the Messiah and be carried off into heaven with the Lutherans.


I have no idea if Derick and the Duggars believe this (with Baptists replacing Lutherans, of course), but I'm tossiing it out there.


Honestly, I don't think that either Derick or Jill has given much thought to the actual purpose of their "missionary" work. I think that one of the reasons that SOS is so appealing to them is that it tells them exactly where to go, what to do, and what to say. My guess is that they expect that God will send people to them who are suffering, and they will tell them about Jesus and the people will be "saved," and then they will wait for God to send the next one.

  • Love 8

Derrick strikes me as a big lazy palooka. I was gobsmacked to find out he has a college degree.


Yes OSU is not a small, quaint college.  I work with a graduate from that school (although he is about 30 yrs older than Derrick) and he is a very smart, hard working successful person.  I find it hard to believe they are from the same university.  Have education standards there gone that far downhill?


How did he even get to be the mascot anyway?  Not sure about college, but in high school the person who was the mascot was also a cheerleader and equally popular.  Its obvious he was not part of the "in" crowd.  

Edited by PJ123
  • Love 1

This is how I see it at this time:  Derick and Jill have no actual real life plan for themselves..they are floundering, IMO. Look at their paper trail so far...Derick had a good job with WalMart, which included GOOD benefits, they got married, had this big house "lent" to them by Jim Bob for free, grifted wedding gifts that completely furnished, and supplied their household for 30 years...Jill was pregnant immediately, "gave up her midwife studies at this time to devote herself to HER OWN family", had a very difficult and dangerous labor and delivery..Derick "quits" his good job, they leave that nice house, ..what did they do with ALL THOSE wedding gifts, household supplies and furniture?...left this country recklessly close to Jill's birth recovery AND Derick's facial surgery...and have been back and forth almost at will for family and OTHER TV appearances...don't know Spanish, and have no real affiliation with this sham missionary stuff...can't account for their finances to their donors, are unclear about just what their mission IS....???  How's that for two very well grounded, educated and prepared young people?...NOT

  • Love 19

I'm pretty sure everyone at TLC, except for the CEO, knows that. If only Jill were morbidly obese, Derick had a 900 pound scrotum, and Izzy baked cakes.

I seem to recall that the 132-lb-scrotum guy began his journey by snagging his balls on something, and edema resulted. So it is possible that Derick could take one for the team and do some yanking, while Jill takes to the feeding trough. Izzy might be more of a challenge.

Bonus re: the scrotum/morbid obesity is that reproducing would be pretty much impossible. Also it would be harder for them to fly so much.

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