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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Chicken and dumplings are soooo good. And yes, beige, and good for a cold rainy day. So I can't fault her for that. However, since everything she ever makes is beige, it gets monotonous. Her recipe is close to mine. Hmm. 🤔

Chicken and dumplings isn't supposed to have veggies in it either. 

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Well, I do have a Cook’s illustrated recipe that I love...homemade chicken broth, celery, carrot, onions, fresh thyme, peas...it’s still mostly beige. But it is DELICIOUS.

Now I’m hungry, which just might be a first for me after reading one of the Jillage Idiot’s recipes.

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3 hours ago, Totally said:

I’m confused, it looks like Jill is making pasta, yet she said dumplings

I thought it was the other way -- she said noodles but is making dumplings. Granted she's cutting them like pasta, whereas I would plop the mix in the pot, but the recipe is dumplings.

Last night I had a very long and involved dream that I was at Jill and Derrick's house (not sure why -- I was visiting with others, but I didn't know them personally). I was taking lots of pictures and trying to remember everything so I could come back and describe it all to y'all on here.

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I'm actually quite impressed that she was able to make her own dumplings.  Not that it's super advanced or anything, but it seems like more than she would be able to handle.

There are several different ways to make dumplings, in this version, it appears she made them correctly.  I've also seen the recipe called "Chicken and slicks".

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From her recipe:

"Once broth is boiling,  THROW in noodles and extra flour....."

How am I to THROW  in the noodles?  Underhand or Overhand?  From across the room or closer to the stove? Does it matter? 

(I think the word ADD would have been a better choice.)

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I'm all for casseroles that call for a can of cream of something soup, but how do you call something homemade soup that is literally just a bunch of canned soup & chicken dumped into a pot. Homemade soup is bone broth & leftover roast chicken, chopped onions, celery, carrots and bell peppers, with egg noodles instead of her dumpling noodles, and fluffy biscuits on the side. The only thing homemade about her soup is the one thing I really dislike, thick slimy noodles. 

I know every family does dumplings different. In my family dumplings are more like tiny biscuits, but I still don't like them because the outside has a slick/slimy mouth feel. I have food texture issues and can't eat things that feel slimy.

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5 hours ago, Totally said:

I’m confused, it looks like Jill is making pasta, yet she said dumplings

I always think of fluffy dumplings, not noodle or pasta like.  I would have put the effort into the soup, with no cream-of-anything soup, and a base of sauted onions, celery and carrots, with spices and used Bisquick for the dumplings.

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44 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

From her recipe:

"Once broth is boiling,  THROW in noodles and extra flour....."

How am I to THROW  in the noodles?  Underhand or Overhand?  From across the room or closer to the stove? Does it matter? 

(I think the word ADD would have been a better choice.)

She’s also written many times to “dump” ingredients in a pot.

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4 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

I would be far more impressed if she were doing this by choice. Fact is that something went down ugly with TLC and/or Jim Bob Un and #besthubbyevah that got them kicked to the side. 

Now she’s struggling to understand Adult 101 with zero learning skills. Zero. Her feedback loop seems to be non-existent. Not her fault, so thank you SOTDRT and shitty parents yet again.

 I think it’s telling that Derick so angrily defends her supposed intelligence...I suspect he veers back and forth between being infuriated and being sad for how limited she is. 

I don't give her any credit for breaking away because she is just following a different leader (master).  I see no indication that she is trying to learn or change under her own initiative.  In fact she really isn't learning or changing much anyway.  Most things she posts sound as though she already has all the answers and that her ways are superior and worth emulating.

D'Wreck is really not so stupid that he really thinks Jill is intelligent and educated.  He may be very ashamed of how limited she is and over-compensates.

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20 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, I think it's probably similar to JD being all over Abbie. The Duggarlings have grown up in a situation that left a lot of them if not all of them with numerous unmet emotional needs -- which will vary in importance to different people, I guess, who'll act those needs out in different ways and to different degrees.

And they never were allowed to pass through a normal older-kid-pre-adolescent-adolescent-young-single-adult-interacting-with-people-outside-the-family-and-then-going-out-on-his/her-own progression. So most if not all of them are not just emotionally starved in some ways but never got to mature and develop as independent beings the way nature intended either. 

Some people won't outwardly exhibit the odd scars and crazinesses that others do from this kind of thing. But very few will emerge from it completely unscathed either,  I expect. 

The ones that exhibit it to the outside world in major ways can't be blamed, in my opinion. They were almost certainly just born more vulnerable to those kinds of deprivations. 

And they've been continually told that they did not experience any deprivations but in fact experienced an ideal upbringing and family life, deeply and uniquely pleasing to God Himself. So it's not like they're able to look at their own behavior and try to get therapy for it or anything. 

As usual, of course, this is me saying "been there, done that and it sucks."

So i can't put them down for it and don't believe we have any right to, actually. Walking a mile in their childhood-and-teenage moccasins is about the only thing that would give much insight into the messed-up Duggarlings (by which I mean all the Duggarlings, including the ones I allow to piss me off -- even though the principle in which I believe is to be understanding of the warping every one of them has experienced in one way or another.)

I wholeheartedly agree with this post.  I cannot completely snark on Jill because I see her trying to unlearn her abusive upbringing.  This shit is hard work.  I grew up with a mother who has undiagnosed mental health issues (I strongly suspect some form of narcissistic personality disorder because I am her scapegoat) and it took me years to figure out how messed up I am.  I have difficulty picking up on some social cues because of the way my mind has been warped from her.  I had to move 600 miles away from her in order to learn how to establish boundaries.  I can now safely live in the same home as her because I have this knowledge.  I have my outlets in place to deal with her without causing myself harm.  I see Jill trying to do the same.  

It is hard for me to see Jill exploring all of this in real time on social media.  She has had the rug pulled out from under her and is rebuilding for all to see.  In some ways it is admirable even if I cringe at some of her posts.  

Even though I find so much of Derick deplorable, I do think he genuinely loves Jill and actually wants the best for her.  Not the bullshit her parents have been spouting, but the actual best.  I don't see him wanting to escape Jill and her clingy ways, nor do I see him cheating on her.  I see him trying to help his wife become a happier person.  The fallout from this is her estrangement from her abusive family, but I don't see that as a negative.  It appears that her siblings and mother are welcomed into her home.  She is not completely cut off from them.  Now she has her boundaries set so that they cannot hurt her.  

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On 12/15/2019 at 3:10 PM, Chicklet said:

I almost feel sorry for Jill since Jana was helping everyone else decorate but I guess she doesn't go as far as Jill's house. For a "close" family, they don't seem to be.

Except for the "look at us" family something something Mondays. 

I'm pretty sure Jana could have strung some rope pieces through an old fence board.

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how sad and desperate Jill must feel.

she did all the right things per the gothard rules. was a sister mom, was a snitch, went on national TV to say it was nothing really that her brother molested her, which got her the starring role in Counting On, aka the Jessa and Jill show.

then whatever happened on the danger america excursion and whatever happened to sour Derrick and cause estrangement from her family and the show.

Now she learns Jinger is the "breakout star" of the show that was hers.

Jessa is out in CA and has suddenly started crafting youtube videos. Jinger, Jessa and Jana seem to be working together since their posts are much alike. 

and here is Jill stuck at home with 2 kids she seems not to like or understand and a husband who leaves her with the kids for hours on end. no money, no travel, no TV show.

so she keeps up with her silly, desperate posts to get some attention

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43 minutes ago, Fig Newton said:

Jill used the word, "opportune".

I find that impressive - - - for her.

Autocorrect took care of whatever mess she spelled. This time the much hated autocorrect got it right. Yay!

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On 12/15/2019 at 8:01 PM, fonfereksglen said:

Other than the click bait ads attached to her You Tube channel, which pay less than pennies a view split with You Tube,  how much did she make for her silly hair thing?   Is she begging for a random grooming product?  Most of those product are not interested in a dowdy mother of three.

This is what puzzles me.  

From watching another 'youtuber' they said that 100,000 views equals about $2000.

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10 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

Was it a sponsored post?

Youtube's pay structure doesn't need sponsored posts.  Youtube ads are not channel dependent but are somehow brokered through the platform itself for all.  So Jessa is entitled to a cut of whatever ads the platform adds to her videos.  The platform decides which channels are eligible to receive a payout from the ads associated with the videos.  Content creators/channel owners can still have their own deals with sponsors to help defray the costs of production, but the automatic ads that play are different.  

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7 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Youtube's pay structure doesn't need sponsored posts.  Youtube ads are not channel dependent but are somehow brokered through the platform itself for all.  So Jessa is entitled to a cut of whatever ads the platform adds to her videos.  The platform decides which channels are eligible to receive a payout from the ads associated with the videos.  Content creators/channel owners can still have their own deals with sponsors to help defray the costs of production, but the automatic ads that play are different.  

Thank you.  That is context I have been missing regarding YT.  Lots of other questions, but not here.

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On 12/16/2019 at 1:12 PM, Misslindsey said:

Ha! Now I am imagining her wedding gown hanging over the bathtub!

Or over the marriage bed like a canopy. 

On 12/16/2019 at 6:05 PM, galaxychaser said:

Dereck said Jill has more college credits than all of us. 

On 12/16/2019 at 6:22 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I wouldn't say "plenty." More like two. 

I’m questioning if they are college credits or “college” “credits”.  

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

I think Jill made homestyle noodles for that dish. To me, dumplings are more pillow-like puffs dropped in broth.

What she made are to thick for noodles. As I said it's how we make them basically a biscuit rolled out and cut in strips. It has baking powder in it while a noodle is just eggs and flour.

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4 hours ago, MsJamieDornan said:

https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/chicken-and-dumplings/5b1d8d91-2e90-4ffd-b165-f5949c2a1112  Something like this. What Jill made looks like when my gran made pasta.

I think it's the same thing one is rolled out the other is dropped. You may use a tad more liquid than I do but I think that's the only difference. Before we are told we are off topic my mother used to put a bit of chicken broth on her dumplings.

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I don't believe it was coincidence that Dreck brought Jill flowers when she was having a bad day.  I think Jill guilted him into buying her the flowers. She most likely texted or messaged him more than usual that she was having a bad day & missed him so much that he brought her flowers to be nice.  

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15 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

That woman needs something outside of that house. A class. A workshop. A woman's group. An hour away from the house, doing something for herself. This situation is a disaster waiting to happen. 

she does. Go to the library, there are programs for the kids and she could chat with the other moms. 

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3 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

she does. Go to the library, there are programs for the kids and she could chat with the other moms. 

I try to picture Jill doing this because she does need it. But how would she relate to those strangers when she has been programmed her entire life that they will cause her to sin, defraud her, are catholic or something and on and on. She was taught to be fearful of everyone all the time.

I had hopes she and Derrick would make friends in the small group from church or that Izzy and Sam would find a friend at the babysitting friday night thing at their church and a play date might happen.

her days wouldn't seem so long if she had things to break up the time. things to look forward to and enjoy.

instead she seems to fixate on the long wait until derrick"s return and how hard it is being a #boymom

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1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

I don't believe it was coincidence that Dreck brought Jill flowers when she was having a bad day.  I think Jill guilted him into buying her the flowers. She most likely texted or messaged him more than usual that she was having a bad day & missed him so much that he brought her flowers to be nice.  

I don’t like derelict , but that’s not a completed asshat move 

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29 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

But how would she relate to those strangers when she has been programmed her entire life that they will cause her to sin, defraud her, are catholic or something and on and on. She was taught to be fearful of everyone all the time.

This is what is so sad about her life. Being Jesus 24/7 and being taught that everyone else is sinner, puts such a limit on what she can do. Those boys should for sure be in some type of pre-school and I think it do her a world of good to get a nice little part time job. But she's just so stunted that I don't think she would have any confidence in herself to succeed in that. Heck, can she even get a babysitter that isn't a family member or a "sweet friend" and go do the grocery shopping by herself?

I would think there are plenty of families in their neighborhood that she could meet up with some of them and their kids, but a lot of the mom's could be working too. I think she just lacks so much with communication because she is not very well educated, that she would have difficulty talking with non-fundy/non-religious people.

She has a long life ahead of her if all she does is worry about how long Derick is gone and she's stuck with the boys all day. I think if anyone should've waited a year to have a child, it should've been Jill. Unfortunatley, she has drank the most kool-aid and now has two kids she doesn't know what to do with.

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2 minutes ago, Madtown said:

This is what is so sad about her life. Being Jesus 24/7 and being taught that everyone else is sinner, puts such a limit on what she can do. Those boys should for sure be in some type of pre-school and I think it do her a world of good to get a nice little part time job. But she's just so stunted that I don't think she would have any confidence in herself to succeed in that. Heck, can she even get a babysitter that isn't a family member or a "sweet friend" and go do the grocery shopping by herself?

I would think there are plenty of families in their neighborhood that she could meet up with some of them and their kids, but a lot of the mom's could be working too. I think she just lacks so much with communication because she is not very well educated, that she would have difficulty talking with non-fundy/non-religious people.

She has a long life ahead of her if all she does is worry about how long Derick is gone and she's stuck with the boys all day. I think if anyone should've waited a year to have a child, it should've been Jill. Unfortunatley, she has drank the most kool-aid and now has two kids she doesn't know what to do with.

Now you went and made me feel bad for her ...

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