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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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12 minutes ago, beagletime said:

I currently have a pair.  Love them!  Wore them then and now.  They are made by Kork-ese.  I don't think Jill paid what I did.  Let's just say I did not buy used and save the difference.

I have some dansko sandals that are similar and I recently got some birkenstocks.   My 10 wide feet look great in 70s shoes .

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On 3/22/2019 at 1:05 PM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I guess I’m in the minority here, but the pic doesn’t bother me too much.  All our pics growing up in the 80s looked like that, and I appreciate the simplicity.  It looks like an actual candid photo of a mom playing outside with her children.  What’s wrong with that? Maybe I wouldn’t post it, but it looks like someone (I assume Deertick) saw them and wanted to get a quick snap of the moment.  

I’ll take this over Jeremy and Jessa’a heavily staged photos anyday.  There’s nothing natural or endearing about retaking the same photo five times to get the best shot. The mere fact that Spurge knows how to hold the pose lets you know he’s going to grow into a sickening kid if Jessa doesn’t watch out.  

ETA: Everyone’s hair is clean, their clothes fit and match, and the boys are getting fresh air and exercise.  Kudos to Jill (can’t believe I just said that) for not sitting around the TTH all day.  

I grew up in the 60s and 70s, and yes, some photos were less than ideal. 🙂 But now, we have digital photos that can be cropped and edited. I don't make a big deal out of my personal photos, but if I were trying to promote a clothing line, I would try to make the photo look nicer.

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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Already getting good reviews on the outfit...lol.....Derick leaving for campus this morning, “Oh! That’s nice and soft! Where’d that come from?” (Referring to the cardigan.) Me, “Yeah, I love it! It’s from my new favorite place, Citrus and Lemon!” lol .

What a fabrication!  You can't tell me that Derralickt had no idea where the cardigan came from or that her "new favorite place" is Citrus and Lemon.  She needs to review the "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" commandment.

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4 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

I had a pair of sandals like those Jill is shilling (jilling?) in the early 1070’s. They were called bear traps. 

I wonder if Jill’s  siblings are secretly pleased at how far daddy’s favorite (and holier than this former snitch) has fallen.  She was pretty insufferable when she was engaged and taking all of the cute clothes (such as they were) in the shared closet with her when they moved into the McMansion JimBob provided. 

This is true, and I also wonder how it affects Jill. Though she was insufferable, I do feel bad because it meant a lot more to her to follow the rules than it did for anyone else. I wonder how it feels for her to follow the rules to a tee, and then have her life end up like this, when all of her siblings are living the life they were promised. Motherhood has been so much easier for Jessa, she's still on the show, and Bin seems the type to hustle for his family if he had to. I don't think he'd ever do what Derick is doing to his family. Austin is a good provider for Joy, who Jill raised, and Jeremy would never want the stigma of being the one who doesn't support his family. Even jana has stability, as she never has to worry where her next meal is coming from, and gets to do so much more than Jill, such as going on numerous vacations. It has to be hard when no one else cared as much about being the perfect Gothard girl, and now they're all ahead of you. I hope Jill is taking some lessons in humility through all this, but I'm sure there are times when she wonders how she got left behind. 

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7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Text from previous pictures:


Lovin’ my new outfits from @citrusandlemon #partner ❤️The heels are comfy y’all!! And of course so are the dress and cardigan! 😍 .
Already getting good reviews on the outfit...lol.....Derick leaving for campus this morning, “Oh! That’s nice and soft! Where’d that come from?” (Referring to the cardigan.) Me, “Yeah, I love it! It’s from my new favorite place, Citrus and Lemon!” lol .
Use my code “JILL” and get 15% off! Swipe up in my story or click here @citrusandlemon to start shopping now! 🛍 😃 .
Warning: if you choose to get anything, you may just fall in love with it and want to buy up the whole store! 🤣😍 #adorable #comfortable

How does cousin Amy feel about how the girls are all praising and promoting these other clothing retailers? I know that Jill, Jessa and Jinger have all plugged Amy's store a time or two, but since then they all seem extra-enthusiastic about these paid promotions. Jill is declaring CitrusandLemon her "new favorite place." I don't think any of them called Amy's 3130 their favorite. I suspect it's gotta hurt Amy's feelings and piss her off. 

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The dress worn with the sweater looks better, at least from the angle shown in the photo.  The sweater gives the illusion of a waistline.  But the dress worn alone looks like a sack.  A belt would help.

I wonder if Jill still has a bit of a tummy from her pregnancies?  Maybe she is self-conscious about it and gravitates toward looser cuts.  I admit I did the same thing after I had my babies.  Took me a while to realize that loose clothing did not make me look slimmer, especially since I am quite short. She really has no one to help her out with her clothing choices.

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36 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

How does cousin Amy feel about how the girls are all praising and promoting these other clothing retailers? I know that Jill, Jessa and Jinger have all plugged Amy's store a time or two, but since then they all seem extra-enthusiastic about these paid promotions. Jill is declaring CitrusandLemon her "new favorite place." I don't think any of them called Amy's 3130 their favorite. I suspect it's gotta hurt Amy's feelings and piss her off. 

Maybe she simply could not afford to give them the deep discounts they expected every time they shopped.  Also, Amy may be targeting a group of shoppers who actually would turned off by the Duggar connection.  Apparently they are not universally loved by the locals in NW Arkansas.

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Jill looks like a 50 year old English teacher in that gray outfit. Not fan of the sandals either but I've seen many women pull them off with nicely.

I think Amy wants people like Jinger to advertise her clothes. She knows how to dress and take a good picture. Also she cant afford to keep giving away her merchandise like bigger companies. 

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That striped shirt is straight up Peter Brady. And Carol would wear those shoes while filling in for Alice in the kitchen! 

They never keep the births a secret. Geez, we even had to watch Anna on the toilet, and hear about Jessa’s hemorrhaging. The fact that we never heard a thing about Sam is weird.  

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48 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

That striped shirt is straight up Peter Brady. And Carol would wear those shoes while filling in for Alice in the kitchen! 

They never keep the births a secret. Geez, we even had to watch Anna on the toilet, and hear about Jessa’s hemorrhaging. The fact that we never heard a thing about Sam is weird.  

The whole thing with the silence about Sam's birth is wrapped up with Derrick trying and failing to renogiate their contract with TLC.  While I think it was traumatic for Jill, I don't think anything catastrophic happened.  Maybe the doctors told Jill to slow her roll with the pregnancies but not that she shouldn't or couldn't have a 3rd child.   I do get the feeling that Derrick doesn't want #3 just yet so he keeps on going to school to occupy his time and get Jill literally off his jock.  I also think that Derrick might have a lower sex drive than the other married males in their circle.  

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2 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

This is pure speculation, but I think that Sam's birth left Jill unable to have more children. I don't mean that her doctors just advised her not to have another pregnancy. If that were the case, she'd simply ignore them and get pregnant again as soon as she could. After all, what do those doctors with all their so-called "education" know?

No, I think Sam's birth resulted in emergency surgery that left her unable to conceive again. If it had simply been another horrendous bloody mess of a childbirth like Israel's or Spurgeon's, they wouldn't have draped a big cloak of secrecy over it. These women are ridiculously proud of suffering during childbirth: it's like a contest to see who has the longest labor, who comes the closest to cheating death, etc. But not being able to produce more children for Jesus? In their world, that's not only a source of shame, but a sign that God is punishing you for your sins. That's something they would definitely keeps a deep, dark secret. It would leave poor Jill not only deeply depressed, but wracked with guilt at her "failure". And if that were the case, who does she have to look to for empathy and support? Her mother? Her husband? I think we all can guess how much understanding they'd offer her.

Jill and Derick have always been peculiar, but prior to Sam's birth they were peculiar in the way all the Duggars are: lazy, entitled, self-righteous, proud of their own ignorance. But after Sam's birth, they really went off the rails. There are other factors involved of course (Jill has always had a tendency to cling and something bad happened in Danger America), but I think Sam's birth marked a trauma that has left them unable to live with themselves.

OK, you've convinced me!!! I've always kind of held back from speculating this, but honestly it makes the most sense the way you describe it. This was a really good post! It would explain Jill's depressed demeanor too 

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2 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

This is pure speculation, but I think that Sam's birth left Jill unable to have more children. I don't mean that her doctors just advised her not to have another pregnancy. If that were the case, she'd simply ignore them and get pregnant again as soon as she could. After all, what do those doctors with all their so-called "education" know?

No, I think Sam's birth resulted in emergency surgery that left her unable to conceive again. If it had simply been another horrendous bloody mess of a childbirth like Israel's or Spurgeon's, they wouldn't have draped a big cloak of secrecy over it. These women are ridiculously proud of suffering during childbirth: it's like a contest to see who has the longest labor, who comes the closest to cheating death, etc. But not being able to produce more children for Jesus? In their world, that's not only a source of shame, but a sign that God is punishing you for your sins. That's something they would definitely keeps a deep, dark secret. It would leave poor Jill not only deeply depressed, but wracked with guilt at her "failure". And if that were the case, who does she have to look to for empathy and support? Her mother? Her husband? I think we all can guess how much understanding they'd offer her.

Jill and Derick have always been peculiar, but prior to Sam's birth they were peculiar in the way all the Duggars are: lazy, entitled, self-righteous, proud of their own ignorance. But after Sam's birth, they really went off the rails. There are other factors involved of course (Jill has always had a tendency to cling and something bad happened in Danger America), but I think Sam's birth marked a trauma that has left them unable to live with themselves.

I've actually been mildly impressed by how Jill seems to be doing a good (ish) job bonding with her boys the last few months. And that's because there's only 2 of them, and she's able to stop and breathe and appreciate them as people.

So if she's unable to have more children, that could actually be the best for their family. Otherwise she would have another baby and be gestating #4 by now, and that would have been a disaster for everyone. The boys deserve a strong bond with their mother. I did like the picture of Iz doing her hair - very cute, and I'm trying to convince my toddler that brushing mummy's hair is his new favourite thing!

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On 3/22/2019 at 8:34 PM, Misslindsey said:

Well, at least it wasn't a sex dream featuring Derick. 

Back around the time Derick first appeared on the show, I had a dream where he showed up at my office and flirted with everyone, men and women alike. It was ... disturbing. 

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3 minutes ago, jennblevins said:

It was a while ago, but my recollection is that in the dream, he was using every awful cheesy pickup line possible — the worse, the better. So, yes, quite awkward. 

I can see it! 🤣😂🤣

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22 hours ago, ginger90 said:







Oh my, that dress looks like something lady prisoners wore back in the day.

I went on the C&L site to see what the dress looks like on someone else & to get the price.  Yes, it looks just as bad on their model. It's one of their cheaper dresses at $36.99 (most of the others are in the $40-$50 range.  It's definitely poorly made. They show a picture of the side of the dress to show pockets & the seams/pattern  don't match up or even come close which doesn't surprise me.

Jill needs to show a front on picture of the sweater not just a side view.  I will give Jill some credit for not having her mop of hair hang down in front of her hiding the front of the dress like Jessa does. 

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23 hours ago, ginger90 said:







Oh my, that dress looks like something lady prisoners wore back in the day.

I went on the C&L site to see what the dress looks like on someone else & to get the price.  Yes, it looks just as bad on their model. It's one of their cheaper dresses at $36.99 (most of the others are in the $40-$50 range.  It's definitely poorly made. They show a picture of the side of the dress to show pockets & the seams/pattern  don't match up or even come close which doesn't surprise me.

Jill needs to show a front on picture of the sweater not just a side view.  I will give Jill some credit for not having her mop of hair hang down in front of her hiding the front of the dress like Jessa does.

ETA:  it doesn't seem that comfy to me even if it's made out of sweatshirt material.   A straight line dress doesn't allow for much movement. 

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Geez, I can find much cuter things at Marshall's and TJMaxx for under $30. I've bought many tops in the $16.99 to $24.99 range. And I have a decent income! I don't know how Jill can afford to buy those "adorbs and comfy" clothes when neither she nor best hubby even have a job. She could find more stylish and definitely better bargains if she still bought used and saved the difference. Or splurged occasionally at TJMaxx. Citrus and Lemon is a big fail in every way. 

Edited by MzTori77
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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Oh my, that dress looks like something lady prisoners wore back in the day.

I went on the C&L site to see what the dress looks like on someone else & to get the price.  Yes, it looks just as bad on their model. It's one of their cheaper dresses at $36.99 (most of the others are in the $40-$50 range.  It's definitely poorly made. They show a picture of the side of the dress to show pockets & the seams/pattern  don't match up or even come close which doesn't surprise me.

Thank you for mentioning the mismatch. When the patterns on the seams don't line up even on the models in the company's website photographs, it's a red flag. The mustard and black striped shirt was off too. Matching prints at the seams requires more fabric to cut and time to sew carefully. C&L gets this stuff pretty cheaply and marks it up heavily. Buyer beware. Personally, I wouldn't want my name associated with this brand. 

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I wonder if all these places get their clothes from the same overseas sweatshop.  There is someone I follow on Facebook who models for a $10 or so outfit.  All on line - they show the "warehouse" sometimes in the background - they say once something is gone, its gone.  The sweatshop could get orders from a distributor and put different labels in them?  Or just generic labels.

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35 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

I wonder if all these places get their clothes from the same overseas sweatshop.  There is someone I follow on Facebook who models for a $10 or so outfit.  All on line - they show the "warehouse" sometimes in the background - they say once something is gone, its gone.  The sweatshop could get orders from a distributor and put different labels in them?  Or just generic labels.

Many shops on Instagram and Facebook have their clothing shipped wholesale from China. I believe Amy's shop does so, too. They can have their own custom label sewed on to the clothing. Fashionova is known for putting their own label on cheap clothing and marking up the price a lot, you can find a lot of cheaper sites selling the same stuff. Ross has many dresses similar to the ones on the Citrus and Lemon shop.

Edited by Lunera
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3 hours ago, MzTori77 said:

Geez, I can find much cuter things at Marshall's and TJMaxx for under $30. I've bought many tops in the $16.99 to $24.99 range. And I have a decent income! I don't know how Jill can afford to buy those "adorbs and comfy" clothes when neither she nor best hubby ever have a job. She could find more stylish and definitely better bargains if she still bought used and saved the difference. Or splurged occasionally at TJMaxx. Citrus and Lemon is a big fail in every way. 

She can "afford" it because, more than likely, she's not paying for it.  C&L is looking for some PR.  Someone from the company stumbles upon Jill.  She has 1.6 million followers on Instagram, so they know they will get a wide audience (hate viewers count too).  It is insanely common to see someone with a large following partner with a company to show off their wares.  C&L gives Jill $100 with of clothing very willingly because of the potential that is there.  What little money they waste by giving the items to Jill, they more than make up for in new customers.  Jill fulfills her end by posting photos, mentioning the company, and adding a direct link.  This isn't a case of Jill being "see how cute these clothes are.  Follow my link, and save some money.  Yaay!!"  This is Jill (and the rest of the family) taking a business deal to get extra income.  Shrewd.  

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21 minutes ago, ChiCricket said:

What?? Not made in 'murcia?! I'm shocked.

Well I figured they weren't made here!  But, is it one or two huge sweatshops overseas?  Or many vendors.  Seems it would be too expensive to do it that way.  Just bulk shipments of cheap stuff.

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22 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

This is pure speculation, but I think that Sam's birth left Jill unable to have more children. I don't mean that her doctors just advised her not to have another pregnancy. If that were the case, she'd simply ignore them and get pregnant again as soon as she could. After all, what do those doctors with all their so-called "education" know?

No, I think Sam's birth resulted in emergency surgery that left her unable to conceive again. If it had simply been another horrendous bloody mess of a childbirth like Israel's or Spurgeon's, they wouldn't have draped a big cloak of secrecy over it. These women are ridiculously proud of suffering during childbirth: it's like a contest to see who has the longest labor, who comes the closest to cheating death, etc. But not being able to produce more children for Jesus? In their world, that's not only a source of shame, but a sign that God is punishing you for your sins. That's something they would definitely keeps a deep, dark secret. It would leave poor Jill not only deeply depressed, but wracked with guilt at her "failure". And if that were the case, who does she have to look to for empathy and support? Her mother? Her husband? I think we all can guess how much understanding they'd offer her.

Jill and Derick have always been peculiar, but prior to Sam's birth they were peculiar in the way all the Duggars are: lazy, entitled, self-righteous, proud of their own ignorance. But after Sam's birth, they really went off the rails. There are other factors involved of course (Jill has always had a tendency to cling and something bad happened in Danger America), but I think Sam's birth marked a trauma that has left them unable to live with themselves.

Except that Jill went about this long after Israel.  Israel was well over a year old before she was pregnant with Sam. There's a larger time gap between Jill's kids than any of Michelle's kids. 

They usually share more details about the birth, because they getting paid either by TLC or the print tabloids. (Ex. People magazine)

Fundies (in my experience) love natural childbirth and homebirth stories. Michelle and Kelly got a lot of mileage out of their experiences with c-sections, because they were having enormous families. Having her first and only births be c-sections makes the chance of a VBAC very, very slim. Having repeated c-sections may also create limitations to how big their family size.

Jill hasn't been the same since she got married. From her perspective, she has had a lot of challenges. She doesn't seem different since the second birth.  I wouldn't be surprised if she announced another pregnancy later in the year.

Standard disclaimer: I don't agree with Fundies! The only thing that should matter is healthy mom and baby.  Several of my friends and family have had c-sections and I support women who have c-sections. 

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2 hours ago, sixlets said:

She can "afford" it because, more than likely, she's not paying for it.  C&L is looking for some PR.  Someone from the company stumbles upon Jill.  She has 1.6 million followers on Instagram, so they know they will get a wide audience (hate viewers count too).  It is insanely common to see someone with a large following partner with a company to show off their wares.  C&L gives Jill $100 with of clothing very willingly because of the potential that is there.  What little money they waste by giving the items to Jill, they more than make up for in new customers.  Jill fulfills her end by posting photos, mentioning the company, and adding a direct link.  This isn't a case of Jill being "see how cute these clothes are.  Follow my link, and save some money.  Yaay!!"  This is Jill (and the rest of the family) taking a business deal to get extra income.  Shrewd.  

I agree that Jill didn't buy it, but I still question how much money they're making. Certainly their target audience has to be fundies, because who else would wear this baggy, modest stuff? No way can most fundies afford to pay $30 for a frumpy dress, but hey, maybe they do!

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The boys and I made homemade pizza last night for supper! They love rolling out their own dough and decorating I and all! #😍🍕🍕🍕 And I’ve been on a Mediterranean pizza kick for a little while now and it’s so easy and tastes delicious y’all! .
If you like your pizza loaded with goodness, you can get the recipe on our website: www.dillardfamily or swipe up in my story for a direct link!

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2 hours ago, sixlets said:

She can "afford" it because, more than likely, she's not paying for it.  C&L is looking for some PR.  Someone from the company stumbles upon Jill.  She has 1.6 million followers on Instagram, so they know they will get a wide audience (hate viewers count too).  It is insanely common to see someone with a large following partner with a company to show off their wares.  C&L gives Jill $100 with of clothing very willingly because of the potential that is there.  What little money they waste by giving the items to Jill, they more than make up for in new customers.  Jill fulfills her end by posting photos, mentioning the company, and adding a direct link.  This isn't a case of Jill being "see how cute these clothes are.  Follow my link, and save some money.  Yaay!!"  This is Jill (and the rest of the family) taking a business deal to get extra income.  Shrewd.  

I agree that Jill didn't buy it, but I still question how much money they're making. Certainly their target audience has to be fundies, because who else would wear this baggy, modest stuff? No way can most fundies afford to pay $30 for a frumpy dress, but hey, maybe they do!

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1 hour ago, Christina87 said:

I agree that Jill didn't buy it, but I still question how much money they're making. Certainly their target audience has to be fundies, because who else would wear this baggy, modest stuff? No way can most fundies afford to pay $30 for a frumpy dress, but hey, maybe they do!


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7 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

These pictures are about a million times better than anything else she's done. In the first picture, she looks pretty, and the dress looks nice. The pictures of the shoes are just that -- pictures of the shoes.

The dress itself is simply hideous. I have no words. Jill needs to learn how to return things that don't look good once you put them on.

Someone posted about another picture essentially saying that people were being too hard on Jill (or it might have been Jessa). That got me to thinking, and wondering if I was, in fact, too hard on these people. In fact, I think the opposite is true. Each of these girls gets kudos for the most innocuous things imaginable -- Jill's hair is combed! Her clothes are clean! These are the achievements of a toddler.

Jana is pretty! John David looks happy! Jessa appears to love her kids! Jinger is wearing pants! The bar is simply insanely low, but people on the board consistently give them credit when they manage to clear it. In this case, the first two pictures clear the very very low Jill bar, but the dress is still a fail.

Well put.  And apparently, each thread is now going to be filled with endless, often repetitious, pictures of items they are shilling, which is free advertising directed at people who don't follow them on SM. 

Boring.     Boring.    Boring.

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6 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

Someone posted about another picture essentially saying that people were being too hard on Jill (or it might have been Jessa). That got me to thinking, and wondering if I was, in fact, too hard on these people. In fact, I think the opposite is true. Each of these girls gets kudos for the most innocuous things imaginable -- Jill's hair is combed! Her clothes are clean! These are the achievements of a toddler.

I agree. We are probably some of the kindest non-fans this family has. We are for sure some of the funniest as well.

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Jeanne’s Sloppy Joe’s

Mar 25, 2019 | Recipes | 0 

This is an easy, 5 ingredient recipe that is sure to please! Our friend’s from Mississippi, the Wilson’s, always made their Aunt Jeanne’s Sloppy Joe’s when they were visiting my family in Arkansas. This recipe would be multiplied several times over and was usually served with a side of several pounds of party potatoes for a quick lunch to feed a crowd (that crowd usually included 10+ hungry guys coming from a construction job). 

1 pkg. hamburger buns or sandwich bread for serving


1 pound ground beef or turkey

1/2 C. ketchup 

1/2 C. BBQ sauce

1/2 envelope dry onion soup mix

2 tsp. liquid smoke

Directions: Brown meat, drain. Add all other ingredients, heat through. Serve on buns or sandwich bread. Enjoy! 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


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49 minutes ago, PikaScrewChu said:

That being said I do wonder how much longer Dullard is going to hold out with Jill and the boys. He seems so aimless. He strikes me as someone who would just suddenly disappear one day and then resurface in Siberia three years later claiming to be Jesus.

I agree. Derick's physical appearance and health have nose-dived since marriage. There's nothing in his demeanor that indicates he enjoys family life. Hell, I think half the reason he enrolled in law school was it gave him an excuse to get away from the kids for the day. I'm surprised God hasn't called him to do an extended mission trip sans Jill and the boys.

Edited by BitterApple
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I cannot imagine how emotionally and physically draining it would be to be married to someone like Jill and/or Deredick. Throw in the whacky in-laws, and I would find any excuse to get out of the house, hide in the bathroom or bedroom, not answer the phone, and reach for the chocolate with headphones on and reading a good book. I also would give a whole new meaning to not tonight honey, I have a bad headache (in the case of Hot Lips on MASH saying to Frank "Get it Frank, I have one of those headaches.")

Edited by bigskygirl
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45 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree. Derick's physical appearance and health have nose-dived since marriage. There's nothing in his demeanor that indicates he enjoys family life. Hell, I think half the reason he enrolled in law school was it gave him an excuse to get away from the kids for half the day. I'm surprised God hasn't called him to do an extended mission trip sans Jill and the boys.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the bolded actually happens someday.  Jill would be sad for a minute and then would pack up and move to the Duggar compound toot sweet. 

Edited by tabloidlover
iPhone autocorrect sucks
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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I'll just stick to a can of Manwich.  The only reason to create your own sloppy joe recipe would be to cut down on the sodium and preservatives.  This recipe is probably going to have more than a can of Manwich.

At least add some real onion and maybe green pepper. I make Amish sloppy joes. Its a simple recipe with ketchup, mustard, brown sugar and vinegar but I always add some fresh veg. 

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6 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the bolded actually happens someday.  Jill would be sad for a minute and then would pack up and move to the Duggar compound toot sweet. 

And she would play it up to the letter on how hard it is to be on her own with two young kids while expecting Jana and others to take care of her and her two kids. UGH!!!

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