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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I've seen "Jaxon" a lot the last few years, and it seems to be the Millenial preference in spelling.

Jaxon makes me cringe, but it seems they plan on using "Jax" as a nickname, which is pretty cool :)

2 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I actually thought Jill looked really pretty in the picture with jana! They almost looked like they did pre-marriage. Jilly looks tall and slim, and doesn't have long ratty hair or a surprised look. She looks comparable to Jana, who IMO always looks decent. However, I realized when I saw the Jill and Izzy pic that she just looked good because she was in the shadows. In full lighting...yikes! Jill is aging so fast!

She also finally has a new tank top! Praise be!

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1 hour ago, MamaMax said:

OK, I don't mean to insult anyone here, in case you all like it, but I HATE it when people come up with YouNique spellings of names. And I double hate it when the made up spelling involves unnecessary X's,  Z's and Q's.


His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

My friend’s dog is named Jaxson. He, of course, does not have to worry about finding a keychain or a pencil with his name. 

I do agree with the disdain of YouNique spellings of names. Doesn’t the first M girl have an unusual spelling of her name? Like a random “Y” thrown in?

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2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

OK, I don't mean to insult anyone here, in case you all like it, but I HATE it when people come up with YouNique spellings of names. And I double hate it when the made up spelling involves unnecessary X's,  Z's and Q's.


His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

This is because a lot of people don't know phonics, and/or have never read and tried to sound out precise pronunciations in the actual dictionary.  I saw one t'other day where I thought, "Hey, finally someone gave the owner a fighting chance" with "Jhanay", which I assume is supposed to be a variant of "Jenny" but pronounced all fancy and French, like "ZHUH-NAY".  (Of course, you know someone is going to attack it like "Juh-hay-ney", with the middle syllable pronounced like that in "Hanes" [underwear], but I understood it.)  "Jaxon" makes me stabby because it makes me think they've named the kid after Jax cheese puffed snacks.

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2 hours ago, MamaMax said:

OK, I don't mean to insult anyone here, in case you all like it, but I HATE it when people come up with YouNique spellings of names. And I double hate it when the made up spelling involves unnecessary X's,  Z's and Q's.


His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

I’m with you!

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Jill's right on it. Get those clicks! ? The pictures she posted are the same as Dan’s so I didn’t bother putting them here.



Exciting Dillard Baby News!!

Sep 6, 2018 | Family Blog, Photos| 1 

Welcome to the world Jaxon Michael Dillard! Born Wednesday, September 5th, 2018 at 9:11pm. 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long.

We are so excited for Dan and Deena (Derick’s brother and sister-in-law) on their new arrival! Israel and Samuel are thrilled to have their first Dillard cousin and we are so excited to have our first Dillard nephew! We all look forward to meeting him soon! Y’all are such great parents already and we are so happy for you. Welcome to this wonderful parenting journey!

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I have a name where my mother put a Y where an I is normally.  It is pronounced the same but I have spent my life correcting people.  My dear friend is a man and in his name there is a Y where an I is normally.  Same for him.  It is a first world burden.  I used to want to change my name to Jane Doe.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Jill's right on it. Get those clicks! ? The pictures she posted are the same as Dan’s so I didn’t bother putting them here.



Exciting Dillard Baby News!!

Sep 6, 2018 | Family Blog, Photos| 1 

Welcome to the world Jaxon Michael Dillard! Born Wednesday, September 5th, 2018 at 9:11pm. 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 inches long.

We are so excited for Dan and Deena (Derick’s brother and sister-in-law) on their new arrival! Israel and Samuel are thrilled to have their first Dillard cousin and we are so excited to have our first Dillard nephew! We all look forward to meeting him soon! Y’all are such great parents already and we are so happy for you. Welcome to this wonderful parenting journey!

Why does she have to clarify who people are (in parentheses)?


P! S!, You! Abuse! Ex! Clamation! Points!

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3 hours ago, MamaMax said:

His name is Jackson. Just spell it normal and spare him a life of correcting people.

Huh. I was today-years-old when I learned Jaxon was pronounced "Jack-son" and not "Jacks-on".

It's a subtle difference, but now I hate Jaxon even more; I agree, just spell it Jackson.

Edited by McManda
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9 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

No offense, but she and Deredick could do more. Handing out bibles and religious tracts is all fine and dandy, but it will not put a roof over someone's head, food on the table, get a veteran to his or her medical appointments, save an animal at an animal shelter, or help a child succeed in school.

Sadly, none of those things will save the person from hell (and who cares about animals, they’re not made in god’s Image) so they’re not worth doing.  Handing out bibles IS saving their lives!  What does it matter if you have a roof over your head or make it to a medical appointment if you’re going to hell? (Their thought process, not mine).  

9 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Why is he barefoot in a public place?  Gross.  I will always say that he looks like a mini Jessa.

Naw, it's just that she has the world's most hideous haircut.  Its a Dutch boy pisspot style.  She does have a nice slim figure.  And Derrick--he needs to grow out Jill's awful haircut.  He looked attractive with long hair.

? how attractive!

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4 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

The spelling Jaxon makes me stabby and at first I thought it was Jason.

You mean Xzavier right?

I work with babies every day and there are sooooooo many Jaxons.

thank goodness the little guy seems to take after Deena in looks!  We’ll See if any Dillard got through!  

Edited by awaken
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23 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

eally Jill Cling Along...You miss hotdogs, baseball, and fireworks while people in other countries are going without decent healthcare, a place to live, food to eat, education and water.

I lived in another country—one in DA, actually—for three years. I missed plenty of things that seem just as frivolous as those on Jill’s list. Just because people don’t have decent healthcare in the world doesn’t mean I didn’t get a craving for good mashed potatoes or an American football game. 

Edited by Lukeysboat
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4 hours ago, Horrified said:

Its mid-level in the solutionizing profession.  You start as a solutionizer and work your way up to solutionator.  Solutionators who have at least 10 years of experience and a graduate degree in solutionology can become a solutionologist.  There's really no where to go from there except the speaking circuit.

It might sound good, but the jobs are really scarce.  They are only available at Tree House Sales.

Maybe it's similar to a beginning baiter position?  One can have experience, and then be a certified Master Baiter.

(sorry, had to throw that out here.)

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1 hour ago, LilJen said:

You are great parents already? Why? Because you didn't kill the child within 2 hours of his birth? That's an accomplishment?

Maybe because Deena saw professional medical personnel and kept Jill's medical thingys away from her.  Had a safe birth in a hospital and a normal size baby.  I can see Cathy telling them in private - "There is no way in H e double hockysticks that you are using Jill for your midwife.  Not happening."

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I think the name Jaxon became popular because the main character on Sons of Anarchy was called Jax. His full name was spelled Jackson but maybe people thought it looked cooler as Jaxon. Deena is not that sheltered maybe she saw the show.

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6 hours ago, HoboClayton said:

Poor girl looks shell shocked. I didn't want kids, so a lot of live births I've seen have been from this show. Looks fun!! I know the end result is worth it and all that.. But ack! Drug me up and cut that thing out of me. Giving birth just looks petrifying. Gotta go hug my mama now.  

This reminds me so much of a Jeff Foxworthy joke that kills me to this day.....

"Watching a baby being born is like watching a wet St. Bernard come in through the cat door".  

Ok, back on topic:  the Dillards are idiots.  

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6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I get what you're saying and I usually feel the same way.  In this case, I think it's an attempt to differentiate between the typical last name of Jackson.  Compare it to Makenna, which actually began as the last name McKenna.  My friend saw McKenna on a lawyer's advertisement - twenty years ago before the name for girls became trendy - but wanted to change the spelling to Makenna to distinguish it from the last name.

I've seen "Jaxon" a lot the last few years, and it seems to be the Millenial preference in spelling.

I’ll give Makenna a pass as that particular spelling is an Eastern African name meaning happy.  In any case, I despise these folks, but I’m glad the baby arrived safely in a hospital.

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Spelling is bad enough but at least on the phone or talking it sounds normal. Not some made up or stupid name *coughSpurgeoncough* I always hated my name. It's a boys name I always thought.  Having a Dr come in with my chart and thinking they got the wrong patient in the room. And a questioning look on their face.  "Quinn?"  ? Although it does rhyme with part of my last name, so that's a plus.  Topic? A cute baby, and I felt mom's exhaustion through the screen. She looks shell-shocked. 

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On 8/27/2018 at 5:36 PM, Wishing Well said:

They could still work.  Just from the celebs I follow, Taylor Swift’s dad worked for Merrill Lynch for years until her career really blew up.  Her childhood friends Red Headed Abigail (mentioned in Fifteen) and Brittany LaManna both have hundred of thousands of followers/fans and work normal jobs.  And Abigail was in one of the songs that went Top 10 detailing how she lost her virginity to an asshole.  Grant Gustin’s fiancé works as a physical therapist.  The Bates all have normal jobs.  Hell, even Jon Gosselin and some of the Sister Wives kids have normal people jobs. If the Duggars really wanted to, they WILL find work.  Or become self employed.  But they don’t want to.

I'm sorry, I need to interrupt this episode of Dickweed and JillMuffy with a WTF?! I'm not part of the TSwift generation, but did she seriously write and publish a song about her friend losing her virginity? I mean, I knew I didn't like her, but damn...that is cold. 

Back to Dildo and JillBob...sucks about the FFF, that was pretty normal of her. I should be getting my box soon. But the internet is forever...such a shame these idiots figured that out a little late in life. 

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I was going to say that - what is it with the weird spellings?? Either you like a name or you don't - it doesn't change the name just because you force an offbeat spelling onto it.

Not something we get much in Germany usually. Our names dont offer much scope for that. It's bad enough when someone goes for a seemingly foreign (often "american") name...or Kevin. If you're called Kevin you've basciallly lost out already:-)

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2 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

I'm sorry, I need to interrupt this episode of Dickweed and JillMuffy with a WTF?! I'm not part of the TSwift generation, but did she seriously write and publish a song about her friend losing her virginity? I mean, I knew I didn't like her, but damn...that is cold. 

Lol she didn't mention losing her virginity at all just implied it.

"Back then I swore I was gonna marry him someday
But I realized some bigger dreams of mine
And Abigail gave everything she had
To a boy who changed his mind
And we both cried" 

from Taylor's song Fifteen 

Edited by Lunera
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1 hour ago, MunichNark said:

I was going to say that - what is it with the weird spellings?? Either you like a name or you don't - it doesn't change the name just because you force an offbeat spelling onto it.

I named my son Kristofer because I babysat the cutest little boy when I was in the 7th grade, who was named that. That spelling has a positive emotional effect on me that Christopher does not have. These days offbeat spellings are sometimes more common than the traditional spellings like Katelyn is more common than Caitlin. And nobody really knows how to spell Jayden. I've also seen it spelled Jaden, Jaydan, Jaiden, and Jaedyn.

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On 05/09/2018 at 1:23 PM, Marigold said:

What a weird fucking thing to post about your husband.

My husband would be PISSED if I highlighted an entire chapter on a a man cheating and posted it for the entire world.  What the hell is Jill implying?  She is a moron.  That looks awful for Derick and the two boys.  Very insulting.  

Unless Jill is trying to insult him? 

Oh, Marigold, how I had missed your snark (especially on this thread :D ).

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11 hours ago, LilJen said:

You are great parents already? Why? Because you didn't kill the child within 2 hours of his birth? That's an accomplishment?

I saw that and thought, clearly Jill thought she was giving them a compliment along the lines of "I'm sure you'll be naturals!"; but because it's Jill, she can only think of a dimwitted way to say it.

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12 hours ago, McManda said:

Huh. I was today-years-old when I learned Jaxon was pronounced "Jack-son" and not "Jacks-on".

It's a subtle difference, but now I hate Jaxon even more; I agree, just spell it Jackson.

Slightly confused...Was there a video I missed? Because Jackson has always been pronounced "Jack-son" to my knowledge, and I would imagine that "Jaxon" would be pronounced exactly the same. Or is there some sort of sarcasm I missed? I don't think I've ever heard either spelling pronounced "Jacks-on", and if I did, I'd have to wonder whether the poor kid would have to suffer being called "Jacks-off" as a result.

11 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Maybe it's similar to a beginning baiter position?  One can have experience, and then be a certified Master Baiter.

(sorry, had to throw that out here.)


11 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Sounds like a hands on job.

And these two posts did nothing toward removing my mind from the gutter.

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I looked up Treehouse Sales & Solutions.  It was founded by former Walmart employees (including Cathy, who joined in 2007).  Their mission statement says, 'We provide retail consultation and representation for you to the Walmart and Sam's Club markets throughout the world."

Ok--my bad but when I read about Cathy's job yesterday I thought that she worked for a company that manufactured tree houses

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2 hours ago, queenanne said:

I saw that and thought, clearly Jill thought she was giving them a compliment along the lines of "I'm sure you'll be naturals!"; but because it's Jill, she can only think of a dimwitted way to say it.

I lurked on Cathy's Instagram and she also wrote, "You are great parents already!" on her post about Jaxon's arrival.

Slightly OT: Mr. Triple P and I watched an old episide of Criminal Minds last night. One of the agents rattled off a list of names to the team's analyst and asked her to perform background checks. It happens every episode, but it bugged my husband that the analyst knew how to spell all the names without asking, especially since one of the names was Kieghan, which had many variants, but that was not one that we've seen before.

Edited by Triple P
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26 minutes ago, Triple P said:

I lurked on Cathy's Instagram and she also wrote, "You are great parents already!" on her post about Jaxon's arrival.


22 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

This is  code for "You didn't have an abortion." Or am I being cynical??


19 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I think that’s exactly what they mean.

I don't hang around in conservative evangelical or fundie circles, but I have an idea that many of them think that unless you are absolutely against abortion for anyone, you're a cold-hearted selfish b*tch who will just casually abort a fetus if you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant and weren't planning on having a child. Married or single, it doesn't matter: everybody but them just lives in a state of sexual amorality, wild indulgence, and casual abortions. I'd like to think that people like Cathy, who lived fairly mainstream lives and have worked in corporate America and gotten to know a variety of people, might know better, but I'd bet the rent that sheltered little Jilly the Duggarbot was taught that from childhood and has no. idea. of the reality. (Sure, there are amoral people, sex addicts, and women who casually use abortions as after the fact birth control, but that's not everybody by any means.)

So, yeah, they just have to mention, "Wow! You didn't get an abortion! That means you are SO special and different from most of those nasty women in American today!!"

SMH at the ignorance and arrogance of that.

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19 hours ago, McManda said:

Huh. I was today-years-old when I learned Jaxon was pronounced "Jack-son" and not "Jacks-on".

It's a subtle difference, but now I hate Jaxon even more; I agree, just spell it Jackson.


I pronounce both the same. Jaxon sounds Star Trekkie though.   

Edited by mythoughtis
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21 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I have a name where my mother put a Y where an I is normally.  It is pronounced the same but I have spent my life correcting people.  My dear friend is a man and in his name there is a Y where an I is normally.  Same for him.  It is a first world burden.  I used to want to change my name to Jane Doe.

I'm the opposite. My name has an i where there is normally a y. 

If Jill hasn't even seen the baby yet, how does she know that they're "great parents"? 

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On 9/6/2018 at 4:50 PM, galaxychaser said:

So I looked up how popular the name was in 2017


Jackson 20

Jaxon 44

Congrats on the baby, but I cannot stomach the weird spellings either.  I have also seen kids with it spelled Jaxen and Jaxsen.  I see lots of kids' names since I am a teacher in a (gasp) public school.

Edited by Libby96
Punctuation matters.
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6 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I'm the opposite. My name has an i where there is normally a y. 

If Jill hasn't even seen the baby yet, how does she know that they're "great parents"? 

Once again, it's all about the abortion, or lack thereof.  People like them who don't go out and get an abortion because they have a hangnail or the moon is full like the rest of us do are inherently superior parents.  Except not.

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11 hours ago, queenanne said:

I saw that and thought, clearly Jill thought she was giving them a compliment along the lines of "I'm sure you'll be naturals!"; but because it's Jill, she can only think of a dimwitted way to say it.

I had the same reaction to Jinger saying she loves EVERYTHING about Jeremy in her birthday message. Everything, really?

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14 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I had the same reaction to Jinger saying she loves EVERYTHING about Jeremy in her birthday message. Everything, really?

Well, he farts rainbows and poops rainbow sherbet, so, yes!

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New blog post:



White Chicken Chili Recipe

Sep 8, 2018 | Recipes | 0 

It’s gettin’ close to chili season here in Arkansas and we’ve already made our first batch of white chicken chili! This is a recipe from our Aunt Bobye that we had a lot growing up. You can make this one on the stove just in time for supper, or ahead of time in the slow cooker (with the slightly altered recipe) with dry beans if you desire! White Chicken Chili goes great with Fancy Cornbread!



2 yellow onions (peeled and diced)

12 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (boiled, save liquid!)

8 (15.5 oz.) cans great northern beans (drained), or 4 cups dry beans (+ 12 cups water)

1 T chili powder

1 T cumin

3 T. worcestershire sauce

2 T. oregano

3 garlic cloves (minced or pressed)

1 (10 oz.) can diced tomatoes and green chilies (or Rotel)

salt to taste

pepper to taste

chicken boullion seasoning (optional, to taste)



For stovetop: Place diced onions and chicken breasts in pot. Cover completely with water and bring to boil. Once boiling, turn heat down to simmer and cook for 20-40 minutes (depending on if they are thawed or frozen), or until cooked all the way through. Remove chicken and shred or dice, then return chicken to pot and add rest of ingredients. Simmer for about 30 min. then serve with cheese, sour cream and tortilla chips or cornbread!

For slow cooker with dry beans: Rinse dry beans and check for rocks. Place in slow cooker with 12 cups water. Add all other ingredients EXCEPT chicken and cook on high for 6-8 hours, or on low 10-12 hours. About an hour before serving, place chicken breasts in separate pot on stove. Cover completely with water and bring to boil. When water starts to boil, turn heat down to simmer and cook for 20-40 minutes (depending on if breasts are thawed or frozen), or until cooked all the way through. Remove chicken, and shred or dice. Add chicken to slow cooker with as much reserved broth as will fit and let simmer about 30 min. Serve with cheese, sour cream and tortilla chips or cornbread!


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1 minute ago, McManda said:

8 cans of beans and 12 chicken breasts.

This is definitely Mama's recipe or Jill is feeding her family only chili for weeks.

At least it seems like a fairly inoffensive recipe.

I can’t with the boiled chicken. I just can’t. 

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Just now, McManda said:

8 cans of beans and 12 chicken breasts.

This is definitely Mama's recipe or Jill is feeding her family only chili for weeks.

At least it seems like a fairly inoffensive recipe.

Not as bad as some...I still don't know why they don't seem to believe in sauteing onions before adding the other ingredients, and I'd personally want to adjust some of the seasoning. And not sure why one would boil the chicken separately if making in a slow-cooker...just add a little more liquid if you must (though the picture kind of looks more like soup anyway) and let all the flavors meld...

Looks as though it might at least be edible, though.

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