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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jill already has wrinkles at her age and I assume he body isn’t in very firm shape after her two c- sections. Can’t wait to see what she’ll look like when she’s 40!

i hope her adorable boys escape the Duggar malnourishment aging curse...

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4 hours ago, Lunera said:

She's gonna get premature wrinkles if she keeps up with this stupid faux surprise face. Sam looks cute.

is she preggers again?... just asking from looking at her belly and Sam's knees not pushing the shirt in... also, doesn't she break out with acne like a madman when pregs?  is that why B&W photo... or those might just be old acne scars... just making a mountain out of a molehill... commercials are on tv so I gotta occupy my time... 

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Jill has reached a new level of pathetic. What the hell is she trying to prove? I doubt anyone is jealous of their sad little lives.

I think now that the show is coming backn, they are making Jill post all these #besthubby #bestpapa posts to make him look good to the public. The most recent duggar family IG post has over 1000 comments, half of them are asking why the Dullards are off the show and the other half bashing TLC and Jazz.

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12 minutes ago, louannems said:

Alright, I can tell they are in the bedroom. I see a tiny closet, lotions, lots of Jill's necklaces, and what I think is a curling iron.  But what is in Derick's hand?

And WHY is she posting this to Instagram???

Looks like a hand grenade to me.

If Derick is the best husband evah(!), I'm glad I'm single.

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of the Derelict picture above, it is saying a thousand please do not show the picture Jill because it is making people sick.

Edited by bigskygirl
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33 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Jill needs to stop posting the shadowy pictures of her creepy ass headship. Between the stubble and the dark circles under his eyes and his scary teeth, he looks like a ghoul. Yeesh!


To be fair, a grainy picture with half his face in shadow can be nothing but flattering compared to his features in good light.

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On 2/15/2018 at 12:06 PM, Kokapetl said:

Oil in the Middle East will be like a magnet drawing all the nations to that focal point

 Oil in the mideast, imagine! Oh wait, we already know about and have been fighting about it for decades. 

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On 2/15/2018 at 5:06 PM, ginger90 said:

The post is labeled as “30 months ago”.

You know what I love about this? The poster ‘is’ the Queen of England. ? I wonder if Derick even knows what that screenname means. No, never mind, no need to wonder.

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3 hours ago, louannems said:

Alright, I can tell they are in the bedroom. I see a tiny closet, lotions, lots of Jill's necklaces, and what I think is a curling iron.  But what is in Derick's hand?

And WHY is she posting this to Instagram???

I think the genie lamp looking thing is a tiny humidifier and he's got a water bottle in his hand. But why the need to take grainy pics in the bedroom? Creepy and 100% not modest. 

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On 2/20/2018 at 7:51 AM, questionfear said:

I once worked with a woman who was convinced she could convince me to pray away the gay. She told me I had the devil in my soul, and I told her I was aware but as long as he paid rent we were cool. She was not amused. 

My last day at that job she gave me a book on jesus teaching me to become an ex-gay. It had the gayest man and the butchest woman holding hands, and...yea. I politely accepted it and threw it in the trash when I left.

Derrick's Cross Church invite sounds like a higher pressure version of my conversations with that woman...she was always very nice to me, always happy to work with me, but never missed an opportunity to let me know I was going to hell if I didn't get rid of my satanic need to date women. I've often wondered why she targeted me and not our mutual coworker I was hooking up with, but I'm guessing it was because I was leaving at the end of the summer so she had limited time, plus I'm Jewish so I was a two-fer. 

If Derrick were willing to pay for me to come to Arkansas I'd happily show up to debate him on Sunday. 

Wow.  I am a smart ass but I am sure I would have asked how the dating pool was in hell.  

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Maybe Jilly and Dully just finished their yearly sexy time and was so happy her hubby still found her attractive she felt the need to photograph the moment.

2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Someone needs to Photoshop a large vibrator into that picture. Place it among the lotion bottles, heh. Add a tube of K-Y for good measure. 

She probably owns one of those vibrating wands but she's so silly she uses it as a neck massager.

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On 2/21/2018 at 8:49 AM, bigskygirl said:

I would like to announced our engagement! I cannot stop thinking about my totally special @Marigold  She even holds my hand when we are walking on the snow and ice to make sure I do not fall. *swoon* Sassy has been easy to bribe with cat treats, so she does not listen or report what we say to one another on the phone. And do not worry, we are not doing the sickening hand sex. None of that for us!

Do you have a flower girl for your ceremony?  If not, I would like to offer my services.  Unless you need a ring bearer.  I can be flexible!

19 hours ago, sixlets said:

Looks like good ole Dwerp got himself one of those.  http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/derick-dillard-new-job-154289  
I would pay good money to see someone confront him about his tirades.  

Uber for Jesus?

2 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Jill needs to stop posting the shadowy pictures of her creepy ass headship. Between the stubble and the dark circles under his eyes and his scary teeth, he looks like a ghoul. Yeesh!

Someone needs to Photoshop a large vibrator into that picture. Place it among the lotion bottles, heh. Add a tube of K-Y for good measure. 

Maybe a butt plug as well.  May as well do it up to the hilt!  Is there room for a ball gag?

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5 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Do you have a flower girl for your ceremony?  If not, I would like to offer my services.  Unless you need a ring bearer.  I can be flexible!

Uber for Jesus?

Can you be the flower girl and the ring bearer? Thank you for offering your services.

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1 hour ago, MonicaM said:

With all these worshipful pictures, Jill is showing the world how insecure she is in her marriage.  My own mother used to absolutely gush about her wonderful marriage with her fabulous husband, when in truth, her fabulous husband was emotionally and verbally abusive to all of us.  If social media had been around back then, she would have been posting in the same worshipful way Jill does.  

It hits on all of my nerves to see yet another woman pandering to a man who thinks highly of himself and very little of her or anyone else.

I just saw some article that basically said those that brag about their relationships on social media and #besthusband/wife/gf/bf/EVAH usually means you are really insecure about your relationship.  So maybe a moment of silence for the shit relationship between J and D is warranted.  HA!  Bed/made/lie suckas!

Just now, bigskygirl said:

Can you be the flower girl and the ring bearer? Thank you for offering your services.

Of course!  I can multi task with the best of em!  

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On 2/20/2018 at 10:07 AM, cdp73 said:
On 2/20/2018 at 4:04 AM, Annb67 said:

Wow, that looks painful. I guess it's true, Cathy does have his balls. 

Fine.....off to the prayer closet.

I thought he gave them to Jim Bob in exchange for a virgin wife.

My bet is Jim Bob gave them Cathy for safekeeping when Derrick sh!t on the Duggar cash cow.

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2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

This wouldn't look so bad if we didn't know Derelict's definition of "train." cough*Pearls*cough

Seems he forgot he just tweeted the same thing recently, as a retweet, and sounded stupid doing it:

Charles Spurgeon @CHSpurgeon

Train up a child in the way he should go - but be sure you go that way yourself.

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Alright, I can tell they are in the bedroom. I see a tiny closet, lotions, lots of Jill's necklaces, and what I think is a curling iron.  But what is in Derick's hand?

And WHY is she posting this to Instagram?


I would bet it's a device that turns transexuals into non-transsexuals.

I don't think it's appropriate to Insta a partner in the bedroom/boudoir.  That's a private area, not open to public eyes.  I'm sure Jill loves her husband, but unless you are Ryan Gosling, I don't want to see you posing  in a bedroom.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I just saw some article that basically said those that brag about their relationships on social media and #besthusband/wife/gf/bf/EVAH usually means you are really insecure about your relationship.  So maybe a moment of silence for the shit relationship between J and D is warranted.  HA!  Bed/made/lie suckas!

Of course!  I can multi task with the best of em!  

Back in the day, riding dinosaurs, bragging was looked at the same way it is now. He who claims great activity in the bedroom probably isn't getting any. The only difference now is audience size.

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6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Back in the day, riding dinosaurs, bragging was looked at the same way it is now. He who claims great activity in the bedroom probably isn't getting any. The only difference now is audience size.

Reminds me of the Golden Girls when Rose said people who always talk about sex were not getting any. In the Duggars case well...

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3 hours ago, Lunera said:

Maybe Jilly and Dully just finished their yearly sexy time and was so happy her hubby still found her attractive she felt the need to photograph the moment.

She probably owns one of those vibrating wands but she's so silly she uses it as a neck massager.

"When a man… needs to prove to a woman that he’s actual… When a man loves a woman, and he actually wants to make love, uh, to her, something very, very special happens, and uh, with deep, deep concentration and-and great focus, he’s often able to achieve an erec…"

- Tobias Funkë

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7 hours ago, louannems said:

Alright, I can tell they are in the bedroom. I see a tiny closet, lotions, lots of Jill's necklaces, and what I think is a curling iron.  But what is in Derick's hand?

And WHY is she posting this to Instagram???

I'm pretty sure it's not a box of condoms.  More's the pity.

He is vile.

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4 hours ago, Genevrier said:

You know what I love about this? The poster ‘is’ the Queen of England. ? I wonder if Derick even knows what that screenname means. No, never mind, no need to wonder.

That's one of us, i think. 

Anyone want to own that amazing tweet?

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10 hours ago, louannems said:

Alright, I can tell they are in the bedroom. I see a tiny closet, lotions, lots of Jill's necklaces, and what I think is a curling iron.  But what is in Derick's hand?

And WHY is she posting this to Instagram???

Could Derick be holding a water bottle? I'm curious about the thing plugged in on the dresser that is blue on top& white on bottom. My imagination has gone in a couple different directions trying to figure out what that is. Any ideas?

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6 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

I think the genie lamp looking thing is a tiny humidifier and he's got a water bottle in his hand. But why the need to take grainy pics in the bedroom? Creepy and 100% not modest. 

Still better than taking them in the bathroom, imo.

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6 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I just saw some article that basically said those that brag about their relationships on social media and #besthusband/wife/gf/bf/EVAH usually means you are really insecure about your relationship.  So maybe a moment of silence for the shit relationship between J nd D is warranted.  HA!  Bed/made/

That's exactly right. I had a Fundy lite co-worker who droned on and on about her awesome hubby. When she showed up with bruises and a black eye I was sure it was all bs. Sad story. She wouldn't accept help and is still with him. She says he's still awesome. There is none so blind as he who will not see. Of course I don't think derwood would abuse Jilly. He likes to pick on children.

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Seems he forgot he just tweeted the same thing recently, as a retweet, and sounded stupid doing it:

Charles Spurgeon @CHSpurgeon

Train up a child in the way he should go - but be sure you go that way yourself.

"Train up a Dillard in the way of the Duggar and when he is older (more insane) He will shitteth upon it."

Book of Bubba

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