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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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IIRC Ma Kettle talked about their bathing habits in the early specials. It is understandable that with one bathroom they had to create a schedule. What I could not understand is using the same bath water for all the kids. I am going to assume she meant the younger ones. They started with the cleanest kid, and ended with the dirtiest kid. Typing that just made me gag. Also on more than one interview she said they don't bathe daily. I think she even included herself and Boob.

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I am of the opinion that many adults with low activity jobs (like office workers) can bathe every 1.5 days (so like morning day 1 and evening day 2) or every other day in cooler weather and be fine (with a sponge bath In the morning and before bed); but every THIRD DAY?!!! Doesn’t that get uncomfortable?!!!

I have seen Derrick look unkempt, but I don’t recall ever thinking Jill looked like she hadn’t bathed. I might not be looking at them closely enough. 

Hahaha I agree with you in general, but I am personally so OCD! I absolutely must have a shower before bed, every day, without fail. Just the thought of putting my dirty body under the sheets icks me out! Even if I exercise in the afternoon, shower before dinner, and go out, I still have to bathe before bed! It's crazy! Sometimes I'll shower at 5 pm and then again at 8 pm! The only time I can even think of when I didn't do this was when I partied on Halloween and then had to drive back 2.5 hours, at midnight, on a school night, and that was only because I literally couldn't hold my eyes open! So yeah, I can't imagine being on a duggar bathing schedule, especially sleeping in a room with multiple people who haven't showered. Eeeeew!

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3 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Hahaha I agree with you in general, but I am personally so OCD! I absolutely must have a shower before bed, every day, without fail. Just the thought of putting my dirty body under the sheets icks me out! Even if I exercise in the afternoon, shower before dinner, and go out, I still have to bathe before bed! It's crazy! Sometimes I'll shower at 5 pm and then again at 8 pm! The only time I can even think of when I didn't do this was when I partied on Halloween and then had to drive back 2.5 hours, at midnight, on a school night, and that was only because I literally couldn't hold my eyes open! So yeah, I can't imagine being on a duggar bathing schedule, especially sleeping in a room with multiple people who haven't showered. Eeeeew!

I didn't realize I had a twin!  I'm the same way. I have to take a shower every night too. And my one exception is being too sick to get up and take a shower. I was on bedrest for the last 3 months of my pregnancy with my twins and still got up every evening and took a shower. It was my "vertical enjoyment period" and I looked forward to it every day. 

You would think that growing up in a house where you couldn't take a shower every day, and then being able to shower every day after being married would be wonderful. I would think that Jilly would be clean as a whistle.  Obviously I'm wrong. 

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7 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Hahaha I agree with you in general, but I am personally so OCD! I absolutely must have a shower before bed, every day, without fail. Just the thought of putting my dirty body under the sheets icks me out! Even if I exercise in the afternoon, shower before dinner, and go out, I still have to bathe before bed! It's crazy! Sometimes I'll shower at 5 pm and then again at 8 pm! The only time I can even think of when I didn't do this was when I partied on Halloween and then had to drive back 2.5 hours, at midnight, on a school night, and that was only because I literally couldn't hold my eyes open! So yeah, I can't imagine being on a duggar bathing schedule, especially sleeping in a room with multiple people who haven't showered. Eeeeew!

A lot of people like to shower at night because it keeps the sheets cleaner. I prefer to shower in the morning because I like to be very warm under a lot of covers at night, and fresh for the work day. 

I just think it’s uncomfortable NOT to bathe, and I’m someone with very dry skin and hair so I cannot imagine what it’s like for people with more oily hair etc. 


Whats up with the Duggar family not cleaning things? This isn’t the 19th century without indoor plumbing or a water scarcity. I understand in the olden days the adults splitting baths between morning and night to save hot water, but those days are more than a decade past. At least Izzy always looks clean. 

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When my mother was growing up in the 1920s, she, her two brothers, and their mother and father all took a bath once a week and all used the same water.  She said the parents went first and then the kids.  By the time the last kid finished, the water was filthy.  Conserving water was a priority since they had no running water.  They got their water from a cistern.  

Speaking of oily hair, it would be so much simpler for Jill (and Jessa) to get a shoulder-length haircut.  Much easier to maintain (with two kids) than that stringy mop.

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I would rather go through life in a haze of my own filth than bathe in already used bath water. Spoiled, first world problems, all that jazz.  Ick.  Say what you want about the Duggar kids now, but I feel sorry for how rough they had it back in the little house. 

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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28 minutes ago, Spencer Hastings said:

I would rather go through life in a haze of my own filth than bathe in already used bath water. Spoiled, first world problems, all that jazz.  Ick.  Say what you want about the Duggar kids now, but I feel sorry for how rough they had it back in the little house. 

I only ever had to do that once. We were visiting family in DC when they were having water rationing. The worst. 

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I shower daily because a) I have limp oily dark blonde hair (thanks Dad) which looks awful if it is not washed every day and b) I am a nurse and there’s no way i’m going to bed with hospital germs all over me. That said, people have a range of comfort levels surrounding personal cleanliness and I don’t think showering every other day or even every third day makes someone a bad or lazy person. Frankly, outside certain limited situations (such as having a very dirty job) not taking a daily shower is not even a significant hygiene issue. 

Jill may not shower daily because that’s not what she grew up with or because it makes her skin too dry or because it just isn’t a priority for her. So what? She doesn’t owe any of us clean hair. 

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1 minute ago, mynextmistake said:


So what? She doesn’t owe any of us clean hair. 

No Jill doesn't, but if she posts pictures of herself on social media for all of us to see, I have no problem commenting on how sloppy she looks.

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18 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

Huh. Why? Do you do the same thing to pictures of friends and acquaintances? 

My friends & acquaintances have enough common sense to post their pictures just to "friends & acquaintances".  They don't post their pictures for all the world to see.

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2 minutes ago, ariel said:

My friends & acquaintances have enough common sense to post their pictures just to "friends & acquaintances".  They don't post their pictures for all the world to see.

I see. So putting a public photo up on social media gives the entire world carte blanche to remark on your looks. What about Facebook profile pictures, which are always public? Is it okay for me to troll Facebook looking for profile pictures of ugly people so that I can tell them that they’re ugly? Where do we draw the line?

Just now, ariel said:

We certainly have commented on Derick & this sloppy appearance.

Yes, we have. But if I had but world enough and time to go through this entire site, I am willing to bet I would find that nasty comments about the female Duggars’ looks would far exceed nasty comments about the male Duggars’ looks. 

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8 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

I see. So putting a public photo up on social media gives the entire world carte blanche to remark on your looks. What about Facebook profile pictures, which are always public? Is it okay for me to troll Facebook looking for profile pictures of ugly people so that I can tell them that they’re ugly? Where do we draw the line?


Wow, you can't see the difference from a garden variety Facebook picture to that of a media celebrity posting pictures for publicity?

8 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:


Yes, we have. But if I had but world enough and time to go through this entire site, I am willing to bet I would find that nasty comments about the female Duggars’ looks would far exceed nasty comments about the male Duggars’ looks. 

Have you not read the many posts about Josh?

Edited by ariel
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We comment on the adult Duggar female appearances because they spout off about how modest and proper they look. Also, none of them have jobs so they would have time to primp themselves to a degree each day, you know, to 'look good for the #1hubby"...but they don't. They, except for Jana and now, Jinger, they all look sloppy and poorly dressed.

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Derick answered again that he has a job. What is his job? Is he calling his GoFundMe donations for mission school a paycheck? Is chaperoning college kids taking the same mission program he is, his job?

They only returned from DA a few months ago, had a baby, attended 2 Friday weddings and have recently traveled to DC. What new job allows all that time off? 

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5 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I see. So putting a public photo up on social media gives the entire world carte blanche to remark on your looks. What about Facebook profile pictures, which are always public? Is it okay for me to troll Facebook looking for profile pictures of ugly people so that I can tell them that they’re ugly? Where do we draw the line?

Yes, we have. But if I had but world enough and time to go through this entire site, I am willing to bet I would find that nasty comments about the female Duggars’ looks would far exceed nasty comments about the male Duggars’ looks. 

BBM-- Well.. Kind of, yes. You are posting on a platform visited by billions. I can go to all the profiles I want, and just message them that they are ugly. Defamation is where things start to get legal. And, this line you are talking about. Cannot be drawn so easily. It's nice to think it'll be super great to just get rid of the meanies and prosecute them. But, then we are opening ourselves to a very dangerous place. Which.. Well, it's getting there anyway. You are willingly posting photos of yourself on a free public platform. You have to accept responsibility for those things. Now, when someone breaks into your house and steals your photo album, posts it online, and you are bullied by the meanies. Then, you might have a case. Bottom line is, that you are willingly putting something personal up in a space full of millions. You deal with the consequences of that. There's the line. 

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Folks, people are going to talk about how the Duggars look. It is perfectly within the guidelines of this site to criticize how Jill etc look. What is not ok is demanding that folks explain why they snark on Jill's look. No one has to defend that to you. Let's get back to harshing on Jill and stop the discussion of why it's ok to harsh on Jill. Thank you.

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El Salvador is the murder capital of the world? Not by a long shot, that honor belongs to Caracas, Venezuela. Not that it really matters, but El Salvador is 20th. She conveniently forgot to mention the Dullards lived in a gated house with armed guards. Now we know where Derelict got his propensity to shoot his mouth without doing research. Cathy needs to stop jumping in to defend the indefensible.

Edited by SMama
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Saw this on Facebook tips. Wonder if Derick will make a page for his donations

On Nov. 28, help your favorite nonprofits do more great things. Facebook and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match up to $2M total in donations starting at 8am ET, up to $1K per fundraiser and $50K per nonprofit.

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

This is how the religious organizations serving the homeless operates, like the Salvation Army.

Some do and some don't.  The local Catholic parish does not.  People are put on the prayer list by request and may freely talk to the priest who is nearby, but there is no sermon or religious discussion required to get the food.  Many Christians believe that Christ's command to feed the hungry didn't come with strings.

7 minutes ago, lascuba said:

So no a/c or hot water = selfless sacrifice.

Except didn't the Duggar family send them a window unit?  I read that they did.  I also read that hot water works differently in El Salvador and Derick simply didn't know how to make it function. 

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12 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I see. So putting a public photo up on social media gives the entire world carte blanche to remark on your looks. What about Facebook profile pictures, which are always public? Is it okay for me to troll Facebook looking for profile pictures of ugly people so that I can tell them that they’re ugly? Where do we draw the line?

Yes, we have. But if I had but world enough and time to go through this entire site, I am willing to bet I would find that nasty comments about the female Duggars’ looks would far exceed nasty comments about the male Duggars’ looks. 

If you choose to live your life in public then yes, you do open the door for criticism, especially if you are a judgemental bigot who won't work and begs for other people's money.

Edited by Annb67
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Hate to burst Dwerp and Cathy's bubble, but he is not a special snowflake because he was living with no air conditioner or hot water. A lot of people live without one or both and manage to survive. Think about what our ancestors what though before all the modern conveniences we have today.

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Hate to burst Dwerp and Cathy's bubble, but he is not a special snowflake because he was living with no air conditioner or hot water. A lot of people live without one or both and manage to survive. Think about what our ancestors what though before all the modern conveniences we have today.

Right. And in most places where it gets hot but AC is a luxury, the people who live there have come up with ways to adapt their homes for the climate so as to maximize getting the breeze from the winds, building porches with screens so people can sleep outside in the cooler night air, having pointed roofs where heat is drawn up and stored instead of the living area, etc.  I'm sure the people Derick and Jill were missioncationing to didn't have AC and their architecture and culture are both built around being as cool as possible without AC.  DericksMom can cry me a river about her son not having AC when the locals don't and make do and because we know they had a window unit! 

UGH.  I *almost* feel bad for DericksMom, though. I imagine she has to tell herself that Derick is a "real" missionary or else she has to face the fact that her son gave up a stable job and is wasting his college education playing missionary.   If it was my son, I'd probably be in denial, as well....although I'd like to think I would try to knock some sense in his head.  I'm sure the trauma of cancer and Derick's dad's death are enough for her to have to deal with without facing that Derick is a dud....but I'm sure she knows it somewhere inside.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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AMEN @MyPeopleAreNordic, how many millions live with high temperatures and no AC around the world? If that’s her best argument Cathy is as big an entitled asshole as her son. If El Salvador is so dangerous it speaks volumes about your son taking an emotionally stunted wife and newborn child there. It demonstrates Derelict’s selfishness when playing white savior supersedes his family’s welfare. Derick the Dud indeed.

Edited by SMama
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Someone should also remind Cathy that it was Derelict's CHOICE to live there and accept its lack of amenities. She should also be reminded that they lived in a gated, armed compound. 

But bottom line, no one put a gun to Derelict's head and forced him to live there. 

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4 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Someone should also remind Cathy that it was Derelict's CHOICE to live there and accept its lack of amenities. She should also be reminded that they lived in a gated, armed compound. 

But bottom line, no one put a gun to Derelict's head and forced him to live there. 

Does Derelict consider it his choice to live there or was he following God's calling?  If he believes God called him to go there, then is Miss Cathy questioning God's will?

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2 minutes ago, Aja said:

She wouldn't watch it. She's too busy coming to the rescue of Mommy's little man on Twatter.

Well you, I and everyone else knows this latest rescue attempt failed. So at least there's that.

Edited by GeeGolly
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2 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Right. And in most places where it gets hot but AC is a luxury, the people who live there have come up with ways to adapt their homes for the climate so as to maximize getting the breeze from the winds, building porches with screens so people can sleep outside in the cooler night air, having pointed roofs where heat is drawn up and stored instead of the living area, etc.  I'm sure the people Derick and Jill were missioncationing to didn't have AC and their architecture and culture are both built around being as cool as possible without AC.  DericksMom can cry me a river about her son not having AC when the locals don't and make do and because we know they had a window unit! 

UGH.  I *almost* feel bad for DericksMom, though. I imagine she has to tell herself that Derick is a "real" missionary or else she has to face the fact that her son gave up a stable job and is wasting his college education playing missionary.   If it was my son, I'd probably be in denial, as well....although I'd like to think I would try to knock some sense in his head.  I'm sure the trauma of cancer and Derick's dad's death are enough for her to have to deal with without facing that Derick is a dud....but I'm sure she knows it somewhere inside.

If Derick was my son, I would have advise him not to marry Jill without really knowing her. In otherwords, do not rush into something so freaking fast and have a good honest discussion about birth control and marriage. I also would have told JB to go take a flying leap at a rolling donut.

She should try to talk to him about getting mental health care for both him and Jill and not go out and defend him because she is not helping him by defending him on social media. Being his enabler is not helping him. In otherwords, being in denial is the worse thing she can do for him. Her two grandson's lives depend on having two stable well adjusted parents and a stable environment. Wake up and smell the Duggar roses before it is too late Cathy.

Edited by bigskygirl
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Leghumpers keep talking about how Derick is just telling the Bible's truth and using his freedom of speech but I wanna know why Cathy and Derick were so quiet on Twitter about girls being allowed into the Boy Scouts. They were quietly liking posts about how it was just a way to emasculate boys and other nonsense but never posted anything. If they believe girls are so evil and there is some kinda evil agenda going on that goes against the bible then why not speak on it. Dan works there and would have surely gotten fired, that's why. They know how freedom of speech works and there are consequences but now they're acting like persecuted Christians after Derick got dumped.

Edited by Lunera
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I don't understand the no hot water thing in Central America.  I lived in South Louisiana for a very long time and we had our share of power outages from hurricanes and storms, for relatively extended periods of time, and the one thing we never minded was the no hot water because the water was sort of warm coming out of the tap and when there is no a/c it feels refreshing.  We needed the a/c because modern houses aren't built to stay cool and after a few days mold started to grow.  It was always hot and humid after the storms.  But, yes, I spent many a summer growing up in NJ where it does really get hot, with no a/c.  Somehow we managed.

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49 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Yeah, the hot water heater attaches to the shower head, there isn't a reservoir.  Cathy also seems to forget that the Dullards lived in this housing rent-free in exchange for showing the occasional missioncationers around the place and that their standard of living in El Salvador was higher than that of about 90% of the locals.  Expecting to live in ritzy conditions for free in an impoverished country is the height of dilettantish behavior, IMO.

Not to mention he had the PRIVILEGE of leaving pretty much at will.

It's like saying I'm not privileged because I went camping for a week. No running water, no central air OR heat! No beds! Cooking over an open flame! THE HORROR

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17 hours ago, ariel said:

No Jill doesn't, but if she posts pictures of herself on social media for all of us to see, I have no problem commenting on how sloppy she looks.

Sloppy and unclean aren't necessarily the same thing. I am for each their own. I do like to conserve water when I can. 

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I am so tempted on posting this in response to Derick's free speech crap on his twitter page: I love free speech. I also love ignore, mute and block.

I was watching an episode of Designing Women called Nightmare From Hee Haw. They had Nub the traveling gynecologist who helped deliver babies in the family. He thought one of his daughters had the name Tomale. I thought of Dr. JillPhonyian when Nub was talking about delivering babies and was considered an expert because his family thought he was one. Daddy Jones reminds me of an older version of JB. The other two sons remind me of the older Duggar sons and Derick.

Edited by bigskygirl
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2 hours ago, Lunera said:

Leghumpers keep talking about how Derick is just telling the Bible's truth and using his freedom of speech but I wanna know why Cathy and Derick were so quiet on Twitter about girls being allowed into the Boy Scouts. They were quietly liking posts about how it was just a way to emasculate boys and other nonsense but never posted anything. If they believe girls are so evil and there is some kinda evil agenda going on that goes against the bible then why not speak on it. Dan works there and would have surely gotten fired, that's why. They know how freedom of speech works and there are consequences but now they're acting like persecuted Christians after Derick got dumped.

I doubt they can fire Dan for the words of his brother and mother.  It would however making working there incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for him, so everything else you said works. 

Edited by Temperance
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I'm fairly certain Jill mentioned her parents bought them an a/c for their place in DA.

Anyway, like you've all said, they had a safe home, running water, food, money for frequents trips home and they were always a 'prayer' away from leaving it all behind. Does Cathy realize that real live people live there ALL the time? 

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