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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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16 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Rumor has it that Derelict is leaving for a missioncatoin in Malawi on 9/11. I haven't checked the "school's" website to confirm that a trip is upcoming, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. 

Stupid question, because I am afraid I know the answer. Is the whole fam damily going to Malawi? I figure yes because barnacle Jilly Muffin does not allow Derelect to even go to the bathroom by himself ... so dum-dums and nail polish for all?

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I think Barnacle nay gave to do without on these trips. And no way they take a 2 month old infant to a country even less developed than El Salvador. No clue what kind of living conditions the church has set up for the missioncationers or what kind of work (or "work") they do there.

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2 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:


Slightly OT: How many of you read that Tony Perkins (Joshley Madison's former boss) had to leave his palatial home via canoe? Fun Fact: Tony Perkins has said before that natural disasters are God's punishment to those who are accepting of the LGBTQ community....

This is the best news I've heard in a week. I hope he has no flood insurance and his house crumbles of mold. 

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5 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

Is helping Houston beneath Derick?

I think if the TLC cameras are rolling, a nice paycheck is offered, & little actual work is required of Derrick, he'd be there.

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

No clue what kind of living conditions the church has set up for the missioncationers or what kind of work (or "work") they do there.

They won't be doing any work.  Derick's class is going to visit a local Christian pastors conference that lasts one week. Most of the local population is Protestant Christian. The educated class speaks English but most of the population speaks the Chichewa language. Then they are going to the graduation ceremony of the Cross Church School of Ministry, which is the same course Derick is taking only this one is for a Malawi class of students.  Then they are going to visit an orphanage which is run by another organization.  They also might do some "village evangelism."  The area is known for the beach resorts on Lake Malawi, nature preserves and fine restaurants. The trip is from September 10 – 22, with at least two days lost in travel time.  

The trip costs $3,600 and is included in the course tuition of $12,000.

Edited by Mollie
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29 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

You are right.  Why should he help them unless he's being paid?

What's he going to do for us, enthrall people at the shelters with his mad interpretive dance skills? He's a useless twit.  Our local favorite JJ Watt has already raised $15mm for flood relief and will be getting his hands dirty as well.

Duggar like behavior is probably why a good many missionaries ended up in stew pots in the days of yore. The Catholic priests had luck converting the indigenous peoples of the Americas by appealing to what their religions had in common. Derelict would be telling the people of whatever nation he's in that his is superior to theirs. 

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22 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Rumor has it that Derelict is leaving for a missioncatoin in Malawi on 9/11. I haven't checked the "school's" website to confirm that a trip is upcoming, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. 

Well, at least I learned something from this..had to Google Malawi. (Thought it might be in Hawaii) heh

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2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

What's he going to do for us, enthrall people at the shelters with his mad interpretive dance skills? He's a useless twit.  Our local favorite JJ Watt has already raised $15mm for flood relief and will be getting his hands dirty as well.

Duggar like behavior is probably why a good many missionaries ended up in stew pots in the days of yore. The Catholic priests had luck converting the indigenous peoples of the Americas by appealing to what their religions had in common. Derelict would be telling the people of whatever nation he's in that his is superior to theirs. 

Ha! I would give up a days pay to hear what  a bunch of tired, scared  homeless Texans would  say to him if he showed  up and tried  to " convert  " them. He's  probably  never heard those words  before.

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25 minutes ago, Catfin said:

Is Dillweed on the same hated level as Joshley?   I think Josh is still more disliked. 

For me, he's trying really hard to compete with Josh for the biggest douche title, but he's not even close (yet.)

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26 minutes ago, Catfin said:

Is Dillweed on the same hated level as Joshley?   I think Josh is still more disliked. 

Well, Derelict is a sanctimonious Don Quixote tilting at windmills and not supporting his family without help from his wife's TV income, while Smuggar is a child molesting, cheating asshole who doesn't support his family without help from Pops. I think Derelict is an ass, but Smuggar is absolutely vile.  

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On 8/31/2017 at 2:53 PM, BitterApple said:

Lol, right? 12k to babysit little kids during church and read them Bible stories? These people are seriously deluded. 

What a scam. I teach 3-year-olds in Sunday School. If you have a basic understanding of the Bible, know a few Bible songs, and can referee a ring of threenagers, they will be more than happy to let you join the ministry at our church! I mean, for most kids at this age, the deepest question they ask is when is snacktime?

Edited by Buggin
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On 8/28/2017 at 4:42 PM, Lunera said:

Derick and Ben are constantly on Twitter and sometimes I wonder if they ever go to the trending section and see what normal people are talking about. 

I'm afraid they think they are the normal people.

And everyone else has been rendered abnormal by the fortresses that Satan's built around our hearts. 

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On 8/30/2017 at 3:37 PM, floridamom said:

If I remember correctly, Derick Dillard's time in Nepal mentioned nothing to do with preaching Christianity, ( or his version of it at the time.) His description of his 'duties' was to be a tour guide for people climbing the mountains and more of a 'host' to those that were visiting there, I don't know why they were there...I'm thinking it was something like when he and Jill were in Danger America....more like hosts. His linkedin mentioned NOTHING spiritual in his duties....Am I remembering this correctly? Anyone know what I'm referring to?

He was in a program that loosely affiliates would-be missionaries with the Southern Baptist Convention's missionary board. It basically consists in paying your own way to a country and in some cases (such as with student-age people) being helped out by a job with a loosely-connected-to-the-SBC local business there (as Derick was with the tour business) to chat up local people informally but persistently about the correct Jesus.

His duties with regard to that program were all spiritual. But because it's an effort by the missionary board to put many many more "missionaries" -- albeit mostly amateur ones -- in a country than they are allowed to get missionary visas for, they expect these people to keep mum about the whole "missionary" thing publicly.

If these people started posting that they'd done church work for months or years in the countries, the countries could easily build a case that the American church missionary board that's involved is flouting the country's rules about the numbers of missionaries allowed. And then they'd have a good excuse to crack down, likely by limiting the number of actual missionary visas they permit as well as by increased scrutiny of all American visitors.

Many countries, perhaps most, and Nepal certainly included, don't want hundreds and hundreds of Americans crawling around telling people that they'll burn in a lake of fire forever if they persist in their traditional spiritual beliefs, which are part of their culture and heritage and which they, unlike conservative American Christians, believe should be respected. That's why he didn't post about spiritual duties. The program requires this to be on the downlow. The church -- along with, undoubtedly, Derick, who's among the many people buying this hook, line and sinker -- believes that they are saving the world for Jesus by converting people from other religions. So they see it as absolutely essential God's work to do as much of this by stealth as they can. The countries they do it in think quite the opposite. 

I expect most of the Americans who've participated in this and similar programs feel that they've acted as spies for God in the great war for planet Earth that they believe they're waging and get tremendous satisfaction from it and a reinforced sense that conversion really is their "mission" and a vital one. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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3 hours ago, Buggin said:

What a scam. I teach 3-year-olds in Sunday School. If you have a basic understanding of the Bible, know a few Bible songs, and can referee a ring of threenagers, they will be more than happy to let you join the ministry at our church! I mean, for most kids at this age, the deepest question they ask is when is snacktime?

Yes, but in their belief system, 3-year-olds are miserable sinners and manipulative as well. You can't coddle them and give them snacks. You have to throw the fear of God into them and get them to repent. Hard work!

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How will Muffy fare since she's spent the past three years being suctioned onto her headship? There will be the clinging and crying scene similar to her clinging to Jim Boob and crying hysterically when she had to have her wisdom teeth out.

Most women have husbands who have to travel on business and be gone for that much time or longer. What makes her think she's so fucking special? Grow the fuck up, Muffy!

Maybe she'll pleasantly surprise us all and finally grow up a bit? Still we live in hope. Miss Cathy will doubtless be happy to keep the boys, so we won't worry about them if that's the case.  It's a pity she only gets them because Jill and Dreck are too bone idle to care for their kids.

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Sorry if it's already been mentioned and I didn't see it, but do we know why Jill isn't also taking this class? Just seems odd to me if she has supposedly also wanted to do mission work so bad, and is the clinger that she is. Or I wonder if she is managing to get them to allow her to sit in on the classes with Derrick.

It would not surprise me at all to see her going off on the missioncation with him. I think that would actually make much better TV than hearing Muffy complain about how hard it is with Derrick being gone. Which always makes me so mad, seeing the contrast with the actual hardships my friends with spouses in the military go through when they deploy.

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A mother only a few weeks postpartum, a new baby, and also a toddler should not be going off to Malawi.  Too many health risks.  No matter how much faith one may have, God gave us all some sense.  Well, most of us anyway. 

The Duggars don't have the sense that God gave  a goose.

Will Dreck get to go without an accountability partner, or does he have to travel a la Mike Pence with his wife always in tow? (As if having Secret Service and other security detail isn't enough).

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4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

How will Muffy fare since she's spent the past three years being suctioned onto her headship?

Very well. She'll go back to sleeping in her old bedroom in the TTH, raising two kids she's responsible for, under ma and pa's thumb. It'll be just like before old Picasso face shattered her dreams. Heaven! 12 days of being a 12 year old again.

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Very well. She'll go back to sleeping in her old bedroom in the TTH,with Jana raising two kids she's responsible for, under ma and pa's thumb. It'll be just like before old Picasso face shattered her dreams. Heaven! 12 days of being a 12 year old again.

There! Fixed it for ya!?

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8 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 It's a pity she only gets them because Jill and Dreck are too bone idle to care for their kids.

Bone idle reminds me of Onslow on Keeping Up Appearances. He was a loveable bloke, Derrick is a lazy prick.

Edited by ariel
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12 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Yes, but in their belief system, 3-year-olds are miserable sinners and manipulative as well. You can't coddle them and give them snacks. You have to throw the fear of God into them and get them to repent. Hard work!

Some fundie churches, like Pissing Preacher's, don't even believe in the ungodly, wickedly worldly FUN concept of Children's church.  They insist on Integrated Family Church. No, the kids must sit quietly through the 3 hour service, from babyhood on.

I clearly remember at one very conservative Seventh Day Adventist church I attended in the 80's, toddlers and preschoolers were  made to sit on their blanket, on the floor, in front of the parent's pew.  These kids were routinely removed from the service and loudly spanked.

So actually, a Children's Ministry at Cross Church sounds like a good thing. Comparatively.

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10 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

How will Muffy fare since she's spent the past three years being suctioned onto her headship? There will be the clinging and crying scene similar to her clinging to Jim Boob and crying hysterically when she had to have her wisdom teeth out.

Most women have husbands who have to travel on business and be gone for that much time or longer. What makes her think she's so fucking special? Grow the fuck up, Muffy!

Maybe she'll pleasantly surprise us all and finally grow up a bit? Still we live in hope. Miss Cathy will doubtless be happy to keep the boys, so we won't worry about them if that's the case.  It's a pity she only gets them because Jill and Dreck are too bone idle to care for their kids.

I adore Mr. Fin, coming up on twenty years of (mostly) wedded bliss. I also enjoy having a break from him when he or I travel for work. We both appreciate each other more after an absence.  I ask Dreck and JDull, how can you miss them if they don't go away? 

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Derick trying to relive his youth. Some of those girls are Nike! and no Jill in sight. Can't belive how pathetic he is, he needs to be home helping take care of his kids not playing camp counselor. 

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19 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Derick trying to relive his youth. Some of those girls are Nike! and no Jill in sight. Can't belive how pathetic he is, he needs to be home helping take care of his kids not playing camp counselor. 

It's like a soft divorce.

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There is an "arrangement" where Der gets to goes away without his 3 anchors tied around his neck... does what he wants to work for the lord as long as he doesn't mess up the TLC arrangement by tweeting his blah blah blah.

He gets to pretend he's not a father of 2 children... is unmarried and doesn't have a family to support.

Oh wait, he doesn't support his family financially so he doesn't have to pretend....

Edited by humbleopinion
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Just popped up in my feed. The first thing I noticed was NO BARNACLE! 

I get that it was likely only two nights (had to be packed and ready for church this morning), but wow, how did Jilly Muffin ever survive? 

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I think it's a good thing that Derick is taking some official training in a field that he obviously wants to be his career. I even understand the fund raising since it is a program prerequisite.  People are free to donate or not.  At least they now know what they are donating to. 

Now that Jill knows she doesn't ' have a heart ' for overseas ministry, maybe she can step back and let him go for short stays by himself. She can get her Duggar dormitory fix in while he's  gone. 

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Der looks so happy and stress free, bet he isn't gagging, barfing, or horking....

Is that a chaise lounge chair or tall air mattress in his tent suite?

The picture looks like peace and quiet to me ...no crying baby in the night ....no one wanting their daddy....manspreading  a little to close to that fresh faced blonde...don't you think?

Der should have scratched out the blonde sitting next to him when he covered up his car plates...or did he purposefully sit next to a blonde in short shorts and only one t shirt layer to drive Jilly deeper into her post partum depression?

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