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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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43 minutes ago, Absolom said:

The Dillard Family Blog has up a new post that they will be remaining in NWA.

A New Direction in Ministry: https://www.dillardfamily.com/dillard family blog?ID=699ba8f6-f66d-4650-aec9-5b53d85078e7

So what happened?

OOO pick me, I'll play!

ahem my guess is,

SOS re-evaluated the Dullards marketing approach to the missioncation and found that has actually discouraged fundy do-gooders going somewhere cheap to try out their Spanish and tell all their friends about their virtuous holiday

'Stay away or you die a violent death like our friend, and the conditions are horrible so stay home and avoid endless discomfort and inconvenience. Oh and gunshots' Is not the successful sales pitch you would have expected. 

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2 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Now, let's see if they return that donation money FOR THEIR MINISTRY that they received.

Well, Derick EXPLAINED that their ministry is now in Northwest Arkansas.  He never said he was abandoning the fantasy altogether, just that he prayed and Jesus told him to stay put and minister there. Maybe this is why he has gotten so busy on Twitter recently.  It's not like he's actually going to do something useful.

It could also be that SOS Ministries needs the house they were using in El Salvador for someone who is actually qualified and intends to stay there on a full time basis.  Letting the Dillards live there and having them filmed doing nothing but complaining about the danger and inconvenience probably got old.

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I think Derrick and JIll got let go by SOS due to

1. The recent trans controversy

2. The recent birth controversy

3. Jilly muffins horrible descriptions of what it is like to be in Danger America and how horrible and dangerous it is there ( I mean, I would have fired them for that alone)

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Something definitely happened. Will Derick have to get *GASP* a 9 to 5 job, and have Jill follow him around again? Even though she has two small kids, I doubt that she's any less attached to him.  Also, why have there been so little detail about Samuel's birth? Something definitely happened. 

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Agree that this decision has something to do with SOS.

If it includes some health reason, mental or otherwise, good for them for staying home - however unlikely they will be any follow up care.

I think Jill looks relaxed and happy. Moreover, the family looks pretty put together for having a newborn. Better than Jessa's Easter pic.

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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

The Dillard Family Blog has up a new post that they will be remaining in NWA.

A New Direction in Ministry: https://www.dillardfamily.com/dillard family blog?ID=699ba8f6-f66d-4650-aec9-5b53d85078e7

So what happened?

My guess is that SOS Ministries decided that the Dillards are more trouble than they're worth and cut ties with them. That could explain why Derrick seems to have gone completely off the rails in the past few weeks. And the high-falutin', deliberately vague language of the announcement makes it sound like their new game plan is to sit around the family compound doing absolutely nothing for the foreseeable future. But, DONATE!

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My guess is that it's a true combo platter - SOS wants to distance themselves and has probably said 'thanks but no thanks' to any further missioncations done by these two, various health issues with the youngest and adults, and Derek's ungodly twittering.  I'm sure they do have some money saved up, they aren't paying rent or utilities, and live as cheaply as possible off TLC and the DONATE button so they coast for quite awhile.

Don't they have to disclose the exact amount of the donations, due to being a non profit?  I've always been nosy enough to want the exact figure on what the leghumpers forked out. 

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2 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Well, it certainly gives some validation to the rumors that either Jill and/or Samuel have ongoing issues relating to the birth.


exactly what i was thinking.....

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57 minutes ago, CherryMalotte said:

Don't they have to disclose the exact amount of the donations, due to being a non profit?  I've always been nosy enough to want the exact figure on what the leghumpers forked out. 

In my state nonprofits have to provide financials and minutes from board meetings to any donor who requests them. Additionally a somewhat detailed financial form is posted on the Secretary of state website. 

I searched the Arkansas secretary of state website and could only find that their nonprofit is in good standing. 

I looked on guidestar and they are not registered there, but that doesn't mean anything. If they were wanting to show they are legit in order to court more donors, they would register, but not registering doesn't make them illegitimate. 

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I'm not shocked at all. I'm surprised their mission went on for as long as it did for much the same reasons you all stated above: they sucked at their job, Jill has no help and is afraid of inanimate objects, they're under qualified, it rains too much, they suck at their job, there's bugs and animals that howl in the distance, they converted no one, it's hot there, they don't have a heart for others and they don't speak Spanish. Did I forget to mention that they suck at being missionaries?

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4 hours ago, Absolom said:

The Dillard Family Blog has up a new post that they will be remaining in NWA.

A New Direction in Ministry: https://www.dillardfamily.com/dillard family blog?ID=699ba8f6-f66d-4650-aec9-5b53d85078e7

So what happened?

Jill probably (in my opinion, provided for novelty purposes only) had a psychotic event.


Are those padded walls?

Look how grey she's gotten. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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I don't think they were ever actually employed by SOS because Jill never had the actual credentials. I think they paid their own way down there( hence the donations), maybe even paying rent.  I think when SOS continued to not hire them, and donations were not forthcoming, then they were done. 


Derick will get a youth ministry or Christian school teaching job. His tweets will not be a factor. 

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On 8/4/2017 at 8:04 PM, Marigold said:


Derick sounds extra freaky and delusional even for a religious zealot!   

Not a fan of Jill but Derick was a mistake. I don't know how this happened because Jim Bob clearly got an A-OK from God that Derick was the man for Jilly and they were prayer buddies and everything but something went very wrong here.  ;)   

It makes me sad now to remember her flight to Nepal and how cute they were.

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At this point in time, who in their right mind would want to hire Derick for a legitimate job?  He appears to be even be too looney for Walmart.  Maybe he can get a job greeting people at Walmart as pistol pete?

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:

Don't believe it.  Jill doesn't earn $25,000 an episode.   Maybe the entire bunch gets $25,000 total to split amongst themselves, but I think it's more like $20,000.  That article is complete b.s.

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4 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

 TLC said screw this, we're done paying to ship you and entire camera crew down to DA four times a year. Nobody likes you that much...not the DAers, not the crew and apparently not the viewers. So screw it.

Yep. Imagine what it's costing them in flights, hotels and per diem to ship a camera crew down there and for what? To record the same scenes over and over of Jill baking banana bread and Derelict ministering to a bored congregation? 

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4 hours ago, Absolom said:

The Dillard Family Blog has up a new post that they will be remaining in NWA.

A New Direction in Ministry: https://www.dillardfamily.com/dillard family blog?ID=699ba8f6-f66d-4650-aec9-5b53d85078e7

So what happened?

I think they lost the SOS position. That would explain why they were asking the Crossroads congregation to sponsor them as missionairies. 

So, due to "circumstances" and after a lot of prayer and counsel, they got fired, couldn't get a new gig, and are stuck in Arkansas. Jill wins!

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Is it just me or do any of you all look at group pictures (any, not just Duggar pics) and think to yourself in wonder, What season was this picture taken in and where are they?

In the picture above I would guess Derick is a New Englander in the Fall who's not ready to give up the Summer flip-flops, on his way to pick up a coffee. Jill is on her way to do laundry (and that was the only thing clean) on a Summer day. Izzy is on his way home from a Winter formal event and Sammy, well, your guess is as good as mine.

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49 minutes ago, Annb67 said:

Dayum. Jill looks like hell.

I'll cut her some slack since she just had a baby. But Jill, in the name of all that's holy please get yourself some decent bras!  You're in your 20's, the girls shouldn't be at your waist. 

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54 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

Jill probably (in my opinion, provided for novelty purposes only) had a psychotic event.


Are those padded walls?

Look how grey she's gotten. 

The walls look like the pads they put on wall at the gym. Like behind the basketball hoop. 


Jill looks like she's been through Hell. Derelict still looks horrible. The kids are cute. 

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5 minutes ago, Kbo said:

I'll cut her some slack since she just had a baby. But Jill, in the name of all that's holy please get yourself some decent bras!  You're in your 20's, the girls shouldn't be at your waist. 

Yes, & it doesn't get better as you get older.  Not that I would know anything about that. ;)

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Maybe it's just me, or the baby was moving his foot and things got out of focus, but I think there is an issue with Samuel's right foot..... that could be the reason why they are not returning to Central America. 

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On 8/6/2017 at 10:43 AM, Nysha said:

No, kindness requires empathy and to them, empathy equates acceptance, acceptance equates tolerance and it's a sin for them to tolerate anything sinful. They believe they have a God-given responsibility to shine a light on the sin of the world, so the unwashed masses cannot claim they didn't know what they were doing was wrong when they stand before the Lord on Judgement Day. 

Derick doesn't think he's bullying a child, he believes he is saving her from hell...or if not Jazz, then any Christian who may be watching her show and sliding into confusion and sin.

I agree about the Duggar clan and some others. Still in my experience conservative Evangelicals can be as kind as anyone else. They are hung up on sexuality and they are more tribal that most, but they do often have empathy for those who suffer including the poor, in many cases including people of other races. I'm a pretty outspokenly liberal Christian (with an MDiv) but I'm white and straight and Christian. I've never felt any lack of kindness toward me or mine. So, I'm not willing to go so far as to say they do not have empathy and kindness. 

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5 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:



Jill looks like she's been through Hell. Derelict still looks horrible. The kids are cute. 

Jill probably has.  This is the time for Derick to step up to the plate & help out with raising their children & stop with those evil tweets.

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If there were a single thing wrong with the baby or Jill, IMHO they'd be milking it for all it was worth (DONATE).

She's fine. The baby is fine.*

* If you don't count "born into a cult of baby-making obsessed famewhores."

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54 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I don't think they were ever actually employed by SOS because Jill never had the actual credentials.

SOS doesn't require credentials.  They went SOS because they didn't meet the SBC/IMB requirements.  SOS is basically an independent missioncation thing run by the guy who married Jessa and Ben.  

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That's the new reality for Derick. He is now the father of two children and one spouse. A spouse that won't let him go to work outside the home, and  spouse who needs the home to be in her parents backyard so that they can drift to and fro. Welcome to the compound, we'll arrange a day of shadowing Bin to help you adjust.

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This probably explains a bit why Derick is acting the way he is on Twitter. Aside from the stress of a new baby on a probably not-stellar marriage, he's likely bitter that his dreams of being a missionary are on hold right now. 

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2 hours ago, Booey said:

Nah, I don't think the DONATE button will go away. Derrick's gonna need it to pay his cell phone bill, since Twitter is his ministry now.

Your donation- less than the price of a cup of Starbucks- can help Derrick reach thousands a day with incoherent, sometimes offensive, fire and brimstone Tweets. Donate today, and you'll receive a free gift of left over dum dums and banana bread. Won't you please think of the unsaved Catholics?

(Play "In the Arms of an Angel" here.)

This unsaved Catholic thinks Derrick can be like the rest of the wannabe American preachers who use their local library to spew their hate, oh I mean work on their ministry. 

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54 minutes ago, LuckyMommy said:

Take a look at where I circled and you guys tell me.... 


Cloven hoof?   'Scuse me, shuffling off to prayer closet to atone.  


I think it it is the angle/timing of the photograph. They'd certainly hide a physical deformity. 

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They're loonies on the inside, but I actually think that photo is a great one of all of them. Jill's dress is schlumpy, but she actually looks relaxed and quite calm and I think Derrick looks quite handsome.

If staying in the States is the best thing for Jill's mental health, then I am glad they're staying. 

I can't help it, I have a soft spot for Jill. I'm a fellow eager beaver but I had all the advantages that were denied to her by her fucking parents' cult.

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