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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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1 hour ago, satrunrose said:

I understand what you're saying here, Church Honey, (and sadly, I'm sure you're right) but I also agree with SMama. Yes, Evangelicals do believe all of this, but there are a lot of Christians who aren't Evangelicals. As a Liberal Mainline Protestant, it's infuriating to hear from the Derricks of the world that I'm not a "real" Christian and am clearly going straight to Hell, while at the same time hearing from hard-line atheists that identifying as Christian automatically means I'm a bigoted, delusional zealot in a long denim skirt. There really is a large group of Christians who sincerely believe that God made all of us from the LGBTQIA2S+ to the cis-gendered heterosexuals and that's a good thing! For me, being a Christian means being called to welcome the refugee, help the poor with food, clean water and skills training and treating the LGBTQ+ community as people who deserve to be respected and heard. The Duggars do 0% of this and the only thing that keeps me from saying they aren't "real" Christians is knowing how hurtful I find it when people say that to me (It's called the Golden Rule if you're reading Jill or Jessa). 

I would say that most Christians, at least in the areas where I've spent the most time, are, indeed more of the mindset you describe. I don't know a lot of the obnoxious types, and know many who, while they may not necessarily be able to understand all these variations in gender and sexuality which seem almost to have sprung like weeds in the past 15-20 years, still try their best not to be judgmental and to cultivate a empathy for situations for which it's very difficult  to really imagine the feeling. I know it's hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone when I have no real point of reference for what they must be going through. But at the end of the day, all I can do is believe that they are describing their feelings as accurately as they can, and if their wishes for a happy life don't hurt anyone else, who am I to judge whether they are valid?

I think, too, that this is another of many issues which make it so much easier to be atheist, because, for me at least, trying to figure out why God would create so many people for whom life would be such a struggle, who, in past times and even now often have no option or possibility for living a life as the person they feel they are becomes far clearer when God is taken out of the picture altogether. The problem of "evil" is eliminated completely when you realize that the world works exactly as it would without a higher power making all the decisions. Things happen,  and it's up to us to try to make the best of them.

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Frankly I am shocked that no one from OSU or Wal-Mart hasn't come out already and talked about Derick during his tenure at both places.  Figure at least the Daily Fail or InTouch would be flashing some cash around for any type of story.

He seems to have gone all in much like some recovering addicts (not all) who attach themselves totally to a religion thereby replacing one addition/insecurity for another.  All I can think of is Kirk Cameron the TV teen idol back in the 80s did something very similar - normal kid to the best of everyone's knowledge.  Then had some sort of crisis, found his "calling" and has never been the same since.  That kid from Two and a Half Men was another one.

I would not be surprised in the least that this did stem from TLC saying they didn't want to do another set of shows in DA.  Then on top of them getting rejected again to be real missionaries will also prevent them from going there.  In his mind not going would expose him as a fraud which is really what eats him deep down.  As long as he is sacrificing himself above all others (even his own family) for his cause he will not be exposed.  Derick hates TLC in some aspects but if its for the cause (and that sweet sweet cash) he will go with it.  So Derick threw a pity party tweet against someone that fits in his cause who he thought would not fight back.  It is always easier to deflect your own problems and self worth by attacking others instead of resolving your own issues.  Very sad.

Do want to clarify I am not bashing finding one's faith/calling. It is this obsessive, judgmental, dangerous, spewing hatred all in the name of <enter deity here> and doing absolutely nothing while grifting for cash is what I am talking about.   

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4 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I wondered about that, too.

@Sew Sumi please share what Peppermint said to Dreck.  I would just love to see him bitch slapped by a drag queen.  Loved her on RPDR, and she's also trans.

ive watched Jazz's show. It's heartbreaking to see her struggle, but I think it's great how her parents and grandparents support her unconditionally.

Pep just called him an ass, basically. Nothing inflammatory.

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4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I just had occasion to participate in a research project on evangelical Christians. And what I encountered showed me that most likely millions of Americans who participate in the conservative reaches of that demographic agree that exactly the beliefs Der expressed are not only Christian but, in fact, the only variety of beliefs to be truly Christian.

Yup. Unfortunately I have found such views to be very common among otherwise good-hearted, well-meaning conservative/evangelical/fundie Christians. It is one of those beliefs that you have to have (along with you must condemn all abortions and you must be a Republican) to PROVE you're a REAL Christian.

19 hours ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

It was thoroughly stupid of Derick to post his dumb tweet. Even if people agree with him, it makes a PR nightmare to say anything hurtful about the LBGTQA community; it is our modern civil rights movement. Additionally, doesn't Derick have a four-year degree from a public university? I'm a few years older than he and had to take a couple of diversity and cultural classes. Did he skip class? Or did he purposely ignore any teachings that may show that people are people regardless of their orientation? He's either willfully ignorant or totally dumb. 

Or so steeped in false beliefs and out of touch with real people that he hasn't a clue how he might be wounding others.

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2 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I think I prefer Derick at least being authentic (authentically judgmental and awful) than the rest of the family hypocrites who agree with him but pretend otherwise for the sake of their TLC cash.

However he can be authentically judgmental in a global fashion without directing his hate at an individual person. And he certainly can leave children out of his offensive rants. 

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2 hours ago, galax-arena said:

And I point out again, that Derp said he had no problem with Jazz.


In addition to what lascuba and Aja said, why are we supposed to take Derrick's word for this? Do you know how many racist people (for example) don't believe they're racist? Even white nationalists will insist that they're not bigots. 

Actions speak louder than words, talk is cheap. Derrick's words were that he had no problem with Jazz, but his actions were misgendering her and referring to transgender as a myth. 

 And that also makes Derricks words a lie - he can't claim he has no problem with Jazz specifically while using her picture and calling out her show in his tweet.  If he wanted to say he didn't believe in transgender people in general then he would and could have stated that and used a generic meme or no picture at all.   He wanted to call her out and once he did and he used her as an example there is no way for him to backtrack and say he has no problem with her and be believed.  He has a problem with her and the forum her show gives her and he couldn't keep it to himself - ironic considering the forum his show gives him on the same network but of course he'd consider his to be the "just and right" side and I'd go so far as to say he very likely believes his part in the show is some godly reward that he must use (or in his case misuse) as part of his missions.

Edited by sigmaforce86
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22 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I think, too, that this is another of many issues which make it so much easier to be atheist, because, for me at least, trying to figure out why God would create so many people for whom life would be such a struggle, who, in past times and even now often have no option or possibility for living a life as the person they feel they are becomes far clearer when God is taken out of the picture altogether. The problem of "evil" is eliminated completely when you realize that the world works exactly as it would without a higher power making all the decisions. Things happen,  and it's up to us to try to make the best of them.

I realize I'm going to have to move this to small talk or Old Time Religion soon, but I do want to say that I hope my post didn't come off as "boo atheists". Thoughtful discussions of theism and atheism (like yours, Jynnan Tonnix) are really interesting and thought-provoking in a good way! It's just, when I venture off the this site and see (a small group of) people saying "Christians are horrible, intolerant monsters who have bought into a stupid fairy tale" I go "woah there" and grumble at stupid Derricks for pushing us all further into black and white thinking and father away from "live and let live". 

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15 minutes ago, PJ123 said:

Frankly I am shocked that no one from OSU or Wal-Mart hasn't come out already and talked about Derick during his tenure at both places.  Figure at least the Daily Fail or InTouch would be flashing some cash around for any type of story.   

No kidding. But on the other hand, Derick is really not as significant as he would like to think he is. The guy has never earned any of the celebrity he receives. He was getting attention for being in a costume, not running 100 yards, he found fame in television by sucking up to Boob and marrying a dimwit, not because he was interesting and deserved a show. 

It's kind of odd that he has nothing in his college years or Walmart that made him memorable enough for anyone to dish dirt.


Or did he? tenor.gif


4 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Wonder if there's anything real behind this tweet?

Sara Snow @SNOWBUNNY_2015·34m

Replying to @derick4Him

Me a Godly man an apologize. Very simple. How would you feel if your evil past from @OSUAthletics came out? You realize people are looking

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i dont know how to say well this but i will try.

i AM a Christian. i do understand 'hate the sin, love the sinner' . i understand what derrick  was trying to say in his tweet or whatever it was.  BUT i think he was a jerk to have said it to a child and to have been disrespectful to said child. he and the rest of the duggers are shining a bad light on those of us that do believe in God and live our lives according to our faith. you wont find me out there talking bad about  people for the choices that people make in how they live their lives. i may not agree with their choices or lifestyles, but i am not their judge. i may have certain opinions about how people choose to live, but it is not my place to be unkind and hurtful. after all, i am obese (and old - not a good combo). i dont need derrick to point that out to me and tell me what a loser human i am.  that will happen soon enough for each of us, when we are facing judgement for how WE lived OUR lives. 

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18 hours ago, Annb67 said:

He's like the trinity. 

I would go to the prayer closet but I'm afraid it might burst into flames.

Every time someone mentions the prayer closet, I envision Sissy Spacek in 'Carrie.'

Do they really have a prayer closet at the TTH?

Dumbshit Derick really is like a fucked-up version of the trinity.  Trifecta, or something.

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1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

I think he's become totally unhinged. Who goes on Twitter rants when you've got a brand new baby to take care of? Not to mention a wife recovering from major surgery and an active toddler. I don't know what's going on in their household, but he's clearly not in a happy place. I wonder if he's starting to resent Jill because she's the reason they couldn't become real missionaries. 

I'm so curious why this is something he feels he needs to talk about NOW. I'll be honest and say I'd never heard of Jazz before this, so I'm not sure how long her show has been on, but why is he complaining now and not when her show first started? (NOT to say I support him saying anything about her AT ALL).

Derick is sure throwing a lot of stones from that glass house of his...Ass.

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19 minutes ago, RainbowBrite said:

I'm so curious why this is something he feels he needs to talk about NOW.

The cynical part of me thought, "Well, he's successfully distracted everyone from talking about Samuel," but on second thought, I'm not sure he's that calculating. 

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23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I think he's become totally unhinged. Who goes on Twitter rants when you've got a brand new baby to take care of? Not to mention a wife recovering from major surgery and an active toddler. I don't know what's going on in their household, but he's clearly not in a happy place. I wonder if he's starting to resent Jill because she's the reason they couldn't become real missionaries. 

Doesn't work, can't cook because he just gave birth by caesarean, TTH childcare does the kid thing, wife can't carry on an intelligent conversation "whatever you want #besthubbyevah, doesn't have a mortgage to fret about, Jessa and Jana decorated the place, brothers-in-law probably found and maintain his vehicles, what else does he have to do? 

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2 minutes ago, jennblevins said:

The cynical part of me thought, "Well, he's successfully distracted everyone from talking about Samuel," but on second thought, I'm not sure he's that calculating. 

That might have been a workable theory had they not posted a slew of Sammy pics on their blog midday yesterday, right in the eye of the hurricane, ostensibly to deflect from what Derelict had done.

So no, he's not that smart.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Maybe TLC decided not to film Jill and Derick in Central America anymore due to the expense, and part of their reasoning was viewers aren't buying into the whole mission thing being real. So Derick took a swipe at TLC using Jazz as his example of filming a show that he believes not to be real, without thinking it all the way through, how wrong and hateful it was to bully Jazz as a means to TLC. I mean TLC is their paycheck, why else bite the hand that feeds you unless its taking your food away?

I know I'm trying to make some sense of it all, but then I think of Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise. So I guess back to the original conclusion; Derick is willfully ignorant, totally dumb and a complete asshole.

Just basing my guess on what I've recently heard from educated people in Der's religious world, I don't think there's any puzzle about what he's done here.

He aspired to be a missionary and to minister. And the reigning belief in his religious milieu is that a war against the transgender community must be fought right now and that Christ commands this. Some I talked to also believe that now is the time that it must be undertaken, because the politics in America for doing it are the most favorable that they're ever likely to be. This may well be a message that Der has heard, because having delved into his world at some length I've now heard it plenty.

Seems to me he's putting what he always said was his life's calling above potentially kowtowing to TLC, the non-Christian corporate employer. By his lights, I expect that if he didn't speak out, he'd feel that he was handing his soul right over to Satan. And as a minister and a missionary who is actively speaking out -- from a big public platform -- about the satanic evil that he and his group see, then, by his and their lights, he's not just following what Christ commands but doing it in a brave and powerful way. So if he needs bucks because TLC cuts them off, then he'd have the right to seek donations from likeminded Christians. Because he would have been cut off because of his brave godly action. To shut up because TLC might want him to would be to bow to Satan, in his mind, I expect.

I expect Jer is operating on exactly the same principles in his anti-Catholic sermons.

There are a whole lot of people out there who are absolutely not kidding around about their belief that battles against Satan are being fought right now over devilish errors like Catholicism and transgender rights.

I'm pretty sure that Jer and Der and probably Bin go right along with the long-professed belief of JB that the Duggs (and now Dugg-adjacents) are blessed by God to be placed on that TeeVee platform they have and are charged with using it to carry crucial messages. Jer and Der, with their missionary/minister aspirations, carry ones that are more obviously alarming to a bunch of liberals than JB usually has, since JB is mainly about his personal power and hyuck hyuck hyuck hey hey hey rather than anything anybody'd recognize as actual ministry.

But I think the Dugg adjacents believe they're doing some very high duty. And I've recently met a very alarming group of people who would absolutely agree with them. Freaking college professors, at pretty normal schools, not Clown or Pensacola or Patrick Henry, who are not just willing but eager to have their names associated with the exact kinds of stuff the Dugg sons-in-law spout. And who, in fact, consider it their godly duty to do this.

I think what looks to people around here like various kinds of losing his mind in Derick is really just Derick living up to what his chosen community believes someone with missionary/ministry fervor should and must do.

Edited by Churchhoney
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29 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

Doesn't work, can't cook because he just gave birth by caesarean, TTH childcare does the kid thing, wife can't carry on an intelligent conversation "whatever you want #besthubbyevah, doesn't have a mortgage to fret about, Jessa and Jana decorated the place, brothers-in-law probably found and maintain his vehicles, what else does he have to do? 

Maybe he"s growing another ponytail.

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Frankly I am shocked that no one from OSU or Wal-Mart hasn't come out already and talked about Derick...

OSU I don't know, that is kinda surprising but someone may turn up with some dirt soon enough - or he was soooo bland at college that there's nothing to tell.  He probably, other than that Pete thing, led a very quiet, non descript college life.  The Wal-Mart gig though...I think no matter how odd his co-workers thought it was for the wifey to show up every day, or what conversations they may have overheard, will never tell about it.  They want to keep their jobs.  I know in my job if I ever spilled about a co-worker or made an observation about my workplace and it was ever found out I was the source I might be out of a job.  There are work places that frown upon that kind of thing, and would consider it disloyalty to the company, and an indication that you don't want to work there.  Can a work place fire one for just  gossip I wouldn't think, but it would evolve into you not being a team player, blah blah blah.  


I would go to the prayer closet but I'm afraid it might burst into flames.

 No problem, I will pick up a couple of chickens to put on a spit.  Instant dinner.

He totally knows what he was doing, and now he's trying to cover himself in random biblical quote band aids.  Too late dude, too late.  In fact, I would encourage him to keep it up since the more emboldened he feels, the more he'll yap, and he will truly trip himself up.

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Did Derrick Dickweed take down his twitter? I cant seem to find it. I found it no problem earlier in the day.


I wanted to tweet to him -- What an Oxymoron, a "reality show" with people who believe the earth is 6K years old!

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17 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Just basing my guess on what I've recently heard from educated people in Der's religious world, I don't think there's any puzzle about what he's done here.

He aspired to be a missionary and to minister. And the reigning belief in his religious milieu is that a war against the transgender community must be fought right now and that Christ commands this. Some I talked to also believe that now is the time that it must be undertaken, because the politics in America for doing it are the most favorable that they're ever likely to be. This may well be a message that Der has heard, because having delved into his world at some length I've now heard it plenty.

Seems to me he's putting what he always said was his life's calling above potentially kowtowing to TLC, the non-Christian corporate employer. By his lights, I expect that if he didn't speak out, he'd feel that he was handing his soul right over to Satan. And as a minister and a missionary who is actively speaking out -- from a big public platform -- about the satanic evil that he and his group see, then, by his and their lights, he's not just following what Christ commands but doing it in a brave and powerful way. So if he needs bucks because TLC cuts them off, then he'd have the right to seek donations from likeminded Christians. Because he would have been cut off because of his brave godly action. To shut up because TLC might want him to would be to bow to Satan, in his mind, I expect.

I expect Jer is operating on exactly the same principles in his anti-Catholic sermons.

There are a whole lot of people out there who are absolutely not kidding around about their belief that battles against Satan are being fought right now over devilish errors like Catholicism and transgender rights.

I'm pretty sure that Jer and Der and probably Bin go right along with the long-professed belief of JB that the Duggs (and now Dugg-adjacents) are blessed by God to be placed on that TeeVee platform they have and are charged with using it to carry crucial messages. Jer and Der, with their missionary/minister aspirations, carry ones that are more obviously alarming to a bunch of liberals than JB usually has, since JB is mainly about his personal power and hyuck hyuck hyuck hey hey hey rather than anything anybody'd recognize as actual ministry.

But I think the Dugg adjacents believe they're doing some very high duty. And I've recently met a very alarming group of people who would absolutely agree with them. Freaking college professors, at pretty normal schools, not Clown or Pensacola or Patrick Henry, who are not just willing but eager to have their names associated with the exact kinds of stuff the Dugg sons-in-law spout. And who, in fact, consider it their godly duty to do this.

I think what looks to people around here like various kinds of losing his mind in Derick is really just Derick living up to what his chosen community believes someone with missionary/ministry fervor should and must do.

I think you have summed up the entire mindset and motivation here. And though I stand by what I said before about most Christians, in my experience, are NOT of that ilk, it's really sad and actually frightening that this mindset is insidiously creeping its way into so many places. Government included.

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6 minutes ago, MamaMax said:

Did Derrick Dickweed take down his twitter? I cant seem to find it. I found it no problem earlier in the day.


I wanted to tweet to him -- What an Oxymoron, a "reality show" with people who believe the earth is 6K years old!

Did you post on his Twitter before? Both he and Jilly Muffin were on blocking sprees yesterday. I found his page, no problem.

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Did you post on his Twitter before? Both he and Jilly Muffin were on blocking sprees yesterday. I found his page, no problem.

The link for Jill's post on here yesterday was a dead link for me. I just Googled her now and was able to access her page. Could she have shut it down temporarily? Or maybe the link wasn't working? I don't Tweet so she didn't block me.

Or maybe they're getting too much traffic?

Edited by GeeGolly
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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

i dont know how to say well this but i will try.

i AM a Christian. i do understand 'hate the sin, love the sinner' . i understand what derrick  was trying to say in his tweet or whatever it was.  BUT i think he was a jerk to have said it to a child and to have been disrespectful to said child. he and the rest of the duggers are shining a bad light on those of us that do believe in God and live our lives according to our faith. you wont find me out there talking bad about  people for the choices that people make in how they live their lives. i may not agree with their choices or lifestyles, but i am not their judge. i may have certain opinions about how people choose to live, but it is not my place to be unkind and hurtful. after all, i am obese (and old - not a good combo). i dont need derrick to point that out to me and tell me what a loser human i am.  that will happen soon enough for each of us, when we are facing judgement for how WE lived OUR lives. 

Isn't there also something in the Bible about not being the blockage in someone else's life keeping them from salvation ?  (Or, when it comes to children like Jazz, the millstone around the neck?)

i think Derick is thus doing it especially wrong.  It's like he wants to be a turnoff to the very types of people he purports to want to assist.

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(He only made matters worse with the pronoun, but there are other religions, not just some Christians, but some Muslims for example, that will not use the preferred pronoun). 

Some Christians, some Muslims, and an uncommon number of bigoted asshats.

Not exactly addressing transgender rights, but a recent Pew study found US Muslims were more accepting of homosexuality than White Evangelical Protestants 52% to 34% http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/u-s-muslims-more-accepting-homosexuality-white-evangelicals-n788891

Derick's recent Tweets, particularly the "I don't hate people one," sound unhinged.

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No one from OSU or WMT is going to come out and talk about Derick. He graduated OSU what 4-5 yrs ago now? I'm betting his classmates and dorm mates have long forgotten him bc he was average Joe studying accounting and blending in with the rest. It's very clear that his crazy preaching about faith etc. came out after he hooked up with the Duggar family and realized that if they can make a living thru ministry and TV, so can he. Plus even if he had expressed these views in college -- we're talking a big state U in the Bible belt. By no means was he the only guy who thought his faith was the only one and everyone else is going to hell; nor was he the only guy opposing abortion, LGBT rights etc. These things aren't uncommon in the bible belt schools even now.

As for WMT -- he was a junior level staff accountant, presumably working with colleagues who were also junior level staff accountants aged 22-30. Difference is -- none of his ex coworkers have TV money paying their bills. They are likely trying to build a long career with the biggest Fortune 500 company in the area bc they need to pay down student loans, save for down payments, pay for weddings etc.; neither TLC nor their eventual fathers in law will take care of it for them. So they are unlikely to jeopardize their futures with a huge company by talking trash about a former colleague who they knew for 3 min bc they are at will employees who don't want to risk running afoul of some obscure HR policy or just pissing off WMT generally by linking the company with Derick Dillard in the media. The only way anyone will do it is if they have such a huge scoop that National Enquirer or People or someone would pay them 500k -- then they'd risk their job bc of the huge payout. I'm fairly sure that telling the tabloids that he was an ok guy who took time off constantly in the 1 yr he worked there and whose clingy wife was always in the parking lot and cafeteria and then he just up and quit and apparently lives in Central American now -- is not the kind of thing that garners the kind of payday that you risk your job over.

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2 hours ago, sometimesy said:

No kidding. But on the other hand, Derick is really not as significant as he would like to think he is. The guy has never earned any of the celebrity he receives. He was getting attention for being in a costume, not running 100 yards, he found fame in television by sucking up to Boob and marrying a dimwit, not because he was interesting and deserved a show. 

It's kind of odd that he has nothing in his college years or Walmart that made him memorable enough for anyone to dish dirt.


Or did he? tenor.gif


I doubt it's worth risking your career to rat on a coworker for a messily gossip story paycheck. They'd figure it out. It's kind of sad Derick replaced his dead as with a daddy that will never, ever, ever get off his ass. I have no pity for him. 


I'm so curious why this is something he feels he needs to talk about NOW

Michelle prayed a prayer of suck-up to God during the laundry room breakdown and was instantly rewarded. Gag me. Er, gag Derrick.

Edited by JoanArc
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36 minutes ago, cereality said:

No one from OSU or WMT is going to come out and talk about Derick. He graduated OSU what 4-5 yrs ago now? I'm betting his classmates and dorm mates have long forgotten him bc he was average Joe studying accounting and blending in with the rest. It's very clear that his crazy preaching about faith etc. came out after he hooked up with the Duggar family

That could be, but I don't think that it's necessarily the case. either  Oklahoma is actually the fourth most evangelical-Protestant-heavy state in the country, more evangelical than Arkansas (which ranks fifth), and just behind Tennessee -- the big kahuna, Alabama and Kentucky. ... So Derick could well have been uber-religious as a college student and just blended in with a whole lot of other people. Whether or not he did say then the kinds of things he says now, he easily could have said them and just blended in fine with a very large crowd. ... He did, after all, head off to be a jawboning missionary right after college.

Wouldn't surprise me if he really dove in deep right after his dad died. Two of my best friends when I was around age 20 did exactly that -- and neither had even been raised in anything close to evangelicalism. One had been raised upper-crust Presbyterian and the other was Jewish. 

I think we really really underestimate the ease with which you can find a large crowd in many parts of the United States who will echo your uber-fundie beliefs and not find you strange or unusual a bit. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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This was hilarious to me:  Derick tweets that we 'shouldn't trust our own hearts and minds". So, they trust Jim Bob's? Yeah, great plan.

I guess when you don't teach your children how to think for themselves, he's the next best thing to not thinking at all.....so only the Almighty may communicate His will to Jim Bob regarding everyone else in the TTH.

I also don't want to see photos and Jill with her children...not after her husband's tweets. She agrees with him wholeheartedly. Poor Iz and Sam.

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3 hours ago, RainbowBrite said:

I'm so curious why this is something he feels he needs to talk about NOW. I'll be honest and say I'd never heard of Jazz before this, so I'm not sure how long her show has been on, but why is he complaining now and not when her show first started? (NOT to say I support him saying anything about her AT ALL).

Derick is sure throwing a lot of stones from that glass house of his...Ass.

I think TLC tweeted out the picture and a blurb for the show, and Derick decided this was a sign from God telling him to step up and correct all these deluded, wrong-thinking fools. Or something. 

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Without TV, how did he even know about Jazz? The Duggars never attended those TLC Block Parties that assembled many of TLC's stars, including the Jennings, Whitney Thore, and the Arnold-Kleins. I don't know what time TLC tweeted the Jazz show promo Wednesday evening, but Derelict obviously saw it and evidently chose to google Jazz in between not changing diapers, cooking dinner and cleaning up, or putting his kids to bed. 

You know what they say about idle hands...

Edited by Sew Sumi
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I think he's become totally unhinged. Who goes on Twitter rants when you've got a brand new baby to take care of? Not to mention a wife recovering from major surgery and an active toddler. I don't know what's going on in their household, but he's clearly not in a happy place. I wonder if he's starting to resent Jill because she's the reason they couldn't become real missionaries. 

That is my thought exactly.

Derick really has mental health problems.   His tweet about the cosmic forces made me very concerned for him. Is he hearing voices or having delusional thoughts?  What is going on with this guy??

Edited by Marigold
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8 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

It's unlikely, but maybe Derick feels the need to reinforce the idea there's no such thing as trans for personal reasons. 

Doubt it. It's currently a standard part of the faith that he professes. It's one of the two most important things to American conservative evangelicals at this time. The transgender "issue' and quelling abortion. Poll after poll shows that. Besides the actual practicing conservative evangelicals, I've also spoken to most of the top U.S. scholars on this issue this year and they are unanimous in calling those the two primary elements of the current conservative evangelical set of fervently held ideas. Nothing else comes close.

Obviously there are other sick sexual undercurrents that really make them believe it -- i.e., the mad passion to control the hell out of women and to spout out lots of little white evangelical babies to show how manly the men are, along with the usual absolute terror of sexual ambivalence or fluidity or homosexuality-adjacent items of any kind. 

But they believe Christ is telling them to squash it. 

And if you think our conversation here is annoying, try listening to a conservative evangelical lawyer explain the theology of it to you.  In words of four syllables and up. 

1 minute ago, Marigold said:


Derick really has mental health problems aside.  His tweet about the cosmic forces made me very concerned for him. Is he hearing voices or having delusional thoughts?  What is going on with this guy??

I have heard these exact words used by several people in the exact same context. He's parroting what's being said by a lot of other people, including some of the college professors I mentioned. And some highly educated lawyers. Satan is a "cosmic force." 

Everything he's saying here is parroting, as usual. 

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3 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

I have heard these exact words used by several people in the exact same context. He's parroting what's being said by a lot of other people, including some of the college professors I mentioned. And some highly educated lawyers. Satan is a "cosmic force." 

Everything he's saying here is parroting, as usual. 

For Jill's safety, i hope so.  All his recent tweets are starting to sound like he is getting obsessed with God in a creepy way. Like he is becoming irrational and delusional. 

I have heard the "cosmic force" thing but when Derick uses it, it make me think he is hearing voices! 

Derick has been on my "mental health concern" list for a long time and I'm putting a little star next to his name now.  ;)

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2 minutes ago, Marigold said:

For Jill's safety, i hope so.  All his recent tweets are starting to sound like he is getting obsessed with God in a creepy way. Like he is becoming irrational and delusional. 

I have heard the "cosmic force" thing but when Derick uses it, it make me think he is hearing voices! 

Derick has been on my "mental health concern" list for a long time and I'm putting a little star next to his name now.  ;)

Yep, I hope so, too. .... I've heard so much of this lately, though, that he just sounds like one of the gang to me! 

And, of course, all this folks are pretty irrational and delusional! There's likely a fine line between believing these things and falling over into the delusional. So I'm with you in hoping he doesn't go over the edge.

But he's so so so not alone in using apocalyptic phrasing, when you really burrow down into these groups. And because he does it here in conjunction with quoting Piper and so on, I think that tends to suggest that he's at least somewhat hinged at the moment .... .If he starts spouting too much of it when the conversation is about pizza or something, I'll join you in the "very worried' group! 

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What the rest of us have to remember about the super-fundamentalists( and that certainly describes the Duggars/Derick) :


They  truly believe that it's their mission to rant and rave about other people's 'sins' so that they feel more worthy. They also feel that they will be judged by God for not turning 'sinners' away from their 'sin'. So they are trying to do what they think is required of them by God. 


My beliefs don't match that. I believe there are different paths to salvation. Choose what sounds right for you. i may not understand why Jazz can't be in sync with what she sees in the mirror, but it's not my business to tell her what to do. I just hope she gets excellent counseling before permanent physical surgery. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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 i may not understand why Jazz can't be in sync with what she sees in the mirror, but it's not my business to tell her what to do. I just hope she gets excellent counseling before permanent physical surgery. 


...me too but not likely....

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Derick sounds extra freaky and delusional even for a religious zealot!   

Not a fan of Jill but Derick was a mistake. I don't know how this happened because Jim Bob clearly got an A-OK from God that Derick was the man for Jilly and they were prayer buddies and everything but something went very wrong here.  ;)   

Edited by Marigold
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It's interesting how these people happen to feel compelled to fight on the trans issue now that it's gotten wide-spread and positive media attention. It's like how racists really lose their minds and become even more violent when POC gain rights and do well for themselves.

It's why I just don't believe in the sincerity of their beliefs that Christ is calling them to this holy war. It's not just religious people who are violently opposed to transgender people--I haven't checked, but I doubt that out of the over a dozen trans people that have been murdered so far this year, the killers were all deeply religious. This is plain ole bigotry of the kind that has always exists, with fundies just conveniently claiming that Jesus is telling them to be assholes to trans people as their excuse for being awful, just like he was their excuse for being awful about slavery, and Civil Rights, and women's rights, and every single other issue where basic decency is anathema to conservative Christians. 

21 minutes ago, Marigold said:


Derick sounds extra freaky and delusional even for a religious zealot!   

Not a fan of Jill but Derick was a mistake. I don't know how this happened because Jim Bob clearly got an A-OK from God that Derick was the man for Jilly and they were prayer buddies and everything but something went very wrong here.  ;)   

There's no doubt in my mind that Jill is currently comforting Derick over the meanness and sinfulness of those dragging him on sm. Those two are made for each other. 

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I think Derrick was sitting on his ass browsing through twitter and saw the I Am Jazz promo and Google searched her. Instead of taking care of his wife and newborn he was cyber-stalking a teen girl, like a big freak. He was outraged that a trans person has a show on the same network and was angry at all the love and acceptance she was receiving. Also, he probably just learned the world oxymoron and was seeking out a way to use it.

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