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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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I assume that there was an actual reception someplace where the bride/groom were still in their dress/tux, they cut the cake etc. I assumed the gathering at the house later was the "after party" as it was really casual. There are pics of Jessa in a sweatshirt and Josh/Anna casual -- even though Anna had been a bridesmaid. And David Waller said something about fellowshipping back at the house and that social media wasn't allowed at the wedding. I thought that mean no pics of the ceremony/reception and then the "close" friends were welcome to come back to the house and casually hang out until whenever -- the Kellers, Bates etc.

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I see a few people wearing jeans in that last photo. I wonder if they specified it would be a casual wedding or if that's just how Arkansas fundies roll.

Maybe people don't feel compelled to dress up for a wedding and reception that gives them one mouthful of cake, a styrofoam cup of lemonade made from powder, and three mints wrapped up in mesh.

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Ah I was wondering about the hanging down bouquet arm photos. I've seen it recently in a non-fundie (not even religious really) wedding and I thought the pose looked so weird. Didn't know it was a new 'thing.'  I'm not a big fan of the pose but I'm glad they seem to have had a somewhat trendy photographer.


Seems like the "reception dress" is maybe a regional thing, or at least how people interpret it is. The ones I've seen on TV but never in person are basically a second gazillion dollar wedding gown.  The only one I've ever seen in person was a much more casual dress... and come to think of it, the bride wore her wedding gown for the wedding and reception, but wore the other for her "after party" with a smaller group comprised mostly of her younger friends (relatives and older guests didn't even come, or just dropped by for a couple of minutes).


Eww I hate even thinking about a couple's sex life, any couple!, but somehow I have a feeling Derick and Jill's "after party" was a little different haha.


When they talked about "sweet" and "salty" snack tables around I couldn't help but picture one table full of Jordan Almonds and mints, and another full of pretzels and maybe peanuts. It sounds like they had more than that, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.


Michelle's dress... I guess the sentiment was nice but I think that's really weird. Why not have Derick's Mom's dress too if they're going to go that route? (or did they?)

Wanted to add... I think the wedding looked beautiful overall and I'm super happy for them. There are just some things that make me scratch my head.

Edited by NikSac

The thing with Mullet's wedding dress is the strangest thing.  I've found myself trying to figure out how it came about.  I'm sure that it started with Derick wanting to do something to honor his deceased father.  Normally one would expect to see a picture displayed near the alter, or near the entrance.  Possibly because the venue was so large, Derick and his family worried that a mere photograph would be easily overlooked.  The display of Mr. Dillard's uniform was a bit odd, but completely understandable and sweet. 


The problem probably came when the idea was pitched to the Duggars.  At least some of the J'slaves and possibly Boob must have realized that Mullet was already having trouble with all the attention being paid to Jill.  Mullet's world is changing, and I don't think she's handling it well.  She had one daughter about to be married, one courting, there's lots of speculation about Anna possibly being preggers again, and most people have probably stopped asking her about her desperate efforts to get  magic #20.  I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Mullet is even pissed that Dericks mom is getting a lot of attention due to her cancer.  Then someone had to tell her that she would be further upstaged by the ghost of Mr. Dillard.


The only way to relieve the pressure was to have some way to shift some attention back to Mullet, and so the sacred wedding dress was dug out of mothballs and propped up in the church.  I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the Duggar clan took turns dragging people up to Michelle so they could introduce her with "And this is Michelle Duggar!  Can you believe she's had 19 children?  Doesn't she look great?  I bet she could still fit into her own wedding gown, that's it over there!"  I wonder what it took to keep her from trying to wear it to Jills wedding.

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I don't see anything wrong with that. Until recently most weddings were like that and if you ask me, more weddings should be like that.


I really disagree. If I'm spending $400 on a plane ticket, $300 on a hotel (and that would be a cheap one), $100 on a gift, some amount of money on a nice outfit- I think it is reasonable to expect that I'm going to be fed a meal. Families are a lot more spread out than they were 50-100 years ago; these occasions almost always require extensive travel by the guests.


If people want small, non-elaborate weddings, they should keep them intimate, and only invite close family. I feel it is unreasonable pressure to invite tons of people to your wedding and then not host them in an event; then again- I personally think the wedding ceremony is about the couple, but the reception is about their guests.

  • Love 16

I think that is kind of the point, though. There is nothing wrong with keeping a wedding small & intimate. I'd agree that if you felt inclined to invite all sorts of far-flung friends and extended family that it might be nice to have a slightly more elaborate reception, but, really, if money is a concern (as it is for most people), guests should understand that. My own wedding was slightly bigger than just immediate family, but that was partly to do with the fact that while I was an only child who also had no living grandparents, my husband was one of 7 siblings (a couple of whom were married by this time as well) with three living grandparents at the time. So his side was immediate family while mine had a couple of friends & cousins included just to balance things out a bit. I think we had around 35 people at the reception, which did have a sit-down dinner, but no music/flowers etc.


My daughter just got married going on 3 years ago, and her wedding was even more low-key (she is the type who feels uncomfortable being the center of attention). We had about 20 people. The ceremony was done by a JP in my mom's backyard, with a reception indoors afterward. for which Mom & I did all the cooking. A great time was had by all.


If one can't afford (or simply doesn't desire) a lavish party, then simply keep the guest list to a minimum. If it does have to include people who have to fly to get there, then it's probably not so many of them that you can't take them out for a nice dinner while they are in town, separate from the other festivities. If someone is going to be wounded enough for a relationship to suffer by not making the cut of a guest list limited to immediate family and maybe a couple of very special friends, then maybe they are just shallow enough that it's no great loss.


That's just me, though...and I don't like crowds or parties. For those who thrive on that, though, I will admit that it probably can get very complicated to strike the right balance.

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I don't doubt for a second that Jill is a virgin but Derrick?!?! Come on.....he went to OSU. Can you say PARTY! I'm pretty sure he's banged a few before Jilly.

I don't find it hard to believe that Derick was a virgin.  He may not be a hardcore fundie, but he's religious enough to go on mission trips and have "prayer partners" and the like.  If he wasn't a virgin then I hope he kept his mouth shut, because I can't see Boob or Jill being down with that.

Edited by SaharaTea
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Her arms are awkwardly at her side. She seems to be enjoying the moment but doesn't look 100% comfortable with his playful display of affection.


That kiss looks really odd to me for some reason.


I think it's simply a posed picture for photographers. She's not "uncomfortable." In fact, It reminds me of the famous "Times Square Kiss," post-war pose. I think they were trying to reenact the feel of that, thus, her arm hanging down. The fact that she's holding her bouquet in that arm, seems to confirm that. The wedding photographer set the pose up. Plus, you can kinda see the photographer's lighting umbrella (whatever those are called) in the corner of some of the uncropped versions of the picture. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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@ChicksDigScars ~ Its was also one of the poises Jill pinned on her Pinterest.

I wanna see the bridesmaids, darn it. So far Jill's event is surprisingly tasteful as I wasn't expecting much after viewing the colorful Tori Bates wedding choices. I think there were at least two wedding planners involved. The first was probably a paid or not church representative and second a coordinator hired by TLC. This seemed to be a fairly buttoned up event and we know Michelle didn't do it.

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I'm getting a little creeped out with the media obsession with "Jill Duggar's first kiss".  I'm not talking about people here - we actually watch the show, and many of us have affection for the family.  If you google the topic, absolutely everybody has written a story, and every headline includes Jill's chaste state.  I find it reminiscent of the creepy men who counted down to the Olsen sisters turning eighteen, and no longer jailbait.

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I commented on the lean in photo before I knew it was professionally posed. It's not a natural pose, and it looks like Derick was perhaps a little more into it than Jill, but it's nice to see them both going with the flow. Considering she went from side hugs and hand holding to being publicly full on frontal clutched, dipped, and kissed, I think Jill was doing very well!

I agree with everyone who commented on the cost of attending an out of town wedding. I was recently invited to a nephew's wedding on the opposite coast. Had I gone, I would have spent a minimum of $1200 for airfare, hotel, meals, appropriate dress, ground transportation, and a gift. I would hope that given the expense and hassle of travel, those who invite out of towners would do them the courtesy of providing some sort of meal at the reception. At any rate, no one should ever invite more people to a wedding than they can afford or are willing to feed. It doesn't have to be lavish. Finger sandwiches or pasta and salad will do. But for millionaires with a tv show to invite 1000 people and then limit the food to salty snacks and dessert only is just cheap and insulting.

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I commented on the lean in photo before I knew it was professionally posed. It's not a natural pose, and it looks like Derick was perhaps a little more into it than Jill, but it's nice to see them both going with the flow. Considering she went from side hugs and hand holding to being publicly full on frontal clutched, dipped, and kissed, I think Jill was doing very well!

I agree with everyone who commented on the cost of attending an out of town wedding. I was recently invited to a nephew's wedding on the opposite coast. Had I gone, I would have spent a minimum of $1200 for airfare, hotel, meals, appropriate dress, ground transportation, and a gift. I would hope that given the expense and hassle of travel, those who invite out of towners would do them the courtesy of providing some sort of meal at the reception. At any rate, no one should ever invite more people to a wedding than they can afford or are willing to feed. It doesn't have to be lavish. Finger sandwiches or pasta and salad will do. But for millionaires with a tv show to invite 1000 people and then limit the food to salty snacks and dessert only is just cheap and insulting.


I wholeheartedly agree. 


Aww, Jill looks beautiful and happy. I am very happy for her and her new hubs. 

I am a Christian and I think waiting to kiss is weird. So wedding day, first kiss and first time...yikes!!  Jilly Dilly is the perfect nickname! 


As for the kiss pose pic, I like it. It makes me think of her being swept off her feet by her man. It's cute.

Edited by LadyNardicus
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My only problem with the bent-back kiss photo is it looks like he's kissing her chin.  It's probably just an angle thing, but every time I look at it I think, "Oh, he missed."


As for that Daily Mail article, it cracks me up that they refer to the Duggar's house, where the wedding was held, as "a large estate."  Heh.  Oh, you Brits.

  • Love 7

I thought I read one of the People stories that said they were expecting 1,000 guests and there would be 3,000 root beer floats. I love me some root beer float on occasion, but if I am going to have three of them, they damn well better be made with root beer schnapps. Of course, if I was going to a Duggar wedding, I must already be drunk anyway.

  • Love 5

I am confused, because I read that they had a bbq buffet.   I am blanking on where I saw this, but the article states they had a reception and social media was banned. Most likely they are saving the footage for the show.  In the meantime, People magazine reported, “the couple's reception came together thanks to a massive amount of volunteers, who made more than 600 cupcakes, 3,000 chocolate chip cookies and 3,000 root beer floats."   I have a feeling the desserts were for the 1,000 (uninvited) guests that showed up at the church.  They probably put the word out that if you wanted to attend, you should bring a dessert. 

Edited by Adeejay

Not sure if this link with lots of pictures was posted:




At least the wedding truck wasn't trashed...

I'm confused...was the truck or the Crown Victoria the getaway car?  nice pics.....but not one with the bridesmaids.

I think they're controlling the release of pics very carefully so as to give people a reason to want to watch the show. If everyone sees all the family, bridesmaid etc pics in advance, the show is less relevant.


I think the truck is the legit getaway car, so I'm not sure how the Crown Victoria comes into play. It may have made sense if they got a few sedan service cars to take immediate family to/from the wedding -- I mean Jill had to get to the church somehow with her 19 sibs and if they were already dressed at home, you may not want to be jumping out of a bus in your wedding dress. But the pic is confusing because it seems to show Derick helping Jill into the Crown Victoria. My only guess -- the truck was for the final getaway; maybe Jill and Derick were driven from the reception to the after party in the CV and then left the Duggar compound in the truck.

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My youngest daughter just got married and had a booger of a time finding non-strapless dresses to try on. In a way it simplified her search process, though, since in each store we'd just ask the salesperson to bring her the 2 or 3 dresses in her size that were not strapless.


I think Jill's dress was perfectly sweet, but I think they bought it one or two sizes too big so it wouldn't (gasp!) hug her curves, and as a result, it makes her look a little heavy.


I'm a Christian, and it bugs me how the Duggars elevate the twisted teaching of Gothard/Patriarchy over the Bible. Michelle tells Jill never to say no to her husband because he has "needs". But the Bible is more nuanced. The New Testament says:  "The husband should fulfill his wife's sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband's needs." It goes on to say:  "Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer." (New Living Translation)

THANK YOU. I was coming here to post I Corinthians 7:3-5, but you already went there. It annoys me that Michelle doesn't emphasize that selflessness in the marriage bed should be a mutual thing. As for the references to rape that some PTVers have made upthread: like any teaching, biblical or otherwise, this approach can be twisted and misused, but I think the passage is pretty unambiguously about a willingness (a) to meet the spouse halfway even if you're not quite as "into it" as the other one is, and (b) to be patient with a partner who for whatever reason is temporarily unavailable. I'm sure there are plenty of nonreligious people who ascribe to this unselfish approach with their partners.


I like my partner to be as into sex as I am, or it's not fun for me.

I can only speak to my own experience, but sometimes the less sexy-feeling partner can start feeling surprisingly sexy with a little, um, attention. That's where being willing to meet the other halfway can have some unexpected dividends. (When I hear a woman complaining about sex with her husband like it's some kind of chore, I always want to ask, "Are you sure he's doing it correctly?")

  • Love 7

I think that the BBQ was the night before for the rehearsal dinner. I saw a pic of Derick and Jill wearing casual dress, sitting and eating at long tables. It was included with one of the articles (before the wedding) that also featured the picture of them SPRINTING down the aisle after rehearsal. Looked like your standard BBQ fixins. With the size of the wedding party, PLUS all the Duggars, I'm sure JB  didn't spring for a restaurant. And who knows what Derick's family could contribute with his mom's health problems. 




On another note, why do I feel dirty every time I read a Tweet from the fabulous David Waller when he is creeping and trying to piggy back on the Duggar's fame? He gives me the skeeves.


You know....yeah. He does with me, too. I think it's because he piggy backs onto the Duggar gravy train AND he clearly shouldn't be married to a woman, if you knowhudimean. His spouse should be more....male. And poor Priscilla looks clueless of that fact. I think he probably showers the girl cooties off himself after he does his husbandly duties. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I think some of the reception confusion is due to the media messing up.  There was a BBQ style rehearsal dinner, the light reception at the church, and an after party kind of thing at the house in late afternoon and early evening. 


I've seen reports saying 1000, over 1000, and 2000 guests.  That's still a lot of root beer floats.

I'm shocked by the lack of leaked pictures! Come on Famy cough them up!!! Sheesh we have seen everyone else's pictures quickly but this time the lack of pictures is killing me. I want to see the bridesmaid dresses and of course what the hell J'Chelle did with her hair. And not to mention if she had a "fancy" mother of the bride dress vs her old tired tops in every color of the rainbow.

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I like the dip picture where they are both laughing better than the one where they are kissing.  I wonder what is hiding under the blanket in the truck picture, and what the easel says.


I for one strongly believe that if you are inviting people to celebrate your wedding - you feed them!  We just had a local barbecue place cater ours, plus added some fun drinks we provided and the cake.


They obviously weren't driving anywhere major in the truck, it doesn't have a real license plate! Why is Derick wearing his cell phone?

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Not sure where I saw this.  I think it was on the "hairspray and pickles" Facebook page.  Don't know what was under the striped towel, but the easel said "Throw a buck in the truck for the newlyweds."  Probably in lieu of the dollar dance, since dancing wasn't allowed.


I can't even snark on this, since most couples have the dollar dance.  And Jill and Derrick just look so darn HAPPY that I am happy for them.

Not sure where I saw this. I think it was on the "hairspray and pickles" Facebook page. Don't know what was under the striped towel, but the easel said "Throw a buck in the truck for the newlyweds." Probably in lieu of the dollar dance, since dancing wasn't allowed.

I can't even snark on this, since most couples have the dollar dance. And Jill and Derrick just look so darn HAPPY that I am happy for them.

I guess if that's the local custom it's ok but not really they are millionaires! That's like Diddys son getting a full ride to USC! Otherwise I am very very happy for the newlyweds! So excited that Jill has her own life now.

You already know Mullet will try to make the wedding all about her. I also think Jessa will be secretly jealous.

. Yup. Hence the display of her wedding dress. I am still fuming about this. I hope Dill didnt think twice about it though. They deserved to only be happy on their big day and not be upset about fame whore Bitchchelle.
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I can't even snark on this, since most couples have the dollar dance.

Eh, I snark on that too.


Overall though, it sounds like Jill had a really classy, normal wedding. Not too much to snark on.


(And that one picture does look like they are trying to extract a drunk bride, but my guess is she couldn't move very well in the dress, and so essentially had to be pulled out from a sitting position.)

Edited by Skittl1321

I'm confused...was the truck or the Crown Victoria the getaway car?


Isn't that a cop car?  It looks like it's got the wire 'cage' between the back and front seats. It looks to me like they're joking around near it (i.e. she's going "nooo don't arrest me!").  Maybe a security vehicle or something?  I think the truck was the "getaway" vehicle.

Edited by NikSac

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