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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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They could always go with Jacob and Esau. Or Jacob's 12 sons. That would keep them in names for awhile.

I think they'll go for the hippest, dippiest names around. Remember, these are kids naming kids.

A classmate of my daughter -- maybe 19 or 20 years old -- just had a baby this year and named her Harley Quinn. (If you're not a Batman/DC comics reader, look this up; it's even worse than it sounds.) Edited by JenCarroll
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A classmate of my daughter -- maybe 19 or 20 years old -- just had a baby this year and named her Harley Quinn. (If you're not a Batman/DC comics reader, look this up; it's even worse than it sounds.)

As a huge fan of Harley Quinn, I think that is an awesome name. And I don't have a problem with Harley or Quinn on their own either on its own sounds fine. (And I'm a 38 year old comic book nerd).


They could go with Paris and Rome. That way they get a place name baby like the Dullards, and get reminded of their honeymoon every they use the names.

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I see them going the Doug Phillips route and naming for virtues. Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, etc. 


I went to school with twins named Hope and Charity and my cousin is Faith, all of whom were born sometime in the 1970s. At least in my cousin's case, it certainly wasn't a religious themed named . 


I can see Jessa breaking the mold and going non theme with the names, but I think she will go trendy and with stupid spellings. 

Edited by Fostersmom

There ARE lots of Bible names that aren't completely weird. They could go with Jacob (do the Duggars HAVE a Jacob?). My three boys all have Bible names, but they aren't "obvious" names.

I just hope the poor kid gets the chance to go to school. I think Jessa will be a crappy teacher. There's no reason why they can't find a small, conservative private school and ensure their kid at least gets the chance to learn how to read and write. (I know there's no hope for them to learn any sort of science.)

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When Bin found out Jessa was pregnant, one of the "first things" on his mind was what this would mean for their workouts???

Maybe I'm just shallow, but I predict some serious marital problems if Jessa Blessa gains the recommended amount of weight for pregnancy or does not lose the pregnancy weight immediately after birth.


Bin's a little too wrapped up in the physical, IMHO. And Bin, I hate to break it to you, but all your pretty doesn't make up for the fact you're dumb as a post.

  • Love 15

I want to throw in Hadassah (Jewish name for Esther) into the ring for a girl name. Despite the fact that this wasn't a popular name (amongst non-Orthodox Jewish families) until Madonna adopted it as her Kabbalah name several years ago, in the past five years I've personally known about five Evangelical and/or fundie families who've chosen Hadassah and then called the baby Haddie. These families have all enjoyed smugly informing others that they picked an OT Jewish name, and that Queen Esther became queen because she was beautiful and submissive to her King (not the way I prefer to interpret that story, but no point in arguing).


As soon as Ben actually starts Bible college and has his first taste of Hebrew or Greek, and learns that KJV names are usually English versions of Hebrew/Greek names, he and Jessa will think they invented this special knowledge and go all old school with their baby names.


Also Abigail and Bethany, although those might be lowering on the evangelical radar. Abby = "a father's love" and Bethany, bc it's a town in the Bible. Both names were huge with people of Jessa's generation and younger, bc they sound Bible-y and trendy. 

I agree with PP and think they'll go "Biblical-trendy".


But is it so wrong to wish for a Judas and Lucifer?

There's always been a special place in my heart for Jael, but depending on the interpretation (warrior woman who followed the Lord - don't send a man to do a woman's work, or how shameful, the men weren't obedient and a woman stepped out of submission and did their work, shame on them all. I prefer the first interpretation).

Marina and Mariner Seewald. 

River and Lake Seewald. 

Brooke and Bayou Seewald. 

Delta and Evian Seewald.

Hudson and (River) Jordan Seewald. 

Misty and Nile Seewald.

Raine/Reign/Rayne and Rio Seewald. 


"Sea" what I did there? ^____^

My husband used to work with an evangelist who named a baby boy Lake, because Jesus stepped out on a lake when he walked on water, and twin girlsl Kaiah, because they were inspired by all the Josiah, Jedediah, Obidiah, Hezekiah, etc. prophets., and Mariah, because it rhymed with Kiah and was a variation of Mary.

I want to throw in Hadassah (Jewish name for Esther) into the ring for a girl name. Despite the fact that this wasn't a popular name (amongst non-Orthodox Jewish families) until Madonna adopted it as her Kabbalah name several years ago, in the past five years I've personally known about five Evangelical and/or fundie families who've chosen Hadassah and then called the baby Haddie. These families have all enjoyed smugly informing others that they picked an OT Jewish name, and that Queen Esther became queen because she was beautiful and submissive to her King (not the way I prefer to interpret that story, but no point in arguing).


The twins could be Esther and Hadassah. Excellent.

Didn't Jessa say she liked the name Malachai when Mullet was preggers?

And for twins, how about Malachai and Mordechai?

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Jessa has shown herself so far to have better taste in all things than Jill (or the rest of the Duggars, for that matter). The proposal, the wedding and bridesmaids' dresses, the ceremony and the honeymoon were all elegant and classy compared to Jill's. Therefore I am guessing that she will also pick simple, traditional names for her children and not the popular, overused fundy cliche names or fanciful made-up names with weird spellings.

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Jessa has shown herself so far to have better taste in all things than Jill (or the rest of the Duggars, for that matter). The proposal, the wedding and bridesmaids' dresses, the ceremony and the honeymoon were all elegant and classy compared to Jill's. Therefore I am guessing that she will also pick simple, traditional names for her children and not the popular, overused fundy cliche names or fanciful made-up names with weird spellings.

Probably true. There's no particular reason to think they're having twins, either; we're just a bunch of goofs doing our thing, here. :-)

In a "People" article, Bin says, supposedly, that he likes the name Quincy.  Hope springs eternal for me that one or more of these rabbits will chip away at the family SOP by at least not going with the family letter thing.  We will have to wait for Baby Dill #2 to see what they do, but there aren't a lot of I names out there, and there are even less Q names, should Bin's proclamation not be a joke.


Also, not sure if this is the place, but the same issue that had the impending baby Sewald news had a small article toward the back where they did a Duggar Makeover, but it was more like a make-under, as the rules were no haircuts and stay covered up.  Except for the addition of much more flattering makeup, it is one of the fugliest makeovers I have ever seen.  Participants were ME Chelle, Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy Anna.  Since they couldn't cut the hair, they all look like hot messes - ringlets, sloppy braids.  I only have the hard copy (actually purchased because of another story), and can't find the photo online to link to (pg 175 in the most beautiful double issue.  I found some if their comments to be interesting: Jinger who is used to hand-me-downs from sister Jessa, "who is amazing with hair.  She'll figure out a good style and try it out on us."  Joy Anna who doesn't enjoy dressing up, is a tomboy and is usually out with the boys working, and Michelle, who was worried about removing false eyelashes and that little ones might get their necks wrapped around the long necklace.  Um, think you might have that a bit backwards, ME Chelle... 

Please, someone feel free to link if you can.  Priceless!

In the second People video of the shoot, Mechelle commented about liking "bling," but toning it down because her arms were always in soapy water, and she was tending to snotty little noses (I paraphrased the second part...it was about handling "little ones"). 


I hate to tell her, but she has done neither for at least 15 years. Hell, even Jessa has washed more dished and cleaned up more "little ones" than her mother has. And that's saying something, given Jessa's obvious disdain for her younger siblings, save *possibly* Jordyn.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Discussion of the makeover shoot is in the "Duggars and the Media" thread. You can find some links there.

Re: the photo of Iz above, those can't really be his feet! Can they??

I think the size of his feet are exaggerated by how the pic was taken because Jessa's hands also look bigger than they really are.

Edited by abseedee
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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