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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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1 hour ago, zoomama said:

poor kid. no monogram for him.

Not so:


"For an individual, the order of initials is the first name, last name, and middle name. The last name initial (center) is larger than those on either side."

Sort of like: gSa

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George is a nice name.  I am hoping that Ben and Jessa might start calling Spurge by his middle name--Eliot (or is it Elliot?).  I do feel sorry for Spurgeon, but he is the first-born son, so he will always be "special".  After all, it is not like he will be in school or in a group like the Scouts or on a soccer or baseball team. He will not have any friends outside of his group, so he will never know how "different" his name really is.  It is kind of sad that his siblings all have better names.

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1 hour ago, Dehumidifier said:

Sort of like: gSa

Considering many people associate GSA with "Gay/ Straight Alliance," I think Jessa and Ben would hate that even more than GAS(though perhaps aren't aware).

I don't think the Seewalds are much for monograms, anyhow. They have to have their capsule wardrobe that can be handed down to ten more siblings, if necessary, so no personalizations.

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16 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

 I do feel sorry for Spurgeon, but he is the first-born son, so he will always be "special".

If he is told he is special for being the first born, the presumed duggar response would be for Spurgeon to gloat to his sibs how he got a special and important name, while they all got common names, to make sure they know he is superior to them in every way. 😂

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10 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

If he is told he is special for being the first born, the presumed duggar response would be for Spurgeon to gloat to his sibs how he got a special and important name, while they all got common names, to make sure they know he is superior to them in every way. 😂

A mini Josh.

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

So Henry and George have timeless common names and Spurge has Spurgeon.

So, it seems Ivy runs the show and Henry is the caring helper. I wonder what Spurgie's role is?

I sort of think that it is Ivy who runs the show!  She is a beautiful little girl.

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11 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I am hoping that Ben and Jessa might start calling Spurge by his middle name--Eliot (or is it Elliot?). 

I think that ship has sailed. They seemed determined to double-down on the awful name from the beginning, and I don't think the ensuing years have made them any less ridiculous about it. 

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On 12/24/2023 at 1:42 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

Considering many people associate GSA with "Gay/ Straight Alliance," I think Jessa and Ben would hate that even more than GAS(though perhaps aren't aware).

I don't think the Seewalds are much for monograms, anyhow. They have to have their capsule wardrobe that can be handed down to ten more siblings, if necessary, so no personalizations.

Lol gay/straight alliance is how my brain read it too! 

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On 12/25/2023 at 1:29 AM, Zella said:

I think that ship has sailed. They seemed determined to double-down on the awful name from the beginning, and I don't think the ensuing years have made them any less ridiculous about it. 

Plus, that's the name Spurgeon knows himself as. He doesn't know it's a hideous name yet. At this point, I think it would be worse for him to start calling him anything else. If he ever decides to go by Elliot, I'd hope Jessa and Ben would agree (Jessa would probably be relieved, Ben would pout).

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

That brown thing they wrapped the baby in looks something from the reject pile at the St. Vincent de Paul. What a way to welcome a new baby -- with a dirty dull rag for a blanket. 

Gender neutral so she can use it for the next 10 kids. 🙄

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4 hours ago, Heathen said:

That brown thing they wrapped the baby in looks something from the reject pile at the St. Vincent de Paul. What a way to welcome a new baby -- with a dirty dull rag for a blanket. 

Unfortunately, those are the popular colors for babies right now. My 13th grandson is due at the end of February and almost all the baby clothes I could find were sad beige-autumny colors. 

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Jessa's got a video up of the kids opening Christmas gifts. The kids do wait patiently as each child opens a gift. Fern got so much baby doll stuff, but maybe that's by design to keep her from constantly hanging all over George. I've seen many toddlers do this, so it's not unusual behavior, but he is a newborn. It seems like the boys get pretty much the same gifts - pocket knives, wallets, legos and watches. Spurgeon seems a little bored to me. Henry is a really good big brother, who likes to help put things together for Fern. I didn't see the parents open any gifts. Then they played in the snow, which can't begin to compare with what we're getting hit with today!

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9 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

Jessa's got a video up of the kids opening Christmas gifts. The kids do wait patiently as each child opens a gift. Fern got so much baby doll stuff, but maybe that's by design to keep her from constantly hanging all over George. I've seen many toddlers do this, so it's not unusual behavior, but he is a newborn. It seems like the boys get pretty much the same gifts - pocket knives, wallets, legos and watches. Spurgeon seems a little bored to me. Henry is a really good big brother, who likes to help put things together for Fern. I didn't see the parents open any gifts. Then they played in the snow, which can't begin to compare with what we're getting hit with today!


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Glad to see Spurge and Henry got Star Wars, Catan (Game of Thrones?), UNO, Legos, and Clue.  Lots of regular stuff and not bible-related, although Ben had to have his religious lecture amidst the fun.  I noticed Spurge yawning while he droned on.  

Hilarious that the kids got cans of Pringles in their stockings.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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Well at least the gifts were in some type of wrapping paper…it beats an old pillow case or Amazon box!

As far as the gifts go…. typical cheap junk and way too much of it!

Wow big surprise, generic baby dolls, stroller, crib and pretend makeup kits so the girls can snag a husband, Gotta train up those girls to be good little mom’s popping out kids of their own…. Notice how Ferns new baby stroller has 4 seats, nothing like telling your kid she’ll need a multi-seat stroller for all the babies she’ll be birthing.

meanwhile the boys got watches, wallets, KNIVES 🔪….Lego sets and board games…Spurgeon always looks so bored and just going through the motions….. Henry is way more engaged in the festivities and uses his new knife to PLUNGE into a box and YANK it around aggressively…he made me nervous with Fern wandering around like she’s from another planet…. Speaking of Fern I’ve never heard a more HIGH PITCHED *scream* in my life!!!… I’m pretty sure I heard glass shattering and dogs howling all over their neighborhood.

Then we have Ivy obsessing over Jesus bringing back people from the dead and dumbo Ben more than happy to put on his preacher hat and start rambling about the BIBLE… apparently that’s Spurgeons *BAT SIGNAL* to start yawning and sprawling on the couch.

JMO but why do the boys need real knives?                 
It might be okay for Spurgeon but Henry is way too goofy to have a real pocket knife.

Never mind Britney Spears or Willy the whale


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Isn't Christmas supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and not His death? I think Ben is a pessimistic person in general. Those kids did not need a religious sermon at that time. Just let them enjoy their gifts. They already know the story....but this is just my opinion. I don't like how Jessa has to orchestrate everything for videos. Those children couldn't even enjoy opening their gifts without having to have a director.

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I remember back when Ivy started toddling and playing. Spurge basically had to give up any toy "baby sister" wanted to play with. The oldest boy who had always been the smartest with a chill little brother now had a new privileged kid on the block. I think his little boy life was knocked right out of him.

So now we have precocious Ivy who alternates in between ruling the roost and being punished, sweet, chill Henry, and Henry's little in-her-own-world, buddy Fern.

And it seems they're now doing to Ivy what they did to Spurge - they're knocking her off the pedestal they built for her. Next Christmas Ivy will be as unenthused as Spurge because she'll be expected to behave as the mature big sister.

I wonder if by next year George will be the new king of the crew.

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A kid having his own knife used to be common.  When my Dad was a kid, everyone had a knife at school, and they would whittle or play games (Mumbly Peg?) at recess.  A knife was a requirement to go to Girl Scout camp when I was a kid.  We all had knives.  Now kids get suspended from school if they have a pocket knife.  We were taught responsibility and the proper use of our knives, but I never, ever heard of some kid hurting anyone--or themselves, for that matter.  Times have really changed.  I taught with a man who, when he was a boy,  would bring his rifle to school every day.  It sat in the coat closet during school hours, and then he would hunt rabbits on his way home.  I hope Spurge and Henry enjoy learning to use their knives for good purposes and that they get some good instruction on how to use them appropriately.  From the little supervision the Howlers had growing up, I'm guessing everyone in that family had knives, too.

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I watched the video after reading comments in here and agree with much of what has already been discussed.  What did y'all think about the kids opening one gift a day leading up to Christmas? 

I will cut Jessa some credit about managing the present opening.  A lot of families open their gifts one at a time so everyone can see what they get.  And of course the younger kids were busy playing with their new toy when it was Spurge's turn. I was surprised by what was in their stockings; a lot of candy and those Pringles ... everyone their own flavor.  

I also think the girls are into dolls and that's why they get them.  The boys (and probably Ivy to an extent) are playing lots of games.  It was nice that they got a lot of new ones and a good variety.  When Spurge opened his "Catan" he said something a long the lines of finally getting it.  

I really couldn't tell what was going on but it appeared that Spurge made a gift for Ivy and Henry and gave it to them.  Anyone else pick up on that?  If that is what was going on, then I think that is very sweet.  Ivy called him Spurgy when she thanked him.  

Spurge does seem so laid back.  He did show some verbal excitement with some of his and Henry's gifts.  He and Henry got some of the same gifts, but they opened them up at different times.  A lot of the things that Henry got in the days leading up to Christmas are what Spurge got on Christmas day.  I did heard Jessa say, "Now you can whittle" when Henry opened up his knife.  

Fern is still very into George.  

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I had the volume low so I may have missed something...

The last day confused me a bit. It appeared to me Spurgie gave his siblings two gifts each. Then they gave him 3 gifts. Yet the gifts he got, like @ranchgirl posted, were the same gifts Henry opened leading up to Christmas.

And why not give each kid a day to go first? Everyday started with Fern, then Ivy, Henry then Spurge.

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26 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I had the volume low so I may have missed something...

The last day confused me a bit. It appeared to me Spurgie gave his siblings two gifts each. Then they gave him 3 gifts. Yet the gifts he got, like @ranchgirl posted, were the same gifts Henry opened leading up to Christmas.

And why not give each kid a day to go first? Everyday started with Fern, then Ivy, Henry then Spurge.

I don't think shuffling the routine computes with rigid Jessa. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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