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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The filthy Duggar feet - yuck. Jessa sure went from "hot" (never in my opinion, but I know she was considered the hot sister) to "not". She will be as frumpy as Mullet in no time. Add Jessa's arrogant, entitled personality along with her ignorance and she really is disgusting.  She has cute kids (at least Henry IMO), big fucking deal. Wonder if Bin regrets not thinking beyond boning her.

  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, truebluesmoky said:

I don’t see Jessa as particularly frumpy or like she’s fallen desperately far from her previous good looks. She looks like a mom of two small children to me. Spurge is not even 3 yet, and Henry is 18 months. She looks like every mom of small children that I pass in Target, except they’re more likely to be wearing leggings instead of the soft skirts she wears. I remember having my boys 21 months apart. I wore what was comfortable, went way too long between haircuts, never bothered with make-up, etc. Then they got older and I found myself again. Jessa doesn’t bother me at all. She seems like a loving, devoted, engaged, even sweet and snuggly mom. She seems proud of Ben and the family they’ve created. The Seewalds are on my short list of Duggars who don’t grate on me or appall me.


She's also doing her job as a Duggar - delivering grandchildren for Boob and MEchelle - way better than her sisters. Knocked up soon after the wedding, two home births, no C-sections so no worries about VBACs for her next blessing(s). Cute kids. She's leaving Jill, Joy, and Jinger in the dust.

But she has strong competition from the in-laws. Anna is of course way ahead, having a head start and enough baby fever to possibly turn into Michelle 2.0. And Kendra's no slouch; pregnant ASAP after the wedding, no nonsense about home birthing, straight to the hospital, nice birth, cute baby, home again, easy peasey, she's young and healthy, and she'll pop out the next one before we know it. I'm sure JB prays that all his sons will marry women like those two.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 5

It just occurred to me that if Ben hasn't missed a semester somewhere along the line, he should have graduated from Moody in May. They haven't said anything, so I'll take that as a sign that he'll actually graduate in December. The radio silence is curious, though. We don't really know what Ben intends to do upon graduation, or what he majored in for that matter. 

  • Love 4

To be honest about it, Jill is the oldest daughter who bugs me the most. Jessa is a close second. I cannot stand Joy or Jinger either, but to me, they are better than Jill and Jessa (not by much.) Deredick is the one son-on-law who bugs me the most with Anna being the daughter-in-law who drives me crazy the most. Now on my I cannot stand at all in the whole family list is JB, Michelle and Smuggly Do Wrong tied for first place.

36 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

It just occurred to me that if Ben hasn't missed a semester somewhere along the line, he should have graduated from Moody in May. They haven't said anything, so I'll take that as a sign that he'll actually graduate in December. The radio silence is curious, though. We don't really know what Ben intends to do upon graduation, or what he majored in for that matter. 

He won’t be supporting his family, that’s for sure.

  • Love 4

I'm curious as to what the end game is as well. Jessa will never leave the compound, so I can't see Bin moving to take any kind of pastor job like Bobby Smith did on Bringing Up Bates. He could find something local, but then he wouldn't be available to spend fifteen hours a day sitting on the bus-stop sectional at the TTH.

I do think at this stage it's time for him to get his shit together. It's one thing to be married with kids and in school with a specific goal for what happens next, but Bin appears to be mucking around, just like Derick. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

Bobby Smith was very open about his major (Children's Ministry), and the Bateses were open about what Bobby was doing in the year between his graduation and Tori's, in which he had his job in Nashville lined up months ahead of time. 

From the Seewalds? Nada. 

So Bobby majored in Raising Children in Poverty? What did he do during that gap year? 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

It just occurred to me that if Ben hasn't missed a semester somewhere along the line, he should have graduated from Moody in May. They haven't said anything, so I'll take that as a sign that he'll actually graduate in December. The radio silence is curious, though. We don't really know what Ben intends to do upon graduation, or what he majored in for that matter. 

I may be making this up ... I'm remembering Jessa recently saying or posting that Ben had a year left of college.

  • Love 1

LOL, he took over Chad's job at the scrap metal yard. I can't believe some churches pay the Sunday School director. His church must be a mega like Cross Church. A

Just now, GeeGolly said:

I may be making this up ... I'm remembering Jessa recently saying or posting that Ben had a year left of college.

Yes, she said that in the episode that was filmed in November. Not sure if she counted that fall semester or not. "A year" during the middle of a semester can be taken two ways. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

It just occurred to me that if Ben hasn't missed a semester somewhere along the line, he should have graduated from Moody in May. They haven't said anything, so I'll take that as a sign that he'll actually graduate in December. The radio silence is curious, though. We don't really know what Ben intends to do upon graduation, or what he majored in for that matter. 

I remember a few years ago, 2016 I think, someone here said Bin posted and quickly deleted and IG story saying he was starting classes and was class of 2020/21(?). We were all confused as to why he still had 4 more years of school left. 

Ben's already on the 5 year plan. He graduated from community college during the List Season that got scrapped after Joshgste. The Seewalds posted pics on IG. That was 3 years ago now. I guess it's possible that he took off the semesters when the kids were born, and he graduated last spring. 

But why be so secretive about future plans unless they don't include much election scrubbing toilets for one's FIL. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm curious as to what the end game is as well. Jessa will never leave the compound, so I can't see Bin moving to take any kind of pastor job like Bobby Smith did on Bringing Up Bates. He could find something local, but then he wouldn't be available to spend fifteen hours a day sitting on the bus-stop sectional at the TTH.

I do think at this stage it's time for him to get his shit together. It's one thing to be married with kids and in school with a specific goal for what happens next, but Bin appears to be mucking around, just like Derick. 

How nice that they have that luxury. ?

  • Love 7
On 8/3/2018 at 7:47 PM, Sew Sumi said:

We'll have to agree to disagree. Mechelle would gladly wear that dotty blouse. It's too "mature" for either of them, IMO. 

I am 32 and I like the shirt a lot. I’d wear it to work (corporate America) in a heartbeat. I think the dots are feminine but youthful (I’m feeling Kate Spade, may she RIP). 

Granted I look 13 in the face so I am constantly fighting that. 

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

To be honest about it, Jill is the oldest daughter who bugs me the most. Jessa is a close second. I cannot stand Joy or Jinger either, but to me, they are better than Jill and Jessa (not by much.) Deredick is the one son-on-law who bugs me the most with Anna being the daughter-in-law who drives me crazy the most. Now on my I cannot stand at all in the whole family list is JB, Michelle and Smuggly Do Wrong tied for first place.

This is pretty much my order too.   

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I am 32 and I like the shirt a lot. I’d wear it to work (corporate America) in a heartbeat. I think the dots are feminine but youthful (I’m feeling Kate Spade, may she RIP). 

Granted I look 13 in the face so I am constantly fighting that. 

You hit it on the head exactly.  That blouse is very Kate Spade-esque. 

I’d wear it in a heartbeat, especially as it’s hard to find long sleeved work appropriate  tops in SoCal. 

  • Love 7

Ben obviously invests into his outward appearance. He'd be pretty well matched with Jinger in that regard. I wonder what he really thinks of Jessa's style? She doesn't look terrible in these pics but generally dresses pretty frumpy, and you could easily take 8 inches off her hair without even noticing the missing length in a negative way. I honestly don't understand how anyone can find that mess modern or flattering from any perspective.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, graefin said:

Ben obviously invests into his outward appearance. He'd be pretty well matched with Jinger in that regard. I wonder what he really thinks of Jessa's style? She doesn't look terrible in these pics but generally dresses pretty frumpy, and you could easily take 8 inches off her hair without even noticing the missing length in a negative way. I honestly don't understand how anyone can find that mess modern or flattering from any perspective.

And Ben openly admitted he was attracted to Jessa after seeing her on TV. He wasn't attracted to Jinger, who is closer to his age and who, 4 years ago, was a bit less photogenic than Jessa. It seems Jessa made the catch and takes less time on herself, Jinger made the catch and upped her game and Joy didn't change a thing.

  • Love 15

I thought Jessa saying that Ben irons his clothes to be somewhat demeaning to him. In my opinion, she again 'sort of' puts his down for it. She also said that she doesn't iron anything. Once again, I thought just what did Michelle prepare her 'professional housewife daughters' to be???? Aren't cooking, cleaning, sewing, laundry and IRONING some of the basic traditional duties (or dare I say jurisdictions) of a stay at home, full time, traditional housewife and mother? Yes, they are. Jessa does none of these things, nor does she know hot do them properly. Michelle either was a complete liar about the girls mastering their household jurisdictions and only then moving on to the next one, or she is one horrible housewife herself and doesn't have a clue as to how to do anything at home but have sex with 'the husband'. I feel a bit badly for Ben as he has poor guidance himself from his parents. He was way too young and naïve to marry any one, let alone a cold personality like Jessa. I recognize his attempts to get some kind of warm emotional exchange back from her...( I do that with my own husband, who is emotionally removed). Jessa is just a cold person. She may interact better with her sons, but she has only two of them now, let's wait and see when she has five children how involved with them she is. Ben will still be waiting in the wings for her to even notice him. This is, my opinion based on what I have seen and heard from these two so far.

  • Love 15
47 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

"Okay Ben, remember your lines, exactly how we practiced them..." Stands in a huff.

Arms crossed is not a good look when you're sharing your testimony Jessa. 

It may not be as far as professional speakers, but the Duggars, for all they grew up on the teevee, have picked up no clue as to how things come across...Crossed arms might come across as cold, but it's often just more a self defensive gesture if one feels vulnerable or self-conscious. I know I cross my arms while talking to people a lot. Either that or put them on my hips...anything, really. They just feel so big and awkward that I don't know what to do with them.

  • Love 15
38 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

It may not be as far as professional speakers, but the Duggars, for all they grew up on the teevee, have picked up no clue as to how things come across...Crossed arms might come across as cold, but it's often just more a self defensive gesture if one feels vulnerable or self-conscious. I know I cross my arms while talking to people a lot. Either that or put them on my hips...anything, really. They just feel so big and awkward that I don't know what to do with them.

Are you trying to say that the Duggars aren't experts on teevee?  They've been on it for years and not the usual 15 minutes it takes them to master any skill.  You know they must be experts on teevee.  They could've taught Tom Brokaw a thing or two.

  • Love 11

I can totally see how Jessa could come across as cold.  But, I can also see where it stems from.  Instead of being a child, a daughter, she's a number.  Josh is the oldest (and most disgusting), so he gets that title.  Next are Jana & JD, so they become the twins.  Jill comes along, and she gets branded Boob's favorite.  Then we have Jessa. And then the rest of the kids.  There's nothing special about her (or her place), so she just becomes Duggar #5.  With her constantly bringing up how long they've been married could be two-fold.  She could see it as something to brag about, or she could reconciling the idea in her own head.  When you're on the younger side, it can take some time before it sinks in.  I will turn 39 later in the year.  Two days after my birthday, we celebrate our 16th anniversary.  This past March marked 22 years of being together.  When people find out about our situation, they get a look of confusion and most will ask how old we are.  I think she has to remind herself that this is her real life=married for 3 years (at the time of filming) and being a mother to two young sons.  Would I want to be her best friend-hell, no.  Would I meet her for lunch once every 4-6 weeks, sure.  Can she be a mean, condescending, and calculating bitch--absolutely.  We've seen that many times.  But, I fully believe that she loves Ben and her boys with every ounce of her way to long hair.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

It may not be as far as professional speakers, but the Duggars, for all they grew up on the teevee, have picked up no clue as to how things come across...Crossed arms might come across as cold, but it's often just more a self defensive gesture if one feels vulnerable or self-conscious. I know I cross my arms while talking to people a lot. Either that or put them on my hips...anything, really. They just feel so big and awkward that I don't know what to do with them.

Exactly. I was thinking she was probably self conscious. As much as she blusters and acts like a know it all, she has always seemed quite vulnerable and unsure to me, esp in unfamiliar situations. 

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, sixlets said:

I can totally see how Jessa could come across as cold.  But, I can also see where it stems from.  Instead of being a child, a daughter, she's a number.  Josh is the oldest (and most disgusting), so he gets that title.  Next are Jana & JD, so they become the twins.  Jill comes along, and she gets branded Boob's favorite.  Then we have Jessa. And then the rest of the kids.  There's nothing special about her (or her place), so she just becomes Duggar #5.  

Worse, she was the headstrong, misbehaving child who Michelle seriously thought might be deaf because she wouldn't listen. That child was likely beaten to within an inch of her life on a regular basis, constantly told how sinful her behavior and her very nature are. While they couldn't completely break her, that had to leave major scars, knowing you're the bad one in your family, who at least can be useful by packing for their trips and homeschooling the younger kids. 

33 minutes ago, awaken said:

Exactly. I was thinking she was probably self conscious. As much as she blusters and acts like a know it all, she has always seemed quite vulnerable and unsure to me, esp in unfamiliar situations. 

She's super uncomfortable with new people and situations. She was so embarrassed during that ridiculous proposal episode when she had to as strangers for flowers. Really made it obvious how Ben didn't see her as an individual at all.

  • Love 24

I didn't mean that to be she's not special in her own way or has no redeeming qualities.  I just perceive it to be the way she was thought of by her parents.  Aside from Jana kicking Michelle in the ribs in utero (which was deserved), I think Jessa was the one who tested the boundaries with authority.  It's sad to know how she paid for that too.  Do we know if she did JTTH?  I can see JB & M sitting around after hey-hey-hey trying to figure out how to get Jessa into ALERT.  She seems very confident around her family, and to an extent, the cameras & crew.  Toss her into something unknown, and you could see her start to panic a bit.  I can't hold that against anyone-kid or adult, Duggar or not.  Public speaking can be an anxiety-inducing thing to tackle.  Some folks thrive and others want to run out the door like the roadrunner.  

If I had to listen to Michelle's voice all day, I would pretend to be deaf too.  

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, sixlets said:

I didn't mean that to be she's not special in her own way or has no redeeming qualities.  I just perceive it to be the way she was thought of by her parents.  Aside from Jana kicking Michelle in the ribs in utero (which was deserved), I think Jessa was the one who tested the boundaries with authority.  It's sad to know how she paid for that too.  Do we know if she did JTTH?  I can see JB & M sitting around after hey-hey-hey trying to figure out how to get Jessa into ALERT.  She seems very confident around her family, and to an extent, the cameras & crew.  Toss her into something unknown, and you could see her start to panic a bit.  I can't hold that against anyone-kid or adult, Duggar or not.  Public speaking can be an anxiety-inducing thing to tackle.  Some folks thrive and others want to run out the door like the roadrunner.  

If I had to listen to Michelle's voice all day, I would pretend to be deaf too.  

Beep Beep!!! Sorry I could not resist.

1 hour ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

So all the older girls went to JTTH and yet no one can cook a decent meal or keep a tidy home? What the hell are they teaching them besides that goosey-eyed look they have for their headships?

What does JTTH teach the girls? I thought it was the wimmin-folk version of Alert. I may be wrong, and if I am, Oh well. Because I don’t care enough to look it up. 

1 hour ago, Westiepeach said:

What does JTTH teach the girls? I thought it was the wimmin-folk version of Alert. I may be wrong, and if I am, Oh well. Because I don’t care enough to look it up. 

 I did a similar program for many years growing up, and we didn’t learn any home making skills. Five different sessions of Bible study a day,  scripture memorization, lots of hymn singing, and perhaps some arts and crafts and wholesome outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, canoeing, etc.  maybe some funny skits in the evenings. 

 For sewing, old ladies taught Crosstitch, and any cooking was really basic simple stuff taught  by clueless people such as myself – things like rice crispy treats. 

Edited by awaken
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, awaken said:

 I did a similar program for many years growing up, and we didn’t learn any home making skills. Five different sessions of Bible study a day,  scripture memorization, lots of hymn singing, and perhaps some arts and crafts and wholesome outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, canoeing, etc.  maybe some funny skits in the evenings. 

Yeah, I was gonna say, the inclusion of "Heart" in the title doesn't sound too promising for learning practical boots-on-the-ground skills...

1 hour ago, awaken said:

 I did a similar program for many years growing up, and we didn’t learn any home making skills. Five different sessions of Bible study a day,  scripture memorization, lots of hymn singing, and perhaps some arts and crafts and wholesome outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, canoeing, etc.  maybe some funny skits in the evenings. 

 For sewing, old ladies taught Crosstitch, and any cooking was really basic simple stuff taught  by clueless people such as myself – things like rice crispy treats. 

As I recall, this is exactly what they do. They had a segment where Jana explained it all from the comfort of the team's cabin. I also remember that Jana was a co-team leader and had to share a bed with the other leader. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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