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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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That's Jessica (Jess), Ben's sister.

I would love to see Jessa attend the police academy especially with her attitude. The instructors would eat her for breakfast.


Thanks guys!  My brain could not wrap around the fact that Jessa's Headship was going to allow her to become gainfully employed.  Although, once the cash cow is done, toilet cleaning is not going to support that family...

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Thanks guys!  My brain could not wrap around the fact that Jessa's Headship was going to allow her to become gainfully employed.  Although, once the cash cow is done, toilet cleaning is not going to support that family...

Yeah, that’s JessICa the sibling, who was pictured infamously in an early photo with Spurgeon, as he sat on her shorts (!) clad lap.  I think she’s also the Seewald who leaked his name early.

2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

No, she leaked the actual birth and sex by posting a blue square. Spurgeon's name wasn't released for almost a week. The Seewalds made that announcement on video during a commercial break of either CO or some other TLC show.

Ah yes.  Didn't they go "should we say?" "you say"  "are you sure", etc. etc.

  • Love 1

Didn't Jessica call him Quentin (something with a Q?) in her post and then a week later he was "Spurgeon Elliot" and Jessa, who CLEARLY was not a fan of that name in my opinion, was always calling him Spurgeon Elliott for months before finally referring to him as Spurge. I honestly thought they'd end up calling him by his middle name for the longest time because to me it was SO obvious that Jessa did NOT care for the name and that "Quentin," which she said was just "the name they'd adopted before he was born to refer to him" was actually the name she wanted. Or am I conflating like five different Internet rumors? LOL

Edited by MichaelaRae
9 minutes ago, MichaelaRae said:

Didn't Jessica call him Quentin (something with a Q?) in her post and then a week later he was "Spurgeon Elliot" and Jessa, who CLEARLY was not a fan of that name in my opinion, was always calling him Spurgeon Elliott for months before finally referring to him as Spurge. I honestly thought they'd end up calling him by his middle name for the longest time because to me it was SO obvious that Jessa did NOT care for the name and that "Quentin," which she said was just "the name they'd adopted before he was born to refer to him" was actually the name she wanted. Or am I conflating like five different Internet rumors? LOL

Quincey was how Jessa referred to Spurgeon before he was born (but she claimed she never intended to name him that). The name Jessica posted, which was never referred to again was, I believe, Gabriel. Either would be an enormous improvement from Spurgeon, obviously.

  • Love 15
17 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I don't feel bad for her. It wasn't her news to share. Duggars or not, no one should be posting details about someone else's child until the parents are ready for the world to know and have given family permission. I don't have kids, but it pisses me off to see my FB feed filled with pics of friend A's kid and 17 of kid's friends. You want your kid's pic on FB for your friends to see, great! But keep other people's kids off your feed. The ones that really piss me off are the pool pics. I went to a very large high school, my graduating class was 806 kids. Everyone has their FB set to friends of friends. So you post your teenage daughters in the pool, that's bad enough, but then you have 7 other random girls in swimsuits for any of the 1000s of potential people able to see them. Not cool at all. 

Completely agree. 

  • Love 1
Just now, graefin said:

It's pretty refreshing to see a Duggar mom communicate with her kid in normal, full sentences that don't demean his intellect. I can just imagine what would have come out of Jill's mouth. "Are you having fuuuun?" "Yaaaaay!"

Correction, "You're having fun, Yaaaayyy!". Jill never asks, she tells Izzy he is having fun.

  • Love 21

Jessa must be struggling with conflicting feelings. On the one hand her siblings marrying and having babies is generating more interest in her family and TV show, which with JD and Joe is positive interest. On the other hand Jessa is being left behind and interest in her and Ben is waning. I expect more and more pictures of Spur and Henry will be posted.

Because really, how many more times can Jessa be an expert on first pregnancies and the first year of marriage? One can only have one first baby and Jessa has only had one first year of marriage, yet in her talking heads, she's the expert. She's 25, married with 2 kids, in her world that's what is expected and on her show it's old news.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 12
On 7/14/2018 at 11:36 PM, BitterApple said:

Spurge and Henry are so stinking cute and it was adorable how Spurge was trying to find an appropriately sized ball for his brother, but I have to laugh because it's so typically Duggar to have an entire chest of unusable, flat basketballs.

To my mom-of-boys eyes, it looked more like he was trying to "gift" him with the ball he knew was flat.


On 7/15/2018 at 12:14 AM, Nysha said:

Jessa & Ben have two adorable boys who are obviously well-loved and cared for. I really, really hope that they use some common sense and stop at 2. 

They won't.


2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


Because really, how many more times can Jessa be an expert on first pregnancies and the first year of marriage? One can only have one first baby and Jessa has only had one first year of marriage, yet in her talking heads, she's the expert. She's 25, married with 2 kids, in her world that's what is expected and on her show it's old news.

And super boring.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Because really, how many more times can Jessa be an expert on first pregnancies and the first year of marriage? One can only have one first baby and Jessa has only had one first year of marriage, yet in her talking heads, she's the expert. She's 25, married with 2 kids, in her world that's what is expected and on her show it's old news.

In her world, at age 25 with only 2 kids, she's behind the curve on popping out babies who will become warriors for Christ.

Henry's almost 18 months old. Girl needs to get pregnant ASAP. She's slacking. JB and MEchelle aren't gonna get a hundred grandchildren if she doesn't get busy and do her part.

  • Love 5
On 7/14/2018 at 11:36 PM, BitterApple said:

Spurge and Henry are so stinking cute and it was adorable how Spurge was trying to find an appropriately sized ball for his brother, but I have to laugh because it's so typically Duggar to have an entire chest of unusable, flat basketballs.

Bounce flat and save the difference.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

And right on cue...(2 pics)

Cute pic, but her post. How many brothers does Jessa have? She's never known another little boy who loves tractors and such? Just about every kid I've known, boy or girl, gets exciting over these things. My kids loved the garbage truck on garbage day, loved seeing cement mixes driving down randoms roads, loved getting rides on my dad's mini bucket loader, etc.

  • Love 17
15 minutes ago, drafan said:


Spurgie running around and climbing on outdoor equipment with BARE FEET! All kinds of places to get his feet stuck or worse as he climbs ....aaannnd old wood lying around on the ground.

Cue Jessa's defense  in 5....4....3....2....

She won't film those same bare feet walking on the kitchen counters though. But Jill would.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Cute pic, but her post. How many brothers does Jessa have? She's never known another little boy who loves tractors and such? Just about every kid I've known, boy or girl, gets exciting over these things. My kids loved the garbage truck on garbage day, loved seeing cement mixes driving down randoms roads, loved getting rides on my dad's mini bucket loader, etc.

She said "I’ve never known another little boy who’s more in love with mowers, tractors and skid steers." Big difference between that and saying she's never known any boy who loved tractors and such. (Italics mine.) 

The feet don't bother me much. He's a toddler, they're in the country, and it's summer. He's not his Uncle Derelict, going barefoot in public buildings. 

Edited by Heathen
  • Love 21

Yeah, I never ding them on the bare feet thing, because when I was kid you couldn't keep shoes on me. Double knots, fancy buckles - nothing could stop me from taking them off. Eventually my mother gave up and just let me roam everywhere without shoes, even though I was a tree climber etc. living in a country known for its spiders.

Spurge continues to be cute. I am amused their mower brand is Hustler, considering hustlers are people who try to fraudulently get money/goods out of people. (Also the magazine - wonder if they've ever googled Hustler looking for tractor parts, and come across pictures of naked women leaning on tractors instead.)

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

Spurge and Henry are totally cute, but I think, as someone mentioned, Jessa is starting to feel the pressure to keep in the limelight.  In the beginning she had the top spot - no one wanted to see anything about Smugger, Jill is going to be passed any day now in verbal skills by Izzy, Derelick hopped on the crazy train, Joy could care less about social media.  Then Jinger got pregnant and is having the first girl by a Duggar daughter.  Joe and Kendra are super cute, clean and *gasp* had an "easy" (because labor and delivery can never be described as easy) hospital birth with no complications.  Then JD announces he's courting.  At this point Jessa is probably muttering while walking around her mold house, but I have cute kids.   

Um, LOL, yay! 

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

Spurge is cute on the mower and I'll give him a pass.  I grew up in the south on a farm and in the summer you couldn't keep shoes on me either.  On the other hand by the time I was 10 I had multiple scars and a broken bone so maybe someone should have been watching me closer. LOL

Nope, super dangerous. My kids were barefoot most of the time also, but never around machinery or outdoor equipment.


30 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

 Waiting until a kid is ready makes sense, but if she's going to wait until Spurgie can go potty with no assistance at all, she's going to be waiting a long while.

Especially if that's where Bin is spending most of his time, so he's always there to assist him.

  • Love 2

How old is Spurgie again? 

My kid was just over 3 when we potty trained him, and we pretty much just waited until he seemed marginally interested and then declared it was a "no diaper day". He thought it was super cool, and then the next day was also "no diaper day", and after a few days he'd forgotten about them. He definitely had a few accidents in the first few weeks but he got better at it very quickly. We had tried it when he was 2.5 and showed interest in his underpants, but he hadn't connected the whole "bathroom" thing to it yet so it was a disaster then. 

  • Love 8

Both of my kids put on their 1st pair of underwear on their 3rd birthdays. We could easily communicate and neither of them had an accident. When I tried training them earlier, it was too stressful for everyone. 

I don't think it's anyone's business when someone else's child gets potty trained. Wow! I can't believe people comment on THAT!

ETA: I also took them to potty every hour on the hour (set timer), and they told me when they had to go between that. It was smooth. Not even a nighttime accident! Maybe due to no liquids an hour before bedtime.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 9

Cute kids.  My first one was trained at 18 months with no effort on my part. He took to it.  Second one was past 3.  He could say "I have a poop in my diaper.  Change it and use the duck diaper pins and white pants (the plastic ones, this was before pampers and luvs).  I said " if you can say that why can't you say "potty"and he said "when we get to our new house I will use the potty (we were moving).  As soon as we got to the new house and got settled he said "now I will use the potty" and he did and was dry at night.  It really was a piece of cake and I didn't want to force him.  Of course those diapers were no fun to change!  Every kid is different and no need to take on battles.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, drafan said:

Nope, super dangerous. My kids were barefoot most of the time also, but never around machinery or outdoor equipment.


Especially if that's where Bin is spending most of his time, so he's always there to assist him.

I never would have really side eyed this type of stuff (frankly never would have even thought about it)  but after seeing RHNY and Aviva recounting getting her foot stuck in some farm equipment just playing around and losing the leg below the knee, I think some caution is necessary.  I am sure you cannot buy used/save the difference on prosthetic's.

Edited by Natalie68
  • Love 7

I hate reading people's toliet training discussions on social media. It seems a very personal subject about someone (i.e. the kid's) else's body.  

My fundie-lite friend is kind of a Duggar, with a lot of little kids. She tries to toliet train them before the new baby gets here with mostly successful results. Her kids are mostly between one and two years of age from the last one, but she feels it's necessary with an expanding family. Jessa may feel similarly if she has a third soon.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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