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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Jessa might be able to gin up some excitement in the kid if she pointed out the lure of "new cousins to play with", but apparently her knowledge of child psychology doesn't extend that far.  A toddler is not going to be interested until you point out the benefits to them, Jessa.

  • Love 10

Me watching the video:

I like the kids, but the way Jessa is talking to the two kiddies makes me want to slap the crap out of her. Reminds me of a few group home managers I use to work with. They would talk like Jessa did in the video to the clients and staff. I just smiled and thought I want to slap you while trying not to roll my eyes.

Edited by bigskygirl
On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 0:00 PM, Mollie said:

Continence problems are symptoms of bladder or bowel dysfunction. They tell you that something is not quite right. Pelvic floor muscle weakness is a common cause of these symptoms. Changes to the nerves controlling the bladder, bowel or pelvic floor can also result in loss of control.  In other words, an adult who needs to wear diapers − which could explain why so many dirty ones accumulate, stacked on the dresser.  LOL

Having babies every 12-18 months is a guaranteed way to ensure eventual continence issues.

On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 5:48 PM, lookeyloo said:

Well that Henry turned cute!!!!

To be honest, I vastly prefer Henry.  Spurge is like Jessa in a curly wig, and she often has him acting like a trained monkey.  Henry's too young now to be trained, and his sweetness is endearing.

On ‎12‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 7:05 PM, GeeGolly said:

Jessa parked in front of the TTH to make a video with 2 kids under 2 about the impending birth of a new cousin??

Spurge didn't have a clue about what he was being told to say.

Spurgie looked tired and borderline cranky, and Henry looked to have tears underneath his eyes.  Bad timing.

  • Love 5

It's really weird because I didn't think Henry was a cute baby until recently. I think what makes him more appealing is he looks more Seewald than Duggar, while Spurge is a Boob-clone. Since Duggar males age in dog years, my money is on Henry turning out to be the better looking adult. 

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Having babies every 12-18 months is a guaranteed way to ensure eventual continence issues.

 Menopause can affect the continence of even us nulliparous folk. I said to my mom, “out of nowhere, I sneezed, farted, and peed my pants all at the same time. Is THIS what I get to look forward to in menopause.?How can I be incontinent if I haven’t had kids”. 

Without missing a beat, my mom said, “Now you’re just showing off, there will come a day when you just don’t get a choice as to which thing you’ll do first!” Another friend said, “Yup, that’s what you call multitasking”.

Maybe Gothard has a Wisdumb Booklet on Kegel exercises, since pregnancy is the desired consequence of “joyful availability”.

  • Love 18
1 minute ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 Menopause can affect the continence of even us nulliparous folk. I said to my mom, “out of nowhere, I sneezed, farted, and peed my pants all at the same time. Is THIS what I get to look forward to in menopause.?How can I be incontinent if I haven’t had kids”. 

Without missing a beat, my mom said, “Now you’re just showing off, there will come a day when you just don’t get a choice as to which thing you’ll do first!” Another friend said, “Yup, that’s what you call multitasking”.

Maybe Gothard has a Wisdumb Booklet on Kegel exercises, since pregnancy is the desired consequence of “joyful availability”.

Your mom is hilarious!  Pelvic floor exercises may help.  I haven't had children, but I've been lax on Kegels.  Time to get to work on those.

13 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's really weird because I didn't think Henry was a cute baby until recently. I think what makes him more appealing is he looks more Seewald than Duggar, while Spurge is a Boob-clone. Since Duggar males age in dog years, my money is on Henry turning out to be the better looking adult. 

Definitely.  I'm not a Boob or Jessa fan, so while I don't hold his face against Spurgie, it give Henry the advantage.  I didn't realized just how much Jessa looked like her father until Spurgie came along.  Israel looks like grandpa, but in a less obvious way.  And Josh's kids have been blessed to take after Anna's side, I guess.  I'm curious about Jinge's kids, because she's the least Duggar-looking to me, although Jenny and Jordyn are a little more unique looking.

  • Love 2

What's stopping him from cleaning his own house?


I imagine the same thing that's stopping Jessa; nobody taught him how.

He caught on to how to shag Jessa with no prior experience (that we know of) and knocked her up twice, so the intricacies of a mop and bucket shouldn't be that difficult for him to master.

Edited by Angeltoes
  • Love 14
57 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

He caught on to how to shag Jessa with no prior experience (that we know of) and knocked her up twice so the intricacies of a mop and bucket shouldn't be that difficult for him to master.

Well, we're thinking about him as a modern young man. But Bin was raised in and then deliberately married into two very very strong patriarchal male-headship traditions. And yet -- he's clearly the submissive partner, pussy-whipped and largely dragged around with a ring through his drippy nose. (and he seems to be the only Duggar adjacent husband who's got this problem.)

I think it's possible that he -- consciously or unconsciously -- might see avoiding housework as the only benefit he's getting from the male-dominant marriage structure he clearly signed up for. (Jessa might think that too, I imagine. -- "I'll let him off the hook on housework because i"m the boss in absolutely every other way.")

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12
9 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, we're thinking about him as a modern young man. But Bin was raised in and then deliberately married into two very very strong patriarchal male-headship traditions. And yet -- he's clearly the submissive partner, pussy-whipped and largely dragged around with a ring through his drippy nose. (and he seems to be the only Duggar adjacent husband who's got this problem.)

I think it's possible that he -- consciously or unconsciously -- might see avoiding housework as the only benefit he's getting from the male-dominant marriage structure he clearly signed up for. (Jessa might think that too, I imagine. -- "I'll let him off the hook on housework because i"m the boss in absolutely every other way.")

We have seen Ben ironing his own clothes, and cooking breakfast. He may be doing a lot more housekeeping than we imagine. 

  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

We have seen Ben ironing his own clothes, and cooking breakfast. He may be doing a lot more housekeeping than we imagine. 

Yeah, you're right. I'm sure he does it. That said, maybe he holds back from doing all of it! ... I actually see no reason for him to do all of it -- since he is working (sort of) and going to school (which can't be all that quick work for Bin, I'd expect, even if it's just kind of half school).

  • Love 6
On 12/23/2017 at 3:10 PM, Angeltoes said:

He caught on to how to shag Jessa with no prior experience (that we know of) and knocked her up twice so the intricacies of a mop and bucket shouldn't be that difficult for him to master.

Not to mention he already knows how to clean toilets. Have none of these people heard the saying “cleanliness is next to godliness?” You’d think they’d be all over that......

  • Love 2
On 12/23/2017 at 4:06 PM, Churchhoney said:

Well, we're thinking about him as a modern young man. But Bin was raised in and then deliberately married into two very very strong patriarchal male-headship traditions. And yet -- he's clearly the submissive partner, pussy-whipped and largely dragged around with a ring through his drippy nose. (and he seems to be the only Duggar adjacent husband who's got this problem.)

I think it's possible that he -- consciously or unconsciously -- might see avoiding housework as the only benefit he's getting from the male-dominant marriage structure he clearly signed up for. (Jessa might think that too, I imagine. -- "I'll let him off the hook on housework because i"m the boss in absolutely every other way.")

I don't really believe that is the case, but damn if I don't want it to be. I'm all for men who sign up for patriarchy to get the opposite of what they signed up for. If Jessa really is a ballbuster,* Ben 100% deserves it. GO, JESSA! 

*I tend to think that Jessa is more slyly manipulative than a raging bitch with Ben, if anything. She gets what she wants by some combination of giving Ben what he wants (lets not forget she agreed to name her child Spurgeon, clearly something that only Ben wanted) and convincing him that what she wants is his idea. She learned that from her mother. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Looks like their new plan is to combine their fundamentalism with the cute. 

I keep wondering what Bin actually understands of the stuff he reads. Once again, he's choosing people who epitomize that "babies are hideous sinners right out of the womb" thinking that Der gets shit for writing down. Meanwhile, Bin is reading the exact same stuff but because he doesn't post it online, he gets the reputation of this benign person. So I really really wonder whether he thinks the same stuff but refrains from saying that he does, for PR purposes, or whether he just doesn't understand what he's reading (and heavily endorsing, although without acknowledging what's in it, as here. )

Here's quintessential Ryle, for example -- Created “in the image of God,” innocent and righteous at first, our parents fell from original righteousness and became sinful and corrupt. And from that day to this all men and women are born in the image of fallen Adam and Eve, and inherit a heart and nature inclined to evil. “By one man sin entered into the world.”—“That which is born of the flesh is flesh.”—“We are by nature children of wrath.”—“The carnal mind is enmity against God.”—“Out of the heart (naturally as out of a fountain) proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,” and the like. (John iii. 6; Ephes. ii. 3; Rom. viii. 7; Mark vii. 21.) The fairest babe that has entered life this year, and become the sunbeam of a family, is not, as its mother perhaps fondly calls it, a little “angel,” or a little “innocent,” but a little “sinner.” Alas! as it lies smiling and crowing in its cradle, that little creature carries in its heart the seeds of every kind of wickedness! Only watch it carefully, as it grows in stature and its mind developes, and you will soon detect in it an incessant tendency to that which is bad, and a backwardness to that which is good. You will see in it the buds and germs of deceit, evil temper, selfishness, self-will, obstinacy, greediness, envy, jealousy, passion—which, if indulged and let alone, will shoot up with painful rapidity. Who taught the child these things? Where did he learn them? The Bible alone can answer these questions!—Of all the foolish things that parents say about their children there is none worse than the common saying, “My son has a good heart at the bottom. He is not what he ought to be; but he has fallen into bad hands. Public schools are bad places. The tutors neglect the boys. Yet he has a good heart at the bottom.”—The truth, unhappily, is diametrically the other way. The first cause of all sin lies in the natural corruption of the boy’s own heart, and not in the school.

I think it's clear that Der and Jer understand the stuff they read, such as the anti-Catholic stuff and this stuff, for example. But Bin seems so dim, I can't figure out what he actually "thinks" about the beliefs that they all seem to embrace ... 


Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

We’ve seen Jessa flat out order him around and ignore his wishes. Ratty hobby horses, for example.  She was rude as possible on that outing. 

Do you mean this? 

Because I don't see any rudeness or ordering around there, and I happen to agree with Ben in this. Would it have been better for her to act like Jinger would have in that scenario and immediately agree with Ben when he didn't express enthusiasm over what she liked?

And if she had been rude... the guy sought out marriage to a hot virgin whom he assumed would be forever submissive to his whims. He deserves nothing but rudeness for the rest of his life. 

Edited by lascuba
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, sixlets said:

Great, yet another 'baby' for the babies to take care of.  Why play with a doll when you can play with the real thing.  They just don't get it.

Henry is just too stinkin' cute.  

Hey!  They're girls, so what else could they possibly want or need?  It's all about the babies if you're a girl in Duggarland.  Meanwhile, I would like a grown-up size steam shovel like Izzy and Spurge got.  Of course, no Duggar girls would ever ask for such an unfeminine gift.

  • Love 20

Henry, Spurgeon and Izzy: adorable.

Bratty, spoiled Josie got a jewelry box? Or maybe Jordyn got a jewelry box and was forced to give it to Josie after Josie said she wanted it, lol.

Picture #4 on the far right: someone got a shiny new gun. Perfect gift in a family where supervision is lax and children are left to their own devices. 

  • Love 17
4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Henry, Spurgeon and Izzy: adorable.

Bratty, spoiled Josie got a jewelry box? Or maybe Jordyn got a jewelry box and was forced to give it to Josie after Josie said she wanted it, lol.

Picture #4 on the far right: someone got a shiny new gun. Perfect gift in a family where supervision is lax and children are left to their own devices. 

Well, picture of the two boys with the race cars, it looks like the kid on the left is kneeling on a pair of scissors apparently just left on the floor for one of the toddlers to find. 

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Well, picture of the two boys with the race cars, it looks like the kid on the left is kneeling on a pair of scissors apparently just left on the floor for one of the toddlers to find. 

In addition to the purple scissors under Jackson's knee, there appears to be a utility-type knife, blade exposed, in front of J'Tyler in the same picture. And there's a little white dog right behind Jackson as well!

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

In addition to the purple scissors under Jackson's knee, there appears to be a utility-type knife, blade exposed, in front of J'Tyler in the same picture. And there's a little white dog right behind Jackson as well!

ODG. That Little White  Dog looked like a Westie. Westies should not be in that environment. No animal should be in that environment. 

  • Love 15

Looking at those pictures, I'd grab my gifts and head off to the prayer closet before I'd try keep track of my things among that chaos.

Jessa is coy, cunning and sometimes bold. I would get very tired of my husband constantly trying to manipulate me. Manipulation takes thought and planning and that, to me, is far worse than stating what one wants or disagreeing strongly about something.

  • Love 6

Regarding Jessa's boobage ... it's possible that Henry hasn't weaned yet. A friend of mine has a baby who is two months older than Henry and just as chunky. Her boobs are ridiculously huge because her kid is an eating machine. Also ... Jessa said on Instagram that she would have preferred Spurgeon to keep breastfeeding until he was 2 years old instead of self-weaning.  It was in a post talking about people criticising her for Spurgeon using a bottle as well as a sippy cup.

I'm not going through her Insta to find it, but it was quoted in an article here: 


Full quote:
In the Instagram post, the mom-of-two wrote as a caption to the photo of Spurgeon self-feeding, "That's my boy! Yes, he's 22 months old. Yes, he drinks water from a sippy cup, and yes, he still prefers to drink much of his milk/kefir from his bottle--especially before nap/bedtime. (TBH, I wish he wouldn't have weaned himself early, and would've bf till 2. There, I said it.). So there ya have it. If you are experiencing anxiety over this, please share all your wisdom and perfect parenting advice in the comments section below."


  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, IntoTheMystic said:

Regarding Jessa's boobage ... it's possible that Henry hasn't weaned yet. A friend of mine has a baby who is two months older than Henry and just as chunky. Her boobs are ridiculously huge because her kid is an eating machine. Also ... Jessa said on Instagram that she would have preferred Spurgeon to keep breastfeeding until he was 2 years old instead of self-weaning.  It was in a post talking about people criticising her for Spurgeon using a bottle as well as a sippy cup.

I'm not going through her Insta to find it, but it was quoted in an article here: 


Full quote:
In the Instagram post, the mom-of-two wrote as a caption to the photo of Spurgeon self-feeding, "That's my boy! Yes, he's 22 months old. Yes, he drinks water from a sippy cup, and yes, he still prefers to drink much of his milk/kefir from his bottle--especially before nap/bedtime. (TBH, I wish he wouldn't have weaned himself early, and would've bf till 2. There, I said it.). So there ya have it. If you are experiencing anxiety over this, please share all your wisdom and perfect parenting advice in the comments section below."


And that quote makes me wonder if she is pregnant. Michelle has said that a few of her kids weaned themselves once she became pregnant again because her "milk turned sour". She also stated she stopped solely breast feeding around 6 months. It was implied she did this to increase fertility.

When I read that Spurgie weaned himself, I guessed he stopped because Jessa's breast milk changed when she was pregnant with Henry. But your guess is as good as mine - pregnant boobs or feeding boobs - hard to tell the difference.

Ugh, the feeling you get when you realize you typed two paragraphs about Duggar boobs.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

What is kefir?

It's an east European thing.  Essentially, it's fermented milk.  Sorta like a liquid yogurt.  Some people feel it is very healthy and it seems to be popular amongst fundies.

Those of us who've been around awhile remember crazy Emily's blog where she boasted about her pet kefir.


  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

It's an east European thing.  Essentially, it's fermented milk.  Sorta like a liquid yogurt.  Some people feel it is very healthy and it seems to be popular amongst fundies.

Those of us who've been around awhile remember crazy Emily's blog where she boasted about her pet kefir.


Thanks, Doodlebug!

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, doodlebug said:

It's an east European thing.  Essentially, it's fermented milk.  Sorta like a liquid yogurt.  Some people feel it is very healthy and it seems to be popular amongst fundies.

Those of us who've been around awhile remember crazy Emily's blog where she boasted about her pet kefir.


OMG I LOVE YOU! I was just talking about Emily and DNA the other day. They were my gateway fundies!!!

  • Love 1
On 12/21/2017 at 5:10 PM, Temperance said:

I can easily see how you or your autocorrect made that mistake.Those words seem like two words that people can get mixed up by their sound. 

The definition of continence is funny by it's self. If you told someone had a continence problem, I wouldn't picture them as horny, more what @Mollie said. 

It also commonly refers to control, or lack thereof, of the bladder and bowels. 

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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