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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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19 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Yup, as I mentioned above, I understand that anyone over 65 qualifies for Medicare. What I got wrong was thinking that Medicare will cover long term care, which they don't cover ever.  I didn't realize that Medicaid was the one that kicked in to cover the cost if needed. Long term care is private insurance, out of pocket or Medicaid. And to qualify for Medicaid, as was mentioned above, is a very low threshold of assets. 

Anyway, my point was, maybe Mary is unloading her assets now, as many folks do, in order to avoid using her money if she were ever to need long term care. I'm thinking maybe she'd prefer a wheel chair rather than a broken office chair, and someone that knows what to do with their medical thingies.

I am thinking she is moving assets.  She knows how her husband was treated and that was with the older girls around to help.  Would you want to be old and unable to care for yourself with JOSIE as one of your caregivers?  

Wondering when the Seewalds will be announcing blessing #3?  

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

My guess is September or early October.

Jessa didn't announce Henry until she was 4 months. She got pregnant with him when Spurge was six months. That means she's likely already pregnant or will be soon. Depending on how long next season lasts, I'm going for a November Sweeps announcement. Even if the season is only 8 episodes, that will get them into November. 

Ratings, bitches. Jessa knows how to play that game.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jessa didn't announce Henry until she was 4 months. She got pregnant with him when Spurge was six months. That means she's likely already pregnant or will be soon. Depending on how long next season lasts, I'm going for a November Sweeps announcement. Even if the season is only 8 episodes, that will get them into November. 

Ratings, bitches. Jessa knows how to play that game.

She learned from the master, and her original headship!  Boob, the original (or one of the first) fame whores.

That fake laugh of hers is beyond annoying.  Mr. Xword watches a show where some airhead has an even more irritating laugh.  Why do I keep watching this crap?  I suppose because hate watching is fun, to come here for the snark.  Hey, I'm a bitchy old lady ;)

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jessa didn't announce Henry until she was 4 months. She got pregnant with him when Spurge was six months. That means she's likely already pregnant or will be soon. Depending on how long next season lasts, I'm going for a November Sweeps announcement. Even if the season is only 8 episodes, that will get them into November. 

Ratings, bitches. Jessa knows how to play that game.

So freaking creepy. There are other things to do with your life than procreating. Really sad that none of the Duggar brood mares will ever realize that.

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4 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

How deep do you think Jessa's and Ben's belief is that using birth control will send them to hell? What will win out fear of hell or the all that it takes to raise kids?

Perhaps they could use that idea to bargain with Jim Bob. 'Give us a bigger house, or Jess goes on the pill.'

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56 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

How deep do you think Jessa's and Ben's belief is that using birth control will send them to hell? What will win out fear of hell or the all that it takes to raise kids?

I think not very deep at all. My take on Jessa is that she's more stubborn than faithful. She's definitely a believer, but if it weren't for growing up on camera she'd possibly be a run of the mill conservative Christian by now. As for birth control, she's been lucky with easy pregnancies, at least one east baby, a husband who allegedly (because I think that part is exaggerated for the cameras) does a lot more than men in her social circle, and an apparently innate enjoyment of motherhood--I can see her keeping her uterus at work until one of those things changes or she just decides she's had enough kids,  and then going on bc without a qualm after convincing Ben it was his idea. 

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

How deep do you think Jessa's and Ben's belief is that using birth control will send them to hell? What will win out fear of hell or the all that it takes to raise kids?

I expect that they currently think their belief is deep but that it'll dwindle fairly quickly with each passing year/additional kid, and at some point not too many years from now they'll be using it without asking anybody's by your leave. Jessa ain't raising no baseball team.

Edited by Churchhoney
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14 minutes ago, louannems said:

This is so cute!

It's really too bad Jessa couldn't have let Spurgeon be an only child a little bit longer.  Hopefully she still gives him lots of attention.

This is adorable but why does it have to be from a "sweet " friend?

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Oh God, I remember that toy. Not one of my favorites. I nicknamed it "The ball from Hell."    My son would get frustrated & never finish it so me or Mr Barb would have to do it. Or else my son would just open it, spilling out the pieces & leave them. 

Spurgey looks cute & very intense while working on it.

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How old is Spurge? I have no small kiss in my life and no frame of reference for developmental milestones in toddlers, but it looks like he's got a pretty good grasp on matching shapes.

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2 hours ago, Barb23 said:

Oh God, I remember that toy. Not one of my favorites. I nicknamed it "The ball from Hell."    My son would get frustrated & never finish it so me or Mr Barb would have to do it. Or else my son would just open it, spilling out the pieces & leave them. 

Spurgey looks cute & very intense while working on it.

1 hour ago, Totally said:

I so remember that toy .... It was painful to open and get the shapes out. 

It was rehomed to the op shop pretty quickly 

I'm impressed with Spurgie. One of my kids would get frustrated with it as well. We hid that toy from her.

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5 minutes ago, McManda said:

How old is Spurge? I have no small kiss in my life and no frame of reference for developmental milestones in toddlers, but it looks like he's got a pretty good grasp on matching shapes.

He'll be 2 in November and he seems to be on track developmentally.

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Let's hope he remains on track as Jessa keeps popping out kids, and there is less individual attention. Not trying to be mean, but imagine if Spurgeon had his parents sole attention for 3-4 years. 

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1 minute ago, floridamom said:

Absolom, I read a while ago, in an official church publication somewhere, that 86% of church-going Catholics believe in or use birth control.

That's about right, maybe more.  The rate of contraceptive use among those who consider themselves practicing Catholics is the same as for the general public. Lots of surveys have affirmed this. I've practiced GYN 31 years in a midwestern city with a large Catholic population and can confirm this.  It's a very tiny minority who won't use artificial means of contraception and many of them will eventually choose sterilization once they've had a bunch of kids.

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18 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Absolom, I read a while ago, in an official church publication somewhere, that 86% of church-going Catholics believe in or use birth control.

Indeed, it's obvious in any regular parish. In our parish I would expect it's closer to 90% or more allowing for some families to have fertility issues.  There are zero families with more than six children. Most families have two or three. I expect regardless of Jim Bob's and Michelle's beliefs that quite a few of their children will see limiting family size differently.

Edited by Absolom
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22 hours ago, Absolom said:

I don't know a single second generation protestant fundie or fundie catholic who didn't take up birth control at some point. 

I know a family (more in my parents' generation) who was fundie (not exactly gothard, since they pre-date it, but very similar beliefs). Most of them have more kids than the average person, like maybe 4, but none of them have a massive family like their own. They are also mostly committed christians, but mainstream. I predict that we will see this with the duggars as JB and Michelle grow old and lose control. By the time the littles are older, they may want to be christians with a larger family than most, since they grew up that way, but won't feel they have to please JB and Michelle as much. 

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16 hours ago, louannems said:

This is so cute!

It's really too bad Jessa couldn't have let Spurgeon be an only child a little bit longer.  Hopefully she still gives him lots of attention.

Very cute.  Who put the mascara on his lashes? Was it Jess or Bin?

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37 minutes ago, Lunera said:

Jessa looks great (minus the scraggly hair and frump), probably back to her pre-baby weight. Let's hope a "surprise" baby doesn't come too soon.

I know this is a recent photo because of Jessa's shirt, but she just looks younger and hard-to-believe thin. 

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1 hour ago, OpieTaylor said:

I know this is a recent photo because of Jessa's shirt, but she just looks younger and hard-to-believe thin. 

The shirt is from the Fixer Upper visit right?

Forgive me for being blunt, but those don't look like baby feeding boobs to me.

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42 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I think the thinness is just an angle, but dang Jessa looks about 15 there.

I was gonna say High School Freshman.


ICR looks like a money laundering operation for rubes. Of course Jessa loves it. 

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I might be the only one but for the first time she looks (to me) just like Boob. Great my husband is going to be upset that I'll have to sleep with the lights on. Indefinitely.

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The person who posted the photo (not Jessa) did some photoshopping. You can see curves in the bench seats and around some of the signs on the wall that indicate she stretched the photo dimensions a bit (taller and thinner).

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Is Jessa Blessa photoshopping or has she become Kim K-like in her mastery of angles? I don't recall her looking so thin in recent pics. 

During the Newlywed Game segment of tonight's episode, Ben says that Jessa is too hard on herself about losing the baby weight. She says she still has to lose 7 lbs. That was just over a month ago. At 2 lb./week, she could be at her target weight now. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

During the Newlywed Game segment of tonight's episode, Ben says that Jessa is too hard on herself about losing the baby weight. She says she still has to lose 7 lbs. That was just over a month ago. At 2 lb./week, she could be at her target weight now. 

Where do you live Sew? The show started in my neck of the woods an hour ago, when you made this post.

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8 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Where do you live Sew? The show started in my neck of the woods an hour ago, when you made this post.

Someone on FJ watched it on ITunes this morning, so I already had the recap by about 11. I'm on the west coast, so I don't even get it for an hour and a half yet. LOL

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Re: Boob size difference.

Maybe Jessa just fed Henry and he ate like a mad dog!  The other picture was before a feeding.

I had big boys and the difference in my boob size before or after a feeding was kinda shocking!  

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I'm curious about Jessa and Ben's house. It's SO tiny for a growing family. I know they showed on one episode that they are looking for another one, but WHY don't they move into the pool mansion that Jill and Derick only occupy when they're back in Arkansas? I mean, why do Jill and Derick need that huge house when they're only home a few months out of the year? Why can't THEY use the tiny house when they visit Arkansas? Part of me thinks that Jessa got the small house because Boob and MeChelle think she is prideful or egotistical or materialistic. 

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52 minutes ago, IntoTheMystic said:

I'm curious about Jessa and Ben's house. It's SO tiny for a growing family. I know they showed on one episode that they are looking for another one, but WHY don't they move into the pool mansion that Jill and Derick only occupy when they're back in Arkansas? I mean, why do Jill and Derick need that huge house when they're only home a few months out of the year? Why can't THEY use the tiny house when they visit Arkansas? Part of me thinks that Jessa got the small house because Boob and MeChelle think she is prideful or egotistical or materialistic. 

I can sooooo see that!!! You know, because golden girl Jill isn't egotistical to think serving banana bread every few weeks is saving lives or anything. ? But seriously, I bet you're right. They saw it as a "lesson," which is stupid because she is working the hardest for their family brand right Now. I really wondered why she didn't get Jill's McMansion when she left the first time. Also, isn't it strange that Meechelle's favorites get the mold house? I guess Boob allocates the resources to provide for his favorites. 

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I sort of wonder if Jimbob thought Jill would be the one to be perpetually pregnant and keep the show going, but turns out Jessa is going to take that spot. Jessa is the hustler where Dumb Ass Dillard's just flit here and there while begging to DONATE. 

These people seldom look realistically into more than five minutes into the future. 

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I posted on the Episode thread but jessa looked tired and tense last night. She looked controlling and hyper aware of the cameras & their image.

I saw a new side to Jessa last night. I mean, we already guessed that but it was on display clearly!  Ben did not look happy but I do think Ben is a good kid, loves Jessa and his boys...he is just not sure what to do to make himself and Jessa a happier couple.  I feel sad for Ben because I think he has good intentions, senses something is off but has no skills to address whatever issues they are dealing with. 

I think Jessa is a big "represser" and shoves her feelings way down deep so she can look perfect all the time. Ben is swimming upstream with Jessa and feelings. 

Edited by Marigold
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