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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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I found Spurgeon's Sermon about Christmas - titled 'Joy Born at Bethlehem:


WE HAVE NO superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas: first, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be said or sung in Latin or in English; and, secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Saviour; and, consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority. Superstition has fixed most positively the day of our Saviour's birth, although there is no possibility of discovering when it occurred. Fabricius gives a catalogue of 136 different learned opinions upon the matter; and various divines invent weighty arguments for advocating a date in every month in the year. It was not till the middle of the third century that any part of the church celebrated the nativity of our Lord; and it was not till very long after the Western church had set the example, that the Eastern adopted it. Because the day is not known, therefore superstition has fixed it; while, since the day of the death of our Saviour might be determined with much certainty, therefore superstition shifts the date of its observance every year. Where is the method in the madness of the superstitious? Probably the fact is that the holy days were arranged to fit in with heathen festivals. We venture to assert, that if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Saviour was born, it is the twenty-fifth of December.


Well, this quote further clarifies why Bin loves this guy. No festivities, no fun, no traditions, no parties, no myths, no decorated trees, no incense pots. That all takes away from the gloomy-Gus stuff that God actually requires. ....That's Bin, all right. Except when he's wearing his Razorbacks gear or ogling another fudge-on-the-glass ice-cream birthday sundae, that is. Such an idiot.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I found Spurgeon's Sermon about Christmas - titled 'Joy Born at Bethlehem:

WE HAVE NO superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas: first, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be said or sung in Latin or in English; and, secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Saviour; and, consequently, its observance is a superstition, because not of divine authority. Superstition has fixed most positively the day of our Saviour's birth, although there is no possibility of discovering when it occurred. Fabricius gives a catalogue of 136 different learned opinions upon the matter; and various divines invent weighty arguments for advocating a date in every month in the year. It was not till the middle of the third century that any part of the church celebrated the nativity of our Lord; and it was not till very long after the Western church had set the example, that the Eastern adopted it. Because the day is not known, therefore superstition has fixed it; while, since the day of the death of our Saviour might be determined with much certainty, therefore superstition shifts the date of its observance every year. Where is the method in the madness of the superstitious? Probably the fact is that the holy days were arranged to fit in with heathen festivals. We venture to assert, that if there be any day in the year, of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which the Saviour was born, it is the twenty-fifth of December.

Well...he is correct, of course, about not knowing the real birthday, and that the day that was designated as Christmas aligning with "heathen" festivals. But then he has to be all crazy and ranty about "superstition" and beat all the fun out of life. Ugh. So grateful my brain doesn't work that way.

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(I wonder why God actually bothered to create people if he still intended to be fully responsible for every good thing all by himself anyway. Seems like he must have created people just so he could watch them feel inferior and useless, on Ben's interpretation....)


Well, if the concept of God is viewed that way, what's to say that God isn't merely a member of a vastly superior species and we're all the product of their version of a third graders ant farm? 


It would explain spontaneous human combustion - the class asshole took a magnifying glass and focused their sun on random people to see what would happen.  Earthquakes are actually our kid-God jostling our habitat while bringing it up to the front of the classroom as a visual aid when giving his periodic updates on how the experiment is going.  Global warming is explained by our kid-God leaving us too close to a window.  Watching us overpopulate our 'planet' and the resulting issues of uneven distribution of planetary resources is probably being used as a cautionary tale for the classroom.  If someone accidentally makes it out of the 'farm', they're squished.  Now we know what happened to Jimmy Hoffa.


Thanks Ben.  You'll probably live a long life so our kid-God can watch how you rain hellfire and damnation on the rest of us while actually doing nothing of importance yourself.  You suck, and your wife does too.

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I'm a person of faith and my philosophy is pretty simple. Do unto others and give thanks for all my every day blessings. Binessa is too young to be so angry. They have so much to be thankful for they should be shouting it from the rafters. I know mechelle didn't teach this to her kids, but if you can't preach something nice, sit down and shut up.

Edited by toodles
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That hat looks hand-crocheted .....bet some granny leg-humper whipped it up for Spurge. Those large pom-poms always seem so top-heavy and hot.

And it appears to be made from a cheap acrylic yarn that does not breathe.  Way to give the kid a sweaty head!  

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Why are Jessa and Bin so uptight about shit? They're both in their early 20s. That's way too young to be so..serious. They really need hobbies that don't involve sex or the Bible. Telling people that they're going to Hell is getting old.

I would say that they both need jobs. Then they wouldn't have time to post all this crap. But since they are Duggars that isn't going to happen.

Edited for duplication

Edited by KittyMomma
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Selfies of her extending belly and taking 'my man' photo's those are all boasting. Photos in restuarants. What are those if not 'boasting'. Social media is not just information, it's pretty much 'look what I can do'. It's the nature of the beast (social media) and it's definitely added texture to the way we communicate. Don't slam boasting, take a pic of  your Chik Fil A and then get comped for it.


The Christmas thing, meh. Jesus (if you believe in him) was born on some day of the year, they aren't sure which day, so one has been agreed upon to celebrate his birth. Now if you celebrate YOUR birth, why not Jesus's? Besides, it was specifically chosen to align with pagan rituals to make the meshing of paganism and Christianity smoother. Isn't that what Christians wanted?

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I was homeschooled in NWA and I actually knew the Fedoskys pretty well through church and homeschool functions. They introduced me to the Duggars, actually, back when the Duggars were only locally famous. (I can assure you that a lot of us in NWA have been sick of the Duggars for over a decade now.) I'm still facebook level friends with them now.


The Fedoskys are definitely fundie and Teresa did do some things that frustrated me but I did like the family a lot. I always thought Scott was really nice and he was definitely less abrasive about their beliefs than Teresa. I was a pretty conservative Christian myself but their beliefs were a bit much for me at times (they didn't think women should go to college, for instance), but in spite of that I did/do care about the family.


That's why one of the first times I found myself disliking the Duggars was when I found out what an influence they had been to the Fedoskys. The Duggars introduced them to ATI and convinced them that birth control was wrong and they needed to have more kids. That's why the Fedoskys have some older kids and then a gap before their younger kids.


Because of this belief Teresa got pregnant many times in her 40's and lost quite a few pregnancies. There were several miscarriages where she hemorrhaged so badly that she almost died. I was friends with the older Fedosky kids so I saw how scary that was for them. They were afraid of losing their mother. I know she did have two more successful pregnancies and those little girls (Hadassah and Havilah... this family isn't Jewish at all, by the way) are adorable, but seeing the family go through that really opened my eyes to how dangerous the quiverful movement can be. Bill Gothard was also kind of an ass to the daughter (not sexually, that I know of--I didn't hear about those allegations until recently) and hearing about how ridiculously legalistic they are at ATI made me know I wanted to steer clear of all of that.


I'm not surprised that Teresa would have attended a birth with no actual trained midwife there. She's only a doula but a lot of people in those circles do seem to think having her there is like having an actual midwife. Jessa's experience sounds really scary and I hope they all learn from that, but I doubt it.


Wow. Thank you for your insight. I bet you have some great Duggar stories to tell...

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I don't understand why Spurgeon is considered cute but Israel was ugly. They look exactly the same to me: little prunes. Is it because people hate Jill even more than Jessa?

I don't hate neither Jill nor Jessa. I do think Spurgeon is a cute newborn, and I don't think the little boy cousins look anything alike.

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So he is going to interpret the bible for us all?

Through dance.

It's Derrick that interprets the bible through dance. Ben dispenses his bullshit, um, wisdom from a seated position, mostly. :-) Edited by JenCarroll
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I don't understand why Spurgeon is considered cute but Israel was ugly. They look exactly the same to me: little prunes. Is it because people hate Jill even more than Jessa?


I think it's more about projecting the perceived attractiveness of the parents onto the baby. Ben and Jessa are pretty people. Derick and Jill are average-looking. 

Edited by Guest
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It's Derrick that interprets the bible through dance. Ben dispenses his bullshit, um, wisdom from a seated position, mostly. :-)


I know. It was kinda wishful thinking on my part. I cringe every time I hear him speak or read what he's written. Or even when I know he's done either of those things. 

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I don't understand why Spurgeon is considered cute but Israel was ugly. They look exactly the same to me: little prunes. Is it because people hate Jill even more than Jessa?

For me it was the fact that poor Izzy was such a dead ringer for Jim Bob that made him so unfortunate looking to me; I wouldn't wish that on any child. I think he's actually improved in looks now, but he's still not a very cute baby. Spurgeon (and I can seriously not write that name without snickering, still) was a sweet looking newborn, though I have to agree with you that most babies look pretty much the same.

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But Michelle did exactly what a professional would do when calling 911. She communicated exactly the info needed in a clear, calm manner. Almost as though she was being coached.

I think there was someone there with Jill's type of midwife training but perhaps without a license. When Jessa started hemorrhaging, she directed Michelle to make the call but couldn't risk being implicated. She has persuaded the family that it's in everyone's best interest that no one mention she was there.

Could there be a possibility that, in spite of what has been revealed about this "midwife," they went with her becuause they could get her for pennies on the dollar? Could it be that money is tight on the Duggar front?

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When they named that poor child Spurgeon, I thought I would call him Eliot.  But I have changed my mind.  If I ever run into them (like that will ever happen!) I am going to call him Spurgeon.   SPURGEON, SPURGEON, SPURGEON!!!!  If that is what they want that is what they are gonna get.  If they hear it enough maybe they will get sick of it and change his name before he knows what his parents have done to him.

Edited by riverblue22
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Michael endorsed young marriage so young people need not wait too long for sex. Honestly, I do believe that is the reason many fundies marry young.

A year ago, Michelle animatedly told Guinn that she would most likely be a grandma in less than a year. Guinn reacted as if she had been slapped! She seemed shocked! "Well not too soon, I hope"

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I have a feeling Jessa Blessa isn't too happy with her in-laws after the stunt Jessica pulled. At first I figured Jessa gave her SIL the go-ahead to make the birth announcement, but now I don't think so. Especially since we haven't seen hide nor hair of the Seewalds since Guinn was pictured with the Spurge.

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I have a feeling Jessa Blessa isn't too happy with her in-laws after the stunt Jessica pulled.


How Christian of her. Jesus died for your damnable sins, Jessa, as you remind us all on a daily basis. And you can't forgive your young sister-in-law for an overexcited tweet about becoming a first-time aunt to your baby? Follow the example you're always preaching about.


(I sure hope there's some other reason why we haven't seen the Seewalds with li'l Spurge.)

Edited by Churchhoney
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(I sure hope there's some other reason why we haven't seen the Seewalds with li'l Spurge.)

I think it's just because they live 4 hours away and Ben's Dad (unlike Ben) works full-time.  Jessa and Ben will probably go visit them soon, because they have nothing else better to do, and that's when they'll have pictures with the Seewalds.

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I'm a person of faith and my philosophy is pretty simple. Do unto others and give thanks for all my every day blessings. Binessa is too young to be so angry. They have so much to be thankful for they should be shouting it from the rafters. I know mechelle didn't teach this to her kids, but if you can't preach something nice, sit down and shut up.

Seriously. Being this angry all the time has to be exhausting.

When I had a newborn I was too exhausted to be that angry about anything, let alone spend all that time doing online preaching or anything that took more than two minutes besides bathing or eating. But then again, I didn't have Jana or an army of sister-moms to help me out.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Seriously. Being this angry all the time has to be exhausting.

When I had a newborn I was too exhausted to be that angry about anything, let alone spend all that time doing online preaching or anything that took more than two minutes besides bathing or eating. But then again, I didn't have Jana or an army of sister-moms to help me out.

Too true, there aren't too many of us who have the luxury of a passel of J-slaves to cater to us...you were likely too busy being a mom and actually parenting unlike this self obsessed little wench.

Jessa...get over yourself...instead of posting selfies whilst ordering your minions about and posting pissy relgious rants of your outrage towards anyone who doesn't share your set of beliefs...

I've been writing haiku's about all things Duggar...check out 19 parodies and counting....and there are some I think in page 260 of Josh and Ana Smuggar...several are dedicated to Dust Bin and Jessa Blessa...I hope you all have a good laugh.

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I have never understood the "no Christmas" stance. It's not like they think the date negates Christ's ever having been born. Thus, why shouldn't he have "a birthday"? any birthday? Nope, we just better not celebrate it at all!!

But I guess it's more important to act sour faced and holier than thou, and boycott the day entirely and make sure everyone knows why, like non fanatics care about which day someone chose to memorialize. "I, too, will hereby repent of the error of my ways and Choose Operation Ignore Christmas!"

Edited by queenanne
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Christmas isn't a "Christian" event anymore so who cares if Jesus wasn't born on December 25th?  I know Muslim and Hindu families who celebrate it is as a holiday for thanks and family, Jesus doesn't come into it.  And if Fire and Binstone have a better date for celebrating Christ's birth, I'm sure that the Catholic Church would be absolutely fascinated (sarcasm).  

This is what happens when two unemployed, uneducated people who have been told their whole lives that they are holier than everyone else have too much time on their hands.  Their superiority is so off putting - the media shouldn't report on our skeletons in the closet because we are so holy, people shouldn't criticize our lack of education/employment/personality because we have given our lives to Jesus, we deserve a TV show because all we do is obsess over hemlines and hand-holding.  You would think that having their family become a national joke would have taken them down a peg but apparently not.  

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Well, sounds likes Jessa, Ben, & lil Spur don't want any presents this year. So any leghumpers who were going to send them stuff (like from their registries or whatever), should just keep their money. Any friends (yeah, I know...) and family members who were going to bring them or the baby gifts should just forget about it. And I guess Jana need not include them in her headcount for Christmas dinner, as they'll be at their home avoiding any sort of celebration at all.

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I don't see many comments on the instagram posts maybe because I am not registered, but what are the comments like for their hateful posts?  I can't imagine the leghumpers continuing to hump over such hate filled rants.  In fact, I'd expect some pushback, even from the fans. Anybody know?

Edited by Micks Picks
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These idiots are the perfect culmination of everything awful about Gothard and the Duggars. They should be having the most joyful, blessed, grateful, wonderful times of their lives, but all of that has been beaten out of them. All that is left is emptiness encased in anger, resentment, entitlement and judgment.

I remember being a young 20 something newlywed (only with a 60+ hour a week job and $100k in student loans!) and I remember being a new mom (much later). Both times I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude and humbled by the beauty and love in life and in the universe. Somehow, through "Jesus" as taught to these chucklefucks, they've twisted the greatest joys of life into weapons of anger. Do they even know how to feel joy? Unrepentant joy? The kind that surely, if there were a god, she would want us to feel?

What must it be like to believe joy--in your new marriage, your newborn son-- comes from the devil, and that god only wants you to feel and express anger, judgment and wrath? Do you just worship that god out of terror? That makes me so sad. I wonder how long it will take to take the joy out of this child's eyes too. Poor Spur.

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But that's different! It's not boasting if it's for God. Also, learn to write, Ben.


Ben really DOES needs to learn to write. But IMO, that ship has sailed. It will never happen for Ben. You can't be a good writer unless you read a lot, you read all the time and you have read all kinds of different things too. Almost without exception, good writers were voracious readers first. However it seems pretty clear Ben is not a reader, and that what he has read has been pretty much the Bible only [along with a little bit of other religious writing]. I don't think he could develop good writing skills at this point unless he suddenly starts to read everything he can get his hands on, and starts opening up his mind too - and I don't think Boob would be very happy about that. Or Steve Carell either, for that matter.

Edited by Wellfleet
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It's all just to crazy. They preach sacrifice and humility, yet they both are caught up with looks and material things. The only sacrifice they make are with their thoughts. Maybe they have never heard that actions speak louder than words.


Having to put in a hard days work to put food on their table and diapers on their baby's bottom might change their religious rants. Are joy & thankfulness not part of their religion?


When my kids were younger and wanted (not needed) a toy or clothing that was a little expensive, I'd tell them they would have to pay half. It was amazing how many times they changed their minds, as well as the pride they felt after saving their money and paying for half, if it was something they really wanted. Yup pride, we believe it is okay to acknowledge accomplishments.

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I have never understood the "no Christmas" stance. It's not like they think the date negates Christ's ever having been born. Thus, why shouldn't he have "a birthday"? any birthday? Nope, we just better not celebrate it at all!!

But I guess it's more important to act sour faced and holier than thou, and boycott the day entirely and make sure everyone knows why, like non fanatics care about which day someone chose to memorialize. "I, too, will hereby repent of the error of my ways and Choose Operation Ignore Christmas!"

I think it because, you know, Catholics and Anglicans. 

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I don't see many comments on the instagram posts maybe because I am not registered, but what are the comments like for their hateful posts?  I can't imagine the leghumpers continuing to hump over such hate filled rants.  In fact, I'd expect some pushback, even from the fans. Anybody know?


Well, I haven't scrolled around the comments much but based on some cursory glances they seem to still have a fair number of fervent defenders. It's kinda baffling. But I suppose some people would like to be as sure of righteousness and as commanding as they are, so they just assume that it's justified. If they say they're holy and better than everybody, then they must be holy and better than everybody, and, boy, I'd like to be those things, too. So they're my heroes. Nuts.

Edited by Churchhoney
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I couldn't totally decipher Spurgeon's bloviating, but was he saying that Easter is a sham, too, since the date fluctuates? Fun guy.



But the important question is, how did Spurgeon feel about "Talk Like a Pirate Day"?  Because if it comes down to the rantings of a 19th century zealot versus free doughnuts, I know who's gonna win.

I have a feeling Jessa Blessa isn't too happy with her in-laws


When the Duggars say "leave and cleave" what they really mean is "Anyone who marries a Duggar has to leave his or her own family and cleave to us". Ben is a Duggar now. The threads connecting him to the Seewalds will be snipped one by one. Just like Anna and the Bateses and Derick and the Dillards, there will always be some formal connection and some lip service paid to the importance of FAMILY (and in-laws can always be used for free services), but catering to the wants and needs of Jim Bob and Michelle will always come first.

Edited by Albanyguy
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I'd like Ben and Jessa to take a long walk for exercise, fall off a low cliff, hit their heads and lose consciousness of who they are. Spurgeon would fall, too, but his big hat with the massive pompom would protect his head. Then they'd all be rescued by some Buddhist monks and taken to a monastery where Spurgeon would participate in gentle-smiling fests with the monks all day while Jessa and Ben, in their amnesia, would be coached through mindfulness exercises. At the same time as their health and memories gradually returned, they'd engage in daily practice of being calm, living in the present, embracing the world in love and turning suffering into peace and joy. When they finally got fully healthy -- healthier since there's no fast food at the monastery -- they'd realize that their previous beliefs had been really screwed up and probably not at all what Jesus intended. Then we'd see what would happen as they returned home and gently tried to inform the rest of the Duggar clan about this. In the end, they'd probably conclude that they would need to just move to Little Rock with whichever of the others were intrigued by this new notion. Jim Bob's and Michelle's heads would explode.

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How Christian of her. Jesus died for your damnable sins, Jessa, as you remind us all on a daily basis. And you can't forgive your young sister-in-law for an overexcited tweet about becoming a first-time aunt to your baby? Follow the example you're always preaching about.


(I sure hope there's some other reason why we haven't seen the Seewalds with li'l Spurge.)

Great post.

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It's Derrick that interprets the bible through dance. Ben dispenses his bullshit, um, wisdom from a seated position, mostly. :-)

Dance would seem too much like work.  Ben isn't having any of that!  

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Okay gang...Reminder to post about religion in relation to what Jessa and/or Ben of said, posted etc. etc. Please do not post your own religious experiences, your views on religion not related to Jessa and Ben, etc. etc. Your posts will be deleted, hidden or edited for going off topic. Thank you.

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I don't see many comments on the instagram posts maybe because I am not registered, but what are the comments like for their hateful posts? I can't imagine the leghumpers continuing to hump over such hate filled rants. In fact, I'd expect some pushback, even from the fans. Anybody know?

Even now, Jessa appears to have plenty of time to delete and block. Must be nice.

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For all the makeup Jessa wears, I could still see the acne scars in that TLC promo.


I guess the pool house stairwell is the designated filming place for all the sad solo interviews.



Edited by Kokapetl
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Even now, Jessa appears to have plenty of time to delete and block. Must be nice.

She's gonna walk through this fire (bad instagram comments), and have a stronger family on the other side. Or something.

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