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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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For similar reasons, most of our cats have had "Marie" as a middle name. The first was Opal Marie but we currently have Nathan Marie. We only use that when he's in trouble ("Nathan Marie, get off the counter!"). Normally he's Nate.

Could use animal names for the baby, like Spot Seewald.

  • Love 1

In none of the pics does Ben appear happy. None.


I would like to think that this is because it's occurred to Ben that he doesn't have a job. Nor any prospect of getting one. Looking somber because a sense of responsibility just kicked in would probably be a good thing, at this point. ... Not that it would help him much as part of the Duggar clan and a person with a very JimBoob-like headship.

  • Love 5

That picture of Bin holding newborn Spurgeon Seewald in that nasty brown towel is hilarious. Bin looks like he is holding the baby away from him and the look on his face is "what the hell have I done?" No look of "this is the best feeling in the world" proud papa pictures. If this is Jessa's example of how he is "tenderly" caring for Spurgeon, how sad.

Spurgeon Seewald, it still sounds horrible. I have to ask again (although there is no answer) - what the hell were they thinking? 

  • Love 10

I would like to think that this is because it's occurred to Ben that he doesn't have a job. Nor any prospect of getting one. Looking somber because a sense of responsibility just kicked in would probably be a good thing, at this point. ... Not that it would help him much as part of the Duggar clan and a person with a very JimBoob-like headship.

Oh Churchie, how sweet. I was thinking that Ben was thinking, "I hope all this blood and birth gunk doesn't get on my clothes."

  • Love 9

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Moody Spurgeon McPherson from the Anne of Green Gables series when I heard Little Seewald's name. A definite sign that there are some "kindred spirits" on this board. Wasn't Moody Spurgeon the character that said in reference to Anne that "it is better to be smart than pretty?" Of course, such a sentiment would not fly in Gothard world, where the women should be svelte, curly-haired and unthinking.

I wonder if Anne of Green Gables would be approved reading for the Duggar girls or not. After all, Anne did edgy things like take walks alone with young men and graduate from college. And she was an adopted orphan. Sins of the father and all that!

If I knew how to take this to the Prayer Closet, I would. I have a few thoughts on Anne Shirley's adoption and fundamentalism on PEI. Anyone else want to participate? Or can help me? 

Oh Churchie, how sweet. I was thinking that Ben was thinking, "I hope all this blood and birth gunk doesn't get on my clothes."

"I wonder if anyone feels like making a Chik-Fil-A run? Would Jessa be pissed if I went without her?"

  • Love 4
For similar reasons, most of our cats have had "Marie" as a middle name. The first was Opal Marie but we currently have Nathan Marie.


Makes me think of a kitten I once knew. "Sibling" to a cat named Goliath, this one was named David. Until David had kittens and became David-Anne. For some reason, David-Anne always struck me as a cute name.

  • Love 6


More SIN Hell Redemption....

When I was a new, first-time mom, I was run ragged with night feeds, cracked nipples, spit-up, mood-swings,post partam depression, finding time to shower, excersise, cook and eat to have such deep religious rants! Great comments.

In Jessa's defense, it probably doesn't take that long to just quickly Google "Bible quotes about sin" and pick her favorite. Especially with Jana over there changing Spurgy's diapers for her.

As for my comments on the pet names/kid names, I'm taking my comment to the Prayer Closet. :)

  • Love 4

Oh Churchie, how sweet. I was thinking that Ben was thinking, "I hope all this blood and birth gunk doesn't get on my clothes."


So sad that you're probably right!   (or else the Chik-Fil-A conjecture is the right one ....!)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Ben is arrogant and self-righteous, with a gigantic scoop of hubris plopped on top. If some of the latest photos seem to portray him as unhappy or overwhelmed, I dont believe it's because he's doubting His Lord Headship's ability to provide or Ben's own lack of prospects or independence. He's way too cocky and myopic to think that his future is anything but celestially blinding. Ben's Chosen-status is his raison d'etre.

I do have a theory though about why Ben looks beleaguered and spaced out (other than, you know, an infant!) I think he realizes that once all the helpers go home (assuming they do) Jessa will go back to bed, and he will be Spurgeon Elliot Seewald's primary caretaker. If Ben hadn't expected that to be the case, then I can understand if he feels exhausted by the idea of it. Women are the ones who usually get that wake-up call after new baby arrives, so I don't feel a bit sorry for Ben, but I wonder if he and his wife ever discussed childcare?

Plus, if it turns out that Jessa insists on a helper or two to live in-house forevermore, I can see Ben disliking the invasion of privacy. It's one thing to know your sis-in-law will be living with you for a couple of weeks. It's a whole different thing to adjust to her always being there.

Ben is such a little pissant, immature rebel without a cause. Always telling everybody else how to live. I'm not sure he has what it takes to rise to the occasion to be a hands-on, patient dad. And anyway, doesn't Gothard state that kids are women's work? Ben could be having an internal tug of war, if his synapses fire at all.

However, Ben and Jessa are about as deep as the itsy puddle I hit on this morning's run. They'll survive because that's what they do. I think they're too dumb to know any better.

Soon it will time for Josh's redemption arc. I'm sure PEOPLE mag is gearing up to pour on the molasses.

Oh, I just realized when I spell out the full, formal Spurgeon Elliot Seewald, it conjures up an image to me of an angry, fartsy, cigar-chomping blowhard in a three-piece suit, approaching his 80th birthday and mad at the world for everything. Quince or Quincy is so much better for now.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 20

Ben is arrogant and self-righteous, with a gigantic scoop of hubris plopped on top. If some of the latest photos seem to portray him as unhappy or overwhelmed, I dont believe it's because he's doubting His Lord Headship's ability to provide or Ben's own lack of prospects or independence. He's way too cocky and myopic to think that his future is anything but celestially blinding. Ben's Chosen-status is his raison d'etre.

I do have a theory though about why Ben looks beleaguered and spaced out (other than, you know, an infant!) I think he realizes that once all the helpers go home (assuming they do) Jessa will go back to bed, and he will be Spurgeon Elliot Seewald's primary caretaker. If Ben hadn't expected that to be the case, then I can understand if he feels exhausted by the idea of it. Women are the ones who usually get that wake-up call after new baby arrives, so I don't feel a bit sorry for Ben, but I wonder if he and his wife ever discussed childcare?

Plus, if it turns out that Jessa insists on a helper or two to live in-house forevermore, I can see Ben disliking the invasion of privacy. It's one thing to know your sis-in-law will be living with you for a couple of weeks. It's a whole different thing to adjust to her always being there.

Ben is such a little pissant, immature rebel without a cause. Always telling everybody else how to live. I'm not sure he has what it takes to rise to the occasion to be a hands-on, patient dad. And anyway, doesn't Gothard state that kids are women's work? Ben could be having an internal tug of war, if his synapses fire at all.

However, Ben and Jessa are about as deep as the itsy puddle I hit on this morning's run. They'll survive because that's what they do. I think they're too dumb to know any better.

Soon it will time for Josh's redemption arc. I'm sure PEOPLE mag is gearing up to pour on the molasses.

Oh, I just realized when I spell out the full, formal Spurgeon Elliot Seewald, it conjures up an image to me of an angry, fartsy blowhard approaching his 80th birthday and mad at the world for everything. Quince or Quincy is so much better for now.


You're probably quite right about Ben, but I hope not.


He still is awfully young, and he's also been awfully sheltered (plus he's pretty dim). I'm still hoping that he's as self-righteous and arrogant-seeming as he is partly because life hasn't yet met him and smacked him in the face and kicked him in the balls. And I'm hoping for the smacking and the kicking to begin, although disgusting TLC has thwarted me with their crap "specials." Wish they'd learn that there's nothing at all "special" about these people. And then maybe some of these people, such as Ben, could learn that, too.

  • Love 10

I've always said the name should be said out loud preceded by "Senator". I have changed my mind on that since it could make Spurgeon sound just a tad bit better.

The only thing that could make Spurgeon better is:  "We reconsidered and realized it was a stupid name."


Jinger has got to be thinking that she was lucky to just get off with a weird spelling.

Edited by cdp73
  • Love 16

The only thing that could make Spurgeon better is:  "We reconsidered and realized it was a stupid name."


Jinger has got to be thinking that she was lucky to just get off with a weird spelling.

Why would they change it? They got exactly what they wanted out of the name Spurgeon, attention. They're loving every minute of it.

My cats not only have middle names, they have their own individual last names.

  • Love 11

Churchie...loved you post and the be you replied too!

Bin may be Jessa's "headship" but that's in name only....we all know who REALLY rules the roost. I'm thinking he's realized he's married a self absorbed vapid little princess and she is realizing she married a dolt without the intellectual and financial wherewithal to be able to support thus spoiled little princess.

I remember watching the show and whenever she talked about him she looked lIke she wanted to eat him alive...you know that put the fear of Jeebus into her patriarch daddy Boob...who feared "sin in the camp" so he pushed that marriage along to make sure Jessa didn't soil her good girl image...a wedding solved that problem and boosted the ratings.

..and the one you replied to!

Hunting and pecking on a tablet makes me look like I went to SOTDRT.

  • Love 6

Non only do I think Ben has a huge WTF look on his face, but I think it's more than just what have I done?  I think he's a bit surprised that Jessa isn't being the "mother" that he has been taught about, but also that her female parts are shot to shit, and it's gonna be a long ass time til he gets some. 


These two clowns are further proof that you should need to take some kind of test to have kids.  Not necessarily and intelligence test, per se.  More of a common sense type quiz.  Like, have you thought more than 2 minutes into the future? 

  • Love 9

I think Bin is in for a rude awakening. Hanging around other people's babies, rhapsodizing over parenthood, thinking of the blessing, baby showers, setting up a crib- all pretty enjoyable. Then the pretty wife blows up, has a very bad delivery, did not bounce back to former figure right away (not that she should be expected to) no nookie for a long time, crying baby, responsibility, family members doting over wife and new baby - he is probably out of sorts right now.

  • Love 12

If the Anne of Green Gables discussion goes to the Prayer Closet, I am there. Anne is one of my all time favorites.

It is interesting how such anti-education people has the Duggars can spark so many interesting discussions.

Quote from Duggar Family Blog

"Moody Spurgeon was a character on the television series "Road to Avonlea". Charles Spurgeon was the preacher from the 1800's."

My brain hurts.

ETA There's actually a LMMontgomery thread in the Books forum.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 3

Quote from Duggar Family Blog

"Moody Spurgeon was a character on the television series "Road to Avonlea". Charles Spurgeon was the preacher from the 1800's."

My brain hurts.

ETA There's actually a LMMontgomery thread in the Books forum.


Well, they said that because somebody said this, so maybe it's a wash for idiocy:


Moody Spurgeon? Sorry, Anonymous, you've got your preachers mixed up. Try Dwight L. Moody and Charles Spurgeon!
  • Love 3

Are there any pictures out there with the Seewalds & Baby Spurge? I'm not on social media so I have to depend on you all posting here. Just seems weird that since Spurgey is the first grandchild on their side, we would see a lot of pictures. Or are they old school & just not putting them out there for everyone to see?

This came to mind & don't know why. In our church during the Christmas Eve service, they have members of the church portray Jesus' birth, including an infant baby. I can imagine Jill & Jessa fighting over which baby would portray Jesus. I would say Spurgey since he is younger & would still have his newborn look but I'm sure Jill would put up a good fight for Izzy (now known as ChooChoo.) Of course, the respective parents would have to play Mary & Joseph, which I picture looking more raggy & disheveled like the Dullards. I can't picture Mary being all dolled up with full makeup like Jessa. Hopefully Mary wouldn't have the need to nurse Jesus in front of the congregation during the service. (Think back to the Xmas parade episode where MEchelle nursed whatever baby while on the parade route.)

  • Love 1

I think Ben's head is swelling since Jessa has made him her headship and leader in all things.  The name Spurgeon was probably Ben's idea of trying desperately to seem mature and worthy of godly worship.  He couldn't just name the baby 'Charles' after Spurgeon because he had to make sure everyone knew his son was named after a preacher that Ben is familiar with.  Just like Ben lists himself as a 'writer' on his social media he's trying to seem more mature than his 20 year old self really is whose only job right now is to be Jessa's headship and now Spurgeon's father and leader in all things.  I think that's why his birthday video to Jessa was so bland and passionless - he thinks he's being mature.

  • Love 12

I think Spurgeon may have been better as a middle name...but giving that to the poor little chap as his first name and an almost as bad middle name...he's not much got much choice of making a name he might like to use out of his given name.

At least using Spurgeon or other surname as a middle name makes people think it's the mother's or one of the grandmothers' maiden names...which was very commonly used in the past but much less en vogue today.

They could have still honored the evangelist if they so chose by making that his middle name but also by giving their son a first name that spared him from bullying. I guess in their limited world view they dont see it as a big deal since the Seewald Spawn is unlikely to attend any brick and mortar school...fundie...private...or public...

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 4

If they have no intention of actually calling him Spurgeon, I don't understand why it couldn't be his middle name (other than the fact that if it wasn't his first name we probably wouldn't be talking about this anymore and they couldn't use it as a reason they are so much more spiritual than us). I have several friends that have a last name as their middle name, typically it's the mothers maiden name or some other family name, but still at least if it were his middle name he could keep it a secret to some degree, it's on national television, but it wouldn't constantly be brought up.

  • Love 6

If they have no intention of actually calling him Spurgeon, I don't understand why it couldn't be his middle name (other than the fact that if it wasn't his first name we probably wouldn't be talking about this anymore and they couldn't use it as a reason they are so much more spiritual than us). I have several friends that have a last name as their middle name, typically it's the mothers maiden name or some other family name, but still at least if it were his middle name he could keep it a secret to some degree, it's on national television, but it wouldn't constantly be brought up.

I'm going to refer to him as Quincy. The name Spurgeon is an abomination, and I'll have no part of it.
  • Love 9

Ok I just thought Spurgen is not so bad. It could have been Sproll after the preacher R.C. Sproll. ( I think I spelled his name correctly).


Sproul.  But he was a Calvinist and I get the impression the Duggars are not.  Besides, since R.C. Sproul, Jr. got suspended for admitting he visited Ashley Madison (and has also faced allegations of serving alcohol to minors and using another church's tax id illegally), I can't see them wanting to use that one.

  • Love 1

Sproul.  But he was a Calvinist and I get the impression the Duggars are not.  Besides, since R.C. Sproul, Jr. got suspended for admitting he visited Ashley Madison (and has also faced allegations of serving alcohol to minors and using another church's tax id illegally), I can't see them wanting to use that one.

Yes, the best stick with dead preachers, cuz you never know.

  • Love 3

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Moody Spurgeon McPherson from the Anne of Green Gables series when I heard Little Seewald's name. A definite sign that there are some "kindred spirits" on this board. Wasn't Moody Spurgeon the character that said in reference to Anne that "it is better to be smart than pretty?" Of course, such a sentiment would not fly in Gothard world, where the women should be svelte, curly-haired and unthinking.

I wonder if Anne of Green Gables would be approved reading for the Duggar girls or not. After all, Anne did edgy things like take walks alone with young men and graduate from college. And she was an adopted orphan. Sins of the father and all that!

I'm guessing it isn't approved. I was named for Anne. My sister was reading the series when I was born and adopted. I still go back and read the entire series (have it on my kindle) as comfort reading. I love learning that Moody Spurgeon was named with a twinkle in Lucy Montgomery's (proper Presbyterian preacher's wife) eye. Montgomery's wry humor aimed at holier-than-thou folks wouldn't be the Duggar's cup of tea. 

  • Love 11

I think Ben's head is swelling since Jessa has made him her headship and leader in all things.  The name Spurgeon was probably Ben's idea of trying desperately to seem mature and worthy of godly worship.  He couldn't just name the baby 'Charles' after Spurgeon because he had to make sure everyone knew his son was named after a preacher that Ben is familiar with.  Just like Ben lists himself as a 'writer' on his social media he's trying to seem more mature than his 20 year old self really is whose only job right now is to be Jessa's headship and now Spurgeon's father and leader in all things.  I think that's why his birthday video to Jessa was so bland and passionless - he thinks he's being mature.

THIS. This is so exactly what I've been thinking about Bin. It explains the beard, too. I had to bow my head in deference to his fathomless parental wisdom when he seriously explained, "He's going to have this name for the rest of his life." Deep, Bin-boy, very deep.

  • Love 16

For the love of God (no pun intended), they just had a healthy baby. Isn't this the time to praise God (if you're in to that) for the little miracle that is your baby rather than focus on sin and the evil world? Can't they ever celebrate the goodness of God instead of fear the wrath? Their version of religion is so depressing I wonder why they bother to reproduce at all. Try a little grace sometimes, it might be a refreshing change!

ETA: I'd like to think that Jesus would tell them to lighten up.

All of this from an atheist, mind you.

Well said!

  • Love 4

THIS. This is so exactly what I've been thinking about Bin. It explains the beard, too. I had to bow my head in deference to his fathomless parental wisdom when he seriously explained, "He's going to have this name for the rest of his life." Deep, Bin-boy, very deep.

Bin even said this with a straight face.

  • Love 9

That picture of Bin holding newborn Spurgeon Seewald in that nasty brown towel is hilarious. Bin looks like he is holding the baby away from him and the look on his face is "what the hell have I done?" No look of "this is the best feeling in the world" proud papa pictures. If this is Jessa's example of how he is "tenderly" caring for Spurgeon, how sad.

Spurgeon Seewald, it still sounds horrible. I have to ask again (although there is no answer) - what the hell were they thinking?

Oh Churchie, how sweet. I was thinking that Ben was thinking, "I hope all this blood and birth gunk doesn't get on my clothes."

I think Ben's face shows the utter horror of what he saw happen to Jessa's lady parts (that he couldn't wait to get into & was probably so excited about ever since they started courting & throughout their marriage) during the birth. I imagine it was terrifying for a young, naive boy like Ben to watch his most beloved part of his beloved's anatomy basically bursting open (and possibly tearing) as a slimy baby & gross looking placenta came out only to be followed by shark-attack levels of blood being discharged from it for days/weeks. I doubt Ben ever watched any of those videos of a baby being born that many of us saw in school in Sex Ed or biology class or any documentaries like "The Business of Being Born," since you know, he might have been defrauded and all. My guess is young Ben is in shock over what he saw happen to Jessa's vagina. Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 16
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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