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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Realistically, I thought I was pretty damned profound at that age too.  I lacked the perspicacity and maturity to realize that I was neither as clever or insightful as I thought I was, and that was with a real ebil librul college education and real world work experience. 


I agree, at that age we are all a bit pompous. Nevertheless, many people would temper that when they have such a large platform. Really evaluate what they are spewing for mass consumption and consider the feedback. Bin doesn't like debate, he has discussions with like minded people to reinforce what he believes and uploads the video. If you want our attention Bin, bounce your ideas off of someone on the opposite side of the debate, like many 20 year old know-it-alls in college, and upload that video.

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Maybe the debate over the middle name was a debate over the order of the two names.    Elliot Spurgeon Seewald would  have been perfectly fine in my world. Elliot is easy to say and easy to spell while still being fairly uncommon.  I am fine with strange middle names- I sort of think that's what middle names are for- its a chance to honor someone or pick something weird without having to actually call the kid by that name.


I think that the thread title should use "Quincy" since it is the approved nickname.

  • Love 4
They'd probably go for Aimee's last name, McPherson, seeing as how they've gravitated toward choosing the most gawd-awful last name they could think of for a first name. Of course, they could possibly go for Semple as a baby girl's first name, in honor of poor, simple Michelle.

Bahaha So true! I think McPherson would be an improvement, though, since it provides a normalish nickname--Mac.

This is hilarious. I'm waiting for my 88 year old mother to be up and about this morning so I can call her and get her reaction. She hates ridiculous baby names. This is really going to get her going. 

I'm pretty sure the highlight of my day today was informing my fairly religious grandparents of this news. My grandmother likes Charles Spurgeon, but her response? "Jesus Christ!" 

Edited by Zella
  • Love 17

Ok, I just had to ask.....Just how clueless are they? They had it right in front of them....Gabriel Elliott Seewald...now, that would have been a classically beautiful name for a son....These two took a week to come up with that monstrosity of a name? I feel for that little boy already. They also chose somewhat of an incomplete spelling, Eliot, instead of Elliott, which is complete. I think Jessa was still on her pain meds when she agreed to that name. I thought Jill and Derick held the trophy on the worst name possible in this family, but NO,,,, pass it along now to Jessa and Ben. They truly do live in their own bubble, as don't they realize that this child has to live in this world with that stigma of a first name? I hope they didn't put that in ink on the birth certificate...still time to change it. No taste, no class Duggar/Seewalds strike again!

Bin is such a deep thinker, especially since the wizard just gave him his brain. He couldn't go to school because he needs to think deep thoughts all day and enlighten us sinners about the error of our evil ways. Of course it took him weeks to come up with this baby name, because deep thinker. Edited by toodles
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I think the under 25 crowd prides itself on ridiculous names. I can't tell you how many times I've cringed in the past year upon hearing what God awful moniker some wannabe hipster has cursed their child with. At least all these poor kids will have others to commiserate with.

Baby Seewald doesn't look like a Spurgeon or an Elliott to me. Well at least it has everyone talking. Mission accomplished, Jessa.

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This name is a textbook example of majorly overthinking something to the point of ruining it.

It's empirical evidence that the human prefrontal cortex, associated with critical thinking and the ability to make decisions based on logic rather than impulse, does not fully develop until after age 25. Ben is a tool. If he wasn't of such a biblical bent, he'd probably want to name the kid Trans-Am or Chrysler Hemi.

Well, there's a storied tradition of naming a kid when one's primary aim in life is calling attention to oneself (child's entire future be damned): Moon Unit, Dweezil, Apple, Blanket (aka Prince Michael Jackson II), and in the case of the Foremans, George, George, George, etc. In my estimation, Spurgeon is right on a par with Dweezil and Blanket.

  • Love 21

It just never stops with the Duggars. Everytime that I think that they can't possibly get any crazier, they take it one step further. SPURGEON??


So true. I said it before, but the Duggars NEVER do one single thing to help themselves. Boob & Me-chelle have insulated themselves from the Cold Cruel Evil Scary World for so long they truly don't know what mainstream is anymore [although they THINK they do, especially Boob]. And obviously the kids never knew, because Ma & Pa controlled everything so tightly.


I've never known ANYONE who named a child after someone else using that individual's LAST name for the baby's FIRST name. People who admire Winston Churchill name their babies Winston, not Churchill. Sometimes it seems like the Duggars just HAVE to be contrary, even belligerent. And that Boob sees himself as a machete-yielding, safari-leading Dad, hacking his way through the jungle of the Real World. He really is a consummate jackass...

Edited by Wellfleet
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I wonder if the name alienated Bin's parents to coming around? Still strange that they are not over there fawning over Bam Bam Fish Fry like any grandparent would do. 


Maybe Steve Carrel Seewald is pissed off they didn't name the baby Michael? IDK the whole thing is beyond strange to give a baby a horrible, horrible name. 

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I don't understand why Jessa and Bin would call him Elliott instead of Spurgeon. If they're going to do that, they should've just named him Elliott to begin with. It's all just to make a statement.

I bet Bin gets off thinking about the idea that someday someone might name their first born child "Seewald" when he becomes a world-famous minister.

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I think that by the time the little sprog realizes how screwed up his parent are, they will have done a few dozen things WAY more stupid than choosing this name.  


And it is my hope that the blood donor that allowed Jessa her transfusion was a lesbian.  Because Karma.   

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It reminds me of when you ask a six year-old what their pregnant mom should name the new baby and they say the name of their favorite Superhero, cartoon character or animated movie character. I think man-child Bin is on the same emotional maturity level and applied the same logic when it came to Brown Towel.


Reminds me of when my first nephew was born and my (3 yr old) daughter told my sister she needed to name him Dalmation.  He in turn told her she needed to name his little brother Baby Paint.  I still call them that and they are both in high school.  LOL.


I too hope they stick with Quincy.  It's still pretty nerdy, but wayyyyyy better than Spurgeon.

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I just read this news online and scurried over here to get reactions!

Did the new parents say what they will actually call the child every day? Spur? Geon? TaterTot? PoorThing?

People making "statements" with their innocent children's names is one of my (many) pet peeves. A child is NOT a vanity project, you idiots.

  • Love 19

Or his all-time favorite, Charles Spurgeon Seewald. Ugh. 


I think that you win the naming pool. NO ONE is going to come this close. 


I'm sorry, but I can't stop thinking, "sturgeon."  As in FISH. 


ISREAL isn't looking so bad now.


Nope. And I kinda like calling him Izzy. It's cute!  What kind of cuteness can you get from SPURGEON. That borders on child abuse. I hope that they call him by his middle name. Yikes. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I just read this news online and scurried over here to get reactions!

Did the new parents say what they will actually call the child every day? Spur? Geon? TaterTot? PoorThing?

People making "statements" with their innocent children's names is one of my (many) pet peeves. A child is NOT a vanity project, you idiots.

Hahahahahhaha. PoorThing Seewald--it works! 

EVERYTHING is a vanity project for the Duggars, ESPECIALLY procreation.

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Poor little Spurgie - destined to never have the joy of personalized pencils. Why didn't they name the little guy after the preacher and his grandpa? Spongebob Seewald has a certain je ne sais quoi, whereas Spurgeon is more like "Pouquoi?".

Seriously cry-laughing at this comment. I read it in David Nivens voice.
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Hey everyone. I have been away for awhile but when I heard that poor baby's name I just had to come here. My god, I thought Apple and Izzy were bad. But this takes them all.  Maybe when he becomes an adult  he can use S. Elliott Seewald. Although, I do kind of like Bam Bam. Damn, what a name to stick a kid with. Well, Jessa sure showed up everyone else.

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These nitwits defy logic.  If you're so enamored with the teachings of Charles Spurgeon that you feel compelled to name your baby after him....I dunno...here's an idea....give your kid his first name.  This kid was already going to grow up with all kinds of issues.  Now he's got another one.  

Edited by OhioMom
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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