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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The whole thing is weird.  If the baby was born in the hospital, why would they be taking pictures of him at home, naked in a bath towel with his hair matted like he'd just been born there?  And, where is Jessa?  When there is a complication after a homebirth and the mom needs to come to the hospital, the baby always comes with her and is admitted too, so they can stay together.  Most moms would insist and obviously, most babies prefer their mom be with them, especially if they're breastfeeding.  Most of the homebirthers I've run across are adamant that mom and baby not be separated.  Maybe they chose to come home almost immediately after the delivery and refused to allow anyone at the hospital to assess or examine the baby.  Where I practice, plenty of discussion of the specific needs of a large baby for assessment, especially blood sugar monitoring, would have taken place.  Our general rule is that all moms and babies stay for 6 hours postpartum at minimum, but, of course, anyone can sign out AMA (against medical advice). If TLC was wanting to film baby's first bath, it's possible they refused to let the hospital staff bathe or dress the kiddo so they could do it at home for cash.


As for lay midwives repairing lacerations, some do, some don't.  Since it is legal in Arkansas, I would think most lay midwives there know at least the basics of suturing.  But here's the rub: it is quite possible that the lay midwife might not have access to local anesthesia.  It requires a prescription to a medical supplier to obtain and I don't believe lay midwives are able to write prescriptions.  I guess she could obtain the local through a sympathetic physician who is willing to get a bottle for her, that's how many lay midwives where I practice do it, especially in Amish country where the tradition of lay midwifery is well established and the docs and midwives tend to have a lot of mutual respect for one another.  We saw Jill at home with an IV, so presumably their midwives have access to some medical supplies.


Anyway, so far, the bits and pieces we have don't make much sense, but that could be said of a lot things about the Duggars.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 12

The Duggars seem to be playing fast and loose with the details yet again. The brown towel pics are staged to clearly look like the baby was born at home. I'm guessing the Duggars don't want to admit they and their inadequately trained midwives fucked up yet again and it was those evil, heathen doctors who had to step in and save the day.

So far the Duggar girls are 0 for 2 on the homebirthin'. Time for a new game plan, ladies.

  • Love 17

Two pretties can make an ugly baby. Two uglies can make cute babies. Genes are a crap shoot. Look at Adam Sandler's daughter. Or the Willis daughters. Or Bobbi Kristina.

I wonder if this will make Jesaa want to get sperminated again soon. Maybe she's decided that one is enough. I'm afraid we'll be subjected to the sage medical advice of Dr. Jill, medicine woman in the upcoming specials.

  • Love 8

I'm thinking he was born at home, those pics were taken while Jessa was, like someone mentioned, finishing the delivery. Then likely Jessa and the baby went by ambulance together to the hospital.


At least if the "emergency" is true, someone had the sense to know she needed to go to he hospital.

  • Love 5

The baby is cute.

The scenario that makes the most sense is a home birth (possibly precipitous?) followed by postpartum complications. Maybe uncontrolled postpartum hemorrhage or significant repair requiring surgery. Hopefully baby was sent in the ambulance with Jessa.

My hope is another Duggar daughter birth with complications will slow these young women (and men) down. Seriously their mom was an aberration. Most women cannot safely give birth every 18 months for 25 years. We are not made for that.

  • Love 10

I'm thinking he was born at home, those pics were taken while Jessa was, like someone mentioned, finishing the delivery. Then likely Jessa and the baby went by ambulance together to the hospital.


At least if the "emergency" is true, someone had the sense to know she needed to go to he hospital.

This sounds like the most logical scenario.  Baby was probably born and everything was good but Jessa could have needed some extra attention after the birth.  Either way, I don't think it was a C-section and I'm sure Jill is filled with envy.  

  • Love 4

The saying under the picture... "Raise this little guy in the love and admonition of the lord.." Admonition means: a criticsism or warning about behavior. So they want the lord to criticize the baby? WTF? I think they need to purpose to learn what words actually mean.

It's a reference to Ephesians 6:4.

  • Love 2

This sounds like the most logical scenario. Baby was probably born and everything was good but Jessa could have needed some extra attention after the birth. Either way, I don't think it was a C-section and I'm sure Jill is filled with envy.

Lol, although a pic of Jessa's post-partum vagina might eliminate any envy Jill has over not being able to deliver a 10 lb. baby the natural way.

  • Love 14

You are so kind.

That doesn't look like a happy baby to me.


Wait...wait.  I found other pictures, and yes, that is an adorable baby!  (But, ouch!!) 


The picture I was referring to, of him not looking like a happy baby was the one here:


He looks whinesom, sorry I couldn't help myself.
  • Love 4

Daily Fail has the transcript from the 911 call. Apparently Jessa delivered at home and suffered heavy bleeding. The article also said Michelle made the 911 call and struggled to remember Jessa's age, mistakenly saying she was 24 instead of 23.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 20

If he was born Thursday night --and People had the headline by about 9 pm EST -- then he had to have been born by 8 pm at the latest. If he was born at home and then Jessa was taken to the hospital and kept there overnight/into today -- how is he home for pics in a brown towel with Ben standing by a closet on Friday afternoon? Did he not go to the hospital at all? Did he go but came back while his mom remains? Or maybe -- Jessa went for something minor like stiches, has already been realized but wasn't ready to release pics of herself with the baby -- having just birthed a 10 pounder less than 24 hrs ago, she may not be camera ready.


But Michelle missing makes me think that as of this afternoon, Jessa and Michelle are at the hospital and the baby is home with Ben, great grandma and JB.


Do we know if these people have insurance? Maybe they're trying to keep costs down. As soon as you take a 10 pounder to the hospital who was born last night with spotty medical care, the doctors are going to recommend some observation or testing for him -- which costs money. Maybe they thought -- just Jessa is having a problem, just Jessa could go. Though I'm guessing the mama bear thing hasn't kicked in? I've known women who are upset about a newborn being in another room like the NICU -- but in another building a few miles away where you can't see him??

WTF is wrong with these people?? They know they tend to have large babies. They know they tend to be overdue. Why not deliver in a hospital like the rest of the developed world so as to head off these complications -- or get them controlled in seconds rather than later on??

  • Love 14

And Michelle still sounds like a cheerful zombie even in an "emergency." I realize that childbirth isn't an emergency to a family that does 1-2x/yr. But still most moms would be a bit panicked if their daughter had passed a ton of blood after birth and they had to massage the uterus. Again - WTF!?

  • Love 12

Lol, although a pic of Jessa's post-partum vagina might eliminate any envy Jill has over not being able to deliver a 10 lb. baby the natural way.

Rushed to the hospital for being torn from her v to her a.

Michelle sounds totally benzo'd in that 911 call.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 9

And Michelle still sounds like a cheerful zombie even in an "emergency." I realize that childbirth isn't an emergency to a family that does 1-2x/yr. But still most moms would be a bit panicked if their daughter had passed a ton of blood after birth and they had to massage the uterus. Again - WTF!?

I understand the importance of remaining calm in an emergency, but Michelle relaying information in a sing-songy baby voice while her daughter was hemorrhaging was just all kinds of creepy. I wonder if Jessa had passed out at one point because I thought I heard Michelle say something like "she's talking now," as if she had just came around or something. I think Jill and Jessa need to realize that their mother was an absolute freak of nature in terms of carrying and delivering so many babies with relatively few complications. Judging by the 911 call, Jessa has had the worst delivery out of all them. They need to smarten up before a real tragedy happens.


JoeJitsu, I was thinking the same thing. Michelle sounded like she was in a major Benzo haze. She must be popping the Xanies like they're tic tacs these days.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 22

I'm thinking he was born at home, those pics were taken while Jessa was, like someone mentioned, finishing the delivery. Then likely Jessa and the baby went by ambulance together to the hospital.


At least if the "emergency" is true, someone had the sense to know she needed to go to he hospital.

That scenario is the best fit for the details we have. Then again, it is the Duggs and they do have a special to sell.


AAAnd click on the next page and find this confirmed.. haha. That'll teach me.. read the thread before responding/

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 3

Michelle probably needed ativan to get through the delivery. Creepy voice. I'm sure she's insanely jealous of her fertile daughter. I'm glad Jill wasn't there - who knows how long Jessa could've needed help and not gotten it.


I'm glad the 911 call and photo and Ben and Jessa at the hospital leaked. Screw whatever story they were gonna come up with.

  • Love 7

They need to smarten up before a real tragedy happens.



They won't. I'm betting there was no medical insurance. And I'm also betting that TLC is hoping for huge ratings out of this and was filming the entire time.


I'm sure the sales of next week's PEOPLE will be huge as well.

  • Love 5

I've always took the comments about how Michelle must be on drugs with a pinch of salt, like haha, yeah she's so weird she could be. But seriously, that call? I don't even know what that was. It's like the operator has to pull the answers out of her. No trace of panic or even concern in her voice. Searching for answers to simple questions.  She really sounds drugged out of her mind.

  • Love 11

How about we "purpose" to designate just one of us to read the story and then report back? Let's not give them any more page hits than necessary for snarking.


Copy and paste, folks! 



It's damn weird that Jessa was rushed to hospital, but her family stayed behind and are all smiles for photos.


I'm pretty sure MeChelle in her baby voice told them that this was no big deal/normal after childbirth and that they were just going to get her checked out. She is the "expert", after all. 

  • Love 3

I've always took the comments about how Michelle must be on drugs with a pinch of salt, like haha, yeah she's so weird she could be. But seriously, that call? I don't even know what that was. It's like the operator has to pull the answers out of her. No trace of panic or even concern in her voice. Searching for answers to simple questions.  She really sounds drugged out of her mind.

She sounds like she is playing her role for teevee. Oooh let's have an emergency. I'll be the calm experienced grandmother type. And action

  • Love 9

I was going to post pretty much exactly what GeeGolly said.  That is the only thing that makes any sense.  I bet Ben was losing his mind when Jessa was bleeding.  It had to have been a scary situation.  Was there not a more professional midwife on hand?  I guess she was tending Jessa.  I agree with everyone else and hope these girls are learning their lessons.

  • Love 2

It is a nice pic of the three of them, but Ben looks strange.  I wonder if he is wondering about those hospital bills.    I just hope he's not one of those assholes that gets jealous of the baby and the attention mom gives to him. 

There is no way in hell that the weight of being responsible for a wife, kid and their money being funny due to the show being pulled isn't on him like a pile of bricks right now. He's got that "Oh fawk! Shit just got real!" look all over his face and I don't think it's because he's in awe of his new baby. 

  • Love 13

I've always took the comments about how Michelle must be on drugs with a pinch of salt, like haha, yeah she's so weird she could be. But seriously, that call? I don't even know what that was. It's like the operator has to pull the answers out of her. No trace of panic or even concern in her voice. Searching for answers to simple questions. She really sounds drugged out of her mind.

I actually don't think it's likely she's on psychotropic drugs considering their religious background--they think prayer is the answer to everything. I think she's just so brainwashed there is no brain left, or that combined with a personality disorder.

  • Love 7

I was going to post pretty much exactly what GeeGolly said.  That is the only thing that makes any sense.  I bet Ben was losing his mind when Jessa was bleeding.  It had to have been a scary situation.  Was there not a more professional midwife on hand?  I guess she was tending Jessa.  I agree with everyone else and hope these girls are learning their lessons.


Michelle mentions that the baby is fine and the bleeding is slowing down. It seems more like a precautionary trip to the hospital and maybe some stitching. If it weren't for footage, you wonder if they would have bothered. I'm cynical yep.

  • Love 1

Michelle probably needed ativan to get through the delivery. Creepy voice. I'm sure she's insanely jealous of her fertile daughter. I'm glad Jill wasn't there - who knows how long Jessa could've needed help and not gotten it.

Right? Jessa could have been down to her last pint of blood and Jill would've been reassuring everyone it was perfectly normal while flipping frantically through her Bible to find a solution to the problem. Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

So, baby is born at home (brown towel pix), mommy and baby and a whacked out MommyDearest 911 it to the hospital (bonus photo op), Jessa stays in the hospital with mullethead but baby comes home, gets put in his prison garb (who picked that??) for more photos?

And Michelle sounds so... you've all better put into words what I can't.

It sounded like she had some side conversation while waiting for EMS. Did anyone catch it? Don't have my aux speaker and couldn't pick it up.

Uterine massage. Good grief. I have officially learned far far far too much about the birthing process.

  • Love 8

I didn't listen to the tape but I can say that Ihave experienced many medical emergencies between my mom, my uncle and kids that I am always calm during the emergency. I never break down because the last thing the medical team trying to help you is a crazy hysterical person that can't help them.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 4

If the baby is at home while Jessa remains hospitalized I think that pretty much confirms they don't have health insurance. It's odd to me that they wouldn't keep the baby with Jessa so he could nurse and be observed for any further complications.

Fuzzysox, regarding the tape, it's not so much that Michelle is calm, it's that she sounds high as a freaking kite in the audio recording.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 9


Uterine massage. Good grief. I have officially learned far far far too much about the birthing process.

The uterus has to contract to clamp off bleeding. You massage it to help it contract. Sometimes you basically have to punch it, hard. If it doesn't contract, or contracts too slowly, that's bad news, and how women can die. They weren't doing anything weird.


You'd think Michelle would know 911 calls are public domain, and can be released. Someone else, someone sane, could've called. Oh wait, this is Michelle! There goes the big People/Counting On plot line.

  • Love 9

I've always took the comments about how Michelle must be on drugs with a pinch of salt, like haha, yeah she's so weird she could be. But seriously, that call? I don't even know what that was. It's like the operator has to pull the answers out of her. No trace of panic or even concern in her voice. Searching for answers to simple questions.  She really sounds drugged out of her mind.

I'm feeling rather cynical about this. Do you think it might be a made up drama to increase public interest and get more publicity? I did not listen to the call but read the article quoting Michelle and it sounds as if the drama has paused when she says they want her checked out as she passed quite a bit of blood.

  • Love 1
I didn't listen to the tape but I can say that Ihave experienced many medical emergencies between my mom, my uncle and kids that I am always calm during the emergency. I never break down because the last thing the medical team trying to help you is a crazy hysterical person that can't help them.

But that's the thing, Michelle doesn't sound calm. She sounds... I'm not even sure I have a word for it. Off. Either on drugs or in shock. There's this weird sing-songy melody to her words, very quiet and vague. Like she's off with the fairies.

  • Love 13
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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