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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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He's a beautiful baby, but I will never understand taking the risk of having a home birth with such a big baby or going thru labor/delivery without having an epidural. She must have had a fairly short L&D because there doesn't seem to be any head molding at all. JB really does look like a boob in that picture, doesn't he?

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 and what is the "0" on the mantel for? 


That's a shout-out to Oprah, hopefully to get on her show....or channel or magazine, or whatever it is that she has.


I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why there is a picture of Guinn holding the baby and not Jessa?????????


 Jessa 's having her hair and make-up done.


 Looks like this family needs to have a sit down and discuss privacy and who has the rights to announce personal info. 


I've never heard of this, ever. Seriously, this isn't the royal family. Normal families just call each other....sister calls grandpa who then calls aunt who then calls......


And please, Hobby Lobby Gods, stop encouraging this humongous self-portraits over the mantel business.

  • Love 10

I know this is low of me, but I'm okay with Jessica Seewald releasing the birth of baby Seeworld. After all, Jessa wanted to steal Amy's thunder when Amy was getting married. Karma,baby.

I hope reality hits Bin hard and makes him step it up. No more living off of Daddy Duggar's $$$$ anymore. Get a real job, Bin.

Eh, Amy was obviously leaking info about Jessa, Jill, and the rest, to anyone and everyone who wanted info, and she'd been using the Duggar name and reputation despite never living anything close to the J'slave drudge life.

Wait till Ben finds out ice cream cakes are a thing:


I can easily imagine Ben seeing a Levi's truck drive past, and him saying "Le-vi's. Do you think that truck is full of jeans?"

We all know Jana was automatically assigned babysitting duties for the occasion and couldn't attend, but I wonder if Jinger got to attend the birth.

Edited by Kokapetl
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I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why there is a picture of Guinn holding the baby and not Jessa????????? OH and Mrs. Seewald does not have her wedding band on.

Well since the baby is still in the towel, not yet washed and dressed, I would say he was JUST born. Jessa would be busy pushing out the afterbirth, getting stitched up, and I am certain she has popped every blood vessel in her face and eyes and has matted, sweaty hair and looks just awful! ( At least, that's how I looked immediately after childbirth!)

Edited by louannems
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How many people are in that house, passing that poor baby around for photo ops? Not that I'm an expert, but wouldn't both mother and baby like some peace and quiet right after the birth? Then again the idea of giving birth at home surrounded by half my family freaks me the fuck out.


ETA: I have to say that is a very cute baby, especially compared to poor Izzy.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 8

Hmm, olive oil bottle on the floor near Grandma's head, and what is the "0" on the mantel for?  Days until due date, not updated?  Next we will see "40".

For perineal massage during pregnancy and labor.JimChelle went to prenatal class where the instructor told the men to" love on that cervix")!!!!!!!!!!!

The hospital story doesn't make sense. The pics of newborn Quincy were clearly taken in the Mold House. I can't imagine the hospital would have released Jessa so quickly if there were complications.

Eta: I wonder if she was rushed to the hospital after the delivery due to heavy bleeding or some other issue. If this is the case then Jessa is a damn fool. One of these days the Duggars' luck is going to run out. Just buy some damn insurance through Obamacare already and see real professionals for your medical needs.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 18


Just saw this on my FB feed. Baby Bam Bam was born in a hospital!!


what?! Are they trying to trick us with the towel and house shots?. - but I am glad medical help was close by and I do hope Jessa is doing better now, no long term complications.



Just saw this on my FB feed. Baby Bam Bam was born in a hospital!!



Wow. Jill must be glad she didn't get a homebirth.


C-section? I guess we'll see all the drama on the next exciting episode of Counting On.

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I've never heard of this, ever. Seriously, this isn't the royal family. Normal families just call each other....sister calls grandpa who then calls aunt who then calls......

But people today have no concept of etiquette, so without asking people to refrain, this doesn't happen. Instead of a nice call sharing news among family and friends, it's an impersonal online post.

Of course, they are probably more upset at the possible income loss than of the risk of offending family, so whatever.

  • Love 2

Maybe something horrible happened to Jessa in the day or so afterwards.


From the TMZ article:

J Duggar delivered a baby boy Thursday night, but it wasn't easy ... we've learned she tried giving birth at home but there were complications and she was rushed to the hospital.

I'd be kind of pissed if someone else delivered my good news. I remember I'd tell my sister something and by the time I spoke with my folks, well, it was old news!

Maybe Jessa is unable to tweet or IG. Oh, the humanity...

  • Love 4

No pictures of Jessa holding the baby =weirdness!


As for a hospital birth, when I worked the company I worked for was based in California. When you read the insurance booklet about pregnancy it said they could kick you out within 8 hours of giving birth in California. I don't know if that is what happened to Jessa but having all those people touching my brand new baby is just too many germs shared for my likes.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 6

I know that many people are great believers in home births and I have friends who have given birth at home with great success, but it scares the bejeebers out of me. There is simply too much that can go wrong. I have no great love for Jessa but I'm very glad she got medical care when she needed it. And I'm sorry that it was most likely a scary event more than a happy one. Tomorrow I'll return to my regular scheduled contempt for her.

  • Love 17

From all the information we have right now I'm guessing Jessa had the baby at home, Bam Bam is fine,  but she needed to be transported to the hospital afterwards for some medical emergency. All snark aside, I hope she's okay.


As far as the first pictures of the baby - WTF is up with passing him around like a freaking hot potato while he's still in the gross, slimy, bloody towel ?!?!  I know with most births they put the kid on the mom's chest right away to warm up/calm down/bond, but after that they clean it up ! 


If Jessa had to high-tail it to the hospital why wasn't he somewhere quiet with Ben, instead of being posed in front of the damn closet or with Grandma Many Layers ?


This is so many level of wrong I can't even...


He's so new his little head is still wet from his delivery, but he's not a baby or a blessing - he's a commodity


Even for this family I'm shocked at the levels of fucked-upedness. 

  • Love 24

Why did this sister/sister-in-law take it upon herself to announce the baby's arrival (and it's gender, too!)?  


That honor belongs to the parents. 


Does she not like the Duggar circus in general or Jessa in particular or something?  Because how could she not know that was a pretty presumptuous and inconsiderate thing to do?   

She lives in fundie bubble land, they do not know our ways.

  • Love 14

Maybe she needed a C section is why he looks so good. Or it happened a few days ago and she is home. Hard to know. But what is interesting is that Michelle can mostly just drop them and the two girls had complications. What's up with that?

If I'm not mistaken Michelle saw OB's for her pregnancy care, not lay midwives who learned their trade through WebMD.

  • Love 12

Maybe she needed a C section is why he looks so good. Or it happened a few days ago and she is home. Hard to know. But what is interesting is that Michelle can mostly just drop them and the two girls had complications. What's up with that?

Only two kids in Jim Bob's family. I thought it was because they used to be normal, but maybe not great hips or something. Or not for such big babies.

  • Love 4

All this talk about natural childbirth reminds me of a Joan River routinely: (I'm paraphrasing)

"Did you have natural child birth? Natural childbirth? Why. Have you ever heard of natural dentistry?"

Really, if you can get safety and pain relief, why should you be made to feel bad? If you choose to squooch your kid out while sitting on a toilet, good for you. But a sterile hospital with a nice epidural is also a valid choice.

  • Love 19

All this talk about natural childbirth reminds me of a Joan River routinely: (I'm paraphrasing)

"Did you have natural child birth? Natural childbirth? Why. Have you ever heard of natural dentistry?"

Really, if you can get safety and pain relief, why should you be made to feel bad? If you choose to squooch your kid out while sitting on a toilet, good for you. But a sterile hospital with a nice epidural is also a valid choice.

yes, thank you! I wish I could like this a 1,000 times.
  • Love 3

From all the information we have right now I'm guessing Jessa had the baby at home, Bam Bam is fine,  but she needed to be transported to the hospital afterwards for some medical emergency. All snark aside, I hope she's okay.


As far as the first pictures of the baby - WTF is up with passing him around like a freaking hot potato while he's still in the gross, slimy, bloody towel ?!?!  I know with most births they put the kid on the mom's chest right away to warm up/calm down/bond, but after that they clean it up ! 


If Jessa had to high-tail it to the hospital why wasn't he somewhere quiet with Ben, instead of being posed in front of the damn closet or with Grandma Many Layers ?


This is so many level of wrong I can't even...


He's so new his little head is still wet from his delivery, but he's not a baby or a blessing - he's a commodity


Even for this family I'm shocked at the levels of fucked-upedness. 

Bravo Bravo.. Second post of the day.

I think that Jessa's baby is cuter than Iz too. It's not surprising. Ben and Jessa are better looking than Jill and Derrick.

Babies, especially newborn ones, kinda look basically the same to me, but attractive people will have attractive offspring. Ben and Jessa are both more attractive than Derick and Jill. Quincy will be cuter than Izzy at ten, and more handsome at twenty.

Adolescent Izzy's teeth alone will make an orthodontist rich.

Edited by Kokapetl
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There was some speculation in the comments about gestational diabetes due to the large size.

Not sure what happens to the baby or the mother, but maybe the baby had low blood sugar so they called an ambulance to help?

I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy. Once she was born, they pricked her heel and her blood sugar was low so they had me nurse her. It was a still a little low even after that, so they asked if I would mind giving her an ounce or so of formula to get it back up. After that, I think they checked her again the next day and then that was it. 

As far as me having gestational diabetes, they didn't ever check my blood sugars since the condition disappears once the baby is born. I did have to go do the gluocose test/blood draw again weeks later to make sure that I hadn't been unknowingly diabetic prior to getting pregnant. 


So whatever caused Jessa to go to the hospital, I don't think it would have been gestational diabetes. 

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There are so many adorable baby clothes out there (even if you buy used).  Why on earth dress the kid in a prison jump suit?

That is too funny.  JB's #6 had to match him I suppose.  Poor Jessa doesn't get to have herself in any of the first pictures - she did all of the work,  but JB get's his smug in of course.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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