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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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ETA: People has just posted a photo, probably because they realize that another photo is already out there. No name yet. More photos promised on the Seewald website -- of course. 





ETA #2: Is 9 lbs, 11 oz bigger than Izzy? Ouchie. 

Edited by Guest

Why did this sister/sister-in-law take it upon herself to announce the baby's arrival (and it's gender, too!)?  


That honor belongs to the parents. 


Does she not like the Duggar circus in general or Jessa in particular or something?  Because how could she not know that was a pretty presumptuous and inconsiderate thing to do?   

Which sister announced the arrival?  I'm confused.

I assume the picture is Ben's mom holding the baby.   He is obviously a newborn.  But WHERE was the pix taken?  A hospital?  No hospital I know of has cobblestone floors.  Odd!


The baby, like most newborns, is adorable.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
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9.11 pounds at home. OUCH!!!! These ladies really do not get much time to enjoy their new "married" intimate time for long. Glad she has a healthy baby, but I am so curious as to how much pelvic floor therapy these ladies have to do with such close together births!  




ETA #2: Is 9 lbs, 11 oz bigger than Izzy? Ouchie. 


Ouch agreed!!!!!! ahhhhck.

  • Love 8

He's cute. Cuter than Izzy. He will have fun playing with baby cousins Meredith and Israel (but no alone time with Uncle Smugs!).

9 lbs. 11 oz. is big. My first was 10 lbs.. 3 oz. (2 weeks late). Yes, ouch! And he never did fit in all those newborn clothes - straight to 3-6 month sizes!

Looks like a home birth (bath towel wrap).

I keep thinking Benjamin, Jr. For a name. Perhaps a way for Jessa to restore some of the dignity Jim Boob has stripped away from her husband. If not that, then something kind of trendy - Carter, Emerson.. I think a biblical name like Asher or Noah would be cute.





ETA: People has just posted a photo, probably because they realize that another photo is already out there. No name yet. More photos promised on the Seewald website -- of course. 





ETA #2: Is 9 lbs, 11 oz bigger than Izzy? Ouchie. 

This is why Bam Bam would be the perfect name for him.


Is that an old towel they used to wrap him in? 

  • Love 5

Cameras and money aside, I would be PISSED if one of my siblings announced the birth of my kid first- especially if I was keeping the sex a secret. She took that fun moment away from them! ( Assuming she had a major case of word vomit and didn't have permission). 


But glad everything seems to have gone well- perhaps due in part to the fact that their resident lay midwife Jilly muffin is in another country. 


But I wonder- if you have tearing and such can a lay midwife ( like Jill) stitch you up? I would be so nervous to have a home birth, especially for the first kid. I wouldn't trust Jill ( or anyone with her credentials) to sew my socks much less anything else...

Edited by yogi2014L
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ETA: People has just posted a photo, probably because they realize that another photo is already out there. No name yet. More photos promised on the Seewald website -- of course. 





ETA #2: Is 9 lbs, 11 oz bigger than Izzy? Ouchie.

Isn't that Guinn holding her grandchild. You can tell he was Just born! He's still wrapped in a bath towel. So definitely a homebirth. A 10 lb baby at a homebirth for a first time mom is scary! Was he born in the kitchen??? He is absolutely lovely.

  • Love 5

The birthing house kinda looks like the mold house. Guinn looks like she is sitting in the living room. Behind her is the dining area and then the kitchen.

Can you imagine what a krazy scene that was with all those people in a tiny house while you are pushing out a huge bowling ball?

  • Love 2

Can you imagine what a krazy scene that was with all those people in a tiny house while you are pushing out a huge bowling ball?

Let's not forget Boob & the Stink Bus parked on the front lawn.

Why couldn't they have wrapped him up in a blue towel instead of the yucky colored one? (Or pink if it was a girl).

  • Love 2

But I wonder- if you have tearing and such can a lay midwife ( like Jill) stitch you up? I would be so nervous to have a home birth, especially for the first kid. I wouldn't trust Jill ( or anyone with her credentials) to sew my socks much less anything else...


Good question! I had 2nd degree tears with both of my kids. The second time the on-call doctor was one not from my normal practice and the nurse told me that he was the best one for the job of stitching them up! I've heard of some home births where mom tore badly and had to be transferred to the hospital to be stitched. With big babies like they have, not tearing too much would definitely be added to my prayer list in the weeks prior to delivery because ouch.

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I think some home birth mothers simply don't get stitched.  I used to know a woman who belonged to a cult that didn't believe in doctors or hospitals.  She had all her kids at home (a total of five) as did all the women in the cult.  No pre-natal check-ups, no doctors or hospitals afterwards.


I know Kim Kardashian's baby is not due for another month, but could you imagine if she and Jessa were due the same week and Kim pushed Jessa off the cover of People?  I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when Jessa found out.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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ETA: People has just posted a photo, probably because they realize that another photo is already out there. No name yet. More photos promised on the Seewald website -- of course. 





ETA #2: Is 9 lbs, 11 oz bigger than Izzy? Ouchie.

I think someone upthread had the "formula" correct for guessing a baby's birth weight to be similar to its mother's.

Jessa is quoted in that People article as saying that she was the largest of her siblings at 9 lbs. 15 ozs. Ouch.

The birthing house kinda looks like the mold house. Guinn looks like she is sitting in the living room. Behind her is the dining area and then the kitchen.

Yes, she seems to have delivered at their own home. 


In answer to the other question, I think lay midwives may only stitch the smallest of tears. 

It appears Jessica delivered the news followed by Michelle (on the Duggar Family Official Facebook page), but I'm wondering if either of them had Jessa's permission to do so. I can understand Jessica's excitement at being a new aunt, but Michelle should know that this info wasn't hers to announce. Looks like this family needs to have a sit down and discuss privacy and who has the rights to announce personal info. 

  • Love 4

What if you had a baby and the world didn't notice..................

You mean like some peasant?!


Observations on the pictures:

-No one could close the freaking closet door?  Really?

-The irony of dressing the kid in a black and white striped onesie.  Yes, child, welcome to your life of being a prisoner to your grandfather's personal brand of crazy theology.  


I don't like babies, they freak me out, so no comments on the relative attractiveness of this one.  

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 19

It appears Jessica delivered the news followed by Michelle (on the Duggar Family Official Facebook page), but I'm wondering if either of them had Jessa's permission to do so. I can understand Jessica's excitement at being a new aunt, but Michelle should know that this info wasn't hers to announce. Looks like this family needs to have a sit down and discuss privacy and who has the rights to announce personal info.

Boundaries are not among this family's strong points.

  • Love 3

I know this is low of me, but I'm okay with Jessica Seewald releasing the birth of baby Seeworld. After all, Jessa wanted to steal Amy's thunder when Amy was getting married. Karma,baby.

I hope reality hits Bin hard and makes him step it up. No more living off of Daddy Duggar's $$$$ anymore. Get a real job, Bin.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 11
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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