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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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If she posts a picture of little Quincy wearing one of those shirts, I may just have to go to her page (instead of just seeing the pics when people post them here) so I can comment "I didn't know you tried to have an abortion that failed. That's really brave if you to admit, Jessa."

That's why I don't get those t-shirts. By wearing it, aren't you saying that you mother either considered abortion or had a failed one? Otherwise, that don't make no sense. Then again, looking for logic in the Duggar's worldview is like looking in the desert for water - it's a mirage.

  • Love 15

Sierra: Long, twisting fundie hair- check

Hand on belly to tell us she's pregnant- check

Undershirt peeking out to tell us she's modest- check

Have a baby every single year- check

I think she wants to be another Michelle or Jill Rodrigues!

For once, Jessa does NOT have her hand cradling the blessing. And no more undershirts, thank goodness.

  • Love 3

Jessa still has feet. In all my pregnancies, my feet (by this time) were boxy smushy fat messes. When I went to the hospital with my first, I no longer had shoes I could fit on my feet! I wore moccasins with the flaps hanging down the sides and the tongue piece lolling out.

  • Love 3

Jessa still has feet. In all my pregnancies, my feet (by this time) were boxy smushy fat messes. When I went to the hospital with my first, I no longer had shoes I could fit on my feet! I wore moccasins with the flaps hanging down the sides and the tongue piece lolling out.


LOL. I feel ya. With my third, I went to the hospital in socks. Not a shoe in my house would fit on my feet.

  • Love 2

Jessa still has feet. In all my pregnancies, my feet (by this time) were boxy smushy fat messes. When I went to the hospital with my first, I no longer had shoes I could fit on my feet! I wore moccasins with the flaps hanging down the sides and the tongue piece lolling out.

And yet another way the Dugs remind me of the Kardashians. Jessa looks great during her pregnancy and so far makes it look easy like Kourtney does and Jill was a blotted mess like Kim.

  • Love 3

In view of the Chipotle problem, I would not go to any taco stand now, or at 9 months pregnant.  

I agree. If I was nearing or past my due date, no way in heck would I eat anything like that knowing that I may go into labor at any time and that people would be crowded down around my bum when I did. I'm also thinking no one (not even certified lay midwife Jill) has let Jessa in on that secret they keep from women who haven't had babies yet - many end up pooing while giving birth.

  • Love 3

If Jessa has the baby today, I'm sure she'll say it's a birthday gift from Jesus/God.


They would definitely know if it was twins and it's not. I have no idea whether it's a girl or boy. I'm not sure they know. I know a lot of people who waited to find out the gender at birth. I could see this as way to show some individually that would not be totally condemned by JB and Michelle. 


The first scandal broke in May, I remember because Jill's labor VSE aired Mother's Day week.


Not sure boy or girl, but I will stick with my prediction of the baby being born today November 4th on Jessa's birthday. Either Ben Jr. for a boy or Zelah Grace Lauren for a girl. 

  • Love 1

That's why I don't get those t-shirts. By wearing it, aren't you saying that you mother either considered abortion or had a failed one? Otherwise, that don't make no sense. Then again, looking for logic in the Duggar's worldview is like looking in the desert for water - it's a mirage.


Ignorant, uneducated people have a deluded view of the world that only makes sense to them and other uneducated people. My brother is like this. He hasn't opened a book in 25 years, but he knows everything!  He's an idiot! After attempting to have a conversation with him you'll want to jump in front of a speeding car. 

  • Love 13

I agree. If I was nearing or past my due date, no way in heck would I eat anything like that knowing that I may go into labor at any time and that people would be crowded down around my bum when I did. I'm also thinking no one (not even certified lay midwife Jill) has let Jessa in on that secret they keep from women who haven't had babies yet - many end up pooing while giving birth.


I'm in my 40's and I don't have any kids so I've always wondered about this. I knew it!  

  • Love 3

Ignorant, uneducated people have a deluded view of the world that only makes sense to them and other uneducated people. My brother is like this. He hasn't opened a book in 25 years, but he knows everything!  He's an idiot! After attempting to have a conversation with him you'll want to jump in front of a speeding car. 

If your brother is my brother-in-law, then I know what you mean!  Especially when he has been drinking and he gets louder with the point he is trying to make.  Because if you are shouting it, it means more right?  I can't imagine having a conversation with Ben, or B.S. as I like to call him.

  • Love 8



So Bin released a video wishing Jessa a happy birthday. He bumbled through the whole thing. 


"Ummm....happy birthday Jessa. You're...ummm...a good wife. Oh, and...uh...you'll make a great mom." 


I'm sure when he turned the camera off he looked at Jessa and said, "Was that okay? Do you want me to do it again?"


We've made this observation many times before, but I will never understand why these people think they have to post a video wishing someone a happy birthday/mother's day/father's day/anniversary/what have you instead of,  you know, actually telling that person those things. It just feels insincere to me. Bin didn't make that video for Jessa. He made it for their fans. I really think that's a sad way to live.  

Wow his heart wasn't into that at all.  He's just saying what he thinks he has to say with no feeling whatsoever.  So not excited about the baby or being married or her birthday or her or anything.  He couldn't have more lack of feeling if he tried.  He looks and sounds depressed about the whole thing. Like - oh I have to make some stupid video saying happy birthday. 

  • Love 6

Jessa isn't on a mission on the international space station, they live together in the same 3 bedroom house. I hope he's just awkward because it's a video crated solely for fans, not Jessa.


Even for the fans that was awful. Serious question: Is Bin comfortable being a TV star? I know he pursued Jessa but he always seems so awkward on camera.

  • Love 5

He looks stoned off his ass. At least he had the decency to take his Shiner's hat off.

I was thinking that too, we know Derick looks stoned most of the time, but if Ben's high he's not even a happy stoner. Since he's not of drinking age yet I guess he could get Jessa to buy him a bottle of Jack Daniels or something but either way he's just down and out.

That video was painful. I'm wondering if Jessa already had the baby and he was a) tired and b) not able to convincingly act like she was still pregnant. I think it's hard living a lie if you're not used to it. The Duggars are seasoned pros, but Bin is still learning.

Maybe he is tired, maybe she's been in labor for hours now.  

  • Love 3

We've made this observation many times before, but I will never understand why these people think they have to post a video wishing someone a happy birthday/mother's day/father's day/anniversary/what have you instead of,  you know, actually telling that person those things. It just feels insincere to me. Bin didn't make that video for Jessa. He made it for their fans. I really think that's a sad way to live.  

In their minds (and in the minds of many who live with a phone welded to their hand) it didn't happen unless there's video. Bin knows that his wife is quite interested in the attention she gets from having their every life event (hell, every minute they're up and dressed for that matter) broadcast online and on Instagram, so of COURSE he made a video.


Bin and JessaBlessa also seem to suffer from the inflated sense of self-worth that comes from never having faced any kind of serious challenge in life, don't they? Then again, JessaBlessa seems to have swept any residual trauma from childhood under the rug. It'll be interesting to see what happens if and when these two are actually required to deal with something that doesn't involve selfies, shopping or posing with fast food.

  • Love 10

omfg, she really HAS been pregnant forever. April!!!!

I realized when she mentioned 40 weeks, that with their just passed anniversary she enjoyed a whopping 12 weeks of marriage without being pregnant or having a kid. And sadly, that's an eternity in the cult of Got Hard. Ugh.

  • Love 9

I agree. If I was nearing or past my due date, no way in heck would I eat anything like that knowing that I may go into labor at any time and that people would be crowded down around my bum when I did. I'm also thinking no one (not even certified lay midwife Jill) has let Jessa in on that secret they keep from women who haven't had babies yet - many end up pooing while giving birth.


Eh, you'll probably end up going either way.... the nurses are so used to it, they just clean it up and move on without comment.

Most OBs TELL you to eat spicy food if you are past your due date to help bring on labor.

  • Love 1

Good God that video is awful. I will always be utterly astonished at the arrogance of this clan. Jessa and Bin are right on par with Ma and Pa Duggar in that regard. Their sense of entitlement and perceived superiority starts with Boob and J'Uterus, goes on down to Joshie Pig and his "not good enough to keep him from straying" wife. The Dullards have had no problem seeing themselves as more special than the rest of us and Jessa and Bin are right in line.

I have admitted before and still am keeping up with them just to see them get knocked down. Joshgate act 1 and act 2, as heinous as they were, did not prove to be the final straw.

The whole ignorant, secluded bunch should never get any further media coverage. They are a slap in the face to those of us who work and are concerned with someone other than ourselves.

  • Love 11

Breaking in to ask who cuts Ben's hair.


Didn't Joy Anna cut his hair one time? It seems we've discussed that special and defrauding moment.

I think it was Jinger and we commented that they had a lot of chemistry together. They sure are better suited for each other since they are closer in age. Jessa is too old for Bin. Even though they never dated I remember that Jessa always had a stink face when they were first courting. She sure changed her toon when there were no other suitors and she wanted out so Bin it was. Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 5

That video was just... weird.


Bin does not look excited at all, in fact he looks sort of vaguely sad and a bit insecure at times like he's wanting to please but can't quite muster up the energy. I wonder if  Blessa's 'don't mess with Jess'-personality has been rearing it's head during her pregnancy. I'm speculating here, but I do tend to see her as a person who has no problems showing her displeasure with people. Either straight out or, perhaps more likely considering her upbringing, in passive-aggressive ways that poor dumb Bin isn't experienced or smart enough to deal with. Didn't his family describe him as someone who was pretty gentle and didn't like conflicts?

  • Love 2



So Bin released a video wishing Jessa a happy birthday. He bumbled through the whole thing. 


"Ummm....happy birthday Jessa. You're...ummm...a good wife. Oh, and...uh...you'll make a great mom." 


I'm sure when he turned the camera off he looked at Jessa and said, "Was that okay? Do you want me to do it again?"


We've made this observation many times before, but I will never understand why these people think they have to post a video wishing someone a happy birthday/mother's day/father's day/anniversary/what have you instead of,  you know, actually telling that person those things. It just feels insincere to me. Bin didn't make that video for Jessa. He made it for their fans. I really think that's a sad way to live.  


This reminds me of something Jacqueline Kennedy said when she was asked why she never kept diaries or journals, and wouldn't be coming out with a book covering her own very interesting and important life. Even though she herself had worked in publishing for years after Onassis' death. She had a terrific reply which I just loved - "I wanted to live my life - not record it..."

  • Love 13
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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