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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Well, Michael Seewald put it all out there. 


Too bad we won't get to see JimBob and Seewald bumping into to eachother on camera at the Mold House. JimBob has a nasty way about him that he tries to cover with wise cracks and jokes. Seewald would crack him in the head, if we were lucky.  While Michelle smiled on... 


So, currently, we have one Bible passage posted by Jessa and one blog by Seewald. No other comments. 


  • Love 2

I think Mike Seewald is just pissed that he rode so hard for Josh on the molestation scandal only to have it blow up in his face when Smuggar proved himself to be every bit the dirt bag the rest of the world knew he was.

In hindsight maybe driving four hours to attend a warehouse church so his son could bag a Duggar wasn't such a hot idea after all. If Bin hadn't married Jessa he'd probably be starting his junior year at U of A right now. Instead he's scrubbing toilets for JimBob and serving as Jessa's lackey at women's conferences.


Ain't that a bitch? You're totally spot on. Every Duggar in-law and hanger on thought the gravy train would be rolling for a few more years at least. Nice job encouraging your son to go scrub toilets instead of keeping whatever that windshield job was that he had.


At least Pa Seewald is having the expected reaction you'd have when you put your ass on the line for someone and they turn out to have been playing you all along. Of course, it's probably only because the show is canceled. These people really do worship money. They should look into what Jesus said about rich men.

  • Love 15


Ben is now associated with the Duggar name which is not gonna help his fantasy of being a preacher. 

Aside from a few hardcore fans, he is gonna get booed off stage. 


Jessa has 1.7m followers on Instagram. Assume two thirds of them are trainwreck watchers and fake accounts, that still leaves over half a million people, and judging from the comments, those people are not very bright. I think those two can totally wring a living out of their fans for a few more years.


I do think that in order to do that they're going to have to muzzle Ben, which undoubtedly is going to piss his father off bad, but I think the happy couple will be able to keep the grift going for a while.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 2

Jessa has 1.7m followers on Instagram. Assume two thirds of them are trainwreck watchers and fake accounts, that still leaves over half a million people, and judging from the comments, those people are not very bright. I think those two can totally wring a living out of their fans for a few more years.


I do think that in order to do that they're going to have to muzzle Ben, which undoubtedly is going to piss his father off bad, but I think the happy couple will be able to keep the grift going for a while.


Yeah, they have so many followers that I think they may be able to keep it going for a while, too. But I think there'll be a constant dwindling of the ranks. Ben really can't be very effectively muzzled, probably. And while Jessa has a lot of fans, I don't think she has any ability or even any willingness to say encouraging or flattering things even to them. While a lot love her mean-girl persona now, I don't think you can really keep a ministry if you don't tell people what they want to hear -- including in the positive sense. And the positive sense seems to be out of Jessa's range. Plus, as they try to do this while raising kids, they're probably going to get even grumpier. And they'll both lose their looks (which I don't really think are all that to begin with) so that'll cause a gradual loss of interest, too. And I really don't see them picking up anybody new. I think they're stuck with the people who have mostly teen crushes on them at this point.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

I don't know anything at all about the adoption process so please excuse me if this is a really dumb irrelevant question but I was wondering is there such a thing as a private adoption where say a woman who is still pregnant decides to give her child up for adoption and chooses the parents to raise her child and it's handled through private attorneys? There would probably still be some kinds of laws and things but would that kind of adoption be less restrictive in some ways?

This happens. And it's generally less expensive that way

Gothard used the "sins of the father" explanation as to why his followers shouldn't adopt.

Isn't he adopted

  • Love 1

I've read some disturbing stories about informal adoption in America. Fundies adopt scores of school age kids from third world countries, and a few months in, are honestly shocked to discover that the children often have significant behavioral problems from living in orphanages until they were ten, and that they don't take well to their new restrictive and ultra religious families, so the kids get shunted around unofficially.

Well see fundies think jesus will heal them and want to rescue all the orphans. Then they think the orphans should be grateful they saved them and thank jesus. When their dream is crushed they often rehome them or sen f them back.

Arkansas requires opposite sex children to be in seperate rooms after age 4.

Otherwise, they just need 50 square feet in the bedroom per child. The Arkansas DHS page doesn't even mention having their own bed. (Other states do... based on the fact the Duggar's don't even have their own children in separate beds, maybe DHS should spell that out for fosters...)

There are so many blogs of "child collectors". I have no doubt that Jessa and Ben can pass a homestudy. The requirements seem minimal, and finding a lax social worker seems to be key.

In my state it's no more than three per room and every kid has to have their own bed. Also you can't have so many kids under a certain age. So no 4 under 2 or two infants unless they're twins at once

  • Love 1

This is the second time Pa Seewald called JB out. And JB caved the first time and moved Ben in and hired him.


I truly wonder how Jessa is reacting to her FIL's rant. Who is she aligning with, Josh or Pa Seewald?  Even if Pa Seewald is right, it is a big deal to call your DIL's brother a poser. And didn't he make for an awkward situation for Ben?

This is the second time Pa Seewald called JB out. And JB caved the first time and moved Ben in and hired him.


I truly wonder how Jessa is reacting to her FIL's rant. Who is she aligning with, Josh or Pa Seewald?  Even if Pa Seewald is right, it is a big deal to call your DIL's brother a poser. And didn't he make for an awkward situation for Ben?

Josh cost Jessa and her jobless husband their reality empire TWICE.  She's far to practical to pledge continued allegiance to Josh.

  • Love 7

Josh cost Jessa and her jobless husband their reality empire TWICE.  She's far to practical to pledge continued allegiance to Josh.

Is she though? She is a Kool-aid drinker, and if she/they disrespect Josh, aren't they, in their world disrespecting JB & M. That would be biting the hand that feeds you. 

  • Love 1

Is she though? She is a Kool-aid drinker, and if she/they disrespect Josh, aren't they, in their world disrespecting JB & M. That would be biting the hand that feeds you.

Of all the children, Jessa has the smallest glass of cool-aid. Jessa loves to twist the passive-aggressive knife into JB. Her whole relationship with Ben, pink wedding dress, the kiss in private when her creepy father probably wanted to see the sheets, and adoption talk..
  • Love 11

Jessa has 1.7m followers on Instagram. Assume two thirds of them are trainwreck watchers and fake accounts, that still leaves over half a million people, and judging from the comments, those people are not very bright. I think those two can totally wring a living out of their fans for a few more years.


I do think that in order to do that they're going to have to muzzle Ben, which undoubtedly is going to piss his father off bad, but I think the happy couple will be able to keep the grift going for a while.

I think muzzling Ben might be pretty challenging.

  • Love 6

Honestly, I don't think any of the people who have come out and supported Josh about the molestation meant it; at least from the family perspective. Sure diehards will say he was young and didn't know any better---I've noticed some fans keep making him younger and younger. But someone like Pa Seewald was smart enough to know that if Josh went down so did the family...so don't let Josh go down. 


I think if this scandal came out first, we would have seen the same reactions in the same order. The only difference between now and then is that the show is gone and never coming back. Therefore, they don't have to save the family because the families image is now gone for good and they're tasked with saving their won self-image for defending a molester. 


I have a feeling each of them are kicking themselves for ever writing in favor of him to begin with. I also think if Jessa and Jill knew the Fox interview was also going to essentially snail the coffin door shut on the show; they would have spoke out more in a better effort to gain their own show. Where they both failed was in the belief that the American audience would stick around if they turned into a carbon-copy of their mother. What the American audience would have applauded and tuned in for is quite the opposite. 

  • Love 7

To me it read like condemning Josh and then leaving the door open for redemption.  Not sure if I am understanding him correctly but didn't want to read it again, once was enough. 

That was how I read it too.  He doesn't say anywhere that Josh is incapable of being forgiven and will rot in hell forever.  I think he is understandably embarrassed and it will be a long time before he looks on Josh favorably.  

Fake Michael Seewald: "Look, Josh, I sent my boy down there to snag himself a Duggar. The boy's not that bright and his mama and I feared that all of the flexing into mirrors and lazily admiring his own reflection would lead to the so called homosexual lifestyle. We couldn't let that happen, so as soon as the boy turned 18 we knew he'd be full of evil desires such as masturbation and navel gazing. And boy did he snare him a pretty one. Now you, Josh Duggar, you've gone and ruined a perfectly good scheme that Guinn, God, and I cooked up. Now if there's no tv show, my boy's going to have to get himself a job. Thanks for nothing. Fucker."

<standing ovation>

  • Love 10


Alright then......they really want to have twenty kids? Finish their "adoption class" next year and start adopting younguns? What adoption agency in their right mind would give this clueless couple a baby? Well, aside from Jim Bob and Michelle..with the lack of money coming in, they probably would pass a few of the younger ones off on them. Who am I kidding .....the "rehab center" probably runs a sister adoption agency for gothard teens that strayed from the path of righteousness.....

They're not adopting a child. They'll have to divulge their financial information to do so, and I'm fairly sure that Jim Boob would NEVER sign off on that. It's tough to make money when one doesn't have a JOB. And the TV riches/People magazine exclusives will be long gone by then.

  • Love 3

Can I sing backup?

Please tell me your first single will be Rihanna's "Bitch Better Have My Money"...

And one more thing -- I would actually pay to see Michael Seewald and Jim Boob duke it out.


Well, actually two: I really can't wait until schaudenfreud/the universe/Karma catches up with Bin and Jessa Blessa. They're obnoxious, among many other adjectives I could use to describe them. It's unfortunate that they've never read that whole "pride goeth before a fall" passage in the Bible, either.

  • Love 12

I don't think that Ben's dad would have written that blog without Jessa's buy in. I hope that this is an indication that Jessa is seeing things more clearly and distancing herself from her parents and Josh.

Plus she gets real food, actual sheets on the bed and no Josie licking everything in sight at the Seewalds.     

         I am not so sure that Pa Seewald wanted or asked approval though, but Jessa is so cold and self absorbed she would probably leave her family in the dust.

          If.......it meant money.

          She better hurry though because the clock is ticking on profit if she has a book written.   There will be no show. Neither one of them has anything to offer in that arena.

         The book would have to be a real tell all.    Like a plea deal, one ounce of bullshit or a lie and the deal is off.

  • Love 2

There have been a number of conversations on this board over the years about how the Duggar children have never really had to develop any coping skills: they've never had a fight with a best friend, had a teacher they didn't like, broken up with a boyfriend, etc. Jessa is dealing with some big issues right now: she's expecting her first child; her income stream has dried up; the future she saw for herself has blown up; and she's having to deal with the public humilation of having her family outed for not being the wonderful, wholesome, godly family that they have portrayed to the world. 


The only coping skills that she does have are her angry, bitter, legailistic "Christian" beliefs. I think that she will go further and further down this path and alienate even more people.

  • Love 21

There have been a number of conversations on this board over the years about how the Duggar children have never really had to develop any coping skills: they've never had a fight with a best friend, had a teacher they didn't like, broken up with a boyfriend, etc. Jessa is dealing with some big issues right now: she's expecting her first child; her income stream has dried up; the future she saw for herself has blown up; and she's having to deal with the public humilation of having her family outed for not being the wonderful, wholesome, godly family that they have portrayed to the world. 


The only coping skills that she does have are her angry, bitter, legailistic "Christian" beliefs. I think that she will go further and further down this path and alienate even more people.

Such great points.  And now she has the Seewalds for support and they seem pretty rigid and judgmental.

  • Love 3

Can't figure Jessa out ... her Tweet:

Jessa Seewald ‏@JessaSeewald 8 hours ago

Go to http://seewalds.com and read the post on the Ashley Madison scandal.


I think it means she's upset because the media is making it sound like she's turned her back and condemned her brother, when really she shared her FIL's words.

There have been a number of conversations on this board over the years about how the Duggar children have never really had to develop any coping skills: they've never had a fight with a best friend, had a teacher they didn't like, broken up with a boyfriend, etc. Jessa is dealing with some big issues right now: she's expecting her first child; her income stream has dried up; the future she saw for herself has blown up; and she's having to deal with the public humilation of having her family outed for not being the wonderful, wholesome, godly family that they have portrayed to the world. 


The only coping skills that she does have are her angry, bitter, legailistic "Christian" beliefs. I think that she will go further and further down this path and alienate even more people.


They don't have coping skills not just because they've never been exposed to the wide world but also because they're taught to not need them - to "cope" with something you have to have strong feelings about it, you have to get angry, distraught, indignant or even sad and depressed.  That's not the countenance these girls are allowed, keep it sweet and stuff all the rest deep down under lock and key never to be let out or expressed.  The only anger they're allowed is "righteous anger" so they can send out tweets comparing Auschwitz to abortion.  The struggle to keep sweet with everything that has been exposed about them and their family must be enormous right now.  I'm betting in private Jessa is letting it all out.  Jill not so much, I can see her toeing the line even now but Jessa I could easily picture smiling for the camera, crying crocodile tears on cue in the molestation interviews and then going home and throwing a glass at the wall pretending it's aimed at both JB and Josh's heads.

  • Love 10

I don't think that Ben's dad would have written that blog without Jessa's buy in. I hope that this is an indication that Jessa is seeing things more clearly and distancing herself from her parents and Josh.

Respectfully disagree. I don't think the men in Jessa's life give a tinker's damn about her opinion, especially her FIL, who sees her as his son's arm candy. In fact, I think that Big Daddy Seewald would be fine if Jessa was not-so-happy about his Josh screed--gotta keep Miss High-and-Mighty in her place.

All her posturing and ferocity, to them, are like the mewling of a lion cub who thinks it's roaring. Aww...isn't she cute? Jessa's primary currency in her world is her looks, and she's making the mistake many pretty young women make: she's buying into the lie that the attention her looks get her means she has the world by the short hairs. In reality, she's being slotted into her place: no education, no curiosity about life (no reason to be curious when you already have all the answers), and nothing ahead of her but baby after baby, no television show, no magazine spreads, an ever-dwindling fan base, and the normal ravages of time on the face and body. She need look no further than her own mother for a peek into her future. But hey, maybe Ben will give her a big, gaudy ring, once the baby factory runs out of steam.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 16

Jessa Duggar Shares Anti-Adultery Sermon As Brother Josh Goes Missing


Yes, Jessa, with your marriage license ink still drying, tell us all about how to prevent adultery.  Can't wait for the day Ben is caught with the Waffle House waitress.

The passion that prevents adultry...yes, let's keep pumping oxygen into THAT rotted corpse of a lie. Because, as Jessa will tell you from her vast well of experience, no man EVER EVER cheats on a wife who is sweet, loving, and sexually available. If he cheats, we all know it's the wife's failure as a sexual partner at the root of his sin, right Anna?

I couldn't despise these people more if they moved next door, I swear to you.

  • Love 24

And muzzling Jessa will be even more difficult...


Do you think? I thought that simpering nice girl act in the bagel video was kind of nauseating, but she's clearly capable of thinly veiling her hostility if it serves her purpose. Apparently enough people found her charming that three million of them showed up to watch her get married. I think smiling insincerely as the price of having a roof over her head is a game she's got a fair amount of experience with.

  • Love 1


The passion that prevents adultry...yes, let's keep pumping oxygen into THAT rotted corpse of a lie. Because, as Jessa will tell you from her vast well of experience, no man EVER EVER cheats on a wife who is sweet, loving, and sexually available. If he cheats, we all know it's the wife's failure as a sexual partner at the root of his sin, right Anna?

I couldn't despise these people more if they moved next door, I swear to you.

I know I'm not saying anything new, but she has no life experience.  She never had a boyfriend that cheated, a best friend that did something crappy, or any of the other teenage things that happen to normal people.  It's pretty easy to have all the answers until it happens to you.  I can't stand them either.

The passion that prevents adultry...yes, let's keep pumping oxygen into THAT rotted corpse of a lie. Because, as Jessa will tell you from her vast well of experience, no man EVER EVER cheats on a wife who is sweet, loving, and sexually available. If he cheats, we all know it's the wife's failure as a sexual partner at the root of his sin, right Anna?

I couldn't despise these people more if they moved next door, I swear to you.

If I wasn't going to be insta-blocked with extreme prejudice, I'd take myself off to her Instagram or other social media and tell her how many of the married men in my old church got caught cheating. It wasn't a small number. And these were the guys who proclaimed to all who would listen how devout they were and how much they loved their wives. (Sound familiar?)


She and her husband are clueless. As another person has already stated, from the great Chris Rock: You're only as faithful as your options. And if they get within sniffing distance of another TV contract at any time during their marriage, Bin's going to have plenty of options.

  • Love 8

Jessa Duggar Shares Anti-Adultery Sermon As Brother Josh Goes Missing


Yes, Jessa, with your marriage license ink still drying, tell us all about how to prevent adultery.  Can't wait for the day Ben is caught with the Waffle House waitress.

Why are you insulting waffle house waitresses? They may have better standards than Jessa. 

  • Love 8

I thought it was making sandwiches that prevents adultery.

It's a moving target. Really. We'll have to call Gothard and ask for today's official Duggar Definition of "How To Prevent Adultery In Your Marriage".


Maybe he could set up some type of e-mail group or a blast fax situation....

It's a moving target. Really. We'll have to call Gothard and ask for today's official Duggar Definition of "How To Prevent Adultery In Your Marriage".


Maybe he could set up some type of e-mail group or a blast fax situation....

I'm just going to play it safe and eat sandwiches during sex.

  • Love 23
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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