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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Chuck E Cheese's latest commercial about "mom-friendly" menu items drives me insane. They're interviewing a panel of moms about what would make CEC better and they quickly devolve into the most air-headed stereotypes. "Buy jewelry with tickets! Rom-coms on the big screens! Pedicures!" WTF, ladies, do your dumb asses not know what the question is? This is the place you bring your rugrats to run around a stuff mediocre pizza into their face - if you want a spa day, leave the kids with Dad and go book one. Pedicures at Chuck E Cheese. Christ.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
  • Love 16

Let's see, the options I remember being asked about for their crust included: boneless buffalo wings, fondue, and "dessert fillings (AKA canned pie filling). 

Blech, WTH? and YUCK! I'm sick of the whole fast food "if it's a sandwich, let's use something totally crazy instead of a bun, and if it's a pizza, let's cram into the crust as many weird-ass ingredients we can think of" mentality. Some things just don't go together.

Edited by riley702
  • Love 9

Pie itself may have been the original stuffed-crust monstrosity.  "Let me get this straight... sweetened bread isn't enough for you?  Now you want to cram fruit and more sugar into it?"


Then it went to, "Since you all loved my steak & kidney experiment, I'm gonna put this chicken casserole in a pie crust."

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 7

There are two car commercials that drive me nuts.  One is with the old man in Italy who only has one Viagra left and he misses his mouth and it drops into the gas tank of a small car.  Suddenly, the car grows really big.  Just stupid.


The second is for Hyundai.  A couple with  a small kid is looking for a car.  When the wife hears the cost, she says "shit" but they bleep the word out.  Then, the announcer comes on and drops an F-bomb, but again, the bleep the word.  Why do they think this crap is going to sell a car?  You're just showing how sophomoric their thinking is.  Anyone who giggles at a cuss word nowadays, is just an immature fool


I will say there is a commercial that's very smart.  It's for a car, and it's a take off on National Lampoon's Vacation.  It starts with the dad loading all the kids to go to Wally World.  He's then driving along the highway and right there next to him is a sexy blonde in a red sports car.  He's ogling the woman, just like in the movie, when they cut to his wife who says "Really, a blonde in a red sports car?"  And the wife is Cristie Brinkley.  It's very clever.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
  • Love 5

I hate this commercial so much. She is such a whiny little pain in the arse. "Oh, this is happening." Oh, I'm sorry, your Highness, I thought we were in a partnership. And then her final "baaaaaayyyybeeeee" whine when she realizes he isn't watching her movie? Someone needs her tiara shoved in a not-so-sparkling-place.

The thing I hate about that ad is he's clearly reacting to the sports screen-in-a-screen yet she thinks he's reacting to her movie that he hates.


I can't remember the last time I saw a commercial for any Kellogg's product that didn't annoy the shit out of me.  I hate that Froot Loops ad, and Eggo ads have me diving for the remote.  The other ones (Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, etc.) have those saccharin family scenes of kids bonding with their parents over cereal.  No, Kellogg's, I can not emotionally connect with your brand.

I'm just happy they long are doping that lame Annie tie-in by playing "Tomorrow" during their ads.


Blech, WTH? and YUCK! I'm sick of the whole fast food "if it's a sandwich, let's use something totally crazy instead of a bun, and if it's a pizza, let's cram into the crust as many weird-ass ingredients we can think of" mentality.


Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 2

YouTube is apparently making an attempt at targeting their pre-video ads, because every time I've tried to watch a cute dog video I get the same ad for some dog product, which starts out with a montage showing how dogs eat anything. Including diaper contents. I'm partly thinking "why, in your otherwise spotless house, when you own a dog, are you unaware you had a diaper fall on the floor?" but mostly "aargh! I just wanted a cute dog video with breakfast! Breakfast! Aargh!"

  • Love 4

Hate, hate, and double hate the Experian credit report commercials.  "Get your credit swagger on!" sounds asinine and doesn't make sense.  Especially loathsome is the kewl DJ with his "cheddar" and the girl demanding that men carry her around on her lounger.  Her "What can you do me?" sounds like she wants the guy to screw her.

  • Love 7
I'm not even sure if the [Froot Loops] ad was suggesting those two had kids.


I'm pretty sure it starts with one of them saying the kids were now in bed, and the other producing the illicit Loops. And, while I do have to admit that I had my moments of sneaking the kid food once they were in bed, it was more likely due to wanting to finish my cereal without having to attend to their needs (and therefore my cereal getting soggy) than due to not letting them eat the food. I'm more annoyed that they are trying to play a video game while eating cereal with milk, since it means they are dripping on the furniture. (If you watch, you see him drop some food after he feeds her a spoonful. Yuck.)

  • Love 5

More weird than irritating - the 2 commercials I've seen (so far) for American Standard toilets. The person talks about how well they flush, clean etc. then at the end of the commercial they show the toilet with the person's head sticking out saying the tag line. Why would anyone want to have their head sticking out of a toilet?

  • Love 3

The only thing I get out of the Nationwide Big Baby commercial is that I want to watch "Dirty Dancing."

I hate the way the Froot Loops lady says "Yeah!" as well and I saw pointed out somewhere else that the music that is playing is the start-up music and wouldn't be playing at the segment they are showing. So shuttie, Froot Loops. I like sugary cereal but not fruity sugar cereal anyways.

I heard some commercial tonight that I have no idea what it is for but the woman in it (or several women, who knows) said "Steven" over and over and over and over and repetition drives me batshit. I can't wait to figure out what it's for so I can ignore it.

There's this ad for furniture, I think it's for Value City, and the guy keep rolling back and forth across the bed while the wife is reading something.  He is so annoying, and I just want him to roll off that bed and I think she does, too.


In my area, American Signature Furniture has this annoying ad.  The annoying mantra is,"This side is for business, this side is for pleasure!," business being sex and pleasure being sleep.  Shouldn't it be the other way around?

  • Love 4

I heard some commercial tonight that I have no idea what it is for but the woman in it (or several women, who knows) said "Steven" over and over and over and over and repetition drives me batshit. I can't wait to figure out what it's for so I can ignore it.

It's a Clearasil commercial:



So I guess they're really saying that acne will last forever (and therefore, you'll always need them)?

Edited by riley702
  • Love 1

In my area, American Signature Furniture has this annoying ad. The annoying mantra is,"This side is for business, this side is for pleasure!," business being sex and pleasure being sleep. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Flight of the Conchords call sex "business time".


Jemaine Clement, the fellow in the glasses and sideburns, voices the horse of "Hannah and Her Horse" fame. I wish he hadn't because I like him, but loathe those commercials.

  • Love 1

Flight of the Conchords call sex "business time".

Jemaine Clement, the fellow in the glasses and sideburns, voices the horse of "Hannah and Her Horse" fame. I wish he hadn't because I like him, but loathe those commercials.


As a Conchords fan, I say "Free Jemaine!" (from those crappy DirecTV ads). That needs to be part of the final "Hannah and Her Horse" ad, in which Hannah and her horse are relieved of their duties by Lily.

Edited by Prairie Fire
  • Love 2

I just saw a new (to me) DirecTV ad with Tony Romo doing a Rob Lowe-like thing.  He's a Great QB with DirecTV.  He's a bald artsy guy with cable.



I will never, ever, ever get DirecTV.

I saw one with Eli Manning. I have no intention of ever getting Direct TV either, especially their football package.

  • Love 1

As a Conchords fan, I say "Free Jemaine!" (from those crappy DirecTV ads). That needs to be part of the final "Hannah and Her Horse" ad, in which Hannah and her horse are relieved of their duties by Lily.

How about this? Lily pulls Hannah off her horse, kicks her bikini clad ass all over the beach, throws a saddle on the horse who suddenly has Sam Elliott's voice and they ride off triumphantly into the sunset. The bedazzled design on the back of Lily's shirt is now a finger and the saying, "Bite me, Hannah!"

I still wouldn't ever get DirectTV, but I'd not hate them as much.

  • Love 6

Actually that AT&T chick is a hot model too.


Something of a bombshell, though they obviously dress her to be dowdy in those commercials.

She could rip off those dowdy clothes whilst she's kicking Hannah's ass to reveal a hot cowgirl outfit - with chaps. And spurs. I bet old Dirty Knees Horsie would dig some spurs.

I think I had too much wine with dinner...

  • Love 7

Can't stand the Elvis impersonators on the State Farm ads.Trying to out Elvis each other - I am an Elvis lover, but really can't stand that ad, 


I don't hate or get angry with the Jim Parsons ads for Microsoft or Apple or whoever, don't really pay attention an d don't care much. But I do like Jim Parsons, I really like his lavender/orchid shirt. Looks good on him.

Edited by friendperidot
  • Love 2

I've decided that when the folks start talking about using the tools as Experian, the sales guy will say "Oh you checked your score with Experian, great, in addition to your FICO score we also decide credit based on how much of an asshole you are, you now get that 38.99999% rate."   Let's see how much credit swagger they have then.

  • Love 14

Chuck E Cheese's latest commercial about "mom-friendly" menu items drives me insane. They're interviewing a panel of moms about what would make CEC better and they quickly devolve into the most air-headed stereotypes. "Buy jewelry with tickets! Rom-coms on the big screens! Pedicures!" WTF, ladies, do your dumb asses not know what the question is? This is the place you bring your rugrats to run around a stuff mediocre pizza into their face - if you want a spa day, leave the kids with Dad and go book one. Pedicures at Chuck E Cheese. Christ.

What?  no shoe shopping?   Yogurt?  

  • Love 7

Hate, hate, and double hate the Experian credit report commercials.  "Get your credit swagger on!" sounds asinine and doesn't make sense.  Especially loathsome is the kewl DJ with his "cheddar" and the girl demanding that men carry her around on her lounger.  Her "What can you do me?" sounds like she wants the guy to screw her.


LOL, I wish! 


Experian commercials remain the absolute worst.  If we actually saw or heard the salespeople plotting to cheat the customer, then seeing the customer "get their credit swagger on" would actually make sense.  But from our perspective, it's just some poor rep trying to do their job and help these arrogant shits.  The one where the woman perches her feet on the desk just makes me "flames on the side of my face" angry.  Who greenlit that one?


And they always end with the Experian asshole smugly saying "What can you do for me?"  I wish one of the salespeople would say "I can call security and have them haul your ass out of my store, or you can leave by choice.  That's what I'll do for you."

  • Love 8
And they always end with the Experian asshole smugly saying "What can you do for me?"  I wish one of the salespeople would say "I can call security and have them haul your ass out of my store, or you can leave by choice.  That's what I'll do for you."


I especially hate the one where the guy makes the rep give him the plant in his office, even after he says, "My wife gave me that." Like, go buy your own damn plant, you loser. Use that awesome credit score for something besides giving this guy a hard time.

  • Love 6

Adding to the discussion about the annoyance over the Experian ads...  Why does having good credit entitle you to a bunch of free stuff?  If a retailer sees your loan as low-risk, they might offer some incentives to get your business, but they're not going to just keep handing you inventory until they lose money on the transaction.

  • Love 5


The KFC commercial with the man impersonating Colonel Sanders. I grew up in the 70s and remember the Kentucky Fried Chicken commercials with the real Colonel Sanders. Accept no substitutes or fakes.

I agree.  With all of the 'computer magic' that can be done today, I think a better campaign would have been to place the original Sanders into the commercials.  It's been done with Marilyn Monroe and others, why not the Colonel?  (I usually hate it when that's done, but I would like those kinds of KRC commercials over the 'tayders and big ol' cookie' guy).


I agree--the old Colonel was cool. The other day I was watching one of the new commercials with my family, and my son (who is black) said to me (also black), "Shouldn't a commercial about fried chicken have a black man playing the Colonel?" He sounded deadly serious, and I didn't know if I should be offended or sad. I finally realized that he was being sarcastic, and we all had a big laugh.

  • Love 8

Can't stand the Elvis impersonators on the State Farm ads.Trying to out Elvis each other - I am an Elvis lover, but really can't stand that ad, 


I don't hate or get angry with the Jim Parsons ads for Microsoft or Apple or whoever, don't really pay attention an d don't care much. But I do like Jim Parsons, I really like his lavender/orchid shirt. Looks good on him.

HATE THEM BOTH!!! Jim Parsons annoys the heck outta me with the condesending "Yes. You CAN."

  • Love 4

Trending HIGH on my annoyance meter this week:


"Even find someone to come and groom my 'pookie'?"

~Angies List


"Ever wonder if you can get lucky in a hotel room?"

~Travel website


1,2,3 o'clock, 4 o'clock POP.....5,6,7 o'clock, 8 o'clock POP...we're gonna POP around the clock....tonight"

~Tide Pods


" I don't have TIME to be walking around gassy and bloated..."


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