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S18.E04: Power of Veto 1

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Jozea just can't shut up. So I do not feel sorry for him. Well played Frank. And everyone getting pissed about being nominated, it is part of the game. you have a better chance of not going out than before. 

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Paul doesn't know how to play the game just as much as Jozea. Bridgette talking and laughing with Paulie? The nerve of her! How dare she be nice to someone who's on the block? Idiot.

It's just so funny that Paul, Victor, and Jozea all think they're in the majority alliance. Jozea saying that Frank's a vet, but he'll totally join them and become a minion of them? Calling himself a Messiah and CEO? This dude can't be for real and this delusional. 

I laughed at the height difference between Paul and Corey.

The prank on Paul was only funny because it's Paul. Otherwise, this is not one of James' best works. 

So, Paul wins the veto. This was not an ideal win, but at least it wasn't Jozea. His idea of making a heart? Ridiculous. This is a competition, not arts and crafts, like Paulie said. Paulie's DRs about Jozea this episode were all gold. "This big mouthed clown" really took the cake. 

Again, who told BB that we needed two explanations on how the competitions work? I know this has gone on forever, but I'm really bugged by it this season, for some reason. 

I laughed at Natalie jumping on the spinning platform at the veto competition. 

The house meeting, though. Funniest house meeting since Devin's 'I have a daughter' meeting. James crashing the meeting was hilarious. No fighting, no wars? Hilarious. Bronte exposing Bridgette as a spy? Hilarious.  

This is going to make tomorrow's eviction episode all the better if Jozea stays in the dark on his own eviction. But Jozea's gaped fish look when Bridgette was named the replacement nominee gave me life.

"If I find out who the roadkill winner is...you're my number one target!" *cuts to Frank hugging Bridgette*. Funny sight gags this episode. 

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Oh, Jozea. You ain't running shit in that house. But keep on going around with your toothbrush behind your ear, telling people that you're Obama and you're the Messiah while dressed in a dog costume. 

Props to Paul for figuring out an easy way to stack those bones in the Veto comp. It's always nice to see someone outsmart production and the comp builders. I didn't want you to win, I would have preferred you staying on the block but it was a nice strategy.

Frank's social game looks to be on point this season. My thanks to the editors for having Bridgette bitch that she doesn't know who won the Roadkill comp, but when she finds out... and the voice over of that playing over a shot of her hugging the winner of the Roadkill comp. Hee!

I really hope for a last minute turn around to keep Jozea in the house. He's entertaining as hell!

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'He look like he about to barf up his whole life'  Too funny.

Paul is dumb and Jozea is dumber.  "CEO in my mind"  Wow.  Frank played the "Messiah" like the idiot that he is.

Tiff and Paulie are natural allies based on their relatives.  Could be interesting.  

That meeting was hilarious.  Jozea is comedy gold.  Too bad Paul won Veto.  Jozea might be worth keeping a little while.  Paul has total "Little Man Syndrome".  He needs to be pounded into the dirt.  Entertainment potential.

Frank played that well, Michelle could still easily be the Road Killer.

This "messiah" better not rise from the dead tomorrow or any time this season.  His disciples can follow him right out the door.

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Good God I hope SOMEBODY'S goodbye message tomorrow night will be something like "Well, Jozea, I guess at the end of the day the scenario that had to happen was you're outta here. And you are! Point blank period."

Edited by TimWil
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James crashing the meeting was awesome. So it took how long for the "spies" to be found out? It doesn't help when you sell out your own "Spy Squad" member... the first rule of being undercover is you or other people you know don't talk about you being undercover! Oh man... they are a trip.

The Messiah is going to be in for a rude awakening when he realizes just how few sheep he's shepherding. And if he wasn't so damned delusional he'd shudder when he gets to watch this back, and watch the rest of the summer's happenings from home.

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Calling himself a Messiah and CEO? This dude can't be for real and this delusional. 

Don't forget Obama!  I thought Day was going to choke on that.

Loved James and then Tiffany crashing the meeting.  I couldn't tell if Tiff  knew what she was walking into or not.

Also loved Paulie calling Jozea out on the meeting and Jozea and his minions having shocked faces.  Plus the fact they missed his giveaway that the meeting had enough leaks to sink a submarine.

Felt for Nicole in the veto competition.  I would probably be the same way.

I noticed in his DRs that Paulie does talk just like Cody.  That was a bit of deja vu.


Good God I hope SOMEBODY'S goodbye message will be something like "Well, I guess at the end of the day the scenario that had to happen was you're outta here. And you are! Point blank period."

I'll settle for a "Bye Messiah!"

Frank's game is impressive to watch at this early point. Even if production favored him with the roadkill, he really is on point so far.   

Good episode.  I think it was because it had a very focused theme that "Jozea is a delusional ass clown."

Edited by vb68
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That episode was so much fun! I love it when the editors find someone to really go after, and do it in such an amazing way. It's not even a mean edit, they just showcased Jozea's craziness in the best way possible. 

James "counting" the "votes" in that meeting was awesome. He was clearly enjoying himself. The whole meeting was brilliant.

But there's only one takeaway for me from this episode - "Scenarios!!"

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Jozea can't leave quick enough.  He sure is full of himself. I loved James crashing the meeting.  He's my fave. 

 I definitely like Paulie more than I ever liked Cody. 

Mama Day was cracking me up with her comments about Jozea leading the meeting in his dog costume. 

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I almost forgot the teams were even a thing until someone mentioned Bridgette putting Category 4 before her alliance.

It was hard to keep a straight face while watching Jozea lead a meeting in that costume.

The Spy Girls goofed with that meeting. Be subtle with your scheming.

Honestly, I kinda want Jozea to stay just to see how far his delusions go.

Edited by Chrissytd
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I can't wait for Jozea to leave.  I want to see the expression on his face when he realizes he's out.  For me, that will rival the joy I got when Frankie Grande watched Donnie get awarded Favorite House Guest. 

It looks like editing is still having fun with Corey's paranoia about being suspected of being gay.  There was a quick shot of him staring at Paulie lifting weights with a couple of the girls simultaneously commenting on Paulie's gorgeous chest.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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The best way to sum up this episode was anything that makes Paul happy makes me unhappy. Sorry he got off the block but hopefully the next time he's on it will be his last. If Jozea goes home who will  be the next target? I'm not so sure I think they may set their sights on Victor.

I love you Bronte but you are the worst spy ever outing your fellow spy.

I think I like Paulie a million times more than his brother. Cody was the most spineless puppet in the history of BB who willingly gave away a half million dollars because he had no cajones. Paulie on the other hand strikes me a very shrewd and will likely be in it to win it.

DaVonne's diary about "He's wearin' a dog suit!" was the LOL moment of the night.

So far I am liking this season for the simple reason there are factions and sub factions. I absolutly HATED season 16 which falls in the top 5 of worst seasons because there was zero excitement or entertainment in watching a boring, charisma free Derek control every eviction and all the stooges with nary a faction in sight to challenge him.

Edited by North of Eden
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, Jozea. You ain't running shit in that house. But keep on going around with your toothbrush behind your ear, telling people that you're Obama and you're the Messiah while dressed in a dog costume. 

Props to Paul for figuring out an easy way to stack those bones in the Veto comp. It's always nice to see someone outsmart production and the comp builders. I didn't want you to win, I would have preferred you staying on the block but it was a nice strategy.

Frank's social game looks to be on point this season. My thanks to the editors for having Bridgette bitch that she doesn't know who won the Roadkill comp, but when she finds out... and the voice over of that playing over a shot of her hugging the winner of the Roadkill comp. Hee!

I really hope for a last minute turn around to keep Jozea in the house. He's entertaining as hell!

I would also like to see a last minute turn around - but not because I wanna see Messiah Man stay. I wanna see Bridgette go.

Has anyone else noticed that she is a raging Manic Depressive? Just look at the first or second episode where they are choosing teams for the rocket ship competition. When she was chosen to be on one of the teams, she acted as if she had just won a life saving operation for her mother to cure her breast cancer. She was so very happy that I thought she was a gonna jump right out of her skin. The crazy thing about that was that everyone had to get chosen to be on a team. She didn't really win anything more so than anyone else did.

I'm sorry to say this because she appears to be such a nice and sweet young lady. But she is either a raging Manic/Depressive or ... just plain NUTZ! Maybe I should be more politically keerect and call her Bi-Polar? I don't know the correct term. But I am seriously worried about her. IMHO, she is truly in some kind of danger zone. She don't appear to be crazy. But how can you explain her behavior in any other way? She is a very sweet girl. But .... completely Kee-Razy! She just gets over-the-top happy, happy, happy at the slightest little thing. She is just out of this world happy! I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and then we will see her depression side. I'm quite certain the casting people must have missed her serious psychiatric condition.

Of course, I could always be wrong - and if I am, I will apologize. Yes I will. But I'm sorry to say that IMO, there is just something very wrong with this girl.

Edited by AliShibaz
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Bridgette is not manic depressive. Bridgette is not a very good actress on a reality show where the producers instruct the contestants to get excited about things. Do you really think any of these people have ever given a flying fuck about someone's HOH room?

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Laughing at Jozea.  Going to be an interesting live show interview with Julie.

lol when Frank made the look of shock when the replacement Road Kill nominee was announced.  According to Jozea's people-reading skills, that must mean Frank had nothing to do with it.

Tiffany, take off your humongous sunglasses when you're having a one-on-one conversation inside the house.  You're looking like a poker player.

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Part of me is going to miss Jozea. Watching him explain how "observant" he is and can read a room to a group of people that have to choke back laughter and can only say, "yeah" is good TV. But, the other part of me thinks that this guy is so over the top and outrageous that just as soon as I'll be rid of him, the show is going to figure out a way to keep him on or bring him back.

I've said before that I always start watching Big Brother and then something happens where I end up missing large portions or either the rest of a season. But, even with the seasons that I managed to watch all the way through, I don't think I've ever seen such a large portion of the house not be able to play any better than this.

What's the point of forming an alliance if you're going to tell everyone in the room what various members are doing? Who really believes that an open house meeting is the place where they can strategize? Who walks around telling other adults that they are essentially above them intellectually in a game that needs intelligence?

At this point, I just need the bonafide idiots to get evicted and then see how the game plays out with the rest of the houseguests.

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That was the most confusing house meeting ever.

It wasn't secret, everyone knew it was going on.  Da'vonne was supposed to get Zakiyah, who was in the HOH room, and random people walking in were just allowed into the "alliance meeting."  Since when was James allegedly in their alliance?

Whoever cast Jazon deserves some sort of emmy nomination.  I have never seen such delusions of grandeur.  I wonder how he got such a high opinion of himself?

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4 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

My new answer for everything is going to be "Because scenarios."

And when someone says "what are you talking about" just draw it out syllabically "scen....ari.....os"

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At the beginning of the show, there was a clip of Nicole saying something.   I heard "I'm not a case of butter" WTF?  I listened again.  "I'm not a Kessler butler" huh? Casso-bottler?   It took 5 rewinds to figure out she said "I'm not a KISSER-BUTTER".  I guess she meant she's not a butt-kisser. 

She's also not a  "case of butter".

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2 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

The only thing Jozea is running in that house is his mouth.



1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:



56 minutes ago, backformore said:


Point blank!


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I know the house wants him gone, but I am going to miss Jozea's delusions of grandeur if he gets sent home tonight. I just love when he prattles on and on, and Da'Vonne sits there going, "Mmmmhmmm" over and over. He's the CEO, The Messiah, all of his group "has cool brains" - but he can't pick up on the fact that he ain't running shit! 

His house meeting was truly hilarious. James just walks in like it ain't no thing. He didn't want Frank there, but James is okay? Hahahahaha, okay then. And then Bridgette is sent upstairs to spy, but all that happens is everyone talks about Jozea, who is already the obvious target. Meanwhile, Natalie and Bronte totally out her reason for not being at THEIR meeting. They could have said, "She's sick", "She's laying down", "I couldn't find her". But no - she's upstairs spying. Great job, Spy Girls!!!

These newbies are just so bad it's painful. 

Although, Paul's strategy during Veto was very smart, and he deserved that win. 

I just really hate this group safety thing, it leaves such a small pool to pick from for noms. I don't really care if Bridgette goes home at this point, but I kind of want Paulie to stay. 

Bronte's THs must end. So over the top and scripted. 

Why did Jozea have a toothbrush over his ear when Paulie was calling him out? 

Nicole, your hair is so pretty!!!! Quit wearing it on top of your head like a rat's nest. 

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11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


Paul doesn't know how to play the game just as much as Jozea. Bridgette talking and laughing with Paulie? The nerve of her! How dare she be nice to someone who's on the block? Idiot.


I never understand this. People are allowed to associate outside of the "game". You've got guys and you've got girls. They're going to flirt and hang out together. Sometimes that's all it is, and not some big conspiracy. 


11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

The prank on Paul was only funny because it's Paul. Otherwise, this is not one of James' best works. 

I know. I was disappointed in James. That trick is so cliche, he can do better!


11 hours ago, Ceeg said:

Day's DRs were everything tonight.

I am loving her SO much this season!

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Oh god that was painfully funny to watch. Jozea is an idiot. Scenarios. Yes, that is the answer to everything. Scenairos.

Very disappointed that Paul won the veto. I hated his celebration and his overall behavior. I want him gone, gone, gone. Please tell me that there are a multitude of scenarios that involve Paul leaving as soon as possible.

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Please, please, PLEASE, nobody tip off Jozea that he's going home tonight.  I'm so looking forward to his shock when he realizes that he ain't in charge of anything except his feet as he walks out the door.  I hope Julie is working on some really good exit questions for him, and we have enough time set aside for Jozea's lengthy explanation as to what "went wrong". LOL

I can't wait until 9:00 tonight!

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In an earlier thread, someone mentioned Nicole's nose, and how it seems to have been re-sculpted out of Silly Putty or something...I agree, and now it's all I can see whenever she comes on my screen.

Props to every single houseguest who had to sit there stone-faced, and listen to Jozea blather on about how good he is at reading people.  I can't believe that not one person has burst out laughing during one of his diatribes.

And LOLOL at James scampering into the super-secret meeting called by Jozea, and no one even blinking at the fact that James was not only there and listening, but COUNTING.  I mean, hello?  Victor?  Paul?  If Jozea, Paul and Victor got together to count their collective brain cells, would they end up with a negative number?  Jozea is so high on his horse that he doesn't care that the guy they want to get out is sitting right there, hearing all about the scenarios.  As entertaining as Jozea is, he deserves to go because he's clueless.

And reluctant props to Paul for the way he stacked his doghouse puzzle.  I can understand why no one else thought of it - based on the way it was situated, I too would've thought the bones had to be somehow balanced between the two silver bones.  I doubt I would've thought to do it the super-easy way Paul thought of.  Can't stand him and the way he shakes his mohawk in DR's, but good for him.

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1 hour ago, Gregg247 said:

Please, please, PLEASE, nobody tip off Jozea that he's going home tonight.  I'm so looking forward to his shock when he realizes that he ain't in charge of anything except his feet as he walks out the door.

So much this. I can't stand all this "let them leave with dignity" bullshit nonsense that's crept in recently. I want that delusional assclown to feel safe right up until the point Julie says "Jozea, you have been evicted".

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

In an earlier thread, someone mentioned Nicole's nose, and how it seems to have been re-sculpted out of Silly Putty or something...I agree, and now it's all I can see whenever she comes on my screen

Yes.  I can't look away.  It looks normal, and then, a different angle, and it's putty-nose.

I was glad to see that James has pranks other than "jump out of hiding and yell", because that stuff made me hate him. I would freak out and be afraid to sleep if someone hid under my bed, in the closet, behind drapes, to scare me awake.  I LOVED James walking into a meeting he was clearly not invited to.

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8 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes.  I can't look away.  It looks normal, and then, a different angle, and it's putty-nose.

I was glad to see that James has pranks other than "jump out of hiding and yell", because that stuff made me hate him. I would freak out and be afraid to sleep if someone hid under my bed, in the closet, behind drapes, to scare me awake.  I LOVED James walking into a meeting he was clearly not invited to.

I'll tell you what would have been funnier though - shaving off half his stupid hipster beard.

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1 hour ago, sharkfan said:

I'll tell you what would have been funnier though - shaving off half his stupid hipster beard.

It would have been assault...but anything to get rid of that beard.

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14 hours ago, AliShibaz said:

I'm sorry to say that IMO, there is just something very wrong with this girl.

I have been saying this since day 1. She squeals like a child over the silliest things - like as you said - being picked - when everyone was going to be picked.

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15 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

I have been saying this since day 1. She squeals like a child over the silliest things - like as you said - being picked - when everyone was going to be picked.

Just imagine what's going to happen (if she's still in the house) when everyone's favourite poster child for roids makes his annual BB appearance (because you KNOW it's coming...). She may literally explode.

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15 hours ago, AliShibaz said:

I would also like to see a last minute turn around - but not because I wanna see Messiah Man stay. I wanna see Bridgette go.

Has anyone else noticed that she is a raging Manic Depressive? Just look at the first or second episode where they are choosing teams for the rocket ship competition. When she was chosen to be on one of the teams, she acted as if she had just won a life saving operation for her mother to cure her breast cancer. She was so very happy that I thought she was a gonna jump right out of her skin. The crazy thing about that was that everyone had to get chosen to be on a team. She didn't really win anything more so than anyone else did.

I'm sorry to say this because she appears to be such a nice and sweet young lady. But she is either a raging Manic/Depressive or ... just plain NUTZ! Maybe I should be more politically keerect and call her Bi-Polar? I don't know the correct term. But I am seriously worried about her. IMHO, she is truly in some kind of danger zone. She don't appear to be crazy. But how can you explain her behavior in any other way? She is a very sweet girl. But .... completely Kee-Razy! She just gets over-the-top happy, happy, happy at the slightest little thing. She is just out of this world happy! I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and then we will see her depression side. I'm quite certain the casting people must have missed her serious psychiatric condition.

Of course, I could always be wrong - and if I am, I will apologize. Yes I will. But I'm sorry to say that IMO, there is just something very wrong with this girl.

You got all that from her being excited during the first competition of the game?  I'm pretty sure she's just a fan of the show that was excited to be participating in it.  Seems a bit premature to start diagnosing her with serious mental disorders...

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sharkfan, Jesse visiting would be hilarious if she is still around. She'd probably explode if she makes it through to Zing-Bot too. I wonder if Zing-Bot has the capabilities to jump up and down and squeal? Hmmm...

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I don't know if I'll stick with this season much longer. There's nobody to root for and the whole thing seems rigged in favor of the vets. They all seem to be people the producers liked for one reason or another who had bad luck in their original seasons so they were given a more compliant cast to work with this time around. It's no coincidence they're already sitting pretty in a majority alliance of eight and guaranteed to stick around for the long haul.

I'm quickly remembering why I found Frank so objectionable the first time around, aside from being tied to the hip of Mike Boogie, the most repulsive HouseGuest ever cast. He's smug and cocky in his own right and has a face that's itching to be punched. And while Nicole seems like a sweet enough person she's got a voice like a cartoon character and doesn't seem terribly bright. James is no mental giant either but he plays pranks so I guess he provides laughs in his own way. And Da'Vonne went from bitching about having to work in groups to rounding up the numbers the vets needed to take control of the house. Hmm, I wonder who told her to do that.

Outside of this alliance of vets and their lapdogs are more idiots who are so lacking in self awareness it's a wonder they can function in society. Perhaps they can't and that's how they wound up on this show. 

Nothing remotely amusing is going on and nobody is remotely rootable. I found myself FFing thru most of this episode and realize I just wasn't interested in any of these people.

Gimmicks and a rut in the casting process has really destroyed this show.

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

In an earlier thread, someone mentioned Nicole's nose, and how it seems to have been re-sculpted out of Silly Putty or something...I agree, and now it's all I can see whenever she comes on my screen.



RIGHT!?!?  I thought I was crazy because no one else saw it. 

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11 minutes ago, sharkfan said:

It's obviously from the same dictionary as "kisser-butter"

Hey, come on now.  Many many interesting things can be done with butter which lead to... yeah, sure, kissing....

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