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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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10 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

Another hilarious post by one other than Michael K on Jinger's engagement:


Too funny!

Since the Duggars are the Quiverfull version of the Kartrashians, they also pimped out the news in a promo for their TLC show. Jinger Duggar always looks like she’s silently screaming for help with her eyes. So I was about to pull out a Morse Code book to see if  Jinger’s saying, “Ayudame!” through her eye blinks, but then Jeremy committed an unlawful sin!

Whoa! He went in for a kiss or a nuzzle and she flinched. That is sad. 

  • Love 2

Jeremy's outfit and sneakers look like he's waiting for the comet to pass so he can commit suicide with the rest of his cult. 

Hey now, Heaven's Gate got a shot of alcohol and got to escape the cult through death. Jinjer doesn't even get that!



That middle picture looks like somewhere you'd dump a body.

Or lose your virginity in your boyfriend's Camaro with nobody knowing.

  • Love 14

I think Jinger's fugly engagement (reenactment) outfit is the one she was showing off in her "fashion" advice clip. I remember because it's the colors of Thanksgiving dinner. Her fingernails were already French-manicured in anticipation of the ring.

The mother and daughter pic? Well, the tops are Nike-ish, they are wearing form-fitting pants, and the shoes are sexy. In other words, they may be normal people.

Jinger said this is the one that God has chosen for her??? Really? That's how it works? Then God must really hate Anna.

  • Love 20
On 7/7/2016 at 7:59 PM, Aja said:
10 hours ago, Marigold said:

Ok, WTF does Ben's hat say?

It looks like "LICK". If I saw this clown in the mall, I would think it said "LICK" and would think he was a freaking perv, not some Jesus freak.  Maybe he borrowed Josh's hat?  

It looks to me like L.L.T.K.  "Long live the king"? "Live like the king"? There's a crown over the "K". And what looks like a Bible verse on the side. Looks like "Prov. 11:15", but I looked that up, and can't make the context fit.


New International Version
Whoever puts up security for a stranger will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to shake hands in pledge is safe. - proverbs 11:15

eta: sorry for the messed up quote box...it kept wanting to include a quote from Aja which I started responding to some time back and didn't finish.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, drafan said:

The mother and daughter pic? Well, the tops are Nike-ish, they are wearing form-fitting pants, and the shoes are sexy. 

Clearly the daughter is showing too much sternum, the little hussy. But if the mom was eight months pregnant, I think she'd be okay in that skin tight dress/top thing she has on.  It's how Jessa dressed when she was pregnant. She just needs to ditch the pajama pants and wear one of those super-flattering 900 pound mid-calf denim skirts with it and she'd be good to go.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, fuzzylollipop said:

I concur with the previous comments, all I can concentrate on is the hideous outfit Jinger is wearing. You know things are bad when she's considered the "fashionable" one in the family, I've always thought she had the tackiest taste. I remember a few years ago she went through an ugly hat phase. She's really taking conservative wear to an extreme. I mean a floor length maxi dress? Really? I don't know anyone who can pull that off without looking matronly. I'm about as tall as her (meaning not tall at all) and I shrink about a foot in any dress that goes past my calves. And then topping it off with that abomination of a sweater like if the five foot long dress doesn't cover enough skin? 

Not that Jeremy's outfit is fabulous...Well except for that shirt, if you catch my drift. 

I have a feeling Jinger's excessive layering of clothes isn't for modesty's sake. ?

  • Love 3

A few random thoughts from my so-called mind about Jeremy, his family, and this engagement.

It's clear from the photo posted above, of his mother and sister playing violins, that they are worlds ahead of any Duggar in terms of education, smarts, fashion sense, and navigating the real world in the 21st Century. I posted this over in the Lonely J's topic soon after the courtship was announced and before this topic got started:


And as far as I can tell, Jeremy's mother Diana Vuolo founded and runs a nonprofit, which involves the children of prisoners in music and provides mentoring for them. It's called SWAN and seems kind of cool, IMO. According to their website 1 in 28 kids in the US has an incarcerated parent. Holy carp! That's a staggering statistic. I have mad respect for Ms. Vuolo for doing that. 

I would love to know what Jeremy's parents and sibs really think of the Duggars. I figure his dad, a fundie preacher, will totally love JB and MEchelle and all their grifting ways. But I think that his mom and sis - and perhaps other members of his family - may have reservations about a lot of the Duggars' ignorant separatist BS. I'm SO looking forward to wedding party photos showing MEchelle in her inevitably freakish ensemble that will scream 'I AM THE MOST MODESTEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD AND I'M FROM THE BACKWOODS OF ARKANSAS!!!' - standing in a group which also includes the tall and nicely dressed Diana Vuolo. Heh.

Also, I hope hope hope the TLC producers will set up a scene where a proud JB hauls out his kids to saw away on their violins as a treat for Diana and/or Jeremy's sister. Since they all have playing the violin in common. And they get really really good camera angles on the faces of the Vuolos as the kids perform. Probably the Vuolos will have the grace and tact not to go all stink-faced at the kids' playing - after all, Diana runs a charity that gives kids music lessons. But I'd still love to see that scene because I'd like to think that they are not gonna be big fans of herpderp JimBoob and since they have met him by now, are already over him and his "I HAVE NINETEEN KIDS!! NINETEEN!!"

My final thought is that I found this comment posted on a story about the courtship and it sums up Jeremy so well that I had to share it. BTW, for all I know it was posted by someone who also hangs out here:


Unemployed third rate "professional soccer player", now a "minister" at a tiny fundie church thanks to minister dad's nepotism, looking for a free ride as a media whore so he never, ever has to work at a real job ---- PERFECT Duggar sperm donor and headship.

Edited by Jeeves
To add correct info about the story, which was on Dlisted, not People
  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, cdp73 said:

Anyone get the feeling that JimBoob approved this engagement just to get free violin lessons for the rest of his clan?

Good point. He is, after all, a world class grifter. I'd like to think he won't find Diana Vuolo an easy mark, though. But JB also seems to be a survivor, like that Whack-a-mole game where the thing keeps popping up. So anything's possible.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

She's gonna be a preacher's wife. I'm afraid that the days of Jinger being the "fashionable" Duggar are now a thing of the past. 

Mechelle had that heart attack over them holding hands during the dinner prayer the night before they were engaged. Hell, Boob had to shut her down. Hilarious stuff. 

Me thinks the whole hand holding thing was because MEchelle was jealous of Jessa getting Bin because she had the hots for him. MeChelle didn't give Derick the time of day when he held hands or hugged Jill.

  • Love 3

Jinger's outfit is really bad, even for a "modest" outfit. 

Jeremy's outfit is worse. At first I thought he was wearing sweatpants . Then someone said they are crop pants. They look like cropped sweatpants. The sneakers are a mess. His shirt looks like a ladies blouse. Jeremy has looked much better in previous pictures and so has Jinger. 

Photo flop. Sorry guys. Jeremy certainly knew what he planned so why such a strange outfit?  Jinger must've known something special was going to happen. TLC cameras and your entire family on a rooftop in NYC? Yeah, nothing going on here. Not.  The girls have a large closet of clothes to choose from...there had to have been something there that was a bit happier and would photograph better.  Jinger is a photorgrapher, right? 

His brother looks like a complete nutjob. Trying a bit too hard to look hip and cool, which probably means he is a super dork or obnoxious. Or both. 

  • Love 2

I could be wrong but the city background in the engagement picture looks fake to me.  Like it was photo-shopped in.  The lights on the buildings are blurred and it doesn't look like it was truly part of the picture.  The trees around them are in pots.   The city background I'm just not buying it.  Jinger's dress and sweater couldn't be more bland and the entire scene looks like both Jeremy and Jinger were trying to match the background maybe to offset the possibility that the background was a fake.  Make it look more natural to not stand out.   

Anyway, JinJer will hopefully have food at an actual reception.  Are they going to get married in Jeremy's church?  

Edited to add - yeah I'm probably wrong about the background being fake - just saw the daytime picture and the background looks like they are really there after all.  The nighttime picture the background looks fake to me but I guess not. 

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

He was a goalie. I'm sure his hands got plenty messed up in his playing days. 

Agreed. I am not an orthopedist but I played a lot of rugby, and I've seen crazy stuff like messed up cauliflower ears from scrumming without a hat, so I could totally believe he broke his pinky at some point and now it bends funny. 

Jeremy's hipster douche wannabe brother will try to become BFFs with Derelict...I called it.

I can just see how these East Coast Italians are going to have to try really hard to stomach these grubby, slovenly, barefoot, no class Arkansas hickydoos and try to do this without a look of stank on their faces.  It's going to be culture shock for them, to say the very least. 

If even half of what I've heard about the Duggars is true, nothing would be able to prepare me for actually having to deal with them. It would take all of my Brit ethnicity and being raised as a Southern belle (why bless their hearts) to be able to pull myself together enough to "make nice" and be polite.

i think the wedding could still be classy, provided Sierra stays far, far away.

  • Love 8
56 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Jinger's outfit is really bad, even for a "modest" outfit. 

Jeremy's outfit is worse. At first I thought he was wearing sweatpants . Then someone said they are crop pants. They look like cropped sweatpants. The sneakers are a mess. His shirt looks like a ladies blouse. Jeremy has looked much better in previous pictures and so has Jinger. 

Photo flop. Sorry guys. Jeremy certainly knew what he planned so why such a strange outfit?  Jinger must've known something special was going to happen. TLC cameras and your entire family on a rooftop in NYC? Yeah, nothing going on here. Not.  The girls have a large closet of clothes to choose from...there had to have been something there that was a bit happier and would photograph better.  Jinger is a photorgrapher, right? 

His brother looks like a complete nutjob. Trying a bit too hard to look hip and cool, which probably means he is a super dork or obnoxious. Or both. 

The brother looks like Francis Ford Coppola. 


  • Love 7

I thought the backdrop was fake originally too.  It looks very perfect. 

I think Jeremy's family will be fine with the wedding.  I'm sure they love their son, so if he is over the moon with Jinger, they will be happy for him. Jinger seems like a nice person.  

I'm sure Jeremey's family has seen a Duggar TLC wedding.  Planning is key to survive a Duggar wedding:

1. Eat a hearty meal before the wedding. Lots of protein to sustain you through the day. 

2. Hide snacks in your purse/pockets.

3. Wear comfortable shoes because you will be standing, possibly in a parking lot.

4. Wear weather appropriate clothes because you will be standing, possibly in a parking lot.

The Vuolos will pose for pictures, smile and then head out to a nice restaurant for a good meal after the whole thing is done!!!  If they are lucky, TLC will pay for their dinner. 

My in laws are East Coast Italians and celebrated a Confirmation at McDonald's.  I smiled, had a cheeseburger, wished my nephew well and we went and got a real meal on the way home. No, I'm not kidding.This is their level of party. There are crazy people all over and in every group. 

  • Love 6

One thing that annoys the shit out of me with Duggar weddings,  is the fact that they ALL get married in a church. They do realize that you can get married in a setting other than a church and it could still be performed by a minister,  right? Where I'm from,  weddings are held in hotels,  barns,  banquet halls, outdoors etc. Not one Duggar wedding has been held anywhere besides a church. How boring and  unoriginal.  Not even a decent reception meal either.  Maybe Jeremy's family will change that. 

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

One thing that annoys the shit out of me with Duggar weddings,  is the fact that they ALL get married in a church. They do realize that you can get married in a setting other than a church and it could still be performed by a minister,  right? Where I'm from,  weddings are held in hotels,  barns,  banquet halls, outdoors etc. Not one Duggar wedding has been held anywhere besides a church. How boring and  unoriginal.  Not even a decent reception meal either.  Maybe Jeremy's family will change that. 

Depends on the denomination.  Some priests/ministers are only allowed to perform weddings in a church.  My uncle is a Catholic priest and the only way he was allowed to perform the ceremony was if it was in a church.  It was a beautiful log cabin-y church in the mountains, but still a church.

  • Love 1

I grew up dirt poor. If we outgrew our clothes/socks/underwear (which we did of course) before the next annual (and only) back to school shopping visit we were out of luck. But it seemed yearly there was a special wedding or event and my mom made sure we could get a new dress. Sometimes she made it. But it was NEW and we felt special. Hey Duggs, don't your girls get to feel special on their engagement? For this time only can't they splurge at the Macy's clearance rack with coupons and buy a cheap new dress (and their very own shoes??) If you have to, pretend they are returns and therefore used! (And I'm thrifty too, I was thrilled to spend $20 on a $200 dress last night from Nordie Rack)  Or did Jing dress like that because she really was surprised??

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

One thing that annoys the shit out of me with Duggar weddings,  is the fact that they ALL get married in a church. They do realize that you can get married in a setting other than a church and it could still be performed by a minister,  right? Where I'm from,  weddings are held in hotels,  barns,  banquet halls, outdoors etc. Not one Duggar wedding has been held anywhere besides a church. How boring and  unoriginal.  Not even a decent reception meal either.  Maybe Jeremy's family will change that. 

My guess is non-religious venues aren't willing to give TLC and the Duggars the sort of price reductions and freebies they want in exchange for publicity. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

One thing that annoys the shit out of me with Duggar weddings,  is the fact that they ALL get married in a church. They do realize that you can get married in a setting other than a church and it could still be performed by a minister,  right? Where I'm from,  weddings are held in hotels,  barns,  banquet halls, outdoors etc. Not one Duggar wedding has been held anywhere besides a church. How boring and  unoriginal.  Not even a decent reception meal either.  Maybe Jeremy's family will change that. 

 I disagree. Getting married in church has a lot of meaning. I couldn't imagine not getting married in church being Catholic. I went to a half Jewish/half Catholic wedding once. I was held on a cement patio with nothing else but seats. I didn't feel  like I was at a wedding. JMHO

The only thing I wanna see is Sierra NOT planning this wedding and TLC lending some of the wedding experts they have on their channel to make it a classy event. Let Monty or Randy from Say Yes To The Dress dress Jinger! Let Cake Boss help her pick out a cake that isn't a sloppy gross mess, etc.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Fuzzysox said:

 I disagree. Getting married in church has a lot of meaning. I couldn't imagine not getting married in church being Catholic. I went to a half Jewish/half Catholic wedding once. I was held on a cement patio with nothing else but seats. I didn't feel  like I was at a wedding. JMHO

The only thing I wanna see is Sierra NOT planning this wedding and TLC lending some of the wedding experts they have on their channel to make it a classy event. Let Monty or Randy from Say Yes To The Dress dress Jinger! Let Cake Boss help her pick out a cake that isn't a sloppy gross mess, etc.

And limit the guest list to 500 of their closest friends and family so that they can find a venue that will hold them. 

I wish these people would realize that weddings are a combination of the party/ceremony and the beginning of the marriage itself.  It's a celebration of love that you are sharing with people who you love.  It's a package deal.  If you are unwilling to feed your guests properly and show your appreciation for their taking time to share that day with you, then don't.  Have a small church wedding (family only) and go out to eat after.  TLC will be there to film it anyway.  

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Marigold said:

Jinger's outfit is really bad, even for a "modest" outfit. 

Jeremy's outfit is worse. At first I thought he was wearing sweatpants . Then someone said they are crop pants. They look like cropped sweatpants. The sneakers are a mess. His shirt looks like a ladies blouse. Jeremy has looked much better in previous pictures and so has Jinger. 

Photo flop. Sorry guys. Jeremy certainly knew what he planned so why such a strange outfit?  Jinger must've known something special was going to happen. TLC cameras and your entire family on a rooftop in NYC? Yeah, nothing going on here. Not.  The girls have a large closet of clothes to choose from...there had to have been something there that was a bit happier and would photograph better.  Jinger is a photorgrapher, right? 

His brother looks like a complete nutjob. Trying a bit too hard to look hip and cool, which probably means he is a super dork or obnoxious. Or both. 



Actually the new pic of "clean cut" Jeremy seems to prove the adage that family members tend to look more alike as they age when they start off looking rather different.  Maybe that is why the new hair?  Poor Jeremy is going from soccer stud to the guy that refuse to listen to any music that isn't on vinyl thinking it makes him cool but also still watches movies only on VHS.  He stood next to his brother maybe seeing him for the first time in a couple of months and realized he is looking more and more like him.  Time for a makeover!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Fuzzysox said:

 I disagree. Getting married in church has a lot of meaning. I couldn't imagine not getting married in church being Catholic. I went to a half Jewish/half Catholic wedding once. I was held on a cement patio with nothing else but seats. I didn't feel  like I was at a wedding. JMHO

The only thing I wanna see is Sierra NOT planning this wedding and TLC lending some of the wedding experts they have on their channel to make it a classy event. Let Monty or Randy from Say Yes To The Dress dress Jinger! Let Cake Boss help her pick out a cake that isn't a sloppy gross mess, etc.

Their weddings seem almost without meaning, knowing what we do, at least to me.  My son and daughter in law had a very traditional Jewish ceremony under a beautiful chuppa outside with about 150 people and it was a beautiful meaningful ceremony.  Afterwards, the wedding dinner (lots of food and adult beverages) and dancing was held inside a venue, beautifully decorated (thank you BJ,  you know who you are) where the only glitch was a friend decided to bring his toddler son, and tried to boot the head usher from his table.  But, the staff made accommodations and the bride and groom never knew.  So it can be done if the parties involved want it to be.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

Their weddings seem almost without meaning, knowing what we do, at least to me.  My son and daughter in law had a very traditional Jewish ceremony under a beautiful chuppa outside with about 150 people and it was a beautiful meaningful ceremony.  Afterwards, the wedding dinner (lots of food and adult beverages) and dancing was held inside a venue, beautifully decorated (thank you BJ,  you know who you are) where the only glitch was a friend decided to bring his toddler son, and tried to boot the head usher from his table.  But, the staff made accommodations and the bride and groom never knew.  So it can be done if the parties involved want it to be.

IMHO, their weddings are without the meaning that many of us in the modern world ascribe to a wedding ceremony. When my husband and I got married , we had the ceremony at a small restaurant we loved. The ceremony was in a courtyard next to a stream, we had 30 guests, readings by friends and family, and our officiant was a good friend who was deputized just to marry us (can easily do that in California). Then it was champagne and passed hors d'oeuvres outside before going in and having a yummy plated multi-course meal with open bar and wines. And we paid for it ourselves. My point is, it was personal and meaningful to us and the carefully selected group we chose to include and we wanted to create a good experience for our guests.

The Duggars invite everyone they've ever met casually and all their fundy cronies. They register for everything under the sun. They hold the ceremonies in churches where they are not members. The only meaning that matters to them in the ceremony, I think, is the transfer of ownership of the bride from father to husband so they can go start producing more good little automatons for Jeebus. They are not interested in offering hospitality. They are not interested in imbuing the ceremony with anything personal. They are interested in passing on patriarchal control and getting as many gifts from every remote acquaintance as humanly possible.  Godly bunch, huh?

  • Love 15

I know, I know...maybe Sondra Celli (the Gypsy wedding go to designer) could make something "Gypsylicious" for Jinger. I saw her make a dress of live flowers, so she's pretty talented. Her prices might be too expensive.

Probably been a while since she's been asked to make a modest dress, but Vera Wang was beyond excited when Ivanka Trump requested a modest gown for her Orthodox Jewish wedding, since she said she often hadn't been asked to design them that way.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, PoshSprinkles said:

I don't think the SYTTD crossover will happen again. The Duggs wore out their welcome quickly when they went to pick out Mechelle's vow renewal dress. MEchelle had to make a big to-do about dressing herself without their assistance because MODESTY, JB looked like an idiot suggesting puffy sleeves, the howlers were running amok, all the older ones were incredibly judgmental about the other dresses some of the brides were trying on, and Mechelle's required modifications for the dress were all horrible.

I can't see Cake Boss happening either, but not because they've already done a crossover with the show (Mackynzie's gender reveal cake on the Today Show). Cake Boss is based out of Hoboken and they are most likely having the wedding in good ol' Arkansas and not New Jersey. There is no way for them to provide a custom cake unless they fly out to Arkansas, acquire a kitchen, and bake it there. 

I believe they have also been banned from Thorncrown Chapel.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

Their weddings seem almost without meaning, knowing what we do, at least to me.  My son and daughter in law had a very traditional Jewish ceremony under a beautiful chuppa outside with about 150 people and it was a beautiful meaningful ceremony.  Afterwards, the wedding dinner (lots of food and adult beverages) and dancing was held inside a venue, beautifully decorated (thank you BJ,  you know who you are) where the only glitch was a friend decided to bring his toddler son, and tried to boot the head usher from his table.  But, the staff made accommodations and the bride and groom never knew.  So it can be done if the parties involved want it to be.

I just recently went to a Jewish wedding and frankly I had high expectations (parents wealthy) but this one was like no other and very unusual/poor planning.  At the wedding, which was outside, they only had two chairs for the very overweight grandmothers.  Everyone else had to stand for the ceremony (in the hot sun on uneven grass).  The crowd was mainly 40+ so not a good way to start. The father of the groom was a rabbi, mother of groom respected DR, and my cousin was MOB.  They didn't have a table for the MOB to sit at the reception but there were tables and chairs set up (all taken by his family, we stood at a cocktail table in front of the kitchen) NOR did they wait for her to get there to begin the festivities (she was only picking up and bringing the damn wedding cakes), the food was crudite on skewers (at dinnertime) and they ran out right after we got there.  When the father of the groom gave his speech, he never welcomed the MOB to speak, it was like the brides family had not attended.  They never took pics of our side of the family yet had many group photos of the grooms family.  After one of many swigs off my flask, cause at that point I gave not one fuck, I said to my sister that we have now been to a Duggar wedding. I know this is not indicative of all Jewish weddings by a long shot and was surprised that this group had zero manners and cared not one bit about those of us that flew 2000 miles to attend this clusterfuck planned by the grooms family.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I just recently went to a Jewish wedding and frankly I had high expectations (parents wealthy) but this one was like no other and very unusual/poor planning.  At the wedding, which was outside, they only had two chairs for the very overweight grandmothers.  Everyone else had to stand for the ceremony (in the hot sun on uneven grass).  The crowd was mainly 40+ so not a good way to start. The father of the groom was a rabbi, mother of groom respected DR, and my cousin was MOB.  They didn't have a table for the MOB to sit at the reception but there were tables and chairs set up (all taken by his family, we stood at a cocktail table in front of the kitchen) NOR did they wait for her to get there to begin the festivities (she was only picking up and bringing the damn wedding cakes), the food was crudite on skewers (at dinnertime) and they ran out right after we got there.  When the father of the groom gave his speech, he never welcomed the MOB to speak, it was like the brides family had not attended.  They never took pics of our side of the family yet had many group photos of the grooms family.  After one of many swigs off my flask, cause at that point I gave not one fuck, I said to my sister that we have now been to a Duggar wedding. I know this is not indicative of all Jewish weddings by a long shot and was surprised that this group had zero manners and cared not one bit about those of us that flew 2000 miles to attend this clusterfuck planned by the grooms family.

Sounds dreadful!   Flask is a great idea. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I just recently went to a Jewish wedding and frankly I had high expectations (parents wealthy) but this one was like no other and very unusual/poor planning.  At the wedding, which was outside, they only had two chairs for the very overweight grandmothers.  Everyone else had to stand for the ceremony (in the hot sun on uneven grass).  The crowd was mainly 40+ so not a good way to start. The father of the groom was a rabbi, mother of groom respected DR, and my cousin was MOB.  They didn't have a table for the MOB to sit at the reception but there were tables and chairs set up (all taken by his family, we stood at a cocktail table in front of the kitchen) NOR did they wait for her to get there to begin the festivities (she was only picking up and bringing the damn wedding cakes), the food was crudite on skewers (at dinnertime) and they ran out right after we got there.  When the father of the groom gave his speech, he never welcomed the MOB to speak, it was like the brides family had not attended.  They never took pics of our side of the family yet had many group photos of the grooms family.  After one of many swigs off my flask, cause at that point I gave not one fuck, I said to my sister that we have now been to a Duggar wedding. I know this is not indicative of all Jewish weddings by a long shot and was surprised that this group had zero manners and cared not one bit about those of us that flew 2000 miles to attend this clusterfuck planned by the grooms family.

Where was the bride in all this?  Did she give a crap about her guests?  Is the groom's family going to run roughshod over her?

What bugs me about the oh so religious Duggars is that they are too good to belong to a church like Cross Church but they run right over when they need their services.  They won't lower themselves to provide their time, talents, or funds to be a part of the church community but they are quick to take advantage when it benefits them.

Edited by riverblue22
sloppy sentence!
  • Love 19
30 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

Where was the bride in all this?  Did she give a crap about her guests?  Is the groom's family going to run roughshod over her?

What bugs me about the oh so religious Duggars is that they are too good to belong to a church like Cross Church but they run right over when they needs their services.  They won't lower themselves to provide their time, talents, or funds to be a part of the church community but they are quick to take advantage when it benefits them.

The bride is her own kind of special snowflake so apparently not.  I am sure they will try and control the daughter.  To that I wish them good luck.  I had never met her and was there for my cousin (who I had just reconnected with 4 years ago) so I tried to make HER feel better and not turn it into a bigger shitshow.  Believe me it took everything in me to not tell her to  make sure her mother AND father were respected.  I literally had to hold my sister back from giving a speech from our side of the family.  She had had one too many glugs off the flask so it would have not ended well.  My sister has a way with words (which I love!).    

  • Love 2
On 7/26/2016 at 2:24 PM, GeeGolly said:

This article includes pictures of Jeremy's mom and siblings. The mother/daughter pic is rather scandalous using Duggar standards.




9 hours ago, cdp73 said:

Anyone get the feeling that JimBoob approved this engagement just to get free violin lessons for the rest of his clan?

I was gonna say, better not compare the violin playing, Duggar vs Vuolo.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

 I disagree. Getting married in church has a lot of meaning. I couldn't imagine not getting married in church being Catholic. I went to a half Jewish/half Catholic wedding once. I was held on a cement patio with nothing else but seats. I didn't feel  like I was at a wedding. JMHO

The only thing I wanna see is Sierra NOT planning this wedding and TLC lending some of the wedding experts they have on their channel to make it a classy event. Let Monty or Randy from Say Yes To The Dress dress Jinger! Let Cake Boss help her pick out a cake that isn't a sloppy gross mess, etc.

I agree getting married in a religious setting has meaning to some but  19 kids who are expected to get married to a spouse of Jim Bob's choosing might want to get married on the beach,  or a hotel or some other place of significance for a change.  The Duggars don't belong to a church and don't attend religious services anywhere that I'm aware of. Gothardism doesn't count as a legit religion.


I just find it odd that not one of the engaged couples have chosen a setting besides a random church that will fit 800 of their closest "friends". They cram their guests like sardines at the reception but expect gifts and $$$. Talk about the epitome of tacky and rude. 

I guarantee Jinger's wedding will be held in West Bumfuck Arkansas at a church that no one attends with very little seating. Pictures will be taken of the Duggars only because Jeremy's family will be dressed "immodestly".  Food will consist of egg salad sandwiches,  fruit punch and mints.  Jim Bob will crack some lame jokes with his yuk-yuk laugh and the littles will be left to fend for themselves. Expect lots of talking heads from Benessa and Derjill discussing the key to a successful and lasting marriage as if they're experts on the subject. 

Michelle will be wearing some fugly monstrosity of course.  

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
Spelling and shit.
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5 minutes ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

I agree getting married in a religious setting has meaning to some but  19 kids who are expected to get married to a spouse of Jim Bob's choosing might want to get married on the beach,  or a hotel or some other place of significance for a change.  The Duggars don't belong to a church and don't attend religious services anywhere that I'm aware of. Gothardism doesn't count as a legit religion.


I just find it odd that not one of the engaged couples have chosen a setting besides a random church that will fit 800 of their closest "friends". They cram their guests like sardines at the reception but expect gifts and $$$. TLk about the epitome of tacky and rude. 

I guarantee Jinger's wedding will be held in West Bumfuck Arkansas at a church that no one attends with very little seating. Pictures will be taken of the Duggars only because Jeremy's family will be dressed "immodestly".  Food will consist of egg salad sandwiches,  fruit punch and mints.  Jim Bob will crack some lame jokes with his yuk-yuk laugh and the littles will be left to fend for themselves. Expect lots of talking heads from Benessa and Derjill discussing the key to a successful and lasting marriage as if they're experts on the subject. 

Michelle will be wearing some fugly monstrosity of course.  

Jill will not have brushed her hair. 

Jinger might have bridesmaid dresses for sizes 0-4 only. She will not compromise. 

Edited by Kokapetl
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20 minutes ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

I agree getting married in a religious setting has meaning to some but  19 kids who are expected to get married to a spouse of Jim Bob's choosing might want to get married on the beach,  or a hotel or some other place of significance for a change.  The Duggars don't belong to a church and don't attend religious services anywhere that I'm aware of. Gothardism doesn't count as a legit religion.


I just find it odd that not one of the engaged couples have chosen a setting besides a random church that will fit 800 of their closest "friends". They cram their guests like sardines at the reception but expect gifts and $$$. Talk about the epitome of tacky and rude. 

I guarantee Jinger's wedding will be held in West Bumfuck Arkansas at a church that no one attends with very little seating. Pictures will be taken of the Duggars only because Jeremy's family will be dressed "immodestly".  Food will consist of egg salad sandwiches,  fruit punch and mints.  Jim Bob will crack some lame jokes with his yuk-yuk laugh and the littles will be left to fend for themselves. Expect lots of talking heads from Benessa and Derjill discussing the key to a successful and lasting marriage as if they're experts on the subject. 

Michelle will be wearing some fugly monstrosity of course.  

Let's just hope that said egg salad sandwiches will not have been sitting out for some hours before being served...

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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