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S01.E07: Who's Got Game?

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A betrayal unfolds when Ben goes to the captain about galley miscommunication.  In addition, Danny receives a lesson about deckie etiquette, Julia reminds Bobby she's in a committed relationship, and an all-male bachelor charter group arrives.

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Maybe I'm being overly generous to Below Deck: Mothership but -- they didn't do nearly as much drunken unofficial performance reviews, did they? First Hannah with Tiffany in like episode one, now this shit with Bryan getting all aggro and handsy with Danny. He's probably trying to bait Danny into doing something mega-fireable (after the Tilted Kilt charter, I don't even know what that would be -- hitting Bryan, I guess?). But it looks like literally no one is bringing anything to the Captain, except for Ben's poorly executed CYA maneuver.

I doubt Jen does literally anything else well, but she was an excellent audience surrogate tonight. 

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As even a drunk partygoer a watermelon filled with a hundred haphazard straws would make me more trepidatious than enthused.

Nothing like drooled on produce.  Bon appetite!

Edited by bosawks
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I'm afraid of getting whiplash from all the times I went from "oh, shut up Danny" to "yeah, Danny, yeah!" and then back again.  Were Bryan not such an insufferable fratface, I would probably never root for Danny, but if it comes down to the two of them, Bryan will never get my vote. "Hey, man, you'd better watch it, don't call me a bunny" is pretty tough talk from a guy who has balls for a chin.

I want to like Ben, and I mostly do, but I wish he would get a grip on his emotions and not be so reactive the nanosecond he starts to feel mad about something.  He's great at apologizing, I'll give him that...he says all the right things and makes it almost impossible not to forgive him, but wouldn't he rather be known as a guy that can keep his cool when he needs to rather than someone who's regularly excellent at saying, "My bad!" the next day? I am firmly on his side over the 2-no-make-that-3-course meal debacle, but the fact that he would go to such an extreme to protect himself before he even knows for sure the situation was an actual problem for the clients isn't a good look.  Get the tip and critique first, THEN throw Hannah to the sharks as necessary.  There's a process!

The things with Julia in the Bobby situation that bother me are that she never needed to tell Matty about Bobby flirting with her if she knew it would upset him so much.  Nothing had actually happened, and if there is no chance anything is going to come of the flirtation, then that's the story you tell your boyfriend when you see him again and Bobby is thousands of miles away.  Also, I wish she would stop saying Bobby's name so much, because that does infer a bit of familiarity when you do it all the time like she does, and even though I do not think she was leading him on at all, I can see how that could give him a glimmer of hope. 

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I'm on the 'just shut up' Danny bandwagon.  He just annoys the heck out of me.  Bryon is a jerk but you don't speak that way to your boss.  Whether you like it or not, you're not equals and that's one of Danny's problems.  He thinks he's on the same level of anyone who is his superior in the job world.  Sorry Danny, it doesn't work that way.  He needs to grow up.  He got a reprieve from the Captain twice.  He should have been fired because he needs to be put in his place professionally.  He doesn't have to like or respect the people he works with or for.  He needs to do his job, and it doesn't look like he's all that good at it.  He's entitled and needs a reality check.

Ben really didn't need to go to the captain and he certainly didn't have to put on his 'lapels'.  From watching Ben on Below Deck, to me Ben is a prima donna and throws hissy fits quite readily.  Yeah, Hannah was wrong but I don't think it was intentional.  Ben just needed to do what was needed at the moment and discuss it with Hannah later.  And please with the 'entree' discussion.  Very special snowflake to me but that's Ben.

I don't know why Julia let her boyfriend know about the situation with Bobby.  Why worry him?  At least, finally, she told Bobby to back off.  I do like her though.

There was a preview of next week's episode on WWHL.  Hannah refers to Danny as a 'smurf' in her TH.  Sorry but I had to laugh.  I'll go to the corner.....

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Ben is a rat-fink. Hannah may have been wrong or mistaken, but Ben not only ratted her out, he got dressed up to do it. What a tool (and I've mostly liked him).

Jen, when given a chance to rat out Danny, didn't do it to her deckmate, even though he's an idiot. There has to be some loyalty on the high seas.

So I formally request that Ben should always rank below Jen on the P-TV rankings, because he ratted and she didn't.

Thank you.

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Ben has always been a smarmy low rent kind of guy. He takes advantage of low hanging fruit. Look what he did with the poor sap Kat on the original series.

I go back to the fact that his food is overly complicated and to me just not that appetizing. He always seem to have some sort of problem. I would want a chef who doesn't cause problems or drama. But it seems that is all you get on Below Deck. Well it is a TV show.

Also Julia was smart to tell her guy while it was going on. It is going to be on TV after all.  I think the dude might have been upset if it was all a big surprise.

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I think Julia needed to have this conversation earlier because she may think of herself as flirty in general but the way she treats Bobby is completely different than the way she acts with everyone else and it wasn't just the guests who noticed it. She shouldn't have to change her behavior at all but it is important to tell him his behavior is making her uncomfortable and not giggle at his behavior, so I am glad that she finally sat him down. 

Danny, Bryan isn't your drunk dad, he may be a drunk but he is your boss. Also, Bryan was telling him to be a mouse in the context of the fight between Hannah and Ben not in life. 

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3 hours ago, urusai said:

Ben ain't fucking around by changing into his uniform.  Hannah fucked up by lying to Ben in the first place.  She should own the fact she messed up.

I think the reason Ben ran and tattled to the captain is because Hannah wouldn't admit that she fucked up, tried to blame Ben for using entree the wrong way, blamed Ben for running through the dishes at the last moment with her, and hastily ran around to her stews to confirm that Ben was wrong. I think especially when none of the stews let Hannah was wrong, Ben freaked out. I think he was also more susceptible to overreacting over this mix up because he just watched Rocky and Leon try to sandbag Kate for Leon's mistake. 

And I'll disagree slightly with Hannah saying that Ben should have come and talked to her instead of going to the captain. He did do that when he first offered to fire the kebabs. She completely whiffed that and went up to the guests. I think Ben just turned pissy because she wouldn't admit her mistake and came downstairs acting like the guests were the ones who demanded more food. She really wasn't the least bit contrite or apologetic and Ben went apeshit. Ben clearly needed that apology.

Julia had to tell her boyfriend about the flirting because she has no idea how they were going to edit the season. They could have edited it in a way that made the flirting seem reciprocal and more serious than it was. Julia was trying to prevent her boyfriend from getting blindsided when the show aired.

Bryan is such a frathole douchebag. Bobby is his bootlicking toady. I can't stand either of them. I had to laugh at Bryan's and Bobby's faces when they learned that Danny would be going to shore. As much as we talk about Danny not understanding his boundaries and his role, boy did Bobby seem to miss what his job was supposed to be on shore. He thought he could whip off his shirt and cute girls would come to him. Danny completely understood his role, which was to get women to hyped, buzzed, and in a mood to party so that some of them might want to hook up 5 kinda rich old dudes. It's the first time his make magical moments philosophy and ethos was appropriate.

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27 minutes ago, Locutus said:

Capt.: "If another fairy approaches,  you must vacate that spot."     Best line of the night.

I guess it's funny because of the homonym of ferry and fairy and them going to Mykonos, which is apparently the gay capital of Europe. I guess. Maybe I'm missing something.

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Ugh, with the exception of Ben, who I can't say I particularly like, but the rest of the dudes skeeve me out. They don't understand emotional or physical boundaries, and that's dangerous. Yuck.

Also yay, finally they're heading to Mykonos! It's my favorite place in Greece, besides Santorini. It might almost beat Santorini, actually.

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I guess Julia and Jen didn't seem that bothered by the whole mangina thing, but that seriously creeped me out.  Julia had already told Bobby she wasn't interested and he still came hulking into that tiny cabin and pulled his pants down.  I was surprised they laughed because I would have felt really threatened if I were Julia.  

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Bobby's behavior was out of line.  Julia seems to be a genuinely nice girl who didn't want to be rude and was nicely trying to let Bobby down easy, and he wasn't taking the hints.  So now he is just going to ignore her or say random words like "tortillas" when he walks by her?  That's mature.  Sounds like he's still mad he didn't get his way.

I'm okay with Julia telling her boyfriend because he would have found out anyways when the show aired.  Sure his imagination was running wild when it all started, but I'm sure his mind is at ease now.  Julia did good.  

Am I the only one that would consider the whole Bobby pulling his pants down in the crew quarters sexual harassment?

Why do these people insist on having work discussions while intoxicated?!

And Danny, STFU!

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My favorite line was from Julia.  "Hannah, you have done not. one. thing. wrong. today.  You made a little error, but. . ."


Ben.  I can't say I like him much (except, you know, Brit accents always buckle American knees.)  I've never seen his food rise very far above standard generic, so I don't understand why he always thinks his "vision" should supersede the guests' preferences or the established theme for the evening. 

But I'll give him credit that he gritted his teeth and got the job done, saving the hissy fit and the tattletale dramatics until the guests were fed and happy.

He seems to always deliver a graceful apology the next day--maybe better if he didn't need to do that so often he developed a good technique. 

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There were 2 quick clips that ruined Danny (even more) for me.  He is so immature and has a lot of growing up to do.

1: On the tender to the beach, all the guests were seated in the boat and Danny was standing at the bow yelling and "woo"ing and waving his arms.  This is about the guests and not you!

2: How dare he offer "drinks on the house to everyone".  It was the guests money.  They should be the ones getting the accolades for buying free drinks.

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As Danny was buying everyone drinks with the guests' money, I kept thinking "isn't this going to cut into your tips?"

Anyway, I think the guests were fine with him spending their money because this show loves to over hype conflict. Like the espresso martini conflict. If the guests had an issue with it, we'd have seen something. They even kept in the guests chastising Bobby for being worthless at picking up girls. I think the shot of Danny, the guests, and a gaggle of girls partying while shirtless Bobby stood off to the side conveyed the same thing, but what do I know. I'm not being paid to edit this show.

Edited by HunterHunted
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11 hours ago, Trooper York said:

Ben has always been a smarmy low rent kind of guy. He takes advantage of low hanging fruit. Look what he did with the poor sap Kat on the original series.

I go back to the fact that his food is overly complicated and to me just not that appetizing. He always seem to have some sort of problem. I would want a chef who doesn't cause problems or drama. But it seems that is all you get on Below Deck. Well it is a TV show.

Also Julia was smart to tell her guy while it was going on. It is going to be on TV after all.  I think the dude might have been upset if it was all a big surprise.

Exactly! So when it airs he will already be prepared AND she also shows him respect during filming so it's captured and the boyfriend can save some face while it's going on. If nothing is said to him at the time then he's just the poor schmuck who's girl in getting hit on while they film his unsuspecting intimate conversations with his girl throughout the season. This way he's not a running joke throughout the season. A joke that will end up smacking him in the face when it airs. This way he's at least in the loop during the whole thing AND the audience sees this.

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11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Ben really didn't need to go to the captain and he certainly didn't have to put on his 'lapels'.

Running to the boss to tell your side of the story first while looking as professional as possible is a classic CYA move when you know you've screwed up. Trying to put it all on someone else is being a dick and it may not work if there's too much blame to shift or the boss is experienced enough. The captain said he hadn't seen anyone do what Ben did before.

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Julia had to tell her boyfriend about the flirting because she has no idea how they were going to edit the season. They could have edited it in a way that made the flirting seem reciprocal and more serious than it was. Julia was trying to prevent her boyfriend from getting blindsided when the show aired.


Maybe I should have worded it differently, but I was saying she should have told Matty in person, when she got home, after it was over and had been proven to be nothing for him to sweat about, not that she should never have told him at all.  By telling him on the phone when they are still weeks away from seeing each other, all she did was get him upset and worried while in a position to do nothing about it.  She could have still warned him before the show aired without leaving him alone to his imagination, and to wonder exactly how far the problem had gone.

I thought Danny did an amazing job as wingman to the old single guys.  We don't know that he wasn't told specifically by one of them to offer free champagne to everyone - I figured that was exactly what happened, and they wanted Danny to be the one making the announcement because his gregarious nature had worked in gathering up the crowd in the first place.  I loved that Bobby proved to be useless, and that they told him just to go ahead and put his shirt back on since it wasn't drawing in any women.

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Ugh, I can't stand Danny, he's such a man-child; but the other two guys on deck leave a lot to be desired.  Bobby probably thinks every woman who looks at him, is flirting with him and Bryan is a borderline alcoholic; talk about a Jekyll and Hyde personality.  Bryan shouldn't drink at all if he changes that much when he drinks.  I don't like Ben either because he seems like a real ass kisser.  The captain looked at Ben like, "WTF are you telling me this shit?  What are you, in junior high school?"

Julia reminds me of Tatiana Maslany, from "Orphan Black."

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Did anyone think Ben almost said, and I'm American, when speaking to Julia, he was pointing at himself and started to say something and then changed his wording to and I speak American even though it's with a British accent. Amazing how different Julia and Ben sound, I love they way they both sound but I think Julia's is particularly fabulous.

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2 hours ago, NaughtyKitty said:

There were 2 quick clips that ruined Danny (even more) for me.  He is so immature and has a lot of growing up to do.

1: On the tender to the beach, all the guests were seated in the boat and Danny was standing at the bow yelling and "woo"ing and waving his arms.  This is about the guests and not you!

2: How dare he offer "drinks on the house to everyone".  It was the guests money.  They should be the ones getting the accolades for buying free drinks.

He could not have looked more like an idiot.  I was embarrassed for him.

4 hours ago, Slider said:

Am I the only one that would consider the whole Bobby pulling his pants down in the crew quarters sexual harassment?

No, very creepy.

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Danny, Bryan isn't your drunk dad, he may be a drunk but he is your boss. Also, Bryan was telling him to be a mouse in the context of the fight between Hannah and Ben not in life.

I agree. Bryan is Danny's boss. People do not always like their bosses, but know better to just bite their tongue when they disagree. I was fine with Bryan telling Danny (and I think he told some of the other deck crew) to stay out of the Hannah and Ben drama. I do not think that Bryan necessarily conveyed that well, since he was drunk, but I understood it. I know it is probably an unpopular opinion but I do not think Bryan is a horrible boss or at least as horrible as they try to make him out to be. A mean drunk? Yes, but he seems to be an okay boss. Isn't this his first time being in charge, so hopefully he will learn from this. I do think Bryan is a dick sometimes to Danny, but in a way I think Danny deserves it a bit.

I think that Bobby and Julia both flirted with the other, but Bobby is the one that came away with a crush and a bit of hope that she might be into him. I really liked that Julia just sat Bobby down and spoke to him concisely about how she had a boyfriend and she wanted him to back off. I was also fine with Bobby saying that he is just kind of avoiding her for now. If that is how he is going to deal with it so lines are not crossed I am fine with that. Maybe they will figure out just being friends before the charter season is over.

I have to admit I was okay with Ben's CYA move to go tell the captain, probably because the captain thought very little of it all. I thought that Ben might have thought Hannah might throw him under the bus and that is why he did it.


There were 2 quick clips that ruined Danny (even more) for me.  He is so immature and has a lot of growing up to do.

1: On the tender to the beach, all the guests were seated in the boat and Danny was standing at the bow yelling and "woo"ing and waving his arms.  This is about the guests and not you!

2: How dare he offer "drinks on the house to everyone".  It was the guests money.  They should be the ones getting the accolades for buying free drinks.

Danny is always a bit over the top for me. I do think Bobby and Danny are in a tricky situation to party and be the wingmen for the guests. It is why I did not care that Bobby sat on the sidelines. It just seems like it could be potentially an awkward situation. 

I do like this group overall. They all have made mistakes or overstepped guest boundaries (Danny), but I do feel that they are all pretty competent in their jobs, which is nice to see. 

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Printing guest menus for dinner with cute pictures from the day is pretty standard, and while Ben is not wrong about the entree/mains thing, it is not outrageous for a stew to expect that the menu is set far enough in advance to make menus (and makes sure he gets his food described the way he wants it to). And honestly, Danny SHOULD stay the fuck out of the Ben/Hannah drama. Given that Ben acknowledged that he overreacted, Danny would have just made things worse for himself in the long run. Bryan shouldn't do these things when they're drunk, but Danny needs to mind his own fucking business. and we've learned that he needs that clearly spelled out a million times.

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Yes. Loved that the two dudebros were prevented from dudebro-ing it up with the charter guests. Cap'n (or Production) made the right choice there.

The boat cheer was super lame, but otherwise I'm sure that the charters were on board with the plan to have Danny serve as their hype man offering up the free booze. They were having fun, unlike Sad Bobby douchily moping in the corner.

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Ben's not always my favorite* but he certainly got a top spot in my ranking for calling Bryan "Captain America" after all that Paul Revere nonsense. 

*He is totally, always, my favorite, but he certainly doesn't always deserve it. 

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Julia seemed uncomfortable during Bobby's "flirting"--I think she is just a bubbly person and Bobby mistook that for flirting. I don't think it matters so much that the guests mentioned it, because I basically assume most of the things the guests do are at production's direction or suggestions. But even if she was flirting, he came across as creepy, with the mangina stuff and the "confession." When I was younger, I wanted desperately to be hot--but now that I'm older I am relieved that I didn't have to deal with nearly as many creepy men as someone like Julia must.

And I agree that she made the right decision calling her boyfriend right away. If she only told him when she got home, and if the show were edited in such a way as to make it suggest that it were more mutual, he might not trust her as much.

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20 hours ago, Pepperminty said:

Did anyone think Ben almost said, and I'm American, when speaking to Julia, he was pointing at himself and started to say something and then changed his wording to and I speak American even though it's with a British accent. Amazing how different Julia and Ben sound, I love they way they both sound but I think Julia's is particularly fabulous.

I noticed Ben & the American thing too & how he added most of the crew & guests are Americans.  Even tho I don't care for Hannah much, I like her accent too - didn't she say she is from Australia? 

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Isn't Ben "American" though, at least to some degree? At least in the sense that, if memory serves, he currently lives in Ft. Lauderdale Florida (or something like that) and maybe has for quite some time? I mean, I have no idea if he's a naturalized citizen of the US or whatever. But regardless, I think what he was really trying to say was just "I, like several other members of our crew, are used to the American terminology. Please conform to that as our de facto standard." Anyway, I think Ben was just trying to solve a problem that could potentially have been ongoing, but he did (as is his usual wont) blow it juuuuust a bit out of proportion, and could have been a bit less of an imperious dick about it. But of course, that's just what Ben does. Be a dick, wait a while, apologize sweetly.

Also, Sarah's recap mentions the guests' light tip, despite any evidence of any major issues. And while it wouldn't surprise me at all if it were... wait for it... contrived (oh how I loathe that overused word) at my house we also noticed the light tip and reached a different conclusion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Alan Sr. the same guy who was the primary on (at least two) episodes of Below Deck, the guy who Kate knew from previous (non-BD) charters and referred to as her "friend"? And didn't he leave a light tip on each of his previous (BD) charters as well? We think Alan Sr. is just cheap.

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Wasn't the charter hardly more than 48 hours? I would imagine the charters that are that short would tend to tip accordingly to the length of the trip. I know I would. Two nights versus 4, they get less. 

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On 6/15/2016 at 8:25 PM, Kiss my mutt said:


I think Julia is going to miss Bobby's flirtations with her and start seeking him out asking if he's mad at her. I think she rather enjoys the attention. 


This is exactly right. Julia is the type of girl who is all flirty face with the hot guy and then gets all upset because she has a boyfriend. She thrives on the attention. The thing is it is obvious that Hannah has a thing for Bobby. She looks at him like he is an en-tree or something. Or a starter. Whatever the European term is for beefcake. Since Ben will be out of the picture based on the preview I can see Hannah jumping Bobby. I bet Julia is not going to like that very much. Just because she can't have him doesn't mean that Hannah can. Watch and see.

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On 6/15/2016 at 0:08 PM, LoneHaranguer said:

Running to the boss to tell your side of the story first while looking as professional as possible is a classic CYA move when you know you've screwed up. Trying to put it all on someone else is being a dick and it may not work if there's too much blame to shift or the boss is experienced enough. The captain said he hadn't seen anyone do what Ben did before.

One of the most important lessons I learned early in my career (when I was a good 10-15 years younger than Ben, depending on how old he actually is) was that There's Stuff You Don't Bother The Boss about.  Having your boss dismiss you with the words "Don't come to me with this sort of thing again" is pretty demoralizing, but you can be damn sure you don't do it a second time. 

The Captain didn't give him that line, at least not in the present, but I hope Ben took to heart his talking head about how preposterous it was.  Though I suppose it could also simply have been in the shooting schedule for the day - Ben discusses today's events with the Captain!

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On 6/15/2016 at 11:20 AM, NaughtyKitty said:

There were 2 quick clips that ruined Danny (even more) for me.  He is so immature and has a lot of growing up to do.

1: On the tender to the beach, all the guests were seated in the boat and Danny was standing at the bow yelling and "woo"ing and waving his arms.  This is about the guests and not you!

2: How dare he offer "drinks on the house to everyone".  It was the guests money.  They should be the ones getting the accolades for buying free drinks.

And yet it seems all of the charter guests really like him. Go figure. 

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