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S08.E07: Airing Your Dirty Laundry

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Those tie-in commercials with Andy as the Mad Hatter were beyond awful.   

Rey!  Can 't say he didn't fit in with the rest of that bunch.  He reminded me a lot of Dorinda in the way his emotions were bouncing around.  Bet it would be fascinating to see the two of them alone and interacting after a few drinks.  

I'm convinced Ramona is simply playing the part she needs to play in order to maintain screen time/RH paycheck.

Who's up for a Teresa Giudice / Carole Radziwll Real Housewives cookbook tour?

Is there some particular reason Jules and her husband are so insistent about having their son spoken to in Spanish by the nanny?  I feel like I missed something.   It sounds like the nanny who left wasn't happy.   


35 minutes ago, miss carousel said:

The only way Sonja is going to get back to where she was is to marry another rich old man. I thought it was disgusting when she was going on about trying to send her daughter to school. Please. Old Man Morgan is paying and will continue to pay for the daughters education and for her expenses.


My eyes nearly rolled out of my head when Sonja came out with needing to earn money to pay for her daughter's education.    On a similar note...let me guess that she keeps the heat down low in that upstairs apartment while it is not being used which is the only reason it was cold.  I doubt the regular living quarters are frigid on a regular basis, otherwise she, the interns, and visitors would always be wearing coats.  

Edited by ichbin
  • Love 8

Page Six story about Ramona getting tossed out:  http://pagesix.com/2015/12/09/dorinda-medleys-beau-kicks-ramona-singer-out-of-party/ 

Page Six story about the original surprise with Tipsy Girl: http://pagesix.com/2015/11/27/sonja-morgans-new-liquor-brand-sounds-a-lot-like-bethennys/

Page Six story about Bethenny striking back:  http://pagesix.com/2015/12/13/bethenny-frankel-ready-to-battle-over-sonja-morgans-booze-line/

I don't think Bethenny is exactly a stranger to Page Six so defending herself may be a bit of a stretch.  They seem to have her on speed dial.

  • Love 15
38 minutes ago, miss carousel said:

Ramona is willing to make an utter and complete fool of herself to stay on this show. She gave up her business and her husband to make a spectacle of herself. She was so manic and fake this episode. And those ridiculous hair extensions.

And the boobs!  My god, those boobs.  I hate to say it, but they're downright comical, all swollen and high on her chest.  I feel bad for Ramona, though.  Getting ditched by her husband like that, even if we all could see it coming.  She's desperate and her looks are showing it.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Not quite sure why Jules had children since she doesn't seem to want anything to do with them.

And what was up with that crack she made about not being able to bathe?  So raising your own kids means you can't take a bath?  So does that mean that the nanny was never able to take a bath?  I think the only reason Jules had kids was because she thought she couldn't because of her eating disorder.  She just wanted to prove she was "cured" by being able to have periods and procreate.  She doesn't know a damn thing about parenting just by the way she lets that boy of theirs do what he pleases.  I wish I knew what went down to make the nanny take the money and run.

  • Love 14
3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Bethenny went for Sonja's jugular during that conversation.  The whole "name one distributor" comments as you mentioned, and then, the other comment about "the stores where your clothing line is" - that was just brutal and slaying.  No wonder Sonja started crying.  She was caught totally off guard, because in Sonja's deluded brain, she really didn't think she had done anything to offend or upset the "girl" word owner.

And, to me, what was the worse thing was that Bethenny ripped into Sonja in front of the Skinnygirl employees.  That was wrong, rude and unforgiveable.  Bethnny said that apartment office had a conference room and a bedroom - why not have that very harsh and personal conversation away from her employees - was this a Bethenny power play?  "See, girls, see how powerful I am - I can make a grown woman cry"...it was pathetic on Bethenny's part.   

I've never seen Sonja cry like that, and it was real.  She seemed so deflated when she got on that elevator, with her sad little comment about not being to do pocketbooks because Luann is doing pocketbooks now.  And yet, even with all of that, Sonja was still gracious and said good-bye to the other girls.

I do have to wonder, though, if this type of "tough love" will finally make Sonja wake up and see that all these stupid, hare-brained businesses are not doing her any favors or will be getting her "back to where she was" - if, and that is a BIG if, she is investing any money at all in any of these things, they will only force her into a ~gasp~ rented apartment, with no room for her interns, only her and her clothes and her Sharpie'd pocketbooks (with no cash in them).

Bethany's display was downright sadistic, especially to humiliate Sonja like that in front of the camera, let alone her employees. To keep attacking like when someone is so visibly fragile - yeah, that was WAY harsh, Tai. 

For all of Sonja's flaws, I've never gotten a nasty, mean spirited vibe from her. She needs to distance herself from these vampires. 

  • Love 24
3 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

Luanne's ex hook up was... Yikes. Don't blame her for bailing. I'm not a John fan but Ramona was ridiculous during that party. He shouldn't have put his hand in her face, but she showed up uninvited and the dude was acting weird at John's girlfriend's party.

Why was the guy there in the first place?  John and Dorinda acted like they didn't know him, but when Jules and her husband arrived, their names were checked off of a guest list.  If Luann's kooky ex date wasn't on the invite list, how did he even get into the party?  Makes me think that whole scene was a setup.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, JenFromCincy said:

Lastly Dorinda seems to have two modes: observant and logical or irrational ranting. 1 or 10 are her only settings.  I like Dorinda at 1. Bright, funny, insightful. I want zero part of Dorinda on 10. Spittle flying, self absorbed, nasty. No thank you.

And she slips from mode 1 to mode 2 so smoothly.  When she was first on the sidewalk she seemed relatively sober.  Then she starts up with flailing arms and pointing fingers and the slurring.  All ended with a polite - thank you for a lovely evening.  Just how much are they cutting out of these scenes?

  • Love 16

1) All I wanted to say to Bethenny  was FU biotch.  WHY won't someone stand up to this woman (because they'd be off the show?) OK so Tipsy Girl is sort of like Skinny Girl. I suppose there should be no  American Broadcasting Company because there was a National Broadcasting Company first?

2) WHY -- unless there's already an assault taking place -- can't cast members on this show just call security to kick people out of their parties -- and let THEM handle any eviction. 

Edited by selhars
  • Love 16

I liked this episode a lot, more fun stuff to snark on. 

First, Jules having the nanny pick out an outfit. That was a first for me. The nanny, "Shouldn't the child pick out the outfit?" Yes, nanny. No wonder Jules kids are always upset and whining, being forced to do stuff/ have stuff done for them that they are developmentally ready to do for themselves. Yikes. I think Jules is someone who is easily overwhelmed and doesn't do well with pressure, so having the nanny gone and having to take care of two kids by herself is really stressful for her and plus, those kids are hard to manage. Remember that show Supernanny? Those kids might actually be candidates if it was still on. In any case, I don't think Jules wants anything but the best for her kids, she just isn't the most kid savvy. A lot of people want their kids to be bilingual. And actually, if they are trying to get the kids into a good school later, being bilingual will be a plus on the application. I see they are already getting the kids into piano, another plus. The old nanny, my thought was she took off because the cameras were there. She may not be legal, have fake documents, or have personal reasons for not wanting to be on camera. But my guess is that is why she split so suddenly. If she isn't legal, she isn't going to tell that to the parents. Better just take off. 

Bethanny's anger was misdirected. I think she was really mad at this "Peter" dude and felt that Peter was trying to rip her off, and taking it out on Sonja. Bethanny was really mean to her, and I also thought it was sad when Sonja left how she tried to make a little joke as the elevator shut in her face. Saaaaaad. And I don't see any comparisons to Trump at all. I would have never thought that or connected the two. Then again, I avoid listening to Trump at all costs. But Sonja is just someone who tries to make herself sound important and talks herself up, really for herself. It's not to deceive anyone, she isn't trying to waste people's time or money, but she wants to be successful really badly. I don't see how her talking about fictitious people she is selling diamonds to is really that big of a deal. She is cute and funny and I think she's nice. Yeah, she lies. But no one is going into business with her, so who cares. She's fun.

I also thought Ramona was a hoot this episode. Insisting on the Rey dude staying (WHEN SHE WASN'T EVEN INVITED HERSELF!) just so she could possibly get some gossip on LuAnn is so funny to me. Ramona is relentless when it comes to getting what she wants, regardless the setting. I just laughed when this Ray guy was all over the place, scaring LuAnn to the point where she RAN out the door and jumped in a cab, even getting Sonja to be freaked out, slurring and acting like a lunatic, and then had a screaming match with John to fight to get him to stay--- just to maybe get a story on LuAnn. So Ramona.

Dorinda and John--- how many times is she going to storm out on him at the end of the night? Methinks the Viagra and doing her story is a just a tall tale. She likes him best during the day when the dry cleaning place is open. 

I also thought LuAnn was funny this episode. Her comment about the wind up toy and Bethanny cracked me up. It was so funny. 

  • Love 6

I don't know if this is the best RHNY episode I've ever seen, or the worst.  I suppose it's possible that it's both.  I was mesmerized during everything that happened during John's party...my mouth may have even been hanging open.  When we only had audio of Rey's drunken stalker rantings at LuAnn, I assumed he refused to sign the release to be shown, and didn't expect we were going to get so much of him being a sleazy, sloppy creep in full view.   

What IS it that makes Dorinda stay with John?  It truly is a mystery.  She spends half of her time defending him and telling people they have to accept and be nice to him for her sake, and the other half of her time being disgusted by him and leaving abruptly to go home.  Does she have poor self-esteem and think he's the best she can do?  Is she afraid to be alone, and thinks a relationship that makes her miserable most of the time is better than being single?  I've known some wonderful women who don't think they have value unless they are with a man, even if the man sucks.  It's heartbreaking.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, Irritable said:

I don't know if this is the best RHNY episode I've ever seen, or the worst.  I suppose it's possible that it's both.  I was mesmerized during everything that happened during John's party...my mouth may have even been hanging open.  When we only had audio of Rey's drunken stalker rantings at LuAnn, I assumed he refused to sign the release to be shown, and didn't expect we were going to get so much of him being a sleazy, sloppy creep in full view.   

What IS it that makes Dorinda stay with John?  It truly is a mystery.  She spends half of her time defending him and telling people they have to accept and be nice to him for her sake, and the other half of her time being disgusted by him and leaving abruptly to go home.  Does she have poor self-esteem and think he's the best she can do?  Is she afraid to be alone, and thinks a relationship that makes her miserable most of the time is better than being single?  I've known some wonderful women who don't think they have value unless they are with a man, even if the man sucks.  It's heartbreaking.

Booze, free dry cleaning, possibly drugs, and loneliness. 

  • Love 12

I would never hire a nanny who could speak to my husband and kids in a language I don't know but they do. I'd learn the language first. 

I kept wondering how Luann could live in a house that has no heat or hot water from what I've read. But I guess the ability to shill necklaces on TV is important. 

In Beth vs. Sonja I'm team Beth. Except she could have done that in private. I felt sorry for Sonja for a second and then...she needs money to pay for her daughter to go to school? Bullshit. 

In Ramona vs. Dorinda I'm team Dorinda. Or I was until she turned in John because, um...

Mostly I'm just thrilled this season is still "disease" free. Everything is fun to me, so far. 

  • Love 13

I've heard of the nannies to the wealthy having to do things that do not fall within their job description, but standing in line at sample sales? Seriously? Is the nanny expected to bring the kids as well so Jules can relax at home? Also, I want my children to grow up trilingual, so I don't see any reason why it should be an issue that Jules and her husband want a Spanish-speaking nanny. When my friend was interviewing for nanny positions in NYC, it was a huge plus that she spoke French and Spanish fluently. Most of the family she interviewed with wanted someone who could teach one of those languages with the children to supplement what they were learning in school.

Ramona is a nut, but John had no right to do what he did. Security was there so have them or Dorinda escort Ramona and Rey out. Simple. Then John asks shocked that Dorinda is appalled by his behavior and wants to go. Unbelievable.

I get why Bethenny was upset and I do think Sonja was playing stupid. All of her talk about wanting to get to where she was financially before just reeked of Sonja trying to be a victim. She's had several opportunities to build a company for herself, but she has neither the drive nor a strategic plan in place to really see anything through. Heather has tried to give her advice and to be fair to Bethenny (who I really have such a low tolerance for so it's taking a lot for me to say this), she did bring Sonja into the brand meeting so she could learn more about what it means to have a business. Sonja could have taken that seriously, maybe even enrolled in a few business classes, but no, she takes shortcuts that involve really shady investors. What happened to her clothing line and the characters involved with that one? Short of marrying a really oblivious wealthy guy, Sonja will not be where she was with her ex...she just has no clue what she's doing and it shows.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 17
4 hours ago, selhars said:

1) All I wanted to say to Bethenny  was FU biotch.  WHY won't someone stand up to this woman (because they'd be off the show?) OK so Tipsy Girl is sort of like Skinny Girl. I suppose there should be no  American Broadcasting Company because there was a National Broadcasting Company first?

Obviously..   The same can be said in that girl chat scene between she,  Carole and Ramona.   Ramona and Carole were being her yes bitches in crime.   Everytime she spoke they both couldn't get their faces away from her ass. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 12

Seeing Malan made me misty for the good ole days of Project Runway, though I couldn't figure out why he was promoting his clothes at John's business.  Are they especially stain prone? 

If Jules wants rubes to stand in line for her at a sample sale, she needs to get some Sonja style interns.  I'm sure that's some kind of fashion marketing credit at whatever school Sonja is pulling her gals from.

I'm no huge Michael Rapaport fan, but I did love his description of Dorinda's pointing style: she comes in with all the wide, wild angles!  It was so on point.

That Rey guy was just scary.  I believe Luann was legitimately concerned about him being there, not just "concerned" for the show.  If she, who has been bringing home "Italian friends" since her first days in NYC, was freaked out by him, he must have been really bad news.  So, as others said, just how the hell did he get on screen?  I'm sure there's more than one of the eleventy billion dudes Lu has dated that production could have gotten to the party.  Why that guy?

  • Love 13
20 minutes ago, Lizzing said:

Seeing Malan made me misty for the good ole days of Project Runway, though I couldn't figure out why he was promoting his clothes at John's business.  Are they especially stain prone? 

If Jules wants rubes to stand in line for her at a sample sale, she needs to get some Sonja style interns.  I'm sure that's some kind of fashion marketing credit at whatever school Sonja is pulling her gals from.

I'm no huge Michael Rapaport fan, but I did love his description of Dorinda's pointing style: she comes in with all the wide, wild angles!  It was so on point.

That Rey guy was just scary.  I believe Luann was legitimately concerned about him being there, not just "concerned" for the show.  If she, who has been bringing home "Italian friends" since her first days in NYC, was freaked out by him, he must have been really bad news.  So, as others said, just how the hell did he get on screen?  I'm sure there's more than one of the eleventy billion dudes Lu has dated that production could have gotten to the party.  Why that guy?

It is possible that he either came with another guest or slid in with a group of legit guests. If this Rey was really stalking Luann, he would know to watch for any HW related event that would have a large crowd. The guy was scary/creepy and Ramona was a piece of shit trying to get dirt on Luann from him.

  • Love 13

Bethenny is just the worst (and Ramona is a close second). Yes, Sonja was wrong to not let Bethenny know about TipsyGirl as a courtesy, and Bethenny, while she had every right to be annoyed by it, had no reason whatsoever to humiliate Sonja in front of her employees (much less TV).  A simple, classy -"I don't appreciate what you did, I have some real issues with it, etc." would have sufficed.  But did she really have to hit Sonja over the head with all her failures?  It was painful to watch, and she tops it off with how sorry she feels for Sonja - and then even Bethenny's exit was mean.  She's horrible.  I think Sonja is a ditz and I think she has alot of issues, but I felt bad for her during that scene.  She is no match for Bethenny and Bethenny knew it. And next week we get to hear more about it.   I just want someone to tell Bethenny off and put her in her place.  I want someone to light into her so it leaves her speechless.

Ramona is just an embarrassment to herself and her daughter.  Ugh.  And that guy? He was just cringe worthy.  It's so obvious Ramona is playing for the cameras. Who was that guy to her that she had to even get involved?  She talks about Sonja having a drinking problem? Pot meet Kettle.

I have absolutely no interest in Jules. 

  • Love 14

Ramona.  What a jerk to engage that drunk guy at the party.  I still can't believe she runs a very successful business. 

Ramona closed her successful business now she just shills wine and makes fake investments in restaurants.

No, she also banks her RH paychecks, maybe (I don't know--does anyone?) banks alimony from Mario and may have gotten some decent $ if she sold her business instead of simply closing it. I suspect that financially she's doing fine. Emotionally, maybe not so much.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:


I cannot believe that Sonja is that delusional and oblivious. Bethenny had on the meanest of the mean mugs and was ready to throw down and Sonja just tra la la la's in there like it's some regular old day. Even if you are delusional, Sonja still have that by her body language Bethenny was not having it. But Sonja is the same self centered dumbo who couldn't take a hint when her sick hospitalized husband told her to come home to actually come home.


wait whaaaaat, I completely missed this story, can you tell me more/direct my nosy self to a link? I tried googling to learn more on my own my apparently my sleuthing skills are sucking right now lol

Sonja always made it sound as if she was blindsided by the divorce papers and I thought there had to be more to the story :/

10 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But this is exactly what Sonja does - tries to deceive people and waste their time and their money. She does try to talk herself up.  It is very rare on these shows that the perception we have of people because of what we see on the show is actually backed up by a court of law. Sonja was found guilty of this very thing, which is why she is in this dire financial situation. She pretended to have money that she did not ($250MM) to finance a film, said that her ex-husband was involved (which lent credibility to the fraud), promised after months of negotiations that she would wire the necessary funds for a project that had already started based on her commitments, and then failed to wire the promised money on the day that she said she would (she had reiterated her commitment to wire the money the day before it was due). When she didn't do it, her claim was something like "deals fall apart all of the time". It was then discovered that she didn't have $250MM, or any money at all to begin with, and that her husband had never been part of this process, or knew anything about the fact that his name was being used in conjunction with the project. She was found guilty in a court of law, and the verdict stood on appeal. 


The thing that makes the Tipsy Girl deal similar is that in her fraud case she also acted like it was no big deal. She said during the entire process (which lasted for over 4 years) that she didn't understand what the problem was. What had she done wrong? Why would she be held responsible simply for making what she called a deal that went bad? This is her MO and Beth called her on it. Beth was tough on her, but she could have said so much more. No one ever reminds Sonja - when she is playing the victim about her financial situation - that her situation came about because she is a fraud and a liar. If Beth really wanted to go after her, she could have brought up the fraud lawsuit. None of these gals ever goes there with Sonja, which is a mystery to me. 


Yes, Sonja tries to play fast and loose with the facts, was caught and lost. That said, this is not something Bethenny didn't know last season when she tried to "mentor" Sonja as a positive storyline for herself. As for this TG deal, it isn't her product, her idea, her anything, despite what she would have us believe and IMO, Bethenny knows this.

I agree, Sonja claiming she is just trying to pay for her daughters boarding school costs (which I have no doubts her ex pays for) is a load of hog wash but I really did get the feeling that Sonja was surprised that Bethenny was that angry and she doesn't understand why.

What I didn't like was Bethenny berating Sonja in front of her employees instead of using her meeting room. IMO, Bethenny did that to further humiliate Sonja, which wasn't necessary and made her look cruel. 

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, Kathcart said:

Kih-ens kih-ens kih-ens. Just when I thought I couldn't dislike Carole (Ca-role?) more.


10 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

I like Carole, but she was driving me nuts with the way she pronounced kittens. Kih-ens. The t's aren't silent. 

Ooh-emm-gee! I had to rewind to listen to Carole pronounce 'kittens' and then had to rewind again because it sounded just fine to me. Then I had to say it aloud so I could hear myself say 'kittens'. I pronounce it like a lot of Nor-Easterners do (and Carole apparently). I realized that we don't give that word a hard 'T' but sort of roll over that part of the word and say 'kih-ens'.  LOL! I think I will start saying 'kitty' replacing the word 'kittens' because there's no way around not pronouncing the 'T' in the word kitty unless of course you're from Great Britain, they say 'kih-ee'.

Okay now for this episode. What a bunch of morons. I was actually feeling good about RHoNY after a very long and tedious season of the RHoBH and all that Yolanda crapola. For the first two episodes I thought 'oh what a breath of fresh air' to have the NY women back. 'Honest, gritty, brash and blunt! gotta love it', I thought these were the key elements to reality television. Rather than just whispers, gossips and behind the back innuendo and accusations, the NY women brought clarity and honesty. WRONG! Boy was I so wrong. This bunch of women are just horrible. If they didn't have something to market, pander and sell to the viewing public like underwear, wine, books or jewelry then none of them would be interested in doing this show. The best of their worst is exposed as we saw in this episode.

Bethenny is so insecure and defensive. Okay 'Tipsy Girl' and 'Skinny Girl' both have the word 'Girl' in the brand name, so the hell what? Relax Bethenny, your brand is wildly popular and making you millions. You already have 'Skinny Girl' cocktail mixes, 'Skinny Girl' protein shakes, 'Skinny Girl' protein bars, 'Skinny Girl' e-cards and whatever you plan on next, 'Skinny Girl' laxatives maybe, who knows? Sonja has 'Tipsy Girl' has prosecco, so what?  Will you file an injunction because Sonja decorated with some red pillows in her spare bedroom? Bethenny is a uber-insecure woman and feels threatened by Sonja's Prosecco launch. There's dozens and dozens of different brands of Prosecco, most come from wineries and vineyards that are a kabillion years old and how in the world would Sonja's brand that's 10 minutes old ever compete with those?  Comon' Bethenny, put on your big girl pants and show some maturity about this. Let Sonja play in your playpen for at least 30 minutes, she's not going to wreck it.

Ramona, you need to get some heavier medications from you therapist honey, you're starting to sway totally off the rails. The party was hosted by John and Ramona was NOT invited and shouldn't have even been there. The obnoxious drunk guy that apparently humped on Luann was way out of line and John had every right asking him to leave. It wasn't Ramona's right to stand up and defend this idiot to John and creating a big scene. I get why John put his hand up in front of Ramona's face, to stop her mouth from creating even more of a disturbance. If it was me, I would have put my hand over her mouth but then of course have been arrested for assault and battery. It would have been tempting. But John was right insisting they leave. And kudos to Dorinda for giving the guy hell out in front on the sidewalk. "Who are you? Get outta here you piece of shit, get outta here!"  Ramona is already jumping up and down on the sidewalk saying "this is not my fault!!".  Yes, you psycho-bitch-from-hell, it IS your fault. Just go away.

Luann is just a washed up old whore-bag. She's nasty and hangs around with nasty men like that creepy Rey from the party just so she can 'squirt' once in a while (to release her tension?). It's just sickening to even think how nasty Luann is. Now Luann is engaged to Tom D'Agostino, Jr. who used to date Ramona Singer. I guess Ramona wasn't a squirter and when he found Luann was, he decided to put a ring on it.  Eww, these people.... just ewww.

All this nasty talk makes me feel like I need to get to a church a.s.a.p. and make a confession to a priest.


Edited by HumblePi
To add the Daily News article
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Nanny pants said:


Maybe Jules just wants her children to have the opportunity of growing up bilingual.  What's wrong with that?


I think that's perfectly reasonable. But it seems like she has too many criteria for her nannies to fill. Must be bilingual, must have good fashion sense, must be willing to wait in lines. It's a bit much, if you ask me. Her husband is fluent in Spanish and only speaks Spanish to the children, she said. So if the nanny they interviewed last night fit ALL the other criteria, and wasn't too bad with her Spanish, why not just hire her?


1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

That Rey guy was just scary.  I believe Luann was legitimately concerned about him being there, not just "concerned" for the show.  If she, who has been bringing home "Italian friends" since her first days in NYC, was freaked out by him, he must have been really bad news.

I agree. That exchange between them sounded very real, and totally made my neck hairs stand up. I imagine he was some guy she thought she could party with and got in way over her head. 

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, selhars said:

1) All I wanted to say to Bethenny  was FU biotch.  WHY won't someone stand up to this woman (because they'd be off the show?) OK so Tipsy Girl is sort of like Skinny Girl. I suppose there should be no  American Broadcasting Company because there was a National Broadcasting Company first?

2) WHY -- unless there's already an assault taking place -- can't cast members on this show just call security to kick people out of their parties -- and let THEM handle any eviction. 

They need to take a lesson from Kenya (RHOA) - she has no problem yelling out "Security!  Security!  This is MY party and I want this person removed!!!"....

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:


Ooh-emm-gee! I had to rewind to listen to Carole pronounce 'kittens' and then had to rewind again because it sounded just fine to me. Then I had to say it aloud so I could hear myself say 'kittens'. I pronounce it like a lot of Nor-Easterners do (and Carole apparently). I realized that we don't give that word a hard 'T' but sort of roll over that part of the word and say 'kih-ens'.  LOL! I think I will start saying 'kitty' replacing the word 'kittens' because there's no way around not pronouncing the 'T' in the word kitty unless of course you're from Great Britain, they say 'kih-ee'.


Aw cripes. I'm from the North East myself and after reading your post you had me sitting here saying kittens out loud a bunch of times, lol.  Guess what.  I say kih-ens also.  Maybe that's why I didn't notice Carole saying it in a weird way like some others on here did.  

  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, Sonja tries to play fast and loose with the facts, was caught and lost. That said, this is not something Bethenny didn't know last season when she tried to "mentor" Sonja as a positive storyline for herself. As for this TG deal, it isn't her product, her idea, her anything, despite what she would have us believe and IMO, Bethenny knows this.

I agree with this, but they all use things like this for their storyline. No doubt in my mind that Beth saw helping or "mentoring" Sonja as a way to showcase her own business savvy. The same accusation was made by folks against Heather during the toaster oven deal. Sonja was already involved in the lawsuit stuff by that point, and some folks said Heather was just trying to work a storyline. She had to have known that Sonja wasn't for real. Doesn't change the fact that Sonja is a user and damn near a grifter. I think it is human nature to sometimes look the other way to a persons faults when you like them. Things change when you become the target of their true character. I have a life long friend who always seems to fall in love with married men. Always an excuse (their wives threat them like shit, they don't love each other, they are both cheating, etc) and while I lecture her and tell her it is horrible, she is still my friend because she has been there for me for most of my life. Now, should she turn her eyes on my husband, things would be different. 

  • Love 7

Luann was on WWHL last night.  First interesting nugget-apparently Rey was not just a "f*ck" as Ramona claimed.  Luann mentioned he was her date for the amFAR benefit that was also attended by Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper.  She said they dated a coupe of times and wrote his obnoxious behavior off to being really drunk.  Luann was disgusted by Ramona and her behavior. http://www.zimbio.com/photos/LuAnn+de+Lesseps/2015+amfAR+Inspiration+Gala+New+York/Fi_mZrRAZot  Luann looks good in the photo, love the pastel dress on her.

So Luann had a birthday Tuesday.  Her boyfriend decided to throw her a surprise party and he invited Ramona.  Apparently, shortly before the party (Ramona claimed to be on her way out the door) LuAnn's fiancé called Ramona and cancelled her invitation, citing rain.  After some false starts LuAnn said the reason for the dis-invite was really that John and Dorinda were going to be there.  Ramona sent a video in for Andy to play and then texted Andy the weather report for the day. (I think I like LuAnn's fiancé, great move to exile Ramona.) I imagine Luann's fiancé saw this week's episode and decided it was a no go for Ramona after the things she said about Luann.  Of course Luann had the perfect out since it was a surprise party she had no say about the guest list.

Luann ran through her status with the RHONYC, cool with Sonja, Dorinda, better with Carole, up and down with Bethenny, Ramona sounds as if she is now on the outs.

Andy tried but could not bring himself to say "squirter".  Luann just said Ramona was vulgar.

  • Love 7

How does Sonja not know what a B & B is? (B & P?) We get it, she's so used to 5-star hotels and staying with sultanates abroad that she's unfamiliar with the term "bed and breakfast?" C'mon!

If I hadn't seen the first few seasons of RHONY, I'd never guess that Ramona prided herself on being a shrewd businesswoman. What a hot mess! 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Page Six story about Ramona getting tossed out:  http://pagesix.com/2015/12/09/dorinda-medleys-beau-kicks-ramona-singer-out-of-party/ 

Page Six story about the original surprise with Tipsy Girl: http://pagesix.com/2015/11/27/sonja-morgans-new-liquor-brand-sounds-a-lot-like-bethennys/

Page Six story about Bethenny striking back:  http://pagesix.com/2015/12/13/bethenny-frankel-ready-to-battle-over-sonja-morgans-booze-line/

I don't think Bethenny is exactly a stranger to Page Six so defending herself may be a bit of a stretch.  They seem to have her on speed dial.

That's a really good photo of John and Dorinda.  That was the first time I thought that if he lost a lot of weight, he'd be handsome. 

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I think it is human nature to sometimes look the other way to a persons faults when you like them. Things change when you become the target of their true character. I have a life long friend who always seems to fall in love with married men. Always an excuse (their wives threat them like shit, they don't love each other, they are both cheating, etc) and while I lecture her and tell her it is horrible, she is still my friend because she has been there for me for most of my life. Now, should she turn her eyes on my husband, things would be different. 

I think that it's human nature to overlook some of the faults and vulnerabilities of someone if you trust that their good qualities overshadow their negative ones. But truly, there needs to be some sort of judgement made between what we believe is positive and what we know is negative. I can't say that a woman is wrong or right to fall in love with a married man. People are in unhappy marriages and they stray and cheat on their spouse for many reasons. But, if they are unhappy there are alternatives to cheating that aren't immoral, like seeing a therapist, talking it out and reaching equitable decisions that work for both even if it involves becoming separated or divorcing. But for anyone to be in that cycle of dating a married man as he remains living with his wife in a marriage is just wrong in my opinion. Not that it's wrong that it happens but wrong that it happens regularly. Don't we have to at some point say to ourselves 'hey this behavior is just not right, it's immoral and it's hurtful to the spouse and children if there are any."? Do we enable this behavior by more or less condoning it with silence? A lifelong friend is just that, a friend for life. But approval or disapproval is something that true friends are privileged to be able to express with each other. Adulterous behavior is something that's generally seen as hurtful, deceptive and immoral. Whether it's a best friend or someone you don't know at all doesn't really change what it is, it's just not honorably right particularly when it's a pattern and repeated on a regular and consistent basis. Perhaps your friend needs to speak to a professional to find out why it is she seeks the companionship of men that really aren't available on a permanent basis.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 2

Luann moving into Sonja's upper floor apartment was one part of the show that wasn't completely ridiculous to me.

It reminded me of the beginning seasons, without screaming matches, amped up drama or b.s.  

I thought it was hysterical that Sonja was walking around her house wearing a winter jacket - poor Luann must have been freezing!  I will agree with Sonja that there is no reason to have the heat on in that part of the house, but, really?  She knew that Luannn was coming - maybe crank that thermostat a little, so that your guest will be comfortable??  

That seemed like a nice little studio apartment (plus, didn't it have it's own outdoor space) - why hasn't Sonja ever rented that out before?  I'm sure she could have gotten a huge amount of rent for that place-a studio with outdoor space on the UES??  I'm thinking premium rent!!   (She said that the elevator goes right to the apartment - her tenant wouldn't even bother her....)

  • Love 11

I agree with Dorinda, John was right to kick Ramona's uninvited ass out of the party but his actions in doing that made him look as horrendous as her. Just direct security to take out the trash.

Yes - I was wondering the same thing - didn't they have a bouncer at this party?  Have the door handle it and don't get involved yourself.  That Rey guy was a mess!  So, Luanne hooked up with this guy?  I am having a hard time understanding how he would have attracted her in the 1st place.  He must have money.  Totally not clear on why Ramona took up for him either.  He must be in their circle somehow.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, bosawks said:

Is it me or did Jules seem more invested in getting a nanny to wait in line at a sample sale than she did in getting one to watch her kids.

I think that before Jules hires a new nanny she needs to have a professional organizer and decorator get into that apartment.  It looks like a cluttered mess of mish-mash to me!!  The layout is awkward and she isn't making good use of the space (large couches, tables, etc.).  

  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I think that before Jules hires a new nanny she needs to have a professional organizer and decorator get into that apartment.  It looks like a cluttered mess of mish-mash to me!!  The layout is awkward and she isn't making good use of the space (large couches, tables, etc.).  

I feel claustrophobic when they film at Jules apartment. It seems like they tried to follow the current trends of having a huge kitchen island, with the kitchen open to dining and sitting areas, and there just isn't room for all of it in the space. There barely seems room to move around. I can't imagine having two kids in that space with all their toys and wanting to run around.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, miss carousel said:

The only way Sonja is going to get back to where she was is to marry another rich old man. I thought it was disgusting when she was going on about trying to send her daughter to school. Please. Old Man Morgan is paying and will continue to pay for the daughters education and for her expenses.

Oh god, me too. I have never had much of a negative opinion on Sonja, even with the whole fraud case, but she really disgusted me last night. She's insanely manipulative and I'm glad it's starting to become glaringly apparent. Too bad a bunch of regular people had to lose out first. Gross. She's a total player and B was right - you don't get to play both dumb and smart at the same time. I don't think she's as dumb as she pretends to be. 

8 hours ago, miss carousel said:
7 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I've never been nor required a nanny.  Are they seriously expected to do everything Jules requires?  Fluent in Spanish, full care of two young children, personal stylist to a toddler, cooking, cleaning, errands, blow outs for mother.  Jules seems like one of the moms in the Nanny Diaries. 

I had a nanny for my 2 little ones for years and I was horrified by Jules asking her about standing in sample sale lines. Um, no.

1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

The thing that makes the Tipsy Girl deal similar is that in her fraud case she also acted like it was no big deal. She said during the entire process (which lasted for over 4 years) that she didn't understand what the problem was. What had she done wrong? Why would she be held responsible simply for making what she called a deal that went bad? This is her MO and Beth called her on it. Beth was tough on her, but she could have said so much more. No one ever reminds Sonja - when she is playing the victim about her financial situation - that her situation came about because she is a fraud and a liar. If Beth really wanted to go after her, she could have brought up the fraud lawsuit. None of these gals ever goes there with Sonja, which is a mystery to me. 


God, yes. FINALLY.

I think this is really it. She feels used. I don't blame her. This Peter guy knew exactly what he was doing.

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I get why B is upset. I really do. I don't think even think it's so much about the names/drinks being SO similar that people are going to actually get confused and buy Sonja's, thinking it's Bethenny's. I think it's more that their is enough likeness that it's getting people talking, it's garnering press for Sonja. And it seems intentional to Bethenny. She feels used. 

  • Love 13

This episode is why I can't ever I quit you, RHONY! I was on the edge, shaking, teeth clenched, determined to cast you out my DVR for good, but nooo, you came back through tonight with the ratchetness and what-the-fuckery that gives me life!

- Bethenney and Sonja was just awful. Beth should have paid TipsyGirl absolutely no attention. Her verbal beatdown of Sonja has only ensured that the brand may actually make money. Beth's problem is that she is often too emotional about all the wrong things and flip about things she should take seriously (a horrid trait I have in common with the Skinnygirl). If Beth really wanted to tank Sonja's latest brokedown come-up, she should have pretended the brand sounded like a wonderful idea and then NEVER mentioned it again.

- Watching the formerly cool Countess take her leave in the face of sloppy ass Rey screaming his love-hate for her was unnerving. I already feel I've learned way too much about how her ladyparts work (thanks, Ramona)! If Rey is the type of guy hard-up Manhattan divorcees have to screw for a come-up, I now totally understand the air of desperation, self-loathing, and alcoholism that stealthily wafts over this show's every episode.

- I wonder how long we'll have to wait for Carole and Adam to fight over the book (whose idea it was, who should receive the most royalties, should he be allowed to promote on the show? .. . . )

- Dorinda cannot stand John. She downgrades and insults him more than Ramona does! She has no problem with leaving him in her dust whenever she gets ready. It's almost like RHONY is her father and she's determined to date this inappropriate guy to get on her dad's very last nerve.

Yet I'm one of the few that believes that water attracts its own level, and that Doris is exactly with the sort of man that's her level. I'm not fooled by the chic fashion and the smooth haircut. The moment she opens her drunken gravelly mouth and starts genuflecting, her true self comes out. I'm an outer borough slubbette (where Brooklyn at?) so watching Doris play uptown girl tickles me. She may have the right zip code, but I'll never think she's "better" than John in any way.

Edited by eXiled
  • Love 15

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