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S08.E03: The Biggest Boob

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Let's review this episode shall we?

Ramona decides to hit Dorinda with some second hand gossip about how John talks about her. She uses crude sex talk to try to shame into breaking up with the man she says she is in love with.

Bethany accuses John of doing cocaine. On National television. Accusing someone with a business that requires some degree of trust with abusing illegal drugs. Not once but several times.

Bethenny expects Dorinda to break up John because she thinks she should. And she demands an apology.

Bethenny states that Jules is mentally challenged and racially challenged because she doesn't immediately take her side in the argument. The same women whose husband she mocked last episode for his height.

The problem of course is that the two women who stood up to her last year were fired.

This is going to be one crappy season.


Yeah, well, this is Bethenny's universe we've entered.  She can do no wrong & she can say nothing wrong.  Were her comments, first implying Jules was unintelligent, and then that she's mentally challenged, supposed to be hilarious?  Cuz I watched this stone-faced.  None of this nasty shit was funny in the least to me.  These were brutal, nasty, offensive comments.  Seriously, WTF, Bethenny?  You're a rich woman now.  Why in the fuckety fuck are you slaughtering & attacking everyone around you?  Merely because they dare to have an opinion different than yours?  OMG, the woman is an absolute tyrant now.  Ugh, this show has become so unpleasant & ugly to watch.  Thanks, Satan Andy, for letting this bitter, horrible woman take over the show.


Has this been said before?  Carole is completely useless now.  She might as well wear a t-shirt saying "I live in Bethenny's asshole".

  • Love 21

I already envision Jagger cussing her out and putting her in her place like those children from the Dr Phil show.


The fact that she named him Jagger makes me hate her even more!  lol


As much as I think he's a total tool, why on earth would Bethenny think that Dorinda would break up with John just because he insulted Bethenny?  She's not even a good friend of Dorinda's.  Does she really think she has that much clout that someone would leave their man just because he insulted her?  Get over yourself Bethenny.  You're making a fool of yourself.  The glee you showed after John's little tirade just shows how sadistic you are.  Anyone else would have been upset.  You're one messed up chick.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 18

Man, her comments cutting on John's looks made me wince.  So Bethenny, how'd you like it if someone said on cam that you ain't exactly the most attractive gal around (um, to put it mildly)?  Would you love it?  I'm sure not.  But she controls the show now, so that sure as fuck ain't gonna happen.  No, instead, she had to make sure someone (Moaner or whoever was trying to kiss up to her to stay on the show) say she has no cellulite.  Ugh.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 12

John has his flaws but Dorinda is a grown woman and if she wants to spend her time with him, everyone else needs to shut it.  He hit the nail on the head with what he said about Bethenny, that she can't maintain a relationship, doesn't know what love is and will always be alone.  YEP.  I've been saying that for years.


Bethenny and Ramona just want Dorinda to be bitter and alone with them.  Misery loves company.  Dorinda needs to remove her head from Bethenny's ass, though.  She should have been mad at both Bethenny and Ramona but she knows who really runs this show and it ain't the former Mrs. Mario Singer.  But she's so obvious about it, it's cringeworthy.


Not looking forward to Luann v Carole Round 378 next week.  Ugh.  This again?  Still?  Neither one of them has anything else going on, do they?  FFS.


Bethenny calling Jules "special needs" was uncalled for. 

Edited by LilaFowler
  • Love 16

What was up with that weird, ring like thing Beth wore at the bra party on the tip of her middle finger?  It was pointy and looked dangerous; it reminded me much of a gom jabbar, but I don't peg Bethenny as a Dune fan.  Perhaps it's an instrument with which to partake in cocaine, and John stole her stash, hence her endless fixation on him.  Though I had to laugh when she lamented possibly not being able to use the dry cleaning gift certificate; no matter how much cash she has, she still wants shit for free.


Carole really added nothing to this episode, but I will say this for her: she's one of the few HoWives who wears sensible shoes for running around Manhattan.  The boots were nice and flat for dog walking.  As my sister lives in NYC, I'm there a lot and the one time I had to wear heels and walk more than a few blocks, I wiped out on Broadway. 

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 6

Btw, enough, Satan Andy!! Stop rigging your stupid fucking polls on WWHL in Bethenny's favor. Luved that Sonja (of all people) pointed out the poll was probably rigged. Gotta say, as much as I'm totally over Sonja, watching her on WWHL was a breath of fresh air -- in comparison to the non-stop nastiness of Bethenny. Not sure I can take Bethenny's nasty shit for much longer. It's not fun or funny & it's really killing the show for me.


Even Sonja knew it was rigged she brought up a Trump rigging. 88% vs 15%. Complete bullshit. Andrew knows the show is struggling with ratings and his homie/BFF Bethenny is getting blamed for it. He wants to prove to us that Bethenny is still widely popular and the audience has to deal that she is going nowhere.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

Swankie I'm beginning to think John's doodle must be made of gold. For serious, how can Dorinda be attracted to that sweaty tub of lard? Was it just me or did anyone else get the idea that Bethany was insinuating that Dorinda and John are doing drugs together. Not just alcohol? That could explain things I suppose.

And yes, Jules is going to see the effects from her eating disorder. It will really start to show around 40. Most skinny obsessed people I know are also smokers. She was just gross to use that bucket of ice to cleanse her hands. Then leaving it for others to use too. It was telling of her personality that she didn't even stop for a millisecond to think to herself "Hey I need to go to the restroom and wash my hands". She seems not too terribly bright.

  • Love 11

I'm with Carole - the very fact that Jules leads with "but I get my period every 30 days" is disturbing.

More disturbing is the comment that skinny can never be anything but positive.

But Carole is no better she was admiring her skin and bones too. Even her little comment about being skinny vs obesity last week was telling. I felt semi sick seeing both women looking in the mirror like that. As if they gained a half pound, it would be time to hit the gym for several hrs to burn it off.

  • Love 8

Bethenny has lost me. She really is an insecure, miserable, racist cunt. She's civil to Jules' face but can't contain her contempt for her. First she says, "I doubt she can even count to 10." And then, "It's like English is her second language." There's no ambiguity there.

It's like she's pointing out Jules is Asian but she doesn't fit the stereotypes that comes with being Asian particularly being good at math. It's definitely reminding me how another evil bitch Brandi Glanville always picked on Joyce and being Latina then tried to gloss over her racism by saying her sons are half latino.

  • Love 7

Everyone is talking about the John/Bethenny confrontation, I'm just reeling from the NYC rental prices. $22k a month?!?!? A MONTH!

How much is Lu worth? I'm sure she afford it, but that 266K a year she would be throwing down if she got it. I personally liked the 9K a month rental. The view and the entrance made me moist. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

My take:


Dorinda called John when she went outside and filled him in on Bethenny complaining about John making a business proposal to her when Dorinda wasn't in ear shot.  John was already lit, and used the Skinny Cow ammo he thought he had against Bethenny to get back at her on a business level.


Unless Bethenny has witnessed him hoovering lines or heard it directly from Dorinda, she should never have brought that up.  That's hardcore.


Dorinda herself (subtitled no less) told John that she was never going to be with him again.  Bethenny's assumption Dorinda was going to leave him seemed to me to be based off that, and not her thinking Dorinda should do it because she told her to.


Jules and her "elderly" comments are no different than Kristen saying the same thing in past seasons or Ashley and Meghan saying similar things on other franchises.  Their youth is all they've got on these women, so they use it as ammo. It's wrong and stupid, but they aren't old enough to know that yet. (SWIDT?)


I think Ramona can be bat guano crazy and thoroughly inappropriate, but considering what we've seen on film from John, I'm sure she sees way more and wants better for her friend.  Ramona speaks glowingly of Richard and that's the type of person she wants to see Dorinda with because she saw how great they were together.  Yes, it's not her choice or her business, but it makes sense to me.


Carole is almost a non-entity so far.  I generally like her and find her witty without being totally shredding like Bethenny.  I hope we see more than just Baby and vet talk now that Adam is out of town. 


Lu and Sonja weren't as much fun as the past two weeks, but it was still nice filler.  The rent prices boggled my mind, just like a few of the posters above.

Edited by JenFromCincy
  • Love 16

I went to an underperforming poor school but we read quite a lot of Shakespeare and I've never quite heard Julius Caesar performed like that. "Ay too Broo Thai?" I guess so.

I could see the nanny too.

Bethenny said she has an ugly mug and newscaster hair, so I'm guessing she doesn't like her new hairstyle. Too bad she doesn't realize that's the best her hair has looked in years.

  • Love 5

I agree that the vehicle Jules and her family were driving in was strange. It looked like a party bus, hence the big partition. So the question is do they ownthat bus or did they rent it? I understand thgast taking kids anywhere requires stuff, but seriously, an SUV or a mini van isn't big enough? Oh yeah I forgot, you have to transport the nannies also. And can Jules stop reminding us for one damn minute that they are Jewish? We get it.

My guess is that John and Dorinda are one of those couples who get sloppy nasty drunk and say awful things to each other and the next day it's all forgotten. So when the camera catches her drunkenly saying that she never wants to see John again, it means nothing cuz it happens every day. Beth has one huge ego to think because he gets into a fight with her that Dorinda is going to dump him. Them getting drunk and sloppy and nasty is part of their dynamic.

So why does beth have to give a shout out to how much she is paying in lawyers fees every episode? Does she want the audience to sympathize? I personally think she's an idiot for not settling years ago. I watched a few episodes of Bethany gets married or Beth has a baby or whatever it was called until I couldn't take Beth's screeching any longer but in the few episodes I watched it was clear that Jason was an intregal part of the business and I think he actually brokered the deal with Seagram's. He certainly played a role in getting Beth that fat payday. Did she honestly expect him to just walk away with nothing? She is deluded.

I'm glad someone explained the Sonja and Lu filming by themselves. I was beginning to wonder why they haven't been in any group scenes. So was Lu already engaged or at least dating the supermarket king when she filmed? Is that why she only wanted to look at rentals?

Carole so far this season has been a waste of film.

I was coveting dorindas Chanel jacket and Lu's cape jacket. Beth looked like a style disaster at dinner. The jacket was cute, but those shorts and boots were ridiculous.

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

Jules is building an indoor pool right off the living room is odd, the chlorine smell and lack of out door view doesn't seem so nice.  For such an expensive home it seems like such a hodge podge of rooms.


Jules and Carol are skinny, we get it.


My husband had a friend that every relationship he had was like John and Dorinda, sloppy drunk fighting, verbally abusing anyone with in ear shot etc...next day was like nothing happened between them.  Worst of it was what ever girlfriend he had would come boo hooing to my husband and myself and once (and only once)  I made the mistake of telling one of the girlfriends to dump him, she could do better, well they got back together and then it was like I was "in season" like I was a deer and it was bow hunting season.  Honestly, that is what every girl says to another girl, it's girl code and it is never repeated to said bf.  We don't speak to them anymore.  The drunken fighting is uncomfortable to be around.


Luann gave us real estate porn!!! Holy cow, $22,000 a month and you own none of it. I wonder what the condo association fee would be?


I loved Ramona's apology, there was no lead in, just that hilariously awkward abrupt start to a scripted apology.  Tres sincere.


Celluloid?  Et tu Brootay? Dorinda's way of speaking is really entertaining however Dorinda needs to fix her teeth, the jagged edges on her top teeth are very distracting when she speaks.




Edited by Baltimore Betty
  • Love 3

I also think that Bethenny thought Dorinda was going to break up with John based on how upset Dorinda was with John. She kept calling him an embarrassment, she didn't want to see him any more, blah blah blah. I don't think Beth thought Dorinda would break up with John because he argued with her. Beth has a large ego, but I don't think even she would think that.

On to Jules: Now, I have minimal understanding of Jewish customs... But Jules rushing through the ritual with the candles and bread, and kind of bragging about how quickly they rushed through it, bothers me. Where was the thoughtfulness about what they were doing and why they were doing it? I'm sure it's not about lighting candles while reciting words and eating bread. Surely it's about the meaning behind the candles and what you are reciting, and why you are eating bread. To me, quickly going through the physical act without respecting and being mindful of the meaning is tokenism and just fake.

(I hope my ignorance and opinion doesn't offend anyone.... It's just my outsider's observation)

  • Love 19

When you're at a social gathering, are you not supposed to drink socially? Dorinda seems to get plastered at every event. It's like it's not a party for her until she's slurring her words and becoming emotionally unhinged. I totally get why Dorinda was upset with Ramona but I don't get at all why she didn't confront John with the information. He would have likely lied but still, you can't only hold your friends accountable and not your partner.


John is pretty slimy and his behavior at the party was pretty vile. Bethenny was pretty funny with her scarf comment, though I don't understand why she insisted that Dorinda apologize for what happened. Dorinda wasn't responsible for that. She told John to stay away and tried to get him to leave several times and even chastised him in front of Bethenny. Is Bethenny setting a precedent that if Dorinda chooses to be with him then she will simply have to take on the burden of apologizing on his behalf every time Bethenny finds him offensive?


Bethenny was plain nasty about Jules during the phone conversation. Speaking of Jules - her comment about skinny can only be a positive was gross.


Ramona has a big mouth and self-absorbed. She probably thinks its too late for her to learn how to think before she speaks because it's like she doesn't even try. She is nothing if not consistent and in a way, I mean that as a compliment. What's also consistent is that Ramona is someone who is quick to cop to her faults and doesn't always try to hide behind an excuse for her behaviour. It doesn't excuse her, but it's a refreshing to see that not all women on this franchise have to lie, defend, excuse or throw people under the bus in order to avoid addressing their own faults.

  • Love 9

I've worked with the Intellectually Disabled my entire adult life and Bethenny could only dream of being half the person of any one of the individuals I've served,

And also "Fuck you Beth for making me write a serious post!"

Oh I really hate her now.

When you're at a social gathering, are you not supposed to drink socially? Dorinda seems to get plastered at every event.

Ok so I'm not the only one who was wondering how this happens. Does Dorinda just have a low tolerance or is she drinking before these events because everyone else is drinking the same wine and staying relatively sober while she's slurring and crying. Is she throwing back more drinks at these events that we're just not seeing? Edited by charmed1
  • Love 6


Was Jules's swimming pool right off the living room?  Wouldn't it smell like chlorine?

If the chemicals and PH and all of that stuff is balanced correctly polls don't smell of anything other than clean water. It's when that's not correct that you get the nasty chlorine/dirty pool smell. I'd assume that these people have a good pool company to do the maintenance and it's not a problem.



Oh wait...LuAnn has never expressed that she had an issue with older men dating younger women. LuAnn only has issues with older women dating younger men. LuAnn isn't a girl's girl. She's a sexist.

And a hypocrite...wasn't she dating Jacques recently? She had a decade or two on him.

Edited by Beden
  • Love 6
As much as I think he's a total tool, why on earth would Bethenny think that Dorinda would break up with John just because he insulted Bethenny?


I didn't take it that way at all. I thought Bethenny expected Dorinda to break up with John because she all but said that she was. She called him an embarrassment about 50 times and repeatedly said, "You're done". She told B she didn't want him at her place when she got home. I would guess THAT'S why Bethenny thought she'd end things with him. 

  • Love 18

I didn't take it that way at all. I thought Bethenny expected Dorinda to break up with John because she all but said that she was. She called him an embarrassment about 50 times and repeatedly said, "You're done". She told B she didn't want him at her place when she got home. I would guess THAT'S why Bethenny thought she'd end things with him. 

That's how I took it too, ghoulina.


I also thought the reason Dorinda was so pissed at Ramona was because she brought that up on tv. John was outside, mouthing off to people, but off camera, Ramona brought that to a national (international) audience. 

Edited by Jel
  • Love 12
Did I hear her say she had to pack diapers?  If that kid is still in diapers, Jules is an even worse mother than she seems to be on screen.  No good mother let's her kids rule her.  They'll grow up to be spoiled tyrants.


Which kid? Rio is only 2. I see no problem with her having to pack diapers for her daughter. 

That's how I took too, ghoulina.

I also thought the reason Dorinda was so pissed at Ramona was because she brought that up on tv. John was outside, mouthing off to people, but off camera, Ramona brought that to a national (international) audience.


Yea, and I actually understood Dorinda being so upset with Ramona. She should have made that a private conversation. OR, as I stated last week, just not said anything at all. John is pretty crass, but those comments weren't really saying anything bad about Dorinda. He didn't say she was lousy in bed, or that he was banging other women. I would have just let that one go. She's known Dorinda long enough to know how she'd respond. 


Bethenny's issue was more about being annoyed that Dorinda is always trying to push John on the other ladies, but then 5 minutes later she's curled up in a ball, crying about what an embarrassment he is. That is something that effects them all. I've been that friend, it's exhausting. The conversation Ramona heard third hand has nothing to do with her and she should have just left well enough alone. 

  • Love 7

I totally agree. I have been in a similar situation with a friend, and after hearing words like, "I'm done", "It's over" "That's all I can take" etc was surprised to learn that she wasn't done, it wasn't over and there was more she could take.


I agree that Ramona should have said it off camera. It's true he wasn't saying anything negative about her -- his version of locker room talk I guess, but I would have been embarrassed too, so I do understand why Dorinda felt betrayed: not so much by the mentioning it, but by the mentioning for all the world to hear. I can understand that Dorinda would want to keep any details (real or exaggerated) of her sex life off the show.  That's why the ott reaction I think.

  • Love 8

On to Jules: Now, I have minimal understanding of Jewish customs... But Jules rushing through the ritual with the candles and bread, and kind of bragging about how quickly they rushed through it, bothers me. Where was the thoughtfulness about what they were doing and why they were doing it? I'm sure it's not about lighting candles while reciting words and eating bread. Surely it's about the meaning behind the candles and what you are reciting, and why you are eating bread. To me, quickly going through the physical act without respecting and being mindful of the meaning is tokenism and just fake.

(I hope my ignorance and opinion doesn't offend anyone.... It's just my outsider's observation)


I thought the same -- it was this bizarre rushed event that seemed devoid of any significance (Have some bread! Drink the punch! Wave the arms over the candles!) or connection to the custom. Any posters who keep the Sabbath (or have a deeper understanding), please weigh in!

  • Love 8

I was put off by Jules shabbot ritual too.  Wax candles (kosher) are traditional and the process of lighting candles is typically that you light the candles, gently wave your hands over the lit candles then cover your eyes and say the bracha (prayer) and when you open your eyes the Sabbath has begun. Shabbos is a reminder to slow down and be with family and unplug from the hectic world and be thankful for what you have.





  • Love 15

I did like how John quickly took off the "snoopy scarf." He wasn't going to let Bethenny sidetrack the argument.

I liked that Jules had her children's artwork taped up on the wall. That's a gorgeous house, and to see them put something so ordinary in it makes me feel like they are normal people (I also like that there were toys all over the place).

I don't see a big difference between the sizes of Jules and Carole. Why is Carole thinking something is wrong with Jules, when she herself is may be even smaller than Jules? Is it because Jules is taller, so the low weight makes it more shocking? The truth of the matter is they both can't eat that much, and Carole eats less than Jules, because Jules is taller, so she will need a higher caloric intake than Carole to maintain her size. Metabolisms have been proven to not make that big of a difference. I think I heard the difference is something like 100 calories a day when comparing a low metabolism vs a high one. That isn't that much of a difference. And I do agree with Carole, if anything we have an obesity problem in this country, not a skinny problem (and this is coming from someone who would fall in the former category).

I think Ramona isn't getting the point of why Dorinda is mad. Ramona told a story of walking down the street with her friend, and her friend telling her that she felt Mario had a girlfriend. They were alone, they were not being filmed. The friend didn't say it at a party Ramona was hosting in front of all her friends. Big difference. Ramona was ready to rip LuAnn's head off at that party with the fortune teller, because the fortune teller implied Mario was cheating.

Edited by mothmonsterman
  • Love 9
As much as I think he's a total tool, why on earth would Bethenny think that Dorinda would break up with John just because he insulted Bethenny?



My impression is that Bethenny thought she was witnessing a scene of the caliber that would end their relationship.  Like when your boyfriend acts that way, and you are like "it's done" and "I will never be with you" the people watching may conclude that they are seeing you break up.  Then Dorinda comes to lunch like I love him back off, I do believe Bethenny was surprised to hear they were not at least "taking a break" or anything.  I don't think she really thought Dorninda should break up with him to defend her honor or anything.  It was more like defend your own honor, good lord woman.


I mean Bethenny despises John, the look on her face when he is around is sheer contempt.  I really don't blame her. For Bethenny John is uncouth.  And I don't think she is totally altruistic about caring about Dorinda either, she's just more like "What are you doing with this slimeball?"  And to Behtennny's point, Dorinda keeps saying she loves him, he makes her happy but then it's like, really?  DOES he make you happy?  Because you're angry, screaming and crying all the time, and your relationship with him has to exist on a seperate plane from your relationship with your daughter.  So how happy are you?


I thought the Snoopy comment was so funny.  I am totally positive that Bethenny (and Jason and their business advisors) did a trademark search on the name Skinny Girl.  This is business 101 and Beth did not miss any steps.

  • Love 10

Loved Ramona's defeated look that she had to go Downtown when she got off Bethenny's office elevator. The Upper East Side is her Biosphere. 


Bethenny has a very capable seeming office manager for Skinnygirl who is not whisper thin, that surprised me.  She has a gag order on discussing her divorce but she can put in a carefully crafted dig about her legal bills. I imagine a Miranda Priestly type group meeting with Bethenny and Andy and the underlings on how to script in digs to Jason Hoppy, "Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking." Those 2 need Miranda because that fake legal bills scene was fake fake fake fake fake. Bethenny never takes responsibility for her shit and never will. It's worked well since her teenaged years why stop now? 


Ramona and Luann=Laverne and Shirley. John can be Squiggy! 


John is slimy. The coke references went too far though. And Ramona should have NEVER brought up the Viagra thing. 


 I find her Jules an interesting representative of the many Juleses who are keeping up w/the Joneses in (young mom) Manhattan. Like the Bravo Odd Mom Out moms. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 3

I was put off by Jules shabbot ritual too.  Wax candles (kosher) are traditional and the process of lighting candles is typically that you light the candles, gently wave your hands over the lit candles then cover your eyes and say the bracha (prayer) and when you open your eyes the Sabbath has begun. Shabbos is a reminder to slow down and be with family and unplug from the hectic world and be thankful for what you have.

Agreed. It's not about the ritual, it's about what it means. My husband is Jewish and my MIL does the Shabbot. For her, it's a time to for her to keep her children and grandchildren  in her thoughts. Of course she is also superstitious and thinks if she doesn't do the ritual, something bad will happen to one of us lol. 

  • Love 4


Jules needs to stop with the age shaming. Calling the women "the elderly". Get the fuck out of here with that. Bethenny is only one year older than her husband! And Carole, Lu, and Ramona are only about 5 years older than him. Is your husband "elderly"? 



Jules husband is 44. Ramona is 60 (or will be very soon). Quite a difference but I do agree the age shaming is just a bore. 

I totally agree. I have been in a similar situation with a friend, and after hearing words like, "I'm done", "It's over" "That's all I can take" etc was surprised to learn that she wasn't done, it wasn't over and there was more she could take.


I agree that Ramona should have said it off camera. It's true he wasn't saying anything negative about her -- his version of locker room talk I guess, but I would have been embarrassed too, so I do understand why Dorinda felt betrayed: not so much by the mentioning it, but by the mentioning for all the world to hear. I can understand that Dorinda would want to keep any details (real or exaggerated) of her sex life off the show.  That's why the ott reaction I think.

Also you got to understand. Dorinda knows him. She knows he's crass, he's inappropriate and the reason she's always trying to sell everyone on him is because, as strong as she presents herself, she also knows its an issue. And I think deep down she knows how it makes HER look being with him and that's the part that always has her defending him. So when Ramona brings something like that up, Dorinda's cornered. Things like that chip away at this tough girl persona that Dorinda identifies herself with. Present Dorinda with information like that and the expected reaction is for Dorinda to take care of that shit but she can't. Or have an "Oh hell no moment" and maybe think twice about staying with him. Basically she was put on the spot. Hey Dorinda this is what John did, now what are you going to do? (knowing looks pass between Bethenny and Ramona). 


That wasn't cool because Dorinda has her own formula regarding how she deals with John. Plus I'm kinda of tired of them acting like they have to protect her. We've seen her stand up to him and hold her own with him. That's their relationship. This whole thing suggests that Dorinda can't think for herself. Dorinda's real issue is that I think she's a bit concerned about what people think of her for being with a person like John and what that speaks of her character. Dorinda doesn't need to be saved from that relationship she's trying to sell John to people so that people don't realize the reason he's her cup of tea is cause she's got a skeezy side to her too and they mesh that's all. Hell, I wish she would take that approach more instead of selling him.


"Yeah, he can be crass right?? <smirk> well that shit turns me on and sometimes instead of being offended at some of the shit he does I'm actually amused by it and we laugh about it when we get home. Sometimes to asses he lays into deserve it so it's fun to watch" I'm not trying to knock Dorinda I just think if she would embrace her connection with John on the true level it is without worrying about sullying her reputation she could shut down all the concerned/perplexed/oh my Dorinda you deserve so much better chatter. She could be all like ummm "No, I don't cause I think some of John's raunchy qualities are awesome so I guess that makes us a match doesn't it?"  That would be awesome to see. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

Okay, so Jules is 34 at the time of filming and she witnesses interaction between women who are in their 40s and 50s and they're "the elderly"?




Jules is only 34?!?! At certain angles Jules appears older than she actually is due to her thinness. In the hallway scene with John, she looked like a woman in her mid 40s easy. 

  • Love 14

I don’t love how Bethenny’s dealing with the whole John thing and I do like her a whole lot less this season, she’s too mean-spirited. But I feel like she hit the nail on the head when she said to Dorinda that she should admit that she loves John and is attracted to him, but there’s something fucked up about the relationship. If Dorinda felt so strongly that the girls were wrong about John, maybe she wouldn’t have been screaming “You’re an embarrassment!” at him.


Jules can kiss my ass with all her elderly and menopause comments, I’ve tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she’s getting on my last nerve. Guess what Jules, you might be younger than the other ladies but you sure as hell don’t look it. Maybe it’s the obvious malnourishment. And that menopause you mentioned? That’s coming for you too eventually, sweetie.


Carole Radziwill is boring the crap out of me with her dog and her boyfriend and her constant griping about Luann. She acts like she’s above all this when she’s the one who chose to sign up for her third? fourth season? She knew exactly what she was getting back into. Watching a haughty hipster talk about dog poop is akin to watching paint dry. And as an above poster said, what’s with all the other girls wanting to eff her? I personally do not see the attraction whatsoever.

Edited by neatoburrito
  • Love 8

I am right there with everyone that thinks John is skeevy,  I just don't understand why he is made out to be so much worse than Aviva's father George.  George was disgusting, imo, yet the ho-wives (except Ramona) seemed to love him.  I don't get it.  Did George get a pass? If so, why?  Was Bethenny not happy with  the value of her dry cleaning gift certificate?

  • Love 9

I would love to ask Ramona what Dorinda was like before her husband died. Apparently her husband was very well respected, highly educated and well liked. The complete opposite of John. Was she an alcoholic then or is John leading her down this destructive path?. Maybe that's why Ramona doesn't like John. She may be seeing quite a change in the Dorinda she used to know. I do agree with the poster upthread that said that Dorinda may still be greiving the loss of her husband. I think she just doesn't want to be alone and John zeroed in on that. 


But...Dorinda is a mess! She tells off Bethenny and Ramona at the bra party, then John enters the room and she totally turns on him. What's it gonna be, Dorinda? Pick a lane for god's sake. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 13

I love Bethanny. I love her humor and her so very un PC way of joking. I'm sick of being PC and Jules does sound like shes not all there and she does sound like English is her second language. She's an idiot and Bethany is just calling her on it.

Just like she just called Dorindas other half on being coked up. Girlfriend does not have time for crap. She just tells it like it is.And I love her for it.

  • Love 20

I am right there with everyone that thinks John is skeevy,  I just don't understand why he is made out to be so much worse than Aviva's father George.  George was disgusting, imo, yet the ho-wives (except Ramona) seemed to love him.  I don't get it.  Did George get a pass? If so, why?  Was Bethenny not happy with  the value of her dry cleaning gift certificate?


The two that seem to have a problem right now with John are Ramona and Bethenny - Ramona, like you said, didn't like George either and Bethenny was never on the show at the same time as Aviva/George so we don't know what her reaction to him would be.

Also you got to understand. Dorinda knows him. She knows he's crass, he's inappropriate and the reason she's always trying to sell everyone on him is because, as strong as she presents herself, she also knows its an issue. And I think deep down she knows how it makes HER look being with him and that's the part that always has her defending him. So when Ramona brings something like that up, Dorinda's cornered. Things like that chip away at this tough girl persona that Dorinda identifies herself with. Present Dorinda with information like that and the expected reaction is for Dorinda to take care of that shit but she can't. Or have an "Oh hell no moment" and maybe think twice about staying with him. Basically she was put on the spot. Hey Dorinda this is what John did, now what are you going to do? (knowing looks pass between Bethenny and Ramona). 


That wasn't cool because Dorinda has her own formula regarding how she deals with John. Plus I'm kinda of tired of them acting like they have to protect her. We've seen her stand up to him and hold her own with him. That's their relationship. This whole thing suggests that Dorinda can't think for herself. Dorinda's real issue is that I think she's a bit concerned about what people think of her for being with a person like John and what that speaks of her character. Dorinda doesn't need to be saved from that relationship she's trying to sell John to people so that people don't realize the reason he's her cup of tea is cause she's got a skeezy side to her too and they mesh that's all. Hell, I wish she would take that approach more instead of selling him.


"Yeah, he can be crass right?? <smirk> well that shit turns me on and sometimes instead of being offended at some of the shit he does I'm actually amused by it and we laugh about it when we get home. Sometimes to asses he lays into deserve it so it's fun to watch" I'm not trying to knock Dorinda I just think if she would embrace her connection with John on the true level it is without worrying about sullying her reputation she could shut down all the concerned/perplexed/oh my Dorinda you deserve so much better chatter. She could be all like ummm "No, I don't cause I think some of John's raunchy qualities are awesome so I guess that makes us a match doesn't it?"  That would be awesome to see. LOL.

That would be awesome, and if she believes that, then I hope she says it.


There's no shame in being 51 -- zero. HWs, don't ever accept any shame that anyone is handing out -- show Jules up for her assholism by pointing out her attempts to age shame and then just don't accept it.


ETA: Jel prediction -- Jules will start with the "fat" (none of them are fat, but compared to her) shaming as well. 

Edited by Jel

Where to start? It's been a while since I piped up.


John may be slimy and gross and chubby and plain, but let's face it, Dorinda is no super catch either. She had all the grace of a truck driver the way she was sitting at the bra party. Her drunken, profanity-laced tirades are also not too hot. She is also the class act that turned a black man into the coat check guy in a restaurant. She neither spins nor toils and John is the biggest wallet she can find to tolerate her.  Maybe Richard was a better catch who liked rough around the edges girls, but she is getting on in years and maybe not quite the catch she used to be.  Frankly, her new cut makes her look like an ostrich more than ever. John may have his faults, but at least he works and produces something. Dorinda was so proud of the house she owned after bragging to her dad that she would one day live there. Great for her, but her husband gifted it to here. It was not a result of her own hardwork. If you are looking to be taken care of, you have to make some compromises.  I still think Romona and Beth need to back off. Bethenny giving relationsjip advice is just ass backwards.


Jules is just embarrassing on so many levels. I find her self-congratulatory, yet horrible parenting, to be the most offensive. Kids require a lots of supplies when going on a trip, but please don’t cry me a river when you have a nanny along for the ride to help you out. Bragging about how you have to bring along Sour Patch Kids or all hell will break loose does not reflect well on how you are raising your entitled tyrants to deal with the upheavals of life. Don’t even get me started on how she seems to delight her stupidity and lord her youth over the other women. Does this genius not realize that her own clock is ticking and she is well on her way to being past her own expiration date? She is 10 years and one hot young secretary away from moving into her own crumbling townhouse. Not to mention how her own weight issues are going to make look rode hard and put up wet way too soon. How is she going to catch paycheck (Husband) #2 when her arsenal is so depleted? Cute young and dumb can be charming. Wizened, old and dumb not so much.


Luann swanning around pretending to be able to afford 22 grand a month in rent is really laughable. Sad but laughable.


In conclusion, there is all this talk about John being sleazy, but really they are all just grifters oozing around, working the angles and looking for an easy payout. The clothes, the make up,  the luxury locations, and toned bodies just make it easier to watch and more acceptable.

Edited by Chickabiddy
  • Love 20

I can understand how John could be confused. Bethenny is a skinny cow.

A skinny cow who can't maintain a relationship and has no right to lecture anyone about stable healthy relationships.

I noticed that when Ramona and Dorinda made up at the dinner and Ramiona comforted Dorinda that Bethany just sat there because she can't make an emotional attachment to anyone.

I can't figure out if Bethany is that emotionally damaged or that it's her way of coping because she realizes she is going to wake up an elderly old hag that no one remembers???

  • Love 12

Swankie I'm beginning to think John's doodle must be made of gold. For serious, how can Dorinda be attracted to that sweaty tub of lard? Was it just me or did anyone else get the idea that Bethany was insinuating that Dorinda and John are doing drugs together. Not just alcohol? That could explain things I suppose.

And yes, Jules is going to see the effects from her eating disorder. It will really start to show around 40. Most skinny obsessed people I know are also smokers. She was just gross to use that bucket of ice to cleanse her hands. Then leaving it for others to use too. It was telling of her personality that she didn't even stop for a millisecond to think to herself "Hey I need to go to the restroom and wash my hands". She seems not too terribly bright.


I noticed that when Dorinda went "to get some fresh air" after the fall out with Bethenny, she was smoking a cigarette outside the hotel.  Jules came down, and asked Dorinda for a drag of the cigarette.  


I guess that's okay - to take a drag of a cigarette from someone else's lips.

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