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S03.E02: Miss Domesticated

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I love this show and am so glad it's back! Having said that, I have to say, even though I know all of them make money from the show and a lot of this is scripted, it drives me crazy the way Kathryn and Landon talk about needing money. Kathryn talks about wanting enough money to live in a three bedroom house with her children and how the $2500 a month from Thomas isn't enough. Then GET A JOB! And Landon making the comment about not wanting some regular boring job and throwing darts out at random ideas and hoping something sticks. BOO HOO! I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for their "plight." Must be nice to just have those attitudes without having to really do anything on your own to work for what you want in life. It's so obnoxious.

Edited by SGfan
  • Love 15

I love this show and am so glad it's back! Having said that, I have to say, even though I know all of them make money from the show and a lot of this is scripted, it drives me crazy the way Kathryn and Landon talk about needing money. Kathryn talks about wanting enough money to live in a three bedroom house with her children and how the $2500 a month from Thomas isn't enough. Then GET A JOB! And Landon making the comment about not wanting some regular boring job and throwing darts out at random ideas and hoping something sticks. BOO HOO! I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for their "plight." Must be nice to just have those attitudes without having to really do anything on your own to work for what you want in life. It's so obnoxious.

Seriously!!! I'd expect such lazy ambition from those boymen Shep or Whitney, but not those ladies...it's so insulting to those of us women who are quite eager and ambitious working professionals, not little girls pretending to be adults.

I know this show is infamous for showcasing the free n'easy lifestyle of male trust funders, but the sheer laziness of Kathryn and Landon is what bugs me about them. They obviously need assistance and are having trouble frolicking so freely in such a moneyed social scene, but their similarities really stood out to me this episode---I think they both secretly just want rich men to take care of them, Landon with some sort of vanity career on the side and Kathryn with the "ladies who lunch/ladies who party" lifestyle on her side.

Lazy, spoiled girls, both of them...at least Cameron and Jennifer seem to be hard-working realtors.

Kathryn could at least go find a trade school/college accreditation of some sort and pursue a good career while her parents take care of the kids or she leaves the kids with Thomas's hired nanny in the daytime. And Landon? She could easily work in an antique shop or an interior design store while she pursues her hippie-dippy dreams of starting a local arts magazine...or just go to interior design school and begin her own interior design career!

  • Love 5

As for Shep, does everybody have to get married by thirty? Is that some new law I missed?

If he doesn't want to get married, he doesn't have to.

I agree with this. Shep is a hottie and he has plenty of game to still be getting the ladies so why not have fun while he can? Life is short, live it up! There is no rule that he has to settle down at age 35 or even 45.


Shep has it more together to me than TRav or Whitney. I actually think he will fall in love and be tamed at some point. He was crazy about that girl MJ in the first season but she dissed him. TRav could have been (semi) tamed once upon a time (Bev Cart Girl) but now is a raving, drunken mess. Whitney? Uh, yea....no. Whitney is....different. Craig comes from a very traditional background and I definitely see him wanting the whole thing-marriage and kids (in that order).


Landon does seem to have an unrequited crush on Shep. Hmm...Shep wants what he can't have. Danni and Landon are both so pretty and have good personalities (I actually like Landon well enough) but Shep doesn't want to settle with them. He liked MJ, the girl that wasn't really into him. Interesting psychology there about Shep.....

  • Love 5

I love this show and am so glad it's back! Having said that, I have to say, even though I know all of them make money from the show and a lot of this is scripted, it drives me crazy the way Kathryn and Landon talk about needing money. Kathryn talks about wanting enough money to live in a three bedroom house with her children and how the $2500 a month from Thomas isn't enough. Then GET A JOB! And Landon making the comment about not wanting some regular boring job and throwing darts out at random ideas and hoping something sticks. BOO HOO! I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for their "plight." Must be nice to just have those attitudes without having to really do anything on your own to work for what you want in life. It's so obnoxious.


Kathryn totally pissed me off with this (probably more than Landon)!  If she is getting $2500.00/month from Thomas, that is $30,000.00.  Plus, whatever she makes from appearing on the show - maybe anywhere from $30,000 to $75,000.00 (I'm just guessing here).  At the least, that is $60,000.00 a year.  Thomas probably pays for all the children's medical insurance, and nanny/child care, so $60,000.00 a year is a whole hell of a lot more than so many millions of single moms in this country.  


And, if it's not enough, then get off your pretty little ass and get a JOB!!  You know - one of those things that most single moms do on a daily basis?  There are about 500 shops/boutiques in downtown Charleston, all up and down King Street.  I can't imagine that she wouldn't be able to find something - even part time, to help pay for her lifestyle.  


Seriously!!! I'd expect such lazy ambition from those boymen Shep or Whitney, but not those ladies...it's so insulting to those of us women who are quite eager and ambitious working professionals, not little girls pretending to be adults.

I know this show is infamous for showcasing the free n'easy lifestyle of male trust funders, but the sheer laziness of Kathryn and Landon is what bugs me about them. They obviously need assistance and are having trouble frolicking so freely in such a moneyed social scene, but their similarities really stood out to me this episode---I think they both secretly just want rich men to take care of them, Landon with some sort of vanity career on the side and Kathryn with the "ladies who lunch/ladies who party" lifestyle on her side.

Lazy, spoiled girls, both of them...at least Cameron and Jennifer seem to be hard-working realtors.

Kathryn could at least go find a trade school/college accreditation of some sort and pursue a good career while her parents take care of the kids or she leaves the kids with Thomas's hired nanny in the daytime. And Landon? She could easily work in an antique shop or an interior design store while she pursues her hippie-dippy dreams of starting a local arts magazine...or just go to interior design school and begin her own interior design career!


Again, there is a huge section of King Street that has tons of home furnishing/design shops and antique dealers.  Yes, Landon could get a regular, boring job and still pursue her dream, whatever the fuck it is.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 6

Landon in this ep reminds me of the young girls in my town who go to paint and drink wine shops. They drink/paint a few times and then believe they have developed enough skill to sell their work to make money. It's actually quite entertaining. A new Etsy comes along every day. Maybe Landon can start an Etsy business for her paintings.

  • Love 9

I agree with this. Shep is a hottie and he has plenty of game to still be getting the ladies so why not have fun while he can? Life is short, live it up! There is no rule that he has to settle down at age 35 or even 45.


Shep has it more together to me than TRav or Whitney. I actually think he will fall in love and be tamed at some point. He was crazy about that girl MJ in the first season but she dissed him. TRav could have been (semi) tamed once upon a time (Bev Cart Girl) but now is a raving, drunken mess. Whitney? Uh, yea....no. Whitney is....different. Craig comes from a very traditional background and I definitely see him wanting the whole thing-marriage and kids (in that order).


Landon does seem to have an unrequited crush on Shep. Hmm...Shep wants what he can't have. Danni and Landon are both so pretty and have good personalities (I actually like Landon well enough) but Shep doesn't want to settle with them. He liked MJ, the girl that wasn't really into him. Interesting psychology there about Shep.....


I just worry that Shep could become another Thomas (with less money).


Shep seems like he is really, truly afraid of commitment and of growing up.  He definitely has a bad case of Peter Pan syndrome.  


He seems like a really nice guy, and as long as a girl knows his reputation, she could have a lot of fun with him, but don't expect anything more than a "friends with benefits" relationship. 

  • Love 7

It would be more believable that these people were a real group of friends rather than just a cast for the show if we ever saw Cameron's husband. Have we ever even seen Jason? She throws a dinner party and he's not there? Surely if Cameron decided to throw a dinner party where she was cooking for the first time, and it actually was important to her, she would have picked a night when her husband was not on call.

  • Love 7

I love this show so much.  Would really like to get a longer, more thorough look at Cameran's house, and her back yard.  That place looks enormous!  I felt a little bad or Patricia having to climb all those stairs...shouldn't a house like that come with an elevator?  Cameran's complete lack of understanding of kitchen and cooking basics is amusing to me.  I love to cook, and it ended up being something I'm good at naturally, so when I see someone who struggles with it the way I did with algebra, it makes me feel better about myself (yay, I'm good at something that not everyone is good at!).  We eloped, so I never got to do the whole wedding registry thing...I can't imagine having that opportunity and just handing it over to a sales associate in the store - I would have had a GREAT time picking things out, especially if I knew I was counting on a lot of wealthy guests to help me out.  Oh well, they say youth is wasted on the young, maybe wealth is wasted on the rich?  Even though Cameran says she was raised on Happy Meals, I don't think her beginnings were nearly as meager as she claims, and she has certainly adjusted nicely to living well.  Normally, I love everything Cam wears but the dress for her dinner party was a miss for me, just because of the weird solid rectangle in the back.  Love the little moments like her shoe getting caught in the sisal rug.


Patricia's announcement that as a result of her successful co-parenting, Whitney has turned out absolutely perfect made me laugh so loudly that I startled my dog.  Those martinis are really working for her.  His haircut is better this year, but that's really all I'm willing to give him.  Same smarmy, do-nothing lump.


Kathryn entertains me to no end.  Everything about her would normally amount to someone who annoys me, but for whatever reason, she doesn't bother me at all.  Maybe it's because she's upsetting TRav so much, and I love that for once everything isn't going his way.  Plus, she's so pretty, I just like looking at her.

  • Love 9

Considering Thomas's worth, or wealth, $2500 a month is pretty low in the barrel.  Interesting that Thomas claims to give her this money every month but then Kathryn says that he's given her money the past two months (maybe I didn't hear that right).  So 'if' he pays her $30000 a year, she's not supposed to be a little resentful, given he's renovating what seems to be a very expensive house in Charleston and we have him saying on camera that he would basically undyingly support his kids?  Nope.  If people think that Kathryn is playing a game, IMO, TRav is playing even more of a game.  Add to that, TRav is complaining about SC's laws on child custody but we don't hear complaining about NC's laws on child support. 


Bottom line for me is that Thomas is just as responsible for their situation as Kathryn.  Kathryn does have a job.  She's a featured person on the show.  She certainly wouldn't be able to look for a place for her and the children based on what TRav is paying her in child support.  And what she's getting paid to be on the show is probably far more than she would have with a regular job (given her age and experience).


Really Cameron?  You're in your thirties.  You should know more about cooking.  It's not that hard.  You've never had your or your husband's family for a holiday?  Geez.  I used to love Cameron but the bloom is coming of the rose.


I liked how Craig defended Kathryn.  Maybe's it's because I can't stand the condescension of  Patricia and her 'perfect' son.  So far I'm liking Naomi but we really haven't gotten to know her yet.


Next week:  Thomas has quite the belly going on.... 

  • Love 15

So we are to believe that Craig moved home to his parent's house because he was broke. But in this episode he says he needs a full time job to support himself and is going to work for JD where we see him write out a check for $15,000? Huh? I feel sorry for Craig's parents who supported him through all the schooling only to see him quit when it was time to take the bar. He sure seems like he has no plans to take the bar.

Cameron's lack of home keeping skills are suspect. I realize that she's probably not sitting at home making dinner. But she's been married for 2 years and not made a pot of spaghetti at some point? The pans were still in the boxes? Did they buy the house furnished? Her husband must be at the hospital all the time. Maybe they have a housekeeper?

Landon is ridiculous. She got divorced because marriage wasn't what she thought it would be. She's Thomas' neighbor so her rent must be high and yet we are to believe she walked away from her 7? Year marriage with nothing? Come ON. She wants another rich husband so she doesn't have to work but I think she's hanging out with the wrong crowd for that.

Patricia and Cameran's interactions were precious. I loved that Pat didn't judge Cam for her lack of dinner party prep knowledge and instead she and her butler arrived early and pitched right in! Love it!

I'm glad they cleared up why Kathryn wasn't invited. She does cause a scene at every event. It was nice to just watch the cast have a fun evening. It's also been said before, but Kathryn does need to get a job. She has a college degree. Thomas isn't going to support her lifestyle, he'll give the bare minimum for the kids and spoil them at his own houses.

  • Love 7

I assume that Thomas now gives Kathryn more than $2500 a month because she was only pregnant in these episodes; St. J hadn't been born yet and Kathryn was throwing around that $2500 figure for Kensie's support before she got pregnant the second time.

As for Kathryn getting a job, I agree that she should start looking for work or figuring out how to finish her degree. I think she left college before she graduated although she was quite far along, like in senior year. Never have read why she quit...

Edited by RedHawk


, TRav is playing even more of a game.  Add to that, TRav is complaining about SC's laws on child custody

Yes! I thought it was funny when he called it "wedlock". It did sound like he was quoting from a law book. I'm surprised  that he's giving her $2500 a month with 

no guaranteed visitation rights. It seems that his attorney should be able to work that out so I'm questioning his complaining.

I get the impression that Thomas is 'not' the father who is always on the ball about giving money for the support of his child.  So, no, he's not always given visitation with his daughter.  What are Kathryn's other choices?  Sad, but true.  Bottom line with me is that 'TRav' is a total jerk.  Yeah, Kathryn has her share of problems but Thomas is worse because of his age and what would seemingly be a more mature attitude because of his age.  I'm not excusing Kathryn but really?  You go back with the mother of your child and not use protection? 


I truly wonder how long he has been giving the $2500 a month.  This is the same guy who went to prison for 10 months for possession of cocaine while he held an elected position with the state of South Carolina.  He's a total jerk.  He has no excuses for anything he's done.

  • Love 9

Considering Thomas's worth, or wealth, $2500 a month is pretty low in the barrel.


Exactly what is his "wealth?" And 2,500 is plenty for two kids. Kathryn needs to get a job. And let T-Rav pay for the nanny while she works.

Thomas is likely paying the minimum or just above it…I can see his lawyer saying let's not give her any more ammo. Pay her the minimum or just above it -- if you want to -- so she can't say your not giving her anything.


Next week:  Thomas has quite the belly going on....


Not that he has a six pack by any means -- but I think it might look worse that it actually is because he was trying to pull his polo shift off and his stomach jutted out while he was yanking it off.


Re Cameron: it is hard to believe she's THAT lost in the kitchen. What do you mean by "carve" the roast? Really?


Re Shep's teeth…it's not that he has caps…it's that they're so big and clearly put on in an obvious sort of way. Why? It's like they're huge dentures for the front half of his mouth, that just stop once you get to each side of mouth right where the smile  edge would be. Again, why?

Edited by selhars
  • Love 1

Re Shep's teeth…it's not that he has caps…it's that they're so big and clearly put on in an obvious sort of way. Why? It's like they're huge dentures for the front half of his mouth, that just stop once you get to each side of mouth right where the smile edge would be. Again, why?

I think he was spying and heard Mary say that there is nothing she likes more than a great big mouth full of pearly whites...the bigger the better, and this is what he did to impress her.

But seriously, it is pretty obvious that these people have no idea what being broke really means. I think Landon saying she left her divorce with basically nothing just means that she did not get a 7 figure settlement. She wasn't living on that boat because it was the only thing she could afford, she was living there because she thought it would be fun and that is where the producers wanted her. Katheryn saying that the $2500 per month is not enough for her to take care of Kensie, well really that should be HALF enough to take care of Kensie. She can be partly financially responsible too. As someone said above, that is 30k per year, which is way more than a lot of single mothers make and wouldn't qualify her for the poverty line. Is it enough to buy expensive gowns for events and a fancy car? No of course not. However, it is a total dick move by Thomas, since he DID tell her (on camera even) that by having his child she would never have to worry about anything money related again. The fact is, Thomas is using his money as leverage, and Katheryn is using the kids as leverage.seems like a classic divorce situation without the divorce

  • Love 5

Trav has two children, untold millions, and all he can fork over is 2500 a month! He TOLD her (ON camera) he's always take care of her and there kids. Now he's whining like a little bitch because he has to PAY for HIS OWN KIDS??????? I can't stand men like that. And I was on the Trav love train season 1 and 2 but not any more .Kathyrns job is raising her kids not out working. Not when there daddy is rich! What a jerk.

  • Love 12

What is Shep, early 30s? For Heaven's sake, if you're not ready to settle down and get married, fine, but this guy is a bit past his "sell by" date on that frat boy behavior when it comes to women.

Shep was born in 1980. He's 35/36, and I agree with everyone saying he doesn't have to get married if he doesn't want to. Absolutely! HOWEVER, perhaps he should not be telling others to grow up -- add Landon to the list of Shep's "mentees," wtf -- when he seems to be continuing the frat-like behavior. Maybe he's trying to be the next CLooney.  HA. Even that got old because Poehler and Fey were smart enough to rip Clooney a new one about never dating someone over 35 (then he marries Amal, ironically). It's the blatant hypocrisy that bugs me about Shep. I LOVED him in the beginning of S2, but now... his ego needs to be checked.


Landon. Oh my, "flighty" is putting it mildly, Shep. She has the Valley Girl speak going on and I cannot stand it. It's one thing if you're 16, but I can't stand when I hear grown women do the upspeak and baby talk, especially with men.


Interesting how Patricia thought it was cute that Cameron didn't know a thing about cooking, but when Kathryn didn't know much, it was such a huge faux pas (gasp!). Also, anyone buy that Cam had all that cookware just sitting there unopened for two years? I can imagine not using it (me), but just having it in the box? I don't care if Cam or Kathryn don't cook, but if we're talking Pat's Rules for a Southern Belle, they once again appear to be selectively applied.


Carving knife = to carve = to cut. It's not hard. Lord, I hope she was playing up her kitchen ineptitude for the cameras.

Kathryn has made some valid points, but her past behavior makes it hard for any of them to trust her.  She has a penchant for making scenes at functions.  There are consequences to actions.  T-Rav wasn't invited to the dinner party either, so the whole "they're cool with him, what have I done" thing really doesn't fly.


I think it's sweet of Craig to try and go to bat for her.  It's nice to see someone not enjoying kicking someone when they're down.  Naomi seems nice, I hope we get to know her more through the season.


Cameran is wearing thin for me.  I've liked her since The Real World, but there needs to be more to her than the whole Greek Chorus bit.  Just sitting back and judging and commenting on the lives of others generally indicates you have nothing interesting going on in your own.  Heck, I do it here, but I'm not vain enough to think anyone would want to film it.


Landon....I just can't with her.  People who don't open their mouths when they speak bug me anyway from the get-go, but when you add that what comes out of her mouth is so inane....ugh.


I personally think the only reason they are even keeping Whitney on is for Patricia.  She's had way more camera time than him and aside from his one on one with her last week, he really hasn't been on all that much.


Shep is Shep.  He has got zero verbal game.  He also comes off much better on the show than he does on his WWHL appearances.  Kind of like the dumb dog that you like to have around to cuddle with, but that you never expect to learn any tricks or commands. 

  • Love 5

It would be more believable that these people were a real group of friends rather than just a cast for the show if we ever saw Cameron's husband. Have we ever even seen Jason? She throws a dinner party and he's not there? Surely if Cameron decided to throw a dinner party where she was cooking for the first time, and it actually was important to her, she would have picked a night when her husband was not on call.

Cameron has said in a few interviews that her husband doesn't want any part of reality TV, but fully supports Cameron doing this. The part about Craig asking about Jason had to be just for show.



I think Shep revealed last season on WWHL that his top teeth were dentures because he'd knocked them out playing sports.

I think so too. I seem to recall him saying something about sports/teeth/accident.


HunterHunted - Just saw your post and mention about Clooney. Great minds :)


ETA: Has Landon ever heard the term "Starving Artist"? The name is appropriate for a reason! What successful artists were extraordinarily wealthy while they were still alive? Was Warhol? I have no idea.  

Edited by chipsnsalsa
  • Love 1

I like Shep, but I don't love his compliment/insult one -two.  I think I liked him better last season.


Does Landon have a legit speech impediment or is that an affected accent of some kind?  It's sort of grand meets little girl. 


Trav is now fully insufferable.  The restaurant scene, his French, so cringey. 


Even Cam is wearing thin for me this season. 


I like Craig the best so far this year; never thought I'd say that, but there it is.

  • Love 7

I still love this show but that dinner party was staged. Production told Kathryn to stop by Craig's at 6. I'm sure Cameran didn't want those raging lunatics smashing her Waterford wedding crystal against the walls of her lovely home but I think it's more likely that production told her not to invite them. Same with the upcoming flamingo party. Production is creating a storyline and as a result working Kathryn up into a lather.

I have to fast forward through any Kathryn and J scene and refuse to watch them.

  • Love 2

Oh gawd, T-Rav ordering dinner in exaggerated, atrocious French! The waiter was wondering if he was being punked. And of course Whitney speaks French but even he didn't need to show off by using it to order.

Then Thomas airs his grievances against Kathryn. I've decided that he's someone who has nothing meaningful going on in his life so he makes all this drama with Kathryn. She participates as well, but if it was such a big problem for Thomas, he would have settled things with her legally months ago, stopped having sex with her(!), and moved on because he's have MORE IMPORTANT things to do.

He's a spoiled, bored rich guy with nothing he truly dedicates himself to (the way JD, for examlpe, has a business empire) so he just goes through his routine daily life and complains about all the problems he has, the ones he totally created and refuses to take real actual responsibility for.

I have a Thomas-type friend in my life and that shit gets old after awhile. You really want to say, "Y'know, if you'd get a JOB and stop just playing around with your money, you'd be too busy to constantly spin around in all this self-created, self-centered drama."

I wish everyone, especially Patricia, would adopt more of Whitney's attitude of boredom with Thomas's "plight". I'd love it if the entire cast would start saying, in response to his laments, "Yeah, that's too bad" and turn away and start talking to someone else.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 4

When showing Jen the neighborhood she might move into, Kathryn said, "I have enough on my own to do it on my own, so I'm going to." She made reference to giving up on getting all the things Thomas promised her and her children.

While I don't believe she's giving up on getting a dependable, big monthly check from him, I did like her attitude of, ok, time to make a home for my kids. Motherhood might be making her a bit less selfish.

What did "I have enough on my own" mean? Is there a trust fund somewhere from her family, maybe not a big one but a couple thousand a month?

How often does Thomas expect to have his kids, especially when they're so young? If I were Kathryn I'd say two weekends a month and that's that. As we all saw he DID tell her he'd support her, and now he won't follow through by setting up reliable funds. Yes, Kathryn has full custody and that's her only leverage. So what? If Thomas had the law on his side he'd be sure to use it against her.

He was already halfway to drunk and slurring at the dinner table when Whitney and Patricia arrived. He's looking worse and worse. Maybe Kathryn is actually right to limit the kids' time with him.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

It would be more believable that these people were a real group of friends rather than just a cast for the show if we ever saw Cameron's husband. Have we ever even seen Jason? She throws a dinner party and he's not there? Surely if Cameron decided to throw a dinner party where she was cooking for the first time, and it actually was important to her, she would have picked a night when her husband was not on call.

I thought Cameran said her husband doesn't want to be on the show?  I thought she said that but I could be wrong.

  • Love 3

I think Thomas was well into his cups at the bistro dinner. He was slurring his words a bit and struggled to keep his eyes fully open.


Agree that he's probably upped his child support amount since the second baby was born. He clearly stated - I think at the reunion episode - that their lawyers hammered out an agreement, and that he would pay what the law requires for support. He also has stated that he won't pay to support Kathryn; he intends to pay child support only.


Withholding a child based on child support is a shitty thing to do. At this point all I can hope for is that the same nanny travels around with the children, and that they at least have her as a consistent caregiver.


Kathryn putting on the humble Poor Me act in Jennifer's kitchen didn't fool me for one second. Also, in a talking head, she said that she had the means to rent a home and live with her children there, and she intended to do so. Which is it - she's barely scraping by and living with her parents, or she can afford to rent a home?


If Cam was "raised on McDonald's," then perhaps she was raised by a busy working mom who didn't cook. My guess is that she and her husband eat a lot of simple cooked foods or carryout. Lots of people do that. I also assume she has a housecleaner.

The way Jennifer is so firmly inserted into Kathryn's ass is very telling...I'm sure she was given the instructions from production/garnered more screentime from agreeing to film with her, since the rest of the cast besides Cooper and Craig apparently finds her insufferable.

One does wonder what in the world Kathryn even offers in the realm of polite conversation/friendship---honestly, since the very first moment she popped onto these screens she seemed to discuss *nothing* but herself: HER feelings, HER messy relationship with Thomas, HER relationships with "this group", HER life as an unwed/single young mother, me,me,me,me, ME....

I keep hearing various cast members claim that she's really cool/funny offscreen, but I've certainly never yet seen any evidence to suggest otherwise. She certainly comes across like a temperamental, drunken self-centered mess whenever she's onscreen. And yes, she DOES arrive late and make scenes at nearly every event she attends---I wouldn't want her in my home either!

  • Love 7

I think Shep revealed last season on WWHL that his top teeth were dentures because he'd knocked them out playing sports.


Perhaps I wasn't clear. If this was in reference to me asking why…I know why he has caps/false teeth.

The why was…in reference to why they look so bad. Why they look so obviously well..fake.

His dentist couldn't do a better job than that? couldn't make them look natural in any way. I sure he went to a "good dentist." I hope he did for the money he likely spent. Because what I see in his mouth is a horrible job.


Also, anyone buy that Cam had all that cookware just sitting there unopened for two years? I can imagine not using it (me), but just having it in the box?


Actually, I can…sort of. I also choose not to cook. If she and her husband eat out all the time, or just do take out and bring it home sure. I have gifts I've never opened….in TEN years. And the show didn't say she had no dishes. She didn't have any dishes or serving platters and hostess sets at the ready. IF you never use or need them ….I can totally see her never opening some of her wedding gifts.


(Also choosing not to cook and not knowing how, or not being able to put together a great dinner party are not the same. Lots of people who don't cook can throw a kick-ass dinner party.))


And I suppose she was very nervous about entertaining such a large group for such a 'formal' dinner -- but what I personally find harder to believe is that she was soooo lost in the kitchen. She's an educated woman and she acted like she didn't know that "carve" meant "slice" a damned roast. Come on now. She'd pick that up just from going to OTHER dinners she's been to. So I  think her naiveté about cooking was totally overblown. Even if she's the kind of person that can be flustered about cooking and not confident in her cooking that was a bit much. I forget what the woman helping her wanted her to do, but she couldn't even follow instructions. 


I think it's also quite clear her husband does NOT want to be on the show.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 2

There sure was a lot of whining from people about "Oh poor me, look how poor I am" in this episode. Yeesh. We've got Landon talking about "leaving with nothing" from her divorce...Well that sure is a nice house she lives in for having "gotten nothing" and having a fake "magazine" job (or whatever it is). Then we've got Craig talking about being broke as hell...living in a $1.1 million house (I know it's not his, but still) and supposedly having $15K in the bank to hand over to JD for whatever weird "project manager" scam that was. God forbid he just get an actual job, like us plebians. And can't forget Kathryn talking about how she has "nothing," despite the fact that lives in her parent's house presumably rent-free, gets $30K a year from Thomas (I know he can afford more, but the point remains - $2,500 a month isn't "nothing"), is fully capable of getting her own job but doesn't, and apparently can afford the 3-bedroom house she plans on renting? She's like "see I'm not a gold digger!" No honey, that doesn't mean you're not a gold digger, it just means it didn't work. So sorry that your baby daddy hasn't bought you a mansion yet. 


And speaking of Thomas - why does he keep whining about laws in South Carolina being so bad for him? Buddy, they have these things called court orders. Instead of pouting about how you need one, just go GET one. You can't be a rich, successful businessman and the former Treasurer of South Carolina and expect me to listen when you act like it's just so *hard* for you to navigate the court system. 


Also - Whitney as "perfection" really was comical, ha! =D 


And as snooty as Patricia can be, I thought her explanation of why Kathryn doesn't get invited to things was spot on... 

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Then Thomas airs his grievances against Kathryn. I've decided that he's someone who has nothing meaningful going on in his life so he makes all this drama with Kathryn.


Bingo. Thomas is bored and enjoys this drama. He has nothing going on in life and the one thing he was trying to do to get back on track (run for office) was a true disaster.


Kathryn is such a Bitter Betty. She freaks out about the smallest things. Also, Kathryn needs to grow up a bit and realize that part of being an adult is dealing with people you don't like. We all have to work with people we don't like. If her job is starring on this show, she needs to learn to get along with everyone.

Like JD and Elizabeth next week apparently. Be annoyed for a few minutes that Thomas misled you about who would be there but there's no reason for her dramatics.

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When showing Jen the neighborhood she might move into, Kathryn said, "I have enough on my own to do it on my own, so I'm going to." She made reference to giving up on getting all the things Thomas promised her and her children.

While I don't believe she's giving up on getting a dependable, big monthly check from him, I did like her attitude of, ok, time to make a home for my kids. Motherhood might be making her a bit less selfish.

What did "I have enough on my own" mean? Is there a trust fund somewhere from her family, maybe not a big one but a couple thousand a month?

How often does Thomas expect to have his kids, especially when they're so young? If I were Kathryn I'd say two weekends a month and that's that. As we all saw he DID tell her he'd support her, and now he won't follow through by setting up reliable funds. Yes, Kathryn has full custody and that's her only leverage. So what? If Thomas had the law on his side he'd be sure to use it against her.

He was already halfway to drunk and slurring at the dinner table when Whitney and Patricia arrived. He's looking worse and worse. Maybe Kathryn is actually right to limit the kids' time with him.

Kathryn has a job.  She is on the show.  So is Landen and Craig.  They all get a paycheck from it.  People forget this because they can't break the fourth wall and say it.

  • Love 4

I don't get this "I don't know how to cook" stuff.  It's not like cooking is physical torture for most people, I just don't get what the big deal is.  To me, cooking is life; eating out is expensive, I've saved money because I'd rather cook for myself than buy take out.  I sometimes feel people say "I don't cook" like it's a badge of honor or something.

  • Love 13

Bingo. Thomas is bored and enjoys this drama. He has nothing going on in life and the one thing he was trying to do to get back on track (run for office) was a true disaster.

Kathryn is such a Bitter Betty. She freaks out about the smallest things. Also, Kathryn needs to grow up a bit and realize that part of being an adult is dealing with people you don't like. We all have to work with people we don't like. If her job is starring on this show, she needs to learn to get along with everyone.

Like JD and Elizabeth next week apparently. Be annoyed for a few minutes that Thomas misled you about who would be there but there's no reason for her dramatics.

Well, the season began with a clip of him laying into the others (starting with Landon, who has been making cow eyes at him in the flashbacks) including chasing them into the street in a clearly drunken rage, and then underlined this with his waking up shot -- looking at a shiner. This is a way of life for Thomas; notoriety is a drug for him.

Katherine, well, he chose her.

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