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In Memoriam: Entertainment Industry Celebrity Deaths

Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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John Ritter first. Then Patrick Swayze. I knew it was coming but, my lord. 

The other big ones were Michael, Whitney and then Robin Williams (that GUTTED my brother. We had a thirty minute long discussion on if we wanted to call him and tell him while he was on his honeymoon).

George Michael still has me VERY upset and I can't pinpoint why.

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12 minutes ago, amaranta said:

I still can't watch any of Robin Williams' work.  I own a number of his movies but just haven't been able to yet.  I can listen to Bowie and I can watch James Garner, but I just can't with Robin. 

I've been watching Mork and Mindy when I'm up during weird hours on Antenna TV. Just got that channel recently and hadn't seen the show in years. Seeing it puts me in a better mood sometimes because it's such a cute show.

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Late on commenting on William Christopher's passing. One of the things I liked better in the series than the movie was they treated Father Mulcahey with more respect. In the movie the doctors especially Tom Skeritt's character(which thankfully never was brought over to the show) dismissively call him "Dago Red". One of the good things about the AfterMASH spinoff was they surgically restored his hearing that got lost by a too explosion in the the MASH finale.

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12 hours ago, againstthewind said:

George Michael still has me VERY upset and I can't pinpoint why.

Me too.  When I first heard, I was hoping it was a hoax.  It didn't seem possible, especially because I was just thinking about George Michael back around Thanksgiving or so when a conversation I had with a friend lead me to the YouTube video of the duet George Michael performed with Elton John, "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me."  Listening to the lyrics, I was thinking at the time how sad that song is going to be someday for the survivor whenever the other one passes away.  Then, wow, a month later it actually happened and you could have knocked me over with a feather.  I still don't want to believe it.

It's been said that Elton John will be singing that song at George Michael's funeral.  Part of me hopes someone records it.  Another part of me doesn't know if I could listen to it.

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On 12/31/2016 at 0:33 PM, Ohwell said:

You know, I've disliked Elton John ever since, because that "tribute" song for Princess Diana was a warmed-over version of the song he did for Marilyn Monroe when she died.  I thought Diana deserved a completely new song just for her. 

Yeah, one week was PLENTY of time to write a brand new song that not only had to be good but captures everything special about a specific person, what she meant to those who loved her and the sadness of her dying tragically at a young age. Especially for a close friend working through his own grief and who only wrote the melodies of his greatest hits and not the lyrics. And to be debuted at an important live event watched by millions of people. I mean it only took months for Paul McCartney to write Yesterday and George Harrison to write Something.

Get it together Elton!

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 13
27 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

Yeah, one week was PLENTY of time to write a brand new song that not only had to be good but captures everything special about a specific person, what she meant to those who loved her and the sadness of her dying tragically at a young age. Especially for a close friend working through his own grief and who only wrote the melodies of his greatest hits and not the lyrics. And to be debuted at an important live event watched by millions of people. I mean it only took months for Paul McCartney to write Yesterday and George Harrison to write Something.

Get it together Elton!

Exactly!  The nerve of him!

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I just turned 40 this year. Outside of Madonna and Whitney, I didn't follow a lot of music in the 80s, so Prince and George Michael didn't affect me that much. I'd listen to their music on the radio, but I didn't own any albums or wasn't a die hard fan. I've watched Star Wars a million times, so Carrie Fisher surprised me. I think it was more her age and suddenness of her passing. 

I've watched soaps over the last few decades. The real life deaths are the ones that have hit me harder than the typical Hollywood deaths. When an actor from a soap passes, even when they're in their 70s or 80s, I feel it more. Watching them on tv a few times a week for many years they've almost become a part of your lives. 

The hubby and I are also wrestling fans. There have been a few surprising deaths that made us pause for a minute (Piper, Rhodes, Savage), but the one that stands out was Owen Hart. It's the same as the soaps and other long running shows, but the way he died and his age made it worse. I remember watching Monday Night Raw the following night and having watery eyes the entire show. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

53 sounds so young to me.  

I watch Will & Grace every night, and yeah I'm scared to watch the ones with Debbie Reynolds in them.  She was so delightful.

Logo (I think) just ran a marathon of all the Will & Grace episodes with Debbie Reynolds as Grace's mother, Bobbi Adler, over the weekend (there are apparently only 10 eps with her). And Turner Classic Movies is running a 24-hour marathon of Debbie Reynolds movies later this month.

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I thought since Carrie doesn't look like Debbie she might look like her father Eddie, but seeing photos, nope. She only inherited his brown eye color. Her brother Todd though does look like their dad. Her half-sister Joely has a mix of Eddie's and her mother Connie Stevens' features.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I just turned 40 this year. Outside of Madonna and Whitney, I didn't follow a lot of music in the 80s, so Prince and George Michael didn't affect me that much. I'd listen to their music on the radio, but I didn't own any albums or wasn't a die hard fan.

I wasn't a devoted fan of either Prince or George Michael, but I'm 53 and theirs was the music of my 20s. That was what I heard in the clubs or on my car radio (when driving was about going someplace fun instead of running a million errands and getting home before dark). So for people around my age, with both of them dying in the same year, it feels a little like our own youth has died too. As someone said on twitter, we'll all just be over here in the corner for a while, crying into our Bartles & Jaymes.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I thought since Carrie doesn't look like Debbie she might look like her father Eddie, but seeing photos, nope. She only inherited his brown eye color. Her brother Todd though does look like their dad. Her half-sister Joely has a mix of Eddie's and her mother Connie Stevens' features.

I'm still trying to figure out who Billie looks like.  She seems to have both Debbie and Carrie in her facial features.  I haven't seen enough of her next to her dad to figure out what traits of his she got.  According to her appearance Kelli Ripa's show, she has Debbie and Carrie's singing ability.  Kelli had a video from a party they both went to.

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On 12/30/2016 at 5:21 PM, maraleia said:

Is anyone else having as hard of a time coming to grips with Carrie Fisher's death as I am? I may never get over it for as long as I live.

Carrie Fisher's death is harder for me to deal with than most of the others in 2016. I had such respect for her as an actress, author, and mental health advocate. As the mother of two children with mood disorders (both of whom, plus their younger brother, are also on the autism spectrum), I found her candor about her bipolar disorder inspirational. She was strong and honest and her death is a huge loss that will resonate with me for a very long time.

  • Love 9
38 minutes ago, Sharpie66 said:

We also lost another mental health advocate in 2016, Patty Duke. She was really the first big-name Hollywood star to come out as being manic-depressive and reliant on medication.

Patty and Carrie's deaths were the hardest for me because of their candor about their lives and fierce fighting for progressive ideals. Patty became a minister so she could marry gay and lesbian couples.


3 hours ago, Stuffy said:

I'm still trying to figure out who Billie looks like.  She seems to have both Debbie and Carrie in her facial features.  I haven't seen enough of her next to her dad to figure out what traits of his she got.  According to her appearance Kelli Ripa's show, she has Debbie and Carrie's singing ability.  Kelli had a video from a party they both went to.

Bruce Bozzi- Billie's stepfather posted this after Carrie's death on instagram- "brucebozzi@praisethelourd it's an honor to be your Stepfather. This day, your NYU grad day we had so much fun! Yankee Stadium your mom and I laughed our asses off, as she kept one fantastic line coming after the other - no less when we all fell asleep the night before in the smaller ceremony because it was so boring. Every time Carrie looked at me she said " how are you still awake"! Your grandmother with our sweet Ava was the kindest most loving. So...as Carrie said to me years ago " I'm a good stepmother" I promise I will always be & the strength of these women live so vibrantly in you. I've been lucky enough to see this for a decade! Many decades to come.....heaven just got a shit load more fun!!!! I love you @praisethelourd xo Bru Thursday 12/29/16"

Here's a link to the marriage announcement of Bryan and Bruce


  • Love 4
13 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I just turned 40 this year. Outside of Madonna and Whitney, I didn't follow a lot of music in the 80s, so Prince and George Michael didn't affect me that much. I'd listen to their music on the radio, but I didn't own any albums or wasn't a die hard fan. 

I'm 28 so George Michael is WAY before my time but my mom had such a huge crush on him. He'd be on MTV and she used to tease my dad by telling me (in front of my dad) that George Michael  was my REAL daddy.  It was all in fun.  I had a lot of REAL daddy's.....Bono, Sting, David Lee Roth, Rod Stewart .   .....my  dad  used to laugh and laugh at all the crushes mom had....and still has.   I grew up  with 80s  music  constantly playing in the house.  I know 80s music better than I know my own generations.

Edited by J.D.
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, roseslg said:

Amen!  When we heard about his death, we pulled Youtube up on the massive TV (we were at my inlaws) and watched his videos.  I have his best of double disc (still have the CDS).  I will be your father figure! 

George Michael - Concert of Hope 1993

Someone posted this on YouTube. This was probably peak GM hotness and one of his best performances ever (love One More Try). It was just after his boyfriend died too.

Edit: Bonus David Bowie and Lady Di as well. It's really high quality but missing Everything She Wants.

Edited by againstthewind
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So far, 2017 has been quiet, at least as far as celebrities are concerned.  But it decided to get personal with me today:  my mother (though not a celebrity, except to ME), passed away this morning at the age of 76.

Is it OK if I curse 2017 under my breath just a little?

Edited by legaleagle53
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

So far, 2017 has been quiet, at least as far as celebrities are concerned.  But it decided to get personal with me today:  my mother (though not a celebrity, except to ME), passed away this morning at the age of 77.

Is it OK if I curse 2017 under my breath just a little?

Legaleagle, my thoughts & prayers are with you today. I am so sorry. Feel free to curse it as much as you want!

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

So far, 2017 has been quiet, at least as far as celebrities are concerned.  But it decided to get personal with me today:  my mother (though not a celebrity, except to ME), passed away this morning at the age of 76.

Is it OK if I curse 2017 under my breath just a little?

My thoughts are with you & your family during these trying times. 

Go ahead and curse 2017.  It's a bad year for you, already. 

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Joely Fisher has paid tribute to her sister, Carrie, in Variety.  For those who were curious about Joely referring to Debbie Reynolds as Mama, the piece notes that:


In 1977, Connie [Stevens] bought a house in Malibu. We walked out onto this tiny deck — sand and salt everywhere — and noticed that there was a swimming pool next door. Connie asked, "Who the hell has a swimming pool on the beach?" The real estate agent giggled and said, "Debbie Reynolds.” So we spent the better part of our childhoods as neighbors, our two families right next door. I adored Mama Debbie — she was such a character. And I got another sister and a brother in the deal, right there on the beach! Eddie even came to see us all together ... once.

  • Love 6

My condolences, Legaleagle53.  I lost my mother 3 years ago and I think about her every day.  I hope you feel as I do, that I had to be one of the luckiest people in the world to get such a great mom. 

One of the things about Debbie Reynolds' death - all this talk of how she didn't want to live without Carrie, wanted to be with her.  I wonder if deep down, Todd Fisher wonders why he wasn't worth living for.  Sort of like when Nancy Reagan died, and there was all this talk of how she and Ronnie only had eyes for each other, only wanted to be with each other, how Nancy's life lost any meaning once Ronnie died, and their poor kids just looked resigned to being so much less important in their parents' lives.  It was like 'Oh yeah, she was a mother too." 

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38 minutes ago, Calvada said:

My condolences, Legaleagle53.  I lost my mother 3 years ago and I think about her every day.  I hope you feel as I do, that I had to be one of the luckiest people in the world to get such a great mom. 

One of the things about Debbie Reynolds' death - all this talk of how she didn't want to live without Carrie, wanted to be with her.  I wonder if deep down, Todd Fisher wonders why he wasn't worth living for.  Sort of like when Nancy Reagan died, and there was all this talk of how she and Ronnie only had eyes for each other, only wanted to be with each other, how Nancy's life lost any meaning once Ronnie died, and their poor kids just looked resigned to being so much less important in their parents' lives.  It was like 'Oh yeah, she was a mother too." 

I've been thinking the same about Todd.  I assume he's devastated about both deaths, but maybe knowing his mother was already frail she wouldn't handle it well.  

I think she loved Todd as much as Carrie, but sometimes the female bond of mother and daughter is overwhelming.  

I see in the upcoming documentary on HBO he does some narrating and states the had an incredible bond.  

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Message added by Mr. Sparkle,


This thread is for deaths of celebrities in the entertainment business only. No notices about politicians, please. 

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