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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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In the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest I found the winner, Conchita Wurst, to be an extremely overrated and extremely boring performer. The vocals were fine, but...shouldn't the vocals of a professional singer be good (I know that's subjective), the song was one of FAR too many ballads, and she just stood there and sang. It's not like I demand theatrics and dancing, but I'd heard multiple reports (and still do) of what a wonderful performer she is and I just did not see it. She also performed for the Germany qualification rounds last week and also just stood there and this time her vocals weren't even that great (due to an obnoxiously loud vocal track.) Maybe she has a wonderful personality or something, but I just don't understand why people find her a great performer.


I am the only person I know who seems to have this opinion.

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I just don't understand why people find her a great performer.


Because it's a bearded man performing in a dress.


I don't think Julia Louis-Dreyfus is funny. I think she has one character -- Elaine -- whom she has played in all of her other shows. "Old Christine" was just Elaine divorced. The one where she was the singer in real-time was just Elaine as a singer. I can't speak to  "Veep," because I don't get HBO, but from what I've read about it, it's Elaine as vice president. Also, I find her Old Navy ads to be intolerable.

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I remember Julia Louis-Dreyfus from Day by Day.   It was Elaine before she moved to NYC.  But if you want to see a different side of her (literally) check out the zlist flick, Troll.   She plays a nymph with about 10 seconds of screen time.

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The Piper/Alex storyline on OITNB bores the shit out of me. I'm all for more gay/pan/bi characters and stories on tv but just because it's gay doesn't mean I have to automatically like it. The second season was way better, if you haven't seen it. The main storyline is pretty good and you learn a lot more about the characters. There's an independent plot about the guards too. It's much more fleshed out.

Yes! Me too! So boring and kind of annoying. I like that they exist for other people to enjoy, because I'm always for gay and lesbian representation on TV, I just personally find them to be a snooze fest. Everything else about the show I love (well, maybe not Larry).

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I don't think Julia Louis-Dreyfus is funny. I think she has one character -- Elaine -- whom she has played in all of her other shows. "Old Christine" was just Elaine divorced. The one where she was the singer in real-time was just Elaine as a singer. I can't speak to  "Veep," because I don't get HBO, but from what I've read about it, it's Elaine as vice president. Also, I find her Old Navy ads to be intolerable.



          Actually, I liked her in 'Seinfeld' and even think the Old Navy ads are refreshing.  IM [somewhat unpopular]O, her character in 'The Veep,' is a shrill, crude one-note, unwatchable stereotype [and I've detailed why in a previous post].

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I can't think of a single role Zach Quinto has played where he wasn't an angry douche, even Spock.  Does he play anything else?


Leonard Nimoy as Spock = sexy, elegant, erudite, urbane


Zach Quinto as Spock = Angry Douche

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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I think Matthew Perry would be better in dramatic roles instead of funny ones. He was exceptional in Go On. While it was funny, it had a lot more layers to it. And he nailed it.

Yes. He keeps picking crappy comedies. I watched about 10 minutes of The Odd Couple before booking (it was put on the air to make Fresh Off The Boat look good, right?). It would have worked much better if Perry played Felix, but maybe he felt it was too close to Chandler.

His acting was better even in Studio 6. Stick with the dramedies, dude.

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I think Matthew Perry would be better in dramatic roles instead of funny ones. He was exceptional in Go On. While it was funny, it had a lot more layers to it. And he nailed it.


He played a thoroughly punchable bad guy on The Good Wife, and that turned out to be quite literally true. Yay, Peter!

Edited by CoderLady
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I can't think of a single role Zach Quinto has played where he wasn't an angry douche, even Spock.  Does he play anything else?

I think you have to go all the way back to Sasan on So NoTORIous to see that. Though I can't really blame his character for being a bit douchey to Anna Farris' in What's My Number?, she was a train wreck that he was clearly wise to bail on.

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Breaking Bad UO...I didn't find Walt to be evil incarnate.  Yes he did many horrible things that I wouldn't even imagine doing, but I almost always understood why (with the exception of killing Mike; he did it because Mike pissed him off, but at least he (to me) seemed genuinely horrified that he did it).  Even more unpopular, I didn't hate Walt for what he did to Brock.  Tampering with someone's food/drink = bad, but I fanwanked that Walt was smart enough to know the lily of the valley wouldn't be lethal.

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I don't think I could be TV critic, because there's so many things I refuse to watch, and even if forced/paid to watch them, I would be so predisposed to hate them.

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Here's another Breaking Bad UO (I think--I'm watching on Netflix*, so I wasn't frequenting the forums):  I've heard many of my friends say that they hated Skylar.  I don't.  I mean, none of them are smelling like roses so far, but I have a certain amount of sympathy for her (and at times, Jesse).  Sure, she's pulled some stupid moves without talking to Walter first, but she really was caught between a rock and a hard place on more than one occasion. 


*I'm partway through the final season now. 

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Season 1 of American Idol:  I preferred Justin Guarini over Kelly Clarkson so I voted for him.  I couldn't stand her yelling and screaming voice.  His voice sounded-smooth as silk. I went to see him three times in concert.  I still can't stand Kelly but I will always love Justin.    


Yeah dammit.  I said it.  I feel much better now.

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Fart jokes are not funny to me like 97 percent of the time. Same with poop jokes.


Heh, my brother-in-law and young nieces assure me that fart jokes and potty humor are always hilarious! If you could've only seen my eyes rolling when they told me this. ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
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Friends UO:


As much as I shouldn't, I actually really LOVE the Shark Porn episode. The scene where Chandler comes back from Tulsa and Monica asks if she should "thrash" in the bathtub KILLS me.

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Friends UO:


As much as I shouldn't, I actually really LOVE the Shark Porn episode. The scene where Chandler comes back from Tulsa and Monica asks if she should "thrash" in the bathtub KILLS me.


"Let me be a part of this."

"Let me be a part of this."


I love this episode so much. Monica is trying so hard to be there for Chandler. It's part of why they are my favorite tv couple.

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Monk UOs:


I'll start with the biggest: I loved Natalie and actually preferred her to Sharona. 


I didn't mind that Monk was a selfish, insensitive jerk sometimes in ways that had nothing to do with the OCD he suffered from. It actually made the character more believable and compelling to me, and IMO he always had tons of clear strengths (he's a genius, courageous despite his challenges, loyal, an unusually strong sense of right and wrong, etc.)  to counterbalance his flaws. 


This might be one of the only shows ever where I actually prefer the later seasons to the earlier ones overall! I think the fifth season is my favorite of the whole series. 


Randy Disher may have been my very favorite character. 

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After catching a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy in rerun, the only character that I liked was the doctor played by the Halfrek actress from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Or as I like to call her, the flight attendant from Meet the Parents. "Oh, hello."

I adored Community when it was on and Remedial Chaos Theory is one of my favorite half hours of television ever. However, that ship has sailed and I've made my peace with it. I have no desire too see it revived for what feels like a third time. It's over.

Edited by kiddo82
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I loved Natalie too I thought Sharona could be a shrew. I also liked Julie more than Benji. I wish writers would have the courage to show a person with mental illness taking medication and thriving.

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I wish writers would have the courage to show a person with mental illness taking medication and thriving.


I agree completely, though I do love and admire Monk for giving a character---their lead character, no less---a legitimate psychiatric condition that affected his daily life in a variety of ways. On most shows (especially crime shows), it's only acceptable to show a main character struggling with addiction. Sadly few ever take on mental illness in any form. 

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I agree completely, though I do love and admire Monk for giving a character---their lead character, no less---a legitimate psychiatric condition that affected his daily life in a variety of ways. On most shows (especially crime shows), it's only acceptable to show a main character struggling with addiction. Sadly few ever take on mental illness in any form. 

There have been two shows that featured main characters with mental illness that I liked. Perception on TNT and United States of Tara on Showtime. Those characters also refused to take medication like Monk.

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Monk UOs:


I'll start with the biggest: I loved Natalie and actually preferred her to Sharona. 


I didn't mind that Monk was a selfish, insensitive jerk sometimes in ways that had nothing to do with the OCD he suffered from. It actually made the character more believable and compelling to me, and IMO he always had tons of clear strengths (he's a genius, courageous despite his challenges, loyal, an unusually strong sense of right and wrong, etc.)  to counterbalance his flaws. 


This might be one of the only shows ever where I actually prefer the later seasons to the earlier ones overall! I think the fifth season is my favorite of the whole series. 


Randy Disher may have been my very favorite character. 

I think you and I are twins separated at birth.  I love Natalie and won't even watch a Sharona episode. And I totally agree with you about Randy Disher.  His character grew and matured throughout the series too, which I enjoyed.

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The Sturm und Drang over "spoilers" is, in my opinion, ridiculous. You're not going to die if you find out what happened on your show before you have a chance to see it. It is not the Internet's responsibility (through whatever website or social media platform you favor) to keep you "unspoiled" because you didn't watch a show live. For some shows I watch, I don't visit certain threads here if I haven't seen the episode. For others, I don't care. But that's my responsibility.

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I'll even add previews to that.  I don't go out of my way to see previews, but if I do see one or if I read something someone posted speculating based on it, I don't get all up in arms about it.  Previews can pop up anywhere.  I can be watching a L&O marathon and see a preview for the Blacklist.  So I'm not going to get upset about accidentally seeing a website with that info.

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I get up in arms about teasers within a show, about that show.  The Voice is the absolute worst in my opinion, telling us what's going to happen after the commercial, even showing a clip of the performance and/or a comment from a coach. Probably just me, but it sucks the excitement right out of the show..."oh, those two were paired together, and that's what Blake says, and it looks like Pharrel used his steal there." 

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My unpopular opinions all relate to The Fosters:


I think the show was too rushed with all their storylines and as such never bought this quick "you're our daughter and our son" deal with Callie and Jude by Steph and Lena. And bringing in the dad storyline, only to further drag out Callie's adoption was a big mistake because sorry, I'm no longer rooting for that adoption of Callie. Yes Steph and Lena are awesome but this guy lost out on years of his daughter's life because he didn't even know she existed and it's not fair that he's legally going to have to lose her or is expected to just sign her over to other people. My unpopular opinion is they just need to let Callie be raised by her dad and she can spend as much time with the Fosters as she wants. 


I never thought Callie and Brandon was disturbing and creepy or any of that stuff. I thought it was too much too fast, like just about every damn storyline on that show. But I never thought Brandon was creepy or a predator towards Callie and it never bothered me. And frankly, even if the show never revisits them, I will never buy the idea that they see each other as brother and sister. Once you've declared how much you loved someone, had your tongue down their throat repeatedly, I can't buy seeing them in a sibling light. 


I am not falling over in love with Jude and Connor. It's always nice to see representation on television and the relationship is certainly sweet but I'm sorry, growth spurt or not and maybe there's only two years between them but the actor who plays Jude looks 10 at best. So it's hard for me to fully be on board that pairing because the kid who plays Connor looks at least 15. Honestly I don't want to see Jude kissing anyone - girl or guy because he again, looks like he's 10.

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 Previews can pop up anywhere.  I can be watching a L&O marathon and see a preview for the Blacklist.  So I'm not going to get upset about accidentally seeing a website with that info.


Would you have wanted to see The Sixth Sense if you knew the twist?  Sure, some dumb tidbit about black-ish isn't going to hurt, but the "preview-monkeys" often include major revelations that I would prefer to watch in as it happens.  

Some of it is my responsibility -- I'll skip threads and websites that talk about episodes I've not seen, and I'll jam the Fast Forward so quick if I see a preview coming on.  But sometimes it's hard to avoid, and I hate that.

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My unpopular opinions all relate to The Fosters:


I think the show was too rushed with all their storylines and as such never bought this quick "you're our daughter and our son" deal with Callie and Jude by Steph and Lena. And bringing in the dad storyline, only to further drag out Callie's adoption was a big mistake because sorry, I'm no longer rooting for that adoption of Callie. Yes Steph and Lena are awesome but this guy lost out on years of his daughter's life because he didn't even know she existed and it's not fair that he's legally going to have to lose her or is expected to just sign her over to other people. My unpopular opinion is they just need to let Callie be raised by her dad and she can spend as much time with the Fosters as she wants. 


I never thought Callie and Brandon was disturbing and creepy or any of that stuff. I thought it was too much too fast, like just about every damn storyline on that show. But I never thought Brandon was creepy or a predator towards Callie and it never bothered me. And frankly, even if the show never revisits them, I will never buy the idea that they see each other as brother and sister. Once you've declared how much you loved someone, had your tongue down their throat repeatedly, I can't buy seeing them in a sibling light.


Honestly, I wish Callie weren't on the show. Her storylines are constantly stupid and I never understand how she's feeling about anything. And she's just a downer. Literally every storyline of hers is about how put upon Callie is. Even the "Callie has a rich, wonderful bio dad who wants a relationship with her!" storyline is about how put upon she is.


Sometimes when I watch that show, I'm confused about who it's supposed to be for, anyway. Most of the more "dramatic" storylines are basically wish-fulfillment. Nobody is actually stumbling onto a new beautiful, wealthy, kind, educated, progressive family! Or stumbling onto romances, and wonderful bio fathers they never knew, and etc etc etc. But then there's Callie, in the midst of all that wish fulfillment, bummed out and bumming everyone else out. Why is she there?


Also, I like Mariana, and her storylines are usually my favorite. Her dance team storyline was fun. The hair dye storyline was actually pretty great. I like that the stuff she cares about is regular teenage stuff, and sometimes her choices are misguided or embarrassing, but they're always really easy to empathize with (imo). Like how she was doing the Quinceanera one year, but trying to go blond the next. How she sincerely cared about competitive dance even though she's not the most naturally talented at it. Giving her bio mom as much money as she can and being very worried for her, but not being sure about having a relationship with her regardless. Feeling weird about boys, and about being a good student, and constantly saying the wrong thing to everyone. Idk, just regular stuff! That stuff seems much more grounded and meaningful than Callie's fifty romantic entanglements, imo. Though of course mileage will vary.


I also miss Wyatt. I actually liked him, and then he was living illegally at Callie's friend's apartment, and then...I don't know? I mean, what's going on with that kid? Maybe I missed it, though, I'm not completely caught up on the show.

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I would rather have Aaron Sorkin at his dickiest than another minute of Shonda Rhimes's cynical, manipulative, "empowered" garbage. Scandal horrifies me, and that adulation that cheap hacks like Rhimes and Ryan Murphy receive fills me with despair for humanity.

Edited by Sandman
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I'm not sure how unpopular this is but the person (male) who does the commercial narration on NBC's drama shows is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.  'Next week, on a very special Parenthood...'  etc.  That soft, funeral parlor gravity to his voice and timbre drives me nuts.  It's all just so important to watch, you need to be eased into it with carefully toned and worded invitation.  'Are you related to the departed? Please sit over here.  I'm sure it's all very upsetting.' 


I would rather have Aaron Sorkin at his dickiest than another minute of Shonda Rimes's cynical, manipulative, "empowered" garbage. Scandal horrifies me, and that adulation that cheap hacks like Rhimes and Ryan Murphy receive fills me with despair for humanity.


I have found my people!

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I can still watch and enjoy episodes of The Cosby Show despite believing much of what has been revealed about Bill Cosby.

This, because loving a Gordon Gartrell shirt is never wrong.



I would rather have Aaron Sorkin at his dickiest than another minute of Shonda Rimes's cynical, manipulative, "empowered" garbage. Scandal horrifies me, and that adulation that cheap hacks like Rhimes and Ryan Murphy receive fills me with despair for humanity.

Me too. Sigh. Me too.

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