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S06.E13: The Same Boat

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Here is your episode discussion thread for S06.E13: The Same Boat. This thread will open Sunday March 13th, at 10:00 pm.


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Ah, thread open. I thought the episode started off strong, slowed down in the middle, then was crazy good at the end. Maggie's determination and brutality was so terrifying and fascinating. I thought about Hershel and wondered what he would think seeing Maggie in action.

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Fucking, Morgan, you better not have broke Carol.


I thought she was faking it, but nope. She was really having a moment of weakness. There are people that deserve mercy; those people were not the ones.


Damn, Maggie. The mama bear is coming out already. We all know you’re not weak Maggie but you have another life inside you that needs you to be alive. That’s why you don’t go on kill missions.


Don’t know who the actress is that everyone seems to hate. Didn’t have a problem with her since I knew she was just a gloating villain. Although I had hoped that Carol would’ve shoved the cross in her eye or something more symbolic than just being rebared and zombie chow.


By the time we meet Negan I’m not going to care anymore and hope Rick or someone just does the same thing they did and shoot him in the head right away. However I know that’s not going to happen, we’ll have listen to him speechify well into next season.


Also does anyone else think the Fear the Walking Dead plane episodes are more interesting than the actual Fear the Walking Dead?

Edited by Sakura12
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Vicious pregnant Maggie was the best.

Kind of sad that Carol has lost her edge, but it's a logical continuation of her Season 6 arc.

I admit Daryl comforting Carol was sweet. That's the most openly nurturing Daryl has ever been, I think.

I'm so relieved that Alicia Witt's character was killed off. Alicia Witt is fine and all, but ugh, that voice!

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Repeating what I said earlier in the other thread.  Watching the Saviors lecture Carol and Maggie was annoying, but Carol and Maggie were awesome.


If Carol, Morgan, Gabriel, etc., all have a crises of conscious at the same time/wrong time, that could cause even more problems than it already has.

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I loved the episode because nobody important died. They're all alive to deal with consequences, which is more entertaining at this point, imho.

Thought it was weird, though, when during the nighttime kidnapping of Maggie and Carol that one woman took a moment to covet Maggie's jacket. It's a great jacket, but... Really?

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I thought Ms. Witt did a great job ... but I haven't seen her in much else, so don't have the negative preconceptions of others.


Really trying to understand this mass psychology of "We are all Negan." ??? 

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I loved that Maggie & Carol got the focus in this eppie AND that they saved themselves (and possible CDB too, since they were going to be ambushed) but, damn, way too much talking Paula ruined some of it. 


I'm still unsure if Carol's panic attack while tied up was real or also part of her plan. I'm kinda annoyed that Morgan has clearly gotten in her head and it could've cost her & Maggie their lives.


The screams of the burning saviors are gonna haunt M&C for a while. That was brutal.


6B is so much better than 6A. Yay!!

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Thought it was one of the best episodes I've seen in several seasons. Lauren Cohan absolutely killed it. Might be her best acting to date on the show. Guest baddies all did a good job as well.


While I don't find the Morganization of Carol particularly interesting in and of itself, the episode did a better job blurring the line between hero and villain than perhaps any prior episode. Rick and Shane have had their moments, and there's been plenty of shady behavior to reflect upon, but they were always contrasted against either an even less sympathetic enemy (taken to absurd extremes with The Wolves) or incompetent civilians too stupid to survive. This is the first time the group really "looked in the mirror", so to speak, contrasted against people as equally hard bitten, resourceful and desperate for survival as them...and not necessarily coming off as the "good guys" in the process. It's something we've perhaps come to expect from Carol, but Maggie's ferocity and pragmatic cruelty was properly jarring.


Well acted, well executed, thematically resonant. Really solid hour of television. I now anticipate another 1.5 seasons of bleh, as per Walking Dead formula.

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Fucking, Morgan, you better not have broke Carol.

I hope she doesn't go to Morgan's extreme, there's no room in a post apocalyptic world for moral absolutism, but I don't blame Morgan for Carol's crisis of conscience. Anybody who's not a psychopath is going to have moment after killing so many people, especially if you haven't trained for it. You can have it bother you, you just can't let it paralyze you. If it's you or them, them have to go.

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I love her, but Carol needs a remedial math class...R + K + D + L + 3 Terminus courtyard + Candlewoman + 7 wolves = 15, not 18.


Someone mistakenly added the "4" that appears next to Candlewoman to the total.

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I hope she doesn't go to Morgan's extreme, there's no room in a post apocalyptic world for moral absolutism, but I don't blame Morgan for Carol's crisis of conscience. Anybody who's not a psychopath is going to have moment after killing so many people, especially if you haven't trained for it. You can have it bother you, you just can't let it paralyze you. If it's you or them, them have to go.

To me, the decline started for Carol after having to kill the little girl. (Lizzie?). I think that was a deal breaker for her. 

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I thought this was an awesome episode. Maggie and Carol saved themselves, even if Carol had doubts about being a killer. Carol was such an incredible blend of badass and vulnerability. Carol would kill, but she doesn't want to do it unnecessarily.


I said this in the live chat, but I think this bears repeating.  If all the Saviors are all Negan, then they all brutally bashed in an innocent 16 year old boy's brains in as a way to extort Hilltop into giving them supplies.


If they are all Negan, then they all need to die like Negan.


I find if frustrating, but all too human, for the Saviors to be outraged that someone dared to challenge them and kill them without mercy. It's all right for them to murder people indiscriminately, but it's not all right for others to fight back.

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Every time one of CDB's opponents starts speechifying about how the new world is, what it takes to survive in the ZA, and how they are just doing what they have to, I really really want a collective HUGE eye roll from CDB that clearly says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have so heard this all before."

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I love Carol's introspection. I have not been a huge fan of hers since she tried to rationalize murdering Karen and David. I am glad that she cares that she has taken lives. All the characters go through this to some degree along the way. She will get through it and come out on the other side stronger.


Paula was clever figuring out that Rick and their people were nearby when the static went from the walkie talkie. I knew that Daryl would be tracking them and they would not be too far away.

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Okay, I am a terrible person, but I was praying for Maggie or Carol to ice Red there!! There was something so offputting about her, that I just couldn't with her....I just wanted Carol or Maggie to take her out.


I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed about Carol. I was wavering on whether she was playing their captures, or truly messed up and upset over how many people she killed, and the threat to Maggie's kid.


So torn.


But because I am terrible, I was cheering at the final smackdown that Carol and Maggie laid down on those assholes. Maggie particularly was messed up in terms of the violence, but Carol was just overall messed up.


And I love Rick to death. Only this show can portrays a zillion stone cold killers, but Maggie, Carol and Rick taking some heads shots seem totally right to me...

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I thought this episode and last weeks were well done, but I can't say I'm enjoying the brutality. I realize what show I'm watching, but I never have liked the human villain part of it much.

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Unless Negan has a small town, he cannot have too many people left. I think that Rick's people have killed ~45 Saviors so far.

And if there are more why hasn't he taken over all of Alexandria? Furthermore how is it that he has so many people under his command but they all come off as minions rather than individuals with real power in his organization?

Hopefully Rick and the gang won't actually believe that the guy he killed at the end was Negan, because if that was Negan wouldn't his peeps immediately do a trade? When they talk to Maggie and Carol about what happened they should figure out that this isn't over and that Negan is still at large.

At first I was shocked by Maggie's brutality tonight. But when I thought about it I realized this is not totally new to her. I remember what she did when her and Glenn were trying to escape Woodbury, stabbing that guy in the jugular with a walker bone. When she and hers are threatened she acts.

Though Carol scared me a little bit tonight with her inaction, I'm intrigued by where this is going. She's killed in the past for necessity but she's also killed for reasons that some would argue was questionable. I'm glad to see her finally reflect on this. I think it's a combination of Morgan's philosophy about killing and Sam's death that's causing this change in her.

I thought this episode and last weeks were well done, but I can't say I'm enjoying the brutality. I realize what show I'm watching, but I never have liked the human villain part of it much.

Hence the reason why we got the wonderfully funny and romantic hotness that was 6x10. The writers knew that sh*t was about to get real so they gave us (and CDB) a much needed reprieve before it all went to hell again.

Edited by Enero
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Vicious pregnant Maggie was the best.

Kind of sad that Carol has lost her edge, but it's a logical continuation of her Season 6 arc.

I admit Daryl comforting Carol was sweet. That's the most openly nurturing Daryl has ever been, I think.

I'm so relieved that Alicia Witt's character was killed off. Alicia Witt is fine and all, but ugh, that voice!

People should know you never mess with a hormonal pregnant woman! I too am glad Alicia Witt did not last long, she annoys the hell out of me most of the time. 


The end seeing Glenn comfort Maggie and Daryl comfort Carol made my heart skip a beat. And know I am really worried for all of them to make it out alive this season. It was just too damn sweet!

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I don't think Caryl is or will be romantic, but the bit at the end with Carol and Daryl reminded me of an early X-Files episode (second season). Scully had narrowly escaped a maniac who had held her captive, Mulder lifted her chin, she broke down, and they hugged.

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I will say this, McBride really sold those moments when it was impossible to tell if Carol was really wavering or not. I may not be feeling her breakdown, but the way it blurred with her acting was fantastic. But that last shot of Carol's bloody fist clenched around the crucifix was a little much.

Edited by slf
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When Paula said, "You are not the good guys," I flashed back to that episode of "Lost" in which Ben Linus declared, "We're the good guys." And I started to think that maybe he was right, as things all went to hell for the peaceful, book-loving, muffin-making Others after Oceanic Flight 815 crash landed on Craphole Island, where they had never had to treat a gunshot wound until Jack and his crew got trigger happy. It's all a matter of perspective.


I can only handle so much of Alicia Witt, so I'm glad this was her one and only episode. For some reason I liked the chain-smoking woman. She reminded me of all the women I encounter at the lotto kiosk while I'm getting my morning coffee and a chance at a million in the mornings at Sheetz. I never for one second thought that Carol and Maggie were not going to make it out alive. They themselves have become weapons of mass destruction and encountering them is like playing hop scotch in a minefield.

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Poor Alicia Witt.  As a fellow pale-skinned redhead, makeup is our friend.  And why was her hair drenched like she just got out of the shower?


I liked Molls.  She seemed kind of sweet at times, and it was hilarious when she chewed out Ronnie for biting her.  She reminded me of a much nicer Patty from The Leftovers.


Interesting that Carol was having problems killing to protect herself, but immediately put down the woman who cut Maggie.


Why is everyone blaming Morgan for Carol's softening up?  Maybe it was Tobin.  Maybe the sex was that bad.  Just kidding.  Kind of.

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I thought the episode started off strong, slowed down in the middle, then was crazy good at the end.


I agree. In all, I liked this episode more than I have any in awhile. I thought Carol was faking too, the way she did at first in Alexandria and was kind of shocked that she really seems to be nearly paralyzed with guilt. I liked Maggie a lot better too, now that she's fighting for two. It was kind of disorienting how the woman who was questioning her looked so much like her. I was half thinking they were going to use that resemblance for some trickery.


The Negan women all did a good job I thought, not too over-the-top.


The "We are all Negan" seems to be the result of a kind of hive mentality. Very cultish.



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The young chick may have stood a chance had she not cut Maggie belly.

Negans D crew would have faired better if they took Spencer and YOUgene. After all the Hilltop folks they kidnapped, beat and ordered about they probably thought capturing two women in the woods would be easy peasy lemon squeezie. Guess they didn't realize they took two of baddest bitches in the apocalypse. Love that the women on this show is just as bad ass as the men. Nothing like I thought would shape up back in Season 1 when Carol had an ironing board.

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-  Messing with Carol and Maggie = instant death warrant.


-  You don't give Carol any kind of fashionable weapon or prison-escape object, or let her keep one if she has it.  Wait, yes you do.  Thanks dumbies.  She played your asses, when it mattered.  Newbs.


-  Maggie & Carol Light My Fire... and apparently a few others as well.  And they make a great comedy duo... had a Floor full of people to amuse, & they Killed it.


-  So, tonight proved that picking up 'normal' diseases/viruses/etc is possible in this version of a ZA... unless Mols had already developed the lung cancer or whatever it was before Day 0.  Speaking of, that was a LOT of blood on that hanky, for no wet coughing sounds to accompany it


-  Paula looked good enough to eat.  :P


-  Maggie was hit in the stomach... bye baby?  She wasn't cut, just the shirt, so no worries about that.  But I do think 'Chelle got her in the tummy good with a bent knee. 

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Maggie was the MVP this episode with the way she jumped into action at the first opportunity (while bound at the wrists and ankles) and refused to be taken in by Michelle's story. She was so decisive this episode, swiftly dispatching Saviors and walkers alike, while showing concern for Carol's well-being and refusing to blame her for their situation. 


I recognized the actress playing Michelle, I just don't know where I recognized her from and it's driving me nuts....

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I enjoyed the episode. I wonder why Maggie's captor, Chell?, left her alone. She was interrogating her & then disappeared. I also think that Maggie getting cut in her stomach could end hurting her unborn child.

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Maggie was the MVP this episode with the way she jumped into action at the first opportunity (while bound at the wrists and ankles) and refused to be taken in by Michelle's story. She was so decisive this episode, swiftly dispatching Saviors and walkers alike, while showing concern for Carol's well-being and refusing to blame her for their situation. 


I recognized the actress playing Michelle, I just don't know where I recognized her from and it's driving me nuts....


I was wondering the same thing, every time she was onscreen -- where have I seen her?

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