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S06.E15: Objection, Your Honor

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ETA Lisar describes her diet as a "dirty vegan" chances are probably pretty good much of what is served is not vegan food.  Erika doesn't seem like the type of hostess to give a damn.

I'm vegan. It's a constant challenge not to seem rude. I don't like to announce that I'm vegan IRL. #1 I'm not out to change anyone's mind. #2 In general, I don't enjoy the questions I get when people find out. (Like just about everything, there are exceptions i.e. eating disorders that need to be addressed, but that isn't normal or casual conversation.) I would so love it if we could treat food like politics and religion. It's personal and no one else's business.

  • Love 17

LR's not eating is no one's business.

That said? She would be the kind of idiot who starves herself or goes on and on about eating some thing and having it show up on her ass.


I would much rather NOT notice what anyone eats than listen to someone bitch and moan about calories, fat content, bran, gluten or sugar.


By her not eating, that poor kid in Africa that is starving, can have her dinner.


Somewhere, Sally Struthers is smiling.

  • Love 5

The only thing I don't hate about Kathryn is her inadvertent shout-out to MIlwaukee and stereotypical Wisconsin. "Criminy," Kathryn. Bet she knows the best fish fry in LA, too, dontchaknow. lol. Other than her being an old school Midwestern, not feeling her. She almost makes me feel bad for Erica, who I can live without, as well.


That husband is a nightmare, speaking of Erica. I agree with the person upthread about this hurting his rep. I know it won't hurt his business as no one who would hire him is watching or would care but she seems to be a prisoner, IMO. And he's very domineering off screen. He must be kind of scary underneath that old man exterior. 


I think Yo is out next season. But I have thought that all season. She's committed the ultimate sin- she's boring. She's bitchy and still boring. She's sick and self righteous and she's still boring. She's just, well, boring.


Rinna is repeating Brandi's issue with LVP and the mags about Mauricio. I believed it then and I believe it now. But I don't care.


I don't think they have any intention of bringing Kim back. I tried to watch WWHL and it was tiresome and again, boring. She's done. Stick a fork in her. Kyle is veering in that direction, too. 

  • Love 7

This is my sister-in-law. Every time my niece or nephew come down with so much as a cold she drags those poor kids to the urgent care and demands antibiotics. I've been with them when the poor dr. tried to explain to her that antibiotics do not cure viruses such as the cold virus and she screamed at the poor man and threatened his license and job. I will never help her with the kids at the doctor ever again. I was horrified. People like this do exist. 


I don't think I'll ever take another antibiotic again.  The last time I did for bronchitis, I developed a yeast infection from hell!  The most painful and lingering infection ever.  From now on whenever I feel a bad cold or throat infection coming on I just gargle Listerine until the cows come home and drink plenty of hot toddies.  LOL!


You just don't shush a person that you regard as an equal. And we're all equals. Tom is an entitled ass.



I agree!  Shushing is not only rude, it's very annoying.  Who the hell are you to tell me I can't speak or have an opinion?  If I was Erika, I would have excused myself from the table and asked Mr. Meanypants to follow me into the kitchen and really let him have it!  It's bad enough to disrespect your wife, but it should never, ever be done in front of company.  Of course, if it was me, there wouldn't have been a second time.  After the first shush at their first dinner party, I would have made that perfectly clear.  If he then persisted in doing it, there would be consequences and repercussions!

  • Love 6

I'm vegan. It's a constant challenge not to seem rude. I don't like to announce that I'm vegan IRL. #1 I'm not out to change anyone's mind. #2 In general, I don't enjoy the questions I get when people find out. (Like just about everything, there are exceptions i.e. eating disorders that need to be addressed, but that isn't normal or casual conversation.) I would so love it if we could treat food like politics and religion. It's personal and no one else's business.


While we're making food a non-topic, can we add supplements to that. If I see Yoyo talk about her master cleanse one more time...


Side note: where I work we get lunch catered and there are a few vegan/gf/veg options provided in separate little to-go boxes. Last week I overheard a conversation where a guy asked one of the girls if she was a vegetarian and her response was flawless: "I'm not really anything, I just don't eat meat." He had a whole stream of questions after that but eventually she brushed him off and got the hint. I wanted to give her a high-five but I think that would defeat the purpose.

  • Love 9

This is not true!  I know many people in their 70s who are very current in their thinking on marriage, women and everything!   If you are 70 now it means your young adult years were in the 60s and 70s.  


Tom's personal sensibilities are at play here, not his entire generation.  

Yes, and you also realize that I don't believe he was born when we only had thirteen colonies?

  • Love 5

Eileen lost me tonight with her declaration that “Erika is the most intelligent (girl/woman?) here.  WTF?  Erika is certainly more intelligent than Eileen now and that’s not saying much. 


I think Erika is the smartest of them all. I think people are underestimating her intelligence and will be in for a big surprise. That woman has brains -- but is more than happy to have people think she doesn't -- which, sometimes, is a strategic move. I also don't think she is in any way upset with her husband's interactions with LisaV -- in fact, I think the two of them are very well aware of the true LisaV, and may be playing a long game when it comes to her. (For the record, LisaV is my least favorite housewife of all time -- yes, I'm in the minority.)


Loved Erika telling Kyle that Yo's head was swollen.  Great visual on that one.  Is Erika that stupid?  Entire heads don't swell. 


Sure they can. But beyond that, it seemed like she was just repeating what Yo said.


I like Erika, but I'm not a huge Yo fan. In fact, the one thing that kinda bothers me about Erika is her support of Yo. That said, I'm beginning to think that Erika is well aware that Yo doesn't have Chronic Lymes, but recognizes that Yo is possibly / probably dealing with a) depression and b) menopause, which c) is causing her to act out. And I think Erika has sympathy and understanding for that. In a way, I do too -- I just wish Yolanda would go see a good, compassionate therapist. But yeah, as much as Yo is annoying with this whole Lymes thing, I do have sympathy, because she is obviously dealing with some serious (mental) hurts, which can be just as physically painful in some instances.


As for the whole "shushing" thing, I have a different take. Tom is the same age as my dad. Recently, my sweet, teddy bear of a father has been starting to act like Tom -- with the shushing, and insistence that everyone "shut up" when he's talking. At first, it really bothered me. I mentioned it to his doctor one day, and his doctor said it's actually fairly common -- as some people at that age start having trouble hearing and concentrating on their thoughts and need to "focus"......long story short, my dad now lives in a senior, independent living home and I go see him often. A LOT of the men and women there are like that, and I've come to realize it has a lot to do with frustration with things related to aging. So, when Tom did that, it didn't bother me at all. I barely noticed because I am so used to it. Besides, I find Ken to be just as cranky.


Totally appreciated seeing Donnie several times over,it almost makes it worth putting up with Kathryn.

Donnie seems like a great guy! And he is adorable.

  • Love 5

Re Tom shushing Erika -- no argument from me that it was rude, but if Erika had responded, that would have made things even more uncomfortable for everyone.  I don't fault her for letting it slide -- at the dinner table.  I just hope she addressed it later.


Tom may have thought Erika was rude for talking over him.  Maybe the dinner parties he usually attends are different -- people take turns speaking, like Downton Abbey.  ??  That's something I'd like to see -- Erika in Tom's milieu. 

  • Love 8




You just don't shush a person that you regard as an equal. And we're all equals. Tom is an entitled ass.

I agree!  Shushing is not only rude, it's very annoying.  Who the hell are you to tell me I can't speak or have an opinion?  If I was Erika, I would have excused myself from the table and asked Mr. Meanypants to follow me into the kitchen and really let him have it!  It's bad enough to disrespect your wife, but it should never, ever be done in front of company.  Of course, if it was me, there wouldn't have been a second time.  After the first shush at their first dinner party, I would have made that perfectly clear.  If he then persisted in doing it, there would be consequences and repercussions!

The thing with people who are prone to speaking this disrespectfully to their spouses, (or anyone for that matter) like almighty Tom Girardi, Matt Keough, Jim, Jim Edmonds, don't care AT ALL how it makes the other person feel or how it makes them look. They may apologize in private, but IMO, it is only to shut down the conversation. The behavior is habitual.  They are UP HERE and the others are down there. Just take a look at their business card. I was married to a business ca®d like this. As his pay grade went up, so did the disrespect. Never saw this when he didn't have a pot to piss in. Character flaw.


I felt bad for Erika. It's a tough call when this happens in public, in front of a group, another person, much less on TV. I thought she held her own pretty well. I would have been outta there, kitchen, bathroom, in the garage like Vince.  Many times I would excuse myself and belly up to the bar for a double, some space, and a kind word from the bartender.  That dinner was rough-the hyena Kathryn wouldn't shut up and old man "my Love" with his verbal smackdowns. 

  • Love 5

Re: Kim/Brandi/Yo instagram


I like Rinna, but I think the big "instagram catch" will ultimately be deflated, because the pic could have easily been taken a day or two before and simply posted on the day of Erika's party.

I believe (but I am not positive) that Yolanda actually filmed that day with Brandi/Kim so it is documented.

  • Love 4

I find something very disquieting about Tom Girardi. Maybe it's in his eyes, they're cold and black. Girardi was the trial lawyer who waged that important war against PG&E in the Erin Brockovich case and set the gold legal standard for similar cases that have come along since the landmark 1993 case. Tom Girardi had taken Pacific Gas and Electric down to its knees in that case.

It's very difficult to find any 'real' personal information about Thomas Girardi online but he has dined and rubbed shoulders with some of the most powerful and influential people in the country including former President Bill Clinton. Tom also served as a consultant on the film and was there nearly every day of the filming when Julie Roberts was in the scenes.


As Tom related the story, “I was having dinner with President Clinton – just the two of us at Giorgio Baldi’s. You would have known everyone there but me. Tom Hanks was there, Steven Spielberg was there. It’s a real hangout. So I’m having dinner with Clinton and in walked Julia Roberts. I stood up and she said, ‘Tom!’ and I gave her a hug.”  So, you get the picture, Thomas Girardi is practically iconic.


Tom is 76 years old and I assume is heterosexual. But there doesn't appear to be any information regarding former wives or children. Either he was never married before Erika or he was and has managed to hide all his personal information from the public. He seems to be quite proud of Erika and has publicly said “Erika is awesome. We’ve been together now 16 years. She’s a dancer and a singer and she’s had eight No.1 hits on the Billboard charts – the last one just a few weeks ago, called ‘Crazy,’ She’s a hoot. When I won that case against the Dodgers in connection with the fan who was left disabled, I was very happy about it. At 3 a.m., she woke me up. She said, ‘Let me tell you something pal. Anybody can win a trial. … Singing a song – that’s much harder!’ And then she turned over and went back to sleep.”


I can't put my finger on it exactly but I get an uncomfortable feeling about him, like there's a very dark side to him. But, Erika got what she needed, a man with tons of money who is willing to let her have her frivolous career as long as she stays in line when she's around him.

  • Love 6

LisaR may not be classically defined anorexic or bulimic, but she is definitely orthorexic. Hopefully a HW catches on and reads the description aloud on camera too. However, LisaR has done some pretty classic anorexic behaviors-- making excuses for why she isn't hungry, saying why she isn't eating when everyone else is, making excuses for not eating "I don't like to eat on camera" and lying, "Oh, I'm going to eat! I'm hungry!" and then not eating anything when the food comes. It's just that LisaR is always saying something that contradicts what she does and she is always making excuses. Since she does this on camera, I say it's part of the f'ing show and fair game. She felt it was necessary to note how strange Kim was acting-- for me, it's just so raging obvious that LisaR is hiding some major issues. 


Why is she never hanging out with her husband? Everyone has spent time with their husbands (alone doing something) except Lisa. Does he not live there? 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4


And Ladies? If Eileen ever approaches you and says "You should talk to her." Run. Run far, run fast, and never look back. She is the finest sh!t stirrer I've seen in action in quite some time. She just drops the anvil, stands back like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and watches the show.


She really is a shit stirrer, all under the guise of, "I like things to be resolved".  I've lost count of how many times she's insisted that people speak to each other or get disagreements out in the open, then stood and watched as things turned explosive, always followed by her saying some version of, "I had no idea that would happen!" or "I didn't mean for that to happen!".  She's not a stupid woman, and it's not rocket science to figure out that her tactics of forcing people together who are not yet ready (or demanding that people out themselves as to who said what) is not exactly yielding positive results.  She's stirring it up deliberately, and she not only has a very good idea of what will happen, she's also counting on it.  I don't buy her sweet, innocent act at all.  I think she knows there's not much she can bring to this show re drama, so this is how she's staying relevant.


Kathryn is boring.  I don't care about her or her life or her husband.  She seems like a really obnoxious person who is trying much, much too hard, and I can't imagine that she'll be back for another season.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 16



Tom has what I have read as a 'reptilian' way about him?


He is a cold, calculating person - the kind that has no sentimentality or feelings towards the things about him. Their marriage is a business arrangement - It stinks of nothing more than that.


Now that I think about it? How's about this conspiracy theory? 

Good old Tom gets his pick of her hangers-on while giving off the illusion of a 'happily married high powered attorney'?


Someone mentioned he is an "dinosaur" when it comes to women - wasn't there a time when gay men married to keep the gossip down? He gets to keep the façade up, she gets to have a career and looks the other way when it comes to his relationships?


I may not be an expert on marriage or relationships, but short of a doctor, I'd not take any man consistently laying/putting his hands all over my wife or girlfriend - I know I don't own my spouse, but there is a limit to what you should put up with?

  • Love 5



Tom has what I have read as a 'reptilian' way about him?


He is a cold, calculating person - the kind that has no sentimentality or feelings towards the things about him. Their marriage is a business arrangement - It stinks of nothing more than that.


Now that I think about it? How's about this conspiracy theory? 

Good old Tom gets his pick of her hangers-on while giving off the illusion of a 'happily married high powered attorney'?


Someone mentioned he is an "dinosaur" when it comes to women - wasn't there a time when gay men married to keep the gossip down? He gets to keep the façade up, she gets to have a career and looks the other way when it comes to his relationships?


I may not be an expert on marriage or relationships, but short of a doctor, I'd not take any man consistently laying/putting his hands all over my wife or girlfriend - I know I don't own my spouse, but there is a limit to what you should put up with?



I love this theory in an otherwise dull season!   

LisaR may not be classically defined anorexic or bulimic, but she is definitely orthorexic. Hopefully a HW catches on and reads the description aloud on camera too. However, LisaR has done some pretty classic anorexic behaviors-- making excuses for why she isn't hungry, saying why she isn't eating when everyone else is, making excuses for not eating "I don't like to eat on camera" and lying, "Oh, I'm going to eat! I'm hungry!" and then not eating anything when the food comes. It's just that LisaR is always saying something that contradicts what she does and she is always making excuses. Since she does this on camera, I say it's part of the f'ing show and fair game. She felt it was necessary to note how strange Kim was acting-- for me, it's just so raging obvious that LisaR is hiding some major issues. 


Why is she never hanging out with her husband? Everyone has spent time with their husbands (alone doing something) except Lisa. Does he not live there? 



Interesting.  It makes total sense and probably applies to many skinny celebs.  As far as not seeing much of Harry that could easily be his request.  If I were a husband I would want to be left out, too! 

  • Love 3
cooksdelight, on 10 Mar 2016 - 9:18 PM, said:cooksdelight, on 10 Mar 2016 - 9:18 PM, said:

In regard to Erika getting bent out of shape when asked how long she's known Yolanda:


I figured so!


Yeah not surprising. I just kind of assume that anytime a new housewife is introduced as "a friend of" so-and-so, that it's mostly producer manipulated.  I think it was Brandi (I know - so take it with several grains of salt) who admitted years back that her so-called "prior friendship" with Adrienne when she came on the show was highly exaggerated. She said they'd met once, years back, at a party and that was that. 


QuoteSure they can. But beyond that, it seemed like she was just repeating what Yo said.



I thought Yo told Erika that "her eyes were swollen shut."  And then Erika went on to say that it was Yo's "head" that was swollen, and that was why she was not attending the party.  IDK, I need to watch it again to clarify.


I agree that LisaR very likely has a raging case of orthorexia.  But I'd certainly also say that she's far from the only HW with that disorder!  When she was setting out food for the get-together at her house, LisaV made a point of saying something like "I don't know why I'm putting food out. These women NEVER eat."  I just don't think any of them eat much --- especially while filming.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 6

In regard to Erika getting bent out of shape when asked how long she's known Yolanda:


I figured so!



We all picked up on that way before LVP questioned her.  When she and Tom met the Fosters in that ridiculous get together I knew!  No way.   Come and sing with Botticelli, yuh. 

  • Love 7

She really is a shit stirrer, all under the guise of, "I like things to be resolved".  I've lost count of how many times she's insisted that people speak to each other or get disagreements out in the open, then stood and watched as things turned explosive, always followed by her saying some version of, "I had no idea that would happen!" or "I didn't mean for that to happen!".  She's not a stupid woman, and it's not rocket science to figure out that her tactics of forcing people together who are not yet ready (or demanding that people out themselves as to who said what) is not exactly yielding positive results.  She's stirring it up deliberately, and she not only has a very good idea of what will happen, she's also counting on it.  I don't buy her sweet, innocent act at all.  I think she knows there's not much she can bring to this show re drama, so this is how she's staying relevant.


Kathryn is boring.  I don't care about her or her life or her husband.  She seems like a really obnoxious person who is trying much, much too hard, and I can't imagine that she'll be back for another season.

I have a dear friend who wants to see everyone get along.


To the point of her trying to mix oil and vinegar and getting them to live together for the rest of time? She doesn't have a malicious or vicious intent - she just doesn't realize the possible outcome of such an attempt and how it can blow up in her face.


I see the same qualities in ED? Remember, all her cues and lines ARE written out for her by someone else - when you have been a soap opera actress for such a long time, I can see where you'd expect resolutions to go 'according to the script'? To me? She just doesn't seem really motivated to be a bad guy without a reason?

  • Love 3

One of the reasons Erika may have gotten bent out of shape about the whole "friend length" issue is because it's a cheap shot? In other words, it's pretty well known that when they bring on a new person, the "friendship" set up by Bravo, to get them on the show, is fake. Everyone knows that.  And, they've all done the fake friendship thing. So, maybe Erika was just perturbed because she felt like the other women were trying to "catch her out" on something that they all engaged in -- at one point or another -- and it was a low-blow to try to frame her as a liar over something that they KNEW she couldn't really talk about on camera, due to production contracts, et cetera....


Someone mentioned he is an "dinosaur" when it comes to women - wasn't there a time when gay men married to keep the gossip down? He gets to keep the façade up, she gets to have a career and looks the other way when it comes to his relationships?


This thought has crossed my mind, too.

Edited by Lady Grump
  • Love 6



I agree that LisaR very likely has a raging case of orthorexia.  But I'd certainly also say that she's far from the only HW with that disorder!  When she was setting out food for the get-together at her house, LisaV made a point of saying something like "I don't know why I'm putting food out. These women NEVER eat."  I just don't think any of them eat much --- especially while filming.

You can tell quite a bit about people if you watch them eat. For some reason I don't think these idiots want to be seen folding a piece of pizza, eating chicken wings or burping/farting. They prefer to sit around and eat finger sandwiches and drink tea?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 4
ElDosEquis, on 11 Mar 2016 - 09:40 AM, said:

You can tell quite a bit about people if you watch them eat. For some reason I don't think these idiots want to be seen folding a piece of pizza, eating chicken wings or burping/farting. They prefer to sit around and eat finger sandwiches and drink tea?


Yep.  I have been re-watching seasons 1-3 on Hulu, and during one of Brandi and Adrienne's first one-on-one get togethers at a restaurant, they order a pizza.  But they ask for it to be "cut up into small bites." The first time I saw that scene I remember thinking it was strange, but now I get it. 

  • Love 2
One of the reasons Erika may have gotten bent out of shape about the whole "friend length" issue is because it's a cheap shot?



But then, she made it into a much bigger deal by accusing Lisa of attacking her with it. Why not just have a vague answer--plenty of people can't remember exactly how long they've known each other. By making it a thing about Lisa being nefarious she made it obvious that she's not really friends with her.

  • Love 8

I think Kathryn has a VERY vested interest in staying thin, more so than Rinna. It's Kathryn's full time job to retain her very hot, younger husband and I'm not sure she loves her job. (It's "HWB hard work, bitch). To me, Kathryn's big fat mouth is all a side effect of her full time job of a near obsession of keeping Donnie Edwards as her husband....and his interest. She will do or say most anything to get a whole lot of attention. Argue, tell Erika she wants to be her friend then repeat everything Erika said and exaggerate it, puff up her lips to oblivion . Etc. The eating barbs to Lisa are projection IMHO. I don't think Kathryn is a happy person.

  • Love 11

Yep.  I have been re-watching seasons 1-3 on Hulu, and during one of Brandi and Adrienne's first one-on-one get togethers at a restaurant, they order a pizza.  But they ask for it to be "cut up into small bites." The first time I saw that scene I remember thinking it was strange, but now I get it. 


I had forgotten about that episode...two things about that? Who asks for a pizza to be cut into small pieces and who eats a pizza cut into small pieces? I get the idea of pizza bites, but NOT being able to cut your own pizza?

Someone once said that, on a first date, take someone out for a spaghetti dinner. I guess the whole premise was to see how someone could eat something messy, like pasta - you can tell quite a bit about someone by their table manners?






  • Love 2

LisaR may not be classically defined anorexic or bulimic, but she is definitely orthorexic. Hopefully a HW catches on and reads the description aloud on camera too. However, LisaR has done some pretty classic anorexic behaviors-- making excuses for why she isn't hungry, saying why she isn't eating when everyone else is, making excuses for not eating "I don't like to eat on camera" and lying, "Oh, I'm going to eat! I'm hungry!" and then not eating anything when the food comes. It's just that LisaR is always saying something that contradicts what she does and she is always making excuses. Since she does this on camera, I say it's part of the f'ing show and fair game. She felt it was necessary to note how strange Kim was acting-- for me, it's just so raging obvious that LisaR is hiding some major issues. 


On the other hand, she wouldn't have to "make excuses" if these women would stop ragging her about it.  I don't think we'd notice an issue with LisaR's eating habits if the other gals didn't make it a thing. 


All of them pick at their food, from what I've seen. 

  • Love 7

I had to LisaRinna the definition of orthorexia...you guys, it sounds a lot like Yo...master cleanse, colonics, and almonds, anyone?


Criterion A. Obsessive focus on "healthy" eating, as defined by a dietary theory or set of beliefs whose specific details may vary; marked by exaggerated emotional distress in relationship to food choices perceived as unhealthy; weight loss may ensue, but this is conceptualized as an aspect of ideal health rather than as the primary goal. As evidenced by the following:


    Compulsive behavior and/or mental preoccupation regarding affirmative and restrictive dietary practices believed by the individual to promote optimum health. (Footnotes to this criteria add: Dietary practices may include use of concentrated "food supplements." Exercise performance and/or fit body image may be regarded as an aspect or indicator of health.)


    Violation of self-imposed dietary rules causes exaggerated fear of disease, sense of personal impurity and/or negative physical sensations, accompanied by anxiety and shame.


    Dietary restrictions escalate over time, and may come to include elimination of entire food groups and involve progressively more frequent and/or severe "cleanses" (partial fasts) regarded as purifying or detoxifying. This escalation commonly leads to weight loss, but the desire to lose weight is absent, hidden or subordinated to ideation about healthy food.


No birthday cake for you!

Edited by izabella
  • Love 9

But then, she made it into a much bigger deal by accusing Lisa of attacking her with it. Why not just have a vague answer--plenty of people can't remember exactly how long they've known each other. By making it a thing about Lisa being nefarious she made it obvious that she's not really friends with her.

For me she just called out LVP on LVP being stealth by trying to expose the production setup of the introduction of Erika as Yo's friend. I can't believe LVP didn't know it was a set up. She seems to know everything.


Lisa knew she was called out. Erika sounded silly to viewers bc how is asking, "How long have you known X?" undermining the credibility of a friendship IRL? It's not. But in HW land? It's fanning the flames of questioning the credibility. Erika had LVP's number, and now LVP knew it.  I just wonder if Kathryn did it by accident or on purpose. West Minister and all that with those two dopes (she and Donnie).  

  • Love 2
izabella, on 11 Mar 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:

I had to LisaRinna the definition of orthorexia...you guys, it sounds a lot like Yo...master cleanse, colonics, and almonds, anyone?



No birthday cake for you!


LMAO @ "no birthday cake."  Seriously, why SHOULD a young teenage girl get to enjoy a slice of her own cake??? ///sarcasm


Yes YoNanas totally fits the description of an orthorexic.


Sadly, I'm sure she passed it onto Gigi and Bella (and probably Anwar too).

  • Love 6
For me she just called out LVP on LVP being stealth by trying to expose the production setup of the introduction of Erika as Yo's friend. I can't believe LVP didn't know it was a set up. She seems to know everything.



Right, I get that she was doing that, but since that part's never going to be part of the story she only helps Lisa if Lisa's trying to be stealthy that way. 

  • Love 1

For me she just called out LVP on LVP being stealth by trying to expose the production setup of the introduction of Erika as Yo's friend. I can't believe LVP didn't know it was a set up. She seems to know everything.


Lisa knew she was called out. Erika sounded silly to viewers bc how is asking, "How long have you known X?" undermining the credibility of a friendship IRL? It's not. But in HW land? It's fanning the flames of questioning the credibility. Erika had LVP's number, and now LVP knew it.  I just wonder if Kathryn did it by accident or on purpose. West Minister and all that with those two dopes (she and Donnie).  

Heck, they ask that question of each newbie even though they know the truth. Kyle and Taylor asked Brandi how long she knew both Adrienne and Cedric even though they knew it was a production story. The newbie is supposed to stick with the story and say, I have known them for years....or something along those lines. BTW, LisaV and Kathryn were not the only HWs to ask Erika that same question, Kyle asked, as did Eileen but Erika only made a fuss about LisaV/Kathryn asking her . LOL

  • Love 6

On the other hand, she wouldn't have to "make excuses" if these women would stop ragging her about it.  I don't think we'd notice an issue with LisaR's eating habits if the other gals didn't make it a thing. 


All of them pick at their food, from what I've seen. 

I was noticing the very odd way Erika was eating at her dinner party.  Sitting way back in her chair, not leaning forward to take a bit, but bringing it up to her mouth with her hand underneath.  It was just strange.


I really wish LisaR would show up on the couch at the reunion, with bags of chips, some corn dogs, In n Out bags at her feet, and maybe munching on a Slim Jim.

  • Love 2

I don't think Erika was trying to move the storyline along so much as fire a warning shot along LVP's bow - like, "I am on to your little games.  You might be able to maneuver these other dopes, but I may not be so easy.  I sleep with the old gray shark who bosses me around in public; I have learned a thing or two. Not that there is anything I can do about it really."  Haha.

I was noticing the very odd way Erika was eating at her dinner party.  Sitting way back in her chair, not leaning forward to take a bit, but bringing it up to her mouth with her hand underneath.  It was just strange.


I really wish LisaR would show up on the couch at the reunion, with bags of chips, some corn dogs, In n Out bags at her feet, and maybe munching on a Slim Jim.

I noticed that too - about Erika eating.  It looked like she needed to burp.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 4

Heck, they ask that question of each newbie even though they know the truth. Kyle and Taylor asked Brandi how long she knew both Adrienne and Cedric even though they knew it was a production story. The newbie is supposed to stick with the story and say, I have known them for years....or something along those lines. BTW, LisaV and Kathryn were not the only HWs to ask Erika that same question, Kyle asked, as did Eileen but Erika only made a fuss about LisaV/Kathryn asking her . LOL


I was going to say, this question gets asked of every newbie in every franchise, even when they all know it is a production created friendship. Ericka trying to call LVP out on it just made her look crazy and paranoid.

  • Love 5

I was noticing the very odd way Erika was eating at her dinner party.  Sitting way back in her chair, not leaning forward to take a bit, but bringing it up to her mouth with her hand underneath.  It was just strange.


I really wish LisaR would show up on the couch at the reunion, with bags of chips, some corn dogs, In n Out bags at her feet, and maybe munching on a Slim Jim.





I would KILL for a Double-Double right now.........Or better yet? Original Tommy's, double chhes, chili fries w/cheese, extra pickles.....

  • Love 1

I think Kyle and Lisa Vanderpump seem to have healthy appetites. Not sure what LisaR's story is. Will have to pay more attention. As for Harry, I have a feeling we don't see him as much because a) he's working and b) he doesn't have time for or any interest in all of that housewife drama. If Ken was younger and didn't work so closely with LVP in their other ventures, we'd probably see less of him, too.


I think Kathryn sucks. She tries to act like she's so cool but she's really an obnoxious pain in the ass who feels like she has to often prove herself. Her husband is cute but kind of dim in my view. I could do without either.


I'm not a huge fan of Erika, either. Part of me thinks that she tries to act so tough and big and bad around the ladies to make up for what's going on at home with that husband. 

  • Love 15

I thought Yo told Erika that "her eyes were swollen shut."  And then Erika went on to say that it was Yo's "head" that was swollen, and that was why she was not attending the party.  IDK, I need to watch it again to clarify.


That's what I heard (and read--captions), too.  I hope that will keep you from having to watch it again.

  • Love 2

But then, she made it into a much bigger deal by accusing Lisa of attacking her with it. Why not just have a vague answer--plenty of people can't remember exactly how long they've known each other. By making it a thing about Lisa being nefarious she made it obvious that she's not really friends with her.

Exactly. This is only a big deal because Erika is making it a big deal. 

  • Love 5

LisaR may not be classically defined anorexic or bulimic, but she is definitely orthorexic. Hopefully a HW catches on and reads the description aloud on camera too. However, LisaR has done some pretty classic anorexic behaviors-- making excuses for why she isn't hungry, saying why she isn't eating when everyone else is, making excuses for not eating "I don't like to eat on camera" and lying, "Oh, I'm going to eat! I'm hungry!" and then not eating anything when the food comes. It's just that LisaR is always saying something that contradicts what she does and she is always making excuses. Since she does this on camera, I say it's part of the f'ing show and fair game. She felt it was necessary to note how strange Kim was acting-- for me, it's just so raging obvious that LisaR is hiding some major issues. 


Why is she never hanging out with her husband? Everyone has spent time with their husbands (alone doing something) except Lisa. Does he not live there? 


It's fair game in one sense, but I find it ironice that the one who is giving her the most grief about it is also the one who jumped down her throat about Kim Richards.  

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