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Lady Grump

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  1. You! YES! Or, YAAAAAAAAS! Exactly. Thank you for articulating what I couldn't.
  2. We agree. And that was my point. Just because someone "stays" doesn't mean that they're "pleased" or "thrilled" to be there. That was my point.
  3. Loved this show! Saw it on Netflix, and thought it was EXCELLENT!
  4. Yes, I got her name wrong. My bad. (Doesn't change my opinion by Ken and Lisa....) - but hey, I can admit when I got something wrong. And I did get her name wrong.
  5. All I can say is that "one man's pornography, is another man's Victoria secret" -- (that is an allusion to a famous court case...) But, whatever -- as I said above, all of this is just a difference of opinion, and I am done.
  6. Nobody is implying that Rosario doesn't have agency. But, ummmm, didn't we just go through an election year where everyone was hand-wringing about jobs? So..... Besides, this is not about Rosario, ultimately. It's about K and L being condescending. Does everyone quit their jobs when their boss is condescending? NO. And it isn't because they don't have agency -- it's because jobs are few and far between, and strong people suffer through asshole bosses.
  7. It's a difference of opinion -- and I suspect, life experience. Hey, if you want to believe that Ken and Lisa are wonderful employers, who never talk down to people, awesome for you. I just happen to think differently. Going back and forth will change neither my opinion or yours. Have a great evening.
  8. Has it ever occurred to you (everyone, not just you personally), that maybe, Rosario, like many people, doesn't enjoy her bosses, but "goes along to get along"? Just because someone stays at a job doesn't mean they love it -- or their bosses. As far as Rosario understanding the VPs "humour"? Again, here we are -- where everything Lisa and Ken does is a joke, meant to be taken lightheartedly. But anyone else? No Ma'am! As for the "house help" comment? In my personal experience, I've always noticed that people who say things like that underpay the help, expect them to jump through fire hoops, and work like they're Dickensian children -- yet always find time to complain about "not enough good help around, these days...." (Not saying that's you, just talking about my general observations of 4+ decades of living.)
  9. Well, here we are, again, at an impasse. To me, they treat Rosario like she's "less then". And I am not going to give you a blow-by-blow of the microaggression condescension that the VPs regularly exhibit. Suffice it to say, I think they treat service people like crap. As far as "good house help being hard to find"? I have no words......
  10. People who need work, suffer assholes, to support themselves. If they didn't, they'd be accused of being lazy.
  11. Hey, I like animals a lot better than some people, too. HOWEVER, I don't treat service people like crap -- and I certainly don't act condescendingly to people (like her housekeeper) who are working to make my life easier. She treats her domestic staff like its the 1950s -- that's how I'll put it. :-) And it's not just their own staff -- there have been times when they're out, and treat workers like they're beneath them -- and interestingly, they only treat CERTAIN workers that way. As far as their attitudes taking away from Philanthropy? To me, it's like praising someone, who supports a discriminatory organization, for giving cans to a food drive. Besides, I think the "work" the VPs do is more for them, not the animals.
  12. I'm not "impressed" with Lisa's and Ken's work with animals, because they're the kind of people who treat their animals better than their human "help". (They have proven themselves to be nothing but condescending to certain "service" workers....ah-hem.) Now, to be clear -- I don't think their work is "bad" -- but I'm not bending over backwards giving them loads of credit. (I do other people, but not them.)
  13. Apples and spaceships. Lisa differentiates between her adopted child and her biological child, based on that fact alone. Totally different thing. (And, for the record, I'm adopted and very sensitive to this kind of bullshit.)
  14. THIS! All of this! Especially the part about Lisa's bullshit when it comes to her children. Lisa's equivocations about her adopted child, Max, versus that smug Pandora (and her obsequious husband), is the exact reason I fell off LVP's train, season 1 or 2......
  15. I'm not Porcha's biggest fan, but credit where credit is due..... So, being that it's holiday vacation weeks, I'm not working and have time to re-watch this nonsense (it's wine season, y'all!). OK, so, gotta admit -- on re-watch, I cracked UP when Porscha was all, "We selling penis for the kids? Oh, OK." LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!! Loved it. (I am all for Kandi's line of pleasure tools -- I just thought Porcha's delivery was too funny)
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