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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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I find it hard to believe anybody would pay that much for a glass of lemonade. That being said, it would be a weird story to make up.

With Sherri out today- was Jenny put on the spot to make up the kid story of the day?


or was he doing it as part of Alex's Lemonade Stand (the well known lemonade fundraiser for children's cancer) if so- I'm sure folks were generous

Not even a relative or a friend of the family?

But she said he made $140 in an hour..... that is 28 glasses of $5 lemonade...... Even if 5 people gave him $20 that is still a lot in an houir


We all know that Elisabeth used to make up stories about her kids.... I don't see them stopping that tactic with Jenny


well embellish would be a better term than "make up"

With Sherri out today- was Jenny put on the spot to make up the kid story of the day?


or was he doing it as part of Alex's Lemonade Stand (the well known lemonade fundraiser for children's cancer) if so- I'm sure folks were generous

His lemonade stand was meant to teach him a lesson on the value of money..... he wanted some Leggos and she thought he should earn the money to buy them... and in an hour he made $140 because he changed the price on the sign from 50c to $5.00 by adding a 0

His lemonade stand was meant to teach him a lesson on the value of money..... he wanted some Leggos and she thought he should earn the money to buy them... and in an hour he made $140 because he changed the price on the sign from 50c to $5.00 by adding a 0

That leads me to believe my first hunch (exaggerated kid story of the day) 

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That leads me to believe my first hunch (exaggerated kid story of the day)

I believe she said it was over the weekend. Over the weekend she was tweeting about being in Miami for a dirty sexy funny event. She didn't mention the lemonade stand on twitter or in her blog. I think Roger and springtime are right on this one.

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Over the weekend she was tweeting about being in Miami for a dirty sexy funny event.


She was also in Las Vegas hosting a pool party and was at one or two New Kids shows Thurs/Fri.  Here's something that is true: at the after party for the first NKOTB show, she got on the microphone and said 'thanks for supporting (Donnie and I) and every time we kiss, we think of you (the fans)."  Uh...huh. 


As for her kid selling lemonade, I believe they live in Hoboken. 


Interesting camera work today. On the photo wall there was a picture of a dog wearing sunglasses. Whoopi asked, "Who doesn't love a bitch in glasses?", pointing to the wall. Then we are shown a shot of a little girl wearing sunglasses instead of the dog. Oh my.

Haha!  Nice.  Even the camera direction sucks on this show - how many times is Whoopi reading the teleprompter and the wrong camera is on her so she isn't looking at us or the audience? 


The interview with the young girl who was raped at a party was so painfully uncomfortable and horribly conducted. This show has no business attempting to handle subjects like that since they clearly don't know what they're doing. My heart broke for that girl and her family.

I haven't seen today's show yet but sounds like the crack production/director staff  at The Spew is at it again.  I hope Jenny and Sherri aren't the only show employees not returning next season. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Jenny also dropped the news that when she looked into switching schools for Evan, no school in New York City would take him because of "his testing." Then she delivered the whopper: "future Zuckerberg, right there."


The whole story (complete with photo) seemed to be made up to show just how smart Evan is. However, I doubt there Jenny couldn't find a school - private, if not public - to address Evan's needs. 

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My understanding is that any major city's public school system is equipped to handle all sorts of kids with special issues,


There may be a difference in this case, between a child in school who is found to need assistance, and a child transferring in needing services. There are children who, when it has been determined the public school does not have appropriate services, have their education costs elsewhere supplemented by the state.

There isn't really a big difference at all if said child is going from one public school to the next, as long as they have an IEP in place which is governed by federal law, it should stay somewhat the same.  That said, some districts/states handle children with special needs much better than others.  NYC has a pretty good reputation in this respect.


She's peeved because they won't take Evan at some ipsy pipsy private school, that fetuses start vying for positions at.

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Jenny also dropped the news that when she looked into switching schools for Evan, no school in New York City would take him because of "his testing." Then she delivered the whopper: "future Zuckerberg, right there."


The whole story (complete with photo) seemed to be made up to show just how smart Evan is. However, I doubt there Jenny couldn't find a school - private, if not public - to address Evan's needs.

I have to admit I'd rather her ex-indigo/ex-autistic son shoot for the Zuckerberg stars rather than something as pedestrian as nude pictorials, but his "testing" must border on spectacularly bizarre if one of the greatest cities on earth is unable to accommodate him educationally.

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Maybe I missed something . . . .did Whoopi mention that Sherri wasn't there today? I mean, normally, they say so-and-so isn't here but will be back tomorrow. There was no mention (that I saw) at all. Just wondering if this is some kind of stand Sherri's making because Rosie's been hired (i..e., to have a show of solidarity w/Elisabeth) . .  wonder if she's gone "off into the sunset."

I remember the indigo children trend also, Milkeyedmender!   I knew a woman in Boulder, Co, who insisted her granddaughter was one,  (as all grandchildren are intuitive geniuses).  No school in NY would take Evan cuz of testing?  I agree with posters about IEPs, and snooty private schools, in addition to celebrity parents wanting "special" special interventions and therapies.  Surely, her cronies in the anti-vax/autism groups would know of responsive schools for their kids.


Sherri will be back....where else is she going to show off her boobs and legs to a national audience to gain another huzzbin.


Meghan McCain's voice was very valley girl, which I hadn't noticed before.  She seemed a little too caught up in herself, as previous poster noted. 

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Jenny also dropped the news that when she looked into switching schools for Evan, no school in New York City would take him because of "his testing." Then she delivered the whopper: "future Zuckerberg, right there."


The whole story (complete with photo) seemed to be made up to show just how smart Evan is. However, I doubt there Jenny couldn't find a school - private, if not public - to address Evan's needs. 


She should just enroll him in that ritzy, private school where almost none of the kids are vaccinated. That would be a perfect fit for her and Evan you'd think.

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Jenny also dropped the news that when she looked into switching schools for Evan, no school in New York City would take him because of "his testing." Then she delivered the whopper: "future Zuckerberg, right there."


She's full of shit.   Public school education is a basic right.  Taxpayers fund the schools.  all she has to do is ENROLL him in the public school system, and they will place him where he needs to be. 

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Suchin Pak best known from MTV (and probably one of the few people from that network that didn't drive me nuts.)  I actually wouldn't mind her at all.

I love Suchin Pak. I'm sorry I missed her. I haven't seen her in ages. It sucks that MTV no longer really has on-air personalities. I'm pretty sure Suchin still does the voice-overs for True Life though among other things. I agree that she probably is way too intelligent for this show but so were Meredith and Lisa. We need somebody like that again after years of Elizabeth and Sherri. 

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Megan McCain is an idiot- please don't give her the job.


Suchin Pak was excellent but she might be too intelligent for the show. They'll have to have a panel that can engage her. And Megan McCain ain't cutting it.

@Miss Slay, I only got through the first 15 minutes but I  could not agree with this more - both Megan being an idiot and SuChin being really good.  I've seen her do some interviews on MTV  a while ago. I don't know if she's an actor or a  broadcaster but she's definitely has some broadcasting skills.   I have no idea how old she is either - I'm guessing early 30s.  Anyway, she's the first guest co-host I've thought would be a good choice for co-host.  She was thoughtful and smart.  But really it wouldn't take much to appear smart sitting between McCarthy and McCain. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I do find it pathetic that Trump and Elisabeth also have used Rosie's return as a way to rehash old feuds. It seems to me Rosie has moved on but I guess some of her foes haven't.

To me, that just shows the depth of how much Rosie got under DumpTrump and Bitsy's skin. I think it's hilarious that Rosie can elicit such a bitter response from that shrew Lizzy. Of course Bitsy can't turn down a chance to promote her over-inflated sense of herself and try to prop up her 'not known beyond the Fox hellhole bubble' where she lives under her bridge like the troll she is. Rosie has to be enjoying people slapping Bitsy around for bringing up her stupid problems with Rosie 7 years later with her nauseating pink note and even the pregnancy mention. FFS, maybe Bitsy should see a therapist about her extreme grudge holding and bittercakes. Twit.

As for Tump the Chump, he is definitely scared of Rosie. He know she gets hurt emotionally and will try to hurt her that way but inside I think he knows she is wittier, quicker and smarter than him and he would lose a real argument with her if he couldn't be a red-faced blowhard about it.

On topic:: Sure didn't miss Sherri today. Back off topic: Sorry about the long comment about Rosie but it will take me a little time to get used to all the threads and trying to keep my comments with some type of topic sense. Loving the whole View forum!

Edited by whydoiwatchtv
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I was surprised to see Ana Belavel? is a co-host today.  She does the "around town" pieces everyday here on Chicago's morning news.  She is EXCELLENT.  Great personality, intelligent, very quick-witted, and funny (not in a obnoxious, over the top way at all) she is just a natural.


Due to my schedule, I haven't been able to watch that program in awhile, so didn't hear about this.


I hope her personality comes across today on national TV, and that she's not too nervous.   I have no idea what her politcal views are, and I hope she keeps it that way. 

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Whoa.... these people don't listen to what they say.... Jenny says we shouldn't take care of these kids on the border because of the Veterans. Then she told us the story of her ex nanny who  came from Guatemala and sneaked across the boarder..... I guess it is ok for undocumented people coming to America as long as they take care of her kids.... but children in need .... well we can't be bothered

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Whoa.... these people don't listen to what they say.... Jenny says we shouldn't take care of these kids on the border because of the Veterans. Then she told us the story of her ex nanny who  came from Guatemala and sneaked across the boarder..... I guess it is ok for undocumented people coming to America as long as they take care of her kids.... but children in need .... well we can't be bothered

LOL. "Will somebody please think of the veterans???" is such an Elisabethy thing to say. News flash: extending a bit of compassion towards these children takes absolutely nothing away from our veterans.

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Whoopi said,  "Do your homework, we have to do ours.".  Really?


That cracked me up, especially since the very next Not Hot Topic was about the icloud (and sex tapes, lol) and even though no one at the table had any idea what that was, Whoopi let me know they will once again   "keep me up to date" on this tech news that "isn't going away."   


Maybe it's because I wasn't really paying attention but it seemed like no matter the topic the T.oM (Table of Morons) were changing the subject to a sex tape.  A movie by the same name, Kim Kardashian's reported $200 milliion dollar income,  technology.... etc.  I did chuckle at Jenny letting us know she has never been down for a sex tape though - I guess she only gets naked if there is money involved, like posing for Playboy.  


Sherri explained that Kim Kartrashian selling her name/likeness/brand to a video game about 'being a celebrity'  was reasonable because she has to make hay while the sun shines.  This apparently is because Kartrashian won't be hot forever it's not like she can "just" get a role in show like Blue Bloods ala Donnie Wahlberg.  Of course then there was a close up of Jenny nodding in agreement.  Cue record scratch sound effect.   I'm sure Wahlberg, successful singer and actor, will appreciate being compared to that talentless famewhore KK. 

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The funniest part of the exchange today was when Jenny was making a joke about doing "The View" game and she said that you would get points for not interrupting.  Then they cut to Whoppi getting annoyed by that and said "You know what babe, that game will only apply to those that are still here". BURN!!! The exchange sort of got lost in the shuffle but Whoppi was pissed. 

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The funniest part of the exchange today was when Jenny was making a joke about doing "The View" game and she said that you would get points for not interrupting.  Then they cut to Whoppi getting annoyed by that and said "You know what babe, that game will only apply to those that are still here". BURN!!!  

OMG really??? Wow, I missed that!!!!


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The funniest part of the exchange today was when Jenny was making a joke about doing "The View" game and she said that you would get points for not interrupting.  Then they cut to Whoppi getting annoyed by that and said "You know what babe, that game will only apply to those that are still here". BURN!!! The exchange sort of got lost in the shuffle but Whoppi was pissed. 

Oh thanks @JBC344, I forgot about that.  It was a good harsh burn that shut Jenny up for a minute.  The look on Whoopi's face wasn't playin'.  She was pissed!

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The funniest part of the exchange today was when Jenny was making a joke about doing "The View" game and she said that you would get points for not interrupting.  Then they cut to Whoppi getting annoyed by that and said "You know what babe, that game will only apply to those that are still here". BURN!!! The exchange sort of got lost in the shuffle but Whoppi was pissed. 


Yes. I've noticed tension between these two for awhile.

If someone I worked with was already fired but showed up everyday subtly and not so subtly trashing the place I know I'm going to be at for at least another year, it would get on my nerves too.  That's of course besides all the more obvious reasons someone like McCarthy would get on someone like Whoopi's nerves. 


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Are my views now old-fashioned?   I'm 74 years old and would never equate anyone's posing in Playboy (nude or nearly) with performing sex acts in movies, on tape, or any other recorded methods.  Playboy photographers have always been among the best and demand to work under professional conditions.  Most "sex tapes" are produced by amateurs--amateur "actors" and videographers.   In the 60s posing for Playboy was considered a bit risque` but this is the 21st Century--no progress? I'm surprised it's considered so offensive...by anyone.

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