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S20.E07: Week 7


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Yep.   This phrase has become a mainstay on the Bachelor/ette shows, and has spread to other reality shows.   I am dreading when it becomes so common it is acceptable usage.  (like "literally", which has come to mean the opposite of the intended meaning)

I don't want English grammar to be subject to reality TV changes.

I wouldn't blame that one on reality TV. It's been going on for years, and I'm pretty sure it's the result of well-meaning adults correcting "Me and So-and-so are going to do whatever" statements. It's just been so drilled into people's heads that "me" is not the correct pronoun that no one seems to really understand that sometimes it is in fact the correct pronoun. I believe this is also the root cause of the rampant overuse of "myself" in place of "me." It makes I cringe every time.


As for this show, I think I've decided that I actually rather liked Emily, and I think Ben actually did too. I think under normal circumstances, he would totally date her. But since the point of this exercise is ostensibly to find someone to marry, she's definitely not it. Certainly not yet. And I don't think that's anything against her. Like I said, I quite like her. But I really don't think she's ready to settle down and get married.


But Ben's mom's face while she was yammering on? Priceless. I laughed every time I looked at it. The look of horror that she was trying so hard to keep in a polite mask of interest was straight-up hilarious.


And I know that they have to keep up this whole charade thing, but I always find it supremely eye roll-inducing when a Bachelor/ette is all "Why are you scared to open up to me? What are you afraid of?" etc. Oh I don't know, doofus, maybe it's because I'm in a competition for your affection with X other women, and the odds of my getting dumped on TV are considerably higher than my odds of getting proposed to at the end. Or because we've been on two dates, ffs, and one of them was with 7 other people. Perhaps I'm also not entirely comfortable sharing every little secret I have with not just you, but also the cameras in my face and the entire Bachelor Nation. I know it's part of the conceit of this show and its concept, but just once I'd love to hear a contestant answer that question with blunt honesty.


And seriously, working the McD's drive-thru for a date? Ugh. They couldn't at least pick a nice Mom & Pop diner to play-work at for some local colour? Ugh.

Edited by kingshearte
  • Love 11

I was scared at how excited Ben was to be working at McDonald's. I told myself he was really just excited to see people he knew in the window, but I think that he really did love working the drive thru with his giggles of glee and joy. He was also completely happy eating the egg mcMuffin, which was strange to me (and scary) to see a grown man so excited about a sandwich.


I have a feeling that career opportunities are limited in The Orthopedic Capital of The World - that wasn't a date, it was a job interview.  Not everyone can parlay all that juice from being on the Bachelor into a high-profile gig, y'know.


Did anyone else notice the #20's on the back of the baseball jerseys? Probably not a coincidence that we're in the 20th season of the show. 

  • Love 2

What does Ben do for a living?  


Amanda's gaze is just a tad too intense, and her face seems frozen.  I knew she was a lock for hometowns from night one, since they can't resist the allure of filming the Bach meeting the kids and what great father material he is.  I love how she said she hasn't introduced them to any men in her life before- but of course, the one she is saving that special role for is a man she's spent all of a couple hours with, and the poor kids' every reaction will be filmed and shared with the world.  


I don't see it at all with JoJo.  I must be missing something, because I don't see anything specific about her that stands out as B'ette or a mate for Ben.  They had an entire conversation at dinner that was apparently her opening up and explaining more about herself, but there was a lot of talking without anything actually being elucidated.  She continues to be very vague about her "past" and after that whole date, I still feel as if I know nothing about her.


I liked Caila tonight.  I could understand her wondering if her family and hometown would be meaningful enough, after seeing all the places where Ben had deep roots and all the people who've known him his whole life, and her not having the same to show him.  I am in a similar situation, so I could relate.  I felt that was a very "real" thing to say.  Did she say it was because she moved a lot?  I didn't catch the reason.

Edited by awaken
  • Love 4


And did he really describe Amanda as "shockingly beautiful"?  I mean, the girl's nose looks like it's made out of silly putty and she looks nearly cross eyed.


I actually gasped when he said this.  In his little vignettes to his parents about each woman, Amanda is the one he highlights as being incredibly beautiful?  


Sorry if this is off-topic, but which sub-demographic of the Bachelor audience is McDonald's pursuing so aggressively?  The product placement is on a whole new level.


I was wondering the same!  I've never seen such massive product placement- who are they trying to reach?  



Becca ... thank the gods she is gone. I couldn't take any more of her Grumpy Cat down lips, then her constant pushing her lips out on top of that ... GAH! It's that stuff that drives people crazy once they notice. 


Ha.  I couldn't stop looking at her Resting Frown Mouth and veneers, trying to figure that all out.  Andi was a Grumpy Cat, too, wasn't she?


I wonder if Becca had any PTSD-style flashbacks when she was led into that barn, strung with twinkle lights and over-accessorized with cheap Michael's Crafts sale items.  It was a dead ringer for where Chris Soules didn't propose to her last year, and sent her on her walk of shame to her limo of regret. 


That was my first thought!  The barn where Chris proposed to Whitney!


I felt that was a bit too mean, he and Amanda skipping out of there and leaving the other girls, telling them "we have a date to get to" and walking out.


JoJo was driving me nuts with how she was constantly jumping on Ben, piggybacking etc. Maybe he likes it but all I could think was "again?" She's a pretty tiny girl but still that's gotta hurt your back after awhile.


YES!  What was with all the wrapping her legs around him, and piggybacking?  Who does that?!  Do people really do that in real life?  And do guys really like that?  It reminded me of Ashley- didn't she do that all the time?  

  • Love 5

Did I hear Ben say "my Dad and I's" and then minutes later "Jojo and I's" during the baseball date? That phrase needs to be put to rest indefinitely on this show.


Thank you! I'm not the grammar police but can that phrase be stricken from everyone's talking heads? It really makes me all stabby to hear it used so often.

Edited by JustDuckie
  • Love 6

Meanwhile, my husband cannot take all the middle parts. "Why do these women do their hair that way? Those butt parts are awful."

Your husband knows what looks good. Those 70's middle parts aren't doing any of these women any favors. Lauren B's is on the side but she has that unfortunate dye job and it looks too stiff and sprayed. No bounce or life to it. Caila in my opinion has gorgeous, beautiful hair. Full, bouncy, and shiny. Beautiful and healthy. To bad she doesn't have much depth. She would be a shoo-in for the B'ette. Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 7

I liked Caila tonight.  I could understand her wondering if her family and hometown would be meaningful enough, after seeing all the places where Ben had deep roots and all the people who've known him his whole life, and her not having the same to show him.  I am in a similar situation, so I could relate.  I felt that was a very "real" thing to say.  Did she say it was because she moved a lot?  I didn't catch the reason.

She said she didn't have roots and lots of close people (maybe few to none) because her family had moved 17 times. Seventeen times! I really wondered about the reason for that. Also, that would be extremely hard on a child. No wonder she seems kind of unrealistic about relationships and confused in her communication with Ben. She didn't say they were a military family so I'm assuming there may be some major dysfunction there. I wish he'd asked a little about that.


I thought Emily seemed like a nice, if immature, young woman. Becca, I didn't care for at all. Since she admitted all these feelings were actually just her "trying" to fall in love with Ben, I think it was good she went home. .

  • Love 3

Your husband knows what looks good. Those 70's middle parts aren't doing any of these women any favors. Lauren B's is on the side but she has that unfortunate dye job and it looks to stiff and sprayed. No bounce or life to it. Caila in my opinion has gorgeous, beautiful hair. Full, bouncy, and shiny. Beautiful and healthy. To bad she doesn't have much depth. She would be a shoo-in for the B'ette.

At this point, I don't even care if Caila is shallow, I would take eye candy over anything. None of the leads are that interesting anyway. Desiree bless her heart doesn't have much personality but became my favorite Bachelorette anyway. And I will always remember the grave mistake of mine by thinking Kaitlyn would make a better Bachelorette compared to Britt because she had more "personality". I would never make the same mistake again. Give me empty pretty any day.
  • Love 7

At this point, I don't even care if Caila is shallow, I would take eye candy over anything. None of the leads are that interesting anyway. Desiree bless her heart doesn't have much personality but became my favorite Bachelorette anyway. And I will always remember the grave mistake of mine by thinking Kaitlyn would make a better Bachelorette compared to Britt because she had more "personality". I would never make the same mistake again. Give me empty pretty any day.

I'm inclined to agree with you. I think Caila is beautiful. I've thought from day one that she was the exception in this group. The rest have average looks but Caila is stunning. And with this show you never know. We could be pleasantly surprised with her as the next b'ette. I still remember her cute and funny comment early on, " fifty shades of crazy". She might come into her own when she's the lead instead of the competitor.

JoJo could carry the lead, but I would like to see more emotion from her. I keep going back and forth with her. I liked her sass and attitude on the pig swimming date but she seemed to revert back to her closed up, hard to read self on the baseball date.

As long as it's not Amanda I'm ok. Please not Amanda.

  • Love 5

(A) I actually gasped when he said this.  In his little vignettes to his parents about each woman, Amanda is the one he highlights as being incredibly beautiful?  





(B) YES!  What was with all the wrapping her legs around him, and piggybacking?  Who does that?!  Do people really do that in real life?  And do guys really like that?   


(A)  Vignettes to his parents = producers' shenanigans to recap for us viewers who's who and latest on their plot lines. Not that there's anything wrong with that; it just seemed obvious, much like one of the girls saying how badly she needs a 1 on 1 date and then cut to arrival of the date card.  His reunion with his parents was pretty brief - hugs, rundown on the girls, and then he was going, going, gone like a knock by Billy "Iron Man" Williams, called by Lou Boudreau (at Wrigley, of course).  


(B)  This man doesn't.  In fact, those are 2 of my top 3 relationship depiction pet peeves.  I "literally" (see below) thought I was going to see my trifecta of loathing when they hugged at home after she ran the bases; it was a long hug and they kinda started swaying - I was sure they were going to do the slow-dancing-with-no-music cliche' and I was about to do an Elvis on my TV, substituting a wine bottle for a pistol. A jaded cynic can only take so much in one episode...  



is "literally" the new "like"? It seems like every other word is "literally", even Ben says it a lot.


My theory is that a lot of people just don't know WTF it means and they use it when they should be saying "figuratively", or it's just become a throwaway word, like "like", "you know", "right?", etc.  And a side note from the Grammar Nazi - when did we start being excited "for" , bored "of", and embarrassed "of" things. Shouldn't it be "about", "with", and "by" respectively, or is that just regional vernacular (I don't hear those phrases within my little sphere of influence, but they're all over television and Al Gore's Internet)?


Totally rando observation - did anyone else notice all the cobwebs down on the farm? It seemed like a lot of exteriors shot started on one, then went into focus on the actual subject. I'm so cynical that I was wondering if they were set dressing.

  • Love 5
His reunion with his parents was pretty brief - hugs, rundown on the girls, and then he was going, going, gone like a knock by Billy "Iron Man" Williams, called by Lou Boudreau (at Wrigley, of course).



Then break for a commercial for Danley Garage Doors.  


Maybe unleashed from the herd and set off on on her own Caila would carry the show just fine. She is stunningly beautiful, cheerful and energetic, plus she is now revealing issues -- no roots! (Not hair roots, but hometown). Cue the voice overs of looking for a guy to settle down and establish roots somewhere.  Of course, after all that, she will end up leaving Boston for LA anyway to start her entertainment career.


But seriously, who are we kidding here? We suffered through whole seasons of Ben Flapjack, Chris Soules, etc. There is a low threshold for ascending to the role of the lead on this show. 

  • Love 6

And did he really describe Amanda as "shockingly beautiful"?  I mean, the girl's nose looks like it's made out of silly putty and she looks nearly cross eyed.


I actually gasped when he said this.  In his little vignettes to his parents about each woman, Amanda is the one he highlights as being incredibly beautiful?


Meanwhile, Jennifer--the standout beauty of this season--was a shadow of a phantom. Ben simply doesn't know what he's talking about.

Edited by Bugs Meany
  • Love 3

Ok.  Admission of guilt:  I like McDonald's breakfast.  Yes, I know. Disgusting.  However, if you took two random friends of mine there and gave them a breakfast sandwich, I seriously doubt either would eat it.  I don't see a girl who appears on The Bachelor (i.e. 'seemingly' healthy people) as McDonald's target audience. But I could obviously be very wrong. I just think its weird Amanda jumped right in and ate it (or at least took a bite). 

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 2

I'm not being sarcastic, I was actually very surprised Becca was sent home. It was SO obvious he was sending her home (especially when he told Chris that there is one person who's been acting guarded or whatever word he used) that I thought it was a fake-out.

My favorite part of the conversation between Ben's mother & Emily was at the end, when mom apparently had enough & they started walking back, she told Emily how enthusiastic (or something to that effect) she is. If I were Emily I'd know I was toast, nothing was said about her being good for Ben, but the poor girl actually thought it went well. I bet she went home and watched movies all day with her pom poms resting beside her.

I believe it was the same kid. I'm more emotionally invested in his triumphant rise from crying on a gymnasium floor to elatedly waving around cotton candy than I am in any of the contestants on the show.

This is one of the funniest things I've seen :)
  • Love 1

I liked Caila tonight. I could understand her wondering if her family and hometown would be meaningful enough, after seeing all the places where Ben had deep roots and all the people who've known him his whole life, and her not having the same to show him. I am in a similar situation, so I could relate. I felt that was a very "real" thing to say. Did she say it was because she moved a lot? I didn't catch the reason.

Yes she said it was because her family moved around a lot.

I agree with you. I think she came across really sincere and I didn't have any trouble understanding what she was trying to say.

Someone posted that they saw shades of Britt from her. I disagree. If that were true she wouldn't be showing any doubt like she did on the Bahamas date and would be saying exactly what she thought Ben wanted to hear. Same for the group date Monday night. Instead it seemed like a real date where she was wanting to trust but still had reservations. JoJo said basically the same in her date but no one is calling her clueless or dumb. I think she just has a harder time expressing it than JoJo.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 1

Loved him, the way he got along with the other guys, how quick he was to laugh, especially about the smarmy former Falcon's moves, and how he was with Emily. Then I saw his gorgeous father and nearly fell off the couch. Arie was fun.


Arie was the best.  I wanted him to be the Bachelor back in the day.  Wasn't it between him and farmer Chris at one point?


I actually think Amanda is really pretty.  She's weird though, when they left together for their date and he was snuggling into her in the car, and she was just kinda sitting there.

  • Love 1
He was also completely happy eating the egg mcMuffin, which was strange to me (and scary) to see a grown man so excited about a sandwich.


But Egg McMuffins are DELICIOUS!


I cracked up that Ben tried to do the Lady-and-the-Tramp spaghetti kiss with the french fry, but Amanda wasn't in on the joke. I did like seeing Ben take some drinks of his iced coffee though. Good choice for a beverage. 


And YES to the poster who said Becca had to have had some bad dejá vu in that Michael's-decorated, twinkly light barn. I guess production had all that stuff left over in Midwestern storage from Chris Soules' barn proposal so broke them out for another trip down farmer memory lane. I want to know whose barn that was though, as obviously Ben was not a farm kid who grew up milking cows. Or for sure TPTB would have milked that opportunity.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 6

But Egg McMuffins are DELICIOUS!


I cracked up that Ben tried to do the Lady-and-the-Tramp spaghetti kiss with the french fry, but Amanda wasn't in on the joke. I did like seeing Ben take some drinks of his iced coffee though. Good choice for a beverage. 


Love the Egg McMuffins!!!


Kind of glad I watch while surfing the internet, because I missed the Lady-and-the-Tramp kiss.  I prefer kisses to be food-free, myself.

  • Love 1

She said she didn't have roots 


Ironic, since she's the only one of the hamsters who doesn't. 


WHAT IS UP with this ombre trend? I only just figured out that this awful look which Amanda in particular seems to have embraced like a tube of Cray Glue is deliberate and not the unintentional result of a bunch of women going several weeks on a reality TV show without access to their colorist.


They should just change the name of the show to "Roots."

  • LOL 1
  • Love 8

I live in Indiana, at a lake,  and we are also huge Cubs fans.  Most northern Indiana people are fans of the Chicago teams.  My son knew Ben in college, so I find all of this very interesting. 


Warsaw Indiana is very ho-hum in my opinion, but there are many great lakes nearby.  Rick Fox, the sometimes actor and former NBA player who was married to Vanessa Williams, played basketball for Warsaw  High school.  Ben roomed with basketball players at Indiana University, and since basketball is king in Indiana, he was a popular guy in college. 


The thing that bugs me about the Bachelor tv show is, why assume that the girl has to be wife material?  I mean really, Emily was young and immature in some ways, but she seemed to have a good heart and she will eventually grow up.  Whatever happened to dating for a few years, if you find someone that you like?  The whole premise is so dumb!  Dating so many girls and then pulling out a ring after you decide one of the herd is your favorite just seems so ridiculous to me.  I'm surprised a few couples have made it work.



  • Love 7


The thing that bugs me about the Bachelor tv show is, why assume that the girl has to be wife material?  I mean really, Emily was young and immature in some ways, but she seemed to have a good heart and she will eventually grow up.  Whatever happened to dating for a few years, if you find someone that you like?  The whole premise is so dumb!  Dating so many girls and then pulling out a ring after you decide one of the herd is your favorite just seems so ridiculous to me.  I'm surprised a few couples have made it work.

Yes -   the whole show is based on a ridiculous premise - that a man can date a whole bunch of women simultaneously, and they all want to marry him.  when there are two left, each of them is 100% prepared to say yes t a proposal.   that in itself is a crazy concept.  None of these women are that desperate away from the show.  None of them, I assume, would accept a proposal from a  man who was just making out with another woman, and deciding which of the top two he liked best. Who agrees to MARRY someone whom you haven't even had an exclusive relationship with?   

Even if a couple gets engaged, I assume just watching the show on TV would make a woman break the engagement.  

"What?  you told HER she was the most amazing woman??   and why is your hand on her thigh, when 30 minutes before, you were making out with me?"  

  • Love 6

Even if a couple gets engaged, I assume just watching the show on TV would make a woman break the engagement.  

"What?  you told HER she was the most amazing woman??   and why is your hand on her thigh, when 30 minutes before, you were making out with me?"  

And this is one of many reasons why I'm in the minority that misses Juan Pablo... He didn't even wait 30 minutes! Oh, you're done making out with that girl behind the hot dog stand? Sweet! Grab that one and go behind the bleachers! Done with that too? Awesome! Grab another one and head around the back of those hedges! I don't even remember what busted sports-picnic group date that was, but it was perfect. (I'm clearly an unabashed Wrong Reasons Viewer over here.)


Alright, back on topic... 


The thing that bugs me about the Bachelor tv show is, why assume that the girl has to be wife material?  I mean really, Emily was young and immature in some ways, but she seemed to have a good heart and she will eventually grow up. 

I agree the whole premise of this show is completely ridiculous. And I thought it was weird the way he dumped her by saying "I just can't see you as my wife." Like why not just say "We don't have a *connection*" or something else innocuous. The whole "you're not wife material" was a strange/sort of unnecessarily rude way to put it, to me anyway.

  • Love 4

Speaking of Juan Pablo, I remember on his season he had a date playing soccer with a bunch of kids, and he was fantastic with them. His date made comments that it showed he would be the perfect HUSBAND/FATHER, just like Ben at the Warsaw rec center. 


It's sort of a compliment to not be seen "as a wife." Being "wife material" just brings "biscuits in the oven" to my mind. Although Ben seems to think being beautiful is the first requirement for his "the little lady." Although I guess that's why people go on this show and not to the local diner/McDonald's to find a mate.

Even if a couple gets engaged, I assume just watching the show on TV would make a woman break the engagement.


If I remember correctly, some engaged couples do not watch the show when it airs. I think (THINK) JP of Ashley's season was one who did not.

  • Love 2

Comments on the girls: I think Becca is used to have men wrapped around her finger and she finds it hard that Ben is not that into her. I would have loved to see her leave by herself and not wait for Ben to show her the door. Jojo is so obvious she is trying to be the next Bachelorette. Her personality is what a Bachelorette needs, fun, open minded, social, sweet and adventurous. Caila does her best for that purpose as well. Regarding Emily getting blindsided I think the show has left out a lot of hers and Ben's relationship. As the audience we see no connection between her and Ben but she somehow sees as herself as his future wife. This seems weird to us. Either she is delusional or we missed much from their relationship. Lauren will win but I still don't see her being that into Ben the way he is into her. I predict she will break up with him very soon after the show.

  • Love 1

I don't think any of the women are really that into Ben. I think Lauren B was until she was upset (that whats her name said she was different with Ben and he told Lauren he had doubts.) and he never comforted her.  Amanda seemed horrified by her date at McDonalds. Ben seems pretty into her but she doesn't seem interested by her body language. I felt so bad for Emily. She was obviously caught off guard by meeting his parents and wanted to make a good impression. Maturity wise she's about 18, not 23 so she did her best to converse with his folks. I'm sure she wanted to impress them but was really nervous. She's young but not an idiot. Hell, the majority of the girls kept talking about how they could see themselves living there (where Ben grew up) Amanda, Cailia, Jo Jo all mentioned it I believe but Emily is the only one who realizes Ben currently lives in Denver so his hometown is not where she would be moving to if chosen. Yet the show made her look like a total idiot. While I admit seeing his mom crying over the horror of Emily being her daughter in law was hilarious and I choked on my dinner when Emily cheerfully proclaimed her life goals are to be a cheerleader and she hates vegetables but I still feel bad for the way she was portrayed.


I  hope Jo Jo is the Bachelorette. Caila is very pretty but there's nothing of substance to her. I can't understand half of what she says and she just seems boring and vapid.  Bye Becca. Ben just wasn't into you at all.  As for Amanda she can lose me with her oh I've never introduced a man to my children. Your kids are under 2 years old and you weren't even divorced when you signed up for this show. Its not like you've oh so carefully screened men for years before you selected one special enough to introduce to your precious kiddos.

  • Love 11

I don't think any of the women are really that into Ben. I think Lauren B was until she was upset (that whats her name said she was different with Ben and he told Lauren he had doubts.) and he never comforted her.  Amanda seemed horrified by her date at McDonalds. Ben seems pretty into her but she doesn't seem interested by her body language. I felt so bad for Emily. She was obviously caught off guard by meeting his parents and wanted to make a good impression. Maturity wise she's about 18, not 23 so she did her best to converse with his folks. I'm sure she wanted to impress them but was really nervous. She's young but not an idiot. Hell, the majority of the girls kept talking about how they could see themselves living there (where Ben grew up) Amanda, Cailia, Jo Jo all mentioned it I believe but Emily is the only one who realizes Ben currently lives in Denver so his hometown is not where she would be moving to if chosen. Yet the show made her look like a total idiot. While I admit seeing his mom crying over the horror of Emily being her daughter in law was hilarious and I choked on my dinner when Emily cheerfully proclaimed her life goals are to be a cheerleader and she hates vegetables but I still feel bad for the way she was portrayed.

Maybe she's the one he weepily calls according to the season previews. Suddenly I actually find myself hoping that she does end up pulling a surprise twist-ending win out of this.

My theory is that a lot of people just don't know WTF it means and they use it when they should be saying "figuratively", or it's just become a throwaway word, like "like", "you know", "right?", etc.  And a side note from the Grammar Nazi -


Regarding "literally", the definition has changed in our lifetimes.  Below is the merriam-webster.com definition.  Off topic, but it's one space after a period, not two - another rule that has changed within my short lifetime.  I still type two, I'm a die-hard, but I won't get upset if someone types one.


Definition of LITERALLY

1 :  in a literal sense or manner :  actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>

2 :  in effect :  virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice — Norman Cousins>

Off topic, but it's one space after a period, not two - another rule that has changed within my short lifetime.  I still type two, I'm a die-hard, but I won't get upset if someone types one.

People who learn to type in school (or elsewhere) are taught two spaces between sentences. In typesetting, everything that is put into print for newspapers and magazines, it's one space. All double spaces will be caught by proofreaders. The two spaces between sentences isn't a law breaker if one is typing messages ... or posts online. Or messages to friends or family. But if you send an article to a magazine to be printed, the typesetter will remove all the extra spaces. No need to get upset about it.

Sick of watching these kids "find love" . I mean come on, they are 22-28 years old on average. They are too immature to know who they are, let alone who they want to be with forever. They really need to do an older Bachelor / Bachelorette show.

The key to this show is for all the women to look good in bikinis, hot tubs, micro skirts. And the men, they must have worked out and look buff shirtless. All that gets a bit tougher past a certain age. Finding "love" isn't important, ratings are. And young, nearly naked women "looking for love" *cough* gets lots of press for Mr. Fleiss.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 1

The key to this show is for all the women to look good in bikinis, hot tubs, micro skirts. And the men, they must have worked out and look buff shirtless. All that gets a bit tougher past a certain age. Finding "love" isn't important, ratings are. And young, nearly naked women "looking for love" *cough* gets lots of press for Mr. Fleiss.


Still, even in Juan Pablo's season, where the women were mostly a bit older than this lot, there was a hell of a load more depth or apparent depth, and life-knowledge, and hence interest.  And the women in the older fisherman's series, his name escapes me for the moment (Byron? who shacked up with the winner Mary? for a few years), were still fulfilling the bikini brief in their 'dotage'... It can be done!


I prefer it when the Bach is mid-thirties and the women mostly in their thirties or late twenties, for my own interest. Watching a bunch of young women with vocal fry, limited vocabularies, and sugary 'values' is stretching my love of this show severely, this series.

  • Love 10
Definition of LITERALLY

1 :  in a literal sense or manner :  actually <took the remark literally> <was literally insane>

2 :  in effect :  virtually <will literally turn the world upside down to combat cruelty or injustice — Norman Cousins>


I know we've veered dangerously off topic here, but please you guys, listen to The Oatmeal on this one. For the love of god. Some things need to remain sacred.


Back on topic, I would LOVE to see this franchise choose folks who were even a little older and truly looking for a partner or spouse and not just fun vacations and fleeting TV fame. Because y'all are right: early 20s is just WAY too early to get married for most. But who are we kidding? This has always been a false fairy tale. It's amazing any couple has lasted. It says a lot that Bachelor in Paradise now has a better track record for marriages so far than The Bachelor/Bachelorette does!

Edited by violetr
  • Love 3

I didn't understand Ben's obsession with his glory days EIGHT years after high school. I mean I know there are guys who obsess about their days as high school football QB, starting point guard, and homecoming king, but typically they are the guys who don't go to college or go to state u, move back to the hometown and pick up whatever job is available, sit around the local diner and bar reminiscing about all the things they used to do, and end up marrying a hometown girl often a high school sweetheart or someone a few yrs younger who is totally flattered that a high school QB wants her. For Ben, he went to state u, but then moved onto a sales job in Denver -- which is a fun city and sales typically includes lots of travel which is "exciting" when you're young. And yet he's obsessing about his high school and ELEMENTARY and MIDDLE schools!? Who freaking cares?? 


He's acting like he's Chris Soules and NEEDS to show girls where he's from. Except as much as he acts like a small town boy, Warsaw has a population of about 15k, which means his HS graduating class was 100+ if not a few hundred. It looks fake and obsessed bc a 15k town a pretty much growing up in normal suburbia. Chris -- OTOH -- was from a 400 person town with 20 of those people being his own siblings, nieces/nephews etc. and HOURS from civilization or even the nearest Target, so he needed girls to know that if they were to move there, there would be true isolation. He didn't want to spring it on them like he did on Andi the season before who couldn't fathom being HOURS from a city where she could get any job, let alone an attorney job.


I wonder what the point of this is. I wonder if Ben's obsession with "community," means he's indicating he's done with life in Denver and will make it a condition that whoever ends up with him must be ok with living in Warsaw and raising kids there so that his kids will follow his footsteps at good ole Warsaw High.

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BTW, Alex must be in the witness protection program, hard as they tried to find him for the 20 year anniversary special.

I forgot about that. It seemed like an obvious gag that he was "missing," so of course he'd show up to the special with a "wacky" story about where he's been. Talk about no payoff.


I recently read that he works for Microsoft in London. Probably had to go settle somewhere where his odds of being connected back to The Bachelor are pretty darn low.  I do not think he is married, but don't quote me on that one. 

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