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S20.E07: Week 7


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Ben drives through Warsaw, Indiana, in a classic pick-up truck to complete the portrait of a quaint, old-fashioned (values) town. They even serve fried vomit fresh off the griddle in the local diner frequented by the townsfolk who wear overalls. But these mansions on the lake!!! This town is obviously MUCH more upscale than they want us to think...unless the parents moved from Bumpkinville to Lake Hoity Toity after Ben graduated high school.

Yo! Ronnie's going to get drafted by the Pacers! Should have saved his big shot until the pros got there! Aw, Ben with the little crying boy! And the female populace of Bachelor Nation collectively ovulate! (Um, my daughter stepped on glass and school called for a delayed opening, so I missed the rest of the date, including whatever Lauren "had" to tell Ben.)

Google Maps tells me that it's between 2:08 and 2:37 between Warsaw, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois, just in case anyone else is interested. And we have a rain delay at Wrigley Field, letting up just in time for dinner or, rather, "dinner," as the food remains untouched as usual. Jojo is Team Ben. Is there someone else's team to be on? If so, count me in Teams Ames, Marquel, and Ari, and Team Harrison 4eva, obvs.

Wait next week is hometowns already?! This season flew by! What's with all of the cobwebs floating through the air as he talks to the ladies?! I can't even focus on what they're saying because all I can think is: Are these cobwebs?! How the heck does it "rain" cobwebs through the wind?!

Becca is wondering where do we go from here? I'm thinking home...without Ben. He's just not that into you, girl. Calia, he likes kissing you, but has no idea what you're saying--just like everyone in the viewing audience. I think she was attempting to reference the expression that a rolling stone gathers no moss by saying Ben could be the dirt to grow her moss or something?! Now I get why they had Kevin Hart do all of the talking on their first date or Calia never would have made it past that round. I need a Calia to English dictionary.

The saddest part is Becca crying at the house thinking about this romantic night she's missing--and meanwhile Amanda is working the McDonald's drive-thru! By saddest part, I mean sad for Amanda! Who ever said, "You know what would be romantic? Working a minimum wage job!" Oh, surprise carnival where I'm assuming no one gets to go on the rides but they just gawk at Ben doing carnival stuff. At least they didn't make Amanda become a carnie.

No, Ben GREW UP on Lake Hoity Toity! Oh, come on! Why are they trying to play up the rural country town angle?! And Emily wants to be a cheerleader when she grows up?! And she doesn't like vegetables and she just wants to watch movies all day?! Oh, dear, is she 5? They really set her up to make her come off as an idiot. And Mama Higgins is crying over the prospect of Emily as a daughter-in-law. See ya on Bachelor in Paradise, Ems. You'll be this year's immature/rambling Ashley, and your sister will be like Ashley's sister--dragged along as a novelty and "over it" before it even starts. Ben is going to send her home right on this dock, isn't he? Yep!

Dried leaves blowing around all of these candles on the ground, yet no one burst into flames, so that's good, I guess. Oh, bye, Becca! We all saw that coming except you, I guess, asking why did he do that...because he doesn't like-like you because you have no personality to speak of.

  • Love 13

Becca has never looked better than she did lounging on a couch, at night, without her hair done and without makeup. She seems nice, but I question why she has appeared on this show twice. She should know better than to beg not to be blindsided. Without that, there wouldn't be a show. Part of the deal.


The kid sinking the half court shots...I loved that. I love seeing someone find something they are good at, even if it is relatively meaningless to the rest of the world. That was a rare moment of quality from this franchise.


I'm looking forward to next week, and I especially appreciate not having to hear two dozen soundbites from Olivia.

  • Love 8

Oh Ben please take me to McDonalds for our date...squee!! What a panty dropper...not. (Sorry I loathe McD)

Considering what a child Emily came off looking like on the date, I thought she handled herself ok on the way out. Better than Becca. After Chris slobbering all over her, I don't think she anticipated even having to try.

Dear tv land, please do not make Amanda the next bachelorette. I will have to skip the season due to "the likes" and the little girl squeak voice, and I would miss the joy of snarking on this show.

I would have dug the baseball date.

  • Love 9

Emily chattering on and on to Ben's parents had me laughing.  She never stopped talking.  And she was talking about herself.  She didn't ask questions about Ben.  She didn't let the parents talk.  It was especially hilarious when Ben was talking to his mother and you could still hear Emily chattering away to Ben's dad in the background.  Did she even take a breath?

  • Love 8

"McDonalds is the perfect place to find love!"  Was I the only person expecting to hear that during their date?  I guess they blew their budget on that really cool Wrigley Field date, because the rest of the dates took place in a barn, in Ben's backyard, and at Mickey D's.  Oh, and the fake carnival. 


The carnival crowd looked huge--at first.  If you noticed, it thinned out pretty quickly after the Mayor left.  When they were on the Ferris Wheel, you could see the empty parking lot down below and just a couple of people wandering around.  Also, a lot of tight, up-close shots of people crowded directly behind the lovebirds.


Emily did her best on her date, but she was just SO young.  I'm glad Ben's parents were direct with him (and us) about their feelings about that match.  Making your Mom cry when she thinks of your new girlfriend is a "tell" even Ben was able to pick up on.

  • Love 7

I thought Emily handled being let go with considerable grace. I knew Emily and Becca would be let go tonight, and I'm fairly sure it will be Amanda next week. Probably Caila after that. Personally, I have really liked Caila from day one, and I think she's by far the prettiest. Would definitely watch her as the 'ette. But unless it's a fake out, I think they've telegraphed Lauren B. and JoJo as the final two almost from the beginning.

One more thing. I didn't care for Ben's snotty comment to Becca and Caila after giving Amanda the group date rose. "Sorry, ladies, but Amanda and I have a date to go on." Who does he think he is, Chris Harrison?

  • Love 9

It was obvious Becca was going home. Everyone saw that coming. Don't know how she expected not to be blindsided. Was she looking for Ben to pull her aside beforehand and let her know she would be going home?? Is that even allowed?


Poor Emily...chattering away thinking she was doing so good not knowing mom and dad were killing her dreams even as she spoke. She handled it much better than I ever thought she would though. At least she held it together until she got with the rest of the women. I thought it was sweet the way they seemed genuinely sad for her but unfortunately she was just way too naive for this show.


A couple of things that really stood out to me: 1) Ben will make a wonderful father. I even told my daughter this before they showed Lauren B saying it. He's great with kids. So regardless if he ends up marrying his F1 or not someday I think he'll make a great dad.

2) Something about the mother's of son's who happen to be the only child...again whoever he marries needs to convince him to live as far away as possible from his parents. His mother seems like she would interfere and constantly be in their business.


Wow next week looks to have some drama. JoJo's brother looks like he's going to cause some trouble and did anyone catch the look on Ben's face as he was walking down that hall and Amanda's kids were screaming in the background?!? Looked as if he would rather have been anywhere else but there. Hope that gives him second thoughts about Amanda. Mean I know, but I just don't like her.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 5

-A full week on Pontoon Pond featured calmer waters than the roiling Atlantic but more emotional upheaval, although this batch was strangely subdued.


-‘So Ben, describe the gals to me.’  ‘Well, X is beautiful and Y is beautiful and Z is astonishingly beautiful.’  ‘Well, son, you’ve really captured the fine distinctions between them.  I feel like I know their personalities already.’


-Caila is easily the most emotionally immature of the remaining bunch and she might not have even bested Emily in that department had Emily stayed.  She and Ben both know she’s sliding down the scale.


-Ben threw in a dizzying array of ‘like’ in his explanation of his hometown and managed the somewhat rare and oxymoronic ‘literally like.’


-Amanda’s pronoun ‘I’ at the beginning of a sentence takes about 10 min to be uttered.


-Lauren & Ben’s kids club date was, to be fair, a cheap date that actually had some utility.  Quite a large spread of ages but perhaps it was an all-call for show taping purposes.  Fair play to Ronnie…he appeared to be developmentally disabled but was fearless and accurate with his half-court shot.  Ben’s tepid peck was hardly a worthy payoff.


-Lauren uses her chin to nonverbally express mood and emotion the way a cat uses its tail.  When she drops it down she is expressing complete confidence.  She must have her pick of assignments as a flight attendant with pilots & passengers alike admiring her, er, work.  All I know is that my flights have the same old nasty battleaxes on duty.


-The poor girls stuck at the lake house couldn’t be blamed for going stir crazy during a long week.  They looked bored.


-JoJo’s a Texas girl but looked right at home in Wrigleyville.  Of course, when you are poured perfectly into your skinny jeans like that along with your jacket and dazzling scarf you look right at home just about anywhere.  The baseball date was another good choice as it certainly grabbed Ben’s full attention.  If you’re familiar with the history of the Wrigley Field lights then you know it must have taken some string-pulling to get permission to light them on a non-game night especially during or after the playoff series in which the Cubs ultimately lost (the playoff logos were painted over but still visible on the field in addition to the #14 in honor of Ernie Banks).  The Wrigley lights were strongly and successfully opposed by neighborhood residents.  Night games weren’t played until 1988, decades after night baseball was preeminent in all other ballparks.  Since then the number of night games has slowly increased but day baseball is still the thing at Wrigley and rightly so.


-JoJo and Ben have the Sean/Catherine intertwining body language. -JoJo sounded as if she might be taking an exit ramp but Ben eagerly talked her back onto the freeway.


-Lauren and JoJo – what a contrast, eh?  Betty & Veronica.  Sugar & Spice.  Salvation & Sin.  Mary Ann & Ginger.  They don’t appear to be especially friendly or seem to confide in each other (as probably befits the top rivals) but they don’t have any animosity either.  Probably no coincidence that their dates were 1-2 in the running order.


-Meanwhile, back at the lake house, we had the Dim Bulb Four with three of them ‘winning’ a group date.  Wheeeee.  Attention, ladies:  a rowboat calls for only one (1) rower who uses both oars and pulls them in the same direction.  Lauren and JoJo had the good sense to wear trainers but the group daters wore their heels.  To a farm.  As you do.


-The ‘Not Happening’ neon sign was already brightly lit over Becca on the group date which made the RC outcome (Chris Harrison voice) THE BIGGEST NON-SURPRISE IN THE HISTORY OF THE BACHELOR.  Speaking of spoilers, the RC lineup was broadcast last week, meaning we already knew that Emily had bilged out somewhere along the way.


-And now it’s carnival ride time (a Bachelor staple) and time for a lame commercial tie-in with McDonald’s.  One dose of realism amidst the reality TV unreality:  teenage girls snapping a million phone pics.


-One reason the Bachelor will always be superior to the Bachelorette:  contagious tears among the contestants and the patented lingering ‘crying shot.’


-JoJo & Lauren smiled confidently from start to finish of the RC and rightfully so.  JoJo scored yet another triumph in the wardrobe department with her RC dress. 


-Becca, if you don’t want to deal with this sort of letdown then simply refuse any future roles on the show!  She managed to unsheathe the claws and bare the fangs for a few moments.  Ben’s ‘anguished’ routine is getting a bit old especially when a choice is easy and obvious.  It’s understandable since he is clearly an approval-seeker in all pursuits but enough is enough.


-Hometowns next and it looks like JoJo may suffer a bout of Desiree Disease ie a jealous, bizarre, hostile, mouthy brother torpedoing her chances.  Amanda’s kids throw wobblers early and often…Ben’s look of horror says it all.  Lauren’s mum is F-I-T!  Amazing gene pool alert!  Seat belts securely fastened and tray tables to upright and locked positions!  Here’s to you Mrs Robinson!

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 16

I like to watch movies all day long and not eat vegetables and when i grow up i want to be an NFL cheerleader! Cringe. Is this the first time a Bachelor mother ever cried in horror at one of the contestants?  I think so.  Meanwhile, Amanda's frozen smile when she drew the short straw McDonald's date was hilarious.  Is the small town, home-grown Bachelor theme getting old to everyone else like it is for me? After Chris Soules' and then this episode in the middle of Indiana it's time to move on to some new background scenery.


And I am not feeling Caila for the Bachelorette. She is so unrelatable and I would have zero interest in watching her try and find someone.  I guess I would rather see Becca at this point, although she is so low key. However, I think she's so beautiful I would have no problem watching her. She has a better backstory than Caila and I would actually enjoy seeing her try and find a great guy.   

  • Love 8

I live in NW  Indiana, about 30 minutes from Chicago, and we consider ourselves a Chicago suburb. Around here, if you love baseball, you are either a Cubs fan or a Sox fan. I am a diehard Cubbie fan and seeing Ben's Wrigley Field date left me swooning.  Not for Ben, but for the chance to run the bases, hit a ball from home plate and lay on the infield! I was dying. Does JoJo know how lucky she is?!? She just lived the dream of many, many of us who wouldn't care if we didn't get a rose. The real prize was that date near the ivy.

Edited by JustDuckie
  • Love 6

I felt sorry the women being trapped in that house with nothing to do. Lauren didn't seem like she was enjoying the basketball date and every time Ben leaned in to kiss her she ducked her head and moved to the side. Don't know what this means but I was surprised. JoJo seemed the most natural with him but he didn't seem pleased with her trying to explain herself. How come Lauren B isn't asked anything about opening up or any of the other comments Ben always brings up. 


Becca and Emily had no chance and I don't know why Ben brought Emily home to meet his parents. Then her comments about watching movies all day and hating vegetables was just too funny. That and her never seeing ducks or swans before probably sealed the deal for Ben. And no way does he want Amanda's kids. She actually seems pretty nice, but no way.

  • Love 4

Wait next week is hometowns already?! This season flew by! What's with all of the cobwebs floating through the air as he talks to the ladies?! I can't even focus on what they're saying because all I can think is: Are these cobwebs?! How the heck does it "rain" cobwebs through the wind?!


I'll have more on the episode tomorrow, but I just saw this... yep... baby spiders being born, then are carried off on little cobweb streamers in the wind.  It's really kind of weird.  #CountryLife Heh. We're about an hour south of Indy, and our house is out in the woods. Seriously creepy when the spiders start going nuts in the fall. It wasn't 'til we moved out here that I really realized why cobwebs are associated with Halloween. They'd cover our whole house in a month, if we let them. And I'm only exaggerating a little. LOL  Ok, maybe in a season. But still. They take the web-building really seriously, and when the babies are born, look out. You'll walk right into their streamers if you don't keep an eye out.


And... re: the episode... Lauren was adorable when she was talking to the camera about how she's loving him. So cute.


Also... the lake hoity toity thing... yep, it's possible here in Indiana to live on a lake with an amazing house, in a relatively small town that still does all the small town stuff. Same type of environment about 4 miles from my house. Not hard to do at all. I can totally see him growing up there, having the fair every year to go to, having everyone know him, and having the youth center as his primary job while he was in school. He grew up a lot like our kids did... only they didn't live on the lake. His Indiana home town reminded me very much of ours, except ours is a little prettier than Warsaw. ;-) 

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 4


Is this the first time a Bachelor mother ever cried in horror at one of the contestants? 

I can't imagine Emily having to watch this back now. It's somehow so mean that she has to watch his mother say those things. It would have to be so humiliating. One good thing though...bet she grows up a lot from this.



  Lauren’s mum is F-I-T!  Amazing gene pool alert!

I actually think her mom is prettier than she is. Lauren looked just like her dad with the same face shape as his.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 6

It was obvious Becca was going home. Everyone saw that coming. Don't know how she expected not to be blindsided. Was she looking for Ben to pull her aside beforehand and let her know she would be going home?? Is that even allowed?

I think she was hoping that he would have let her go on the group date at the moment she asked not to be blindsided. She didn't come right out and say it, but it seemed to me she was telling him to let her know right then if she didn't have a chance.


I just can't stand Amanda's voice. And how many times did she say how it was such as big deal because she had never introduced another man to her kids - isn't the youngest only a year old? It's not like she's been a single parent for 10 years!

  • Love 9

I've enjoyed all of Ben's dates--nice, non-humiliating, kind of a throwback to earlier days of TB. I think he's doing a good job keeping all the women interested even though I'm surprised Caila and Becca both didn't offer to leave after being sent home. At this point, thefun part is over and you can read the writing on the wall. Why stay?


As for Becca, she's feeling more than she did for Chris, but I still don't think she's feeling very much.  Like when she said,  (paraphrasing), "It doesn't feel right to be treated like this from a guy that you're trying to fall in love with."  I thought that was weird, "trying..."..  Why is she trying to fall in love? It's either happening or its not (as with Chris) .She seems nice enough generally, but a really cold fish.

  • Love 9

I think she was hoping that he would have let her go on the group date at the moment she asked not to be blindsided. She didn't come right out and say it, but it seemed to me she was telling him to let her know right then if she didn't have a chance.


I just can't stand Amanda's voice. And how many times did she say how it was such as big deal because she had never introduced another man to her kids - isn't the youngest only a year old? It's not like she's been a single parent for 10 years!

Ok that makes sense and if that was the case I can understand a little better why she was upset there at the end. Although Ben did say he didn't make up his mind until right before the RC.


Hah OldWiseOne I thought the same thing when Amanda said that. I agree about the voice. I've said it over and over..that voice would absolutely drive me nuts. Sounds like she's been breathing in helium all day.

  • Love 2

Blah, this episode was super boring. The McDonald's carnival date was basically my worst nightmare. After eating that garbage, I would have spent the rest of the night in a Port-O-Potty with raging diarrhea and a pounding headache. I did, however, discover a new red flag to watch for while dating: it is a very bad sign if a guy says he's always wanted to go behind the counter at McDonald's. Just no.


Can't wait for next week. Looks like Amanda's brats effectively cock-block her attempts at getting further with Ben. And not a moment too soon. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and at times she sounds exactly like Bachelorette Emily. That is not a good thing.

  • Love 11

I don't think Ben "always wanted to go behind the counter"  at McD's.   it was all part of a promotion, there's  Mcdonald's  commercial  about all day breakfast featuring Ben and Amanda.

kind of funny to me, that the one woman picked for the McDonald's date was the one with kids. 

And the preview for next week?   Yeah, the romantic notion of cute little girls becomes real with fighting about bedtime, crying, diapers, etc.   Ben looked ready to RUN.


I was wondering if that was really Ben's parents home - or if the show rented two houses, one for his family, and one for the women, in the same area.  I don't know why, it just seemed off.  Ben's "I grew up here"  was first said about the town, then I thought the same soundbyte was used as if he grew up n the house.   It was very scenic, on the water, and I just wondered about it.  I know the show has rented houses before for the "back home"  visits.

  • Love 2

I can't imagine Emily having to watch this back now. It's somehow so mean that she has to watch his mother say those things. It would have to be so humiliating. One good thing though...bet she grows up a lot from this.


I actually think her mom is prettier than she is. Lauren looked just like her dad with the same face shape as his.

That was Lauren's sister in the preview, not her mom. 

Thank goodness Becca is gone because I have a hard time even after seven weeks telling her apart from Jo-Jo. I don't think either of them are all that good looking, just a step above Emily. I have never seen a connection between Ben and Emily no matter how much he professes that they have one. The visit with his parents was cringe worthy. The look on his mother's face when Emily was droning on and on (and on) was priceless. To relieve my own boredom I was placing balloon bubbles above her head of what she must be thinking.


Lauren's date was by far the most interesting I thought. The fact that he wanted to introduce her to so many people - from the center where he worked to the places where he likes to hang out, not to mention showing her his childhood schools, church, etc. I hope means she is who he plans to end up with. I thought Jo-Jo's date was a bore. A couple of hours maybe at the stadium but the whole date? Ugh. And Amanda's Mickey Ds and carnival date didn't impress either. Really Lauren's date was the only one that had a lot to do with Ben's hometown and the people who mean the most to him. Other than of course Emily meeting his parents so they could point out how totally unsuitable she is for him.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 6

Warsaw...the orthopedic capital?

Mr. TVGlow doesn't think JoJo is hot. That both pleases and bothers me...because JoJo is definitely hotter than me...

My hubby doesn't think she's hot, either. I think she's pretty, but she still hasn't made much of an impression on me. Pretty forgettable.


I Googled Warsaw. It's definitely prettier and far better situated (and bigger) that Chris Soules hick nowhere town. It turns out that really is his parents' home -- at the beginning of the season, I wondered about that, it seemed so high-end. Inside it's cluttered, and not as fancy as the one the girls stayed in, but it certainly has a nice lake view.


LOL at the Mickey D's restaurant date. BARF. Talk about product placement -- "breakfast or dinner?" Doh. And a crappy carnival, to boot. All of the dates were kind of boring, and then the rose ceremony was on the steps of what looked like the most architecturally interesting building in town -- was it a govt building or a church or what? But too bad they didn't even get to go inside somewhere for the rose ceremony. 


Amanda is boring, and from the previews I think Ben is not thrilled with the prospect of becoming insta-dad to a couple of screaming toddlers. I can't even stand to be near them in the grocery store when they're making that screeching noise.


Caila's hot. You could tell Becca was toast, since he didn't even seem to want to make out with her.


Lauren is still my pick.


Forgot to mention. The baseball date would bore me, except for getting to see Ben be so happy. They seemed to be there a very long time. Gawd, how tedious.


I am SICK of these bachelor's hometown dates where we're supposed to revel in the "small-town charm." It's BORING to drive by his high school and football field and whatnot! Seriously, show, get back to the romantic settings! We used to not see this stuff until it was down to final 2, and then it was interesting because it was down to the final 2 and we got to see who made the best impression on the parents. Then they switched to flying the fam out to wherever the fantasy dates and final rose ceremony would be held. I liked that format better.

Ben's mom cried thinking of what holidays would be like if Emily were to marry Ben.

No mom wants her son to marry a woman who has been average at everything but thinks she'd be above average at wife and mother. Yeah, Ben! Your wife got a C+ in housewife class!!

Emily was so funny with the 'rents. A C+ wife -- maybe a B- on good days. Way to aim high, honey. His mom seemed vaguely horrified. Emily can start growing up if she no longer shopped in the junior department. Those jeans with all the rips may be the rage for high school girls, perhaps college, too, but the style doesn't scream "Meet the parents" to me.

Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 3

When Emily told Ben's mom her life goal was to be an NFL cheerleader I almost choked. What a moron. Does she have an actual career goal or does she think that's a career? Don't those cheerleaders all have actual jobs? I didn't think that gig actually paid well. What mother wants to hear that about a woman her son might marry? So dim.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 10

Live in Indiana and have been to Warsaw many a times. To answer a few questions - 


That was the courthouse they stood in front of. Lots of small towns have beautiful courthouse squares where all the festivals and events occur.


Warsaw is technically different than the other town - Winona Lake, where the lake and homes were. But they are like five minutes apart so for all realistic purposes it's the same. Also, it is the orthopedic capital of the world with headquarters of DePuy, Zimmer and Biomet. 


As for the episode, I really liked the dates. They were more normal and real than some, which I enjoyed. Watching Ben scream like a girl on the fair ride was hilarious. And I enjoyed his parents. Watching his mother with Emily was one of the funniest things I have seen in awhile.


Every episode I feel a little worse for these women. Ben is incredibly good at focusing in on each one and looking at them, talking to them, being affectionate. I can see why they are swooning and thinking they have the best connection. 

  • Love 8

Emily's ripped jeans were trashy and cheap. I did laugh when Ben said he was afraid of the carnival rides because they put them up in one day. I have always said that ... one lost screw and do you think they close the ride? Nah, I don't think so. Shudder. The Wrigley Field date was cute, but I thought they'd go to a restaurant or bar in Chicago for a change of scene .... I'm sure they could have found somewhere else to film. Plus, the sky was threatening most of the date.


At this point I think it's time to chuck the previous season finalists and reach back into the hopper for a decent Bachelorette. I think it's time for Clare from Juan Pablo's season to get the lead. She'd be a kick.  

  • Love 10

After watching Episode 7, Ben seems to be an average small-stinky-rich-town hypocrite in disguise. Run, girls, run!

I never really have an opinion on Ben the past few weeks because he seems so generic. But after watching this date, I totally agree. Ben can judge Emily all he wants, but Ben himself doesn't seem to be matured enough to date most of these ladies. His top 2 picks, JoJo and Lauren, would get bored with him after a while, because they both seem more matured and sophisticated than him.

  • Love 3

One thing Becca said was interesting to me: something to the effect of "This is the man I'm trying to fall in love with." Trying? You don't 'try' to fall in love, you just DO.


That sure startled me too !!!   I suppose you could say she was trying to let herself fall in love despite her constant fears and being so guarded (at best).  But she did transmit this particular feeling, so it's no surprise that he was not interested in pulling her out of her shell, whatever it's made of.

Is Eric, the kid who was sitting on someone's shoulders at the carnival and yelled: 'Hey Ben, I got cotton candy', the same kid crying at the youth center?

I believe it was the same kid. I'm more emotionally invested in his triumphant rise from crying on a gymnasium floor to elatedly waving around cotton candy than I am in any of the contestants on the show.

  • Love 24

Did I hear Ben say "my Dad and I's" and then minutes later "Jojo and I's" during the baseball date? That phrase needs to be put to rest indefinitely on this show.

No surprises with the eliminations tonight. I agree Emily is way too immature but the questions she got are not exactly Mensa application material. "What do you dislike?" What is she supposed to say? Nuclear warfare in the Middle East? Maybe they meant to ask things like "What do you dislike in a potential life partner?" and it was editing but I felt bad for her, like she was edited to look like an airhead.

Edited by thejuicer
  • Love 8

Did I hear Ben say "my Dad and I's" and then minutes later "Jojo and I's"? That phrase automatically needs to be put to rest indefinitely....

Au contraire! Mangled grammar is essential to our enjoyment (and drinking games). Show should trademark it and retitle itself as "The Bachelor and I's Amazing Love Journey." Episode 1: Him and me have an amazing connection.

  • Love 15

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