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S05.E01: What Makes An All Star?

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OMG go away Asha, Sam, Emily and crazy Ken!!  I can't believe I hate so many people on one show.  I think they looked for the most unlikeable people to return as "All Stars".  Since when is those 2 bitches from Under the Gunn all stars? (sorry for the language but I just hate them both).


I forgot to say I'm so happy to see Kini and Fade...2 of my favorites.


Is the new trend shapeless outfits?  Two outfits were so big a shapeless that the models looked plus size.


Alyssa looks beautiful.  I liked Dimitry's critiques.


What the heck happened to Daniel Franco?  I was afraid he'd be eliminated.  However I'm happy they did what I want every reality show to do...not eliminate anyone the first episode.


What fun...crazy Ken going after Mitchell in an episode to come.  I can't wait.  Not.

Edited by NYGirl
  • Love 9

Off to a WTF start, especially this show essentially rewarding two people for having shitty designs by not eliminating them.


Matthew and Sam seem to be vying for the Bitchy Gay role on this show and there were so many talking head interviews from both of them.


And Zanna has some kind of nerve talking about anybody's fashion when she showed up to that work room looking like aggressive shit.

  • Love 7

We didn't even make it through the introductions before the shit stirring started... Just design the damn clothes!

I liked Alexander's, Asha's, Dom's, and Valerie's, I think, but not the two huge coats. And someone, please, tell Alyssa it's "The judges and me" NOT the judges and I". As in, "Its time for me to deliberate..." No one deserves to be out? Hmmmmm...

Please bring back the Juniors!

  • Love 14

Off to a WTF start, especially this show essentially rewarding two people for having shitty designs by not eliminating them.

They did that with Helen and Justin last season, too. Save multiple people for poor designs and then arbitrarily eliminate someone later on for doing solid work. I think the only purpose of All Stars is to make original recipe PR look decent in comparison. 

  • Love 2

I actually liked many of the outfits going down the runway-surprise! Yes, we have the usual drama queens, but I love seeing the creative process in action so I never tire of this show. I really liked Ken's outfit, as well as Valeries, Kini and Alexanders. Daniel Franco seems kind of nuts and his cut finger couldn't explain away the terrible fabric. I have no use for the people from Under the Gun and wish they could have brought back other PR alum instead.

  • Love 4

One episode in and I'm already wanting to kick Ken, Sam, Asha, and Mitchell to the curb.

Dmitry needs to become a regular judge...he knows what he's talking about, and besides all that he's delicious.

Daniel, shut up.

I love Kini, Fade, and Alexander, and I like Valerie, Layana, and Emily. Dom I seem to remember being a stealth bitch, or am I wrong? Stella is fun...but in small doses for me.

  • Love 12

Oooooooohhhhhhhh, Daniel Franco, WHEN will you go?


Stella looks amazing and I was so happy to see her and Daniel, and then Daniel turned out whatever the pixellated fuck that was on the runway. Mitchell's was worse, though, but since they probably would have sent Daniel, I'm glad they didn't send anyone home.


Asha continues to suck and Sam is her suck enabler. Work! Work, queen! Oh my hell, can they please just both leave quickly? Since PR and PRAS are all about dramah, I'm sure Sam will be around for a while, even though that thing he sent down the runway was pretty mediocre.


Fade and Kini: LOVE. Dom's adoration of Ken was mystifying as heck, but oh well.


I'm holding out hope for a Kini win, but I'd be happy with Fade, Stella, Daniel (haha, no way that will happen), or even Emily. Alexander doesn't bug me either. Oh, and I like Valerie, too. So glad she won tonight.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 6

I don't even know where to start with what was wrong with Under the Gunn, but I think you can get an idea from watching the contestants they brought to All Stars.  There was bullying, judges who refused to judge, and Tim showing strong and weird favoritism.  


So far, okay with this show, but I hope the obnoxious ones go fast.  

  • Love 6

In comparison to the juniors, these folks look worn and their designs...meh. And of course, the bitchiness and fighting are already on tap. Gone are the happy vibes and good will in the workroom. Alyssa makes me miss Hannah. I tuned in when the designer with the ballerina skirt in white with the oddly angled top was being critiqued...and after subzero winds in NYC, I just did not have the patience for it.

May try again when my nerves are up to the challenge.

  • Love 3

I tuned in to see Project Runway All Stars but somehow I wound up with Project Runway Assholes instead.  Seriously, at least 75 percent of the contestants were my most hated assholes of their seasons.  Is this just to create more drama or some weird ass redemption arc or what?  I guess time will tell.  Sam, Asha, and Ayana better have improved personality-wise because I can't with them at all. Hated them more than most during their times.  Also, not happy that Under The Gunn hasn't been left to die alone in a corner but these two jerks were brought back to compete with regular Runway designers.  Ugh.  They were the worst of the worst, not only as people but as designers.  They certainly are not 'all stars'.  


This show. 

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
  • Love 13

Alyssa looks only six months pregnant now.   Really don't like her for this show.   Can't imagine what induced TPTB to ditch the previous model hostesses in favor of her. 


No fun coming back to bitchy queens and contrived drama after PR Junior.   Kind of like landing in Newark after a week in the Bahamas.


Enough of the "life story" challenges.   If I have to hear one more, "I used to love to watch my mother get dressed ..." story I'll scream.   Ditto for "my parents were addicts." 


Was "Under the Gunn" always known as "Project Runway Under the Gunn," or is that just a convenient re-packaging to enable UTG contestants to participate on PR All Stars?

Edited by millennium
  • Love 7

Why does Alyssa's stylist hate her? More important, why has no one told her.

I thought Alyssa was trying to bring back the schoolmarm look at first, but then she came out in the brown sack look for the runway, so I guess that they’ve got the same people styling her this season.


Except for Mitchell’s look I didn’t hate anything (well, unless you count Ken) & I'm good with Valerie's win. 

  • Love 2
Am I wrong, or did one of those clips from the rest of the season clearly show the final five designers sitting on the sofa?  Right before they showed some sort of nudity-related challenge?


Yes!  I saw that number seated so I squinted real fast and hit the off button so I could avoid spoiling but that really pisses me off. Whenever I see a contest show air clips from the whole season I fear being spoiled but usually they are at least trying to be careful. I don't think they even tried this time. There were obviously challenges coming up with specific designers shown doing them so if you pay attention at all you know who is not going home right away. But that final five shot was way ridiculous.  


Can Alyssa not see herself when she looks in a mirror?  How can she let someone style her this way year after year?  Is that the natural hook for this awful show? 'What will Alyssa look like this week!? Tune in!' 


Both Sam and Asha turned in designs that looked like ass but that was expected.  Under the Gunn regularly rewarded those two for some of the worst designs on any show and they were (and still are, apparently) completely in love with themselves. They also have stank personalities and acted like awful mean girls to some of the other contestants on that dismal show, especially one poor woman they just abused mercilessly. Then on top of that Tim and Anya and what's his name, Pinocchio-boy*, really started piling on and it was just sickening to watch. They would have given Asha the win that season too if Heidi and Neil Patrick Harris hadn't come in the finale and slapped them figuratively upside their heads in the most delicious WTF moment ever and stopped them getting away with it.  Tim's shine really took a hit that season and he's just got a little of it back with Juniors.  But damn, here those two asses are again, on my TV as all stars. In no effing universe! 


Loved Valerie's design, glad she got the win. 


* Mondo

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
  • Love 13

I never thought Alyssa was a great host, but I don't remember that saccharine, affected way of speaking before. She was awful.

Trust me - it was there last time around. I remember her affected speaking voice being so bad I cringed and even fast-forwarded every time she spoke.

In comparison to the juniors, these folks look worn and their designs...meh. And of course, the bitchiness and fighting are already on tap. Gone are the happy vibes and good will in the workroom. Alyssa makes me miss Hannah.

What was Hannah like? And the juniors? I boycotted and refused to watch after the last PR (the fix was in).

  • Love 5
What was Hannah like? And the juniors? I boycotted and refused to watch after the last PR (the fix was in).


Hannah was good, Tim was his old wonderful mentor-y self again (the juniors were perfect for him), and the juniors were both extremely talented beyond most of regular season and All Star season contestants actually, and very sweet with each other.  It was a breath of fresh air and made me like the show again.  


Then I watched All Stars tonight and damn. Sigh. 


Alyssa always talks and styles herself like she's in some fifties' movie. She's been doing it since her early twenties and I hate it more each year. At least tonight I liked her hair. That weird sack they wound around her was a WTF though. She is a short woman and she keeps wearing clothes that cut her off at the knees or ankles and make her look dumpy and strange. She is so not right for a fashion oriented show. But year after year, there she is. Love Dmitry though. My little one-way monkey!  

  • Love 15

They're not even pretending to cast for anything other than drama, are they? Ken and Alexander - in what world are either of them all-stars? (I won't even mention the Under The Gunn designers because I'm desperately trying to pretend they aren't there.) I wasn't going to watch this, but I'm kind of glad I did because - well, because Dmitry, mostly, but it was good to see Stella and Fade again, as well. 


I do hope Kini wins this; I think he was robbed in his season.


I'd forgotten Zanna was a "judge" (if you saw the season you understand the reason for quotes) on UTG. I realize she doesn't have to be impartial here, but her favoritism is pretty blatant, pretty off-putting and pretty misguided, IMO.


I don't know if I'm in for the season, but I'll at least be in for another week.

Edited by Miracle Maxie
  • Love 2

Watching this episode just made me miss Peytie & co from PR: Junior even more. We went from talented kids who were capable of sewing next to each other without being bitchy to...this.


Daniel: I have so much left to do. I still haven't pieced together my front to the back. The sleeves have not been attached. There's no collar. There's no lapel. There's no hand finishing on there and there's no closure.

Me: So....you just have some pieces of fabric?


I mean, seriously, if that's the list of things you still haven't done, what exactly did you get done?


Oh, Alyssa. I'd somehow forgotten that she pronounces forward as foe-ward.


I wasn't crazy about Ken's. I'm so tired of peplums and that lace part on the skirt was cut pretty high.


I did not like Emily's cocoon jacket. It looked like a bathroom rug that someone tried to turn into a sleeping bag. I also hated her styling. The model's hair was so ugly. But points to Emily for being one of the only designers who pronounces "aesthetic" correctly. I'm so sick of the multitudes of designers who pronounce it like there's a T or a D instead of a TH.


I don't know how Fade's design represented freedom. It had a retro 80s kind of look but it was nothing fresh or modern or even interesting.


I liked the shape of Asha's skirt but I didn't like the cut out on the front. It looked like something you would find on the sale rack at Forever 21. ITA with Dmitry - pleather looks cheap. The end.


The first problem with Daniel's dress was that horrible lamé fabric which looked so cheap. The problem was further compounded by that pastel shade of baby blue which reminded me of a bathroom. Maybe if he'd had time to add the collar, lapel, sleeves, and everything else, it would have been amazing (doubtful) but what he sent down the runway was a plain dress with a skirt slit up to her good china. I don't know how a lapel and collar could have fixed the actual design of the dress.


Sam's mesh romper was ugly and it gapped on the sides which means side boob. I did not like the big blue edges which made his outfit look like it was being held together with gaffer tape. Was he the one yelling all the obnoxious comments during the runway show? Please STFU.


I liked the silhouette of Kini's dress and I liked the way he put those pleats on the side to make the little pouf, but I wasn't crazy about the collar.


I liked the fabric Dom used but I hated that big boxy coat. I also hated the pale pink color she used for the dress underneath and I really hated the long sleeves of the dress combined with the short sleeves of the coat. I don't remember if I liked or disliked Dom during her season, but I can't stand when people talk about their own humility. Humility is like beauty or intelligence - if you have it, I'll know. If you have to tell me you have it, you're probably delusional.


I didn't remember the design aesthetic of most of these designers when they were introduced at the beginning of the episode but as soon as Valerie had her geometric pieces on the dress form, I immediately remembered her style. I like that she creates patterns that look like stained glass or tangram puzzles. I totally agreed with whichever designer said that her construction was so immaculate that it looked like her dress was made out of a print. Bonus: pockets! I liked the ombré effect she used with the pink colors too.


I liked Stella's design but I didn't think it was very punk or rock aside from the grommets.


Mitchell's skirt looked like what happens when you leave tissue paper near cats. It just looked messy to me. And there was way too much side boob! There is no reason to do that to even a flat chested model. Sam was right - Mitchell's dress looked like he chopped up three other dresses and hot glued them together. There was not one element of his design that I liked. The judges are obviously smoking crack again. How could you look at that disaster of a design and want to see more from him?


I didn't love Layana's design. It wasn't offensive or anything, but it was just there. I thought it was a dress until Dmitry reminded me that it was actually a pantsuit. The pale lavender looked really washed out which seemed incongruous with her warrior theme. I'm not saying that all warriors have to wear red (or black, ahem, Candice) but nothing about her design looked very warrior to me. I also didn't like the print she used on the top.


I was worried that Alexander's dress would veer into old lady when I saw the fabric he chose, but somehow I ended up liking it.


The judges were gushing so much about how perfect Ken's dress was so I was afraid he would be the winner so I was so glad that Valerie won!


I wish they would have eliminated both of the bottom two designers.


Dmitry is a good judge so I hope they bring him back.


And someone, please, tell Alyssa it's "The judges and me" NOT the judges and I". As in, "Its time for me to deliberate..."

Ha, I had the exact same reaction!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 6
Am I wrong, or did one of those clips from the rest of the season clearly show the final five designers sitting on the sofa?  Right before they showed some sort of nudity-related challenge?

For what it's worth, on my tv I could see the edge of another couch (and a female designer wearing a short sleeved top with some kind of large print clearly sitting on it) so my guess is that's when they have ten designers left. They are usually very even about splitting up the designer seating when they do those intros for the next challenge so there are probably five other designers on the couch that's just off screen. And when they cut to Alyssa (who is wearing a blue dress with red targets on the front - WTF?) with the naked people, you can see that there are at least six people visible on the runway. Then they cut to Dom reacting and whoever is sitting to her right is the same person wearing the shirt with the large print that was seen sitting on far end of the couch in the previous shot. You can also see a female in a white outfit behind Dom and another person behind Dom wearing a striped outfit. That means there are at least nine people listening to Alyssa's naked runway intro.

  • Love 2

Alyssa was really trying to convince us this season is chock full of talent, hmm... First with the comment that was something like "This will be our toughest season of all stars yet!" during her speech before the runway. Then after the runway with "I can see this season will be really competitive!" Yeah, okay. It will be "tough"...for the viewers. I was generally fine with most of the clothes they sent down the runway in the first episode, but there are some seriously obnoxious people here, yeesh. I didn't watch all the original seasons and I didn't watch UTG, so I didn't know all of them already...


I wish they would re-vamp Project Runway so now it's just a camera following Dmitry around... I'd watch that! *sigh* <3

  • Love 13

I thought it was hilarious that in one segment Zanna is telling Ken about how 2005 his design in and in the next breath is, from what I recall, suggesting to Fade to do the oh-so-innovative thing of putting graffiti on his ensemble.

I honestly thought that Daniel franco was cast on this season as an easy first out for the judges.

  • Love 5

I didn't know there was a new season! Very excited to see this on the TiVo, but disappointed to see how much attitude these folks are slinging.


Kini can indeed sew his ass off. I was happy to see him. I also liked Dom on her season (and she's a Philly girl and I always root for my home town). Still trying to remember the rest of them. I think I didn't like Ken; he has a kind of stank air about him. I liked his design though.


t don't know anything about "Under the Gunn." I've heard of it but didn't watch it and don't know the premise. How was it different from the regular PR? I think I read on these forums that it did not go well. The guy from that season is catty as hell and I already don't like him.


Alyssa Milano is always dressed terribly on this show. Denim culottes? Girl, what? And the dress she wore on the runway made her look twice her size.

  • Love 1

Okay - this just made me miss PR Juniors so much more!!!


Daniel's was a hot mess, and MItchell's reminded me of something that girls create with toilet paper at a bridal shower game, but didn't have time to finish.


I loved Kini's, but wish he would get away from black (that was my wish during his regular season, too)...was that material black denim?


The rest were okay - I did like Valerie's, but I wasn't crazy about the color of the beige-y pink pieces.  I loved the rest of it, though, and ***pockets***!!!!  


From the looks of the previews, they are all really upping the drama--not sure if I'm going to like that!!  

  • Love 1

t don't know anything about "Under the Gunn." I've heard of it but didn't watch it and don't know the premise. How was it different from the regular PR? I think I read on these forums that it did not go well. The guy from that season is catty as hell and I already don't like him.


UTG was ostensibly a contest for top mentor. They got Mondo and Anya, who I guess Tim felt hadn't won enough stuff yet, and finished out with Nick Verreos, who Tim barely tolerated, and gave them each designers to work with. The judges were (with the dazzling exception of Rachel Roy) poorly-dressed scarecrows, and they spent most of the judging time reciting scripted reasons why Anya's or Mondo's contestants won whatever the challenge was with shoddy work / weren't sent home for doing horrible work.


Asha and Sam belonged to Mondo, and were more or less coronated into the finale (they had to increase the number of designers showing to fit Asha in). Unfortunately for the best-laid plans, Heidi and Neil Patrick Harris were invited to be judges for the finale, and struck Tim and the judges speechless by asking if the contest was for the best designs or for the fact that Asha's seams were slighly straighter than they were on week one and Sam got many ideas on his last trip to Strawberry. After that, the contestant who should have won did.


If Asha, Sam and Mondo were capable of being ashamed of the way they behaved, they wouldn't have been capable of behaving that way. Just, seriously ugly humans.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 18

Was Zanna this terrible last time around? "If you're inspired by graffiti, why not do graffiti on the fabric?" I don't know, Zanna, maybe because we're trying to produce something interesting rather than resort to the tritest, most facile BS? Come on now. 


Count me in among the Dmitry fans who would like to see more of him. 


Also really happy to see Fade back. I know his design sense is... not the freshest, shall we say - but it's probably time for the 80s to come back around sometime soon, no? eventually? - and I probably couldn't pull off wearing much of what he produces, but I just love looking at his work. There's something purely *fun* about it, and I really enjoy that. 

  • Love 8

Trust me - it was there last time around. I remember her affected speaking voice being so bad I cringed and even fast-forwarded every time she spoke.

What was Hannah like? And the juniors? I boycotted and refused to watch after the last PR (the fix was in).


The most refreshing and genuinely feel-good reality show I have ever seen.

  • Love 10

Thanks, Julia. I'm another one who didn't watch Under the Gunn and thought those two were atrocious and didn't like that Sam got so much screen time this episode.


Was Stella the one in her season who worked with a LOT of leather and pronounced it leathah? If that's the same person, she's changed a lot! (We've had quite a few older women who had the 'punk rock' aesthetic which is why I can't remember if it is her or not).


I too hated Ken's peplum. That's not current or fresh. It's old and boring and (to me) mostly unflattering. I didn't like what Layana's top did to her model. I liked the idea and I liked the fabric but I thought the boobs were too low and looked droopy to me. Valerie I remember from being part of the mean girls in her season so I'm not that fond of her either. 


Looking at the Wikipedia entry for this season, they are mostly scraping the bottom of the barrel. Most of the "All Stars" didn't rank higher than 5th. 

I thought Valerie, Dom, and Emily should have been in the top, as they all made something interesting.  The rest of the designs were one big blur of basic boring black.  I didn't actually see seasons 11 or 12, so I don't know or care about those designers and their obnoxious personalities.  It seems the producers are encouraging season-based cliques now, which is vomitoriuous.   I can't believe it's only season five of all-stars; the downward trajectory since season 1 makes it feel more like the 15th season that I'm watching. I didn't enjoy being reminded of the UTG judging panel...please never bring it up again!  If a past season winner wins again, then I think the entire thing is pointless.  There should be a special 'winners season' where all the past winners compete with each other.  Mixing them in sucks.

  • Love 3

Mizrahi said that Ken's peplum suit looked old and dated and then Milano said that it looked new and fresh (or something like that). The only time I see anyone wearing a peplum design is on this show. Also, Franco is creepy.

Considering the "1980s gone bad" get-up Milano wore in the intro scene, that makes sense coming from her.


Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 3

Ooof. I'm going to have to struggle to get into this season if this episode was any representation. I really can't stand most the people on there. And where the hell did they dig some of them up? I haven't thought about some of them in forever. Though to be fair, I couldn't get into Threads, UTG, OR Juniors, so anyone from those shows I really wouldn't know. I am on board with the love for Fade, Emily, and Kini. Never did like Alyssa Milano as hostess on here, not really sure how she got the job. I do feel bad for her though, how can she not see how she looks on tv? And I'd really love to know who styles her, so I can avoid any work by them like the plague. My husband came in yesterday while I was watching reruns of the previous season and she was hugely pregnant and was just laughing his ass off at her ridiculous styling. And he had a huge crush on her back in the day! No one overall stood out for me this challenge, but it is only the first episode so........

Good God, I am beginning to think this show hates curvy short women.  Alyssa looked like a cowgirl school marm who enjoys shopping at Wal-mart in the opening scenes.  Alyssa is a very pretty woman.  You just have to take my word on it, because they make her look like deep fried shit on this show.


They really are trying to shit on the Bravo glory days, aren't they? Daniel Franco might be a sweet man, but he has always done horribly on this show.  It will not work...Bravo was when there was talent on the show and not just Daniel F.

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