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S13.E10: Restaurant Wars, Part 2

Tara Ariano
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I don't know who picked out Karen's dress, but that was unfortunate. And the camera people didn't help. When Karen was serving a course, Padma said "It's so LARGE!" and the camera immediately went to Karen's midsection. :( That was mean. I don't think it was unintentional either. They'd been zooming in on her in unflattering ways all night. Or else I was imagining things.

Next we had Manbun saying "Absolutely!" to everything, and anything. With a big thumb's up.

I don't know if Mercury was in retrograde when they were doing this but everyone's food seemed to suck. I've never seen pork belly served in a huge deep bowl. But, since it was drowned in vinegar, maybe that was why. Giving it a place to swim.

I think this was my least favorite Restaurant Wars ever. But I did love and enjoy seeing the dumbfounded nervous look on Manbun's face during judging. Hope it's the last time I see him. He cannot understand his own shortcomings. Or accept criticism.

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This really was the worst RW. I could barely pay attention. I did perk up quite a lot at the end, however.


Buh bye, man bun. I don't know what's going on with LCK, but I can't imagine you're going to be successful, especially if you're going to whine about why you didn't deserve to go home and we viewers didn't really see any reason you should stay.

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Oh, having the judges see right through Manbun's talking up his own restaurant (and his tattoos... why?) during service was so satisfying. Seeing him go home, still dumbfounded that cooking only food from his restaurant did not take him to the finals was even sweeter. There are chefs this season who are actually being innovative (Marjorie, for example) and cooking things they've never made before. Phillip is lazy and I'm glad to see him gone. 

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I don't think I've seen a failure this bad in Top Chef history - for an entire team to do so bad.  I've seen epic individual failures, but the judges all practically spit out that one dish and that wasn't even Philips.  And Philip didn't think he'd be judged on the cocktail?  Although that was the least of the failures.

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Philip may be the most deluded cheftestant ever.

I really can't remember a season I was more ready for a chef to go.

Thankfully he was also smoked in LCK by the increasingly likable Jason (perhaps the liberation of losing and being removed from the brorocracy of this season did that?)

. Marjorie for the win!

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I really like Isaac, and it must have been satisfying as hell to pull out that win.


HOWEVER.  I think Marjorie deserved it.  They were all cool about not showing any of their missteps or nervousness, but if it hadn't been for Marjorie, dinner service wouldn't have gone as smooth for Karen.  She bailed Karen out.  Isaac, having to bail Karen out on the dish, not so much.  I guess the reward for being a solid FOH person is that they don't notice how much you contributed, it should be smooth and unobtrusive, but still.  I like Isaac and am comfortable he won.  But in my heart, Marjorie deserved it more.


Amar should kiss the floor and all shrines to kitchen gods everywhere that the judges clearly just had had it with Phillip.  Otherwise, he would've gone home.  I was a little surprised he didn't, even though Phillip was basically begging to be sent home with every stupid defense he put forth at judges' table.

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The judges so openly dislike Phillip and I love it. Why compete week after week if he doesn't take the constructive criticism and apply it to better his craft? If he's already the best at everything, why bother? Oh yeah because he's a douche. I love how Tom called it that he'd be talking up his flaky little restaurants instead of being a team player.

Padma is insufferable though.

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Restaurant Wars is my favorite of the season even though it stresses me out in the worst way, being a line cook myself.

I was pretty surprised Jeremy didn't get called out for the lunch service. I would've been just as happy if he were sent home, actually. I was worried for Kwame too.

100% agree with Marjorie deserving a win. I didn't feel like Isaac brought as much to the team being successful as she did (even though she was unnecessarily snarky towards Isaac. Stuff like that makes me feel really on the fence about her). However, it was nice to see him get a win, finally. Do all the remaining contestants have wins now? I can't keep track week to week. Binge watching is more my forte.

I always wondered if the judges made fun of contestants. Good riddance, Man Bun.

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I agree the food just wasn't appealing. Marjorie's bread and cheese plate looked like the only two I had interest in.

As satisfying as the Phillip exit was (are you seriously showing me your chest tattoos?), I thought Amar was terrible. He had a terrible dish and he allowed other gross dishes to go out. Come on! He's lucky Phillip had a saki cocktail in his podium - at that point, Tom was completely over dealing with him

It was nice to see the gray team give Isaac his due after some of last week's attitude.

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Didn't Jeremy straight up lie about lunch service, with his claim that he was calling out tickets as he got them when he was actually holding tables up for the judges? I got the impression that the discussion about lunch service was much longer and it was edited to end with, "But enough about the sucky lunch service, let's talk about how much dinner sucked worse."

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I was pretty surprised Jeremy didn't get called out for the lunch service. I would've been just as happy if he were sent home, actually. I was worried for Kwame too.

I do think there were things edited out of lunch service because serving the judges shouldnt have put them so far behind and the poster who attended mentioned some dishes being sent back and things like not getting utensils (which we also saw happen for the judges) so that the failure of lunch might not have been as much on Jeremy (though still a huge mistake) as last week's edit implied. We also did see Jeremy complain about not getting tickets to Kwame. Edited by biakbiak
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Did not enjoy that sad sack guest judge.

I definitely thought there would be more mention of Marjorie bailing out Karen with FOH and Isaac with her dish.

The red team's food looked and sounded horrible. Who does risotto?! I knew red would lose when Amar said he let everyone do their fish how they wanted.

Can not get over Phillip talking about his restaurant and tattoos the whole time. Even at the beginning, telling the servers about his restaurant and that they'll be cooking for people he knows. The judges didn't even attempt to hide their contempt.

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I didn't watch the two previous episodes, so I missed some of Marjorie's snarky comments about Isaac. However, based on what I saw in this episode, it appears that when their team hit the kitchen, it was actually a team. It did seem that whatever issues there were about shopping lists (which I read about in last week's thread), last choices and refinement (or lack thereof) were pushed to the side in the effort for the team win. So props to them for understanding the need to put their egos aside. The red (or orange - was it orange?) team, however, was a mess. And I think between Man Bun's crappy salad (which he refused to accept any constructive criticism about) and his obnoxious front of the house skillz, the judges were on point sending him packing. I noticed that none of the other cheftestants made a move to even shake his hand, let alone give him the conciliatory hug, when he began the walk of shame. He was as clueless as ever in his talking head - "I know I made good food!" I'm sincerely trying to remember when, exactly, he made good food. He made serviceable food, and good enough food, but it finally caught up with him. I can't say he ever made anything I'd be interested in eating.


I'm a bit worried that Kwame is losing his mojo. I don't like seeing a struggling Kwame. I am glad Isaac won, and holy moly, was his face RED when they announced him as the winner. Since I didn't watch last week, I can't comment on Marjorie's versatility making the win possible, however, I think her actual food prep for dinner was a wash. They liked the bread but not desert. And they noted that Isaac made two great dishes - one at each meal - so I can understand why he would get the win.


I like Isaac a lot, but I'm not sure if he can carry it through to the finals for exactly the reasons Marjorie mentioned - his lack of "refinement." Padma mentioned he likes to braise a lot, and I wonder if that will work against him in the future. I love braised dishes, so I have no issue with that, but he may not be versatile enough for the judges' taste, ultimately.


I listened to an interview on NPR with the NY Times restaurant critic that gave Per Se its "bad" two star review and he made a comment along the lines that so many chefs aren't really thinking about cooking a meal that actually tastes good anymore; it's becoming about using certain ingredients and presentation. When he made that comment, Man Bun was the first guy I thought of - the all flash and no substance. With him it's a matter of "if I put this oyster on a rock, it will have to be good because no one is plating on a rock!" or "I'll be that guy who gives new meaning to whipped potatoes!" or whatever. He may want to concentrate on being a food stylist if he's that much into presentation. It doesn't matter how that food tastes, as long as it looks appealing, which seems right up his alley.

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If you're going to give your guests a complimentary cocktail, wait until they've sat down for godsakes. That was ridiculous making them walk around like they were at a cocktail party.

I imagined the cocktail either warm or watered down with melted ice if it came straight from that jug. Also it made it look like the host was just holding it in his crotch area like he was peeing into it. The whole thing was bizarre and forced. Get over yourself, bun.

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You have to wonder why so-called successful restauranteur Philip even came on this show. How did he even make the cut?

My heart goes out to an individual with so little self-awareness and so much arrogance. Unwilling to admit that he has things to learn, incapable of recognizing mistakes, and covered in idiotic tattoos to boot. Sad all around.

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Worse, the guy at the host stand said: "We have your table ready, but Phillip Lee would like you to try his cocktail."


We COULD seat you, but we'd rather make you stand around awkwardly first! Giving it to them at the table would have made much more sense.

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I didn't think Marjorie would win as soon as I saw how she presented herself as the GM. She made herself look like someone that didn't know how to take care of themselves, it was really terrible. She had dirty matted hair that was sweaty and oily, no make-up, blue-jeans, and wasn't even thoughtful enough to hide her (hideous) tatoo. 3/4 sleeves would have been fantastic. Isaac deserved to win because he did a good job with food and as the head chef imo. 

I don't think Marjorie or Karen will win because they are both too sloppy and to me, look like druggies, young.  In any case, neither were able to pull off looking professional, which is sort of crazy that adult women don't know how to look nice. Crazy. Not saying they should have been running around in heels and skirts, but maybe some slacks and a blazer--- washed hair. That's really all to stay off the radar.

Edited by bravofan27
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Gail was hilarious this episode. When your critique is (paraphrasing) "It was stupid!" is amazing. 


That being said I wouldn't complain about a full glass of alcohol being refilled.

Edited by rustyspigot
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I am glad they didn't even try to pretend there was a question about which team lost... it was so obvious that the orange team was going down in flames for dinner. The right person definitely went home this week!

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Marjorie for VIP, stepping into a managerial role when it was no longer her turn because she was better able to do so at the time than the one who should.  That’s a team player.   I love that it’s just roundly accepted she’s the best baker TC has ever seen, but she’s also respected for her cooking.  I might have to read the post-viewing blog posts on this one.


LOL at District priding themselves on a free cocktail; people love free booze, but not if it tastes like a cheap fruit juice with a splash of liquor.  Especially in a scenario like this, where everything is free.  If there was room in the budget to do a proper cocktail for every dinner guest, that could have been wise in terms of diner feedback (but not something to hang their hat on, since such feedback is a drop in the bucket during judges’ deliberation), but a half-assed effort garners nothing.  And the way it was presented was so lame, with the host sort of hijacking people. 


Tom’s comment on Philip that he’d bet anything Philip was talking about his local restaurant rather than the one for the show cracked me up.  And I don't even hate Philip; I just think he's delusional.


I really hate how the appearance of the women on this show is scrutinized, but I think Padma mixed up her daytime and nighttime attire.


Amar’s dish looked tasty to me, but obviously those who actually ate it disagreed.  So I think this shook out the way it should have, and agreed – to the extent I can, on the other side of a TV screen – with Tom saying, unlike in some previous RW challenges, someone was deservedly going home for a weak dish.

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I don't think Man Bun is a good chef and I do not think he is successful.  He parents bought him two restaurants (one of which is now closed) and so Man Bun thinks he has the cache of a chef who "owns" two restaurants.  It's all just total bullshit.  At best this guy would be maybe a sous chef at this point in his career if mommy and daddy had not bought him a career.  Marjorie was totally right on - this guy has never had a mentor and so he had never had a person critiquing his food.  Man Bun might have some potential but he skipped about 15 years in his career - you know, the part you really need in order to develop as a professional.  He is not half as good as he thinks he is.  I strongly suspect that all his restaurants will be closed by the time he is 30 and he will just be ranting about how no one "got" his food.  


This is the problem with rich parents just handing you everything on a platter.  Eventually the masses catch on that the emperor has no clothes.  Man Bun has no clothes.   

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I didn't think Marjorie would win as soon as I saw how she presented herself as the GM. She made herself look like someone that didn't know how to take care of themselves, it was really terrible. She had dirty matted hair that was sweaty and oily, no make-up, blue-jeans, and wasn't even thoughtful enough to hide her (hideous) tatoo. 3/4 sleeves would have been fantastic. Isaac deserved to win because he did a good job with food and as the head chef imo.

I don't think Marjorie or Karen will win because they are both too sloppy and to me, look like druggies, young. In any case, neither were able to pull off looking professional, which is sort of crazy that adult women don't know how to look nice. Crazy. Not saying they should have been running around in heels and skirts, but maybe some slacks and a blazer--- washed hair. That's really all to stay off the radar.

I agree. Twenty years ago these people would have been seen as a creative genius - a person just too cool for school whose unbounded self-expression could not be contained by any norms of mainstream professionalism. Now they are run-of-the-mill. Pink hair and tattoos are banal and ordinary. They actually just look like dumpy women approaching middle age who are desperately clinging to what they think is youthful and hip.

At the end of the day their look is just dated and and very, very sloppy. Ironically, it would be truly refreshing to see a woman on this show who looked and dressed her age without them talking about their sexuality. I would love to see a woman on this show who kept herself totally professional.

Edited by Veruca Assault
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Phillip's best bits are when his commentary is entirely unaware. Throwing the blame at everyone else on his team as they closed him out is the perfect example. Literally every other person who has lost on this show goes out humbly, thankful for the opportunity, and using it as a jumping off point for the future of their careers. Phillip did the complete opposite!


Can we please keep him around in the bottom corner, just to give the remaining chefs pointers? I would love to see him slowly throwing a tantrum as he watches each episode, interjecting with his wealth of knowledge.

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Philip is certainly talented at self-promotion. He is all over the internet for different gimmicks he tries to promote his restaurants, and he is in CA where people seem to buy that shee't. His next reality gig will be on Shark Tank. He's a truly great salesman, deluded about the reality of the product, but naively pursues it truly believing it's the best ever. It also appears from the reviews and interviews he's given, that he really has a hard time working for people, and he has a hard time getting along with just about everyone. And snarky comment here-- if he is so rich, why didn't his parents fix his teeth? He looks like he chews bottle caps. Also, and maybe this dates me and is super judgmental, but what respectful family allows their son to drop out of HS? And then give him money later? I sort of feel that Philip is lying about the rich parents thing, I think it's more likely he couldn't stand working for someone and somehow convinced his now ex-business partner to invest in him. He's a persistent shamless little thing, and uber competitive. I could easily be wrong too, but he sort of comes off to me, as the guy that wants everyone to think he's rich and his family has money when really they don't. Like the guy who rents a nice car and says it's his moms, and then rents another nice car and says it's his moms, to make people think his family has a bunch of nice cars. Shit like that he pulls I bet.


Or not.


I am guessing Amar is the next to go. He is becoming a douche and he isn't assertive and confident enough to edge out Carl and Kwame. 


My last comment that made me so sad (because I absolutely HATE when people get picked on and are socially rejected) is when Isaac complimented Marjorie and smiled and tried to engage her in conversation after it was all over. I thought that Marjorie did not deserve for Isaac to be so kind to her. He is really a sweet man. If someone treated me like Marjorie, I wouldn't feel comfortable being around her, not knowing if it would be used against me. Also, I definitely noticed that Marjorie was the the last one to congratulate Isaac when he won. Karen imeadiatly jumped on him and cheered, where Marjorie was still standing looking straight ahead. It's like when you wait until you absolutely HAVE to stand during plays or musicals, but you hope everyone will sit down before it's noticed that you never stood up. Then you realize everyone is standing but you so you stand up. It's like that. 

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oh, phillip....douche to the last breathe.......they can tell me im wrong but i know i did it right?  WTF, lol.  and him saying "good thing you're not judging the cocktails".....omfg, that was hilarious.....i was cracking up so hard at that awkward moment.  that was a zoolander moment.  the guy is just clueless......  the guest judge comment was spot on.  new, inexperienced chefs just think they know everything (paraphrasing) about cooking....like yelpers.......


jeremy......i already knew risotto was a bad idea (and you knew)..but it's okay.  it can be the worst risotto in the history of top chef, but i WILL still lick off that risotto from your naked body, lol......you are so yummy, lol.


yeah, looking at the red teams food while it was coming out, even i was saying WTF is that.  i didn't even want to try it.


tortellini and tripe.....was scratching my head on that one.  isn't that like eating chewed gum covered pasta?  love tripe, but with pasta?  well, judges liked it so okay then.


dear top chef.....please more shirtless and butt shots of jeremy please......thank you for that shot of jeremy bending down ;D

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When they cut to the shot of Phillip talking about his tattoos, I had just bit into a fortune cookie in my mouth and inhaled half the cookie crumbs as I laughed at the TV... my wife was a bit concerned as I coughed out crumbs and laughed simultaneously.

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I don't like to snark on overweight women, being as I am one myself, but Karen needs to take that dress and burn it, it was hideous. I couldn't take my eyes off her when she was in any shot and I don't mean that in a good way. I don't blame the cameramen, there was no way to make her look good in that thing. After all these seasons of TC, I don't understand why the chefs (men and women) don't pack one classy/classic outfit on the chance that they'll be FOH in RW.


How did Phillip describe his restaurant: "It's fine dining on a plate - but rustic..." What does that even mean?  And considering his 2 tattoos say "Wolf I Am" and "Mother say a prayer for me", Amy Duggar's "Rest in the storm" is looking positively literary.

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I hate to defend Phillip and he does go on and on when someone asks him anything but I would guess that both the tattoo and restaurant monologues were him initial responding to questions asked by the customers.

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just saw last chance kitchen....and i am convinced more than ever than phillip is mildly retarded.


phillip.....if u keep insisting that what you are doing is right and other people are disagreeing with u, maybe it's time to re-examine yourself.  ever heard of that definition of insanity?  doing the same things over and over expecting different results?

Edited by lovebug1975
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You have to wonder why so-called successful restauranteur Philip even came on this show. How did he even make the cut?

My heart goes out to an individual with so little self-awareness and so much arrogance. Unwilling to admit that he has things to learn, incapable of recognizing mistakes, and covered in idiotic tattoos to boot. Sad all around.

i have to admit, that guest judge's restaurant in los angeles, "bestia" is pretty incredible.  lots of pretentious douches there but the food is great.  the bone marrow and chicken liver crostini were amazing last i went a few years ago.

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After all these years Top Chef (and reality tv in general) can still surprise me.  Phillip entered the realm of the legendary with his parting comments, quoted in this thread already, about never being wrong.  He's lucky he's in a city (my current city, so I say this with love) where there's sort of a culture of "the emperor has no clothes" and we can create delusions nobody will disturb lest we disturb theirs.  That'll help him, and he can probably create a little cult if he gets praise from the right critics or bloggers or whatever.  He's a successful bullshit artist- kind of my dream, if I'm honest- he'll use this to rally those who look down upon this kind of show and the judges that inhabit it.  I wish him and his bun the best (although if you live a life in which you're immune from criticism well wishes are sort of...they're probably cute but unnecessary).


On another note, I felt like Karen wormed her way out of the challenge in a way when Marjorie stepped up to train the staff.  She found a way to hid, partially, and I hope somewhere on the cutting room floor there's a clip of her owning that at Judge's Table instead of grinning when complimented about her front of house performance.

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just saw last chance kitchen....and i am convinced more than ever than phillip is mildly retarded.

I read your post before I watched LCK, then watched it and thought of your comment throughout and couldn't stop laughing. This isn't a spoiler because it doesn't have anything to do with his cooking, but there is seriously something wrong with him! To anyone who hasn't seen LCK yet - go check it out!

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Phillip seems like such a spoiled child, no one ever criticized him as a child and it is like an alternate universe where every poop he takes is not praised. 

I fell Orange was going down with the statement Kame made where he thought the strawberry things needed to be seasoned, but it was phillip's dish, so...  It was each on their own, sink or swim.  Not quite bro ville.  I think it is odd that Kwame did not approach Phillip about the dish again. 

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Awww...ManBun was true to himself until the end....never change ManBun!  The world needs special snowflakes like you!


I can't even be mad at him....his inspirational speech to the waitstaff about how he has two restaurants.  Talking to diners about...his restaurants.  A cocktail before you can sit down....even if your table is ready!  This was all so ManBun.  He was really firing on all cylinders, bless his little heart.  And how quick was he to see if he could throw his team under the bus for that dish?  "Well, no one used the right tone to tell me it tasted shitty, so its really everyone else's fault"


Surprised by the fact that it wasn't even a close competition at dinner.  The Orange Team had very talented chefs.   I think Amar is generally a laid back person, and truly, I'm not sure what you would say to a chef if you thought their food sucked.  Jeremy's risotto stank because of a conscious decision he made not to use broth to cook it, so would you tell him to change his entire recipe?  I don't know.  Do people just make unilateral changes in RW?  I remember it happening last year but I remember it being frowned upon.


Happy for Issac to get the win.  Not surprised that the other two teammates were quick to hug him and Marjorie seemed to hold back.  

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Did not enjoy that sad sack guest judge.



He seemed very "blah"  Normally the guest judges have a little bit of personality, I also got the impression that he is the sort of person that shit talks a lot of dishes in an effort to be "cool."  I guess he has an amazing restaurant, but meh.  Why isn't Eric Ripert guest judging.  I have such a disgusting crush on him!


I didn't watch the two previous episodes, so I missed some of Marjorie's snarky comments about Isaac. However, based on what I saw in this episode, it appears that when their team hit the kitchen, it was actually a team. It did seem that whatever issues there were about shopping lists (which I read about in last week's thread), last choices and refinement (or lack thereof) were pushed to the side in the effort for the team win. So props to them for understanding the need to put their egos aside. The red (or orange - was it orange?) team, however, was a mess. And I think between Man Bun's crappy salad (which he refused to accept any constructive criticism about) and his obnoxious front of the house skillz, the judges were on point sending him packing. I noticed that none of the other cheftestants made a move to even shake his hand, let alone give him the conciliatory hug, when he began the walk of shame. He was as clueless as ever in his talking head - "I know I made good food!" I'm sincerely trying to remember when, exactly, he made good food. He made serviceable food, and good enough food, but it finally caught up with him. I can't say he ever made anything I'd be interested in eating.


I'm a bit worried that Kwame is losing his mojo. I don't like seeing a struggling Kwame. I am glad Isaac won, and holy moly, was his face RED when they announced him as the winner. Since I didn't watch last week, I can't comment on Marjorie's versatility making the win possible, however, I think her actual food prep for dinner was a wash. They liked the bread but not desert. And they noted that Isaac made two great dishes - one at each meal - so I can understand why he would get the win.




I listened to an interview on NPR with the NY Times restaurant critic that gave Per Se its "bad" two star review and he made a comment along the lines that so many chefs aren't really thinking about cooking a meal that actually tastes good anymore; it's becoming about using certain ingredients and presentation. When he made that comment, Man Bun was the first guy I thought of - the all flash and no substance. With him it's a matter of "if I put this oyster on a rock, it will have to be good because no one is plating on a rock!" or "I'll be that guy who gives new meaning to whipped potatoes!" or whatever. He may want to concentrate on being a food stylist if he's that much into presentation. It doesn't matter how that food tastes, as long as it looks appealing, which seems right up his alley.

I'm worried about Kwame too.  It seems like Gregory all over again, and that sort of broke my heart too because I really liked Gregory.  I hope Kwame can pull it out of the fire, but if he can't, I'm rooting for Issac.  


ManBun is all flash and gimmicks.  From serving food on a dirty ass rock instead of focusing on the FOOD to the cocktails at the door.  But of course, in his mind all his food was perfection and everyone loved it.  Everyone loved this salad that the judges think is gross, everyone loved that dessert that the judges didn't like.  I would be scared to eat at his restaurant because I'm sure he would insist I was wrong if I didn't like the food. 


Phillip's best bits are when his commentary is entirely unaware. Throwing the blame at everyone else on his team as they closed him out is the perfect example. Literally every other person who has lost on this show goes out humbly, thankful for the opportunity, and using it as a jumping off point for the future of their careers. Phillip did the complete opposite!


Can we please keep him around in the bottom corner, just to give the remaining chefs pointers? I would love to see him slowly throwing a tantrum as he watches each episode, interjecting with his wealth of knowledge.

Well, ManBun DOES know everything about making amazing food.  He has never made a bad plate of food in his life.  The judges just don't know how to appreciate his food.  


Hands down, the best part of this episode was Tom and Padma being certain that ManBun was talking about his restaurants and cutting to him blissfully educating diners about his restaurants.  I wish Tom would have put an eyeroll there, because it would have been perfect.



tortellini and tripe.....was scratching my head on that one.  isn't that like eating chewed gum covered pasta?  love tripe, but with pasta?  well, judges liked it so okay then.


dear top chef.....please more shirtless and butt shots of jeremy please......thank you for that shot of jeremy bending down ;D


I'm always going to allow a little extra latitude for someone making ox-tails.  So delicious!

I don't like to snark on overweight women, being as I am one myself, but Karen needs to take that dress and burn it, it was hideous. I couldn't take my eyes off her when she was in any shot and I don't mean that in a good way. I don't blame the cameramen, there was no way to make her look good in that thing. After all these seasons of TC, I don't understand why the chefs (men and women) don't pack one classy/classic outfit on the chance that they'll be FOH in RW.


I don't even know what to say about that dress.  Maybe its just hard for her to find dresses that fit her properly.  At least she put out the effort and put on a dress and some boots.  It wasn't a pretty dress, it wasn't a flattering dress, but maybe she just doesn't know how to shop for her body shape.  But have to agree that the dress was just all sorts of wrong.  I always think of those looser fitting dresses, with that type of fabric as being for waif thin teenagers.  She might do better with something that has a little more structure.  But I'm going to give her points for trying.  I don't think Marjorie was even trying with her outfit.

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Marjorie might not have been trying with her outfit but she did train front of house staff for two services, bake bread and make desserts.

Though I have to say I have seen front of the house in highly rated restaurants look like both Majorie and Karen and never batted an eye. And they were even better dressed than numerous pop up situations with lines out the door where they were doing double duty.

Edited by biakbiak
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Oh, having the judges see right through Manbun's talking up his own restaurant (and his tattoos... why?)

Hearing people talk about their tattoos is like hearing people talk about their dreams. It may seem interesting and cool to you, but NOBODY ELSE CARES!!

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Lol at some of the comments. Maybe I'm showing my age but the tattoos made things far worse than they could have been as far as looks.

I didn't care for the way Marjorie acted with Isaac last week but I have to say she gets the job done. I was happy for Isaac's win but I think I would have been just as happy for a Marjorie win.

For those in the know, could team District....could they have really been that bad? They aren't idiots.

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Marjorie might not have been trying with her outfit but she did train front of house staff for two services, bake bread and make desserts.

Though I have to say I have seen front of the house in highly rated restaurants look like both Majorie and Karen and never batted an eye. And they were even better dressed than numerous pop up situations with lines out the door where they were doing double duty.

I've never seen that for someone FOH.  The clientele generally looks pretty nice at the nicer restaurant I've been to and so I've never seen someone FOH not look at least as good as the people they are going to serve.  


1. Who was the guy doing prep work for the red team, and why was that allowed?

2. Was Karen giving the Gummy Artisan the finger as he was leaving?

yes to question #1, what was that about?

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i found something positive to say about this season......THEY'VE STOPPED doing those idiotic dramatic zoom effects that has been happening the last couple of seasons.  i just noticed that watching the rerun.  YES, the show has come to this that the only good thing to me about it is noticing the dumb things they've stopped doing and watching eye candy like jeremy.......nothing caring about the show really, lol.

I know this is stupid but what is pork belly and what does it taste like? Really thick bacon?

not stupid at all.


pork belly is one of God's greatest gift to humanity.  it is what it is, the belly of a pig.  basically skin/fat/pork meat.  when cooked right, like boiled first then fried, you get this amazing crispy skin on yummy pork fat and pork.  it is also oftentimes cooked in the over and you get the same effect.....just pure goodness.

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