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S20.E04: Week 4


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A couple of things I noticed that haven't been mentioned yet:


I rewound JoJo and Ben's conversation because it was so strange.  She was talking about her last relationship ending 5 months earlier and that (possibly) cheating was involved.  The words, "he" or "his" or "him", were never uttered.  I wondered if her ex was a woman.


Also, during the cocktail party, Emily and someone else were talking.  It was asked, "Would you rather be first or last to talk to him?"  "Last, because you get more time" was the answer.  So are producers scheduling who talks to Ben and in what order?  Is it a rule that the last conversation is taking place, so no more "stealing" him away?


ETA - Well that will teach me to hold off on replying without reading responses in the last 20 minutes.  I see StatisticalOutlier brought it up about JoJo!

Edited by deSchenke

Becca needs to find a man who is in her same church who believes as she does about no sex before marriage.  I just don't see a happy ending for her otherwise.  I have never met or heard of a man who holds this belief.  There must be some but not many and you don't find them on The Bachelor or any reality dating show.   I will also say I don't understand it.  Sex is good, it is not wrong.  



Mormon men abstain from sex before marriage, although not all of them, I'm sure.


  I hate Becca, stop announcing you're a virgin.  You're a grown woman, have some dignity.  Keep it to yourself and the man who you are close to, not a man you are trying to win in a contest.  Plus she's so manly looking, she makes Ben look petite.

  • Love 5
Also, during the cocktail party, Emily and someone else were talking.  It was asked, "Would you rather be first or last to talk to him?"  "Last, because you get more time" was the answer.  So are producers scheduling who talks to Ben and in what order?  Is it a rule that the last conversation is taking place, so no more "stealing" him away?


I took that comment about being last as more like "everyone else has already had at least one turn, so I'm less likely to be interrupted." The first one to go probably gets interrupted the fastest because they're all eager to talk to him. At some point, they probably get into having drinks and talking amongst themselves. 


Ok.  Thanks for sharing what you thought she meant.  It just didn't seem that drastic of a 'back story' that she HAD to talk to Ben about.  But, what would this show be without dramasticness (TM Teen Mom Jenelle) :).


The backstory thing is one of the (many) areas that I do think is heavily producer-influenced, they all seem to be encouraged to have a specific story that they can share with Ben and some of them are smoother than others at weaving that story in. When it's shoehorned into the conversation, it always comes out awkward. 

Also, during the cocktail party, Emily and someone else were talking.  It was asked, "Would you rather be first or last to talk to him?"  "Last, because you get more time" was the answer.  So are producers scheduling who talks to Ben and in what order?  Is it a rule that the last conversation is taking place, so no more "stealing" him away?


Yes!  I remembered that because it is the same tactic I have whenever I want to talk to a musician after the show.  You never go first.  Rookie mistake.  I may be better suited for this show than I thought.


I don't think the producers are necessarily scheduling them, because I've seen Sharleen mention that the night is not over until the producers say it's over.  That response gives me the impression that they let stuff go on until they feel they've gotten enough footage.  However, I think it's some kind of weird timing game because since you don't know when the producers are going to give that wrap it up signal, you have to keep a keen eye on who has already gone while making sure that you still get to squeeze in.  AGAIN, my tactic for timing to make sure a musician remembers me.

  • Love 3

Olivia's performance... to be honest, I doubt that Ben was expecting any of them to be especially talented at whatever they chose to do. If Olivia had just owned up to it and been silly and goofy, it wouldn't have been as bad. I'm surprised that she didn't at least try to choreograph some moves, outside of random kicking and shimmying. I think part of what made Olivia's performance so mortifying is how much she got into her own head about it --


I think what made Olivia's performance so mortifying was her complete lack of rhythm.  How is that even possible?  Has she never danced before?  And why try to "shimmy" and then pull your chest in like you are being forced to do it at gunpoint?  And who can't kick out their leg and straighten their knee?


This on Olivia's bio:

What is your most embarrassing moment? Nothing embarrasses me! I hate to say that. Maybe the time I set the record for time spent stuck in an elevator my freshman year of college.


She spoke too soon. 

  • LOL 1
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Becca needs to find a man who is in her same church who believes as she does about no sex before marriage.  I just don't see a happy ending for her otherwise.  I have never met or heard of a man who holds this belief.  There must be some but not many and you don't find them on The Bachelor or any reality dating show. 

Oh they exist... You just don't hear about them much because, in my experience, they got married real young. Like 19. Likely to some girl they'd known since they were a toddler. (Again, this is only in my experience. This was a continuing pattern in the church I grew up in.) 


I agree that Becca trying to find men on the Bachelor is pretty ridiculous if that is what she wants. If she wants to wait, then whatever, more power to her. But it seems like more of an attention grab to me. I mean, who would go on television and discuss their virginity in front of a camera, repeatedly, for anything other than attention. 

  • Love 6
I hate Becca, stop announcing you're a virgin.  You're a grown woman, have some dignity.  Keep it to yourself and the man who you are close to, not a man you are trying to win in a contest.


I don't remember the conversation exactly off the top of my head, but I could swear Ben was the one who brought up Becca's being a virgin, not her. I don't think Becca goes around talking about her virginity all the time. In fact it was one of the things I thought was awesome about her in Chris' season. 


Ashley I. aka the lost Kardashian was obsessed with the fact that she was a virgin and kept making it this big dramatic thing and talking about it all the time. And then Becca just casually mentioned during a group conversation that she was a virgin too like she was saying the sky is blue.


And yeah eventually she told Chris before the fantasy suites because everyone knows there is that expectation of sex at that point. So it was pretty much out there and Ben, like others, saw her on Chris' season so he knows about and so he asked and she answered. I don't think that's talking about her virginity all the time. 


Becca needs to find a man who is in her same church who believes as she does about no sex before marriage.  I just don't see a happy ending for her otherwise.  I have never met or heard of a man who holds this belief.


Actually, plenty of men date and marry women who are virgins before marriage, while they're not a virgin themselves. Especially since people define virgin differently and I'll leave it at that. I'll just say that it doesn't always mean having some chaste kisses and nothing else. 


I will also say I don't understand it.  Sex is good, it is not wrong.


Choosing to wait and have sex until marriage is not synonymous with thinking sex is wrong or a bad thing. It's actually kind of the opposite for most people with that belief, in that they see it as something so special that they don't want to share it with just anyone. Again it's a personal choice and neither is wrong. People who have pre-marital sex are not wrong or bad for it and people who choose to wait are not weird because of that or it means they think sex is something that's bad. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 23

I'm starting to feel sorry for Olivia. I am not a fan of her but I'm feeling sad for her.

I felt a little bad. She had this idea in her head that she would be AMAZING and sexy, and the BEST out of all of them, and turn Ben on and everyone would be amazed. Then she was far too self-conscious to deliver. So when she realized she failed, her reaction was really severe and she couldn't put it in perspective. No shades of gray with this girl -- it's all or nothing, Ben is sending her special messages and he'll be her husband, or he now hates her.


She DOES have a talent -- broadcasting. Why didn't she do a pretend weather newscast, or even do a news segment about the show? She could have gone out into the audience and interviewed people about the show, or whether they like roses, or where they were from. Done and done.


To me, it's obvious that Ben is over her. He didn't give her much reassurance and seemed annoyed with her second approach. Then he looked really unhappy when he gave her the rose. She's a production pick. Ben has settled on his top four already, so the other slots are open. I hope she goes home next week.

  • Love 10

Interesting on the affair angle.  But I still don't know why she would have said, "giving everything to that one person and committing to them."  Maybe it was a married woman she was having an affair with. 

She could have just meant that she was committed to him thinking he was going to leave the wife and commit to her and then that didn't end up happening, which is pretty common with affairs. 


The awkwardness of her phrasing was probably just an attempt to tell the story without flat out admitting to being the "other woman" on national TV. 


She DOES have a talent -- broadcasting. Why didn't she do a pretend weather newscast, or even do a news segment about the show? She could have gone out into the audience and interviewed people about the show, or whether they like roses, or where they were from. Done and done.


That actually sounds like a pretty good idea. She could have done a funny broadcast about the show or Ben. It doesn't seem like they had to be up there for long, there had to have been a better option than whatever that was that she was doing up there. 

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 4
I rewound JoJo and Ben's conversation because it was so strange.  She was talking about her last relationship ending 5 months earlier and that (possibly) cheating was involved.  The words, "he" or "his" or "him", were never uttered.  I wondered if her ex was a woman.


I didn't dwell on whether he/she/man/woman was the ex or who cheated. I honed in on her saying that "committed" relationship was FIVE MONTHS ago. When did applications for this season of TB take place? How long did she undergo interviews and prep for this show? Sounds to me like she was applying to win Ben's heart before getting rid of the ex.

  • Love 1

[Olivia] DOES have a talent -- broadcasting. Why didn't she do a pretend weather newscast, or even do a news segment about the show? She could have gone out into the audience and interviewed people about the show, or whether they like roses, or where they were from. Done and done.


The first thing that occurred to me when watching.  Another reason why it was obvious to me that it was super fake.


I could also hear canned laughter being dubbed in.  There's no way the sounds of those crowd reactions were real or natural -- there was no footage of people outside of the Bachelor contestants laughing.  The women mostly looked horrified or confused; it's not like they were guffawing out loud.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

Would Olivia's journalism career be affected by the scantily clad cake routine? 


I still don't get why she's on this show -- I saw her anchor reel, and it looked pretty good (at least in the sense that she seemed to be a competent news reader). Why is she risking her career to look like an idiot on a dating/sex game show? (She's really pretty with a strong career at only age 23, so I'm baffled as to why someone like her would need or want to be on this show.) I'd rather have Olivia's career than Ben or any other Bachelor that's been on this show.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 5

Would Olivia's journalism career be affected by the scantily clad cake routine? 


I don't work in the journalism industry, but I think the cake routine almost certainly killed any future serious newscasting opportunities. I don't know what it is, but sometimes people who seem intelligent and capable in their field just go and commit career suicide in the most spectacular fashion. I've seen it happen with some people that I've worked with, so for me that kind of thing is really hard to watch and not funny at all.

  • Love 5

Maybe Olivia's "talent" headpiece didn't fit inside the cake. Like others, I'm over her and she can go anytime.

This show isn't the place for Becca to find a husband. She needs to do that in the real world

I'd hate it if this show was cancelled. It is, inadvertently, the best comedy show on tv.

Ben is one of the best bachelors in recent history. Good choice show.

  • Love 1

I assume Olivia doesn't want to be a serious broadcaster and is looking to do something on E or Entertainment Tonight.


My first thought after her horrible "talent" was that she should have done a fun SNL type newscast, or better yet, pretended to be the female Chris Harrison. Then I realized she's probably just not that clever.


I think she saw the skimpy outfit and figured Ben would get a boner the second she stepped out on stage and it wouldn't matter what she did. The fact that it failed epically and she came across as less sexy than the chick in a chicken suit was a gift to me because I found it funny as hell. I hate her (her character on the show) and love watching her served up humiliations that she brings on herself. She is they type of character that would dive me away from the show if it weren't for the fact that it is so painfully obvious Ben is utterly and completely over her.


I was impressed by the twins and Jubilee's actual talents. I love that the rest just went for it. They weren't embarrassed because they took the challenge with humor. Olivia needs to learn to laugh at herself. What she did could have been fun and flirty if she hadn't been so freaking embarrassed by a decision she made.


Not sorry to see Amber go. Can't say I even know who the other chick was who left.

  • Love 3

Amber please don't ever come back. You're as pretty as anyone else there, but the desperation and sad sacking is uncomfortable to watch. Go on a speed date or something. You're sure to get some dates based on your above average looks.

Olivia does indeed have cankles, but not Britney Soears level cankles. She can leave anytime now. That act made Amber seem cool and self assured.

I'm convinced Becca is there to audition for B ette. No thanks. I'd sooner have the one who looks like Tenly, or the one who says "Saawker Maaahhm". Of course, anyone other than the beautiful and amazing Kelsy Poe is just sort of a pig snorting truffles.

Remember in My Best Friends Wedding when Cameron Diaz was horrible at karaoke and then so damn cute at her horribleness everyone loved her all the more? Why didn't Olivia take that cue from her celeb twin and follow suit! It was like a gift from the gods.

Becca is insanely gorgeous to me- just kind of blows my mind and I think she seemed like a different person with Ben than with Chris. She really likes him. What he said to her was very future minded and like others have said, this guy will break some hearts.

Ben is just bad ass. Hell I shifted uncomfortably in my seat a few times last night because I felt he loved me. Then I reminded myself it was the Pinot and he was talking to a person on TV, but damn he's good.

Yeah, he may be a dick in real life, but I'm tuning in to justify getting blitzed on a work night and have fun. Who gives a fuck if he is really- he's good tv.

After the Flapjack ugliness, the boring as hell Sean and Chris, the you make me want to shower Kaitlyn, it's like, "yes! You are hot and at ease and engage". More of this please.

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I'd agree. In general, Ben has seemed far more graceful under pressure than most of the previous Bachelors (and Bachelorettes for that matter). He seems to handle confrontations, arguments between the girls, etc. much better than the others -- he doesn't back down but he's also very gentle about it.

I'm thinking his career probably helps with that. To be a successful software sales guy, he has to put up with a lot of customer freak outs and talk them off the ledge and validate their concerns all while showing a lot of trust and understanding. He would also need to be naturally gregarious. But at the same time, I don't get smarmy sales guy, like Nick of Kaitlyn and Andi was total smarmy sales guy mojo. He would sort of be like the "bad cop" and then Ben would come in and be the "good cop" you'd trust and rely on. Ben also apparently has traveled doing a lot of volunteer work. I don't think he said, but I'm starting to assume church missionary work. And that, too, makes him more worldly and capable of making a connection with all types of people. I think he said he went to Haiti, right? So he connects with Jubilee despite the other girls thinking he would only want a "soccer mom."

  • Love 2


Ben is just bad ass. Hell I shifted uncomfortably in my seat a few times last night because I felt he loved me. Then I reminded myself it was the Pinot and he was talking to a person on TV, but damn he's good.

Totally agree.. I said "damn, he's good" a few times last night. At points I felt he was almost too good to the point where I felt I was intruding on what was happening on screen!


I DVR episodes and fast forward through ads but this is the first season I wish the episodes were longer!

  • Love 5


Olivia's problem wasn't lack of talent, it was that she didn't "own" her Vegas showgirl act (including using the headdress). Her inability to laugh at herself was what really was undoing her with Ben--and beating the subject into the ground. Also, that everything's always focused on her. Leaving her for last seemed like the best "secret message" he could give her this week. (She apparently was actually fourth from last last week).

I wonder too though if some of Ben's reaction to Olivia's act had anything to do with the fact that he was already starting to get burnt out on her. I think any initial attraction he had to her was kind of killed last week after the "cankles" conversation. It's easier to give someone a pass if you actually like them and yes your right she was taking herself way to seriously and couldn't laugh at herself. I think she was expecting Ben to jump up with a standing ovation and catcalls or something.

  • Love 3

Please not Becca. I find her unbearably boring!


I didn't see her previous season - and perhaps she was scintillating in her speech and pretty as a fairytale princess in that one? - but in this go around she is dull, and dirty-looking.  I just want to scrub her face and generally hose her down. Is that an unfortunate choice of foundation, or what?!?


You can't have a Bachelorette - not on my TV screen, at any rate - who looks so grubby and wrung-out. Far from looking like a virgin (which is apparently a big turn-on for some of the more inadequate men out there), she looks like a clapped-out rodeo whore who's spent the better part of the last twenty years on the circuit! Maybe she just needs some vitamins or a blood transfusion as well as a good scrub down in a spa and a month off alcohol or something, but that is one tired-out, dull, and dull-looking girl.


Anyway, her fellow exhaustee, Amber is gone. (Hooray.) I don't see any real interest in Becca from Ben, either, so I expect she'll get the heave-ho fairly soon, also.


ETA: You know, I am still cross they brought in these two returnees, when Ben could have had a chance to keep the Chicken Enthusiast and Red Velvet, instead.

Edited by violet and green
  • Love 8

Becca seems to have come alive this season. She is coming off much better than last year, where I was certain she was an automaton. If she doesn't win this, she has to be the front runner for Bachelorette.


I doubt this. Becca doesn't have that "it" quality she'd need to carry an entire season -- especially considering that The Bachelorette consistently has lower viewership than The Bachelor and therefore, the producers likely want someone who sparkles (or at least stands out in the pack). Becca just... doesn't. Sure, she was the dark horse of last season and apparently, stood out to Chris late in the game, but she has very little star power compared to previous Bachelorettes. Andi was the fiery attorney who told off Juan Pablo, Kaitlyn was the fun-loving, sarcastic goofball during her season, and Britt... well, she was drop-dead beautiful and clearly had a gift for charming people at first sight (even after her epic meltdown, you could tell A LOT of the men still wanted her to be the Bachelorette over Kaitlyn). 


I think the problem with Becca is that I'd be hard-pressed to actually buy that 26 dudes would be falling over themselves to get with her. Her personality is not that great (especially for TV purposes, where she comes across as sort of bland), she's pretty but not in the universally appealing way that Britt or even Olivia are, and so I just don't think a season with her would be fun or interesting.


If Becca's eyeing that Bachelorette position, she has tough competition coming from Caila and JoJo, who are both getting great edits (as of now, anyhow) and both have better personalities/star quality for the gig. With Caila, there's an added bonus of having an 'ethnic' (but not too ethnic) lead. JoJo's fun, laidback, and she looks like the love child of Isla Fisher and Lucy Hale, so I'm sure dudes would line up for her (and if Ben's touchy behavior is anything to go by, she probably looks even better in person). 

  • Love 2

I didn't see her previous season - and perhaps she was scintillating in her speech and pretty as a fairytale princess in that one? - but in this go around she is dull, and dirty-looking.  I just want to scrub her face and generally hose her down. Is that an unfortunate choice of foundation, or what?!?


You can't have a Bachelorette - not on my TV screen, at any rate - who looks so grubby and wrung-out. Far from looking like a virgin (which is apparently a big turn-on for some of the more inadequate men out there), she looks like a clapped-out rodeo whore who's spent the better part of the last twenty years on the circuit! Maybe she just needs some vitamins or a blood transfusion as well as a good scrub down in a spa and a month off alcohol or something, but that is one tired-out, dull, and dull-looking girl.


Anyway, her fellow exhaustee, Amber is gone. (Hooray.) I don't see any real interest in Becca from Ben, either, so I expect she'll get the heave-ho fairly soon, also.


ETA: You know, I am still cross they brought in these two returnees, when Ben could have had a chance to keep the Chicken Enthusiast and Red Velvet, instead.


If you find her dull this season, then you would think she was practically dead last season. She was completely distinterested and unengaged... and it was pretty hilarious! She looked so incredibly relieved when she wasn't picked as F1. 


I agree that Ben's not that interested in her. I think he likes her, but is not super attracted to her or her personality in a more-than-friends way. I'd actually put her in around the same boat as Jubilee, where he likes them, but it's so painfully obvious that they won't be F1. Lauren B. is the obvious frontrunner, but you can tell that he really likes JoJo and Caila too. His chemistry with everyone else just doesn't compare to those three.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
  • Love 2

Well, while I'm being bitchy about contestants' appearances - Lauren B looks like a chicken! She has the very same beaky little face and the little beedy eyes, as if a friendly chicken got its forehead plucked high in an Elizabethan style.


(None of my chickens would be seen dead with their roots undone, but I gather that is part of her personal style.)

  • Love 4

I actually don't think that any of these women are over the top gorgeous.  I am not sure of the back story of Becca, but if she was a fan favorite and front runner before I would never know why. So far I have thought they were all pretty strange. Some have gorgeous smiles, hair, or are in good physical shape, but none are drop dead gorgeous. I guess that is not a requirement since they are "real" people and not models, etc.  Did the twins really live at home?   I am not sure what could be gained by going on a show like this twice, or even three times.  I have never watched the Bacherlorette, so I don't know what they are looking for. If they want a minority  Caila would be a good choice.  I hope Jubilee runs far, far away from the Bachelor world. 


Lauren B looks a mess to me, although many think she is cute. I honestly don't see off the charts chemistry with Ben and any of the women. Kissing people does not make chemistry.  I think they all would be great friends to him and I feel like he is trying to force something because it is expected.   JoJo just looks hard to me, and way older than 24.  Amanda sadly does give off a teen mom vibe. The soccer mom girl...I have no idea why she is here.  To me, she looks more out of place than Jubilee.  I can' t remember many of the other girls. Caila comes off as desperate and if she is the one that broke up with her boyfriend after watching the Bachelor on tv, I have no respect for her. 


Oliva, oddly was pretty to me at first glance, but she looks strange the longer you look at her.  Jubilee is pretty, but makes strange faces all the time, the two with the crazy hair are gone, and the twins need to sleep in makeup.  I am going to follow the forums until the end of the show. Now that I've seen an episode and snippets and blogs, I am curious to see which one of these bland women he will end up with. I can actually see him marrying one because it is "the thing to do."  He actually gives off a vibe of someone who SHOULD be way to smart to be on one off these shows, but here he is in the middle of all the crazy! 


I saw his blog from this episode and he is already setting up next week.  He gets the privilege of being able to think about blogs and set up episodes in a way that will make him look good, explain his actions, or try to redeem himself because he already can look back to what happened. 


Do they have the talent show anywhere? I would love to see a Riverdance...and did Jubilee actually play a cello when everyone else was being cute and silly? Are they continuing to give her the mopey, poor me edit so that they can say Ben was really into her, but she was just too darn insecure?  This, after he is keeping a woman that is concerned about her cankles! 

  • Love 3

I actually don't think that any of these women are over the top gorgeous.  I am not sure of the back story of Becca, but if she was a fan favorite and front runner before I would never know why. So far I have thought they were all pretty strange. Some have gorgeous smiles, hair, or are in good physical shape, but none are drop dead gorgeous. I guess that is not a requirement since they are "real" people and not models, etc.  Did the twins really live at home?   I am not sure what could be gained by going on a show like this twice, or even three times.  I have never watched the Bacherlorette, so I don't know what they are looking for. If they want a minority  Caila would be a good choice.  I hope Jubilee runs far, far away from the Bachelor world. 


Lauren B looks a mess to me, although many think she is cute. I honestly don't see off the charts chemistry with Ben and any of the women. Kissing people does not make chemistry.  I think they all would be great friends to him and I feel like he is trying to force something because it is expected.   JoJo just looks hard to me, and way older than 24.  Amanda sadly does give off a teen mom vibe. The soccer mom girl...I have no idea why she is here.  To me, she looks more out of place than Jubilee.  I can' t remember many of the other girls. Caila comes off as desperate and if she is the one that broke up with her boyfriend after watching the Bachelor on tv, I have no respect for her. 


Oliva, oddly was pretty to me at first glance, but she looks strange the longer you look at her.  Jubilee is pretty, but makes strange faces all the time, the two with the crazy hair are gone, and the twins need to sleep in makeup.  I am going to follow the forums until the end of the show. Now that I've seen an episode and snippets and blogs, I am curious to see which one of these bland women he will end up with. I can actually see him marrying one because it is "the thing to do."  He actually gives off a vibe of someone who SHOULD be way to smart to be on one off these shows, but here he is in the middle of all the crazy! 


I saw his blog from this episode and he is already setting up next week.  He gets the privilege of being able to think about blogs and set up episodes in a way that will make him look good, explain his actions, or try to redeem himself because he already can look back to what happened. 


Do they have the talent show anywhere? I would love to see a Riverdance...and did Jubilee actually play a cello when everyone else was being cute and silly? Are they continuing to give her the mopey, poor me edit so that they can say Ben was really into her, but she was just too darn insecure?  This, after he is keeping a woman that is concerned about her cankles! 

Catrice2 I see many long posts like this where I agree with a portion of what they say but not the whole post. With this post I have to say that I agree totally with everything you said. Well said.


Yes Jubilee played a cello and did very good. At least she did by that little snippet we saw of it. I actually thought her and the twins did the best of all of them and when Jubilee played the cello they cut to a shot of Ben watching. He looked like he was really pleasantly surprised and a little in awe to me. Complete opposite of Olivia where he had his face covered through most of it.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 1

when Jubilee played the cello they cut to a shot of Ben watching. He looked like he was really pleasantly surprised and a little in awe to me.


Ben consistently wrote about being in awe of Jubilee in his People.com blog last week.  This week, after mentioning that she played the cello, he wrote, "Is there anything she can't do?"  I thought that was sweet.  He also explains why you guys saw little to none of his date with JoJo.

  • Love 3

I got a whiff of "I was dating a married man and he didn't leave his wife after all" vibe from that story. She was a little cagey about the details and the "their life" sounded like it was a married couple + her on the side.


I had the same impression as well when she talked about "I was not the only person in their life". Either way I don't think Jojo is ready (or will ever be) to get married and have a family. She seems like a party girl. I think Ben will keep her only to have the fantasy suite night with her (=sex) and show her the door afterwards.

All these girls seem SO young and impressionable and naive - more so than in past seasons. I think Ben described bubbly sweet as his "type" and this led to casting super young barely in their 20s types. Never seen a first impression rose recipient fall so far so fast so that's been fun! I actually think Olivia is gorgeous and if she were a few years older probably would've held her own better- being on top at the beginning threw her for a loop as it's harder to maintain the lead than go after the lead- my opinion. Olivia will be a force to be reckoned with as she nears 30.

Ben is on point with his social/conversational skills-great sales guy. The only time he seems "real" to me is when he's horny (or drunk? Or both?). Which is the only time I find him interesting. Go back to Shreveport Becca-find a husband in church there and stop talking about your virginity to the masses! Nobody gives a shit and now you just look pitiful and frigid!

  • Love 1

I think what made Olivia's performance so mortifying was her complete lack of rhythm. How is that even possible? Has she never danced before? And why try to "shimmy" and then pull your chest in like you are being forced to do it at gunpoint? And who can't kick out their leg and straighten their knee?

This on Olivia's bio:

What is your most embarrassing moment? Nothing embarrasses me! I hate to say that. Maybe the time I set the record for time spent stuck in an elevator my freshman year of college.

She spoke too soon.

God. Listening to her describe how she was going to do a little "shimmy shimmy" sounded like Blanche describing a night out to Dorothy and the girls. Is Olivia 70?

Can't figure out her end game. I don't think her media career is dead, since people still give prominent jobs to Rick Sanchez, who is reviled. Olivia's looks will always save the day for her. I think she may be another case of a lean, high metabolism type not getting enough food with her booze. Makes her all Kelsy Poe crazy, but not as adorable and amazing.

  • Love 2

I'm still having trouble telling JoJo and Baby Voice (Lauren?) apart. I'm usually good to go by episode three.

Since my talents are time sucks like knitting and cooking, I probably would have gone the Olivia route: full goofball. I think she kind of petered out at the end though rather than completely owning it. Wonder how much producer influence she was under for the performance.

I truly felt for Olivia's mortification after the show. She probably realized what she'd done: effectively killed her broadcasting career. If she'd just plainly stated to Ben that she was embarrassed and feeling off about it (which would have invariably resulted in him telling her all was well) and letting it go rather than falling into an anxiety spiral and forcibly professing her love, I'd still feel bad.

That said, she can't seem to stop herself once she starts and it makes me want to shake her. Dude, just awkwardly moonwalk out of the room and sleep it off. Damn.

Edited by mirandroid

Go back to Shreveport Becca-find a husband in church there and stop talking about your virginity to the masses! Nobody gives a shit and now you just look pitiful and frigid!

She's moved to L.A. where she can shill on social media for sketchy health supplements, Budget QVC level "fashions" and keep riding the franchise gravy train as long as possible.  I think Shreveport and the search for an authentic, faith-based relationship is firmly in her rear view mirror.  


I also think that the twins, along with Lace have already signed their contracts for appearing on Bachelor in Paradise 3, and Olivia may be right behind them.  They're definitely good for ratings. 

Edited by leighdear

The only time he seems "real" to me is when he's horny (or drunk? Or both?). Which is the only time I find him interesting. 

I'm with you! He is usually good at putting on an "I'm concerned" face when the women tell him about their assorted problems, but it usually seems so fake to me and sort of makes me cringe. Maybe I'm just jaded and he really is concerned, but I think he seems like a bit of a robot and comes off kind of dumb in those situations... He's much better the times when he turns that schtick off...I think you're right it's when he's horny and/or drunk, ha!

  • Love 2

She's moved to L.A. where she can shill on social media for sketchy health supplements, Budget QVC level "fashions" and keep riding the franchise gravy train as long as possible.  I think Shreveport and the search for an authentic, faith-based relationship is firmly in her rear view mirror. 


Becca lives in San Diego and has for years now, way before going on this show. She moved there to be close to her sister and stayed when her sister moved back.

Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about the rules re: "steal you away"? It seems based on their behavior over many seasons that the bachelor is not allowed to refuse such a request, but I wish they would say it explicitly within the show.

I find it so annoying. I don't know what would be wrong with him saying something like "I'm in the middle of a conversation right now, but as soon as I'm done I'll come get you."
  • Love 5

Would Olivia's journalism career be affected by the scantily clad cake routine? 


I still don't get why she's on this show -- I saw her anchor reel, and it looked pretty good (at least in the sense that she seemed to be a competent news reader). Why is she risking her career to look like an idiot on a dating/sex game show? (She's really pretty with a strong career at only age 23, so I'm baffled as to why someone like her would need or want to be on this show.) I'd rather have Olivia's career than Ben or any other Bachelor that's been on this show.

I'm a journalist (print, so not quite the same as Olivia), and I can assume she had to quit her job to appear on The Bachelor. Not a smart move for a young person trying to get a foothold in such a competitive industry. She can pretty much kiss her news anchor dreams goodbye. Like others have said, I'm sure she's hoping to parlay her exposure into some sort of "fame," whether it's E! News or a podcast or the like. I'd be shocked if she didn't move to LA (if she hasn't already).

I find it so annoying. I don't know what would be wrong with him saying something like "I'm in the middle of a conversation right now, but as soon as I'm done I'll come get you."

Seriously! When Olivia interrupted him the second time, and he was all grumbly to the person he was talking to (I don't remember who it was...maybe one of the twins?) like "I don't know what she's doing, I'm sorry *grumble grumble*" I was just thinking why doesn't he tell Olivia to go away then! I think the Bachelor's do it to seem "nice" or something...but I don't see where being "nice" requires dropping everything you are doing every time a teary and/or pushy woman gets near you. Especially when that woman volunteered to "date" you at the same time as 25 other women. He could very politely tell them he'll speak with them later. It's very annoying. 

  • Love 3

I experienced major disconnect watching two german biergarten servers performing Irish dancing.  

I cringed when they called it "Irish tap dancing." They've obviously been doing it for years, do they really not know that it's called step dancing? 


If Becca's eyeing that Bachelorette position, she has tough competition coming from Caila and JoJo, who are both getting great edits (as of now, anyhow) and both have better personalities/star quality for the gig. With Caila, there's an added bonus of having an 'ethnic' (but not too ethnic) lead. JoJo's fun, laidback, and she looks like the love child of Isla Fisher and Lucy Hale, so I'm sure dudes would line up for her (and if Ben's touchy behavior is anything to go by, she probably looks even better in person).


Caila's the one to beat for B-ette, IMO. She's outgoing and peppy and would probably embrace the cheese wholeheartedly. 

I cringed when they called it "Irish tap dancing." They've obviously been doing it for years, do they really not know that it's called step dancing?



Yes! I caught that too! They could not have been in it seriously to be making that mistake. I took irish dancing while young and it does not take that long to master the kind of routine they performed but obviously not long enough for someone to set them straight. 

I'm sure all the interruptions and "steal you aways" are very carefully orchestrated by the producers--it would be chaos and not very entertaining otherwise.

I thought Olivia's hallway rehearsal was a lot better than her onstage performance. I was really afraid she was being edited to then receive the date rose for going out of her comfort zone yada yada yada. I sort of feel bad for her--she is probably the only b'ette who talks on camera for a living, so she probably is thrilled to spill her guts all the time in a very articulate way, resulting in tons of clips that can be edited any way Show wants. Agree that she is gunning for an entertainment media career--hope she gets it (not that I'd watch it).

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
  • Love 1

Who is the "soccer mom" contestant that people keep referring to?  Is this the person who said that Jubilee would not fit into the soccer mom type, and if so, who said this?  --- Googled this now, it seems like that comment was made by Lauren H.?  A.k.a. whom I have been calling Unattractive Lauren.


The person who is a literal mom is Amanda, she of the Baby Voice.  I actually like her though.  She's blonde and petite and looks sort of fragile.


Jojo is a Brunette and wore a handkerchief for a top on the romantic helicopter date.


There's also Attractive Lauren, with the huge forehead but I think she has a really cute face.  And then Unattractive Lauren, no offense to anyone, I think she dressed like a chicken.  She's really unattractive to me, again no offense.


I agree that Becca seems oddly attractive but to me it looks like she's had work done.  If you look at her past photos she always looks completely different, lots of makeup and hair changes and maybe even more.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

I cringed when they called it "Irish tap dancing."

Someone else mentioned this as well, so I guess I'm wrong, I could have sworn I heard "step" dancing.


I'm a journalist (print, so not quite the same as Olivia), and I can assume she had to quit her job to appear on The Bachelor.

Yes, you are correct, she did say that she quit her job.


He is usually good at putting on an "I'm concerned" face when the women tell him about their assorted problems, but it usually seems so fake to me and sort of makes me cringe.

Yes. What also makes me cringe is when a woman says she's nervous and he asks "Why, what are you nervous about?" Ummm...about not getting a rose, you putz! Edited by ByTor
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