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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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I actually love Bethenny, but I totally understand if people hate her based on tonight's show.

I also love Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen. It pisses me off that we are headed to a stupid fight of blondes vs. brunettes. I honestly didn't find Lisa's questions to be that bad and I'm sad to say this, but I think Eileen is absolutely looking to create a storyline for herself. And I heard Lisa apologize. I think she felt bad initially when she felt that Eileen was hurt, but I think she then quickly caught on that Eileen may have been looking for more than an apology (cough storyline).

  • Love 22

Well well well Phyllis Nefler in your Troop Beverly Hills Bob Mackie capelet inspired Wilderness Girls uniform, you are NO Shelley Long, you cannot do The Freddie because clearly you would split your pants and you are not and NEVER will be the troop leader with these Beverly Hills ladies, Bethenny ! But nice try! Not !!!

Erica is so smart. Love her.

At 1 point Bethenny looked like she had a hunched back in that caped outfit from the side and her boney shoulder blades stuck out when they showed from the back. The outfit was hideous IMO.


I'm normally a big fan of Eileen's but geez she was over the top on taking offense with LisaV tonight. I didn't find their conversation out of the ordinary for a conversation between two girlfriends. I certainly didn't find it any different than any conversation that I have with my girlfriends when we're out having cocktails. If the conversation was so uncomfortable for her she should have said something she certainly has had no problems expressing herself in the past and now she acts like a wallflower? Nah, take a seat Eileen.

ITA!!!! Funny how she had NO problem answering these personal questions to a stranger, Brandi, someone she had JUST met last season BUT takes issues now when someone she calls a friend asks her questions after she, Eileen interrupts a conversation the Lisa's were having about their mutual friends divorce.  

  • Love 7

At 1 point Bethenny looked like she had a hunched back in that caped outfit from the side and her boney shoulder blades stuck out when they showed from the back. The outfit was hideous IMO.


ITA!!!! Funny how she had NO problem answering these personal questions to a stranger, Brandi, someone she had JUST met last season BUT takes issues now when someone she calls a friend asks her questions after she, Eileen interrupts a conversation the Lisa's were having about their mutual friends divorce.  

I just wanted to add one more thing on this, well one more thing for right now. Lisa's questions, to me sounded like she wanted to hear about the "romance" of it not necessarily the salacious details. It was more like, "when did you first feel that this was the man for you" type questions. YMMV

  • Love 18

I just wanted to add one more thing on this, well one more thing for right now. Lisa's questions, to me sounded like she wanted to hear about the "romance" of it not necessarily the salacious details. It was more like, "when did you first feel that this was the man for you" type questions. YMMV

Maybe the real answer was something like, "when my husband introduced us" or "when his wife introduced us" with a "sparks just FLEW!"  That would explain her overreaction.

  • Love 5

Lisa repeatedly referred to it as "the affair"- "Oh, is that when you started the affair?," "So, when did the affair begin?" - I would have bristled at that too if I were Eileen. It felt very passive-aggressive and provocative for the sake of being provocative. She could have phrased it a million and one ways, but to call it "an affair" puts it in a more salacious light.


The use of "the affair" gave me pause as well.  If the words "your relationship" had been substituted, I think the effect would have been much different.  

  • Love 21

Lisa repeatedly referred to it as "the affair"- "Oh, is that when you started the affair?," "So, when did the affair begin?" - I would have bristled at that too if I were Eileen. It felt very passive-aggressive and provocative for the sake of being provocative. She could have phrased it a million and one ways, but to call it "an affair" puts it in a more salacious light.

But it was an affair, at least on Vinny's end as he was still living with his wife. Eileen left her then husband but Vinny didn't.

  • Love 14

The use of "the affair" gave me pause as well.  If the words "your relationship" had been substituted, I think the effect would have been much different.  


I think it would have made a difference to we viewers but NOT Eileen IMO. She was pissy at Lisa last episode because Lisa was unhappy they weren't at the hotel when she got there. She, Eileen, had an attitude about Lisa before this conversation happened, before the episode was filmed, again , IMO.

  • Love 6

If I share to coworkers in front of a camera that I cater to men sexually for money, it would make no sense for me to blanch when said colleagues characterize my profession as "hooking." Eileen herself stipulated that Vinny was still married when they commenced their romance, he did not disclose the relationship to his wife, and they both continued the liaison anyway. It happens - people fall in and out of love in America all the time; they remarry; who knows what the dynamics of Vinny's union with Betsy Russell were? But for Eileen to clutch her pearls over this and suggest in her blog that Lisa indirectly disrespected her child with Vince really illustrates how much she's willing to reach for the 750k paycheck, imo.

  • Love 19

What was disingenuous about Lisa's 'apology' to Eileen was that it was followed by a chuckle.  To me, it wasn't sincere and whether or not Eileen should have stopped the original conversation, Lisa should have given Eileen the benefit that she was upset.   Lisa knew about Eileen's history with Vince.  Com'on.  She watches the show.  And as far as Lisa being an open book, I would love to see the other women question her about lawsuits, etc.  I think she would take the stance of being quite offended.


So did Beth purge some of the Skinnygirl red in the Hamptons house?  It didn't seem quite so overwhelming as when scenes were filmed there for RHNY.  Maybe Bryn told her mommy, "Make it stop." 


And shut up Beth.  How big has this woman's ego grown?  Erika didn't ask for your advice or so called marketing expertise.  And yeah, the outfit she was wearing.....  I got some satisfaction of her splitting her 'shorts' in her pathetic attempt to be a sexy dancer.


Yo...  Wow.  That marriage was over.  David's comment about Yo's 'tits' (I hate that word) being smaller than Ken's?  Yikes. 


Lisar wasn't wearing make up for her yoga.  Thank you. 


I still don't know how I feel about Erika.  Liked her comebacks to Beth and Lisa....but her comments last week on WWHL seems to back track to vanilla.  She wouldn't say anything bad about them.  Too diplomatic for me. 

  • Love 16

I also love Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen. It pisses me off that we are headed to a stupid fight of blondes vs. brunettes. I honestly didn't find Lisa's questions to be that bad and I'm sad to say this, but I think Eileen is absolutely looking to create a storyline for herself. And I heard Lisa apologize. I think she felt bad initially when she felt that Eileen was hurt, but I think she then quickly caught on that Eileen may have been looking for more than an apology (cough storyline).


Agree.  I thought Lisa was honestly interested in how Eileen and Vince fell in love -- not in a gossipy way but in the way that I'm sure some of us have thought about:  What happens when actors play lovers?  What does it feel like to kiss someone as part of a role?  Lisa actually asked "Did you feel something?"  I think it's an honest question.  Look at all the couples who met on set, fell in love, got married -- and divorced, but hey, stuff happens.  It's sort of the slip side of friends with benefits: How do you keep your emotions out of it?


Loving Erika, hated LVP's dress at Bethenny's house, shocked at Lisa R without makeup (those eyes!), and wondering who this Kathy is and what she has to do with OJ.

  • Love 13

I totally see everyone's points on this episode so far which is changing some of my perspectives, or at the least, broadening them. My initial thoughts:

1) Elieen seemed very uncomfortable when LisaV was drilling her about Vinny. It came off as drilling, and I think she gets away with drilling her servers at SUR so she doesn't get boundaries with others. But, I watch her do the same thing on Vanderpump rules, only no one cares because they are just thrilled that Lisa is talking to them.

2) I understood Elieen feeling that LisaV was being disrespectful of her marriage. LisaV was being disrespectful and sort of putting her down and being snobby about Vinny, like he isn't good enough. I may be reaching, but LisaV said, with some superiority, "Well, I got my marriage right the first time!" kind of implying that Elieen can't pick men (or maybe that's what I think, lol)

3) When Brandi slapped LisaV last season, LisaV insisted that what she did was crossing the boundaries of friendship. Brandi fiercely defended herself. This is somewhat the same. I don't think Elieen is trying to create a storyline (and I dont think LisaV was pissed about being slapped for a storyline). I think Elieen was genuinely hurt. I think she thought that she and LIsaV were friends and trusted her, that's why she answered her questions, and then later realized that she was getting set up. Anyhoos, LisaV it appears does have a bit of a beef with Elieen for whatever reason. 

4) Erica handled herself perfectly. She is filthy rich and her Erica Jayne act IS a hobby for her, a way of expressing herself. If I were her, and Bethenny started going on about some branding bs, I'd be like, "Thanks Bethanny, but I'm fortunate to not need money and therefore, can keep my work funded independently and don't need to worry about branding." Because Bethanny has always bragged about how poor she was until she became this branding expert and got rich. Well, Erica is rich and her Erica Jayne routine is well established and she is doing just fine. Also, Erica DIDN'T tell Bethanny she wanted her honest opinion, LISAV spoke FOR Erica and said, "Yes" when Bethanny asked, "Do you want my honest opinion?" 

5) Erica nailed it with "Jealous." In fact, i think Erica may have a very smart strategy to deal with women. It's this game you play, where you actually feel offended if someone ISN'T rude to you, because if they are nice to you it means they aren't intimidated. So Erica may have it figured out in her head to enjoy women being catty and rude to her face and sort of challenge to do nothing but laugh and keep her cool. She's smart.

6) Bethanny I thought looked good. She's gained some weight and the outfit was weird, but she is probably going to binge and purge and wanted something full around the waist. Plus, Star Trek is inspiring all sorts of star trekky like clothing.

7) Elieen is getting influenced by Kyle with the big flowery blouses that show shoulders.

8) Kyle was obviously having a great time when Bethanny was drilling Erica and making fun of her. Kyle was smirking and trying not to laugh. Kyle was being a mean immature bitch. I now realize why Bethanny acts they way she does--- because people think she's funny to put down others. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 14

Kathy Edwards was married to Marcus Allen, a good friend of OJ's.  Faye Resnick says in one of her books that Nichole Simpson had an affair with Allen when he was engaged to Kathy and that it continued after they married.  Supposedly, Kathy is going to confront Faye about this later in the season.  Is it true?  I have no idea.

  • Love 7

Boy, I don't like Lisa VDP


I never have.  She's way too full of herself.  I wouldn't mind Brandi coming on for just a few seconds to tell Lisa to STFU!


The scene in which she recounts her abuse at the party with Rinna was, to me, transparently scripted - and by that, I do mean scripted and not just loosely plotted.



To me the whole divorce topic was scripted.  Yeah, they just happen to be talking about divorce out of the blue.  That whole scene was set up from the divorce topic to Eileen's feigned discomfort of LisaV's questioning. 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 6

Kyle was obviously having a great time when Bethanny was drilling Erica and making fun of her. Kyle was smirking and trying not to laugh. Kyle was being a mean immature bitch.

Even though we rarely get to see the full on Vyle of season's past, we see the hints of what still lies beneath. I think those snippets are left in for a reason. Production has a plan for her. She's just not ripe enough yet.

  • Love 17

So, getting to know someone by asking questions means they are making a power play? LOL Really? Then each and every HW has done that exact thing to Erika except Yolanda. LOL

Oh no, Lisa V would NEVAH ask people digging questions with ill intentions!

Ha! She is basically the queen of asshole leading-questions. Even Kyle has confirmed this, that she used to ask about Kim "innocently" but really digging for some kind of embarrassment. Sick, and mean girl. And pathetic at her age.

Wow! LVP just said that Jill Zarin showed up for the Bella party, but wasn't let beyond the gate. Ha!

I am loving this so much right now I almost don't know what to do with myself!

I never have. She's way too full of herself. I wouldn't mind Brandi coming on for just a few seconds to tell Lisa to STFU!

Yes! That would be so sweet. Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 7

Can Kyle suddenly decide next season that, after some reflection, Eileen disrespected her family by asking about Kim's "escape" from rehab? You know, even though Kyle herself was the one who introduced Kim's alcoholism into the narrative herself? And, even though Eileen expressed regret about it already in her blog, declare that the mea culpa isn't adequate?

  • Love 8

Oh no, Lisa V would NEVAH ask people digging questions with ill intentions!

Ha! She is basically the queen of asshole leading-questions. Even Kyle has confirmed this, that she used to ask about Kim "innocently" but really digging for some kind of embarrassment. Sick, and mean girl. And pathetic at her age.

I am loving this so much right now I almost don't know what to do with myself!

Yes! That would be so sweet.

Please no more Brandi ever!

  • Love 18

I know the tide has turned on Bethenny, but I have to say that 12 minutes of Bethenny (or whatever it was) livened this show up.  For the first time, I didn't fall asleep and have to watch it again.  It even seemed to give Eileen a bit of life, and we saw our first cattiness from Erika, Kyle didn't grab her throat and start the crocodile tears with the mention of Kim.


Whatever else Bethenny is?  She was MADE for reality TV.


Oh, I did listen carefully to everything she said about the video.  I actually agreed with all of it.  I would have never SAID it out loud, but that's what I was thinking watching it too.  I also wondered if she was going for camp and failing miserably into PPV trash.  That is why some like Bethenny on these shows.  She says things out loud that, while we may be thinking, we would never say.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 17

Can Kyle suddenly decide next season that, after some reflection, Eileen disrespected her family by asking about Kim's "escape" from rehab? You know, even though Kyle herself was the one who introduced Kim's alcoholism into the narrative herself? And, even though Eileen expressed regret about it already in her blog, declare that the mea culpa isn't adequate?

OR can LisaR be angry that Eileen outed her Munchhausen comment to Yolanda befor Lisa had a chance to do it herself like Eileen advised her too? LOL  

  • Love 3

I don't understand why Bethenny felt the need to offer branding advice to Erika.  And, Beth, no, you weren't calling her Bambi when you were with Kyle; you called her Barbie. 


Erika is what Sonja wished she could be:  Sonja in the City by day, and SonJa with a sexy J rolling around showing her stuff (in a burlesque sort of way) by night, and married to a very rich man, lol.


Eileen and LVP....much ado about nothing. 

  • Love 22

David, you're an ass, I hate you.

Bethenny was like Bitchzilla to Erika. 'yap yap yap' non-stop. 


Oh hell, I like Erika, she's REAL unlike the rest of them.


Wow Lisa Rinna, thank goodness for under-eye concealer, eh?


Lisa V.....Erika can buy you and Ken both ten times over, deal.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 10

Of course, Bethany had to get in the dig at LVP's magazine cover, "Bella?  What's that?  That's a magazine?  I've never heard of it.  Is it in the Hamptons?  Never heard of it."


Reminded me of when Lu took one look at a Bethany magazine cover and said, "Oh, they did A LOT of airbrushing!"

Exactly. As if Bethenny wouldn't have been all over that cover like salt on a Skinnygirl margarita if her PR person had contacted her first.
  • Love 22
That is why some like Bethenny on these shows.  She says things out loud that, while we may be thinking, we would never say.


That's why people think preschool kids are funny, kids say the darndest things!


Brain damage, Traumatic Brain Injury, prenatal drug exposure, among many others, will do that to the brain. It's called, "executive control" (or lack of) and people with brain damage are unable to keep their thoughts in their head. It's associated with the anterior cingulate cortex. So yes, I'm saying Bethanny, somewhere somehow has brain damage, because even if she is doing this all for reality TV, she IS that person. 

  • Love 8

I don't understand why Bethenny felt the need to offer branding advice to Erika.  And, Beth, no, you weren't calling her Bambi when you were with Kyle; you called her Barbie. 


Erika is what Sonja wished she could be:  Sonja in the City by day, and SonJa with a sexy J rolling around showing her stuff (in a burlesque sort of way) by night, and married to a very rich man, lol.


Eileen and LVP....much ado about nothing. 

A.  Bethenny was getting paid to stir up some action for this dying show.  Letting her thoughts go straight to her mouth is a Bethenny trait.




C.  Eileen is trying to earn her pay check, by bringing a few concerned looks, but yeah...YAWN.


The only thing that seemed interesting about Eileen tonight was that she sure acted thirsty.  She was very interested in doing an Erike Jayne, maybe hoping to finally get her scruffy lay about interested in sex again?  Maybe, if he's about to inherit daddy's billions, to keep him around?  Either way, it's the most interested I've seen Eileen in anything so far.  She would have loved the stripper pole lessons of season whatever it was I guess.

  • Love 10

BRAVO also has that Erika video up, and yeah, it seemed pretty sleazy to me, and I'm not a prude.  Tired stripper moves for the most part, with smoldering come and get me looks.  Uh...It's nice to see regular thighs though.



I watched a bit of that video and the cutting was so quick… I think they do that so we can't see what a bad dancer she is. A few brief stripper moves and that's it. 


  • Love 4

A.  Bethenny was getting paid to stir up some action for this dying show.  Letting her thoughts go straight to her mouth is a Bethenny trait.




C.  Eileen is trying to earn her pay check, by bringing a few concerned looks, but yeah...YAWN.


The only thing that seemed interesting about Eileen tonight was that she sure acted thirsty.  She was very interested in doing an Erike Jayne, maybe hoping to finally get her scruffy lay about interested in sex again?  Maybe, if he's about to inherit daddy's billions, to keep him around?  Either way, it's the most interested I've seen Eileen in anything so far.  She would have loved the stripper pole lessons of season whatever it was I guess.


I agree - I've never seen Eileen so animated about anything, not even during the Brandi wine tossing or 'how dare you' in Amsterdam.

  • Love 10

STFU, Beth.  You DON'T know it all.


Here's what Erika doesn't know:  "I don't know anything about margaritas. I don't know anything about being skinny...."  LOL


Happy to say, Erika owned Beth tonight.  And she did it with calm restraint. She's got Lisa V's number, too.  Atta girl. 

Do you mean my wish came true??  Yessss!!  I haven't even seen it yet, but now I'm really looking forward to it! 

  • Love 3

I'm back watching this season, now that Brandi is out of the cast, so I don't have the backstory on everyone.

I thought Lisa VDP's questions to Eileen were very intrusive! I would never ask those kinds of questions to another person unless I knew them VERY well, and even then only if they took the lead. Lisa and Eileen are not old, old friends and they were sitting at a lunch/ party with lots of other people. This was not a group of long term girlfriends sitting around. Lisa: "you should have said something!" No Lisa, you should have some manners.

That said, WHY do all these women have to have a "sit down" to hash out every hurt feeling??? If I were Eileen, I would keep as far away from LVP and keep my mouth shut in her presence. Lisa VP seems like the type that tucks away every little thing in case she can "use" it in the future. (And not in a good way.). I didn't like the personal questions she asked Erika either.

Edited by Thumper
  • Love 19

Eileen vs. Vanderpump- to me it was your classic Newbie vs. Veteran drama, by which I mean that Vanderpump was doing her job (helping the audience getting to know some of the characters) and Eileen didn't quite get that script.  I think that mostly because Vanderpump did the same thing with both Erika (brand new) and Eileen (second season, but still a bit of a mystery), and she was the one to call Yolanda (like they're close) all during the same trip.  That strikes me as weird.


Plus, I can't buy into it as genuine curiosity with Eileen since, y'know, there's been lots of time when she could have asked these questions.  I also don't think Eileen is grasping for story because if that were the case I think she'd find something much better to work with.  This was the mechanics of making a tv show in this genre, imho.  


So, I guess I don't really have a side yet.  I'm mostly shocked that Vanderpump/production are a little sloppy.  Brandi was much better at this, probably because she brought so much drama to the interactions...like a magician lights a flame so you don't see the trick.  


Also, Bethenney was totally production's bitch in that scene with Kyle.  "How are you...I read about Kim."  I almost feel like she owes Bravo a refund for how poorly-executed that was.  Props to Kyle for sucking it up, realizing she wasn't getting out of talking about in on-air, and doing it with someone she trusted to make her seem like a good sister.  Or, I mean, for opening up to a long-time friend.  Seams were just showing tonight...though in a way I find fascinating.


Bethenney vs. Erika- I love Bethenney to such an extent I don't see what others see about her that's negative.  I'm also loving Erika, I think she shares some of Bethenny's traits.  After the first part of their battle, or whatever, that hasn't changed.  I thought it was interesting to see how focused Bethenney is on selling, to the point where she can't even step back and have a simple like/don't like reaction.  It's kinda sad, imho, but I enjoyed the conversation highlighting that while also showing Erika to be a genius at this game.  


Random stuff: it's interesting how Rinna always seems to be around, per the flashbacks tonight (video and photo) yet to my recollection she never was around.  And their comment about ticks as they ran through the vineyard struck me as insensitive, though I'm hesitant to say that because I don't want to bring Yolanda and her stuff into discussion on an episode with more lightweight drama at the core.


All in all, I truly enjoyed this, to the point where I could watch live and was hardly annoyed at commercial breaks.  I'm a little leery about a new person next week.

  • Love 6

So I really liked the episode.  It reminded me of the first season where we saw extensive luxury, house porn, private jets and nice parties but most of all the catty comments and little slights and digs.  Oh and I almost forgot-dirty dancing.  Season 1 it was Camille but Erika has it down to a science.  The comments were cutting but not Brandi or Carlton like with cussing and just ridiculous over acting.


First off, I think what offended Eileen was the use of the word affair.   Kyle tried to stop the conversation but LVP persisted.  I thought maybe Lisa was feeling a little of the alcohol that evening. Clearly, those listening were a little uncomfortable.  If Eileen was trying to get an apology from LVP, maybe she should not throw out a string of disclaimers and minimizers before getting to the heart of the matter.   Just a little note to all of the ladies-no couple is on their first marriage. Kyle, Ken, Harry, Erika, Tom, Yolanda, David, Eileen, Vince, the new chick have all been divorced. So no one should act superior.  I think Eileen is uncomfortable because, as she said last year at the Reunion it affects her child.  First there was the affair and then I believe Vince and Eileen pretty much got married in the delivery room.  It is Eileen's call how the gossip plays out on her children and apparently Vincent's ex-wife.  So questions about length of marriage and what not, are a little touchy.   Had LVP not brought it up it would not be all over the news again. 


The contradictions are also interesting and Kyle owned up to them.  Kathy Hilton and Bethenny are good friends  (Kathy and Bethenny were pictured out to lunch last month, wearing stupid little hats) so she does understand the Richards' sister dynamic.  Not as a co-worker but as a former employee and later friend to  Kathy's and friend to Kyle.  My guess is Bethenny was around for rehabs one and two with Kim.  Some interesting tidbits in the Bethenny/Kyle conversation. 


All I can say is Bethenny made Faye Resnick and Allison duBois  seem meek at her dinner party.  What a twit.  Glad she ripped her shorts open of her hideous outfit.    I don't think anyone felt comfortable around her once she started on Erika.  And her shack/bar is really tacky it looked like an outhouse.  I loved Ken's expression when he took it all in and Bethenny asked his impression-he looked like he had smelled something left in  an outhouse. Safe to say Lisar won't be rushing back for a dinner at Bethenny's anytime soon. 


My impression is LVP feels she only puts out what she thinks others can take. And she is not about to apologize for it.  LVP has been asked to stop a conversation before and it took a child to get her to stop.  So it is not quite as simple as -"I don't want to talk about it."  LVP is all about transparency and I don't think she thought she was alienating Eileen.  I guess I will find out on WWHL.


David and the comment about Ken's tits being bigger than Yolanda. . .what a guy.  Yolanda looked so hurt.  As predicted Yolanda had the worse case of silicone leakage ever.


I hope the rest of the season carries on in this fashion.  More episodes like tonight and fewer Yolanda and Kim moments.  Next week might be fun with the book signing and store opening in the Hamptons.

  • Love 15

I still don't know about Erika.  She has a major wall up when she's around the ho's and when she's doing her talking heads....that hair, the blank expression, not coming across as terribly intelligent.  LisaV tried to engage her in the limo and get some kind of witty repartee going but Erika just can't seem to let go and have fun or maybe she's is just not bright.    Or maybe she has a lot to hide.   Ken had a knowing smirk on his face, wonder what that was all about.

Maybe Lisa can get Erika to admit that she's not getting enough sex from her 76 year old husband and so she created Erika Jane to get her freak on.  Lots of road trips with shows in bars and clubs, sexy videos on youtube, I can't believe she's not getting some on the side and I also can't believe her husband is okay with the Erika Jane stuff.  He probably doesn't realize what's really going on.

  • Love 5

I have typed three responses and lost them.  Shit.  I'll be brief.  

David is a massive asshole.  Yolanda, I'm glad you're free of him.  He may feel the same way, but you still won big on that loss.

LVP is a cold, calculated ice queen.  She likes to think she's the queen bee, and her insecurity about holding on to the nonexistent title shows more and more.  She's more manipulative than the women even realize.  She doesn't ask things out of concern or consideration - she hunts for ammo and for opportunity to prove the others inferior to her.  

I loved Eileen's fascination with Erika Jane.  I thought it was cute and hilarious.  I like her, plain and simple.  

Although I've been a Bethenny fan since day one, my fan status is hanging by a thread.  I'm glad Erika handled her the way she did.  I always hoped Bethenny would get a grip and keep her ego in check, but that's obviously not going to happen.  I said on another thread that she's gotten too big for her britches, and look at what happened to said britches when she tried to do her own little Erika Jane dance.  

Lisa Rinna is a mess, and a major production tool.   She needs to cool it with the facial freezing.  When she laughs big, her face looks like something out of a horror flick.  I don't think her eyes even close completely.  


  • Love 14

That said, WHY do all these women have to have a "sit down" to hash out every hurt feeling??? If I were Eileen, I would keep as far away from LVP and keep my mouth shut in her presence. Lisa VP seems like the type that tucks away every little thing in case she can "use" it in the future. (And not in a good way.). I didn't like the personal questions she asked Erika either.

Thank you - that's what I've been wondering for years.  Of course I quickly realized that these ridiculous conversations are what keeps this franchise popular and growing, but since we are all supposed to pretend that these silly confrontations are natural and organic, I will say "Bad advice, Rinna!"  Once Eileen "got it off her chest" to you, that was all that needed to happen.  The likelihood of LVP apologizing sincerely is about equal to the likelihood of her wearing appropriate clothing that fits properly :)

  • Love 8

I am totally bored with both Erika and Erika Jane. Yawn. And no, I don't think that most women wish they could be her. I certainly don't. I am happy with the person I am and have no need to create an alternate ego. I was surprised that Eileen was so taken with her. And especially her comment that Erika is so lucky that she gets to be a completely different person on the weekends. Eileen spends every week being paid to be another person. Mind you Ashley Abbott likely isn't all that different from Eileen, but when it comes down to it I doubt if Erika and Erika Jane are much different from each other either. 


I really dislike LVP. And I think she totally enjoyed making Eileen uncomfortable. When Eileen told LVP that she did not like being asked all those questions LVP said something to the effect that it was only the two of them there. Yep, and cameras rolling. I do think Eileen would have shut her down had she known LVP was not going to shut up. I also do not for a minute buy LVP's claim (which she brings up often but I don't think - thankfully - in this epi) that she and hubby have such a great sex life. People who do rarely brag about it - it is those who do not that feel the need to convince others that they do. In any case I find her distasteful and think she is quite aware of what she is doing. Always.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 12

I really dislike LVP. And I think she totally enjoyed making Eileen uncomfortable. When Eileen told LVP that she did not like being asked all those questions LVP said something to the effect that it was only the two of them there. Yep, and cameras rolling. I do think Eileen would have shut her down had she known LVP was not going to shut up. I also do not for a minute buy LVP's claim (which she brings up often but I don't think - thankfully - in this epi) that she and hubby have such a great sex life. People who do rarely brag about it - it is those who do not that feel the need to convince others that they do. In any case I find her distasteful and think she is quite aware of what she is doing. Always.



I agree!  LisaV always manages to get that word or phrase in there with her little inquiries that will hang in the air like "affair".  With Kyle, it was, "She would not go into a store and steal 600 dollars worth of clothes?"  She puts them out there so quick, the other person doesn't have time to tell her to shut up.  I would never consider LisaV my friend.  She's a bitch married to a doddering older bitch!  Ken can barely walk, I doubt he's still humpin to please in the bedroom. 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 15

I haven't read all the posts yet, but I suspect I'm in the minority.  I thought this episode was really boring.  Way too much Erika, and I just don't find her entertaining.  What she does as Erika Jayne doesn't seem all that special to me, and I'm very tired of being told that "every woman wishes" they could be Erika Jayne or someone like her or our own fantasy person or whatever.  Even Eileen - who I would have given more credit - hopped on that bandwagon.  I have zero desire to be Erika Jayne.  I am a multi-faceted person (and being sexy and desirable is one of the facets!), so I don't need nor desire an alter-ego to make me - or anyone in my life - happy!  ;-)   Erika married well and has a career going that she loves, and that's fine for her.  As it is for many, many other women.   I find her smugness off-putting, and I don't think she's as fascinating as she clearly thinks she is.  I will take her over Brandi in a hot minute, but would far prefer (much!) smaller doses.  


I thought Eileen made too much of the Lisa thing.  Yes, Lisa asked too many nosy questions.  But they're on a reality show, and Eileen is a grown-up.  She could have said she didn't want to talk about it, or nicely changed the subject, or done any of the many things that people do when a conversation is uncomfortable for them.  I get why she felt the way she did, but this wasn't all Big Bad Lisa.  Eileen played a part in it too.   Don't be on a reality show if you've been married 3 times and don't want to talk about it, because the odds are good that it's going to come up.  And if it does, you should either be prepared to talk about it or learn some basic conversational skills.   I usually like Eileen, but I didn't see her as a poor, helpless victim at all.


Did you see last week's episode?  BLOODY BOOB IMPLANT!!!


Exactly!  Yolanda DID insist that her surgery be filmed.  Of course!  I think in Yolanda's mind, nothing has actually happened unless it's been documented by a camera of some kind.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 16

That's why people think preschool kids are funny, kids say the darndest things!

Brain damage, Traumatic Brain Injury, prenatal drug exposure, among many others, will do that to the brain. It's called, "executive control" (or lack of) and people with brain damage are unable to keep their thoughts in their head. It's associated with the anterior cingulate cortex. So yes, I'm saying Bethanny, somewhere somehow has brain damage, because even if she is doing this all for reality TV, she IS that person.

Nah, she is just a nasty, jealous bitch.

It is crazy how all those characters are somehow connected to OJ.

If it was the 19th C, I guess they would be part of the Demi-Monde....

Erika is fabulous, so she " represents whores"?!

She cracks me up, she knows who she is and owns it. I can't be mad at her. Lol

Edited by LIMOM
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