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Netflix Revival: Spoilers and Speculation

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The "cliffhanger" thing re: the final four words makes me think that Rory telling Lorelai she's pregnant is a likely final scene.

My guess is that one announces, "I'm pregnant!", to which the other replies, "Me too!"

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I've always thought it would be something like (Rory with a baby):  "Hi, mom" (said by Rory),  "Hi, mom" (said by Lorelai) or.... "Meet Lorelai" (said by Rory to her baby), "Meet Lorelai" (also said by Rory to her mom).

Edited by pennben
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I will marvel at the Netflix PR machine one last time.

The MM/ASP public relations story was (I'm guessing) part real problem which later got PR legs and kept the audience's attention, giving Netflix a steady stream of series buzz.

They ultimately used it for a very classic maneuver - softening the blow of 'bad' news.


Once the Rory boyfriend meme was up and running, the big open question was what about Luke and Lorelai?

Lorelai (I'm using characters rather than actors on purpose) led the twitter etc push early on, then secondary characters took over. Luke, however, was nowhere to be seen. Bert, his hat, etc, but no Luke. 

>>>More importantly, no Luke and Lorelai together, a topic of interest to a significant number of loyal fans.


Netflix primed the pump with an "accidental" release of the EW article, quotes are mine. The big news is Luke and Lorelai are holding hands, although it appears that there is something more in the text of the article. Enter Ausiello, who on TVLine claims that the EW article says they are not married. (I haven't read the EW article, so I can only presume Ausiello's words are true.)


Bad news for javajunkies who wanted them to be married.

Oh! Wait! The Netflix PR machine jumps in to soften the blow by suddenly announcing Sookie is returning after all! Even Sookie followed up with her Ellen interview, nicely timed to coincide with her new and apparently tanking movie release.

I do love the Netflix PR machine.


Back to actual character content:

If Sookie returns for just one scene, what would happen in that scene?


I would be thrilled with any scene containing Lorelai, Michel and Sookie together. They are the Dragonfly team and totally create the whole Dragonfly atmosphere. That scene would be unmissable for me.

Jackson and the kids - meh. Funny, not bad, but it wouldn't be GG without the Dragonfly team.

Edited by junienmomo
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If she's having a career crisis, maybe she's substituting while she considers becoming a teacher.  Rory was a great student who loved school; in my experience, a lot of A students at least flirt with the idea of teaching at some point.

That's what I think too. I don't think she's has embraced a career as a teacher, just that it is something to do, probably as a sub, while she works at establishing a journalistic career/ decides if that's really what she still wants. (Or maybe even while she writes a book.)

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So, the final four words leave the show with a cliffhanger.  I thought the purpose of the revival was to give fans closure and a happy ending.


Unless the final four are: "Mom, I shot JR..." I think they could still give the fans closure and a happy ending.  It's possible this may mean that Netflix is going to set up more episodes in the future too. 

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Rini Bell confirmed on Twitter that she's back as Lulu!


EW.com confirmed 37 characters coming back for the revival, other than Rory and Lorelai: Emily, Luke, Sookie, Lane, Kirk, Michel, Paris, Logan, Jess, Dean, Taylor, Babette, Mrs. Kim, Christopher, Gypsy, Doyle, Andrew, April, Headmaster Charleston, Reverend Skinner, Zack, Drella or Miss Celine (Alex Borstein), Bootsy, Gil,  Brian, Miss Patty, Sophie Bloom (Carole King), Town Troubadour, Jackson, Paul Anka, Caesar, Finn, Robert Grimaldi, Colin, Morey, Tom, and Mitchum. I guess with Lulu that makes 38.


Overall, it's a pretty impressive haul, I'd say, especially given that a number of these actors have serious work commitments. I'm glad they were able to get so many back, although it's too bad that Melissa's appearance will be blink-and-you'll-miss-it.


Brightside's post at the Gilmore Girls Reddit also lists those characters who are not returning for sure, but right now that list is only two people long: Liz and Marty. (It's unlikely that TJ will show up if Liz doesn't, of course.) 

Edited by Eyes High
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From Laura Bradley at Slate:


"With McCarthy back, in addition to all of the show’s most beloved neighbors, coworkers and townies, there’s really only one omission: It appears that Scott Cohen, who played Rory’s English teacher and the only man really worthy of Lorelai’s affection, will not be coming back to sweep Lorelai off her feet."

IIRC, this is the first mention of Max I've see in the all of the voluminous comments on the revival, here and elsewhere. I don't know that I think that Max was "the only man really worthy of Lorelai's affection," but I liked the character a lot. And the failure of their relationship revealed just how immature and self-absorbed Lorelai could be. Watching the episodes where she flatly refused to make any room for him in her and Rory's life made me want to slap Lorelai into next year.

Edited by wonderwoman
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I find it weird that Bootsy is back, especially because he was only in season 2 of the show.

I'm glad Alex Borstein is back, and I almost feel like she'll be playing a brand new character again.


Odd that Sherilyn Fenn/Anna isn't coming back, I really thought they'd bring her back. And Liz/TJ not being there feels really strange to me because of how much they were in season 6.

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Max was out of the series by what...season three at the latest?

I'm really ok with then not bring Scott Cohen back on."

As am I. I just found it interesting that him name never came up in all of the discussion around the revival. But, were he coming back, I would love to see the encounter between Max and Lorelai; might she have gained some insight into her own behavior? Just saying...

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In the EW article, the author says that "the movies are set 8 years after season 7, which by the way, Amy still hasn't watched, though she made sure her story lines didn't contradict anything televised.  When "Winter" begins, Luke and Lorelai are still not married (though earlier in the article, the author calls Luke, Lorelai's fiancé).  Rory's one article published in the New Yorker hasn't exactly helped her journalism aspirations, and she's living a vagabond life and not seeing much of her mom."


Also, "About the ending, Alexis Bledel cryptically adds, "It is very much what Amy wanted. If anyone knows Amy's storytelling, they'll maybe know what to expect. It does kind of throw you."



Wasn't Rory going to be on the campaign, filing stories?  

Isn't that in some way, working in journalism, maybe not on the level she wanted but still.. (I really don't know anything about this career, so...)


 I guess my question is do you think from her only having published one article, that she didn't stick with the campaign job when we come back to the revival?

and if that's the case, what has she been doing for 8 years? 

Isn't it odd, though, that they waited exactly 8 years, when Obama's run is coming to a close.


I think I'm also wondering if the Palladino's truly kept elements from the 7th season. They do have those continuity errors from time to time. ....hmmm.   


Sorry for the long post, but I had to add, from what Alexis said about the ending, do you think its going to stump everyone?

Edited by lgold
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So, the final four words leave the show with a cliffhanger.  I thought the purpose of the revival was to give fans closure and a happy ending. 



Unless the final four are: "Mom, I shot JR..." I think they could still give the fans closure and a happy ending.  It's possible this may mean that Netflix is going to set up more episodes in the future too. 

And there it is: Never say never...


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In the EW article, the author says that "the movies are set 8 years after season 7, which by the way, Amy still hasn't watched, though she made sure her story lines didn't contradict anything televised. When "Winter" begins, Luke and Lorelai are still not married (though earlier in the article, the author calls Luke, Lorelai's fiancé). Rory's one article published in the New Yorker hasn't exactly helped her journalism aspirations, and she's living a vagabond life and not seeing much of her?

So Rory's a failure, more or less?

On the one hand, this seems like a slap in the face of the finale, which ended with such promise for Rory's career. On the other hand...LOL, Mitchum was right!

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So Rory's a failure, more or less?

On the one hand, this seems like a slap in the face of the finale, which ended with such promise for Rory's career. On the other hand...LOL, Mitchum was right!


Color me shocked that ASP is actually letting her 2nd fav Mary Sue Rory be a normal human with normal human failings for a change. I agree with the general consensus that along with Mitchum being right, it would be pretty realistic for Rory to struggle in the journalism field seeing as how it as changed so much in the 8 years since she was fresh out of Yale.


Glad about MM appearing at the 11th hour. This whole saga between MM and ASP has been surreal, to say the least. For some reason, I like to think Yanic Truesdale, MM's closest friend from the GG cast, helped get her back for a surprise cameo.

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Color me shocked that ASP is actually letting her 2nd fav Mary Sue Rory be a normal human with normal human failings for a change. I agree with the general consensus that along with Mitchum being right, it would be pretty realistic for Rory to struggle in the journalism field seeing as how it as changed so much in the 8 years since she was fresh out of Yale.


Vulture.com seems to have decided that the photograph of Rory in front of a classroom of Chilton students means that she's definitely a teacher. (They must have missed Liza Weil Instagramming a photo of a person wearing a Chilton uniform, unless we're supposed to believe Paris is also teaching at Chilton.) I'm surprised that they would assume that, given that the EW article states that she's still a journalist, and it does appear to be an assumption on the photo alone as opposed to a spoiler based on independently obtained information.


Judging from Rory's attire (light, summery dress), and the fact that the students appear to be in regular classes, I'm guessing that the installment from the photograph is "Spring." I think "Spring" is Danny Strong's episode, which would likely make it Liza Weil's episode (assuming Paris only appears in "Spring"). All of this would dovetail neatly with the Career Day theory.


If the photo is from "Spring," I find it hard to believe that Rory could go from a journalism career in "Winter" to teaching a few months later. I also find it hard to believe that ASP would permit a huge plot point--Rory abandoning her journalism career in favour of teaching--to be spoiled by way of an EW article. Moreover, we know that a magazine editor character is in 1x02, which seems likely to be related to Rory's career. Finally, if Mitchum is showing up to give Rory a few more notes, as the actor put it, what could he have to say to her about a teaching career? "Told you you weren't cut out for journalism"?


I thought that Rory would need more than a BA in English to teach English at a fancy prep school like Chilton, but I went on the Exeter website, and there are a number of English teachers who only have BAs. So that part at least is not unrealistic.


Even though I don't buy the Rory=teacher thing on the available information, if Rory at the beginning of the revival is a bit unmoored--shitty career, living a "vagabond" life, not seeing her mom very much, etc.--it seems possible that over the course of the revival, she will move towards being more settled and geographically closer to Lorelai...which wouldn't be all that surprising. Given how close Rory was with Richard, she might want to stay closer to her living family now that Richard is dead, especially in light of career struggles.


Going out even further on a speculative limb, assuming Paul (the "good boyfriend" from "Winter") is indeed Rory's boyfriend, maybe that's what precipitates their breakup. Rory's tired of moving around and wants to move closer to SH to be closer to her mother after Richard's death, Paul doesn't want to move and doesn't want to do long-distance, and that's the end of that.

Edited by Eyes High
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For a writer to get an article into the New Yorker is a huge deal. I think the implication is that Rory is a bit of a one- hit wonder, a working journalist who has never quite been able to attain a big-time career. Or, to make the comparison more on the nose, Rory is Alexis -- the equivalent of a mid-level working actress who once seemed on the verge of stardom.

Will Rory chose a completely new career? Or will her return to Stars Hollow give her the inspiration needed to take her writing career to the next level? Maybe she'll write a book?

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I thought that Rory would need more than a BA in English to teach English at a fancy prep school like Chilton, but I went on the Exeter website, and there are a number of English teachers who only have BAs. So that part at least is not unrealistic


Given that the showrunners had someone with a BA in some undetermined field teaching economics to undergraduates at Yale, having Rory teach at Chilton didn't seem surprising to me in the least.

it would be pretty realistic for Rory to struggle in the journalism field seeing as how it as changed so much in the 8 years since she was fresh out of Yale


Has the type of  journalism Rory was doing changed all that much in that time period though? If she  had started her career after leaving Yale in print journalism, then yes. But she was writing for an on-line magazine, I believe. She might have had to become far more technologically savvy then she might have expected to. However,  that has happened to a great many people.

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For a writer to get an article into the New Yorker is a huge deal. I think the implication is that Rory is a bit of a one- hit wonder, a working journalist who has never quite been able to attain a big-time career. Or, to make the comparison more on the nose, Rory is Alexis -- the equivalent of a mid-level working actress who once seemed on the verge of stardom.


The exact quote from EW was that Rory's New Yorker article "hasn't exactly helped her journalism aspirations," so it sounds like maybe the article wasn't all that well received, or in a worst case scenario, was a Rolling Stone college rape story-type debacle.

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..living a "vagabond" life,


Wasn't she supposed to inherit a boatload of money from Trix when she turned 25 (or 21 or somewher down the line)?  And one would assume her grandfather had set something aside for her as well - after all, they were going to give a building to Yale with her name on it so there had to be some bucks lying around there somewhere.

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Wasn't she supposed to inherit a boatload of money from Trix when she turned 25 (or 21 or somewher down the line)?  And one would assume her grandfather had set something aside for her as well - after all, they were going to give a building to Yale with her name on it so there had to be some bucks lying around there somewhere.


In Season 1, Trix rescinded the offer of a trust fund, I think, thus Lorelai's comment to Rory at the end of that episode that she lost $250,000.00. I'm not sure if it was ever reinstated. Besides, $250,000.00 is a nice chunk of change, but even assuming Rory had access to that amount and lived very modestly on the money, it wouldn't sustain her. Her trust fund would need to be well over a million dollars before she would have enough to live comfortably off the interest with no other source of income. Logan, on the other hand, has $5 million in his trust fund and could live off the interest alone.


As for Richard's money, I'm guessing he left it all to Emily on his death. Rory won't see her inheritance until Emily dies. Even if she did inherit immediately, I doubt it would come anywhere close to Logan's wealth, since it seems that the Huntzbergers are much wealthier than the Gilmores.


Doesn't the fact that the actors who played Rev Skinner and Miss Celine  are both coming back scream wedding to you all?

We already knew there was a wedding, thanks to the photo of the prop labeled "wedding." I guess Rev Skinner and Celine could point to a Stars Hollow wedding.

Edited by Eyes High
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We already knew there was a wedding, thanks to the photo of the prop labeled "wedding." I guess Rev Skinner and Celine could point to a Stars Hollow wedding.


Forgot about the prop because it seemed so un Lorelai or Rory

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Well, at least Luke and Lorelai can't be accused of 'rushing into' marriage at this point ;) Maybe they'll have better compatibility, chemistry, connection and communication this time around and seem genuinely happy...? I'm resigned to them being together (and to being among the few fans who thinks they shouldn't be!), but I'm guessing that Java Junkies and non-Java Junkies alike hope that AS-P writes relationships a little better than she used to. It might work to the show's advantage that AS-P has relatively little time---six or so hours as opposed to a full season---which might mean she can't indulge her instinct to make things too joyless and problematic for too long.  


Honestly, the possibility of Rory switching careers and becoming an English teacher is easily one of the things about the revival that I'm most psyched about! That picture of her floating around cyber-space today where she's standing in front of a blackboard that has stuff about Jane Eyre written on it seriously made my day :) As I've rambled about in other threads, I always saw fiction as the thing that most genuinely excited and animated her, not news/politics/journalism, and I just see her as so well-suited to teaching English. Plus, it's so realistic to have to revise our dreams and goals based on who we become as adults and life's various curve balls.  Watching Rory discover that things don't always go according to her carefully constructed plans but turn out for the best anyway is a potentially awesome storyline and one that fits in so well with one of the main themes of the show (which, as you guys know, is based on Lorelai's life deviating radically from what she or her parents had planned but somehow turning out as it was meant to!) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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Like many GG fans I never thought Rory had the right personality to be a journalist. I see her a bit like Anne of Green Gables -as a young girl wanting to get out and see the world but realizing that she really belongs and wants to be back at home. Like Anne Shirley, I could see her writing a novel based on Stars Hollow.

Dustylil, The Caustic Harpist would make an excellent book title!

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Has the type of  journalism Rory was doing changed all that much in that time period though? If she  had started her career after leaving Yale in print journalism, then yes. But she was writing for an on-line magazine, I believe. She might have had to become far more technologically savvy then she might have expected to.


There's really not that huge a difference between writing for an online publication and a traditional print one.  The deadlines might come faster on an online publication, and you may be expected to work harder with the amount of "clicks" your article gets in mind, but it's still the same process with the reporter coming up with story ideas, doing interviews, taking notes, performing research and writing a story.  It's not like Rory would be designing the website or coding.



Like many GG fans I never thought Rory had the right personality to be a journalist.


I thought she'd make an excellent assistant or a researcher.  She seemed to be great at assigned tasks. 

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Well, at least Luke and Lorelai can't be accused of 'rushing into' marriage at this point ;) Maybe they'll have better compatibility, chemistry, connection and communication this time around and seem genuinely happy...? I'm resigned to them being together (and to being among the few fans who thinks they shouldn't be!), but I'm guessing that Java Junkies and non-Java Junkies alike hope that AS-P writes relationships a little better than she used to. It might work to the show's advantage that AS-P has relatively little time---six or so hours as opposed to a full season---which might mean she can't indulge her instinct to make things too joyless and problematic for too long.  




I kind of like the fact the LL never got married but are still together.  I will however be forced to eye roll if they have been engaged for the past 8 years LOL  I did like the suggestion upthread that maybe Richard's death prompts LL to look at life and what they want from it a little differently....that feels like quite a natural thing....do I trust ASP to pull it off....hmmmm.

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Dustylil, The Caustic Harpist would make an excellent book title!


Now nolieblue is the title to be Dustylil, The Caustic Harpist or The Caustic Harpist? I am happy either way :)


I wouldn't mind Rory coming back to Stars Hollow to teach and/or to write as a result of well thought out choice. I would be saddened if she did it because she felt defeated by life.

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Now nolieblue is the title to be Dustylil, The Caustic Harpist or The Caustic Harpist? I am happy either way :)

I wouldn't mind Rory coming back to Stars Hollow to teach and/or to write as a result of well thought out choice. I would be saddened if she did it because she felt defeated by life.

It sounds like Rory is at a crossroads for sure, but even though it's possible that she transitions into a career better suited to her talents, she could just as equally charge back into journalism and rescue her career from the muck. I think the revival is supposed to move the main characters from positions of difficulty and strife ("Winter") to better, happier times ("Fall"); I thought I read an interview with ASP stating as much. So Rory will undergo some sort of career shift, but it could just be a revitalization of her lacklustre journalism career rather than a wholesale rejection of journalism.

The original series left Logan and Jess in pretty promising positions career wise. Now that we know that Rory's career has issues, I'm kind of worried that the exes are doing equally poorly.

Speaking of the exes, Dean's episode is Fall and Rory happens to run into Dean unexpectedly. Since the other exes are in Fall as well, maybe Rory is torn between the two and running into Dean will give her clarity. I hope not, because I would hate triangle bullshit in the revival, but it is a possibility.

Edited by Eyes High
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So Rory's a failure, more or less?

On the one hand, this seems like a slap in the face of the finale, which ended with such promise for Rory's career. On the other hand...LOL, Mitchum was right!

While I do think Mitchum was right, and I also think Rory could have completely overcome that disadvantage, we mustn't forget that ASP is writing from the springboard of what someone told her about season 7, not what she read or watched. Add to that ASP's tendency to overlook continuity issues, and anything goes.

Back to the finale, I wish that Christiane Amanpour had told Rory at least a little about reality instead of responding like anyone does to a fan girl. Fine, it didn't need to be "You're effin' screwed," but a word or two about the changing nature of journalism wouldn't have hurt.

On the Rory money and trust fund point, don't forget that Daddy's now rich. If either of them had half a brain, they would have set up a multimillion dollar trust fund so Rory could have dabbled in journalism even if she couldn't quite achieve financial success. Gigi got something like a big trust fund if I recall correctly. And later Gilmore money would have kicked in for Rory, since Emily was unlikely to leave it all to Lorelai alone.

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As for Richard's money, I'm guessing he left it all to Emily on his death. Rory won't see her inheritance until Emily dies


I  expect that Richard  in keeping with the  traditional kind of  guidance  of  financial advisors left Emily very well provided for but did allow for her to have all the family money. After all, while unlikely, she could marry again. And then where would the Gilmore fortune be? As well, there might be various arrangements and structures that Richard himself might have been one voice or vote among others in the determination of  future disbursements.


Leaving it to future generations and assorted charities  in various types of trusts would seem to be in keeping with what the family had traditionally done with their money. Whether Lorelai would inherit is a mystery, of course. But it would seem likely that Rory would get at least that one trust fund in her mid-twenties and then whatever was left to her through Richard's estate. And  as has been mentioned, Rory also likely had access to the Hayden gazillions. I don't think she would be hunting behind sofa cushions for grocery money any time soon.

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In Season 1, Trix rescinded the offer of a trust fund, I think, thus Lorelai's comment to Rory at the end of that episode that she lost $250,000.00. I'm not sure if it was ever reinstated.

I thought the trust fund was already set up, to be released to Rory when she was 25, but what Trix offered in season 1 was to have the money released early so Lorelai and Rory could use it to pay for Chilton - it was that early release that was rescinded, so the trust fund should still be in place for Rory at 25. Or am I remembering it wrong?

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As  I recall it -  Trix was planning on setting up the trust fund - which Rory would have had access to at age 25. However, when Trix learned of the Chilton loan, she offered to have the $250K available immediately for Rory's education. After hearing and seeing Lorelai and Emily squabbling over the matter, she then rescinded her offer.

At the time it was not clear  if the trust fund itself was not to come into being or just the early release of the money. As  the series went on, it was made known that Rory did have such a fund. Presumably, the one  Trix originally offered.

I always thought it odd that a well-to-do family like the Gilmores apparently had not done something like that previously. Particularly once the two families were no longer estranged.

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Rory switching careers from journalist to teacher? That makes a lot of sense. Reminds me of the Rory/Jess scene where they're driving in her car and he told her that being a Christiane Amanpour-type writer/report didn't seem like her. That never did quite suit Rory's personality. Whoever it was that mentioned it above, but fiction always seemed to be a better fit. She was such a passionate reader. It'd make sense that she'd pass that on to others.

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I can completely see Rory switching from journalist to teacher no problem. In fact, Connecticut is one of the few states that doesn't make you jump through hoops and have you spend tons of money on classes you never use to get a teaching license the last 5 years (If you are in the midwest or southeast, look out). Plus, she was the valedictorian, had a great standing with Chilton and they haven't switched headmasters since graduation. Her getting a job and being on a decent living salary works great. I can even see that when winter starts, she is living off her trust fund, but knows its going to run out in the next year or two. She could even get her certification between winter and spring and be teaching English and be heading up the school newspaper blog fine. This would get her set up fine in a stable career by 30. We all know that many rarely are out and working perfectly right out of college, even if some tight good starting job does get going from day 1. People either get married during the early track or they try to to just adjust to being an adult and then life happens. Hence, small apartments, living pay check to pay check, ect. I'm fine with this for Rory's storyline. I can even get Luke and Lorelai engaged but not married. I just want it to be the have been engaged for 8 years. Sorry, either get it over with while your dad can still walk you down the aisle, or move on. Verses they decided to stay in a committed relationship, but due to failed impulsive marriages on both their ends and other means. I can see Luke before Richard's death saying: "We committed a long time ago, let's make it official." So happy to see Sookie back and they don't have to have her in every scene in any of the episodes. They can do it where it counts like they have been doing with other actors. From what we are getting from the sides and reveals. While Jared only filmed for one day and apparently is coming back to film another two days for some reshoots. Sounds like he will be in winter the most and maybe a wrap up for fall. Like maybe a 30 second view and that be it.

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