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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I was a huge Rick & Maya round 1 fan – JY really seemed to sparkle around KM like he didn’t do with anyone else that I saw. I couldn’t stand Caroline, who was a petulant brat, and when she broke them up, I was furious. She was so horrible to Maya that I thought I’d never like her. I was still irate when they got engaged & married (in front of Maya, no less!). Then, Caroline slowly started softening up a bit, and when she & Ridge started working together, she really grew into herself (in my eyes, anyway). Both LG & Caroline completely changed from a background character/actor, into a must-see character/actor. I was never a Caroline/Rick fan, as I much prefer CaRidge & Rick/Maya, but even as a fan of those two pairings, I can clearly see that Rick is acting out because he’s still in love with Caroline. I’m hoping that he’ll let it go eventually (although, there is a lot of enjoyment to be seen in his acting out!), and that both couples will move forward. Having said that, the fact that they’re showing old clips of nice-Maya/bitchy-Caroline tells me that they’re softening Maya’s golddiggingness up, and showing that she & Rick really did love each other way back when, and dare I say, even showing that Caroline was worse than Maya back in the day. Even Liam told Ivy about it.


Finally, because it can’t be said enough, every single thing about the show is so much more enjoyable with Hope gone. It has completely changed the show for the better.   Small voice: Sorry, Wyatt & DeaQuinn, who don’t seem to matter without the Hope-albatross around their necks.


This show is SO good right now! I can't wait for my lunch hour to run home and watch it!

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Finally got to watch it except the first little bit. Yes Maya! Put her down. Glad that Rick told a snotty and frankly ill-informed Ivy what time it was wrt his feelings for Maya, appreciated Liam doing that too. He's being rather fair in this situation which is a nice change, perhaps he realizes that in being the Prince of all Waffles, he has no room to judge.


Caroline needs to realize that Rick isn't with Maya just for Caroline's benefit, time to remember what the Raya relationship used to be and could have been before all Caroline's nasty and frankly demented bullshit. I don't think Rick is going 'round the bend myself, this is the same soap that had Bill try to kill Amber (while she was pregnant?) shove Ridge out a helicopter and try to talk his BabyMama off a roof and no one is calling him psychotic (although they should be....?) .Caroline begat this mess by being a fickle, mercurial mega-bitch and then once she won her "prize" turning around and slurping on his brother like he was some giant orange creamsicle  This is the mess you made you idiot. "Lick it up baby, lick.it.up." /Veronica Sawyer.

Edited by slayer2
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I can't believe we have to sit through this story while Hope and Wyatt are in Italy having life altering conversations about their marriage.


Do these people know how becoming a matriarch works? They seem to think it's a position in the company.



Now, if only Donna were to get in Rick's ass over his behavior

Not literally I hope. ;)

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Do these people know how becoming a matriarch works? They seem to think it's a position in the company.



Maya seems to think it's something you can just pay a fee to the state board and get your license.  Kind of like a notary. 

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Now, if only Donna were to get in Rick's ass over his behavior

Not literally I hope. ;)


You never know on this show.


Right before Stephanie went away to die, she pulled a grieving Pam aside and told her, "I'll always be that little bluebird looking over your shoulder."


So, occasionally, when Pam is having an emotional moment, she'll look out and see a bluebird. It's a kind silly, very sweet and comforting thing between two sisters.


I love the bluebird thing. One of my favourite Pam moments is when she's telling Eric about seeing the bluebird at Christmas; something about how that scene was played made Pam seem very on the level when her default mode is madcap.


Since I hated Stephanie with the fire of a thousand suns and that bitch was totally dead to me when she orchestrated Brooke's rape, I am gleeful over the portrait. Serves the dead hag, right, and hope she is spinning in hell right now. 


I wonder how much of the audience's reaction to the portrait being replaced is related to the way we see Susan Flannery as the matriarch of the show, and whether we're confusing the fictional disrespect to Stephanie as real-life disrespect to SF. Or maybe that's just me?


I, too, would have laughed at "the next Forrester matriarch" thing.  Not long ago, Eric was promising that title to Taylor. 


Don't remind us! *bleurgh*

Edited by St3phForrester
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I wonder how much of the audience's reaction to the portrait being replaced is related to the way we see Susan Flannery as the matriarch of the show, and whether we're confusing the fictional disrespect to Stephanie as real-life disrespect to SF. Or maybe that's just me?


I hear ya St3ph. For me Stephanie Forrester can kick incestuous rocks but Susan Flannery...bow down bitches, so colour me happy to see her portrait go. That woman was literally Darth Vader, a vile, demented, doomsday device who only went soft when she was thisclose to death.The Forrester family can miss me with their wailing and whining about how it dishonours Stephanie's fabulous legacy. That woman was so truly demonic you could release a pack of dogs to gleefully urinate on her grave every birthday until Ridge Jr is SORASed and you'd still be giving her death more attention than it deserves. In fact you might even be giving her an opening to crawl out of the ground and murder everybody via Freddy Krueger in Dream Master.


I can understand why SF peaced out, it can't be good for your soul to spend decades playing someone so rotten to the very core. The rape storyline would have been the last straw for me, maybe it was for her too.


That said, I think that Bell will always really respect SF and wish her back and he mentioned in an interview re: the portrait that he would love, love, love to have her back but he knows that the goal isn't based in reality because worms will sooner have ears before she'd ever return (well he didn't quite put it that way but....). So I think the portrait and matriarch storyline has more to do with Bell missing the dynamic of the powerfour square in Stephanie/Eric/Brooke/Ridge and letting go of that while trying to respect the old group and build a new square in Rick/Maya/Caroline/Ridge.

Edited by slayer2
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Scene: Caroline dropped her glass of water after getting an eyeful of Maya's portrait.


Caroline: "Rick, What are you doing?"

Rick (looking down at the broken glass): (Sighs) "Getting a broom and dust pan apparently"


I guffawed. The look on Rick's face was priceless. JY should consider doing comedy in the future. I MIGHT have re-watched that scene at least 5 times. Hee!

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Scene: Caroline dropped her glass of water after getting an eyeful of Maya's portrait.


Caroline: "Rick, What are you doing?"

Rick (looking down at the broken glass): (Sighs) "Getting a broom and dust pan apparently"


I guffawed. The look on Rick's face was priceless. JY should consider doing comedy in the future. I MIGHT have re-watched that scene at least 5 times. Hee!


OMG I'd love it if he'd host ACME Night! Sean Kanan was a part of a fabulous spoof soap with some other actors from DOOL on ACME and it was EVERYTHING!!


Found it! Here it is for some laffs:


Edited by slayer2
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Bill's back with his bullshit.  

Bill warns Maya and gives her 24 hours to leave Rick.  Didn't work before, why is he doing it again?

I saw that and that is EXACTLY why every single Spencer can kick rocks. Freaking bullies. Even if

Maya doesn't want Rick, he still don't want Caroline.

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I saw that and that is EXACTLY why every single Spencer can kick rocks. Freaking bullies. Even if

Maya doesn't want Rick, he still don't want Caroline.

Oh for fuck's sakes. He needs to get a life. For serious. Brooke will sort him out though.

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Oh, Maya. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


I'm kind of actively ignoring the matriarch business within the otherwise awesome storyline but I have to give you points for The Princess Bride reference, best book and movie in the wooooooorld!


Awww frak! Now I'm watching all the Scandal Crest episodes again. Damn you interweb!!!!!

Edited by slayer2
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The matriarch line drives me crazy and I have no idea whhhyyyyyyyyy they insist on having her repeat it, but I ignore it. I did like the way they played those scenes between Maya and Caroline today. Maya was a smooth player there admitting that Caroline was right about a couple of things. 

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The whiplash-inducing changes in Maya's behavior are perplexing.  And I'm not sure why the recitation of her relationship with Rick makes it sound as if she had him first and Caroline was the interloper.  As Maya would say "Don't get it twisted."  She, albeit unknowingly, was the spoiler in the first Rick/Caroline go-round.


Regardless, all this talk about Maya's "honesty", "loyalty", etc. leads me to believe a big fall, based on the actual absence of those qualities, is heading her way.  And I think it's going to come in the form of her sister.  The worst-case scenario I can think of is that,

given her sister's relatively young age of 18, her "sister" is actually her daughter.

 This would be a deception and embarassment Rick might not be able to get over.

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I'm really enjoying the show these days, and as a relatively new viewer, I appreciated the flashbacks showing some of the history between Caroline and Maya.  I think the story is great and the actors are doing a great job.  Almost all of them.  I just do not like how Maya is being portrayed.  I think it was better today, but generally she seems flat to me.  She makes all these crazy hyperbolic statements about being the "matriarch" (ugh), spending her life with Rick, whatever, almost to the point of being delusional, but I don't see any emotion behind them.  I don't know if it's an acting choice or an inability to show the level of feeling I'm expecting or something just not clicking with me, but she takes me out of every scene.  I don't believe that she loves Rick, it just seems like she wants power, and even that is not that convincing.  I don't know, she just doesn't seem to measure up to the rest of the actors during these scenes.  


That said, I think the show is doing a great job of showing the motivations and conflicted feelings of everyone involved.  It's such a beautiful mess and I have no idea what's going to happen or who is going to end up with whom, and I love it.  

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Liam's reaction when Ivy told him about the portrait was funny.


Ivy just keeps becoming a smarter and smarter Sheila.


Yep, that is how you do it Rick; just walk out when the answers get too tough.


It is just a picture Caroline; as innappropriate as it is, it is still just a picture and really means nothing.


I am so glad Caroliine held back, and didn't tell Maya that she had asked Rick if he loved Maya several times, and that he wasn't even able to look her in the eye or give her an answer.


Now I can take this Maya; just saying how she is feeling and thinking without the smugness. If they are setting these two up as the next female arch enemies, then they need to get the playing field right. That is what made Brooke and Stephanie, and Brooke and Taylor so special. Caroline needs to tone down the begging, and the snarking, and she did a lot better with that today. Caroline showed more dignity in her restraint, and the fact that she listened to Maya. I think she is starting to realize that this situation isn't going away; no matter what she believes to be Rick's reasons, Maya is here to stay. Maya needs to tone down the smugness, and the disrespect, not necessarily to Caroline, but to Rick's family. Brooke and Stephanie used to have these kinds of stand offs all the time, and they never got old. Brooke and Taylor too, even though I was sick to death of the triangle, I always loved to see B/T interact. There was just a very special "thing" between those women, and I can see that starting to develop between Caroline and Maya. A really good female rivalry is something the show has been lacking for a long time. They tried with Hope and Steffy, and for me it just fell flat. But this is great because it involves a core character, and the son of a core character. The fact that Ridge and Rick are so steeped in the show's history makes it so much more exciting. I also think it has taken some time, but the actors are getting more comfortable with each other, and are discovering each other's little nuances. Karla Mosley did a great job today; she didn't come across as desperate at all. She came across as a strong woman, who believes what she is saying. So much like Brooke in the old days. And she was rocking that red dress. But I have to agree with the posters above that she is confused about what a Matriarch is, and how one achieves that status. I think there are some Forrester women who might have a thing or two or three to say about that. Not to mention Thorne, who is Eric's oldest biological son. It's as if Maya lives in a vacuum, and doesn't understand that there is a whole extended Forrester family.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Is anyone else getting tired of the silly, and over-used, helicopter shots that B&B uses? To me, it's nothing more than using up valuable face time and gives the writers a break of having to write at least 3 or 4 minutes less of dialogue.

Unless I wasn't hearing right, didn't Eric tell Ridge that he wasn't going off on vacation because of what Rick did? If that is the case, where the heck is he?

Bill needs to back off, but a fight between him and Maya could be fun.

Edited by KLovestoShop
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I think Sheila means girl in Australian, like a Betty is a girl in Surfer talk.

LOL...yeah, I figured that after I thought about it. However, is she really getting smarter? What was she dumb as a box of rocks before she became obsessed with Rick, Maya and Caroline?

Edited by venusnv80
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Sorry about that slayer2, something wacktacular going on with my stuff and I can't get the spoiler tag to work; so I just cut it out.

Zoiks! All hail the technology gods. They've been screwing with me for years too.

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Liam's reaction when Ivy told him about the portrait was funny.



His reaction look was priceless. I so want to see him react to being told about every single surprising thing that happens. 


Is anyone else getting tired of the silly, and over-used, helicopter shots that B&B uses? 

Nope, not me. I may be the one, but I flove those overhead shots of the city. I take a breath and they relax me. I also like that they have been a part of the show for so long. It's a thing that's part of the show. I look forward to them. I also like the implication that they are in LA (!) not just in a house. It's so grand. I especially love when they go back and forth between LA and location shoots and they have map shots, and sometimes with animation. Yes! It's such a funny thing they do in movies and tv.


On the other hand, the exterior establishing shots of the buildings don't do anything for me. What do I care what the pretend other side of the set looks like? Unless the actors are outside in a scene I see no reason. Just like I can't see the back of a chair when I look at the front of it, but I believe it exists, I don't need to see the exterior side of a wall when I see the interior side to believe that it exists. Yes, this is all pretend, but I don't need to think about the outer sides of the set walls. When I see those exterior shots of random buildings I find myself thinking about whether the outside and the insides match up, and they never do. The sets establish specific locations. That's enough for me. I mean, since you asked...

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The worst-case scenario I can think of is that,

given her sister's relatively young age of 18, her "sister" is actually her daughter. 

This is just more speculation on the above spoiler:


Maya's only 30ish, early 30s tops.

She would have had the kid when she was in her young teens. That means she was probably sexually abused/raped and that would be tragic, not something for Rick to be embarassed about. If "why didn't you tell me?" were to be his primary reaction then she should dump him but I don't think that's at all the way things are planned. The girl likely is actually Maya's sister.


Is anyone else getting tired of the silly, and over-used, helicopter shots that B&B uses?

Yes. I feel like they've replaced all the Hope montages.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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or an inability to show the level of feeling I'm expecting or something just not clicking with me, but she takes me out of every scene.


I think it's inability to show feeling because I don't think Karla Mosley is a very good or competent actress.



Is anyone else getting tired of the silly, and over-used, helicopter shots that B&B uses?


I watch a couple of web soaps where the same technique is used so I'm used to them. However, I kind of go back and forth with these establishing shots. They are beautiful, but at the same time why do they need to be so long?


I like Ivy. The actress is good and I like that the writers have made her fairly smart. Although, I wish she and some of the other Greek chorus would stop with the Rick wants to be with Caroline stuff. I believe Rick still loves Caroline, but that might not be enough given the whole Ridge incident. Plus, Caroline clearly hasn't let go of the Ridge thing.


It's time for Caroline to accept Rick wants a divorce and give him that. Let him be with Maya and move on.



Unless I wasn't hearing right, didn't Eric tell Ridge that he wasn't going off on vacation because of what Rick did? If that is the case, where the heck is he?


You heard exactly right. It feels like the writers forgot this completely. I mean where is Eric? Shouldn't he have gone home by now to find Maya's portrait on the wall? That's a scene I want to see!

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I don't mind the fly-overs or any of the establishing shots. Compared to some soaps where you can get whiplash from the absurdly short scenes, that second or two gives you a bit of mental transition and it works for me.  Of course, they probably only do it to save money on actual content but it's much less annoying than drippy Hope montages. 

Edited by tessaray
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I think Sheila means girl in Australian, like a Betty is a girl in Surfer talk.


Sheila Carter was a character back in the 90's. She was the show's villainess and her deeds were truly vile. She made Quinn look like junior league, but Sheila was the same kind of crazy. Back then, the writers did a much better job of showing the audience what made Sheila tick -- her various psychoses and childhood issues. She went on a shooting rampage at the Forrester mansion and shot both Brooke and Taylor. That caused Taylor's second "death." Sheila eventually went to prison and exited the show. She briefly came back and "killed" Ridge, then went back to prison. That was all orchestrated to kick-off the Nick/Brooke/Ridge triangle.


I don't really see Ivy being Sheila, because she's not doing anything devious and doesn't have ulterior motives. Sheila (like Maya) always had her eye on the prize -- Eric Forrester -- and she actually had him for a brief period. (I'm not saying Maya is evil like Sheila was.) To me, Ivy seems more like Taylor, in that she's obsessed with everybody's business and is always trying to be the voice of reason, right vs. wrong, what's morally acceptable, etc.


ETA: Here's a clip featuring Sheila (and Hunter Tylo before Botox.) Kinda of deja vu in Sheila's words.


Edited by grisgris
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I know who Sheila Carter is and Ivy is nothing like her, so that is why I think it was actually a slang term.

Sheila actually started out on Y&R faking pregnancies and stealing babies.

Edited by venusnv80
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Unless I wasn't hearing right, didn't Eric tell Ridge that he wasn't going off on vacation because of what Rick did? If that is the case, where the heck is he?

And Ridge told Caroline he was going back to the Paris office to get out of Rick's hair for a while. If so, did he leave that night, or if not, where did he go when Maya made Ivy and Aly spend the night in a hotel? He's no longer with Katie and he probably wouldn't camp at Brooke's house so where was he? On a couch at FC? Over at Carter's place?

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Sheila Carter was a character back in the 90's. She was the show's villainess and her deeds were truly vile. She made Quinn look like junior league, but Sheila was the same kind of crazy. Back then, the writers did a much better job of showing the audience what made Sheila tick -- her various psychoses and childhood issues. She went on a shooting rampage at the Forrester mansion and shot both Brooke and Taylor. That caused Taylor's second "death." Sheila eventually went to prison and exited the show. She briefly came back and "killed" Ridge, then went back to prison. That was all orchestrated to kick-off the Nick/Brooke/Ridge triangle.

I don't really see Ivy being Sheila, because she's not doing anything devious and doesn't have ulterior motives. Sheila (like Maya) always had her eye on the prize -- Eric Forrester -- and she actually had him for a brief period. (I'm not saying Maya is evil like Sheila was.) To me, Ivy seems more like Taylor, in that she's obsessed with everybody's business and is always trying to be the voice of reason, right vs. wrong, what's morally acceptable, etc.

ETA: Here's a clip featuring Sheila (and Hunter Tylo before Botox.) Kinda of deja vu in Sheila's words.

I meant it wrt to the question which I think pertained to a nickname for Australian girls as Ivy explained on the show.

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ETA: Here's a clip featuring Sheila (and Hunter Tylo before Botox.) Kinda of deja vu in Sheila's words.


This reminds me why I could never get into B&B back in the day.  As much as I like Susan Flannery (she was my Laura Horton/DAYS) the character of Stephanie Forrester was always too much for me.  I don't mind sneaky and manipulative but the sheer toxic nastiness made my stomach churn.  

Edited by tessaray
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Ivy is becoming a smarter and smarter Shelia who?



I was referring to the Australian slang term for female. Sorry for the confusion folks.



RuntheTable, weren't you a Brooke and Bill fan?  I don't know how you can call what they did anything but infidelity.  Your dislike of Maya might just come from the fact that you like Caroline better :-)



Sorry kia112, I forgot to respond to this. I reread my post and realized I left a few things out. I do detest infidelity, but I also realize that in soap land, your gonna have it. I also hate liers and hypocrites, but your gonna have those too; how else would you have any drama right? So for me and soaps, it is a matter of picking and choosing my battles.


I wouldn't say I like Caroline more than Maya. I liked Maya very much in the beginning, and not because she was yet another vanilla do gooder. I liked her because she had been dealt a rotten hand, but came out pretty much unscathed, and that she didn't cave to a thug life. I didn't really feel one way or the other about Caroline back then. I took a hiatus from the show, and missed Caroline's introduction; I tuned back in a few months before her header off of Bill's balcony. I guess just like everyone else, I was surprised in the change in Caroline's personality, and found her to be a snooty little bitch. At the same time though, I thought Linsey Godfrey really rocked the whole thing, and it was the first time I really noticed her. I thought she was campy and hilarious, but I was glad they toned her down.


Everyone has their own take/variation of the events that got us here, but I feel that the score between Caroline and Maya regarding past deeds has long since been settled. So, outside of the whole infidelity thing, I think Maya's motivations have a lot more to do with besting Caroline, than loving Rick. I don't like how Rick shut her down, time and again, so she just changed her tactics, and looked for an entrance through a back door. I don't like how she has flaunted herself in front of, and disrespected Rick's family. If she truly wants a happy future with Rick, then she should be trying to win these people over, not put them off with her smugness. I don't like how she gushes love to Rick, but power and money to everyone else.


I do believe that Caroline still loves Rick, but not enough to accept the crap he has been dealing out. So, I believe part of her motivation is to best Maya. But I get that, she is Rick's wife, it is a pride thing. If Caroline and Rick were to reconcile, I wouldn't give it a month, because Caroline's feelings for Ridge run deeper than she wants to acknowledge. And I don't think that makes her a bad person; it is a sad fact of life that people do fall in and out of love. However, I also believe that if Maya hadn't dropped her bomb, that Rick and Caroline would have been fine. Ridge and Caroline had ended their "partnership", and at that point, I think Caroline could have gotten past her feelings. I am convinced that it has been Ridge's out of character actions since the bomb that have sealed the deal. He has consistently put Caroline, and what he thinks is best for her, first. That is a powerful aphrodisiac to a person already in the throes of a love crush. So this is where I find fault with Caroline; fighting for something she doesn't really want. If she got Rick back she would probably throw him away in no time, and end up with Ridge anyway. If Rick wants to be with Maya, then give it up and let him, and go find your own happiness.


As far as Brooke and Bill, yes I did like them, but that is a long story that goes back more than twenty years, and my girl crush on KKL. And like I said in my opening paragraph, you have to pick and choose your battles. The show has done a great job of brainwashing us Brookenite's into always giving her the benefit of the doubt. I really do believe Brooke loved Bill, although I am not so sure about Bill's devotion. I think a lot of his hot pursuit of Brooke had to do with ego and pride, particularly once Ridge returned. The only saving grace in that SL for me, was that Bill broke it off with Katie for good after SpyCamGate. That, and the fact that Brooke didn't fall straight into bed with Bill, instead, showing amazing restraint for Brooke by waiting nearly a year to have sex with Bill.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Thanks for the explanation, RuntheTable.  That was really helpful!  Though, I didn't mean to make it seem like you owed me an explanation.  Sorry if it came across that way!



Not at all. I think it is awesome that we have a SL that makes us want to explain ourselves. Can you imagine being this passionate about Hope/Liam?

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Hey! I am totally passionate about Hope/Liam ... passionate about keeping them off my screen, but yes passionate!


Touché and co-sign.



Since I hated Stephanie with the fire of a thousand suns and that bitch was totally dead to me when she orchestrated Brooke's rape, I am gleeful over the portrait. Serves the dead hag, right, and hope she is spinning in hell right now.

The beauty of this paragraph and the delight its visual gives me. Indeed CountryGirl indeed.

Edited by slayer2
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Watching some of the old clips...


Can you imagine the recent scenes if Stephanie were still alive and RM was still cast as Ridge?


Stephanie (arms at her sides, fists clenched, veins popping): "Caroline? Caroline. CAR-O-LINE!!! Ridge? How could you. This happened before. With her AUNT!"


Ridge (hands in steeple position, face expressionless): "Now, motherrrrrrrrrrr....."

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I like the slow simmer they have going on with Ridge and Caroline. Hope they keep it this way for a while longer because Im not ready to see them sizzle yet.In fact I may not even like it, but for now, the simmer is good. I don't know what I think about Maya and Rick. I dont really see them as a "power" couple. When Brooke comes back, Im sure the whole senerio will change in some way or another. Its actually been quite pleasant without her. 

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They'll have to turn up the heat pretty soon if they want Caroline and Ridge to even simmer.  (I have no problem with simmering but right now we don't even have that.)


Brooke was so boring when I first started watching.  She even made Deacon boring, pretty flashbacks aside. I think the current situation that Brooke will be walking into is night and day from the way things were when she left, which makes me interested in seeing how she reacts to it.  Well, as long as Ridge is all "Brooke who?".  ;-)    

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Just watched an old ep of Remington Steele and John McCook was a DJ.  Man he is gorgeous!


I'm with y'all on how good this show is right now.  JY is killin' it.  KM is so good at being bad.  Hell...I can't think of anybody who isn't bringing it.


Turn up the heat on Ridge and Caroline, stat.

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