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  1. I can't decide if I'm "Whaaaaaaaaat" or "Hmmmmmm" about this Eric/Quinn thing. On the one hand, we get to see more of John McCook; on the other hand, we get to see more if John McCook... and I don't know if even I'm up for that.
  2. Hey excuse me why didn't anyone tell me about this earlier??? I realise I've been offline for a while but let's not confuse the issue with facts here. Also the burgundy shirt he was wearing in Tuesday's show was very nice. Happy Thanksgiving, pilgrims! Enjoy your turkey!
  3. Too late! But actually I'm not all that disappointed with what went down in those episodes - as much as I couldn't agree with much that came out of Eric's mouth (especially this constant "Ridge stole Brooke from me!!!" whining that is a) wrong and b) immature), it's how it was said that gave me all the tingles. Boy howdy, did JMC and TK light a match under each other in those scenes! When Eric was giving Ridge the serve about "not quite the Forrester you think you are" and he was all, "Oh yeah! Morality", right in TK's face, I was like "Dayum Johnny spit that venom!" And his voice got all growly and throaty and he was all animated with his hands and I guess this is what people mean when they say they could listen to people read the phone book, 'cuz I could watch JMC as Eric drag Ridge all. day. long. and not be the least bit upset that what Eric was doing was way out of line. And then this scene when he goes from being happy to see Steffy to being absolutely disgusted with Ridge & Co staging the coup, and he says "I don't want to fight any more", and then that "Oh, oh no" thing he does, and he & TK trying to out-yell each other, just bury my rotting corpse already because that stuff slayed me. (Sorry to drag up stuff that happened a month ago, but I'm not remotely interested in what's going on right now. Liam can't make up his mind? Whatever.) To be fair, some places down here don't have indoor plumbing. It'd be the only explanation for Eric just disappearing from the show all of a sudden - how frustrating! We know where Rick went, but where did Eric go to lick his wounds? Did he drown his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey? Did he go to the Club or a bar or back home? And was it to the main house or is he still in the guesthouse? And where in Saddam Hussein's hell is Donna? Ridge made all this noise about disappointing his father and how hurt he would be and all the rest of it, why don't we see that? I know I'm not the only person who would be interested in watching an original, long-term B&B actor go to work on some heavy, "I've just been kicked out of my own company - again" emotional wallowing in self-despair. I don't want Eric to be reduced back to a talk-to character when there are (still) opportunities for him to be a driver of a story, even if it's a b- or c-plot. I'm not ready to give up on him yet!!! You guys know well that I'd rather give myself a hysterectomy than watch Brooke & Eric together again, but I'm willing to make the sacrifice if it means we're not going to collectively suffer through this rubbish with Steffy & Liam any longer. And I hate that my home girl Ivy is being so dumb about this. If she was on an Aussie soap she would have read Liam for filth and dumped his ass as soon as Steffy showed her plastic face. Bitch ain't about no time-share dick.
  4. The most upsetting thing about this Ivy/Liam/Steffy/Wyatt Summer of Suck is that it's broadcasting now that I'm home, and not 2-3 weeks ago while I was honeymooning and missing out on all the (apparently relatively more) exciting Forrester Creations Hostile Takeover episodes. I miss my Johnny ;( (I miss you guys too.) JMC tweeted about Caitlyn Jenner when she debuted on the cover of Vanity Fair and ever since then she's been the only person I can see Eric with. I think I might have completely lost my grip on reality. Wow, RuntheTable. I love me some hoyay and I would do anything to see more of Eric & Bill in the same room but that is quite a powerful mental image right there. WOW. No.
  5. Ya know, I watched Thursday & Friday's episodes (for obvious reasons) and actually really enjoyed them. Although, I did despair that Eric was stuck talking with Brooke over two episodes while the other boys got to go outside and play. Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose. I'd rather impale myself. Impossible. I feel strongly that this needs re-posting:
  6. Goddamn he looks so good right now. The beard and the jacket and the no tie thing is really driving me crazy. ... and that's all I got. "Riding horseback through Mongolia", if you know what I mean. ;) ETA: Um so John McCook just sent me a tweet brb dying
  7. If you're expecting any more than this from Eric, you'll be sorely disappointed and you'll only have yourself to blame. To be honest I only wanted to see the beard - sometimes dreams really do come true!
  8. WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH woah woah woah woah, woah, woah... woah. Woah. Hold on a minute. Stop the presses for a second here. Forget this "Maya's really a man" hoo-hah and answer me this: What's with Ridge and Bill drinking beers together?!?!?1 Colour me shocked. Oh God no eww gross no no no don't be using your old man's lube that's nasty.
  9. My money's on murder. But my money's only worth $0.76 USD. Didn't Sheila murder someone before she came to L.A. and hooked herself on the wealthy Eric Forrester the First, and then Lauren came on board and was all about exposing her - all the way back in 1993? Shame on me for expecting something original from Brad Bell. I'm disappointed that Nicole wasn't actually a computer science student; we need a smart girl on this show, not another vapid model. It certainly would have made this secret business a lot more interesting, if it was something Nicole stumbled upon while hacking federal records or whatever. Maybe Maya's secret is that she has a private email address? Whenever I see/hear/think of furries, I think of that episode of CSI. Sigh. I miss Grissom. Google Images has informed me that William Petersen has let himself go, though, so no loss there. On first glance I was like, "When did Stephanie get raped?" From someone who lives in a country where we have to manufacture snow, I can say that the aerials of Aspen are pretty nice. But I'm sure there are nicer places around, like Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland which is one of my all time favourite places in the whole world. I guess the CBS budget doesn't stretch far enough for another European remote just for a Batie honeymoon, so they had to trot out the "we didn't want to be too far away from Will" excuse.
  10. Did you guys hear the news over the weekend that JMC got himself a Twitter account? @JohnMcCookThot. His daughter Molly set it up for him. The "thot" at the end has me confused, though - I thought it stood for "that ho over there"? Maybe it actually means "that handsome old timer". For real. When she took the sheet off the painting of Caroline and was like, "What's going on here?", I wished Ridge had said "None of your goddamn bizniss" I think she said it just to get a rise out of Maya, as in, "Get Rick to install me as a model for FC and I'll keep quiet about your *~*~*secret*~*~*". I didn't get that she was being serious, it looked to me like she was saying it for shits & giggles. Wake me up when something interesting happens.
  11. I always feel like I need to apologise for Eric's rampant stupidity, and then I remember that he is not actually my husband. Oh kia112, you are too sweet. My brain went elsewhere with this and now I need a turpentine bath. Pam lives with Charlie at wherever he lives. When Stephanie passed away she was living in the FM looking after Eric, until he kicked her out so he could grieve properly. I never thought I would witness Eric being a condescending, hypocritical asshole about someone's relationship, but there it is.
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