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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It is out of left field Julius would have an affair with his wife's friend so casually. I can't see someone so meticulous doing something that messy & risky. And if he did stray he'd do it with a woman out of town, that was married herself to a big gun so she wouldn't come for him.

Exactly. Weren't Sasha and her mother their neighbors? And they were always over for dinner? Vivian seems pretty perceptive, so they must have been hiding it well. It makes me feel terrible for her, since they were making a fool out of her right under her nose for years. Edited by Snaporaz
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Updated Jan 25th spoilers...  Totally called

Quinn screwing with a sick Liam to help Wyatt.



Spoilers from www.theTVwatercooler.com

Monday, Jan. 25
Bill and Brooke battle their mutual desire for one another.

Tuesday, Jan. 26
The following day, Katie collapses under the weight of Brooke and Bill's most recent betrayal.

Wednesday, Jan. 27
During their heated argument, Katie physically attacks Brooke.

Wyatt gives Steffy a gift and encourages her to face her fears and get on with her life.

Friday, Jan. 29
Eric pays Bill a visit to discuss the ramifications of Brooke and Katie's current crisis.

Preview for week of Jan 25

What does Quinn do next after Liam collapses in front of her?

source: B&B Bulletins
Twitter mini-previews for week of Jan 25

Katie overhears Brooke confess her love to Bill. The sisters have a heated confrontation. #BoldandBeautiful

After Liam collapses in front of Quinn, she hides him away so Steffy will feel rejected and bond with Wyatt. #BoldandBeautiful
Daily spoilers via twitter

1/25, Steffy and Wyatt bond while surfing.

1/26, Quinn texts Steffy from Liam's phone.

1/28, Wyatt tells Steffy to move on with her life.


Edited by TobinAlbers
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RS should feel annoyed that Quinn's only storyline revolves around keeping Liam and Steffy apart and being up her son's bum/worrying about his sex life.

It makes no sense how the writers have written their relationship. Over the holidays, they were smiling and happy. Suddenly, he isn't the Spencer man she desires. I swear the writers have no idea what's going on.

And what a letdown with Sasha/Zende/Nicole. It fell flat. I was hoping to see some crazy from somebody other than Quinn. Hopefully Sasha is just pretending to be cool and secretly plotting. I agree with you all on Papa Avant. It makes no sense that someone who cared what others thought would have some random affair with the neighbour that produced a child. Nobody has ever mentioned Sasha. Not even in passing or when it was just them on screen. No calls, texts, or anything with her. I'm hoping for a plot twist.

JMW needs to stop chopping her face up. It looks terrible, and she was a pretty woman before. I wish somebody (boyfriend, family, friends, etc.) had said something. Her face doesn't move. She's botoxed and filled to max capacity. Sad.

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It makes no sense how the writers have written their relationship. Over the holidays, they were smiling and happy. Suddenly, he isn't the Spencer man she desires. I swear the writers have no idea what's going on.



I agree.  She said they weren't working for awhile and it happened before Thanksgiving.  Well then what was Halloween (you know the one of two appearances of Deacon in the last 3 months of the year)?  They didn't look like they had issues then.


This is just the writers forcing the issue that they need Quinn alone to go nuts in the most lazy way possible.  It doesn't have to make sense.  As long as the piece on the board is where they want it.  If I was RS I would be insulted that one thing they did for HER character (which was her marrying Deacon) was completely wiped away and done completely off screen.  That is insulting.

Edited by ch1
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When JMW (Steffy) was trying to emote through all the Botox and fillers, I thought of the show FaceOff. Sometimes the judges will ask the models to try to be expressive to see if the prosthetic is functional. JMW would fail that test!

HA!! This. So much this. I can just hear Glenn the Grumpy Judge reprimanding JMW for having a "baked-in" expression that doesn't move or emote.


Her face scares me.


I like Bill and Katie but I guess I'm alone with that opinion!




Though when Brill happens, I'd like Katie to hook up with Liam. I do see chemistry there.

I like Bill and Katie too, but being an asshat seems to take up so much of $Bill's time that it doesn't leave much time for him and Katie as a couple. Bring on Chris McKenna! (And how is it that SC has such better chemistry with HT and RS than he ever had with JMW or KM?)


I saw on Chris McKenna's Twitter (and, Daytime Confidential) that he's joining B&B.

He was also TeenJoey on OLTL a lifetime ago.

Edited by Maelstrom
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They can stop with the daily flashback sequences. The editor is getting sloppy. We're seeing Steffy's old face.

And can Bill stop fantasising already? Wyatt needs to stop pining after his brother's leftovers.

Deacon and Quinn were happy during the Thanksgiving dinner, when did it go wrong?

Det. Hardon could interrogate me any day. I'd spill all the secrets and tell him whatever he wanted to know. He grew up to be fine as hell. Aged to perfection.

Edited by AussieBabe
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I hate these spoilers and as someone posted upthread, I would be furious if I were the actress who plays Quinn. Why does her life have to revolve around Wyatt's love life? That is so ridiculous. And why does she encourage him to go after yet another woman that Liam's already been with, much less married and almost had a baby. I hate that they're making her act all crazy again.


Also so sick of where this Katie Bill Brooke triangle is headed. Why do we have to go there again? It was gross before and time hasn't made it any more palatable,


These writers are the worst. And when the hell are Caroline and Ridge returning? Is Poison Ivy returning?

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CountryGirl. You made me swoon at my keyboard.  That man is beyond sex on a stick. Hey ya'll -- quite drooling over my tv husband and get your own  :)


I need a scene of Zende, Carter, and Thomas pumping iron on the rooftop gym and in walks the new guy. All three guys do a double take when he strips off his shirt and they just pack up and leave.


I want him for Katie. She wouldn't even be thinking 'Bill who?' after spending some nice quality time with her new beefcake boyfriend. Wonder what job the character will have?

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Wait - so is Sean Kanan off the show or recurring or there but doing nothing for six months ? What a waste.



Excellent question. Twitter isn't giving anything away.  On one hand SK's name was taken out of the closing credits while on the other he was one of the actors that got his opening shot updated.  I would just like something confirmed.  He could easily be done but they could just as easily need him out of the immediate picture for this Quinn kidnapping Liam nonsense. 

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La di Diva, on 20 Jan 2016 - 6:47 PM, said:

Think about it a moment, $Bill is all macho, macho, unbuttoned shirts, sword necklace, master of his universe. There is part of me that  has always though he's trying too hard to be this manly man


LittleIggy, on 20 Jan 2016 - 11:13 PM, said:

Macho except for that waxed, smooth as a baby's butt chest...


$Bill reminds me of a San Fernando Valley porn PR lounge lizard at a Porn-A-Palooza convention.

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My first thought, when I saw Liam unconscious, on the bed, and Quinn putting a pillow under his feet, was that Bell was doing a version of "Misery". Either that or his version of Hilary in the boathouse. Deacon is gone and it's back to Quinn 1.0. The only way I can see Quinn getting out of this is to strip herself and Liam naked and lay next to him in bed. When he wakes up ask "was it good for you also"? Can we please stop the flashbacks and dream sequences. They are getting very annoying.

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I want him for Katie.


To Hell with Katie ... he'll be wasted on that wet blanket.


I want HARDON for myself.

They can stop with the daily flashback sequences. The editor is getting sloppy. We're seeing Steffy's old face.


The before and after is Hunter Tylo scary.

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Either that or his version of Hilary in the boathouse. Deacon is gone and it's back to Quinn 1.0. The only way I can see Quinn getting out of this is to strip herself and Liam naked and lay next to him in bed. When he wakes up ask "was it good for you also"?


Ugh. Please no. Then we're getting into the gray areas of personal/sexual violation which even I don't want Quinn to do. And for all Liam's faults he doesn't deserve to be thought of as a Quinn sidepiece- especially when he is mentally and physically compromised. But if they do go down this road, Quinn can't get away with it and they all laugh it off as 'Oh, that Quinn.'  People have looked the other way with her crap on a lot of stuff, this latest stunt when she's supposedly reformed should be the final straw.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Whoever they put Det. Hardon with, can that woman do us all a favor and have him out of his shirt regularly?  Work with us here, show. 

I don't care who they pair him with or what he does for a living as long as he is as shirtless as possible. (Although if he could be paired with KKL, I'd be Brill who? LOL - he would be utterly wasted on that harpy Katie though). 


Carter could never take his shirt off again and I wouldn't care so long as this guy has his off, often...and now, I'm imagining my hands all over that chest. 


Carry on...

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Ugh. Please no. Then we're getting into the gray areas of personal/sexual violation which even I don't want Quinn to do. And for all Liam's faults he doesn't deserve to be thought of as a Quinn sidepiece- especially when he is mentally and physically compromised. But if they do go down this road, Quinn can't get away with it and they all laugh it off as 'Oh, that Quinn.' People have looked the other way with her crap on a lot of stuff, this latest stunt when she's supposedly reformed should be the final straw.

This. B&B used to be above this kind of cheap exploitive shit, Ridge's bad behavior notwithstanding. Y&R done too many male rape plots that get glossed over, and that's territory that is best left undiscovered on B&B.
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The finest hunk of manly man that Y&R ever had. And promptly wasted, because JFP and UpChuck are idiots. And I guess because his name wasn't Steve Burton and he didn't look like a shaved monkey so they didn't know what to do with him. Here's hoping B&B has better sense.





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^Hot damn! I regret I can give that post only one like. That man is foine.

*fans self*

ETA: Ahem. Now that I've composed myself (and had a glass of wine), I have a very important question to ask: is he just a tasty piece of man candy, or can he really act?

Edited by bittersweet4149
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So Quinn owns some remote cabin in Southern California, yet she always seemed to be teetering on the edge of being broke. She's not a big woman, so how was she able to put Liam in his car, drive him to who-knows-where, then drag him into this cabin? Oh...KAY...


I dunno. What more was there for Deacon and Quinn to do? Kinky sex with kitchen utensils can only go so far (I hope) and her playing the dutiful doting wife just wasn't Quinn's style. Maybe when she was being all wistful about "Spencer men," that also included their ability to make a living. Maybe she was sick of Deacon mooching off of her.


I didn't even recognize JMW in some of those flashbacks. In particular, I had to rewind the one scene of the two of them standing by some fountain. Her hair was so dark and her face has changed so much, it was like looking at a completely different person.


Bill fantasizing about Brooke (again), meh ... Quinn going off the rails again on Liam, amusing ... seeing Steffy attempt to cry -- PRICELESS!!

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^Hot damn! I regret I can give that post only one like. That man is foine.

*fans self*

ETA: Ahem. Now that I've composed myself (and had a glass of wine), I have a very important question to ask: is he just a tasty piece of man candy, or can he really act?

On Y&R, he did a lot with the crap they gave him.

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The finest hunk of manly man that Y&R ever had. And promptly wasted, because JFP and UpChuck are idiots. And I guess because his name wasn't Steve Burton and he didn't look like a shaved monkey so they didn't know what to do with him. Here's hoping B&B has better sense.



I hope so. B&B used to waste nearly all their male actors, most of whom were sacrificed to bolster Ridge or, in one particular case, to pamper Jack Wagner's vanity about being the father of a 20 something when he himself looked way older than the actress playing his mother.

Brooke can't have a man that someone else on the show didn't bang forst, so I'm assuming he'llbe paired with Katie. I'm actually okay with this if it allows the character to not look like she's sucking lemons and if she actually moves on from Bill instead of her passive aggressive jealousy schtick she pulled when with Ridge.

On a shallow note,I don't hate Steffy's current hair. The Ronn Moss shoe polish color did even less for her than the blonde ombre (or attempt thereof) does. If she cut off the platinum blonde tip, it would do her a lot better, imho.

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What more was there for Deacon and Quinn to do?



I would say alot since they weren't given anything to do.  :)  The writers could have thought of something if they cared enough about the characters but obviously they had no use for Deacon and Quinn is just pretty much a prop.

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I would say alot since they weren't given anything to do.  :)  The writers could have thought of something if they cared enough about the characters but obviously they had no use for Deacon and Quinn is just pretty much a prop.


Lil' D could've come back with Deacon eager to be a father to his son and Lil' D not interested in being a happy family with Quinn and gravitating to Rick who he remembers as his dad and wishes was his father. Rick could embrace it and begin grooming Lil' D as his protege, also causing stress on his relationship with Maya who begins to chafe at the fact that it's not her and Rick's kid as the heir but someone else's and that is what prompts her wanting to have an Avant/Forrester kid ASAP.  Maya and Quinn could join forces to push Lil'D away from Rick and back to Deacon, forming an unlikely friendship as women who do whatever it takes to get what they want. 


Deacon could begin to fall off the wagon over the stress with Quinn channeling her take no prisoners actions to try to secure Lil' D back to Deacon. Brooke could get involved since she's Rick's mother but she also had feelings for Deacon so she tries to mediate and becomes close to Lil' D, which Deacon is grateful for and it begins to pull her and Deacon close again with Quinn on the outside. Her attempts to make them a happy little family begins to cause stress as Deacon was okay tolerating her antics on other people, but not on his own kid since it is doing more harm than good.


Lil' D would've also been the right age to be in a triangle with Aly and Oliver if they wanted to go that route. Oliver would be the good guy in this scenario and Lil' D the bad boy (with the heart of gold) that Aly would find herself drawn to in spite of herself. Or Lil'D could be in a triangle with Nicole and Zende.

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I just tuned in today for the first time in ages and my question is.....What is with that Steffi chick's HAIR?!!! My God! What a gross looking mess! Is it hair extensions....a wig or what? It looks too big and way too fake! I wouldn't lite a match within 3 feet of that disgusting thing. And what colour is that supposed to be? And while I'm on the subject, her eyebrows are also overdone. Too dark, too thick. She been taking lessons from Victoria on the Y&R? Steffi is probably a pretty girl, if you toned down those brows and took that hideous, dried-out thing off her head but the way she looks now? A total turn-off.

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Ugh, I promise, promise, promise to quit bitching about all of the fantasy sequences if we can just make the final Brill conversation from today a fantasy sequence. I also want a unicorn, a size-2 butt that's unaffected by my peanut butter addiction, and to go back in time to last Wednesday, while retaining the full knowledge of the correct Powerball numbers.

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JMW, even with the work she's had done, is still a lovely woman...but the hair thing at times just derails the hell out of it all.  Even when she's rocking a bikini, like in today's episode.  If it's the show forcing it on her, she really needs to push her stylist into an electrical panel.


And I didn't get full-on hallucination (yet!), but Liam at least is definitely out of his gourd.  And Quinn's WTF face to his kissing her hand was everything.  It's still stupid, but at least it seems to be embracing the dumb.

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Anyone know when Mr Hunk starts on B B?   I will start recording the show again, just to drool.  Just have to plan on watching when my husband isn't home.  Oh My

CM is the only reason I am going to tune in to this fakakta show again. : thud

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JMW, even with the work she's had done, is still a lovely woman...but the hair thing at times just derails the hell out of it all.  Even when she's rocking a bikini, like in today's episode.  If it's the show forcing it on her, she really needs to push her stylist into an electrical panel.


 In still photography ... But an actress is supposed to emote ... with her face. Filling and freezing a face interferes with facial movement.


I don't care what JMW does with her colorist, extensions, clip-on hair pieces, cuts and styling ... More often than not, her hair is hideous.


JMW is rocking a hardbody. Too bad Wyatt is rocking a loaf of Wonderbread.

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So Quinn owns some remote cabin in Southern California, yet she always seemed to be teetering on the edge of being broke. She's not a big woman, so how was she able to put Liam in his car, drive him to who-knows-where, then drag him into this cabin? Oh...KAY...


Topanga Canyon isn't that remote and is still in Los Angeles County, not that far from FC offices -- about a hour+ depending on LA traffic.


As have others, I'm observing the Soap stupid, trying to keep it off my shoes and not track it around the house -- In Soapland, Quinn is in Mother On A Mission mode and can heft Liam around like a sack of mulch.

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Quinn not instantly calling 911 is just stupid.

Yep. Apparently wardrobe isn't all CBS' soaps are sharing since this is basically the same WTFery Neil pulled on Y&R. At least Quinn hasn't flown Liam to another country--yet. What I'm really wondering is how no one in the FC offices saw what happened. Those were some big picture windows facing the parking lot. And with such expensive cars parked there (nice ride, Liam) you'd think there'd be security cameras that someone (other than Pam's boyfriend) would be watching.

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Ugh, I shouldn't have watched today. Big snow coming and I don't want to spend the whole weekend projectile vomiting at Brooke/Bill and Fun!Steffy/Fun!Wyatt.


The only saving grace was the horror on Quinn's face when Liam kissed her hand. 

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I liked Liam's car. It had pop up handles. I've never seen that so I'm assuming it cost mucho bucks. Brad Bell really does show the California life on B&B. I think that's why there is so much popularity over seas. Everybody wants the beach life with reasonably good looking people like Steffy & Wyatt. Bill Bell showed glamorous people in Genoa City and Brad Bell is doing the same for Beverly Hills. Also, that was probably a cheap location shoot. I've often wonder why the other soaps don't show their California backdrop. Granted, those other soaps are based on the Easy Coast/Mid West but they could make Los Angeles look like anything and it couldn't be that expensive to shoot.

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Ugh, I bet we will be seeing those beach scenes in the Wyffy love montages for freaking ever. I guess it is something that the actor who plays Wyatt has enough self esteem to not work out but "a loaf of white bread" he is indeed.

Oh, Quinn, don't ever change. She kidnaps Liam knowing he needs a hospital but holding his nose would be " mean" ? Lol.

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I liked Liam's car. It had pop up handles. I've never seen that so I'm assuming it cost mucho bucks.


It's a Tesla Model S P85. With the electrician, home wiring and labor, special charger plug, charging harness, you're looking at $95,000.

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I liked Liam's car. It had pop up handles. I've never seen that so I'm assuming it cost mucho bucks. Brad Bell really does show the California life on B&B. I think that's why there is so much popularity over seas. Everybody wants the beach life with reasonably good looking people like Steffy & Wyatt. Bill Bell showed glamorous people in Genoa City and Brad Bell is doing the same for Beverly Hills. Also, that was probably a cheap location shoot. I've often wonder why the other soaps don't show their California backdrop. Granted, those other soaps are based on the Easy Coast/Mid West but they could make Los Angeles look like anything and it couldn't be that expensive to shoot.

Liam's car is a Tesla. It's the ultimate all electric car. Price depends on model but the one he has is about $100,000 plus. Today's beach scene has me convinced that JMW does not have breast implants.

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